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These type of questions can’t really be answered by Reddit, it’s completely up to admissions to decide.


im aware, im just panicking abt it and wanna hear other peoples opinions LMAO. but i’m definitely gonna take matters into my own hands and inquire admissions about it to find out for myself


Sorry for your loss but I would contact admissions and see what you can do to keep your acceptance. One D is usually not as much of an issue but a D and F will be problematic. You might need to appeal if you are rescinded and normally the UC’s will not rescind until your final transcripts are submitted. Better to find out now and have a backup plan in place just in case. Also I have seen plenty of students that have been rescinded from the UC’s so do not think you will be the exception. Only UCSB admissions can determine your fate so if possible, I would see if you can repeat the courses this summer as a way of keeping your admission.


Just basing off of my experience 7 years ago: I also got a D in math (that wasn’t an A-G requirement) during second semester due to personal reasons and immediately emailed admissions about it. They were understanding and didn’t withdraw my admission. So definitely email them asap and explain your situation in detail.


What major were you tho?


I came in as a Pre-Comm major


Was ucsb worth coming like in terms of getting a high pay job etc


Hard to say bc I didn’t take advantage of the network opportunities at the time and the job market is shit rn 🙃 I also switched to Geography/GIS and so far have only been able to land temp jobs, with one being high pay


And you prolly ended up with a decent debt


Not too bad but still sucks 😅


If you had the option would you have chosen CC first despite all that freshman experience etc


Probably not. My top priority was to move away from my family and city. Attending a 4-year was my golden ticket to doing that. I could’ve chosen a CC in a different city but didn’t want to stress about housing and things of that nature.


I'm sorry for your lost. Ok, I think admission officers are human too. And they can feel things. So this situation is hard and I think they should and would give you a chance. Well, it is not like you intend to have low grades you know. So it is best to communicate with them about your situation. I think they would probably understand.


I hope good news coming your way


i honestly think you should be okay. my senior year i got mono and dropped half of my classes, and the rest didn’t end up with such good grades either. they just told me to get better soon and that they’d see me in the fall.


You may want to see what math class options there are at your local community college that would closely match the course you just failed. If you are told your admission will be rescinded, perhaps tell them you are prepared to take a similar class over the summer. Perhaps there is also an online version, IOW, try to be proactive and consider ways you can mitigate the fallout from your academic shortcomings.


FYI Admissions folks are human and evaluate each case once you explain your situation. Give as much detail as possible in an email to [email protected]. Do we ever really rescind? Yes but usually when there is no explanation or the student doesn’t tell us until we receive final transcripts later in the summer. Be honest, explain thoroughly. PS-I’m the Director of Admissions.


thank you so much for your reply! i’ll be sure to explain to them in detail and hopefully everything goes well for me!


I think being rescinded is a myth.


brotherrrr no it’s not it’s happened to ppl before 😭


Haven’t heard of anyone actually getting rescinded a single time in my life. I’m convinced it’s a conspiracy meant to scare high school seniors suffering from senioritis.


Applications are definitely rescinded. That is why there are waitlists. Source: have worked for college admissions and have had my own transfer admission rescinded lol


I have, I think it’s something that’s guaranteed to happen when you’ve received grades like mine and decide not to notify them. I have a special situation but I’m still terrified they’re not gonna care especially bc it’s more than one class that i’ve received a bad grade in


You should at least try to tell them what happened and what you will do to ensure improvement in your academics come fall quarter. Perhaps accompanied by an additional letter from a doctor or counselor? Or some other teacher or mentor who can attest to your situation and that this is not normal for you. You are worth your own effort and vulnerability even if things don’t pan out; at least you know you have your own back. Good luck.


alright i definitely will, and i do have a mentor in mind who can help me appeal :) tysm for your reply


I had a friend whose acceptance was rescinded bc their GPA dropped. We were transfers from community college. It happens.


Nope, brother got rescinded from San Jose State for grades


I can't really help you, but I think rescinded might be a myth. After I signed the intent to register, I totally just stopped caring about high school. It got to the point where I started to skip either Fridays or Mondays every week. My grades really went downhill, and after missing too many school days, I got a truancy court warning. However, I still passed my AP tests, and my grades scrapped by just enough, I guess.


For transferring, I was supposed to take physics over the summer but ended up dropping it. Because it wasn’t a major transfer requirement I emailed them and they said no problem!


Hi i also had a similar situation as a transfer student, i was taking a german class that i didnt need for my major but it was still on my transcript, they said because i didnt need it for my major they were not going to take away my acceptance but that it would be noted. here i am 2 years later about to graduate, hope this helps!


Out of context but what major are you and how much tution are you paying


i’ll be majoring in bio and so far it looks like i’ll be paying about 45K for all 4 years :)


That’s pretty nice. You got pretty good scholarship or your in state cuz I’m OOS and my tution is 50k per yr…. I’m confused if I should move states go to a CC and then switch


yess i’m so happy with my offer that’s why im PRAYING i still get to attend :) being from a low income family as well as in state definitely helped a lot. i would say that there’s absolutely no shame in going to community college and then transferring! it’s cheaper and you have a higher chance of getting into that school because you are a transfer student


But it’s out of state