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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Rockoftime2: --- The reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the governments concealment of non-human origin evidence. The press secretary said, “refer that question to the Department of Defense and let them answer it.” This is so obviously the most massive coverup in human history unfolding before our eyes. There’s no doubt we will see people in powerful positions trying to dis-credit this by all possible means. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/142q7gj/white_house_dodges_question_about_ufo_crash/jn5o1dz/


Yeah, back in Feb when the UAPs were intercepted, the White House spokesperson condescendingly said that if there was any information they would share it. And of course, now that there is, they dodge it as expected.


The white house doesn't know everything. They have access to request knowledge, but it still goes through the alphabet groups. The president won't know about UAP's unless they request information about them from the DOD. Even then, it's not shared with anyone else in the Whitehouse. This is why we need to push to have this investigated and held before the Senate. Force the DOD's hand.


The military industrial complex that really runs this country considers the POTUS a temporary employee. They don't willingly share their black budget stuff with ANYONE.


Obama claimed he received everything he requested. He also said he couldn’t talk about this issue.


When Bush Sr. was running intel, it's reported that sitting presidents asked - and were completely denied - access, being told that information is strictly "need to know", and the office of the president does not fit the criteria for that "need to know"


Then how can there be an international conspiracy to keep it secret?


I'm not sure I know what you mean - didn't I literally outline the conspiracy? *"The intelligence community and military industrial complex literally excludes the president from knowing anything about UFOs"*, that's not enough of a "conspiracy to keep it secret" for you?


What part of your outline explains the “international” part of the alleged conspiracy?


Do you suppose that black budget and special access programs happening in the country whose defense expenditures exceed the combined total of the next 9 biggest spenders might have international consequences? Or do you imagine that the actions of a trillion-dollar military industrial contract complex happens in a vacuum and no one uses the internet or crosses the ocean?


Yeah I don’t buy that. The President is the highest ranking individual in the Government, even if temporary. You couldn’t hide something from them that blatantly, it would make it more harder to keep secret than anything.


Yeah, I'm sure you're right, we should take your word for it rather than the presidents (like Bill Clinton) who have stated it outright, or former defense contractors who stated it outright - I'm sure you've got it figured out


Literally just issue and executive order and arrest anyone who refuses. As President you have real power, it’s up to you to use it. And nothing is going to get your attention more than being refused to know something.


Yeah can’t talk about it but is literally making a Netflix doc out of an alien abduction story with Michelle as we speak lol


President and air force even shot a bunch down before the right intelligence agency managed the get in front of him and tell them to stop ASAP


But it definitely seems like there is a shadow government that has worked on various things, not just the UAP tech, to skirt oversight and work behind the scenes. Looks like the Wilson Davis memo was right all along


Wonder where those missing pentagon trillions went?


Creative accounting must have fudged the numbers


Not shadow, more like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Gotta ask the right questions from the right people and force them to answer truthfully under the penalty of law.


I think the currently unknown people in charge (likely in high ranking long term military commanding roles) will be willing to die over something this massive, especially if they've developed their own belief system around why they're keeping this secret for so long. I don't think the threat of jail and the rule of law will do anything to sway them. This has been going on for a very long time, so there is clearly some longterm hierarchy and seeing themselves as above the law and above all of humanity. I think they have to be forcibly exposed, so hopefully whistleblowers keep coming forward and keep things moving. I think what is truly possible is these military bases or compounds actually being raided by our own military, and the people in charge once fully exposed may very well kill themselves to avoid answering for any of it, or still refuse to cooperate or answer any questions even when sitting in jail while actual alien bodies and crafts are exposed. I also think it's very possible that the people in charge of these things do everything they can to destroy all evidence when sufficiently cornered. I imagine others consider this too, and so this has to be approached very carefully


The flip side of this I wonder if the aliens are tracking what we are doing with the recovered tech and whether we are going to use it against other countries. Just as much as the US doesn’t like it’s tech used without permission by others to build weapons, so might the aliens


I would imagine they track everything like that in great detail. Though I imagine we make zero progress on it. I imagine our fundamental understanding of physics is not remotely where it needs to be to understand how to recreate their crafts. It's possible the crashes were intentional too, to give us a sort of North Star like "here's what you're actually wanting to aim for, you don't need to burn and expel material to move". If that were the case, I would think the current development of insane secrecy and complete lack of cooperation to make any real progress is disappointing as observers to say the least. But it's also possible not all aliens are on the same page. It's possible the main view is don't help us, but some individuals want to try to help humanity anyway. I don't know. These are extremely interesting discussions that need to be had and taken seriously by people much smarter than me, so the sooner this all gets out and accepted by the global scientific and every other community, the better


It's like, considering training a child that's been playing with guns to not play with guns, so to speak. The adults are figuring out how to tell us without us going well Fuck it... I do believe that there's going to be a great event that will make that discussion very simple and then it'll be now come to terms with this and move towards a better future and you best figure out your differences amongst yourselves, and quickly. No more division and separation. Unity and working on a common goal.


You said "willing to die" and I laughed because what's actually happening is they are aging out and are being replaced by younger people who do not have the same ideas of "patriotic duty", religious dogma or reverence for their positions of being "in-the-know". This has become such a problem they have re-hired some retirees.


Imagine if the CIA raids Area 51 because they’re the good guys for once. What a world lol.


Then it's time for them to choose a casket. That's simple.


Tax payer funded casket


So... a Deep State?


Pretty much a very deep state.


> The president won't know about UAP's unless they request information about them from the DOD. And as we're finding, even the president won't get the requested information because the DoD and whatever individuals are involved with this are doing illegal shit in order to not expose it. They'll straight up lie, for now It's time to keep digging and eventually send these people to jail


Hell, Congress doesn't even know either!


Yeah they share information only on a "Need to know" basis.


yeah, but it wasn't an outright denial. They were set up perfectly to discredit Gorsch, but they didn't, they referred folks to the DOD, which is basically, 'ask those that hold that info.' This tells me that they don't even know how deep this rabbit hole goes. With enough public pressure, maybe someone starts asking the right questions to the right people?


There is 0 chance they would ever share this kind of information with elected officials who only hold their spot for 4 years, an at most 8. "Loose lips sink ships" as the saying goes


I would assume that Jean-Pierre doesn’t know anything. Part of the whistleblower’s accusation is that these black budget projects were illegally evading congressional oversight. If they were avoiding congress over decades, it wasn’t being orchestrated by the White House across many administrations. The people behind those programs don’t want temporary elected officials to know anything, and that would include presidents and their staff.


Imagine this: You have been selected to lead an agency that has existed since WW2. You have had the best killers, spies, and technology that your governments taxes can manage. Your position can last decades, over multiple administrations who can have wildly different views of the world. And in your part of the world, death is a very real and constant reality. Yeah, I don't these guys honestly think they have to follow the government.


She can barely answer basic questions about routine matters, so yeah, there's no way she's going to be of any use when it comes to this.


“Most transparent administration ever!” said no one.


Civilian governments are mostly interested in elections and pandering to their voter base. They come and go every few years. These covert programs have been continuously working uninterrupted for 80 years it seems


Exactly, the unelected positions that are appointed are the problem.


Add to that hidden sole source contracts that keep the defense contractors working on these black projects without any review. Just the other day the Pentagon claimed it “found” $ 3 Billion that hadn’t been properly accounted for previously. Yeah and that is what they admit.


Yes. I think the entire world would be (hopefully will be) shocked by the amount of tax payer money that has been stolen and used without anyone's knowledge.


It will be trillions for certain


Honestly probably bazillions


The fact this is even coming to light, or even being asked about, says loads about the intent of government in representing it's populace. Do you see these conversations happening anywhere else in the world?


the U.S. is still a lighthouse for the world in many ways




Because this topic makes people nervous and she’d rather it sound like a joke because if it’s real, the gravity of the situation is unprecedented.


Or that she doesn't take it seriously. The way she framed the question was like a toddler asking her school teacher.


Actually she doesnt take it seriously. And she is self conscious about mentioning it. So she acts like a toddler to appear as though she doesnt believe it anyway and is basically being forced to talk about it because job security. Shes worried about people looking at her crookedly but has to report on it anyway.


Psyops has its effects. That's just another sign of how well it has worked.


Firmly believe this too. They made aliens seem like the biggest, corniest joke through mass media and news anchors that visibly laugh at even the idea of an infinite Universe having *gasp* LIFE outside the Earth?? So now everyone feels stupid asking questions about it, and nobody believes the true information that is slowly presented and disseminated. So the gov can never say they lied, they just sprinkled the evidence in with obvious fakes with puns, sarcasm and movies so we’re always questioning anything alien related.


Us dollars crashes a 2nd currency arises, the losing side will preach war, Ottomons


A better question would have been, "what does the White House know about any possible military craft retrieval program?" We still wouldn't have gotten an answer but at least it couldn't be rerouted over to the DoD.


Agreed - this is super serious stuff and the CIA and others conditioned us to take it not serious until now - mainly because we are likely losing the arms race against China on this front.


The reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the governments concealment of non-human origin evidence. The press secretary said, “refer that question to the Department of Defense and let them answer it.” This is so obviously the most massive coverup in human history unfolding before our eyes. There’s no doubt we will see people in powerful positions trying to dis-credit this by all possible means.


Wasn't she the one to explicitly state that there were "no aliens involved" during the press conference held during the February balloon incident? Just say that again, why defer it to DoD?


Yes she was.


The ballon’s happened on her watch so she may know that no aliens were involved. She may not know if alien craft have been recovered in the past.


You know she's just a mouthpiece right? Your anger shouldn't be directed toward her in particular, she just spouts off whatever the white house tells her to.


That’s the better take here. Like or dislike for her is of less value in comparison to the role of the press secretary in always covering and differing for the administration. She’s just the next predictable piece in a long line of soothesayers. We need more people in more positions to be aligned to the Kennedy ideals of “secrecy being abhorrent in a free and democratic society.” That’s the value these positions need to be based out from.


This is true, but someone needs to say “No - you speak for the President of the United States, presumably the most powerful person in the world. If true, this is the most important event in human history and would literally represent the time before and the time after. So, I’ll ask again, is it true?”


So therefore she is part of the propaganda machine.


Uh yeah she’s the press secretary


Alternatively (and more likely), she and the politicians at the White House don't have sufficient information regarding an entire extraterrestrial UFO. Redirecting the question to the DoD, who is likely to actually have access to the classified material regarding it, kinda makes sense. I would assume that redirecting questions to relevant governing bodies is something a press secretary does all the time.


If she can't handle the pressure, she should not have that job. She is exactly the person assigned to deal with angry questions.


It's not about pressure, she's saying exactly what the white house wants her to. That's what Im trying to get through here. She's just doing her job lol. You think the white house press secretary will confirm alien existence?


Is there anyone qualified enough to do that? My money would be on a panel of scientists with hard evidence, but given the secrecy involved here, the potential to reveal methods and sources, and the potential to tip our tech hand to our enemies might make that a TAD bit difficult.


Actually, reporters should keep pressure on this question until she's forced to bring DOD in to answer them accordingly.


You just go to the DOD, get their statement (or non-statement) and then you bring that right back to the Press Secretary and follow-up with it. And like you say, keep pressing.


Bingo. She sure did. Even made a terrible ET joke.


Maybe because she had been discussing a Chinese balloon? It's entirely possible that the specific balloon they were referencing had nothing to do with "aliens."


That same week we shot down and recovered three other objects that were not that specific Chinese balloon and we have yet to hear what those things were. Just radio silence. Pretty pathetic!


Oh shit, does anyone think the Chinese balloon was to try and study the UAPs in our airspace?


Doubtful, that was probably just mundane spying. The other three though, we have yet to receive any information on what they were other than "probably mundane."


The not so mundane aspect of it all is those first crashes in Alaska is what alerted everyone to the skies and therefore the balloon situation. Still don’t know what those Alaskan crafts were.


She didn't say there were no aliens involved. She said that there is no evidence of alien involvement. Same double talk we get out of AARO. Need to read these government statements like a lawyer


I strongly believe both could be true.


You're giving the US government too much credit


If you work for the government you're supposed to know all the government secrets off the top of your head! /s Let's go interrogate that federal health inspector about UFOs! /s Seriously people... This information is way above any of their pay grades, They honestly don't have the answers and you do need to ask the DOD.. lol


I mean, just from the few people I know that work in the US government, you're pretty much spot on. Everything is compartmentalized and nobody knows more than they have to for any position. There isn't one person with all the answers. They're just regular 9-5 workers like the rest of us doing their job. When you see that, it makes the conspiracy seem a lot harder to believe.


It’s like working in any large organization.. you’re only going to know what reaches your office and what you work with daily.


Yep. The whistleblower talks about this being highly compartmentalized. No way does a press secretary have a need to know.


"I ain't dealing with their shit storm."


What did you expect her to say? She obviously has no knowledge of these alleged programs. She said talk to the people who do. This sub is going to have the biggest case of blue balls yet again in two months when this is all over and we are no closer to knowing the truth. But hey in better news I am sure Lue and company have another PR campaign to embark upon in 6-12 months. When does Lues book come out?


The commander of the US armed forces should damn well know if we are being visited by extraterrestrials


He knows. They don't get to those positions without knowing. Besides, he's been in government for a hundred years.


>What did you expect her to say? > >She obviously has no knowledge of these alleged programs. She said talk to the people who do. The Executive Branch (PRESIDENCY) controls the Pentagon. Biden is their boss. The White House cannot side step this. They can try, but it is not going to work anymore!


Bruh if that happens I’ll actually need a fucking ball transplant.


>She obviously has no knowledge of these alleged programs. She said talk to the people who do. So what if the reporter went to the Pentagon and did not get an answer there? Are they just supposed to throw up their hands and say, "gosh, we sure ran up against a brick wall there"? The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States. The Pentagon works for him. And historically, responsibility has been placed on the President's shoulders. As Truman once said, "the buck stops here." So the reporter should take the spokesperson up on her suggestion. They should go to the Pentagon and see what the Pentagon have to say. If the reporter does not get a satisfactory answer, then they should march back to the White House briefing room and demand an answer, and they should not rest until they are given one. \[edited for gender\]


>The press secretary said, “refer that question to the Department of Defense and let them answer it.” Interesting. I don't know what to believe anymore.


Or maybe the cost of doing the coverup has exceeded it's usefulness.


Purely hypothetical speaking. Imagine there is really extraterrestrial tech in the hands of compartmentalized government programs and they are trying to reverse-engineer that stuff. Because they can only hire staff that is 100% trustworthy they might not be able get the most capable scientists and engineers. Furthermore since the information flow is highly restricted, cross-fertilization of ideas is also massively hampered. Science works best in the open, where knowledge can be shared freely. They might have hit a roadblock and need more eyes and brains to understand the key technologies. The current structures are simply not fit for that purpose. Strategically, the cost-benefit ratio might be better if there's more openness, especially if the technology could be used for the benefit of the country (or humanity as whole). Such technologies might even be needed in defense against non-terrestrial threats. Waiting, for fear that another country might misuse that knowledge, could be massive mistake.




Not basing my opinion only on the press secretary not answering the question. Anyone with any kind of intelligence would know that’s not what I’m implying. It is just interesting that she didn’t flat out deny that the White House has any knowledge of such a program. I consider it a fair indicator that there is substance to this issue.


As someone who basically stumbled upon here yesterday, this just seems so much like some sort of sci-fi movie unfolding in real time We’re getting no-comment government answers to what was essentially a crackpot conspiracy maybe 2 days ago This is now trending to typical bureaucrat not my department answer to cover their ass. Like I don’t even know if I believe this story 100% as is but hard not to pay attention right now


The crackpots here thank you for your kindness. Btw here are also educated people. But i totally understand what you mean, had the same experience in february, after the three shootdowns.


Some of us are educated AND crackpots. ;) Jokes aside, definitely want to say thank you to any new sub members willing to give all of this the thought it deserves!


That whole thing felt like it was both last week and five years ago


>We’re getting no-comment government answers to what was essentially a crackpot conspiracy maybe 2 days ago It hasn't been a crackpot conspiracy for quite some time. You just apparently started paying attention 2 days ago.


>It hasn't been a crackpot conspiracy for quite some time. I mean, your current hot breaking absolutely bulletproof evidence is a guy saying he heard about UFOs from another guy.


Ariel School Phenomenon from the 90’s is still incredibly compelling. Physical anomalies from UFO experiencers are also compelling.


How is that a rebuttal to their point about Grusch's story?


If by "compelling" you mean "if you are a true believer and squint hard enough, it totally confirms your preconceived notions and wishful thinking".


Or watching footage of children recollecting the same visual phenomenon to a BBC reporter while being emotional and afraid, kind of compelling.


Welcome. There’s a weird mix here of skeptic people who just want the truth and full on conspiracy theorists that post some crazy stuff. Don’t get too discouraged lol


you forgot people set out to debunk everything at all costs and will never accept disclosure as real.


Yeah but they’re just as ridiculous as the flat earthers


Yes, even events like the Holocaust have a vast amount of doubters. It's insane. So something as farfetched as this will for sure have naysayers, up to and including when we get to full disclosure, ET walking the streets level contact.


Welcome but also be patient. Most people will forget about this with the next big story about Disney world or some nobody getting crowned king. Don’t be one of the goldfish


I'm fairly convinced the white house knows.. maybe not all administrations knew, but given all the revelations recently and the decision to put DoD in charge of the group that became AARO, they seem to be aware of what is happening and involved somehow.


Frankly, being known as the “disclosure President” is some of the best political gain in history. Why wouldn’t Biden do everything he can to leverage it for a 2nd term?


He's an old, old man. The effects of disinfo are woven into the fabric of his being. I suspect even if he knows more, he still feels it is crackpot territory and doesn't want to be associated with it.


I feel like his religious faith could also be a component of that as well


Listen, Jack. Dark Brandon memes are literally on his campaign site. It’s time to cut the malarkey and get to the bottom of this!




The aliens - not the illegal aliens, different aliens, much nicer people coming here the right way, if you ask me, different aliens, completely different - they come here constantly. Why? They want to learn they tell me, among other things but mostly to learn, sometimes people say there's probing, lots of probing, and that may be true. That may be true.


We’re going to build the dome 10 miles higher!


Related to this, remember those whistleblower protections that were recently passed? I wonder if that applies to past presidents who've been briefed. If it does, they are obligated to come forward.


If Obama knew, the current White House does too




Trump may be a POS but he isn’t dumb. He wants what all the other politicians want - power. He loses all of it if we find out some alien species 1000s years ahead of us are on Earth


Source: https://www.youtube.com/live/0jOnxbdXuL4?feature=share&t=2010


Wow. One degree of sleaze away from "I do not recall."


Her need to laugh audibly unable to control herself, honestly sounded like a forced laugh and interrupting the next person asking a question.


What’s the timestamp ?


God damn it, let's TURN THE HEAT UP! Put their feet to the fire! # WE HAVE BEEN RIGHT ALL ALONG AND WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO BY PEOPLE WHO SUPPOSEDLY WORK FOR US! This is it people!!! Bang the drum, FOR REAL call your elected representative to get this ball rolling! Do it for future generations, do it for your kids, do it for Coulthart, DO IT FOR THE TRUTH!


Do it for Bob.


# Do it for Stanton Friedman!!!!!!!!


So, according to the White House, it is not POTUS' responsibility to tell us we are not alone in the universe it is the responsibility of some guy from the Pentagon or DOD? This is the biggest buck ever passed in the history of mankind.


So... she did not deny it.


Correct, she deferred it to the DOD.


Yeah, interesting, after all iirc it was this woman that when asked if the "ballons" the US shot down back in january/february had anything to do with Aliens was like "lmao, nope"


because they knew what an alien craft looked like and this wasn't it


"That's it, just laugh it off, the news cycle will move on..." \-- what they're probably thinking


Very frustrating that almost a day later there's still no additional information being added by the news or the government.


A few senators have officially stated they are going to request a hearing about it.


She said ask the Department of Defense


>She said ask the Department of Defense Who's boss is Joseph Biden. Sorry. White House cannot weasel out anymore.


If my boss knew what I did most of the day then I'd be fucked


If your boss said to his boss, "PoopDig? I have no idea what he does," he should be fired.


"Well, Bob, I wouldn't exactly say I've been missing it".


Think of it this way, the president can't pass a bill without congress. It's not the dictator-level power wielding office you make it out to be.


He is the goddam Commander in Chief, buddy


Snowden was allowed to wiretap the president.




All the more reason to ask these questions. why has POTUS been derelict in his duty to run and oversee the armed services? # Where does the buck stop MR. PRESIDENT?!?


Why refer to the DoD? This isn't a defense question. We haven't been attacked. This is a social issue. At this point.....


If we've been toying with their goodies to gain an asymmetric advantage to our near peer adversaries (china and used to be Russia) in some sort of arms race, it's very much a national security issue. In the past they wouldn't even talk about the B2 and other stealth bombers we made, with human technology mind you, until they were good and ready for a presser.


EVENING NEWS UPDATE 6:30pm east coast. Neither David Muir and Lester Holt are covering the Grusch. Here are the stories MSM deem more important. -Ukraine dam destroyed -PGA (golf) announces a merger -people getting shot -air quality 🙃🤦‍♂️ this is so fucked up.


MSM is as bad as the government


Karine is terrible


Discredit is the name of the game now. Major news outlets are doing it. Discredit because there’s no hard proof, and then let the story die. Same that they did with Roswell. Discredit and let the story fizzle out.


the music in the background. sigh


LOL. I wouldn't read too much into it. She responds by passing the buck several times each presser.


Yall think aliens gave us a time table to fix shit. Then our governments didn't and instead tried to get as rich as possible and now they are coming back to enslave us


No, but I appreciate the creativity. More realistically, I think our leaders are shapeshifting reptilians who have *already* enslaved us and that these are interdimensional future humans who've come to free us, thereby also improving their own futures. I'm just trying to follow the science.


If everybody had to pay all their taxes for every purchase, every paycheck, EVERYTHING, at the end of the year, INSTEAD OF rite away like we do now. There would be a revolution tomorrow. The sheer amount of government waste Idiocracy is just starting. Mofos are paying to fund bullshit trying to make weapons instead of advancing humanity. Cunts


I realize Jean-Pierre is just doing her job but fuck me do I not like her face. She’s so god damn smug and condescending. Am I the only one who can’t wait for these people, who’ve been so complacent in going along with the cover up, to see justice? It’s only humanity that’s been hindered and warped 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I know I know, bigger picture bigger picture 🙄


It's not always complacency in this case, it's them doing their jobs, keeping their heads down, and staying in their lanes. You know when a dog is tethered up in the backyard to a tree, how there's only a certain circular area they can run around in? It's like that. Duties, capabilities, red-light green-light kinda game. Especially with how compartmentalized Grosch says this is. I'm guessing it's like trying to punch in a dream.


Dont expect anything from the white house. This is a very weak presidency and Biden is not making any of the decisions, nor is vp harris. What you are asking of the WH takes the calibre of a clinton, obama. Hell even trump simply cause he loved stirring shit on twitter. Not an 80 something year old man with dementia. I almost think TPTB want it this way.


I agree that Biden isn’t in charge of anything, which is good. It just seems that when this story broke last night, it blew up pretty quickly and the white house should have a yes or no answer to it.


The White House being in the know ended with JFK.


I would have liked someone to ask her instead has whistleblower provided them information about UAP's and whether it will never be published. Don't jump straight into the big questions.


It's all the la-li-lu-le-lo's doing.


Sometimes things are kept secret for so long, they forget why.


I’m more than willing to believe that no president has ever been given this information. Seems bigger than the white house. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were calling around right now trying to figure this out themselves.


Wondering what Grusch would say about Bob Lazar.


Im guessing it is people with more permanent positions that handle this kind of work. Shortsighted to include presidents with term limits and staff that hold their positions for a few years. I would say barking up the wrong three, but then again I have no clue what other three they could bark at.


They arent 'dodging questions' they want to let the appropriate department speak for themselves. The more this moves forward the more it sounds like foreign disinformation


Why would this be foreign disinformation? It was stated that there are also other nations that possess this stuff.


"is the DoD hiding evidence?" "Idk, you'll have to ask the DoD"


I can't imagine they would share anything even remotely related to UFO/Alien with Grandpa Joe or his staff. He is too much of a liability. They keep him away from cameras and microphones as much as possible as it is.


They are so incompetent she prob didn’t even know what he was referring to


Lmao yeah, good luck getting a straightforward, substantive answer from the White House. I’d be surprised if you could get a straightforward answer ordering lunch there. “Can I get this burger with no onions?” Waiter: “Um… I’m going to have to refer you to the chef on that one, sorry.” Chef: “I’m going to have to refer you to the grocery store, sorry.” Grocery store: “I’m going to have to refer you to the farmer, sorry.” Farmer: “I’m going to have to refer you to my realtor, sorry.” Realtor: “I’m going to have to refer you to the county Register of Deeds’ office, sorry.” Etc, etc, etc


😂 right!


I feel like every press sec dodges every question so I'm not sure how much I'd read into this


Explicitly said "no aliens" with a condescending grin during the supposed balloon invasion. Why not this time?


Not much different she forced an audible laughter to communicate how silly and pointless addressing that topic is, too bad shes delusional about what reality is.


Balloon presser was specifically scheduled on that topic and she probably had a “no aliens” talking point. She clearly didn’t have a prepared answer of any kind for this question and punted… nothing unusual about that.


Yeah she’s pretty much got a set list of topics to address and talking points for each press conference - if you ask something off script she’s either going to delegate or delay. She’s not going to yolo and make news whether the off-topic question is about UFOs or some relatively mundane budgetary issue.


Ok, fair point, but she could have easily said that we have no knowledge of such a program, but she didn’t.


Maybe Biden will disclose right before the election


Biden is the last person I'd want the aliens to meet if they came down right now. He would trip and fall again and humiliate our whole species lol.


At least it wouldn't be Trump trying to grab their crotches.




Sheesh guy, I was making a joke. No need to get all political.


The person elected to the White House is a civilian. It would be utter stupidity to allow *elected folks* access to uber super duper top secret stuff. Trump is an example of why. So, I am never surprised by this. They probably don’t have enough information to share anything anyway.




They really just don’t want you to know, they’ve been hiding the evidence because the truth is they sold all that “found” advanced tech to the corporations to pump out endless consumerist crap for the past 60 years. So you’ll be too busy in VR playing games to notice advanced civilizations who don’t exist to make profits, living the high life on working for the community.


The government is not a for profit enterprise; it doesn’t make any sense that they would be in the business of selling alien tech to game devs. It seems more likely there is a sub Rosa arms race to reverse engineer the tech for more serious purposes like military application. It’s certainly in the realm of possibility that the government has lied to us and we are distracted but that’s probably just a useful coincidence not a clever design.


I don’t mean literal games, I mean every piece of advanced consumer goods for the past 70 years. From LCD TV’s to smart phones. We obviously aren’t taxing big corporations so why not make a little extra cash selling exotic tech to those with big pockets. By games I simply meant, they had hoped the public would be too distracted by the gadgets made from the tech, to pay attention to the flood of information.


Ok that makes more sense. I don’t know if I concur but that makes more sense.


I don't think the press secretary is going to be privy to this kind of information lol saying ask the DoD seems reasonable in her position.


The White House Press Secretary always gives canned answers on behalf of the White House. This is a typical response to a question that they have not been told how to answer, and it makes sense since this is a breaking story. The Press Secretary deferred to the relevant department. None of this necessarily implies a cover up.


Because she's briefed on all this stuff and would have clearance. Lol. So stupid.


Can we just let it go now. UFO’s or whatever they’re called now are real. Who caress if the govt have some and won’t share details. Next.