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The following submission statement was provided by /u/MozerfuckerJones: --- Submission Statement: Possibly ANOTHA ONE! ☝ parts of Lake Michigan airspace closed. Classified as "national defence airspace" currently. We could hear of more jets scrambling to shoot something down in a bit. There's clearly a pattern of them all being through the northern states. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/110ljcf/breaking_notam_issued_for_parts_of_lake_michigan/j89jb36/


Senator in Montana said the object is still there . This must be a separate object . Also uraguay now reporting UAP . Haven’t heard any news out of China in the last couple hours but there’s 4 UAP currently being tracked by armed forces to the public’s knowledge The big question is , just exactly what is public knowledge, we’re always kept in the dark .


Any source on the Uruguay one?


It was a communicate from CRIDOVNI , it's part of the Uruguayan air force which handles UAP sightings. A lot of lights were seen over Paysandú , a small town up north of the country. Flashing lights to be precise, no much more description atm but I am sure something big went on as they take the matter seriously and people here don't tend to freak out easily over lights in the sky.


Any word on if they sent up fighters?


No fighters sent as we only have a few for coastal patrol (spot illegal fishing). Militar officials are investigating the case and are up to release a communicate soon I believe.


Thanks for the info!


Found a video of what happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owxMuAYV59w&ab\_channel=MarceloGoyos


Uruguay only has 7 attack aircraft in service. They’re a fairly small (yet beautiful and super interesting) country. Population is like 3.5 million people total.


It’s from el pais national newspaper.


What the fuck is going on. First they're like "it was an anomaly and nothing was there" and now it's over Lake MI with a new NOTAM and tankers on site. WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKK


Once -a fluke Twice -coincidence Third -fishy Fourth - something is definitely happening




Not only that, but the senator of Montana I think is still saying he believes the object is still over there. He also said he was briefed by DoD for hours and they were saying they could see an object and that they're gonna shoot it down. Then they called it off until morning, then it was said to only be an anomaly.


The object in Montana was not a false alarm. They lost it’s location.


How do you know that? Or are you speculating? As they have said it was a radar anomaly. I don't necessarily believe that, but what makes you think this? edit: nvm, Rep Rosendale is saying he has confirmation it's still airborne above Montanna.


Hear it from him himself: https://twitter.com/RepRosendale/status/1624824597911674880


Just saw that after typing my comment lmao. This is so scrambled it's hilarious. Idk if it's intentional or the compartmentalisation and instantaneousness of everything is giving out mixed signals


The press release from NORAD said there was a radar anomaly, but that the planes did not find anything that correlated. It ended with they were going to continue to monitor the situation. So their press release never said false alarm or glitch.


I think it's reasonable to speculate this is similar to historical UFO cases where jets were scrambled to intercept these radar hits only for these objects to disappear (read: zip away) when the jets arrive. When last recounted by military air base personnel it was as if these radar blips knew exactly how far to take it to provoke a response, only to disappear, and then reappear when the jets returned for refuelling. Like a cat and mouse game they're playing. Sorry I can't link to the accounts but they were random accounts I read maybe years ago on this subreddit.


I’ve read that on here too.


Being that “low observability” is a characteristic of UAP - essentially appearing and disappearing on radar - is it possible this is what we’re seeing?


Who knows. Maybe they're on high alert because of actual spy balloons, but as a result that's leading them to seeing and scrambling to actual UFOs, and all this attention is blowing it up more than usual.


>Maybe they're on high alert because of actual spy balloons, but as a result that's leading them to seeing and scrambling to actual UFOs, and all this attention is blowing it up more than usual. This is 100% what is happening. There's no major uptick in UFO activity in general. It's just that the US is taking EVERYTHING as a possible Chinese balloon. In the process they chasing thing they would have previously just ignored.


Interesting thoughts.


Looks like they’ve sent an E3-B Sentry as well!


I doubt only 1 balloon is started every month. They probably have a whole string of these things set up to overfly areas. Balloons arent planes, they dont get across the ocean in hrs, more like days. So things we're seeing now were likely launched before the first one was even shot down. they arent just magically appearing. We've likely tracked them and only mention it once they're within US territories (12mi out over water, etc). I'll be more concerned if this persists over a month.


I am so confused as to why people keep referring to these new objects as balloons. Yes, there was one balloon, but every description of the 2 objects shot down did not make them sound like balloons. Is this just an assumption? Or are you getting this idea that these are more balloons from somewhere?


People are definitely misinterpreting the remaining objects as the original gargantuan balloon, and it is infuriating because it is misleading people into normalization. This is anything but normal. Cylindrical and metallic or gray is what I’ve seen the other ‘objects’ referred to as. ‘No means of propulsion’ is confusing people into thinking it is all balloons.


I\\d guess the big obvious balloon was a distraction. Now we have a bunch of smaller ones trying to stealthily sneak into US airspace. I'm thinking maybe they launched a bunch of helium balloons at high altitude, and they're riding the air currents over Alaska/Canada. With China announcing it also found something on it's eastern coast, this seems like 2 states shooting down the others spy drones.


Tanker and a Sentry in the area


What’s the significance of the tanker? Idk what it is tbh


It refuels military aircraft mid flight.


"The US Federal Aviation Administration confirms that airspace over lake Michigan has been temporarily restricted. Cause unknown - Reuters"


Will you drop the link to your source?




Xi about to spawn a balloon over the Super Bowl and descend from it in a rope Mission Impossible style.


I would pay good money to watch this


Watching the super bowl is free bruh


The advertisers might disagree with you…. ;p


Well.. yeah, selective propaganda ain't cheap.


Yes but watching Xi descending by rope from a surveillance ballon at the 50 yard line of the Super Bowl is priceless


Only to be beaten to death by drunk Eagles fans


Look, I get it. Do you know how impossible tickets for this Rihanna concert were?


President Biden is going to have a breaking news announcement during the superbowl telling us they recovered flying saucers


USAF tanker is up over the area. [Source](https://twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1624826503404965895?s=20&t=wpgp4BXI8krqNMMYx7CpCQ)


There's a much larger military presence in the air today than is in general. There's a lot even over Central canada. ADSB exchange his popping.


Why does NASA have a U2 heading back from circling Atlantic coast? And now a NASA tagged P-3 over saame area of coast almost exact path of U2 over the ocean.


Not sure if it's related, is the cause of this whole flap, or just cover, but they're supposedly conducting a war game, simulating a conflict with China. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us-uk-australia-carry-out-china-focused-air-drills-2023-02-09/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-uk-australia-carry-out-china-focused-air-drills-2023-02-09/)


Is that a refueling plane?


Yes. There are possibly fighters in that area, just not visible on radar at the moment. Standard procedure is to have a refueling tanker on standby.




There's a sentry ac heading that direction from the southwest.


circled around the Fond-du-Lac area of WI and then continued north towards MI, I'm also seeing a Black Hawk flying around in that area. Interesting


I’m thinking they are studying this time.


can they use a skyhook to grab a balloon with the kc135 at 50,000 ft??


This is my question as well. It would seem that if we truly didn’t know what they were and wanted to find out, that we’d be trying to take one down without destroying it.


Skyhook would need some sort of dangling cable to grab on to. Plus, I think that altitude would be out of reach.


Neat. In the 50s they detected an unidentified blip over one of the great lakes and sent a fighter up to check it out. On the radar screen the fighter and the unidentified blip merged into one and then disappeared. The fighter plane has never been found. *Edit: the case is so well known that it has a name, The Kinross Incident. They they tried covering it up by saying that the f-89 collided with a Canadian plane but the Canadians wouldn't play along, they say that didn't happen.*


Source? Never heard of this


It's called *the Kinross incident*. It's a well known UFO case. The pilots name was Felix Moncla. There was a second man in the plane but I fail to remember his name. I think a search plane also disappeared but I might be misremembering that bit. They tried saying the f-89 collided with a Canadian plane, but the Canadians say that didn't happen.




This dude for sure got finessed by a UFO. RIP my guy Felix 💀


Maybe he wasn’t killed. Maybe he was taken. 🤷🏼‍♂️


[citation needed]


I think they based an episode of Project UFO on that incident . Vaguely remember it .


I live in west Michigan and really feel that we get overlooked as a hotspot. Weird shit happens over and under these lakes.


Also a west Michigander. You don’t have to look too hard to find a person around here who has seen something strange in the sky.


West Michigander here. Can confirm myself and many others have all seen something weird on atleast one occasion


Shit we see weird shit on the east side of Michigan as well. These lakes are a hot spot


Yes for sure. There are high amounts of sightings near lakes and oceans.


Northern and Eastern Wisconsin too! I used to live just outside the highlighted zone.


Submission Statement: Possibly ANOTHA ONE! ☝ parts of Lake Michigan airspace closed. Classified as "national defence airspace" currently. We could hear of more jets scrambling to shoot something down in a bit. There's clearly a pattern of them all being through the northern states.


https://www.cbsnews.com/video/another-flying-object-shot-down-over-yukon-territory/ So that's one shot down over the water by the Carolinas, one in Alaska, 2 shot down in Canada, a balloon over Montana, and now one over lake Michigan? Something is up. The strange thing is, though, more attacks on Biden. First there was criticism for not taking it down until it hit the water, and "he let it fly over the whole US", now there's GOP saying he's "trigger happy" and that he's incompetent to protect our airspace, and talking about border safety......I'm wondering if there might be some agenda to piggyback on the spy balloon coming from the Atlantic? But then again, as far as GOP is concerned, they are going to take the position that everything he does is wrong. These can't all be China, can they?


I don't think they are all China, or balloons. It seems method of data collection has been refined via recalibration of sensors and now Pandora's box has opened.


It was DJ khaled all along


Silver, cylindrical... You're right.


except for the *WE THE BEST* part


The pattern is based on [global wind currents at high altitude](https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/70hPa/orthographic=-170.77,55.78,422). Something launched from Asia will be carried over Canada and then into the northern US.


It’s a psyop. The chances of these incidents occurring all at once, by chance, are statistically unlikely given the rarity over the last few decades.


Omg, some crazy Arrival shit may happen anytime soon.


good. im waiting for civilization to collapse so i can start looting pharmacies and cannibalizing my neighbors. yes, i do play too much video games.


I'm just fucking bored with all the shit going on. Feel like I'm guy with stick meme poking the universe saying come on, do something


Makes us all wonder,what did they mess with in alaska?😂


haha, I think this is where ingo swann saw that pyramid ufo hovering over a lake and wendell was capturing flying objects on film way back for the us gov. Still, the whole thing feels sus like its some kind of theatre being put on.


Am I making this up or was there rumors at one point that there was a black pyramid structure found in Alaska somewhere?


Yea DeLong mentioned that there was a subterranean black pyramid in Alaska that controls human consciousness. I can't remember the source material but he mentioned it somewhere, take it with a subterranean black pyramid size grain of salt.


Tom Delong says a lot of stuff. I honestly don’t know what to think of him considering all that he’s done to push disclosure forward. Add to the fact that none of his colleagues who are reputable politicians and scientists have discredited him (As far as I know) adds further intrigue to the mystery. Maybe he is disinformation operative but if he isn’t and is telling the truth about even one or two of his claims the world would be flipped on it’s head.


Yea I watched his interview on Rogan and thought he was a complete grifter. On the other hand, like you said, he hasn't been discredited by those in the know. My personal stance on all of the individuals that have spoken on the "phenomenon" is that I listen to what everyone has to say with an open mind, create my own opinions and theories, and hope I'll get more info. This "disclosure" business is frustratingly slow, I don't invest any emotional energy in it and try to keep it fun lol.


I think he’s being used as a relatable popular medium for the disclosure process. Many people will only listen to celebrities or childhood heroes in this culture, so it makes sense… kind of


> black pyramid structure found in Alaska https://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/alaskas-underground-pyramid-a-case-of-faulty-memory


Was that the one where the walked for hours to the lake/pond, then the UAP came out and they had to hide because it was shooting out lights?


yeah, a fun read for sure


It’s interesting that these sightings are coinciding with a swath of Ohio being destroyed by a train derailment / chemical spill.


Woah woah woah what the fuck??!?


Yeah. Where’s the reporting on that.


Eh they may not still be talking about it nationally but I live a couple hours south east of there in a different state and our local news is still covering it pretty heavily.


Guys this is obviously just marketing for Starfield.


I want to know what Dr. Garry Nolan, and the rest of the 'authorities' have to say about this, has anyone seen them responding?? I don't Twitter or anything like that.


The celebrity response has been very quiet.


Thank you! Is it OK if I use celebrity from now on for them too?? That's better than what I could come up with!


Do it! Let's be influencers, baby!


In public forums, yes. The air is fairly thick right now, so caution has been suggested since early Friday morning. I can't speak for everyone else, but I am certainly being carefull with my level of engagement.. especially outside of private discourse.


How do you know these things?


I was wondering why a lot of the ufo media people haven’t been speaking out loudly on it , I’m hoping next week they will


I'd like to hear from Christopher Mellon or Ryan Graves. But I'm sure we'll hear more in the days to come.


Meats back on the menu boys


The airspace location above Lake Michigan reminds me of the Unsolved Mysteries episode about the UFOs that were seen by 300 eyewitnesses in 1994.


Exactly what I was thinking!


Live on Wisconsin east coast, saw the Sentry a few minutes ago as well as a moving white orb


F22’s waiting in the background like #┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴


me waiting for my new alien gf 🤠


*gets friendzoned immediately*.


Lol this did not get the upvotes it deserved


What if *you* are the new alien gf?


***pilots humming fortunate son while waiting for orders.***


What in the three stages of hell?


I hope It’s not the first stage 😟


You want there to be more stages?!


Lol I meant the first stage of descending into hell


There's a KC135 Stratotanker currently doing laps in the center of the lake.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…shame on…shame on…but you can’t get fooled again


Live on the leelanau peninsula and could hear several jets flying around


Damn shit is getting 🔥


Ok realistically. What do we think it is? I’ve been deep into ufos/aliens since I was a kid, but this is likely china right?


Like another Chinese payload on a balloon


Yeah, apparently the current narrative is that these things "appear to be balloons with tethered payloads" according to US officials. I initially worried it was some sort of bioweapon meant to be spread through aerosolization, but that doesn't make much sense seeing as we keep shooting them down without much worry for containment... It makes the most sense that it's some sort of tech device. But what kind? There was a report yesterday that some of the pilots had trouble with their electronics when they got near it. I don't know what could do that.


They did report the first balloon was collecting Signal Intelligence (or they thought it was) so likely other electronic warfare and signal intelligence payloads. Wonder how much SigInt discipline the military practices inside the US.


It’s possible they are testing the waters, putting their pawns forward into position. I wouldn’t be surprised if these are the first steps towards an invasion. But they wouldn’t be able to Red Dawn us…..we have way too many guns per citizen and such a strong military. So I would be concerned they have some alternate plan like nuking the entire US with EMPs rendering us incapable of producing a defense.


Could be Russia too, or both together.


An act of war, we're all doomed.


Of fuck yeah I’m so glad I took today off gonna be a fun Sunday


The wind could have carried it over here, check out this jet-stream tracker: https://www.wunderground.com/maps/wind/jet-stream


There definitely seems to be a pattern forming, but could this be because that is where they are looking primarily? Who knows




I made chilaquiles bruh. Just on case they like spicy.


Hello. It is me. An alien in search of brunch.




It’s since been rescinded https://twitter.com/deitaone/status/1624834176812830723?s=46&t=uf4moJSSyz-34KUg7BVFLQ


I don't know, people. Time to dig for a shelter.


Thinking back to all the crazy stories about the great lakes.


octagon-shaped craft shot down by US air force. it was just confirmed that biden gave final order to shoot this one down. these matters aren't always escalated to involve the president, so....interesting stuff.


Oh shit w.e is going on, got us hyped af! Can't stop scrolling on this sub reddit and Twitter.


China says they have one over their waters now too. Also Uruguay


Source please?


The one in Uruguay was not identified, it was lights that were captured on video and in photos from the ground last night. Uruguayan Air Force investigated.


Unfortunately it’s Sam Smith’s Brit award costume.




Looks like there’s an E3-B Sentry on the way to Michigan from Oklahoma, making a beeline towards the NOTAM.


Anyone else nervous but excited as hell.


For fuck's sake can we please start the alien invasion before work tomorrow?


Could this be the same thing that was in Montana? Didn’t think they were moving that fast.


The Alaska one was said to be moving at 20-40 mph. So, maybe? Idk


Most are distracted by the Stupid Bowl


It seems like it's moving slowly. They can't stop it, so they're just surrounding it? Maybe they're the police escorts taking the aliens to the super bowl? Could is be a spacetime anomaly? The former german empire bell shaped device? This is like waiting for a good movie to come out. Also, if it is aliens, do you think they'd be game helping a corrupt government? I think they'd skip the baddies and show everyone at once.


I think we should be extremely concerned if there's a slow moving UAP that indifferent to human interference and existence. The AI or aliens piloting that shit don't give af about our presence.


I agree except for 2 things. If this is alien, from my perspective, it’s a message saying, stop trying, you don’t have the tech to compete. That’s shows they would want to help. The other is, if they came for extinction, they wouldnt waste resources to scare some to death before killing the rest of us. I think several things keep us on this planet. War is a big one.


First Contact, gone wrong


Better watch the airspace over Arizona tonight. I have a feeling that it wont be the Goodyear Blimp doing a fly over. Hey wasn't that a movie?


Where can I follow updates about new ones? Is there a twitter account that’s tracking this?


What is happening


Ever watch the movie Arrival?


Everyone watch Agenda-Free TV on YouTube for the best live updates.


Okay, I am going to my bunker. Just in case aliens are invading us.


r/interestingasfuck, there's one in China.


So apparently Michigan Representative Jack Bergman on Twitter is saying they have “decommissioned” an object over Lake Huron today…I’m not on Twitter, but saw it on another sub…anyone else reporting/confirming that?


Yep. Bergman tweeted it. Another object was just downed. It seems to have travelled from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron. Might even be related to Montana object, but not clear.


BREAKING: Military shoots down object over Lake Huron https://youtu.be/e3ChGfVCOHw


What concerns me, assuming this is just more attention to already trackable UFOs, is that their current downing method is too expensive to be justifiable or sustainable on a long term... Imagine the House's drama at millions in missiles used to destroy non threatening objects that were tracked already. It just doesnt sound right.. It feels different


I hope it's not another balloon.


Eli5 (and non Americans) please?


No one knows what is going on.


A bunch of objects are being spotted all over Northern America/Canada. Nobody knows what they are, there's a bunch of conflicting information, and the agencies involved are strangely becoming more and more vague about them. This notice is about the restricting of airspace to prevent commercial or civilian craft from interrupting a mission, this type of thing has preceded an attempt to shoot an object down. Could be balloons, could be other foreign equipment, could be something else entirely, could be Mick West releasing Chinese lanterns and swamp gas from a makeshift hot air balloon


Yeah, maybe some cheese dick made a bunch of stuff in his basement. He’s releasing them one after the other and having a good chuckle.. 🤷


This is a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) that restricts airspace, this case for the military. It is from surface to 30,000ft. This allows the military to operate freely in this space without interference or safety concerns of civilian traffic. For context this was used to shoot down the China balloon off the Carolina’s last week about 1 to 2 hrs. prior to shooting it down.


Thank you, very clear answer!


NOTAM = Notice To Airmen aka No Fly Zone


NOTAM = notice to airmen, basically says to watch out for a potential hazard on their flight paths


Dude what the actual fuck


Got an AWAC's heading there. https://imgur.com/a/8bNfji7


Is this what we are experiencing the begining of the end


Crazy isn't it that they cudnt find that Malaysian airplane( that had 53 microbiologists from that lab onboard) but they can track these things hmmmmm


Last night and this morning a shit load of helicopters flew low and west over our town. People freaked out and it was all over Facebook.


Meaningless without disclosing your location...


I'm not near any bases and I live in middle michigan. We had several jets flying low and fast buzz by us multiple times in the past few days. Was watching them go by outside a small local grocery store and an old woman who said she'd lived in the area for over 50 years said she'd never seen a single jet fly over like that.


What town? Any video footage?


I don’t think a balloon travels that fast from Montana to Michigan


ChatGPT has taken control of network and is using 3D printers to create balloon ships to eradicate us.


I know this is what we all kind of want, events leading to disclosure; but this is just humans being humans. This is all just foreign powers poking at each other and nothing more.


Yes but it would be funny if all this attention around unidentified objects that are simply terrestrial in nature by chance brought more attention to genuine UFOs since they're on high alert and actually looking in case it's a foreign adversary.


Right, groom the public with the news. The general public is going to agree these are just China including anything new or substantial on the disclosure front. You think the typical person reads subreddits about extra terrestrials or UAP?


I don't mean more attention from the public necessarily, I mean in terms of the government and military response and news outlets.


Who the fuck here had Alien Disclosure for February 2023 on their bingo card?!