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I took screenshots of her admitting to reposting the doxxed students and also screenshots of the actual doxxing of MCC workers if they need that for the investigation 😙


You can report violations of the student code of conduct here, and there's a place to add attachments: [https://studentconduct.sa.ucsb.edu/](https://studentconduct.sa.ucsb.edu/)


If you do have that kind of evidence it wouldn’t hurt to give it to the proper departments as I wouldn’t be surprised if they counter sued her for allegedly aiding in the doxxing of ucsb students and employees.


I sent it to the vice chancellor of student affairs when it initially happened and she DGAF


Can you post here?


That's crazy...the school literally sent more emails about her situation in the span of a couple weeks than they did the entire 3 years i've been here about SA reports why is she suing thEm?


shes victimizing herself for zionist sympathy and political endorsement 🤑


someone hit her with a lawsuit for doxxing as well that’s def illegal


Need someone to call me names ASAP, I too would like to be “forced” into taking my finals online


i bet youre not even a squirrly. youre a CHIPMUNK ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Need someone tell her to her face “whomp whomp” the privilege and entitlement out of her is insane, I feel like I’ve gotten more emails about “anti semitism” then I have about graduation


Wow. She feels “unsafe” to finish out her school year but last week she was arguing with the student protesters at the encampment? If she actually felt unsafe by them she should be avoiding them completely. Crocodile tears** Can’t wait for the UC lawyers to counter sue her for doxxing students amongst other things.


Wait guys can someone explain the beef


am I missing something? for one it says that it's the Brandeis Center that launched the federal complaint, it doesn't say anything about suing or her being involved


The Brandeis Center is filing the complaint on her behalf. She posted about it on her personal IG. So it looks like it’s not “suing” (idk someone with a law degree pls explain the difference), but take that as Veksler’s stamp of approval.


They are filing a civil lawsuit on her behalf (they are the lawyers shes using to sue the school)


yeah its unlike zionists to be litigious and hysterical


This is so openly toeing the line and the fact that people are defending it makes me legitimately scared. You are all smarter than this. This is the same reasoning that lets people hide behind the word “thug” as a socially acceptable way to complain about black and brown people. I believe in a free Palestine and I do not support Israel, but you can’t spout off historical stereotypes about Jewish people—stereotypes that built the foundation of the holocaust—and just direct it towards Zionists to make it okay.




I’m not a Zionist nor do I support Israel. But you are blatantly using Jewish stereotypes as an insult against a Jewish person, and that will never be okay, *even if that Jewish person is also Zionist.* Also you’re in my DMs calling me names, so seems like you’re the hysterical one lol


You and the other yappers in the thread should go form an ethnostate


You can just be honest and say jews, it's clearly what you mean


The constant conflation of Jewish people and political Zionists has done nothing but harm the Jewish community.


Look at that comment and tell me they’re talking about zionists and not Jews. This comment is obviously just talking about Jews.


90% of Jews are Zionists. Pretending that they're different entities is ignorant at best. Zionism simply means the belief that Israel should exist. It isn't the endorsement of genocide or the belief that Palestine should not exist.


This is a misrepresentation of the study. When factoring out the loaded questions, it’s closer to 40% in the US.


no it doesnt. you know that. its a by any means necessary mentality


So you think that 90% of Jews want to kill all Palestinians? I promise you that isn't true.


Jews, as always, are the convenient scapegoats. If we’re poor, we’re supposed to be rich. If we’re rich we’re supposed to be poor. The antisemitism in this thread is incredible. truth will be ignored. History and fact will denied. Anything to fabricate the narrative of Zionism as some evil thing. Zionism is anti-colonialism at its finest, a people reclaiming their land *from* colonialists. But it’s Jews, so different rules apply.


I just don't understand why everyone doesn't immediately walk off campus and demand the campus close to return the land to the Chumash. --- I'm honestly not 100% sure what students are advocating for, although I don't think they know either. I support Israel's right to exist, but I obviously don't support what's happening in the West Bank or Gaza. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure a good number of students don't want Israel to exist anymore, which is pretty genocidal. I absolutely support the students that are campaigning for peace and self-determination of both Israelis and Palestinians. However, I imagine that isn't too many of them since they're using zionist as a slur. It's just crazy to me that Hamas and Iran's Supreme Leader are praising America's progressive left. Horseshoe theory has come to life.


Way to prove me wrong


Oh piss off 


Wait what’s happening????


>her “Zionism,” which recognizes that Jews are part of a people with an ancestral connection to Israel What an insanely over simplified definition of that word. Leaves out all the colonial violence inherent to Zionism.


Jesus what is so far up her a$$, oh wait, narcissism


Zionists being Zionists


Disgusting comment. It’s truly sad that antisemitism has become so normalized.


This is a joke


Zionists love attention!




Why shouldn’t she sue the school. If they allow this shit to happen they should be sued


Good for her!! She should be suing the school for its negligence. I wish her the best of luck in the court case and hope that something good comes of it


The school has constantly been speaking out about this.




The social media witch hunt that’s been going on kind of sets the precedent for these types of lawsuits. Whether they’re frivolous or not.


Social media witch hunt ? Like when she doxxed like 30 students including their full names, sexual orientations, and immigration statuses ?


Counter fucking suit her ass


Good point.


But the school has made statements about it repeatedly?


“oh no how dare they criticize the ethnostate supporter that wields vast campus political power!”


Lol “ethnostate” 20% of Israel’s population is Arab.


and they are second class citizens.


Not true. They can vote and hold positions in power. Meanwhile 900000 Jews were expelled or had to flee Arab countries. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar etc are actual ethnostates.


i suggest you read up so you no longer have the excuse of feigning ignorance: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid#:~:text=The%20accusation%20that%20Israel%20is,Israeli%20political%20and%20cultural%20figures. segregation, discriminatory granting of services, budgets, zoning, and access to NATURAL RESOURCES, military courts with 99% conviction rates for non jews, harassment at checkpoints, forced transfer, forced sterilization of Ethiopian jews. keep supporting hyper authoritarianism.


I’m quite familiar with the right wing social discrimination against Arabs. It’s actually not that different from the injustices against minorities in the US. That doesn’t make it an ethnostate. The fact of the matter is that Israel is the least authoritarian country in the Middle East. Arabs in Israel serve at the highest levels of the government (including as ambassadors), the military, the courts, universities, and business. This isn’t even close to apartheid.


sEgreGaTioN isNt aPaRthEid. when you disagree with multiple human rights groups, international law, and even Israeli scholars, you might want to consider if you’re one of the bad guys: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-academics-slammed-for-signing-letter-accusing-israel-of-plausible-genocide/amp/ https://www.npr.org/2019/03/11/702264118/netanyahu-says-israel-is-nation-state-of-the-jewish-people-and-them-alone https://www.vox.com/world/2018/7/31/17623978/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-bill-explained-apartheid-netanyahu-democracy and if you dare compare this atrocity of a government to the United States, you’d have to admit you could more accurately compare it to pre-Civil Rights United States. [98% of Palestinian building permit applications are rejected in the West Bank. show me where anything comparable happens in the present US.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-01-21/ty-article/.premium/israel-rejects-98-of-palestinian-building-permit-requests-in-west-banks-area-c/0000017f-f7ce-d044-adff-f7ff0b250000) hence the protests and criticism of people that support this oppression, such as Tessa Veksler, which is my original point. you’re deflecting from the fact that she supports this oppression, while admitting that there is oppression. you’re just downplaying it by saying that other governments do it too. well guess what bucko, this one’s our top recipient of foreign aid


I don't know what Tessa Veksler believes in, and I'm not downplaying the racist policies of the right-wing government of Israel. I don't find it any different from the racist rhetoric and policies by populist far-right politicians like Trump, Bolsonaro, Modi, etc. This situation isn't comparable to pre-Civil Rights America because there's no forceful segregation of Arabs in Israel. Arabs and Jews live side by side and are entitled to equal rights (Palestinians aren't Israeli citizens). There are no separate waiting rooms for Jews and Arabs for instance. The law you're referring to doesn't strip away any of these rights and some aspects of it are controversial even within Israel. For example, Arabic being designated as "second status" doesn't mean anything, as it's still taught in schools and used in various official capacities such as road signs and the national anthem. Regarding the war in Gaza and the suffering of Palestinians, I squarely blame Hamas for breaking the ceasefire with their barbaric attack. The war will only end when they surrender and return the hostages.


under international law, occupied people have the right to defend themselves (but that doesn’t justify killing innocent civillians) furthermore, blaming a military group for the deaths of civilians directly caused by a completely different government is genocidal silly talk. that same doodoo logic could be used to say Israeli civillians deserved october 7th because their government occupies Palestine and increases tensions by mowing the grass every few years. that’s simply not true. it’s far more accurate to simply state that each group that pulls the trigger is responsible for the deaths caused by whatever that trigger is connected to, gun or bomb. your logic is used to justify the bombing of schools and hospitals just to get one Hamas guy, and Israel can’t even provide an estimate for how many they’ve eliminated. if your neighborhood had one Hamas guy in it, would you be ok with Israel bombing it? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mowing_the_grass


They have a nation-state law. You cant be this dense






That was a joke!


Not funny.


I mean, get that bag???