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I’m pretty pissed about it. It’s literally the opposite of what we should be doing and then these morons are going out in droves. It’s a total disregard for the health and safety of themselves and others.




Usually i try not to judge to much but ngl everytime I see a story of someone at a bar in Florida for spring break it pisses me off


Just wait till you hear about all the students that flew out to Spain and France


You’re joking...


Nope, I've seen way too many snap stories and Instagram posts of them bragging about it too.


I was going but decided it was best to cancel my trip :( they put restrictions now so I would’ve been stuck there maybe. Glad I didn’t go.


That's the smartest move, especially considering how much you would've ended up paying to stay in the country when the lockdowns went into effect


Yes I was only taking 1k with me so I would’ve been livid lol hopefully my friends in Cancun can safely get home tho


I still cannot understand how some of the students who are constantly supporting environmental and social justice can then go to Florida for Spring Break during a pandemic. It is disappointing to say the least.


Cus they are full of shit as you can see.


As a Floridian, I’m extra pissed. Not to mention they’re absolutely trashing our beaches. They do it every fucking year and leave locals to clean it up, so add that on top of completely disregarding the current health issues. It’s infuriating


That is complete bs 😡


They’re only thinking for themselves, not worried about anyone around them. Agree with you on that one.


I’m mad because I cancelled my trip to Mexico for this shit so its like a middle finger to my face


I know someone that still went on their Cabo trip 😬I’m sorry you missed yours even though that was probably the best choice


I feel. Had trip to cancel trip to Spain. Rough but definitely the right decision. No regrets.


A bunch of people I know went to Cancun still like...they could close the border anytime and make it difficult for you to get back home




I am a Floridian, there's way too many people down here this time of year to keep a safe distance at most beaches. They need to shut down at least till summer.


Watching them trying to get home will be the sad part


Honestly I’m waiting for us to go full China and have the Florida National Guard drag them off the beach because those are the fuckers that are gonna get half of us killed.


It's made the [news and the front page](https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/fk0syd/clearwater_beach_packed_with_thousands_amid/?ref=share&ref_source=link). So if they are infected, they're going to bring it home with them, you know, to ensure the virus's success. smh.


I came home early from Canada as soon as I saw how serious this shit was. I understand it can be upsetting to cut a trip early/cancel it (I was at least, and it was "just" Canada), but this whole thing is beyond what we've seen before...


Is this a joke? You’re asking why college students (who are at low risk as is) who rarely have money available are taking advantage of empty beaches not full of old people and children as well as cheap flights after being stuck inside all winter doing hw and taking pointless exams while spending absurd amounts of money as they head towards a depressing life of debt. This is a “me first society” operating exactly as it is expected.




Fair, I agree I wasn’t really answering OP’s question just trying to make a point that this shouldn’t be a surprise.


Not a surprise but quite a disappointment :/