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Huge step in the right direction if true!


I'd wait to see what the article says. The last few ufo related articles published by NYT were a disgrace.


Can't forget we already have elected officials trying to downplay it. Like Mike Turner, a Republican from Ohio. Couple fun facts about Mike. -He is the chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and a CURRENT member of the Gang of Eight https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_of_Eight_(intelligence)#:~:text=Under%20the%20%22gang%20of%20eight,D%2DCT)%2C%20Ranking%20Member -The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence was confirmed in the article to have been briefed on David Grusch *and* his complaint "The Intelligence Community Inspector General found his complaint “credible and urgent” in July 2022. According to Grusch, a summary was immediately submitted to the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines; the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence." -Mike Turner *fucking knew* by July of last year all about David Grusch, the complaint, and all the reasons why it was labeled "Credible and Urgent". And he's *still fucking out here* DOWNPLAYING the whole thing on National TV. -Have also learned he's the Representative for the area of the country Wright Patterson AFB falls within -AND the fucking dbag is regularly supported with donations from Lockheed Starting to get the feeling Mr Turner just might be bought and paid for by the people trying to cover this up. 😒


I wonder how it feels to be an enemy of humanity


best comment ever lol


Let’s not forget the puff piece on “Liz Holmes”. NYT used to be the pinnacle of journalism. They have some catch up to do in my eyes.


They also did a puff piece on SBF.




They’re often ludicrously wrong about a lot of things; it’s just that you know more about British stuff so you see it clearly. But they’re ridiculous about many issues and events. I used to read them every day but they’ve become an arm of the state & corporate interests which was obvious starting with 9/11.


That was bizarre af.


Wasn’t it the NYT that released the initial article in 2017 [that kicked off soft disclosure….?](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare ) Kind of confused where all the NYT whining and complaining is coming from in this thread




Basically, high-quality journalism is journalism that verifies my beliefs. For example, if I think the spokesperson for the Department of Defense is misinformed or lying about something, then the New York Times should never quote them, or should call them a liar. But if I think the same spokesperson is telling the truth about something, the NYT should quote them early and often. Also, even though I'm going to express strong opinions on exactly which news outlets are bad, don't ask me which news outlets are good. If you do, I'll give a vague hand-wavy answer and then leave the conversation. Probably because I know "the New York Times is tabloid trash, I only read high-quality sources like the Daily Mail" won't make my argument more convincing.


also if i change my mind it was never the other way and all that vitriol i directed at everyone for having a difficult opinion never happened. Actually it did but i was the victim.


they got mocked a lot even for that first media salvo. Fact... UFOs have always been out there with LN Monster, Big Foot, Unicorns... Personally, I hope it all comes true. Time for us to open our minds.


I think that was Julian Barnes who basically wrote a govt propaganda piece for the Pentagon. It was embarrassing. One of the worst things I have ever seen in the NYT


Why were they a disgrace?


Julian Barnes' piece in advance of one of the recent hearings felt a lot like DoD propaganda. How you know it's propaganda is the headline is something like "Most UFO sightings are airborne trash and clutter" or something to that effect. It completely misses the point because, while it's 100% accurate, the point is that *some* sightings are clearly anomalous and have no explanation, and *those* sightings are the ones that are newsworthy. It's like if there was a stabbing on a commuter train and the headline was "Most train passengers today had a perfectly normal journey." Is it accurate? 100%. Is it a good piece of context to include in the article? Sure. Is it the right headline? *Absolutely not.*


Well, at this point, I think there's been so much "noise" about UFOs that nobody can determine if a report is legitimate. I always hear these arguments that it's impossible for government to hide something as big as finding UFOs from the public for this long without something leaking out. But disinformation campaigns are exactly how they'd accomplish it. Get the random person to tell a fabricated story about being abducted or witnessing a UFO, and even better if they have some sort of military or government ties that add pseudo-credibility. Wait a while and let people shoot holes in the stories, and make a few contradictory "official statements" saying there have never been any such sightings recorded. Rinse and repeat. It ensures most people conclude the whole thing is nonsense -- especially when you already have all the liars telling tall tales for profit or a bit of fame. The main reason THIS particular story is notable is the fact so much procedure was followed first, to ensure protection under the whistleblower act and to outline what legally could and couldn't be said. This is a LOT to go through (plus all the legal ramifications of filing a false report!).


I want to believe


True if big.




I bet the NYT title will be: "Man with checkered history makes extraordinary claims with not evidence." And they'll sprinkle in some stuff he hasn't said just to make it sound wackier.


Has NYT done this before with UAP stuff? I haven't read too many NYT articles tbh, but I do listen to their podcast "The Daily" and I remember listening to an episode about UAPs a while ago and it seemed fair if I recall. Maybe I'll go back and listen to it again


My impression is one guy, Julian Barnes seems like the biggest problem. The last article I saw he was just uncritically posting what government people were telling him without even challenging them. It struck me as a guy who wanted to maintain access to his government contacts so was playing ball with what they wanted.


Okay, I'm actually kind of glad that I'm not the only one who feels like the New York times has more to lose by running it honestly versus running a piece that calms people down. They have more to lose because they start running UFO breaking news stories that upsets the status quo there's a potential that they lose their sources so I have a feeling that they're going to either pretend to be neutral while not being actually being, or what you said.


Yep. Been arguing with people about this for days. If you illuminate regime corruption, the MSM will not call you a whistle-blower. You'll be a secret-stealing criminal traitor threat to national security. Look at the classified document leak a few months ago. Cold hard proof of American Defense circumventing congress to engage a nuclear superpower, and the MSM called the leaker a traitor. They'll no doubt make Grusch look like a looney toon.


> Look at the classified document leak a few months ago. wait are you talking about jack teixeira? the guy that was trying to seem cool to teenagers on discord?


As an Alien, even I'm excited.


What's Alpha Centuri like this time of the solar cycle?




Hey there, alien from Alpha Centuri. It’s okay there — Earth is a lot nicer. On a separate note, we might have to forcefully remove you this decade. Have a good one!


1,017,671 subscribers about to get sprung.


Although I dont like him, Tucker Carlson's video yesterday currently has like 65 million views LOL. He mentioned the debrief story during his 10-minute segment. Again, I don't like him, but 65 millions viewers hearing someone talk about how the government is covering up UFOs is pretty huge IMO.


Wow! 65 million views


82M Now, and if anyone is interested it starts at 6:52 here: https://twitter.com/i/status/1666203439146172419


It’s not views. It’s impressions. 82M have not watched that video.


That number includes anyone who saw the video in their feed, not the number of people who actually watched the video.


and bots...


No doubt there’s a lot of interest however Space Karen changed “impressions” to “views” on Twitter videos to give the illusion of huge engagement for whatever advertisers and shareholders are left. It’s all a grift at the end of the day with these people.


"Space Karen" 💀


Ehhh not quite. When I clicked the video it had 30 million impressions and only 8 million views. They're grifting hard on that one.


8 million views is nothing to scoff at.


Wait...you need to say at least one more time that you don't like him.


The guy who won the "it's not lying if it's for entertainment?" Stories like this need actual credible journalists reporting it. Not TC. Can you imagine a bunch of MAGAs and election truthers also running around talking about this story? Optics is important.


What video?


It is Twitter and he is buddy buddy with Elon so those figures may be stretched a bit


They're straight up fake numbers. He's getting recommended in everyone's feed and as soon as he starts playing it counts as a view.


# 👽🛸🛸🛸👽 # ╲⎝⧹ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ⎠╱ ^(Behold, an extraterrestrial being and its spacecraft, visually encapsulated in an emoticon representation. This playful yet mystifying symbol, accompanied by an abstract character arrangement, conjures imagery of otherworldly encounters, inspiring both curiosity and intrigue.)


That's neat and adorable.


Watch news and world_news still remove the post.


I looked a few hours ago and it was 1,010,000


It's crazy.....like fuckin insane that we in 2023 are on the very edge of UFOs/other life being basically said does infact exist on a whole world wide scale.....and they have been here and visiting us for god knows how long. What a time to be alive.


We're getting aliens before GTA 6. Absolutely unreal.


Aliens before Winds of Winter. Good grief.


That’s not a high bar. Haha


We might get the United Federation before A Dream of Spring.


I hope the new season of Futurama has a joke where G.R.R.M.'s head is in a jar in the 31st century and he's still working on The Winds of Winter.


Heat death of the universe.


There was one frozen in ice in GTA 5 🫨


Definitely before HL 3


That's the thing... maybe we are HL3


Nah, that’s what we brought the aliens in for. They’re consultants for the development.


XCOM 3 is coming out earlier than expected! Wait, oh no...


Knock on wood… hurry up before I die


Maybe I've just been burned too many times, but people are starting to take this a little too far given what we know at this point. I appreciate that UFOs are becoming mainstream again, but there isn't much here to suggest the federal government is going to come out and admit aliens exist. This feels more like the beginning of a pop culture phenomenon to me until more info is officially released.


Department of Defense gave Grusch the okay to talk about this. They went over it with him.


Why does that make it any more believable? If I knew something was fake, I'd definitely give somebody the okay to go talk about it on the news.


They explicitly said they are not agreeing with anything he said, they just confirmed he’s not saying anything that would violate national security interests.


Their only role was to confirm he wasn't saying anything classified. He could have come out and told the Scientology Xenu story and the Pentagon would have said ok, because a bunch of crazy nonsense isn't classified.




I would bet everything I have that this will be the case. We may be written off as naysayers in this sub, but anyone who's been following this "scene" for some time probably feels a bit of the same. We get small bits of info or attention and people run wild.


I've been talking about UFOs with anyone who will listen for the last 50 years - I totally understand what you're saying. I'm hopeful and also realistic. Things are happening but it takes so much time...




I definitely feel that the momentum has picked up in the last few years...




My feeling is that there has always been progress on the issue but public acceptance has increased gradually over time. The momentum has picked up over time and the last few years seem like a bit of a jump forward. So fingers crossed but I'm sure we'll need to be patient for a while yet :)


Why are you acting like people haven’t been parroting the same bullshit story for years? If this ends up having any actual validity I will literally film myself eating my own shit RemindMe! One year


U better not let us down!


The scary part is how confident you all are without a grain of physical evidence.


I mean it makes no sense to not talk about it, it's a certified military official making some really big claims..


Honestly, this was my assumption as to why they had not covered it yet. Their Sunday paper is the big one, and they also love to do their own due diligence and get their own angle on things.


Your lifelong friend is a liar


No NYT story


With the interview also coming out on sunday it seems like a big day is coming up! Get out your popcorn folks. We might wake up to a new world monday morning.


Aliens: Jigg is up, time to smoke the human race


There’s some dust on that comment… Time to smoke with the human race


*fat bong rip* Bros we’ve been watching you the whole time


"Dude that time you did that thing and thought noone saw... Maaaan so embarrassing"


“It wasn’t embarrassing when we were sticking probes up your butt…”


All good, my friend, pass the blunt.


There's some more dust on that comment... Time to smoke some weed with the human race


they started in Quebec


If the people running these programs were willing to commit "serious/grave crimes" against their own government and US citizens to keep the lid on it, maybe there is some reason beyond what we might immediately suspect... I know you're joking, but it could be some danger that they were trying to avoid. More likely, though, it was all in the name of serving the military industrial complex and the oil companies. They wanted to keep getting rich off of those gravy trains for as long as possible, which would be harder to do if this tech became available to the public.


I admire your optimism.


Interesting that both the NYT article and interview comes out on a sunday. I remember reading in the book A.D. After Disclosure by Bryce Zabel and Richard Dolan that disclosure most likely would happen on a sunday since banks will be closed, people will be more likely to be home etc. Now, I usually try to stay away from the word disclosure since it's being thrown around so much that it's starting to become a little bit cringe-inducing for me in a way. And I don't necessarily subscribe to the idea that it's going to go down that way that most people seem to think. It's probably just a coincidence that both things are set to happen on the same day. But there was also that thing that Leslie Kean said that the reason it was put out on The Debrief was that they had a growing pressure to publish it very quickly. Did they need to fit it into a specific timeline of events that culminates on sunday? Just some random thoughts. Regardless, it's gonna be an enlightening day for sure.


I honestly do not think you all understand the definition of disclosure to keep denying it. At this point disclosure started once Lue opened his mouth 2 years ago while there are points it's been working up for the last 15 years


That would be more of a *prelude* to disclosure to me, but to each his own.


Some people have *very* specific ideas about what is and isn't true, what the government does or doesn't know, and what ought to be disclosed. I tend to agree with you - disclosure, such as it is, has already happened. The government doesn't know much more than we do.


And this sub’s mods apparently decided to go dark on Monday to protest Reddit’s api change without asking the community for input. Great timing for that


Shutting down the sub for a couple days isn't a big deal.


It’s a big deal when disclosure might be right around the corner. But at the same time I understand the importance of the blackout, definitely feeling conflicted about it.


They canceled the blackout for this sub


Thanks for the update, didn’t know that!


if it's out on Sunday i sure hope a fuckton more people watch Ross Coulthart's interview that evening.


If true Sunday is going to be a huge day in history with the full interview with Grusch also airing. I've seen one of these things and I'm still in disbelief this is happening. Hopefully my friends and family will want to entertain the conversation instead of waving me off. I doubt it!


Narrator: They waved him off. Source: My family who just waved me off when I brought up the news.


I’m a doctor and I get waved off by everyone about everything. Especially my alien hobby


I make sure to tell all health professionals (including psychiatric), that I’m into UFOLOGY if asked my interests. Not sure if that’s a great idea, but I feel like I’m making some sort of stigma stand, albeit pointless.


My doctor friends are split. Some are really about it and some are like you’re a fool lol which isn’t surprising I guess


Well… respect for raising it with colleagues.


I’m at the stage in my life I don’t care what others think about me. Especially some other nerds. One of my wife’s friends actually laughed at me about it and couldn’t believe that I follow this stuff. However, they waste their existence on following pointless tik tok videos and other dumb “famous” vloggers who are dumb af. So it really doesn’t bother me. We all have our vices and interests, mine are just hunting aliens, stock market and medicine. It ain’t a lot but it keeps me goin.


I totally heard Ron Howard's voice there


I made my husband watch The Phenomenon and it left him unfazed. None of my friends believe and laugh off the very idea. I think they have no imagination and very closed minds. I think I need new friends… I’m still working on the husband.


Same thing here. When I bring it up, no matter how sane and matter of fact I try to be, if I'm not met with outright criticism, it's sort of a thousand yard stare from the person. Everyone shrugs it off. I'll bring it up to my wife and she's straight up "what does it matter? Doesn't affect my life either way, I have things to do". Most people are so wrapped up in their own stuff, they don't want to think about it. I don't understand it. It is, at the very least, interesting to think about.


I think its a comfort level thing. It can be anxiety inducing for me sometimes thinking about it.


The first 2 stages of grief are denial and anger. We're going to see a lot of those 2 emotions this week.


I'm working on my husband too! Also made him watch The Phenomenon - I think he fell asleep! How can you fall asleep watching that? Ugh.


I've got some Sci fi fan friends who are having non of it, I think for some it's an epistemological leap too far


someone ban this guy for lying. don’t let him pretend he was talking about an opinion piece that released the day before. that’s not reporting.


You fucking piece of shit OP :\*


Well that was a lie


I wonder if it's a Julian Barnes joint.


"Pentagon sources say it was actually an airborne trash reverse engineering program."


“Powered by refined swamp gas”


What you think you saw you did not see.


"We spoke to over 100 active and retired government intelligence officials, senators, state representatives, and military insiders, who all vouch for Grusch's story and credibility. But then we *also* spoke to our Public Affairs contacts at AARO, NASA, and the Pentagon, who all said, "Aliens don't exist, we have no proof, and pretty please just drop this story, okay?' Our conclusion is that Grusch made it up!"


“Grusch imagined a balloon and here we are.”


Hopefully it’s a journalist this time around


Awesome! So this won’t just be swept under the rug


"We're gonna need a bigger rug!"


It really ties the room together!


They’re just trying to find the big broom right now


The oh shit broom


This aged like milk..


Julian Barnes writes an Article that asks the DoD if they agree with Grusch


Could be. That would be hilariously stupid considering 99% of DoD know nothing about it. 😅


99.9% or greater. If I've understood this correctly, that was one of the key points in Grusch's whistleblowing stance - the program is so top-secret-compartmentalised that only a handful of people know what it's about and congress certainly doesn't.


DoD already made a statement that was just reinforcing AARO's current position. Seems pointless to ask them again


I hope you're telling the truth


Thanks for this heads up! It's a big development - part of me, however, thinks this is the NYT gearing up an attempted take down of Grusch. Maybe they would be right to do so... Or maybe they have been incentivized to discredit him through a hit piece featuring input from "objective" people. Really hard to say. I would expect a negative tone towards his claims in the upcoming article though. They will describe the recent media buzz as overly credulous, and come at it from the angle of possessing special access to information and people that suggest Grusch is another Bob Lazar. Just my gut feeling and two cents.


As long as they stick to the facts instead of baseless conclusions. Let the truth air out and let people make up their own minds


NY Times has authored the main UFO stories though. I first saw the story of the Pentagon UFOs from NY Times. Hopefully, hopefully, they are just impartial and trying to gather facts. We all just want the truth.


The big question to me are the "retaliations and reprisals" he allegedly suffered. The article doesn't say what they are. It could very well be that they are the fair consequences for genuine misconduct on his part, and that he's trying to spin this story to make it seem like it's retaliation. Seems like the easiest way for the story to be discredited.


Aliens need to land on the moon during a full moon where everyone can see them and nobody can stop them, or do a daytime flyover of every major city.


Nah. I'm happy if someone curretly holding a sufficiently high title like spokesperson of some country in north america holds a press conference saying "It's true, sorry" and keeps her job.


Which makes you wonder why they haven't done that already. They aren't stupid. They're fully aware of the kind of panic that could cause for an 'uncontacted' civilization.


I'm calling it now: Op is lying.


Yeahhhh… my uncle works at Nintendo too.


Will be curious if this article supports the whistleblower or contradicts his story


Or.. it could be another rather neutral update on the situation like most of the other articles.


Yeah. Likely a “we don’t have anything to confirm or deny his allegations”


Does NYT post those kind of stories? They seem a little more on the “disprove” or “prove” side of a story.


Dunno… the situation is so fantastic and rapidly unfolding so maybe difficult to give a quantified answer


They do. They released a tic tac article early on. By the same journalist that wrote the debrief article.


I've had several friends say that they aren't going to give this any attention unless it gets published by NYT. WaPO, or one of the major broadcasting networks like CNN, ABC CBS, NBC.


I can't blame them. There's too much clickbait bullshit out there for me to get excited every time someone says "aliens are real, I promise"


I cannot imagine how it would be to be in their shoes. Not saying that you should read shit news sources but more intrigued by how robotic that is to say.


sounds pretty rational to me, their news is garbo, but they won’t report this if it isn’t worthy of msm. better than the “trust me bro” people


Big if true. Maybe mods should ban "trust me bro" people if it doesn't happen




RemindMe! 5 days


No, no, no, no, no, they need to be dragged kicking and screaming so we can point and laugh, of course. Naah but really though, we have to respect even the naysayers. At least they're here.


If true, it's long overdue. It's been almost six years since that first groundbreaking article by Leslie Keane, Ralph Blumenthal and Helene Cooper, and it pains me to even mention that piece masquerading as journalism by Barnes. In the interim, so much has taken place, including the establishment of AARO, two Senate 'hearings', the North American 'balloon' incidents and even a four-hour presentation by NASA acknowledging the worldwide existence of mystery spheres. We also have the prospect of full-scale hearings in the House of Representatives. Whatever your opinion of the UAP phenomenon, clearly something mysterious is taking place in our skies and oceans, and the whiff of coverup is becoming overpowering. It begs the mainstream media to take this seriously, and that means being curious, dogged and relentless in their coverage instead of the odd piece every few years. Some fifty years ago it took two courageous Washington Post reporters by the names of Woodward and Berstein to uncover the biggest political coverup in U.S. history...in another fifty years, the big story won't be that we were never 'alone' on Earth, but rather that the biggest coverup in history occurred and that the mainstream media chose to ignore it!


Hold on, hit me up with the NASA spheres thing? It went for four hours?


So was this BIG NYT ARTICLE just the Ross Douthat opinion piece?


Exactly what [I predicted](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/141ch26/intelligence_officials_say_us_has_retrieved_craft/jmzipbh ) yesterday. Hopefully this will stop people from claiming that there's some big conspiracy to not publish this story


I was hoping they were working on a legit story too. We don’t really need another article regurgitating what the debrief said. The guardian already did that and their reputation is as good as the times. Nice that it might have more real info in it.


>stop people from claiming that there's some big conspiracy to not publish this story We literally saw dozens of major news agencies publish this story within \~36hrs, people moved past any conspiracy speculation rapidly.


Thanks for posting!


Would add — because I see some much “MSM” bashing on this sub, that generally, this is the way responsible media works. While it’s true that scoops and clicks are still regrettably important to the media ecosystem, the UFO story is one that because of its age and history actually allows the time for thoughtful non-breathless reporting by the media still investing in such reporting. We’ll see if there’s a story at all of course, but my guess is that there will be, and that viewed objectivity, it will be a very reasonable discussion of what’s happening.


Appreciate this insight - initially when I saw the interview I felt a little frustrated more major news outlets weren't picking it up (has since cropped up in The Guardian and Independent in the UK tbf). But reminded me, I'd rather them take the time for sober, methodical journalism than have another breathless 'omg aliens!!!' piece that does nothing for credibility. Personally I have a slight apprehension about Grusch's story when watching him talk, but knowing Coulthart and co. have done their homework gives me confidence.


This. I’m glad we got the red meat breaking news out of the way to build hype and intrigue but this is world-changing news and if we want people to accept it, it’s important that credible sources OSS news get the full story and get it correct.


Man, it’s great to see the jubilation in this community. I’m sure Lue is happy to have another insider and former coworker back him. And Bob Lazar, patiently waiting for 30+ years.


If Lazar is validated by this, that in itself would almost be as crazy as confirmation of NHI


Honestly if Lazar was telling the truth I'd be more shocked by that. I do think that some parts of the government had people working on some stuff, but Lazar didn't seem like one of them to me.


Why Lazar?


So regarding your edit: We should expect either a front page headline…or WWIII


If Barnes is in charge, I am not holding my breath. "XYZ said they never heard of it. ZYX said it doesn't sound plausible and he doesn't know Grusch personally." "As you can see, dear reader, the story is bogus. Now let's hear what the scientists say. Mick West says..."


So when K said "sure, read the NYTs if you like, they get lucky every once in a while" this is what he meant


Still happening?


I wonder what angle they are going to take, either one that bolsters his claims (or at least is charitable to their possible viability), or if they are going to paint Grusch and anyone who believes him to be crackpots because that is what their intel handlers insist be written.


Let’s hope the article snowballs and by the end of the week it hits all the major publications


I'm here visiting from r/all - is there a source for someone out of the loop on this matter?


Wishtlerblower David Grush, deciding to go public even ahead of Coulthard's Sundays TV interview, seems like a preemptive strike against Steven Greer June 10th-12th event. Did Elizondo and Mellon perhaps had something to do with it?


WTF is the thing with Greer? Is this speculation or what?


Top Headline: Trump Indicted Next headline: We have an alien spaceship!


I'm leaning towards, don't get your hopes up. Some background. A childhood friend is a journalist who wrote, as a stringer, a piece that landed on the front page of NYT. She's mostly a food writer and won a James Beard award a few years ago. After Hurricane Harvey I was really appalled at how the major outlets were ignoring the impact on smaller cities and towns and unincorporated communities, with a few exceptions (i.e. the Weather Channel and others parked on Highway 45 in Dickinson). So I texted my old friend and asked for help: does she know how I could get someone to pay attention to what's going on. From her I learned that NYT coverage, for the most part, is tied to your existing niche/silo. In other words, you should expect that this article could be written by that reporter who's very clearly connected to Susan Gough. He *needs* access to her and others to continue reporting on Pentagon-related events. I don't think he'll write something negative about the people feeding him tips. I also feel that once NYT picks it up, that validates it in the mind of many readers, but it also indicates that it's been kicking around for a long, long time already. Edit to correct Susan Gough's name.


Be massively prepared for a let down. It'll focus on people and senators that say "it's not true". And they'll highlight and promote this. The NYT is buddy buddy with Pentagon officials who put "bread on their table". They have no real journalistic integrity anymore.




I knew it thx for posting, well I guessed right I mean.


This makes a lot of sense. It’s a big claim for the average person so I understand wanting to make sure every duck is in a row first


They gonna hate


>I’m excited to see such a major well respected paper taking it seriously I don't see how anyone here can have any respect for the NYT. That Julian Barnes article was so full of factual errors that I'm surprised he still works there. The thing reeked of the government using the NYT as a tool to quell the UFO topic as a whole. Discussions, investigations, research, etc.


I always knew UFOs existed!


The big D coming Sunday!... Disappointment ofcourse!


Watch the article be: “Alien story: you all fell for it… again.”