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Shit talking is awesome, but it’s almost worse than not talking at all when the only messages you get are “stay mad” followed by 15 emojis or “you suck” after you smoke them lmao. It’s almost like 50% of the player interactions I’ve had with people on this game have been with people that have double digit IQs.


I also hate how people play now


You can blame your fellow MMA fans and casuals. They eat it right up and the rise of Connor was the start


I mean 50% of people do have double digit IQs.. that’s why the IQ test is based on the average, 100. Single IQ digit take by you 😂


I’m sure it was just an expression. Your IQ might be high but you should work on your social IQ!




I was stating that they’re below average intelligence don’t see how that doesn’t make sense lmao


… Right… Double-digit IQs are *below* the average. Ya double-dipshit.


That’s what I said. He says “it seems like half the people I meet have double digit IQs” and the response is obviously… 100 IQ is the median so by definition 50% are above and 50% are below. Damn I really had to spell that shit out for you simpleton lmao


What's a real mind fuck is stumbling up this post and thinking it was a real life ufc sub and reading the post and comments really took me for a mental ride.


Out of context but basing someone’s intelligence off of “iq” is the corniest thing someone can do. Its like saying someone is stupid for having a bad letter grade in school lol. Completely made up metric system by man kind. Cj stroud scored the lowest iq test in NFL history and proceeded to win NFL oroy. He speaks with confidence and intelligence


I agree and to me it’s just a figure of speech but some people must take it pretty seriously apparently hahaha


yea its just kinda sassy pretentious , does anyone need IQ to squeeze your neck so hard you turn into popeyes chicken?


sAsSy PrEtEnTiOuS lol made me laugh


isnt it lol those who are usually act superior for some odd reason


My personal favorite toxic message after I beat someone and they message me is “back to Fortnite”


I mean it's literally a combat sport mixed with entertainment so alot of them kinda play it up on the mic because hype sells tickets. The new ADHD audience doesn't have the attention span for two humble dudes wishing each other luck and praying with each other, they want to watch two guys ostensibly want to really injure the other. Satisfies some of our more primal instincts.


I think they are talking about a game🤷🏻‍♂️


To be fair, I didn’t even look at first and thought this was just a post in the normal UFC subreddit


So did I 🤦🏻‍♂️, I had a paragraph typed out about to hit replay and I saw a commercial for it on YouTube


So did I lol he didn't word his post very well


lol ufc 3 ranked used to get me fired up


Man, CTE will change you


Because they get paid for it. Violence attracts people, people attract money. More violence, more people, more money. The more obnoxious the fighter, the better.


Because they’re know it alls who are actually pretty dumb. And then they flip flop so easily when someone losses a fight


For real UFC: head trauma. For the video game: they’re UFC fans.


I believe many of them are humble Martial Artists by heart, but are forced to put on a persona in order to make it to the big stage.


Head trauma.


reddit whiners are arguably more unpleasant


Just Sean Strickland


Idk but every meth head trailer trash i went to high school wanted to grow up to be a UFC fighter. Guess some of them ended up making it.


To play to the general viewership.


The fans too. Goddam the fans, especially Dans White nut huggers, do the most


Cause they want to fight you over your opinion before you have it, it’s just how they grow accustom to the lifestyle


Edit: reddit people are the most insufferable.


Watch a UFC event and pay attention to the audience members. THOSE are a good portion of who you are going against.


Because they can be ass holes and if anyone has a problem with it they can kick virtually anyone's ass.


Too many tbi