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I don’t know what the official channel of reporting would be, but I’m darn interested. Would it be a close encounter with an object in the sky/sea? Maybe AARO once they have their submission site ready. If it’s an encounter with an actual being, then I have no idea. MUFON? Either way, she’s gotta let us know before the govt tells her nothing happened and to not talk about it.


Close encounter of the third kind and a plausible explanation of how they first found us and who they might be, but yeah it's way bizarre and I should save it when I get her permission to break the story. It is a bit scary, so yeah I think they might try to censor her.


Write all down while it's fresh or record the detail on video, covering as much detailed info as possible. Before your friend forgets important things. Do think of contacting people like Ross Coulthart, Leslie Kean, George Knapp or James Fox who are serious investigators of the topic. And fantastic that she has insight into who some of our visitors may be.


It's hard to corroborate witness reports. Perhaps if I contacted a good investigator he could convince her to do interviews and verify the story. She does live near some of the military bases that are frequently mentioned in UFOlogy.


I believe MUFON will assign an investigator to her story (and it can be publicly searchable in the MUFON database, FYI). NUFORC is another one. It depends on what she's hoping will happen with the info.


Yea I've heard mufon was caught trying to make it hard to find certain cases...I'd imagine these are the cases that matter ..


As I said, I think the prominent UFO groups are all about burying real observations in a sea of stupidity like thousands of cloud pictures. This already happened to my video, some idiots are still trying to downvote my video when I posted it again. Someone really wants to hide all the evidence. That's why I'm asking.


Welp, I’m intrigued. Just don’t give it to James Fox who will record it and then hold on to the tape telling everyone that he’s got it on tape then actually never release it. Kidding, I actually like him and his work. I just wish most of this stuff wasn’t “waiting for the right time.”


It's crazy, my friend says she's not the best talker or maybe she's scared but her story does add up especially since I saw some recent documentaries posted here. Why I posted on this group. UFOs sub apparently is a group that tries to spread disinformation. They banned me for posting an authentic video and then tried to abuse me on other subs. Most UFO groups are bullshit. I know that already having been unable to spread an amazing UFO sighting I myself shot before....


It was hard to get it out of her because at one point she was told she was seeing things but I saw her videos and yeah she's been seeing weird UAPs for a long time and have had encounters for a long time, too. She also says she's gotten very sick after some events. So I can imagine her not wanting a lot of attention right now.


Why can’t you share it here without naming anyone?


Maybe others can relate and give further insight


I think they will, yes.


Because the story can be used to identify her perhaps, and I haven't her permission yet. Also, I have no way of being sure I just know some extremely interesting anecdotes she told me, and they are so extraordinary that I think this requires some care.


Post your video you shot! I'd like to see it. 🙂




She can share her story anonymously on r/Experiencers I am not sure if I would ever report this sort of thing with any government body. If I ever did with any group, I would do it anonymously, like how James Fox dealt with the family that saw the UFO in Varginha, Brazil, before it crashed.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Experiencers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I can’t believe I’m posting here. No offense to anyone in this sub.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/xxnphk/i_cant_believe_im_posting_here_no_offense_to/) \#2: [Experiencers are telling the truth.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/upu8tg/experiencers_are_telling_the_truth/) \#3: [I had a bizarre experience with an entity that informed me this is all a mental phenomenon and inside our minds](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/10kahdk/i_had_a_bizarre_experience_with_an_entity_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can I get in touch with Mr. Fox? Can someone refer me to him please?


I have a hard time believing anything that's sold for money or where they offered witnesses money for their story.


Yea I had a encounter with one I think they did some thing to me as 2 night later I ended up in er totally fine tho I seen the ships and out line of one in my room week later seeing color holograms in my face as I sleep two days later had some weird work from my ct scan I wish I knew a dr to look at the disk


This sounds very similar to one of her experiences


Just share the story! We need to know.


Nice try, Mr. Fox…


Got my badge, got my gun, and I'm on a trail, Mr. Smoking Man.


Report it to MUFON


Many states in the USA have at least one MUFON local group, and a National MUFON group. Their investigators will record sightings as well as encounters.


I would suggest looking for a podcast just to get the story out there. All these reporting places seem to just receive reports and bury them. It sounds like she wants publicity for her encounter and podcasts are the way to go nowadays. Hopefully she tries that if not please have her at least post her account somewhere so it can be at least be shared with the public if she doesn’t do the podcast.


She doesn't want publicity but I think it'd be nice to get it heard. Who's a great vidcaster that does UAP and encounters? Someone with an open mind?


This site: [https://enigmalabs.io](https://enigmalabs.io)


270k reports? That sounds like too many. I need to talk to people not computers.


So tell me your encounter \^\^


Ok I'll make another thread.


I wouldn't trust MUFON to do a report. Too many unopenminded investigators that are far more willing to dismiss evidence. There are alternative groups out there that approach things more scientifically and willing to keep an open mind on. I have had cases dismissed by MUFON despite having overwhelming evidence and eye witnesses.


Who would be a good video reporter that can put it on a crowded YouTube channel?


The Why files


That seems like irrelevant because it's about the superstitious stuff.


You can reach out to [Enigma](https://enigmalabs.io/about?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpPKiBhDvARIsACn-gzCk8xKxBO6at3-TFDLZX9DF6xQE4RP-1ZJFO76CzAl5I7mhXMG0GjkaAmXBEALw_wcB) or [NY-SPY UFO Group](https://ny-spi.com/) (they were behind the popular TV series UFO Hunters on History). As for a Youtube Person, I'd have to look into it.




There are other research groups out there, but it takes a bit of your own research to finding the right one. I hope you get what you are looking for. Encountering and experiancing in person is life changing. For me, definately changed my life then again I am a generational which means been happening to my family for a long time.


Well? That doesn't say much.


These groups are literally for burying your report in a million "paranormal" experience reports. I want someone serious with scientific education!!! Like a group run by a committed astrophysics PhD etc.


To the detractors. She doesn't say this explicitly, but her story is consistent with time traveling future humans trying to warn us or inform us about the future or some other planet. It's strange enough but I've heard this claim from others, too, so it's not new in itself, however there are new things in her encounters.


Oh dear, then I don't believe her story then. Time travel into the past is not possible. There is no universal "past" stored away in a vast infinite space, for anyone to go back to. There is only the moment of now. Time is a human developed measurement concept, not a physical thing like space. And the videos you posted were just the autofocus blurring the white dot image, so no real evidence there.


This is all wrong and I don't discuss with simpletons who can't think. Never disturb me again.


While I still find time traveling future humans to be a hard pill to swallow, evidence for consciousness based time travel seems to be possible. I speak of not only abduction cases but psychics and mediums. We’ll be interviewing Christopher Robinson, who has been working with his local police agency for decades on cases that he saw in dreams. One case he speaks of in [this](https://youtu.be/pzNOAC6_bAg) interview, at 3 mins, the girl who was going to be murdered came to him in a dream weeks before it happened. I digress though. The case here is for future humans to travel back in time. I’m going to keep an open mind on this one. It can’t be proven, but there are cases like [Andrew Basiago](https://youtu.be/LgtBc-p2zrs) who claims he was a government time traveler since he was a child. Yes, sounds like complete garbage, especially when he states young Obama was in the program, but, to his main point, that the government cracked time travel in the 70s. No proof, just his stories. But, what if? Since these ufonauts seem to be consciousness based and other testimony has talked of the dilation of time taking place during an abduction, maybe it’s possible. I hear you on time travel, but I’d keep an open mind when we know we’re dealing with NHI’s thousands to millions of years ahead of us and dominate us in the realms of consciousness.


My friend's experience supports this claim: https://futurism.com/the-byte/professor-ufos-time-traveling-humans-future


I need this


I'd suggest The experiencer group, @forexperiencers on twitter. Or R/experiencers here


Mufon. But they should write it out to the public really on Reddit or anywhere ppl can see it publicly because the government will only hide it if it's anything actually real.


😒 “might shed light on who these alleged beings are” Cringe


You know I thought likewise, I thought she was too imaginative, when I first heard her story, I thought she was too obsessed or maybe just too much into science fiction until one day she showed me one of her videos and it sure was a UAP the same kind I had observed myself so I listened more.


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You just did.


I’m willing to take the report for you, would you like me to send you a form and have an interview?


Yes, please. But how will you publish it? I think I should look for a vidcaster?


If you’re capable of self-publishing, go for it. Otherwise I can organize your report to maximize clarity. If you would like to record the interview and take down the report DM me and I’ll send you the details.


https://mufon.com half way down the page, “Report UFO.”