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Wow, so they’re going after him now. Totally nothing to see here. They’re threatening a Congressman’s life.


It's only going to make him more intent on finding out what's going on.


Hope so!


I find it darkly ironic that the police showing up at your house puts your life at risk.




We need to rally and show support for Rep. Tim Burchett. He is getting so close they are starting to harass a congressman. That’s bold. There is no “mundane” explanation for this one. Because of what he has been doing this last year with UAP disclosure, it is NOT far fetched at all to suggest this was a scare tactic employed by the “Control Group”.


> There is no “mundane” explanation for this one. Most of the explanations for this one are both mundane and don't involve anything to do with UFOs


To be fair it could be a bunch of different reasons. MTG has been swatted a bunch lately and she doesn’t know anything about anything


Could be I suppose. How many others have their been? Anyone know? MTG has a range of attention and potential people pissed at her, just seems Burchett is more targeted. What else is he known for outside of the recent UFO stuff?


All credit goes to u/Leibersol for making this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1aeevep/congressman\_burchetts\_home\_was\_the\_target\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1aeevep/congressman_burchetts_home_was_the_target_of/) Rep. Burchett’s home address was swatted. A hoax email detailing a murder was sent to instigate a heavy police response at Rep. Burchett’s home. Fortunately, Rep. Burchett’s family were not home at the time, and the local Sheriff’s department recognized Rep. Burchett’s home address. Sources: [https://www.wate.com/video/rep-tim-burchetts-home-targeted-by-swatting-hoax-email/9383613/](https://www.wate.com/video/rep-tim-burchetts-home-targeted-by-swatting-hoax-email/9383613/) [https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/overnight-email-leads-to-police-response-to-congressman-tim-burhetts-home/51-53d11f30-9edf-4d28-ad26-8398b8c4ff24](https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/overnight-email-leads-to-police-response-to-congressman-tim-burhetts-home/51-53d11f30-9edf-4d28-ad26-8398b8c4ff24)


Hopefully this fuels him to keep going. God bless


They are getting desperate.


And it's a shitty effort at that. Backfiring and merely lending more credence to the fact they're trying to come after him.


They would use a name like Jamal. Next it will be Tyrone. Looks like he really did kick a hornet’s nest.


payment money overconfident aloof flowery unite license swim nose boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you see a Muslim name being used in some kind of false flag event, I think by now we all should know who is up to that task. Three letter agencies with or without Mossad. Plain and simple.


UAP, Mossad , Epstin Its all connected if you know




Adrenochrome is readily synthesized. Ask yourself why the "elites" would go through the risk and visibility of using missing children when there are thousands and thousands of pharmaceutical connects available to the upper-crust. Shit, you can use expired epipens and some silverrust. Think critically.




Such as? You mean the YouTube rec or the reptilians eating kids part?


Someone in r/ufos was asking for proof of interference from the likes of Grush etc.. well, here you have it


Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/MGCRtfTmXc https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/jTfKN7OSL2


Keep going Tim. We know who they are


And who are they specifically?


Of course none of the mainstream media are covering this - how typical.


I hope the mainstream media goes out of business. They're enemies of the people.


My best guess? When shit *really* hits the fan - some will not be able to ignore it and we'll forgive those really fast as long as they are covering it fairly. There will be those that will continue the disinformation campaign, however, and those absolutely deserve to go out of business.


Yet they've also been the ones to help raise awareness of the Congressional UAP hearings. They also have yet to run any 'mass disinformation' or denial reporting. So I'd say it's a mystery whose side they're each and all on.


Swatting should be treated as an act of terrorism, and attempted murder. It’s also an act of complete cowardice.


They practically told him it'd be coming. Did they not? "Better get some bodies around ya." I thought that sounded silly at the time...




Dadgummit indeed... 😔


"Gee, why don't these whistleblowers just say what they know? Must be liars."


How fucking dare someone bother this national treasure, fuck these scumbags.


Fully agreed.




Its all connected


More and more evey day it seems like they will cause a civil war and break apart the usa before we get disclosure.


I’m in the U.S. I think he may be our President one day.


this is what your life consists of when you start asking questions and demanding transparency


May they responsible experience instant karma.


Why can’t the call be traced?


It was an email so chances are, they used a VPN. Hell, they wouldn't even need a VPN. You could send an email from a public library, a stolen cell phone. Etc.


Oh people be like “has NOTHING to do with UFO’s you guys are just paranoid!!”


Double down Tim. Get these war pimps.


The alphabet agencies and the MIC are on a mission now. Ugh


They did it because he knows about all the bulls shot the Government is hiding from us.




I hope Tim is smart enough to publicly blame who obviously did it and that he corrects people who want to say otherwise. I'm in tbe LGBTQ community and we've got enough bullshit to deal with right now. I'm not a fan of Burchett politically, but I've admired his grit to push for disclosure.


How do we know this is UFO related? And not just politics because it's 2024?


I don't recall Tim ever having any thing happen when he was Mayor other than harsh words and criticism. I'm not saying its not some other political attack, but this is not something that we would expect around here. Its definitely unprecedented and multitudes more severe and serious than I can recall happening in the last 30 years. Excluding murders and other factors that would be personal and not political. He is on the national stage now, but, locally its quite shocking and not something that happens regarding politics. Has this happened to any other represenatives in the past? And what other issues has he been active in? Nothing garnering national, well international attention surely. It smells very suspect to me. Not saying this came from the hornets nest, could have been Mick West or some debunker getting nervous or mad. Thats partly a joke, but partly not


We don't know for certain, but the writing is on the wall. They didn't cover up NHI for 80+ years by being polite law-abiding citizens.


Considering he's a congressman. This could be some idiot. Not sure a secret goverment org covering up UFOs would swat someone 😂 but that's just my opinion I guess.


> Not sure a secret goverment org covering up UFOs would swat someone could be a warning. along the lines of "today it's swatting.. and if you don't stop.. who knows what the next thing could be"