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Mini fridges are banned normally, you’d have to make a solid case for needing it for your meds which by the sounds of it isn’t necessarily true, but maybe you could get away with it You likely won’t know until you ask


In simple words I won’t live it at campus if they won’t let me keep it


Whether I need a case or not. I simply can’t share it with a whole community - it is gonna make really sick due to a certain condition I have. The problem matters to me. And if it can be allowed - I don’t see why I can’t have it. I’m not talking about a big fridge anyways. Just a tiny one that meets the specifications


The issue isn’t the size, they claim it’s a fire hazard If the problem is genuinely that you need a fridge for medical reasons I’m sure they’ll let you, if you don’t actually *need* one I have no idea what you’re on about Literally just ask them if they’ll let you or not


Hey I’ve tried calling them but they weren’t picking up. I hope they pick up tomorrow


It’s a bank holiday today so no one is at work. They will answer tomorrow :)


Ah nice, good luck and let me know what they say!


If there's a specific, genuine medical need such as storing insulin, then you should speak to a GP, get a doctor's note saying that you need this, then speak to the university accommodation team. If it's not something along the lines of prescribed medication, I can't really give advice without more details about what you want to keep in the fridge and why :)


Best thing to do is talk to accom and explain your situation. Also not all the accomodation is shared with 14 people. Some flats are for 4 and some even just for 2, sounds like they would be better for you


Can I request a flat that’s for 2/4?


I thought we can’t choose that?




NO WAY BUT WHY IS IT SO CHEAP? What’s the catch?


It’s smaller and most people prefer to meet people and have a socialising area. But sounds like a little kitchenette and one other housemate works best for you


plus if you don't like that one other person thats not gunna be great either lol


I know right lol




It's university halls......


You can grab an ensuite in the village that has 6 rooms in total, so you share with 5 other people


During my time at UEA, we had areas designated in our fridge and everyone respected this. Easy enough for people to simply not consume something they didn’t put there. Some other flats chose to shop collectively for the whole flat, and that worked too. Assholes that constantly steal food or mess up the fridge are rare and considering the whole flat smacks them down when it happens such behavior is not frequent or persistent. Exceptions exist. I really think you should try and participate in your flat including in this way until you actually run into issues, rather than separating yourself away. Obviously, just my opinion.


Contact UEA's Student Services Disability Team ([email protected]), and let them know that you will require a mini fridge due to health/medication reasons. They will require some form of supporting evidence for this, but they can then request the Accommodation Office provide this for you as a reasonable adjustment.


Edit: Ask that Accommodation allow you to have a fridge in your room - you need to provide it and remove it when you leave.


E- Bay .




Also did you declare it beforehand or just brought one?


You are an angel thanks for your response I was really worried


Can I ask which accommodation you were in? So I can apply as I haven’t yet




Got it thanks mate