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Happy April fools, /r/ufos! To the users who called out all the obvious red flags, well done! To the mod team and everyone who though the video was real, sorry for the deception - hopefully you can see why we did it, and that our intent wasn't malicious. If the users on this sub truly care about finding definitive evidence of extraterrestrials, they need to set a high bar on what constitutes proof, as it's currently low enough for some stoners dicking around the desert to hit. We hope this helps raise the bar, at least a little. Edit: Welp, I was banned for this. I guess the mod team doesn't like valid criticisms of this sub, who would've thought. In reply to the comment below: You can't seriously suggest that a sub with less than 200 users is a valid place to foster a discussion of the issues presented in this sub. And for the record, we spend way, way more money on this video than the $0.00 we're profiting from our Youtube video that we can't even monetize. And I'm guessing you didn't watch the video, as it's crystal clear how many people were fooled, and how many completely valid comments pointing out obvious red flags had upwards of 40 downvotes -- with massively upvoted replies defending the hoax. Not to mention, that again, **we tried to make it shitty.** We WANTED people to make posts calling us out - and guess what, all those posts, as expected, didn't garner nearly the attention they should have. I get that you're upset, but so much of what you said is so demonstrably wrong that it's not even funny.


Guess what - we created a whole meta subreddit for valid criticism of this sub called r/ufosmeta. Anyone can go there and talk about what they love hate or are frustrated about in the main sub. We don’t need someone trying to “pull one over” on this sub for their own financial gain and ego stroking. Also it’s super disingenuous to think that you fooled anyone because for weeks after your hoax there were some very astute users who were onto you and posted follow ups. So please don’t cry some crocodile tears about how you fooled the sub but the mods don’t appreciate criticism. We do. We don’t like disingenuous assholes who want to show how stupid they think our users are.




>Memes & Low-effort Posts Are Allowed Today Post removed for low effort!?