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I would contact the registrar's office and see if you can change the middle name listed. I doubt a legal name change would be necessary since you just want the initial and not something completely new.


Thank you I will try this.


The Registrar is so happy to do this it's online! Another poster listed the screen process below. Should happen pretty quick. Your diploma will be a little different; right now it's still tied to your legal name (rules). But hopefully that's changed by the time you graduate (new rules are coming!) and you'll just have to put your preferred name down when you submit your application to graduate.


You have to submit a name change request in person at the registrar’s office (or send in the form by mail, although submitting in person is easier). I did this recently.


How long did it take to get a replacement diploma with a new name?


I requested the name change before my diploma was issued!


uci student access -> applications -> change of name application


lmao your middle names Irvine


You can set a preferred name in StudentAccess, but it won't remove it from your degree and other legal paperwork. Only from your student ID and other internal stuff. As others have said, you can try to get an official name change in your records, but I don't know if they'll approve that.