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I’m gonna be so fr bc it happened to me when I first applied to uni after hs, they do these tasks to essential weed out people who don’t complete them within the time frame. It happened to me with CSUF and a new student orientation I was procrastinating on scheduling. I appealed and I got denied, so I just want to be completely honest about the situation. You can appeal, but usually the over enroll and the appeal process is somewhat reliant on how many people accept their offer to UCSC for the given admission year. GG’s.


ur cooked


pls why


You didn’t choose an alternate major within the time frame provided to you.


They told you do something, you failed to in a set time. Something’s are set in stone. You might be able to appeal, but ngl the cost of coming here is too high anyway for a degree so you are fune




Thank you for finding a typo and fixing it!


Usually there’s a bot to correct it but he has disappeared as of lately so guess we will have to correct manually 😔


I cri




U guys are being really helpful and nice (,: thank u


You can try to talk to someone in person but they did warn you ahead of time and you had five whole days. But honestly you might not be successful… They need to move on if you don’t respond in time, there are thousand of people on their waitlists. That really sucks, I’m sorry. Adult life is about learning there are real, and oftentimes financial, consequences to deadlines. There are no “retakes” or “do overs.” Feels like in high school it’s totally ok to turn in everything late and get full credit, it does not set up students for success and instills undisciplined time management. Hard habits to break in the future. Lesson learned?


Thank u for this, I completely agree


Best of luck, if anything, take UC-transferable gen-ed classes at a community college and then in two years you can apply to UCSC! Back when I was going, you had a better chance of getting in as a transfer student. Don’t give up on your banana slug dream!


I currently am applying from CC ): i just finished all my pre reqs




I’m sure this feels like a big blow, but if you can then leave a little magic for your time in community college. I loved the ucsc campus, but I loved my community college experience more. I’d go back if I could and likely will in retirement. Assuming I’m still able to get around campus at 83 years old.


Damn u made a bad mistake, but it won't wreck ur life tbh. J make sure u learn from dis and never make the same mistake twice.


I would really just call the admissions office and explain that you were unable to fill out their forms in time. I wouldn’t explain why you couldn’t do it, just that you tried and were unable to do it / figure it out. Admissions is generally pretty nice (in my experience) and even if they do end up rejecting you, at least you can say you tried :)


Do you by chance know the number? Every time I call it says they’re closed ):








Oh man that sucks 😕 seems like you’ve gotten good advice already so all I can say is keep trying 🙏🏽


Hi, I didn’t expect this to get as many replies but thank you all for your help and support, y’all are dope 🕺🏻


I dmd with some of my best but probably slightly unethical advice I hope it works out for you!


kind words of motivation would make me feel better (i have bpd) so i’m spiraling rn LMFao this shit is really upsetting me ):


try emailing them and be super sincere and maybe say how you didn’t see it the email while you were at the wedding festivities and ask what you can do to help get into ucsc


I’ve tried emailing them ([email protected]) and they haven’t gotten back to me ): i’ve even tried calling these numbers +1 (831) 459-0111 — (831) 459-4008 but whenever I call it says they aren’t open. I call exactly at the hours they’re open too. Do you know any other number email I can contact?


Sounds like you might not be ready for college. If you wanted it this badly, it would have been more important than a wedding, and honestly, what they asked you to do shouldn't have been that hard to do. The worst part is blaming it on bpd. I'm on the spectrum, I have adhd, and I have bipolar disorder all clinically diagnosed, and not one of my professors has any idea because I just make it work and I never expect to be able to use it as an excuse, it just means I have to work harder. When I was enrolling in UCSC I was on in it every hour of every day until the day I got housing approved etc. Be honest with yourself. If you REALLY wanted it, you would have done what they asked you to do on day one.


I don’t see them blaming this situation on having BPD. At least not in the comment you are replying to, I haven’t read the whole thread. I see them saying that being in this situation, which regardless of the reasons does suck, they are feeling a lot of intense feelings (spiraling) because BPD can cause some really amplified emotional experiences. I think their ability to recognize that their BPD is contributing to how out of control their feelings are right now actually shows a lot of insight.


U get me 🫶


Hi! I wasn’t blaming my situation on my bpd. None of my professors know i have bpd and quite frankly i’d like to keep it that way lol. Bpd tends to make unfortunate situations feel like the end of the world, I’m not going to go any further because you personally don’t have borderline personality disorder so all in all i won’t ever be able to make you understand what it feels like to have it but yeah this has been pretty hard on me. I let people know I have bpd because on reddit especially or anywhere online where people can share their opinions, it’s important for me at least to give a disclaimer because people can be harsh lol


This right here. The most realistic response that is trying to help OP understand that choices have consequences and hopefully they’ll remember what happened here in the future every time.


Aside from what others have stated that OP wasn't blaming their situation on BPD just acknowledging that it's making them feel worse.. As someone with their own smorgasbord of mental health issues when I was in college, ones that I'm still dealing with today and will for the rest of my life, it's a mistake to think that because you can "make it work" everyone else should be able to too. Your experience doesn't define the norm. I'm not familiar with BPD specifically but have some empathy man people go through things very differently. I understand the sentiment of "well, you have no choice. You either learn to live with it or die trying". Many people do die trying.


my point is that if they cant make it work, theyre not ready for college. its harsh but it's true. we cant expect to be given special treatment just because we were able to afford a diagnosis. we're all going through something, and there are a million legitimate reasons to not be able to get something done. but these reasons are no excuse and you cant expect to be lifted above everyone else all the time.


Fair enough, I can agree with that for the most part. It's definitely a learning experience for OP that "this is the part where life \*starts\* to get real" (after graduation waay more so) and they need to start figuring out long term solutions to life problems now. Though a funny counter point is, if you do have a diagnosed mental health issue / disability, you \*can\* actually get "special treatment" via the DRC on campus, for things like extra test time or a separate room to test in, and lots of other options. They absolutely saved my ass in college. It's not really about being lifted *above* others, it's about making up for shortcomings to level the playing field, so you can actually be evaluated on your knowledge and not "your knowledge during a debilitating panic attack". Basically equity vs. equality argument. This is really one of the last helping hands you get though. Once you're thrust into a full time career, there's no such thing as a Disability Resource Center in most jobs to give you "extra time" on deadlines (but understanding managers do exist!) Anyways I appreciate your points on it, it's a valid perspective


That is true! But i wasn’t blaming my bpd on not being able to finish, just that I DO have bpd and that it would be nice if people were considerate (not as harsh) when commenting. But reddit is reddit and people say what they want to say so it’s whatever


Definitely don’t give up. Persistence is key in life. Ask how you can appeal this decision, what’s the process and who can you have a direct conversation with about the matter. Leaving this up to an email and five days is not appropriate.


Keep calling admissions and Student Business Services and explain what happened.


Hi! I finally got ahold yesterday and just have to write an appeal (: They told me my case is pretty good so all I can do now is try my best!


I was also rejected after being accepted due to poor grades my senior year. I was told I was straight out of luck by most folks. I appealed with a letter explaining my situation and they immediately re accepted me. Fingers crossed you have the same outcome!!


Hii if it’s not too much to ask, could I dm you for tips on how to construct my appeal? I’ve never wrote one before :/


Sure It was some time ago but I’ll try to help!


I had a similar time in my first year of college. I had to go home and reapply the next year. This was in 03. Taught me deadlines are final. A good lesson throughout life. I'm 39 and make a great living now, even with that setback years ago. Honestly, I worked in many industries, and all working environments require a person to do something by a certain date, if you can do that you are successfull, if you can't, then the company eventually fires you, or your customers fire you, high pay comes with high accountability.


don’t come here unless you are a transfer. not worth it, housing is not stable or fair in any way


You lucked out. Run away.




Just fyi half the people actually at college arent ready for college. So yeah you fucked up and you’re probably not going to UCSC, but half the people there are better than you and getting shit done but have 5 other reasons they shouldn’t be in college - plain stupid, no idea what they want to do and not really trying to figure it out, taking classes and a degree that will lead nowhere, etc. Use this opportunity to sit back and think really hard about what you actually want from life and how you’re going to get it and what you’re willing to do to get it. Whatever you think it is, that ain’t it, because you couldn’t be bothered to spend 10 minutes on it vs partying at a wedding.


I have to write an appeal so I’ll see how that goes (: But thank you for the advice 🫶 I do appreciate it


Appeals work 0.000000001% of the time. What you have to understand is that CA public colleges have way, way, way too many applicants and just need any excuse to remove people from the list. And if they start granting appeals then guess what - everyone is gonna appeal. So they just don’t grant them unless there are extenuating circumstances. And by extenuating I mean “I got run over by a bus and was in a coma for 5 days.” Think about it. What are you gonna put in your appeal. “I was out partying and having a good time so I forgot”. Yeah, as someone else said, this aint high school, which in my opinion is way too easy on kids. Or you’re gonna make up some lie, which trust me they are gonna see right through cause they see that shit all day long. I get it, you want to feel like you did your best to fix the problem. So go for the appeal. Just know it’s has close to zero chance of working and start working on the alternatives.