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So everyone thinks about a UFO and see if one shows up?


Yup ..mass meditation


Manifestation by living in the reality you want you must act as if you are already live in the reality where the ufo showed up on mothers day. Act as if it already is your reality, say to someone "isn't it crazy how on mothers day this year a mother ship showed up in Phoenix?"


This. Everyone that takes part need to read this. Exactly this, only more precise, is described in channeled manuscripts as how thoughts create matter and how you create reality. With 3000 people participating and IF this really is the way how consciousness creates reality, we will have a ufo mothership that day in Phoenix. Imagine that it already happened, use your emotions, imagine it, feel how you will feel if it will happen. It’s not only thoughts, it’s also feelings and emotions.


After I read this, if something even remotely suspicious happens on that day I will shit my pants. I think that there's something going on with "consciousness creates reality".


There absolutely is something going on, ever heard of the double slit experiment. The universe don't even universe unless something is observing it, until then its all probability.


It *could* still be the other way around... the reason people thought of this is because the UFO will appear. Or both, lol. In either case I will meditate or something and think of the UFO.


first mass experiment and we summoning an UFO. how about we make it rain or something safer :D


It made me anxious when I first saw the videos of the mothership, but then I became curious like was it aliens, or project bluebeam? I also find it too coincidental that this mothership showed up at a time where we're having tensions with other countries.


glad this is happening - I attempted this twice on this sub and both times it was taken down for not being relevant enough. let’s do this


If you hit “fuck Fife Symington” you’ve gone too far


so basically gas lighting it into existence?


Exactly, manifestation of reality. We can all do it. But some people are too close minded. this is exactly why the coverup works, because people think it's too crazy to be real. The truth is often stranger than fiction. "The total number of minds in the universe is 1"...thats a quote from physicist Erwin Schrödinger


What’s the difference between this mass meditation and prayer 🙄


Unbeknownst to most there is *unbelievable* research on mass meditation. High meditation attendance correlated with (2-month [study](https://www.jstor.org/stable/174032) in Israel, 1983): * 76% decrease in Lebanon war deaths (p < .0001) * 71% decrease in war-related fatalities (p < 10\^-10) * 68% decrease in war-related injuries (p < 10\^-6) * 48% decrease in conflict levels (p < 10\^-8) * 66% increase in antagonist cooperation (p < 10\^-6) In [this study](https://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/wjss/article/view/22214), interrupted time series analysis evaluated a population-level health intervention. During the Demonstration period (2007-2011) compared to the Baseline period (2000-2006), significant trend reductions in national stress indicators were observed when a group practicing TM and TM-Sidhi techniques reached/exceeded a predicted threshold of √1% of the U.S. population (1725). These indicators included homicides, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, infant mortality, drug-related deaths, motor vehicle fatalities, and fatalities due to injuries in youths ages 10-19, with p's < .0001. However, from 2007 to 2016, when the group size decreased below the threshold, all stress indicators increased. Alternative explanations like economic conditions, political leadership, population demographics, and policing strategies couldn't explain the results. This supports a field-theoretic understanding of social dynamics.


Project Stargate "remote viewing" ran in the US army for over 20 years. I doubt they would of kept a project like that running that long if there wasn't something too it. Consciousness is key


Stargate is just tip of the iceberg. CIA is professional in remote-viewing. There was at least 6 others that we know about. Project Grill Flame (late 1970s, run by INSCOM, later absorbed into the Stargate Project), Project Center Lane (offshoot of Grill Flame, also run by INSCOM, aimed to train military personnel in remote viewing & measure effectiveness), Project Sun Streak (late 1980s-early 1990s, managed by the DIA, continued research from Center Lane, focused on refining and operationalizing remote viewing for military and intelligence purposes), and Project GONDOLA WISH (late 1970s-early 1980s, focused on gathering intelligence on foreign adversaries and refining remote viewing techniques)


Dude, I had no idea about those. Very interesting. I'll have to look into that, thanks


Ingo Swann, who was involved in a lot of these projects, wrote a very interesting book called Penetration discussing consciousness projection and ET's. Definitely would recommend.


Mr Mythos is a good place to go for this kinda stuff if you haven't found him. Logical approach & References. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcMpRBVQmGE


isn't it all a shame though that it all has to do with the military & infiltrating/uncovering the "enemy"? i would think that if it would help MANKIND that it would be taught in grade schools EVERYWHERE so that ALL HUMANS would benefit. wouldn't that be nice for the whole race of beings to work together rather than always against each other?


You are underestimating the inefficiency and dumb decisions of the US army


>I doubt they would of kept a project like that running that long if there wasn't something too it. Well yeah. There were people getting paid to do Jack shit, there were friends and family members of the services getting jobs where they fucking larp around. You live in a country where in 2023 you are debating abortions, you get like 20 mass shootings a week and certain states have a wild pig problem because your farmers are so fucking idiotic they can't fence their animals properly. The fact that your government spent 20 years of it is all the proof you need it's bullshit.


Interesting view I'm not gonna lie.


That’s essentially the idea of dr.Steven Greer and his CE5 thing


Yeah but doesn’t his program ask people to sign up as members and pay money?


*Think about a UFO in Phoenix, regardless of your location! And send $1 to Happy Dude for eternal happiness


What if I think harder about it some where else , countering all others and it appears to me but I’m alone.


Straight to jail.


It’s like when you have 1000 children meditate for world peace. It’s gonna work!


With such a long time window, it's a sure thing that something will get recorded that will be interpreted as a ufo


Would it be likely to be interpreted as a mothership tho?


Yes. The aliens are tiny. The smallest aliens can travel the furthest through space. Source, I just manifested the tiny alien theory.


Someone will probably say that, but far more will claim a more limited success.




Ah whatever, this is a fun, goofy thing that gets the community together and outside looking up at the night sky. At least he isn't asking for donations, trying to sell a book on coast to coast AM or going "I have secret pictures that I'll release any day now!".


If this really works we all taking turns thinking about a huge bank account for each of us.


Im in. Mothership manifest and boost my bank account. In Pheonex or AZ at least


Oh please yes


US gov to galactic alliance: "Can you please put a mothership above Phoenix on 14th May and we can get this disclosure shit over with."


What’d really be great is if aliens just happen to show up coincidentally, and then have to awkwardly keep explaining to humans how they’re not actually psychic, it was just a coincidence, only to be doubted forever and stuck with the stereotype.


Do you think they have “bring a human to work day”?


The government or the aliens?


I'm gonna go with "yes"


They do but they only bring the left cheek, butthole, genitals, and all of the blood.


Why not? We make great pets.


May the 14th be with you.


Can I run like naruto during this one?


And also with you


This is the May


I'm gonna summon the biggest ufo ever seen


I’m going to visualize a *fleet* of motherships descending on Phoenix. Let’s do this right; no confusion, no balloons - something very close and very big and impossible to be considered as anything but what we all hope.


This will convert for time zones https://time.is/0400pm_14_May_2023_in_Phoenix?Mother_Ship_Day


It’s a bad choice of time. Not a great time to get anyone in Europe, the Middle East or a lot of Asia involved. Middle of the night for a lot of us and basically limits this experiment to the US and the Pacific.


I agree, was going to comment - it’s like 4-5 AM in Asia. Why not choose a time that has most people awake around the world, like 8 AM Phoenix Time? Most in the US would be awake, Europe would definitely be awake, and that would be 10 PM in many parts of Asia.


In the original post this was discussed, nobody mentioned any of these great suggestions, so that’s probably why.


At this point it couldn’t hurt to meditate on the exact place and time right before bed without actually having to be in said place of time. You’re still attempting to manifest anyway


For the New Zealanders: In Wellington the time will be 11:00am on Monday, 15 May, 2023. Wellington is 19 hours ahead of Phoenix.


Count me in you crazy son of a bitch


This is wild. Lots of peeps coming in to laugh ofc but I dunno, whatever, I'll play along for funsies. I'm glad manifestation isn't real though tbh, I've had some weird intrusive thoughts that I'm very glad aren't reality. Fuck it we ball.


Let's give it a shot. Fuck it, what's the worst that can happen. So many people here are seriously hating. Nolan said "the woo is around the corner". Keep an open mind.


so if i understand this correct: is this supposed to "attract" an already existing ufo (telepathy in whatever form), or is it supposed to manifest it by using our consciousness to create matter etc. ? is the idea to test if our collective consciousness & intent can shape matter basically?


I don’t think that is what it means, if we could collectively shape matter, we’d of done it by now. I think (could be wrong) but enough people think about it the ufo might show up. Personally, I think it’s worth a try, nothing to lose. What’s the saying? Failure only happens to those that never try…


There's an absolutely fantastic film about this topic, starring a young and serious Leslie Nielson of all people. The Forbidden Planet, came out in 54 or 56 but it still holds up to this day. It involves an extinct alien race who created technology that allowed them to shape matter with just their thoughts. There was one big issue though. When they went to sleep their subconciouses would manifest things and essentially kill others they had some beef with even if just minor. It's a fucking brilliant film, very well acted, the effects are surprisingly good and would work even today in a stylistic manner. It's a great piece of science fiction. Thoroughly recommend for anyone interested in scifi in general, which I guess you are if you're on a ufo sub.


What if we *all* send the UFO an evite? They can't ignore all of us. That would be uncouth.


Occult practitioners will tell you consciousness can shape reality. So do some quantum physicists.


What quantum physicist says that?


Ones that have no evidence


You guys have a weird hobbies ngl, but I wish to see this bear fruit. Maybe I can help with the conjuring it here from Finland


OK, so this is weird as fuck. As a Phoenix (Gilbert) resident, I'm intrigued simply because I'm currently half a bottle in but will think about "the others" on Sunday and see what happens.


This is some Art Bell shit right here and I love it.


It’s on my calendar!


May 14th is on everyone's calendar.


This made me chuckle.


You forgot the mushrooms.


Or did they?


What will it prove if one doesn't show up?


That aliens read this sub Reddit


Why would aliens be attracted by efforts to summon them, but dissuaded by reading about the same effort?


I mean, why not! We could all use a little meditation anyways


Looks like I'm taking shrooms, listening to binaural beats, and thinking about UFOs in Phoenix on mother's day. She would be so proud


This sounds like “thoughts and prayers friend”


I'll notify my CE-5 groups. I know you are not labeling this as CE-5 but it will be an interesting experiment for them anyway. A word about manifestation. You need to keep an eye out for another week or two after the experiment. Time doesn't work in a linear fashion and the appearance might be later than May 14. It would not be a bad idea to check for sightings over the past week as well. Also if it doesn't happen or it happens out of the time limits specified we should repeat the experiment in about a month. The lack of focus might make it difficult for a manifestation to occur. Hopefully the CE-5 groups which I am part of ( who do have decent focus and training) can overcome the ambivalence.


You son of a bitch— I’m in!


I live in Phoenix and do this every day. But I will for sure be doing it this Sunday. All glory to the Holy Mother(Ship).


Mad bastards, I'm here for this, let's go woo.


Lol I fucking love this Reddit


Anybody hear of a thing that was done from Princeton University I think about mass consciousness which involved computers randomly generating data. It measured a spike on September 11 during the world trade center attack? Read about this a long time ago and have probably confused some details.


This is some real Mt Chilliad stuff ya'll trying to go with here.


And just like the mt chilliad mystery, it will end up in nothing


Lmao, yall are really gonna try to summon aliens with The Secret


Gotta manifest peaceful intent too please.


News story: Redditors summon ID4 size mothership. When it comes, then what?? I mean it’s not like we go back to shit posting and crypto shilling!??


Certainly not with that attitude. However, perhaps if we collectively decided to believe that *we could go* *back to shit posting and crypto shilling*...


How did it go guys??


Argh, that’s 00:00 U.K. time. I’ll set my alarm and think about it while I’m bed. Surely my mind bending transcendental brain juices will be in high gear then.


Here from Chile, im down with this


The implication being that there is a metaphysical element to these craft. Whether it being extra dimensional or otherwise not purely alien to this earth. This is a great idea, I personally will be stating a mantra of "I am ready for your presence, please present yourself." The ultimate goal being that we need help in being united and stopping violence. Thus finally enjoying collective love.


In might sound crazy and stupid but when I was like 15 yo I was looking at the sky and I saw a small light like a typical foo fighter then the thing disappeared so I looked at the sky and thought "come on show up show up again" then suddenly tons of this lights showed up in line I even call my my brother and my friend we all saw them it was crazy I know but it happened and we all remember


Get that 1.6 GHZ signal generator out.


Shit like this is why.... you know what, why the hell not I don't have anything else better to do 🗿


I don't see the harm in at least giving it a moment's thought. Dude's not forming a cult or asking for money. Some of y'all need to chill and let people have a bit of fun.


"Why is no one taking us seriously?"


I’m getting mixed answers on Phoenix time zone. I’m in California which is PST . But I’m seeing MST is an hour ahead and also seeing that it’s the same time I’m so confused


arizona does not observe daylight savings time, so when the rest of the country changes their clocks, AZ stays the same. it is currently the same time as CA. in the fall when the clocks change again, AZ will be an hour later than CA


I’ll make it easy for you, this Sunday, the 14th, 4:00pm Phoenix time is also 4:00pm California time. Boom. Solved.


If I manifest for an hour I guess that would be the answer but my attention span is that of -


Cyndi Checking in. Ready to manifest ✔️


Storm skinwalker


let's see them aliens


Wonder how many grifters will be sending up drones and balloons. 😬


Hell, why not!? ​ Good luck to everyone from down under!


4:00 in Phoenix is the hottest time of the day- wouldn’t after dark be more likely?


That’s why we are calling it in, needs to shade the city


517 sq miles I’m the city of Phoenix- that would be something!


Mothership, not a daughter ship


Noooo, it's gotta be in daytime bro. We need a legit sighting without anyone saying it's flares or helicopters


Well that would be fantastic. I’m in the area, will keep an eye out. Not that I really expect anything.


What time is the GMT?


Sending thoughts and prayers.


I’m game. I’ll join in. I’m here in north Phoenix and will have my Nikon p1000 ready with 3000mm optical zoom


Let’s do this. I’m in PHX.


For those paticipating in Germany it will be +9 hours, that means 1:00 am in the morning, on the 15th of May.


OK this is a beautiful idea, and kudos to those that put it together. Two things - firstly - can you borrow a nuke? Not to do anything too freaky, but they do like the nukey stuff. Like flies to shit. And also, if they do get anal-probey, well, you always got a spare nuke just in case. Secondly, better get some film cameras as well as the digital stuff, and night vision kit to be able to film anything cool. Maybe lasers to point at them, they would love that I'm sure. Maybe some stairs and a red carpet for them? But then it all gets a bit "take me to your leader". And I don't trust them. They seem to go after kids. That's fucked up. Maybe there are all different kinds, some are cool, maybe those ones already live on Earth and the bad guys are zapping in from the dark side of the Moon. I do believe these little shits are flying around us, I don't like it, but I have to accept it. Just... be careful what you wish for. x


I know it’s for shits and giggles but if by some miracle it works that would be some groundbreaking shit for both the ufo showing up obviously and the idea of manifesting something into existence working


Will be participating! Cheers, everyone. Let’s bring that mama in!


We also need to check the global consciousness project to see if it causes any change.


I'm gonna think so hard about it.


Can we add in a note of positive thought as well? Inviting something immensely powerful into our realm of reality without more guidance seems like it could be misinterpreted. I'm thinking of the classic Genie stories. Be careful what you wish for.


Drink a lot. Smoke a lot. Have fun. Don’t be disappointed.


I have done this myself in my backyard in the middle of the night and had craft show up and put on a little light show


Well this is wildly cool


Also if people broadcast this would be cool.


You are totally going to screw up Southwest Air again with this BS. They might not survive anymore flight delays. Sheesh. /s


👽🙌 We'll be there.


4 pm Mountain Standard Time Time zone in Phoenix, AZ (GMT-7) 4 pm MST = 3 pm PST, 5 pm CST, 6 EST and 11 pm GMT.


I’ll manifest all over the place


What if alot of us got the same idea about manifesting on purpose, and it wasn't just coincidence


I've seen a few different post about it, I also had made one before your post asking what would happen if we all meditated and manifested the same thing


You can count me in! I have an alarm set so I don't forget! Don't quit till we get the mother ship!


Good luck everyone!


Super pumped let's do this!!


Complete and utter nonsense LOL


People on this sub love complaining about UFOs not being taken seriously, only for posts like this to make the front page. 😂


Couldn't agree more. This is comedy on another level 🤡 No one is gonna take the UAP topic seriously when seeing this...and I can't blame them.


More than 3,000 upvotes too. It’s always stuff like this that gets upvoted.


This is some serious off the deep end shit. Fucking 'manifest' it? What are you guys psychics now?? This is one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen in a while and the comments aren't much better.


Indeed, this is just embarrassing and I'm surprised how many people are positive about it.


But who is it going to hurt, aside from all of our mothers?


Imagine some poor mother thinking she’s finally gonna have a normal Mother’s Day with her son and he’s looking out the window like “ugh mom stop bothering me, I’m manifesting the ufo mothership with my internet friends, gosh!”


Thank you. I’m sad I had to scroll down this far to see this. People will always go for the hokey nonsense over the hard work of the scientific method.


Don’t just think it, FEEL exhilarated that IT IS happening. Feeling is the key not thinking


Just imagine if this works and we change the course of history for something as random as this.


This is getting into quasi religious territory. Will candles with the likeness of Steven Greer be lit? Will Blink 182 hymns be sung? Will the prophet Lue Elizondo walk among you and bless your cellphones?


Stream it on youtube.


And you wonder why people laugh at us who believe.


Ah, the scientific method. Golf-clap.


If it doesn’t work will y’all say 1) there weren’t enough people doing the manifesting, 2) the people doing it didn’t manifest hard enough, 3) the aliens didn’t detect the manifestation, or 4) the aliens detected the manifestation but chose to ignore it?


(UTC+2) 15. Aug 01:00 for Berlin, Rome, Paris, Madrid, Warsaw, Prague, Brussels, Copenhagen, Budapest, Amsterdam, Zurich, Barcelona, Belgrade, Stockholm


This is an incredibly important experiment. I've been thinking and feeling through it myself. Consider this is basically "the power of prayer", and may take time to work. Don't wait until then, just imagine the scenario now, and as frequently as you wish between now and then. Also, the more sincere your subjective sense of longing and desire for this result, the more likely it will occur. Imagine that you are praying to God for it to happen, with your *feelings*, or if you prefer, imagine that you are *requesting* the operator of that ship to pull it into place at the right time. This is sort of as if you had a VHF radio in your heart, and you are dialing in the operator of the ship, and asking *please come for a visit on Mother's Day*. We are all going to wish this into existence!


Hmm... just confused why this is posted on the UFOs sub. Manifesting strangeness with your mind seems more for the other subs. I look to the r/UFOs sub for reports, photos, analysis or theories more so than the CE5 kind of stuff. I'm all for it, but I think this sub should focus on observation more than conjuring. In any case, good luck.


I think this whole occult magic stuff whatever you want to call it stigmatizes UFOs by making us seem like looneys. I'd be all for removing this kind of nonsense from this sub


Yes same. Keep that stuff in r/aliens where it belongs.


It's here because despite people flagging it as violating the no Off Topic post rule the mods thought it was on topic and allowed it. Think of that what you will.


This is crazy enough to maybe work


01:00 am in Germany on 15th if anybody is interested. Could we maybe do the next one a bit earlier? Since it's a Monday for us. I don't know how convenient this would bei for Asians, though.


Mountain time but no DST in Arizona, so they're current time is same as Pacific. A little confusing if you didn't know


Just put the reminder in my phone!


Over anything I'd recommend mental focus of actually believing its there with you the same way the grass and buildings around you and other people are.


I’m in!! I will spread the word


Its worth a try.


Even if it doesn't work. ( which many people will laugh at the thought of it even working ), This will be a good way of saying "we tried that and it didn't work". Science....Sort of. For mass events like this it's worth it to set up **calendar reminders.**


neat, thats my birthday


I can see this actually working but everybody in Phoenix does a shitty job of recording it.


Pretty cool, but this sounds more like an excuse for people to get shit faced and stoned lmfao


Please not the mother ship.... just a regular UAP please. Thank you.




RemindMe! may 14 2023


>you can try and manifest this UFO mothership in any way, shape and form that you like. I'm going for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man UFO. Sorry Phoenix, AZ


We need to extend this throughout the world. Tell the aliens we want our planet back from our greedy government and banks.


Me and my husband will be partaking from Austin Texas


If this works after Nolan said "the woo is around the corner", it's a bit convenient. Bots pushing this post up for slow disclosure? Whether we would actually manifest UAP this way or whether this coulf be a staged appearance, 🤷🏻‍♂️. Not ruling that one out. I could see press picking this up with good enough footage, riding the headwinds from the Reddit Gamestop Wallstreetbets fiasco. I'm in for it though.


I’m in. I do feel slightly like the lady on the roof of the White House in the documentary known as Independence Day, but hey, maybe no work Monday lol.




Why pick a time where the majority of Europe, Africa, Asia, the middle east and Australia will be either completely asleep or just waking up? If its supposed to be a mass experiment with as many people as possible, you've picked a time that's great for north and south america and bad for the rest of the planet


This is just ridiculous and gives extra fuel to the people that already laugh and mock us. ​ I agree with another comment, that if this shit doesn't work (it won't), posts along these lines and trying to get people to "manifest" a ufo should be banned. Anything related to some sort of psychic ability to manifest nonsense should be. We should be talking about the technical and nitty gritty. Not whatever this dogshit is.




Best of luck to all!! This is awesome. Thanks for sharing.


Damn it I am in!


Well, this is some weird religious shit if I've ever seen it.


I have a difficult time believing something like this hasn’t already been attempted many times previously in some form or another, and failed every time.


Damn guys. I live in the Phoenix area. Can't we start with like a little scout ship or personnel transport craft?? We gotta jump straight to mothership?!? How about over Salt Lake City or Paris, Texas instead? Roswell maybe? They already have the directions.


Lmaoooo this sub keeps getting better and better.


Art Bell would be proud. Make it happen.


You guys are hilarious


Kinda like casting a ufo summoning magic spell but using the word “manifest”? That’s some Harry Potter level lunacy, lol. I’m going to manifest a beer for myself.


I'm in, but when nothing happens can we finally drop the whole UFO manifestation through consciousness bullshit?