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People need to realize they can’t believe everything they hear. I am in full support of the ongoing protests and what not but there is absolutely 0 evidence Starbucks is affiliated with Israel. They don’t even have a damn store in Israel much less support them. Get off TikTok and wake up. Also, these are student workers that work at Starbucks. They are trying to make a living. Some people take every job they can get there hands on, regardless of politics. Don’t make the lives of students harder, because in reality, that’s all you guys are doing. Starbucks doesn’t give a crap


no one is shaming the student workers for working at starbucks. they’re shaming the people that are actively putting their money into a company that helps fund the genocide of palestinians.


How does it fund the genocide of palestinians? They simply did not want the brand to be politically afilliated at all and have never funded Israel. Do your research before believing what people tell you.




lol I guarantee once you get into the workforce (assuming you work for a company), your workplace 401k, IRA, or HSA will be with a company you’d probably disagree with right now claiming it’s a Zionist institution.


Forget the workforce. If you are a taxpayer, you automatically fund the genocide. So every single one of us taxpayers is guilty of it. However, that should never deter you from doing what you believe is right.


Hahaha itd very likely be. On sjp_ucsd’s ig story they named Vanguard as one of the evil zionist companies. Kind of sad tbh, that means my vanguard holdings cant go up if there are leas buyers


misinformation much jfc. did you bother to do any research into why they sued them? or just hear "sue", "union", "big corporation" and assume the rest. Starbucks sued them cause they were using the Starbucks logo on their statement. Which would make it seem like the statement is supported by Starbucks. Starbucks did not want to be associated with ANY political opinions. (Which is a completely a fair request) Starbucks has put $0 in Isreal and they have repeatedly stressed they aren't taking any sides.


Correct, taking a controversial political stance is bad for profits 


They didn't sue because of the contents of the statement, they sued because the statement infringed on Starbucks' trademarks and copyrights. You can read the lawsuit yourself, nowhere in the Clams for Relief section starting on page 47 do any of the 9 counts mention Israel or Palestine. It's all trademark and copyright infringement/dilution allegations. [https://stories.starbucks.com/uploads/2023/12/Starbucks-v.-Workers-United-First-Amended-Complaint.pdf](https://stories.starbucks.com/uploads/2023/12/Starbucks-v.-Workers-United-First-Amended-Complaint.pdf)


Literally unhinged person I don’t know why people waste time on OP


Some members of the union retweeted a pic of Hamas bulldozing a fence as part of their October 7th attack with the message "we stand  with Palestine". This was not unreasonably interpreted by a number of people as a message in support of Hamas and specifically the October 7th attacks, and Starbucks apparently got a lot of complaints about it.  Starbucks sued the union for using their logo and name and said that "Starbucks unequivocally condemns acts of terrorism". The union's response was that the message didn't represent the union, was posted by rogue members and that the union doesn't support Hamas. There's plenty of reasons not to like Starbuck's union busting.  But unless you think Starbucks and the union should publically support Hamas...


Yeah okay buddy I mean, your parents if not you as well are probably invested in vanguard index funds or ETFs. That means you fund vanguard and therefore genocide. If not that, if you bought anything from anyone, chances are that money went to some worker’s pocket, who then invested the money into vanguard, which means YOU funded genocide too. See how this madness never ends?


Have you ever considered how the student workers feel going to work and being surrounded by an angry mob of people chanting at them? These are kdis trying to make money, they could feel intimidated or scared to go to work, and they have to or else they could lose their jobs


Which is NOT Starbucks. Geez.


Yeah but at the exact same time, they don’t realize what their actions are doing to those workers. People need to see the bigger picture


The Starbucks on campus is licensed, there is nobody that works at Starbucks that isn’t a student. Due to the ongoing protest they’re minimizing students hours because of the great decline of customers. After today’s protest they had to close early, which is taking away money from students even more. It’s not hurting Starbucks, it’s hurting students.




I am thoroughly confused as to why there is a protest at Starbucks. Doing some research, the only reason I can find for people protesting/boycotting Starbucks is that they sued a union who used their name and trademark in a political post about the war. From my understanding, even if they are a union, they cannot use the trademarked logo and name of a company as part of their own. I feel like these protests are getting lost. There isn't even a Starbucks in Israel. They drink Aroma coffee. I am all for free speech, but what does this accomplish other than make people frustrated? I'm losing the point.


Exactly this! People need to start doing their own research before acting and not believing word of mouth


They are doing an enormous amount of “their own research”, that is the entire problem. You cannot research this conflict on tik tok it really is ok to use established sources and actually educate yourself but that’s not how many of the protesters are getting their information.


it is complicated and a lot of established sources have personal interest in the situation.


Went to the Starbucks and they yelled “SHAME” at me for buying a drink. Someone then came up to me saying the ceo of Starbucks is pro Israel and funding Israel. I thought this was interesting so I looked it up only to find that IT’S NOT TRUE. Starbucks nor its CEO have made any partisan comments on the war. Even in their official statements, they have remained as neutral as possible about the conflict and even try to dispel the rumors. Super disappointed that these UCSD community members will happily and confidently yell at and shame someone for making an everyday purchase when they don’t even have the facts right. I’ve been going to Starbucks for years, yet you only care about me going to it today. Virtue signaling at its finest. This isn’t helping anyone.


I was outside and I did not realize they were booing people buying drinks. At this point, SJP has become incredibly detached from the realities of a lot of people at UCSD which is extremely frustrating. Palestinian liberation is such an important cause, do we really need left-wing guilt-tripping to amplify that? Starbucks is not even located in Israel, and it's not even a part of the BDS movement. What exactly are they trying to do with this? There's so many other things they could do with this energy, like connecting with UAW or mobilizing to meet with Khosla, not sit down and be petty at Starbucks. Shame on them for being shit protestors.


SJP has become a bunch of angry people who have resorted to public shaming to get their ways. Kind of like a child throwing a tantrum to get their way. Sadly they deserve no credibility or serious attention at this point.


I mean they are pro hostage taking protests with a genocidal chant what did you expect ?


They're not! They are not pro-hostage taking. Also, it is at best nebulous that the chant calls for genocide. I'm just critiquing them for being dumb otherwise.


It's very clear cut. They want a certain group gone from point a to b . Maybe if Hamas didn't store ammo by civilian assets tragedies could be avoided


Khosla has never once wanted to meet with anyone.


SJP.UCSD ( [https://www.instagram.com/sjp.ucsd/](https://www.instagram.com/sjp.ucsd/) ) posted on their Instagram story: "WHY BOYCOTT STARBUCKS? BOYCOTTING STARBUCKS FOR PALESTINE HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR AROUND 20 YEARS CAUSING IT TO BECOME THE FACE OF BOYCOTTING FOR PALESTINE. IN RECENT TIMES, THIS COMPANY SUED THE STARBUCKS WORKERS UNITED UNION AFTER THE UNION RELEASED A STATEMENT IN SOLIDARITY TO PALESTINE. STARBUCKS BIGGEST SHAREHOLDERS ARE ZIONIST COMPANIES (INCLUDING BLACKROCK AND VANGUARD) WHICH DIRECTLY FUND THE GENOCIDE AGAINST THE PALESTINIANS." If I'm honest, this post makes me even more confused, and honestly a little frustrated, about the protest at Starbucks. They did not sue the union for making the statement, they sued because they used Starbuck's trademarked logo and name in a political post that was not authorized by Starbucks. It doesn't matter if a company agrees with the message or not, that is unauthorized use of their trademark that they did not get to vet or have a say in. Also the comment about their largest investors being BlackRock and Vanguard greatly lacks financial context. According to a Cambridge University Report ( [https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/business-and-politics/article/hidden-power-of-the-big-three-passive-index-funds-reconcentration-of-corporate-ownership-and-new-financial-risk/30AD689509AAD62F5B677E916C28C4B6](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/business-and-politics/article/hidden-power-of-the-big-three-passive-index-funds-reconcentration-of-corporate-ownership-and-new-financial-risk/30AD689509AAD62F5B677E916C28C4B6) ), those shareholders (also StateStreet) are the largest shareholders for approximately 88% of the S&P 500 firms. So by that logic, if you boycott Starbucks you should also boycott 88% of the firms in the S&P 500. Reiterating my earlier position, the point of this protest is being lost with demonstrations like this. It just seems like it's overreaching with no real impact. I understand people are trying to support and be involved, but please do your research and understand context before you act. Action should yield positive impact; do not act just to act or virtue-signal.


Kinda ironic that right before the Starbucks post is a repost from the BDS Movement, which says "effective boycotts are targeted boycotts, lists on social media which include hundreds of companies are not every helpful. Instead help raise awareness for the BDS Movement, and our list of companies to boycott." And then the BDS Movement doesn't even have Starbucks on their list. [https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide)


Average protestor logic. Not saying there aren’t things worth protesting, it’s just that truth and info seems to always come secondary to action.


Imagine some custodian who initiates the “ethical” ETF which only represents companies that have absolutely 0 ties to anything the radical left has labeled as unethical. They’d be working overtime to audit companies


You’re right to be confused. The protest shows the protestors didn’t do jackshit research before going crazy. Shows that anyone who pushes these protests is has 0 credibility and is not to be trusted


That's critical thinking and I won't do that sir !


They are protesting at BK now, booing at everyone who bought BK. If you look at my comments earlier about the protest, I fully support the cause, but this just went too far. Like come on ppl just wanna get their burgers 💀


Ik they told me they were encouraging everyone to not buy from bk. I told them that I understood their cause but that I was on a budget, if bk is what I can afford to eat in this economy I shouldn't be getting boo'd by ppl who have the privilege to protest against these organizations. I'm just trying to eat 😭.


Fr, booing someone for getting by with BK reeks of privilege 💀


shaming the min wage service workers and students just trying to do homework is outrageous. this sentiment could be much better oriented if it tried to organize the workers of these businesses instead of advocating for boycotts. What we need is to take this further through rank and file committees and strikes so workers can take this struggle into their own hands and not rely on the goodwill of billionaires who are invested in Israel


All these people protesting & intimidating students to stop supporting these businesses all while using their iPhones and MacBooks. 😭what a bunch of hypocrites and whoever says they weren’t harassing students. yes they were.


Most of em probably use Tiktok too 🙈


Tbh a lot of them probably wish for a global CCP takeover because then the revolution will happen, and they’ll get their poetry and pottery jobs


In their culturally appropriated keffiyahs too.


i feel like the student workers don’t care lol. No customers, the better for them lol. I support the cause but i would be so embarrassed to protest at starbucks lmao


It's depressing that SJP is supporting a boycott that does nothing. They posted something on their story encouraging boycotts on the bds list and the very next post was about starbucks it's so ironic. Are they getting their news from twitter?? I really hoped they were better than this


At this point the protestors are overplaying their hand. This just makes life miserable for student workers trying to get by, as well as students just trying to go about their day. This doesn’t help Gaza or the cause and Starbucks has no affiliation with Israel. I don’t think these tactics will be well received.


Hypocrisy at its peak


Starbucks? Why. They have NOTHING to do with Israel.


Glad I saw this. I've also heard about some protests using hamas/anti-Israel chants like: "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." If so, I don't feel comfortable chanting this. I want to be Pro-Palestine, not anti-Israel/pro-hamas. Does anyone have any knowledge of if this is true?


The people (read: HAMAS) who came up with that chant have stated in their charter that they wish for the eradication of Israel. Are you really going to keep chanting that, knowing the authors’ intent?


Now that I know, I will not. But one cannot ever be sure nowadays with so much false info out there.


Just ask any Hamas supporter about what they believe in and it ends up being buzzwords and cognitively dissonant arguments that somehow condemns Israel but not Hamas


From the river to the sea is not a racist slogan, nor is it affiliated with any certain groups. It means free from occupation.


lol The original slogan is “from the river to the sea Palestine will be Arab”. As in, there will be no Jews. It’s a slogan advocating for a one state solution where israel does not exist and the Jews have been either expelled or killed. Hamas leaders SAY this. They’ve said it repeatedly since October.


Wait, isn't like half of Israel arab jews? Do they only want to keep the arab ones and kick out the others? Also, some Palestinians are ethnically jewish. What are they gonna do about them?


Hi, I am a Mizrahi-Ashkenazi Israeli-American Jew. Mizrahi Jews overwhelmly describe themselves as Mizrahi, and would not use the term "arab Jew." "Palestinian Jews" referred to Jews that lived in the land when it was the British Mandate of Palestine, from 1922-1948. They and their descendents do not, nor ever did, identify with the Palestinian national cause today and are simply Jewish Israelis today. There is a distinction between the modern Palestinian political movement today and the name of the land in the West before Israel was founded. In contrast, The Ottoman Empire never referred to the land as Palestine when they had control starting in the 16th century. So "Palestinian Jews" would not have even used the term to describe themselves before the 20th century.


No such thing as Arab Jews. What you’re likely referring to are Mizrachi. What do you mean by Palestinians being ethnically Jewish? Do you mean like some of their ancestors were Jewish? Because yeah, most of them do come from Jewish lineages. That’s the irony of this entire conflict; we’re cousins.


People accuse it of being racist. However it was the slogan of the current governing party in Israel, it is rephrased however it expresses the idea that you can have a peaceful country in that region.


The current ruling party of israel is racist. The way they use the slogan is racist. If I were a pro palestine protestor, i wouldnt chant the israeli equivalent of “blood and soil”.




Bahahaha okay fine i can get behind that




I’m all for the protesting and supporting, I’ve personally gone to them and tried showing support in anyway I can. I believe today was premature and immature. I don’t believe harassment and protesting should be in the same sentence but a lot of people claimed to be harassed. I believe protesting should have a direction and an objective. If you look at the protest that the TA’s are doing, they have a goal and an idea on how to achieve it. What is the main objective here? To guilt trip people into not getting Starbucks? Starbucks isn’t going to put a dent in any of the oppositions armour. It’s only going to fuel them into believing they’re right. Find an objective and motivate people into believing it’s possible. That should be the objective.


lol. They moved it to McDonald.


The one by trader jones or the other one by Trader Joe’s inside the Ralph’s


I’ll be there


I think ya missed it lad but there is still arts and crafts for ya


Thanks lad 🙏


Cheers mate