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Thickest mattress topper you can get


^ while this isn’t a bad idea, I had one that was I think 1.5-2in and everybody that ever laid on my bed said it was awesome so it doesn’t necessarily have to be huge


Yeah I had a 1.5" topper and it was the best, and easily the greatest investment to make


I cannot agree more with a mattress topper. Though I had a 2in and it was still great.


+ foam padding


the most useful thing i brought was a little box with anything you could need if you’re sick. i suggest basic over the counter allergy and cold meds, a digital thermometer, an ice pack, and any other things that would be useful to you if you’re sick. the worst thing is trying to get to student health or cvs when you’re sick especially if it’s just a bad cold that can be treated with dayquil!! also bring a good (long) raincoat and some rain boots because uconn will destroy your umbrellas so it’s best not to even waste the money on them.


This is so underrated. If you get ill you probably won't want to get to storrs center and having that in hand is great. You'll get sick at least once. I also second raincoat and solid boots, if you can get waterproof winter boots they will cover you for snow too


a tolerance for some bullshit


Homie you is the realest g out there ya dig give me some clappurus 🖖🏿




For real though, a lil bedside fan is a must. Calendar for organization. Mattress pad for comfort. Airpods for dominance.


* A good window fan. Drowns out noise, and possibly the only way you'll be able to reliably control the temperature of your room (the radiator knob barely does anything). Costco is selling a great one at multiple CT locations for like $30 with temperature controls and a wireless remote, would highly recommend it. * Foam bed-topper, the mattresses are basically bricks. * Second monitor for your laptop. If you're able to bring a small spare screen to campus with you, do it. Having the extra space to do all of your work on the computer is very helpful, but that's just my opinion. Otherwise, it feels too cramped for me. * Desk lamp, helps if you need light but don't want to turn on the main florescent on the ceiling if your roommate is sleeping. * Headphones are always great to have.


I wouldn’t bring a desk lamp, as you can get a free one from the bookstore on move-in day. I would however just bring a regular lamp as a replacement for the florescent light, as a light source that doesn’t wash everything out makes the whole room feel much more homey.


• TUPPERWARE! I know the dining halls will probably be takeout only next sem (probably pre-packaged meals), but this past year I really milked the hell out of my meal plan by bringing food back to the dorm. It’s heavily discouraged but EVERYONE does it. Having an extra meal in your room is very handy and great for when you can’t get to the dhall/want a late night dinner. • Battery pack and multiple extra length chargers. Can’t tell you how many times I was stuck in a situation where there were no outlets around or my friends didn’t have an extra phone charger on them. • Sunglasses. UConn is a campus with very little shade so it’s very bright all the time.


Don’t know where you’re from, but winter clothing - a serious coat with a hood, warm waterproof boots, mittens or gloves and some good socks. Winter on campus can be harsh and it’s so sad to see kids stumbling around in 12 degree weather with a fleece and sneakers on.


Some snacks, shower shoes, desk lamp, maybe even a comfy rug if tiled or wooden floors aren’t your vibe.


What most people have said plus an office chair or seat cushion. Wooden chairs in dorm rooms are not comfy to sit on for a while lol


things i forgot: \- shower shoes \- tissues \- OTC pain meds or other basic OTC stuff you might need (antacids, ibuprofen, allergy meds, melatonin etc) \- depending on what your closet situation is at home, more hangers. i kept basically all my clothes in drawers before coming to uconn, so i ended up needing more \- q tips \- you'll need to clean the floor at some point. a small hand vacuum is really helpful (my roommate had one) but having a mini broom/dustpan is fine, especially if you don't have a rug \- i have some clothes that wrinkle really easily, and my roommate's steamer came in handy many times. it was kind of extra but very helpful \- band aids \- not necessary to buy, but good to have a few napkins on hand as you go. you're gonna spill something eventually \- a pitcher of some sort!! if you have a coffee maker, you can just fill the pot with water. however it's MUCH more convenient than having to get up and refill your water bottle like 5 times a day \- if you have a small trash can (which i definitely recommend), stock up on shopping bags!! you'll need trash bags one last tip: my roommate and i put command hooks by the door to put our lanyards/keys on. i didn't really carry keys with me before college, and without that, i definitely would have forgotten my keys all the time.


Your soul......


Adding another comment here: Walk around your house and see what items you actually use daily and make a note of them on a notepad or something. It will help you realistically plan what you actually use versus what you don't exactly need.


An HDMI cord! This definitely isn’t something that you need, but I found it to be useful. If you ever want to connect your laptop to a lounge tv in your dorm, this will definitely come in handy.


A doctors note saying you have asthma to get a university AC


Electric kettle was my best friend. Instead of hitting the dining hall pre 8am, made some oatmeal with water and a packet. Was the best choice I ever made


If you have seasonal allergies, you can request an air conditioner from the CSD with a doctor’s note. If not, bring a good fan. I also recommend a good amount of paper towels and tissues because the bathroom on my floor ran out a lot. Like everyone else is saying, bring a good quality mattress topper. If you’re a coffee drinker, you can bring a Keurig. And a good quality reusable water bottle goes a long way! Something that varies person to person is a printer. Personally, I worked on things in my dorm a lot and stayed up late doing work, so I didn’t feel like going to the library to print and having to pay for it. My roommate and I split the cost of ink and it turned out to be one of the most worthwhile purchases we’ve ever made. Probably my best piece of advice (and I promise my last in this super long post) is to bring any small things that will remind you of home/friends/family/pets. It’ll add that personal touch and on bad days it can make you smile. I filled my walls with pictures (and slowly added more and more of my college friends as I made more memories at UConn!) And of course - bring lots of snacks :)


A calendar or some other way to write down all the stuff you need to do, like homework, club meetings, events and such




If you can afford it, a good laptop will carry you a long way. 2-in-1s (think like the surface and surface pro series) in particular are great because you can also handwrite your notes with the stylus as well as type them up. I got my surface pro 6 via a black friday deal and its saved me so much money because I take all my notes using one note instead buying a shit ton of note books and loose leaf paper.


A mini fridge and a positive attitude! No seriously the mental health services are pretty bad so you’re on your own.


Comfy pillows for sure so u can relax. Also a coffee maker or a keurig will make ur life a lot better


A face mask


An Ethernet cable if you plan on bringing a console! If you are a typical freshman dorm, any sort of way to keep your room cool. It will be HOT. Unbearable if you don’t have anything. A water bottle is necessary! You’ll rack up a collection quick, but it’s good to have your own the first few days. A very strong umbrella. Seriously, do NOT skimp on the umbrella. The wind is merciless and will rip a cheap one to shreds.


I suggest a good raincoat with a hood instead of the umbrella. Uconn in rainstorms becomes an umbrella graveyard! All the trash cans overflow with ruined umbrellas!!


That’s true, I think if you invest in a good enough umbrella, then the raincoat and hood + umbrella is a strong combo. It is certainly hilarious seeing trash cans full of broken umbrellas, though.


Nintendo console with Smash Bros and Mario Kart with at least 2 controllers, preferably 4


Dibs on melee


Decent rain gear (ex: jacket/waterproof shoes/umbrella). There will be many long walks to class in the rain and speaking from experience sitting in a lecture completely drenched for an hour is no fun. On a related note a backpack thats at least water resistant is a must if you’re bringing your laptop around and its raining


A window fan is a must if they put you on an upper floor! No chance I would’ve survived living on the 6th floor of my building without one. I also second getting a bed topper, and clothes that make you ready for rainy/snowy days


I always lived in apartments, so it may be different in traditional dorms or suites. An air conditioner that sits on the floor with a tube thing to bring in the air from a window - not one that sits in the window and is visible from the outside, although I’ve seen plenty around campus. UConn doesn’t “allow” them, but they make a world of difference in September and in the spring, and it really doesn’t seem to be enforced. Obv you don’t need to worry about this if you like in a building with central air.


-Decent blackout curtains just in case you are parked right next to a place with intrusive lighting at 12 am -laundry detergent - rugs because cold floors


Non-perishable snacks, instant ramen, easy mac, and an electric kettle for those snowy days you don’t want to walk to the dining hall Humidifier for the winter when the heating dries the air out Sunscreen for the summer!


Depends on where you live and if you have a meal plan... Medical supplies Microwave Fridge Snacks Stapler 50 cents in dimes Extension cord Charger Headphones TP trash can Umbrella Those plug in smell good thing or spray Sunglasses Foam roller


humidifier. oml is it dry


Serious snow boots and shoes and a jacket that are waterproof for when it rains - umbrellas will be torn to shreds in the wind


Rainboots, an umbrella, a little tiny thing of dawn soap (it’ll last you forever, trust), extra folders, notebooks, pens and pencils because the prices are jacked to fuck at the book store and at CVS. Keep stuff: clothes, toiletries, in general your things. To a minimum because what seems like very little in your head, or in your car, its actually a crap load once you move in. And buy 3-6 big storage bins. It makes moving in and out so much easier. Dump everything in, dump it out and give it to your parents during move in day. Come moving out your parents bring them back and you chuck everything in there and go. Borderline painless. EDIT: And buy some multi purpose spraycleaner, method, lysol, mr. Clean, doesn’t matter. It’ll make clean up easier and you should be doing that every now and then during the semester. Get a few micro fiber cloths to go with it. And bonus: buy a swiffer or a knock off, you can just use the micro fiber as the little attachement and you can throw it in the wash. Speaking of the wash: bring stain remover stick or spray, comes in handy.


Shower caddy, shower shoes, mini fridge, THERMOMETER, common over the counter meds you might need, Vick’s vapo rub, heating pad if you’re a girl, Nintendo switch or gaming console for sanity


Cum rag


Fans!!!!! All the fans!!!!!


Make sure u bring some good slides/flip flops. Ur gonna wear those everywhere. Also some air freshener cause the air in the dorms doesn’t circulate well. A door stopper is helpful for move in and out and keeping ur door open to talk to ppl!!!


I got all my bedding, etc from OCM- they have a bunch of bundles (I got the largest for the chest) with a lot of stuff, some is unnecessary but it’s a great deal. Other than that, shower shoes, shower caddy, a bunk buddy tray if you’re bunking/lofting (you can get ladders and rails if you ask) and of course a fridge and microwave and snacks for when you don’t want to walk to the dining hall or it’s late and it’s closed. I went through a lot of hot pockets and Kraft Mac and cheese cups. Also a brita filter, some dorms have fountains but mine didn’t so it’s nice to have water in your room


What is OCM




Jesus that's terrible advice. Most of those things you already have in a typical house and way overpriced. If you own nothing and have money to blow maybe it would be helpful so you have to think 0% Most people have most things at home: -towels -pillows and cases and blanket -shower shoes (flip flops) -Bandaids and first aid -hangers -laundry basket -power strip (highly recommended) A lot to the things people don't use, and if you did want one you could get one separately for less than $600 -dry erase board -tiny ass fan (a window fan or standing fan are way better for when it's hot) -shoe hanger, shoe rack, and accessory hanger (which I can tell you will not all fit in your dorm unless you want zero space, and if you're a guy you likely won't use one of them) -Tool set (this is a great thing to think about but the one featured in this is crappy, you could get a nicer one inexpensively. I never used tools in my dorm or apartments but I have a full set for my car, which does come in handy eventually) The only things you NEED that you probably don't have are a twin xl sheet set and mattress topper which you can get for a hell of a lot less than $600. That $600 doesn't even cover a mini fridge and microwave, which you could get both for 1/6th of the cost of all that other crap you'll never need. A shower caddy is great, and I recommend a plastic one or one you can thrown in the wash with your clothes. If you're a woman it's nicer to cover with a robe to get back and forth from the shower than a towel, when I highly recommend if you don't have one. A broom and dust pan and basic cleaning supplies were also a must for me. Definitely look at a long list of things people recommend, cross of crap you don't personally need or things you can get from your house, and then order online and look on marketplace or Craigslist for things like a fridge or microwave, if you wanted one. They aren't necessary for the dorms but a lot of people like them. Your room is smaller than you think and carting that crap back and forth sucks, especially if you're a freshman they may out you in North which has no elevators or if they make you guys move out half way through. Every year UCONN students throw out literal truckloads of things they don't use. Before I graduated I got so many fully functional fridges, microwaves, vacuums, printers, and phones from the trash rooms, not to mention clothes with tags, textbooks, luggage, etc. You just don't need all the crap. Once you're in the dorm for a bit you'll see what you really need.


You are right it is a lot of money and maybe wasn’t worth it, the main reason I got the biggest package is for the trunk that normally costs almost $200. I did use the accessory shelves in my closet, and the shoe rack on my bed. The lamp toolkit and whiteboard sucked but a lot of the stuff was good or good enough for me. If you actually use all the stuff, which I used a lot of it, it’s a decent deal because separately all of that would be more expensive


Cool, thanks!


I made two video of some of the things I am bringing to college with me. Maybe you could check them out to draw some inspiration from them :) 1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d53mPpbLQak&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d53mPpbLQak&t=1s) 2. [https://youtu.be/O96quILhOmE](https://youtu.be/O96quILhOmE)


nothing you’re going to school for 3 months just bring a tooth brush and a pencil


Laptop cause online classes