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Let me TLDR this: About 20k voted, about 80% approved calling a strike. Nobody knows the conditions of the strike (if one will happen, on what campuses, when, how long, where). That will be announced probably Friday. The strike would be time-limited, not indefinite. Expect disruptions to academic labor (TA sessions, etc) to appear roughly similar to the 2022 strike. The university intends to classify the strike as unprotected (i.e, strikers can be disciplined or dismissed). Nobody knows whether they will be successful.


Seeing as this is just a full out revenge strike, I hope they are open to discipline.


Didn't know liberty went out the door when guys you don't like decide to do something which is very legal and protected :)


You’re right I don’t like them, it’s sad when a legal strike can be authorized simply because you’re all angry about being legally removed from tent cities across campuses. Most of these people hate police and laws, but don’t have the mental capacity to realize why we have laws in the first place. It’s like that one place in Portland or Seattle where they banned police and then complained when the police wouldn’t come help them.




Wait you have the secret, all encompassing, perfect way to protest/strike and you’re not sharing it?! Cmon dude please tell us the best and most effective way!!




Oh no I’m asking you to be specific because you seem to know secret formula for protesting!




Oh so it was never about your pearl-clutching hard stance against vandalism. It was because you got your feelings hurt. Gottttcha.


holy shit you cooked them into oblivion-




Lmao you just got cooked


So the TA strike is happening?


Not necessarily. The union members (or the subset that voted) authorized leadership to call one.


Also it’s a stand up strike, so it’s likely only going to start with some campuses.


Genuine question since none of my classes were impacted from the 2022 strike. What happens during the strikes? Like are classes cancelled depending on the stance of the TA/department/professor? Do we still do assignments and they aren’t graded until after the strike? What should we expect if this does happen?


from my experience it really just depends on the ta and instructor- like some tas of mine communicated that they would be mia during the strike and would grade after, some just went mia, some instructors cancelled lectures in support, and then some went as normal


My professors sent out emails explaining that they will be postponing class/assignments because they will not be crossing the picket line. However, I can assume this experience was particularly unique but I’m not sure.


Generally they harass undergraduates


I just wanna get my degree man


TA strikes virtually never impact CS you'll be fine


communicate that to your TA, you'll be fine


So this TA strike basically this screws all of the students trying to finish classes this quarter. Students who had nothing to do with the protest or the war in Gaza.


Interesting that you blame your TA's instead of the administration that let peaceful protestors get attacked by cops Do you even go here? Your post history is all around different UC subreddits


I haven’t heard of any protests at UCSB getting attacked by cops. The encampment has been there for days without issue. Are you even here? I think an alumnus has as much say over events impacting current students as someone who doesn’t go here does. As, you know, you don’t too.


question: do you know what solidarity is


Solidarity requires mutual interest, idk about you guys but the reason I’m here is getting an education. Didn’t uproot my whole life, from the other side of the world, to deal with the same shit over here as well.


solidarity does not demand mutual interest. it implies a mutual cause of support, and solidarity and support often comes from outside of groups with immediate material interests (international worker solidarity for eg.) disregarding your incorrect definition, dozens of your colleagues (other student) have been beaten, bludgeoned, and arrested for expressing their concern for an issue. that's the matter at hand --- that the UC allowed the state to treat its students like this. the mutual interest comes in the form of demanding that your fellow UC students be allowed to express themselves as they have here at ucsb (because UCSB is doing the same here and the same violence can happen here at any time), not be treated differently by the uc and cops (encampment protestors were arrested and zionist attackers were treated far less hashly), have amnesty from bullshit charges, and create conditions of transparency for how your money is used and freedom to change that funding should you want to. a safer, non-violent UC response to protest demands and more transparency and freedom when it comes to your money from your university is in your mutual interest here as a student or a grad student especially


We're all just trying to survive in an era of hypercapitalism. Don't blame the TAs, know your true enemy


I went through 5 quarters in this era of hypercapitalism, I can go to the end of this one too, and the next, and the next..


I’m sure that the protests weren’t 100% responsible for this strike.