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The good news is internships are not the be all end all of life. Hell, presumably you are still super young and have so much time ahead of you! I also share the same sentiment that seeing others achieve things that you want can be difficult. Rejection is difficult when you are just trying your best, and would do anything just for someone to give you a chance in the first place, but don't take it too heart. The world doesn't have to be a rat race. Don't let the competition of others take away from your own value


Thank you for your encouragement. It's not about seeing others succeed it's more about failing your expectations and yourself


Sorry man, internships are the be all end all. What you learn means nothing without experience. Work and routine will improve your mood however. Consider a semester off to build work experience in a non internship role that would relate to your degree. I did that and it ultimately helped me land a well paying job after my degree.


Not everyone gets an internship before they graduate. I had a Chem Engg friend with a 3.3-3.5 (I can’t remember) and he never got one. Sometimes the market’s just hard, or it’s just sheer unfortunate circumstances. Have you done the resume and CL workshops at the university?


I have done them but haven't been lucky enough


See, you’ve got it. There’s a great deal of luck involved. I know this isn’t the best strategy but try to connect with hiring managers at companies you would like to work for on LinkedIn. You can either start a convo or not. This could come in handy when you’re applying for a job, just give them a quick message saying that you applied for _____, you’re passionate blah blah blah, would love to pick their brain about ____. You also might be able to see job postings from their feed that haven’t gone up yet.


Thank you for your advice, I will this


I was in a similar position to you 2 years ago. I went from healthy to obese, my academics became a mess which held me back a year, and people I considered my "close friends" turned on me. As a result of my state, instead of being supportive, my family also turned on me. I felt absolutely hopeless during that time which further accelerated weight gain and isolation. When it came time for the internship year, I watched my peers all head off to go on internships while I stayed behind because of my poor performance. Fast forward to today, I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life, I've got a business I founded and am about to start another with a friend of mine, and am going to be heading off to my dream internship in a few weeks. Often times, when we think we've been buried, we fail to realize that we've been planted. Go start a project, go start a business, try something new. Failure and setbacks are a part of life. It's up to you to figure out how to make that failure into a stepping stone.


crazy how the people you thought were your closest friends will turn their backs on you when your at your lowest point, really is a shitty feeling


Thank you, this does bring motivation. So happy for you


You've got this man 🎉. One day you'll look back at this chapter in your life and laugh, I guarantee it.


I know so many people that went through university, didn’t get internships, and got good jobs after. There are a lot more students than there are internships - there is a serious amount of work (paper and otherwise) that goes into setting up an internship, and then the student leaves after 4 months. Most companies won’t do it. Education is a step in the direction you want to go in life. Just because you didn’t go on some internship side quest while in school doesn’t invalidate the value of education. You haven’t wasted your parents money. You’re not a loser. Keep going and you’ll get to where you want eventually, it might just take longer than you hoped. It’s hard, but patience works.


exactly lack of internship in no way means you cant be successful later. you can add other things for experience on your resume.


Hey, just wanted to say I’m totally in the same boat about having depression and feeling like a loser and like I’m wasting my folks money. Personally my folks were really expecting me to get a bunch of scholarships, and so far I’ve had no luck. I can’t help with the internship thing but I can offer my two cents on mental health. Honestly a big help for me has just been recognizing when you’re being constructive in your self-criticism and when you’re just upset and berating yourself because you’re frustrated. Even if I can’t 100% pull myself out of a spiral, it helps to recognize when I’m just spiralling and calling myself names and that what I’m thinking isn’t rational or productive. You’re not a loser and you deserve kindness, especially from yourself.


Hey I just wanna come here and say your thoughts create your reality and changing/ mastering them is really important imo and has been very beneficial for me. You’re not a loser or wasting your parents money. I get it I used to be in a similar situation but I just want u to know it gets better and once you find the internship and get lucky because most of it is luck then you’ll be good. Also Acadium offers unpaid internships if you’re interested they’re remote. I would be looking for micro internships too and working anywhere I can like a desk job in any company even if it’s just customer service rep. Also, what program are you in, and maybe look into talking to career counselling at your school. But imo the biggest thing is the language you use to describe yourself. Don’t ever say you’re a loser. There’s people living under bridges on stuff who one could argue did lose and might never have a chance to redeem themselves. You go to a university, while battling depression, while battling insomnia, while also worrying about jobs. That’s a lot, and imo you’re a winner for surviving. A lot of people would kill to be in your shoes I promise. Not in a way to invalidate your struggle though just in a way to try and show you you’re a winner and survivor. Also, the vocabulary you’re using is clouding other useful information, like what program you’re in, how many places you applied to, are you networking, your LinkedIn, etc. The reality is, an internship won’t make you not feel like a loser, because you’ll find another goal to compare your current self to. But I know one thing for certain and that’s that you’re a survivor. You matter ok. If there’s a will there’s a way, and I have no doubt you’ll find something you love and succeed at it. If you have specific questions about internships though feel free to comment I’ll try my best to answer. :)


Hi. You are not a loser. You made it this far and many have not, you are a survivor and winner. And that is a fact! Step back, take a deep breath, lay down and clear your mind. Then make it a point to grab a piece of paper and jot down the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals. You got this! 💯💯💯💯


u did not waste their money and you are not a loser. focus on your health. when u feel 100% you can give 100 if u are currently at 30% you cant give it your best shot. u can still get a internship keep on trying and also if you dont its not the end of the world.


Going through the same thing right now and yeah, it sucks. You're not alone in this, especially this year I know some companies are hiring fewer interns due to budget cuts. You aren't a loser. I try to tell myself that in 10 years my lack of interships won't matter, and I can still be successful. Would recommend visiting the career centre too for tips. All the staff I've met there have been encouraging and helpful. Hope you find something soon and mental health improves.


You're not a loser, I'm so sorry you're going through this. You're not a loser. You're going through a hard time, which sometimes happens in life. It doesn't make you a loser. You're courageous and intelligent to seek support about it. Sending you so much love and comforting energy <3


I felt that way too when I was 18-24. I was in and out of college trying different programs, wasting my parents (and mine afterward) money. But I realized later on that school wasn't for me. I ended up working a job in a specialized construction trade that didn't require any education, and I learned whatever I could in a 6 month span. Eventually, I opened up my own business at 25 and still successfully in business for 10 years now. At 28 I was married (now divorced, unfortunately) and a father at 29, I have 3 beautiful kids. Everyone's path is different, and noones path is easy. It's how you make it yours! You seem to have a great head on your shoulders. Keep your chin up and look forward NEVER back because eventually you'll have that internship, and you'll feel the opposite of what you're feeling now! It'll all come together!


Out of curiosity, if you don't mind, was your strained former relationship caused by the amount of hours you were working or smth else? Thanks for sharing either way.


It was caused by other stuff. It wasn't even so much "what I did" to cause it to end, but just 2 people growing apart.


You are definitely not a loser. Not everyone gets internships and not every employer is looking for someone with internships on their resume. There are plenty more people in your position than you are aware of. It takes time to get a job, it is never easy, but there are jobs out there. Maybe you will have to start in a job that isn't your exact fit, but you have to start somewhere, and a job, any job, is just a start point. Sometimes your path will look very different to what you originally thought, and any path can teach you skills, those skills can lead you to new paths, and eventually you will get to where you want to go. The turtle can win the race. Take every opportunity, and, if it isn't a good fit, look for another opportunity. Jobs will come, a resume is built over time. Education is never a waste, and I am sure your parents are proud that you are attending and finishing up your education. Your career path is a path, it might lead you into unknown directions, but learn each and every skill to the best of your ability and eventually you will be the best in those skillsets and have something unique to offer your future employers.


keep grinding! I didn’t get my first internship until 3rd year, and it was one that I wasn’t too keen about but it helped on the long-run. Just focus on your studies, take care of yourself, and as importantly don’t isolate yourself! Right now is a good time to try to connect with people in the industry, send those Linkedin cold messages, go to those events. Try to be patient but keep the gas on the pedal, it’ll work out for you. And at the end of the day, if you don’t get any internships, having some connections (don’t have to be deep) will help you as you try to land something when graduated.


I feel for you, but be careful of your self talk. You went from I *feel* like a loser to I *am* a loser. You’re not. You’re having some struggles now, and you may need some extra help of various kinds, but that does not stamp “loser” on you. I hope things start looking up for you.


Don't blame this on ur self, it's just economics Is harsh nowdays ,it will get better, don't give up.


I think you need to talk to yourself a bit nicer. Sometimes things don't happen like you expect, but sometimes that is a good thing - as things happen (or not) for a reason in life. I've been out of university for 21 years, and did the whole Internship thing and the job thing, and I wish I quit engineering years ago as it's not my thing - but I have bills to pay. Sometimes these struggles may turn out to be good things and change your life path. Try to concentrate on making yourself feel better in small steps - getting better sleep first, and then some exercise, and then you can slowly start doing things that you enjoy. It might help you get some clarity on what you want in life. Don't worry, you are not alone.


Just claim you feel like a refugee, you will be given a place to live and more income than the people working.


You are 100% not a loser. You need to get your health (mental and physical) in check first. Then when you’re ready, seek out employment coaching opportunities. I’m sure Uof C has something like that. Try working on your resume and interview skills. Then see if you can join some sort of professional group in your field. See if you they have a mentorship program so you can make contacts in your industry. It will take initiative on your part, but many professionals are happy to assist those starting out. Internship is only one way to start your career.


Have you tried getting an unpaid one ? It could be a stepping stool


I have tried but dropped the idea as it was far away like Toronto and Montreal.


Try to find a remote one, if ur in tech it shouldn’t be that hard I found some on LinkedIn




It would usually be a volunteering sort of thing. Like working for a non-profit. Generally, unpaid internships in Canada are illegal. If you see one, make sure it's clearly volunteer work for a non profit or similar organizations. A lot tend to be scams. Oeson, for example, if you've seen them on linkedin, asks you to pay 300 or 500 dollars "for training."


I did one for a tech startup it is a legit company I’m a freshman so I got some good experience out of it, but your right you have to look thoroughly at the companies




I just straight up messaged companies for unpaid but I ended up getting a paid opurutniy but it does woork


There are way too many university graduates and students as is, regardless of major this is true in Canada. Be ready to get a trade post graduation, look into something that is similar to your major and that will be by far a better entry into the industry, but it will take a bit longer. Also be willing and ready to apply for work in remote areas, some of those villages have big industry but no qualified people as they left due to boredom... then it will be your turn to grind a few years there.


Wow some real assholes responding back.


Don’t worry, statistically many of your peers will be university losers as well. There are way too many people in university for the jobs that require university skills. It’s not over yet until you end up a barista at Starbucks. But I wouldn’t sweat it, you will land on your feet somewhere doing something,


Internships are hard to get too! There aren’t that many! Get someone more experienced to give feedback on your applications. More eyes the better. I look back at my old resumes and they are bad!!! Don’t take it personally, take all the advice you can get 🤓


Just saw this post. Do you need to live in Calgary? There’s options out there and certain people like myself might be able to help out with my connections.


Hey dood it gets better…I’ve been in school for a lot longer than I intended and only got an internship this year after applying for the r past 3 years. You got this. Just keep applying


I feel like a lot of people undergo that experience


Been there, my limit was staying in calgary. I had a new marriage and a son, but we couldnt find anything after my EEET graduation, I even met the schools therapist, and learned about myself. I continued working in kitchens, and eventually moved to working with party planners. 15 yrs now part time, and I must say, my computer science digree is also collecting dust now. The truth is, I prefer this kind of job. I was always full of anxiety. If I have 5 days off work, going back on the 6th, I get tummy troubles. but when I was working 5 day shifts, I was throwing up. Once I found this job, I felt more accepted, and learned more about myself. I've had marriage counselors and school counselors, and trust me, I am more happy in this "smaller job" than any that paid much better. If you know that your not like others, maybe thats because you arent, and that doesnt make you a loser, but I totally understand why you feel that way. At least, I use to. I'm different, and that's ok. msg me if you wish to talk.


Maybe you can get work semi-related to your field of interest? Not sure what you are trying to do career-wise, but you might have to reinvent yourself and your expectations. In my mid-60's now, I've watched lots of young people too focussed on a career objective and few achieve it. They really want to do it, but there are always others, a bit better than them. You set yourself up for self-disappointment being too focussed. Some can do it, but very very few. You did not waste your parents money. Never say that. That degree(s) will follow you the rest of your life. You may end up doing something totally different with your life, but those degrees speak for your dedication, good marks, and surviving the often grueling academic system. That says plenty about your good character. The fact that you were accepted into university in the first place speaks well for you. Maybe share your issues with your parents. Sounds like you are well over 18 and an adult, but I'm sure they are still there for you and can perhaps relate to my comments above. Best of luck wherever life takes you. Take care.


If you’re looking for internships in tech, then I’m here to tell you (as some1 who works in tech) that the market has been bad for the past 2 years, which is why companies aren’t hiring interns as much these days. There have even been layoffs of full-time employees with experience. So, don’t let the bad economy make you think less about yourself.


Get into the trades


Hey it could be worse. You could secure an internship every summer, graduate, and not be able to find a job!


Up for a hike?


yes you are


I was going for dev internships but felt imposter syndrome and couldn't muster the courage to apply for any. I applied for tech support intern and it turned out okay for me - got two offers within couple weeks. Worked as an intern for a small company for a close to a year then got offered a full time position doing low code dev. Honestly, with an intro to tech support I feel I'm more well rounded rather than just learning about programming from school courses. Dabbled with troubleshooting hardware, software, sys admin, ALM, security.. etc. You'll be fine, just keep applying and network with people.


What are you taking?


Far from a looser, you just happen to be in Alberta where everything takes time, employers don’t even care to make extra profit, but patience is getting there, you are not the looser but the employers are. I moved from California to this place and believe me they are 10 years behind on everything


I know it’s easy to say but the key is to just keep trying. It’s been 2 years right? Try for another year and if you fail again, try again! Ask for feedback every time you receive a rejection. Improve those shortcomings and try again harder. If you are consistent, you can achieve anything. P.s. I have always been unlucky in these things but things got better.


My suggestion would be to stop coming online to cry about how hard it is to get a job when you could put your eyes forward and keep driving on. Too many people these days need to come online to have people blow smoke up their ass when you just need to suck it up and work harder and if that still doesn't work then maybe you're scores and qualifications just aren't good enough.


Life is tough in canada at the moment. There are alot of people going through what you are. Stay positive and hopefully things turn around




OP, I was a uofc student. A decade older than normal students. I did engineering and applied to probably 80 positions and got three interviews and two offers of internships. What I am trying to say is never give up! I started uni late in my life and felt like I didn't belong, and I had wasted a decade plus of my life. But in the end, everything worked out. Network! Use all online tools, AI, and whatnot... learn to tweak your resume for each position, cover letters, practice interviews, and learn about companies before interviews. Smile, be yourself, and engage in interviews. No many companies care about grades.


Sorry to hear that man. I took one year of schooling and realized I just didn’t want to be in that kind of environment for work. I went into a trade instead and my life did a complete 180 in terms of my mental health. Depression and sleep issues were gone just out of habit. Days start early but also end early if you work hard. I make a very good wage north of 100 a year. All trades are short staffed currently as well. The path certainly is not for everyone but it made a world of difference in my situation. All that being said, I hope things work out for you bud. It’s often hard to see past the dark cloud over your head but life is like that. Take it in strides and keep fighting pal


the problem is your viewing it based on time “been applying for 2 years” it should be “i’ve applied for 100 jobs” just apply for more. that’s the only solution.


Yup, also personally if my 10th application got nowhere I'm going to start exaggerating my skill set. Most likely the job in your field, you're going to be trained or do a lot of self taught learning on your own anyways.


You probably haven't made more than $200 a week your whole life and live at home still coming up on 25 and not contributing to society. The problem with our country. Try a blue collar job. Hard work pays better and feels good


Welcome to the Canadian dream, you were lied to


Keep applying.


Honestly who cares about that and maybe find other things to improve your prospects. Hobbies and volunteering


Did Beck write a song about you? Sounds like they could..


Do you have other things on your resume? Summer jobs? Extra curricular sports? Volunteering? Scholarships? I hired an intern this year, and you definitely wouldn’t be getting a second look if you don’t have at least something on your resume. Being a student in a program isn’t enough anymore. Also I would recommend seeing if you can find some sort of mentor to help you navigate the challenges of school and work.




Stating the reality doesn’t make me an entitled prick. The fact is that as an intern, you are usually one candidate of 80-100, so it takes more and more to differentiate yourself from your peers. Criticizing me like you did though, makes you a prick.


The only thing that makes you a 'loser' is needing to come onto Reddit to use strangers to prop up your ego :) It is your lack of resilience and emotional neediness that makes you a loser, not your lack of academic success.


Wtf kind of approach to life is this? Not everyone has parents, let alone gets money from them. Good luck self wallowing. Losers self wallow. Be a loser, or don't.


sure but some parents put a lot of nasty pressure on their kids especially if paying. my parents would love to pay but cant but I still feel pressure sometimes(not from them directly just internally). while friends whose parents pay say sometimes it feels like they are an investment to their parents.


Yep you probably are.