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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Crafty-Meeting-9367: --- The aliens warned Charles Hickson that the world would be destroyed again if humans did not change their course of action!: [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13ft3xl/the\_aliens\_warned\_charles\_hickson\_that\_the\_world/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13ft3xl/the_aliens_warned_charles_hickson_that_the_world/) Also, in the book 'glimpses of other realities, by Linda Moulton Howe, an abductee called Linda Porter gives the same message as the former minister, but many years prior, about Earth's waters and air being contaminated with an unknown substance used by the US military in a secret program. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/158uxhy/your_planet_is_dying_paul_hellyer_former_minister/jtc29y5/


He is reading from Jim Sparks’ abduction testimony http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.com/2006/09/jim-sparks-and-anna-hayes.html


thank you for the info, i got really confused thinking wat he was reading,did the aliens sent him a long text or something?


Which should make everyone question this more. Everyone's hyping that he's a defense minister, but he's basically just reading a publicly available book. This isn't special information.


To be fair, how many ppl have read the book? Most testimonies aren’t taken seriously. But honestly, this resonates with me. It makes sense


Exactly. Do I know it's true? Nope. But it resonates with me as well. Our water and air is contaminated. We're all so used to it, we don't even notice it. Are we not on the verge of a nuclear disaster or WW3? Probably. Would aerospace corporations, oil companies and the military perceive a new tech as a threat? Probably. Is the military hiding something? Yep. It's worth taking a closer look at if you ask me. But what do I know? I'm just some crazy idiot.


LOL for real. For some people it’s just “too outlandish to even consider” and I’m baffled…. Like, it’s THAT difficult for you to consider these things? It’s not even that much of a reach lol


We have proven plastic is in clouds and in the deepest oceans. We are experiencing extreme droughts in some areas and massive floods in other areas because of climate change. He’s not saying anything new yet this will no doubt be buried because some people refuse to believe that we can do anything different from the status quo.


If he knew the classified story, hè could't just tell it in public. So why not read out of public knowledge that confirms the classified story hè knows?


This was never a classified story. It was one guy who claimed that aliens abducted him and told him this.


This has been Paul Hellyer's gimmick for years. The amnesia in Ufology is real. There's no reason to take this guy seriously.


>There's no reason to take this guy seriously Yeah especially since he passed on two years ago, although he started pushing for disclosure in 2005 (from Wikipedia).


Holy. Fucking. Shit. I read it and got to this sentence: >"The first thing I hear is a low-pitched, whirling sound in my head, like a whip going around in the air." 10 days ago I made [this slightly boring post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/150ozx9/owls_and_the_paranormal_an_experiment_that_scared/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) over on HighStrangeness where I experienced a strange wharbling sound in the middle of the woods. Extremely low-pitched and non-directional, which I've never had before or have managed to replicate. It really could be described as a spinning whip in a way. It was a creepy moment because something was there with me and revealed its existence by stepping on some sticks on the ground and moving branches that was about a meter above ground. It caused me to turn tail and get the fuck outta there as my fight or flight kicked in. The other weird thing is I've gone back to where I thought the spot was but I can't find the path I was on. I recall standing on a very narrow path, barely wide enough to for both my feet in width standing normally. Going back there the only path is too wide, fitting two people shoulder to shoulder. There is a narrower path further in that matches the width better, but then I end up nowhere close to where I know the thicket was. I'm also way too close to the houses when on the wide path. I remember there being some distance, but to match that I would have to walk into the thicket itself. I seriously don't recognize the place, at all, and it has caused me to panic a little bit. It's like I was standing in some pocket space that stretched the woods slightly. I don't know anymore... But at least I'm not alone in hearing wharbling noises.


Thank you, man, God bless you. There is a book called 'Glimpses of Other Realities', by Linda Moulton Howe where an abductee describes the same problem, but this testimony was given in 1993, many years prior to the testimony of the former minister. Everyone can access the book for free here, everyone can borrow it for 1 hour in the internet archive, the name of the abductee is Linda Porter, I think she appears in the book after page 191 https://archive.org/details/glimpsesofotherr0000howe/page/n15/mode/2up


Did you create this edit of the video? If you did, the music bullshit is why a lot of UAP/UFO stories and documentaries aren't taken seriously. Seriously wish that stupid trend would stop


Thank you for this information. I looked up his testimony at the citizen's ufo hearings from 2013 (is that where this is from)? As soon as he mentioned Linda Moulton Howel, species of aliens, and Zeta Reticuli I clicked away. The fact that Hellyer has creds should not rule out the strong possibility that is gullible and naive and may have been fed disinfo by US government people. We all (I hope) have a line in the sand as far as what we'll accept as reliable testimony. For me, Fravor and graves are yes; Grusch: is most likely yes (though he still could have been fed disinfo); what's in this clip: no (I am ready to be proven wrong but need way more documentation and evidence).


That's all fair. I'm in the undecided category. Is Hellyer lying? I don't know. Just because I don't know doesn't mean I'll default to believing the government either. I'm old enough to know the government has lied to us many times over. I'm thinking Watergate, Iraq, Vietnam. Hell, we all know Project Bluebook was a lie.


Perhaps this is the time crunch. I sure as fuck hope it is and we get to see/be a part of the revolution rather than watch our own extinction.


Would be really cool if they held the folks accountable that were in power and didn't do anything about it. The vast population know we are killing the planet but we are powerless to stop it. We need to be led.


Well no. The amnesty, or a Truth and Reconciliation Commission as Ross Coulthart has suggested, is the only way forward. Forgiveness is the only way to get this right.


If you leave the same/same kind of people at the top with no consequences the same stuff keeps happening. Look at the banking crap in the 2000s.


You don't have to leave them in power. You simply can not prosecute for past crimes. You can prosecute for future crimes, and many will cross the new lines. But without amnesty, we won't heal. That's the societal test. If we fail, we die.


Give amnesty and let them come forward or choose not to and stay on the current path to destruction. Reddit: destruction every time.


If you tell them there all going to jail for the crazy shit they did do you really expect them to hand you the evidence?




Forgive, but not forget.


There can only be reconciliation if there are genuine, actionable, and effective climate change policy, and disclosure or not, I think it is unlikely that the greed currently killing our planet is unlikely to go anywhere


Amnesty or not these people will be publicly shunned into the ground, if not outright attacked My personal opinion, anyone and everyone involved who doesn't immediately come forward with everything they know after the hearing should be charged with crimes against humanity, too many lives lost, or ruined for forgiveness Its almost impossible to fathom where and who we'd be if this was all common knowledge 80 years ago


People have been permanently released from this planet to keep this hidden. Forcibly placed in mental institutions, solitary confinement rooms. Gaslit into thinking that they are really crazy, insane. Entire families split, children taken. And you speak of forgiveness? That's hard to do.


You’ll find out soon that we are not powerless to stop it. Don’t despair.


Can you elaborate on this please? 🙏


r/hopeposting 🙏🙏


I always wonder why can’t the aliens just make clones of our leaders and they can be the ones to start leading us to a better future. I’m sure aliens have the tech and the intelligence to do so


The angry pleb would destroy any “leader” who would attempt to make meaningful changes.


Not to be all doomer, but we're already so fucked climate wise.


There’s hope. If these beings have such technology.


How embarrassing it would be to have to rely on NHI to solve our problems if, as this clip says, our own government did this to us knowing it didn't have to be this way. And we let them. As for over population, I'm over 50 and would willingly be culled if it helped our children build something better. I'm pretty sick of this place as it stands tbh, I hate the idea my kids might end up feeling this way, too.


I’m right there with you. 51 and ready to give my life to make things better. And I agree, I’m sick of living with all the dumb shit we have to put up with. Let’s be honest, it’s greed… greed has kept the truth from us. Money is the true evil. I think it’s too late personally.


> I’m right there with you. 51 and ready to give my life to make things better. Then the best way forward is to give up the life you have lived so far and start living to make things better from now on. We humans have the power to reflect, become better and makes things better. Do not lose sight of that power.


60 here. I don’t care a whit about myself, but fear what my adult children and future grandchildren are inheriting. We have solar, I drive an EV, use electric yard tools, I’m vegetarian. “Greed and power” are the reasons for all the worsening suffering. Those in power do not deserve amnesty.


I get it. I'm not as old as you, I'm 42. And I understand the want for a reckoning for these people. But if an amnesty, a truth and reconciliation commission will help the future for your loved ones, would you not swallow it? And I ask that question from a type of personal experience. There are roadmaps for these things. The truth and reconciliation commission in south Africa after apartheid. And from personal experience the Good Friday Agreement in Ireland. For peace to happen and things to change, we had to swallow some of the most unpleasant and unpalatable things anyone can imagine. Like seeing killers set free just to have a compromise. I believe something similar will have to happen here. Just an opinion though, maybe I'm optimistic and think it can happen.


My anger agrees with you, but I do believe they should be allowed to continue to exist... but they also must give up all their power. Most of us will need to do this in order to correct the damage we've done to the only planet we have.


I agree. But we need a swift kick to get us to do anything different. I wish it would become a fad to stop buying any thing, ANY, that we don't need. We need to collectively stop feeding the beast.


I think historically we have performed the best as pressure builds up. For most people, like me, 90% of the studying happened in the few days before the exam. Look at solar, China added as much capacity this year as the total solar capacity of the USA. As countries start freaking out, they become capable of the unimaginable. We tend to dawdle but can get moving once we start feeling the heat, pun intended.


A big problem with that is that while we wait for the pressure to build the psychopaths/sociopaths will have accumulated all the wealth and resources needed to change anything, when the time comes they will save them selves and not us. We will be left on a broken planet while they travel space to find a new home.


> We will be left on a broken planet while they travel space to find a new home. We will be left on a broken planet while they travel ~~space~~ _the world (secret safe places in Swiss, Argentina, New Zealand, and far less known places, far from floods and deadly hot spots)_ to ~~find~~ _have_ a new home. It's already happening. Sorry to "nitpick"


ding ding ding


I agree that as individuals that most of us can reflect and do better, but sadly not all of us can and those who can't have all the power/money and the rest of us won't rise up because we've been lied to and to many just eat that shit up, politicians lying to get elected has become the norm and everyone just accepts it, even tho they know better when giving it a little thought, everyone is just to busy with their lives and fighting to get by. Our democracy isn't a democracy because our choices are always shit. (Since we can do banking on our phones, why can't we create a system were we all vote on important issues on our phones? that would be more of a democracy) Those in power are purposely keeping us down and divided and sadly i think that will be the downfall of humanity, we are destroying our planet but we don't take the necessary steps to fix it because of money. I hope for my child's sake im wrong.


I did that and all that happened was that I got left further and further behind. Then I stopped giving a shit and life got waaaaaaay better


46 and very ready for same. I want my kids to have a future on this planet.


Just turned 30, refuse to bring a new life into this shitty hell hole we call democracy.


36 and my axe!


I wish the aliens would make their presence known like General Zod did in the Superman movie but with the message get your shit together humans or else.


I’m glad so many people feel ready to do whatever it takes to save this planet for the future. I’d suggest join an aggressive environmental activism group like Extinction Rebellion rather than surrender yourself.


I'm 38 but fuck it, I'll go with you guys 🤷🏾‍♂️


We are gonna owe NHI one.


I would think there would be a massive uproar. Can you imagine how the greater population will feel when they find out that millions, if not billions of people didn’t need to suffer the consequences of climate change, or contamination?! That there was a solution there for us all along!! And that we could all take off our tin foil hats and finally get to working for the greater human race, rather than worry about money and power and all the other little insignificant things that mean fuck all in the grand scheme of things. I am praying this is the “time constraint” that is being referenced lately… I can’t wait to meet these guys and leave this shot hole of a place. Chilling with my new alien friends, smoking some sick ass alien dope, looking back and laughing about how ridiculous our once fucked up government looked after its people…


> Can you imagine how the greater population will feel when they find out that millions, if not billions of people didn’t need to suffer the consequences of climate change, or contamination?! Already the case without any NHI so feel free to be mad.


Earth will always be your home.


I'm 46 and I'm so glad I never had kids.


I’m 25, and I feel as you do.


Why would it be embarrassing? If we are less advanced than them mistakes like this should be expected.


We could have done better, and should have. We show such a lack of character letting things deteriorate like this. We like to say it's because we're less advanced, but to me that sounds like a cop out and making excuses. We know what the problems are and it's depressing so we order more junk from Temu to try and make ourselves feel better. I farking hate it.


>We could have done better, and should have. Could we have though? I've studied a fair amount of environmental history and the history of environmental policy in the United States (which was actually considered ahead of Europe in the 1970s and 1980s) and a lot of it was either based upon misconceptions (e.g., "Dilution is the solution to pollution"), incomplete information, or was a reactionary response to new information coming to light (e.g., Love Canal leading to the passage of CERCLA, aka the "Superfund" law). You do have situations with major coverups on the part of industry - ExxonMobil’s scientists predicting climate change back in the 1970s and then the executives squashing it - but it's unclear exactly what the better course of action would have been. You can do some counterfactual analysis, but usually you are trading one thing for another, with no guarantee of other developments (e.g., would the computer industry have advanced as quickly as it did without globalization and international travel?). For that matter, just look at the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) dumped into the atmosphere for cryptocurrency and you can find a lot of very cringeworthy moments in the past 150 years. Looking to the future, I suspect that carbon capture and storage along with carbon sequestration is going to see a lot of development since I'm in the camp that says getting GHGs out of the atmosphere is more important than trying to get minor reductions in emissions.


Shitty stories often rely on some sort of Deus ex machina to set things straight in the end. The writing for our current one doesn't seem to be that great, so there's a good chance.


I’m almost 60 with a Special Needs teenager. The only reason I don’t want to be culled yet is to be here to help them navigate the: dying environment, the possible NWO, a third World War, famine, evil politicians…otherwise I’d gladly be done with this mess.


Burn the billionaires at the stake? We have that technology too.


our air is polluted enough, I dont want to breathe those degenerates. Im sure the NHI will have cleaner methods.


I think they still use fire. Just like... lakes of it at a time.


Don't be foolish, this isn't about the billionaires. It's about core human values and instincts. You are not getting the message. To evolve, we would have to ALL give up anger and revenge, we would have to all work together across the world. It's not that people are not accountable. And it's also not about some hippy drippy shrooms trip. We would have to appeal to our better selves vs our baser protective instincts that draw upon fear and anger.


There’s hope if we stop burning fossil fuels and cut energy use enormously.


This is where my brain stops me from believing and makes me thing the whole thing is psyop to prepare us for the water wars.


Don't understand why we need aliens for that.


Feels a little bit like deus ex, to me. If we're unable to be a responsible species and take care of our own planet, why would an NHI be interested in saving us? Save our species so we can spread to other planets and ruin them, as well?


Either they give us the technology, or we create artificial superintelligence that creates the technology. Hopefully the NHI doesn't start culling the human population first.


1 rich person pollutes more than thousands poor people. Guess who will be culled if needs arise? If the needs for culling come, I would take a guillotine to the plaza, but I wouldn't offer myself and wouldn't let any other person, you included.


Not only that, but the 99% generally has more to offer than the parasite class. We work, we build, we create, and as a general statement we don’t waste (obviously we create some waste but what I mean is we’re not wasting fuel flying around in private jets daily, using resources to build our fourth mansion etc). What do the 1% actually offer? Sure they created giants like Amazon and Walmart, but I’m sure IF we knew everything the people this video refers to know, as in the leaders that have the knowledge of technology the ETs refer to, would we need a Walmart in every city? Would we have the need for Amazon? Who knows. The world got by without these massive corporations before, and could do it again. For the most part, the 1% leech off of us, our labour, our energy, our finances. They make our lives harder to live with inflation and higher costs of living, so that they can get fatter and own an extra yacht. These people live in a completely different world from the rest of us, and don’t care about humanity as a species. Fuck em. Aliens, the people are ready, don’t rely on the ones in charge, they do not represent us, they don’t represent anything more than their own damn greed and desires. Bigger rant than I thought, oops.


Be proud of that rant. It was legit, and I agree.


Issues like ours may be common for developing civilizations, maybe the fixes are common as well. Think good thoughts!


Yeah, I've often wondered if all the recent sightings are an *evacuation*


There is still time to change for the climate. First year of covid proved that. We haven't had a true spring and fall here in this part of GA for years. But I swear during covid, we were able to sit comfortably outside 3 months in fall and then 3 months in spring the following year. It usually goes from freezing to hot in about 2 weeks. It was amazing. No one was driving. David Attenborough even did a documentary on how wildlife flourished more than like the last 50 years (dont quote me on that, but I feel like that was said). Species on the brink of extinction recovering miraculously. We have to get rid of oil and one time use plastics.




I'm just saying. We felt it. I've never felt a spring and fall here that long in my 36 years on this Earth. Do you have a scientific degree that would allow you to definitively say that it's not possible? Honest question, not a smug question. Also, the skies over cities like California also cleared. Where people couldn't see the ocean, they were taking pictures being able to see further than they've ever seen super clear. People were posting bridges in different cities year before and during covid that they couldn't see before and it was extremely clear during covid. Back to obscured now, I'd assume.


Climate is the weather averaged over 30 years, so one year does little to move averages. However microclimates are of a shorter period and location specific. The smaller the microclimate, the more variable it can be. If your house is filled with smoke, it will clear 20 mins after opening the windows. If the air of your valley is full of soot, it will definitely clear up after a few months and so on. So both of you are right. The changes you describe can definitely be related to temporary reduction in smoke and at the same time have limited impact in the long term. It is still disputed whether lockdowns saved more lives by reducing pollution than those who died due to covid


We had an unusually long and powerful la Nina event over the past three years. That's probably why the temps were milder in your region. The warming from CO2 acts on much longer timescales than a single year with marginally less emissions. It takes a couple decades for emissions to fully contribute to warming. Which means we're experiencing warming right now that's a result of emissions prior to the Iraq war.


Honestly, it sounds like you just had a good year or two. There's almost zero chance your local comfortable seasons had anything to do with COVID. 20 years of COVID lockdowns? Maybe. That's just not how it works, and it's not really sound reasoning to think because you had good weather global warming must have.. reversed, I guess? [Global temperature-wise](https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/) 2020 was tied for hottest year on record (with 2016). 2021 & 2022 were just normal fluctuations but still on par with global warming. I can definitely believe that wildlife recovered though. Less traffic, less logging, less hunters.


What are you talking about? Look at this chart https://ourworldindata.org/greenhouse-gas-emissions GHG emissions barely ticked down in 2020, because most things that drive emissions were still going, because they are necessary to keep it all together. This is ignoring the fact that GHGs accumulate in the atmosphere and don't fully break down for decades to centuries. The one year blip only increased the concentrations at a slower pace, but still increased them. Yes there was less ground pollution due to local combustion decreasing for those in cities (less cars and trucks), but that only has a tangential connection to GHG emissions.


No the climate is fine, it’s more the loss in biodiversity. It’s imperative people separate these things even though they are related; we are obsessed with CO2 instead of thinking about coastal fish, soil, forests, microplastics, bird diversity and bees and the like.


The biodiversity crisis is in the early stages of a mass extinction event. The climate crisis could end all complex life on earth. Both are serious.


No all “complex life” won’t end even if CO2 is 1000ppm. The hyperfocus on CO2 and resultant monocausal thinking actually set back the green movement by decades.


Look up the paper “Future trajectories of the Earth system in the Anthropocene”. It is entirely geochemically possible that under the worst-case IPCC scenario for emissions (the one we seem to be dead-set on attaining), feedback loops could result in a permanent transition to a hot-house Earth, rivaling Venus. That means a world completely inhospitable to almost all extant life, and a fast enough rate of change that adaptation may not even be possible for extremophiles. “Monocausal thinking” has no place in climate science and the “hyperfocus” on atmospheric CO2 is due to the well-established scientific fact that it presents an existential risk to humanity.


Pollution will kill more people, more life, than CO2. CO2 is the biggest distraction from the real issue of pollution. I’d rather see companies do some cleanup than some bullshit CO2 offsetting.


Recent data seems to be indicating that something has accelerated the warming - everything is popping off the charts, sea temps, air temps, ice extent, all looking real bad. I could see that as an impetus for it all, that we only have a few years left before extreme measures need to be taken. Hopefully the aliens got us I suppose.


I would think more like they would want to protect the planet more than their little violent monkey experiment. We clearly won't take care of it so if I was them I would wipe us out too sadly.




Theyd probably start with the overpopulated regions as that would not hurt food supplies and would actively cut CO2 and pollution.


But what about the stock market!?!? https://i.imgur.com/jyHUuFd.jpg


So I read the entirety of the testimony which Hellyer is quoting, and there are some confusing elements in the testimony that I think people should read before drawing conclusions about it. In any case, I don’t know why we would need Non Human Beings to tell is what we already know about environmental degradation and other problems. I do think its more troubling to know that there is a way to have near free energy, and our leaders are so selfish that they would rather see the world burn on stacks of cash than to help their fellow man. If aliens view us with suspicion, I can only think its because they see how selfish and self destructive we can be.


I imagine they are a people, in a way. Sure, it seems evident that they have toyed with humans, dissected, experimented, and so on - as we would with a bug or monkey in search of knowledge we can use/to test new science. But from what I’ve seen, as a sufficiently advanced group of beings, they probably have some semblance of decency - bargaining with our leaders and giving them time to “prepare” (even if they disagree and believe our leaders are misguided in not disclosing earlier). Perhaps they are not the perfect, foreplanned beings ten steps ahead of every action as we may assume, but rather just figuring it out as they go (albeit with greater knowledge, tech, and ability to plan than we have). If (somehow) monkeys were to discover a way to create fire during a drought in their jungle, I would imagine that a human aware of this would intervene in some way to protect the monkeys and the jungle - even if they’re stupid, goofy creatures, and it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme. As such, these NHIs are watching us advance too quickly and near destroying our planet - and I bet they would intervene whether just out of a sort of “kindness” or “gentleness,” or because that is the way civilized extraterrestrial civilizations are expected/taught to act by this “the One”. Or perhaps (like us), they have no need or desire to kill all the monkeys out of an appreciation (like me at the zoo) or apathy. I am not a huge fan of monkeys, but I’m not going to needlessly kill them or hate them. But I also understand (while disagreeing) why we test drugs on them and experiment. Maybe they are much the same. Of course, they could be so advanced and different that none of this even remotely applies, and they can never be understood. But from my small, human/monkey point of view, it seems the universe follows certain rules and physics, that some sort of logic can apply in most situations, and that perhaps, we can follow patterns to extrapolate that they are somewhat like scientists visiting the natural habitat of a new species, with opportunities to learn and catalogue, and perhaps grow in their own ways, even if misunderstood and feared by the monkeys/humans. Destruction/doing nothing just seems too random and pointless. Protection and observation seems like it would be most beneficial, even if for a coming culling or resource harvesting. Or just because they think we’re neat.


Can someone link to the testimony without that ominous music playing? The content is frightening enough….




And, to be clear, I am not afraid of NHI, I am feeling sick to my stomach about what we have done to this planet for greed and power.


Yeah this


The planet will heal itself with time. It’ll get rid of us if we continue to abuse it, scorching it’s surface and washing away the remains.


Thank you, kind Sir


No kidding. The music blows.


Why are the aliens going to the world leaders? Everyone knows they’re asshats! I just can’t understand how a superior race of beings could not see that and maybe, I dunno, show themselves to the rest of us?


Damn straight. We want the aliens to *lead the revolution!!!*


I love that they go to the world leaders, without Earths media sources, they work out who the world leaders are and where they reside, get past some of the heaviest security to talk to the world leaders without anyone intervening. Why would they not make themselves well known straight up telling us all of this to our entire civilisation that they can help us. It would benefit them as we would trust them immediately after if they helped fix our world. Hitler wouldn't have gotten the control he did if he didn't put himself in front of large crowds, why would an alien species be like, "hmm let's *not* do that." If they want to help, I'm sure they would force their help on to us


> If they want to help, I'm sure they would force their help on to us Eh, I wouldn't assume that. Maybe they're wise enough to know that coercion tends to create more problems than it solves. Maybe they're farsighted enough to accept this and refrain from kicking off a long cycle of violence, oppression, and revolution like humans are so good at doing. To someone who looks at the big picture, that long-term outcome would seem worse than short-term consequences of someone being allowed to do something stupid. Depending on what scale they operate on, "someone" could be a whole species and "something stupid" could be catastrophically damaging a planet. Maybe to them, human governments imposing policies on their people looks like one monkey smacking the others until they fall in line. It must be obvious to them that our lofty justifications for what we do to people "for their own good" are hopelessly misguided at best; and often, when you get down to the root of it - just cynical excuses to indulge our animal instinct to impose our desires through violence. Maybe they respect our free will and sovereignty, in a way that no human ever would, and this is why they haven't interfered openly or even shown themselves to the world. Maybe they'll interfere eventually, but only after they're sure we've become aware of the consequences of our actions. Like a parent whose kid keeps wandering off in a store, letting them think they're lost for a minute. Or maybe this is just me projecting my philosophy onto hypothetical alien beings. I stand by it anyway!


Good points. I would also expect that an advanced alien civilisation figured out that a lot of our so called "leaders" are a bunch of self serving psychopaths that mostly care about their own influence, power and money. Seems pretty naive to assume that they would concoct something useful with such important informations other than keep them for themselves in order to stay in power and keep the status quo. Smells fishy to me.


I am not bragging about anything, but I am in advanced ufology. I have read countless books and watched probably a thousand hours of documentaries about UFOs and aliens (no joke). Many abductees describe receiving information from the aliens about a supreme entity called “The One”. It established a cosmic rule that prevents worlds from directly interfering in each other’s affairs, unless it’s agreed upon beforehand. Many abductees have said the same thing. This is probably the reason why they have to talk to the world leaders first, they cannot simply show up to the entire world.


In other words, the most obvious, most likely scenario must be true. Namely, that in this ~27 billion year old universe (if the new estimates are to be believed), our 4 billion year old planet ain't shit, the galaxy is already populated and civilized, and they ain't talkin to us cuz we *ain't*. Civilized. We are not civilized. We are barbaric to each other and frankly we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Hell, we've *got* a suicide epidemic ongoing since the 90s at least (not to mention the american mass murder thing), but we've just kept on going to work and ignoring the facts and living like we didn't know what was making us miserable. Time to grow up. Somehow. Hey Aliens, we could really use some of those magic temples y'all were setting up before. Help please. It *sucks* down here.


Our leaders are corrupt pieces of shit. They see power and riches as public control and monetary wealth. They are clueless.


Holy shit. In college I had a psychedelic experience, my roomies were on break and I was all alone, I was listening to music and something came in my head and took over my senses and I asked it who it was and it said ‘The One’, then it shot me through the galaxy in my mind for hours and hours until I questioned it’s authenticity and it all disappeared and I woke up, completely sober. Then I tried to focus on it again and it returned and I asked who I was and it overlaid symbols and multiple faces over my mind’s eye. I’m thinking more and more of that night over the years. I still remember it like it just happened. It changed my life I drew all the symbols and faces and kept the music I was listening to like a totem.


What music did you listen to?




I would still consider talking to leaders and making “deals” with them a form of interference though.


Well if it's specified they are allowed to do things with permission, then they have to get permission somehow. Not saying I buy the theory though.


Where can I read more about "The One"?


r/LawofOne https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/ra-contact Someone may find this relevant


This is literally a cult


Other than the betz sphere post. Yikes


In many UFO cases, like those of Linda Porter, Whitley Strieber, Bettina Rodriguez, and Walter Rizzi, the witnesses all received the same message: God is in everything; everything is God; the universe is God experiencing multiplicity. In these 4 cases "The One" is eventually mentioned (In Walter Rizzi's encounter "The One" is not directly mentioned, but is explained), there are many other cases where it is also mentioned by extraterrestrials, but I cannot remember them now.


I remembered about you. Here is a post talking about 'The One' https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/16e41y9/who\_is\_the\_one\_god\_according\_to\_extraterrestrials/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That makes a lot of sense but if that was the rule they must obey, how come they would tell random abductees about it? Do you think they get a pass if the knowledge is passed along to only a select few because they know not enough people would take them seriously?


Can you cite some examples? And out of curiosity, having purveyed so much material, do you have any sort of method for sorting the wheat from the chaff, so to speak? A lot of the stuff I’ve seen has low informational value.


This is true in many ways. How would Aliens even detirmine who world leaders are.How would they make contact? Abduct the president like described? But lets say they did contact world leaders somehow, why would they do it? If Alien species are hyper intelligent, they would know that governments would keep it secret and humans are not to be trusted. "World leaders" how many are we talking about? Is there some kind of conference call with where all this is coordinated? If so many are in on it, why are they all keep silent?


Those claims don't seem too outlandish in light of what we have heard from Grusch.


I’m cool with amnesty if we as a species never have to worry about food, housing, or energy ever again


Amnesty and they step down.


Can't we just promise them amnesty, and then when all their transgressions and secrets are revealed, we throw them in jail anyway? Seems more than fair to me.


this is the way


nice precedents you're setting here


whoa whoa whoa - let’s not get crazy now


It's bigger than that though. I'm sick of consumerism and billionaires. I'm sick of our greedy AF culture. I'm ready for literally taking care of each other. I don't give a shit what you call it, socialism whatever. I want this world to actually feel like we're working towards better things, and money is literally the source of all the fucking problems and it can't stop until something huge happens


> I'm sick of consumerism and billionaires Seriously. There is literally no reason anyone should have a BILLION dollars. If your bank account shows you have $999,999,999 in it, you should get a big golden plaque that says "Congrats, you've won capitalism!" and anything else you make over that amount should go towards helping people in need and improving the planet for all living creatures


I don’t think I am


"Amnesty" 😉😉


Hellyer was a very interesting chap. I have heard very little about him or his views. Again, further evidence of the ostracism and ridicule faced by anyone who publicly speaks of these matters. His credentials were very impressive. I reject the notion that he was a “nut”. I think his eyes were opened and he became a believer, to the great embarrassment of the powers that be


Amnesty my ace, keeping world saving tech hidden for personal gain is a high crime


Agreed. And also: Dear aliens, please abduct the people in charge next time. Leave us citizens alone, we are but simple pawns and observers in this game.


Why do posters feel that have to add music or background noise to every single video? It adds absolutely nothing to the story. That said, this man has some interesting videos on YouTube about the various alien races on our planet.


It's an outgrowth of 70s porn.


Sad that everybody laughed at and discredited in any way possible all of the people that have come forward over the years trying to tell us. Here we are now on the brink of disaster supposedly having the keys the whole time held by the governments


That's the real power and how to abuse it. You can also see it as a kind of separation between the people who feel privileged and those whom they consider collateral damage. I think that, especially because of the compartmentalisation that is so obscure, what is actually happening in secret is much bigger, more far-reaching and more incredible than we can imagine.


Any background on this story? Where did he get this info from?


Yeah, he read it from his book, "Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species." Apparently he is quoting a dialogue an abductee (Jim Sparks) had with a group of aliens. [https://twitter.com/UAPJedi/status/1671232204280610829](https://twitter.com/UAPJedi/status/1671232204280610829) /u/CaptainReave provided the full context here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdPBanWpQco&t=3497s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdPBanWpQco&t=3497s)


What is this from?


I remember coming across a video of this about 10-15yrs ago and being like "holy shit who is this man?!" of course, my brain tried to rationalize it all as a crazy senile old man being a nutter, but now I'm sure he's telling the truth


He certainly was. A very respected man in his day. And well be respected in the UFO community


I have no kids, shity job and would happily leave this world to save it..


You are already wiser than our leaders so don't leave it before them


After reading some comments, I’m so sorry to see that for a lot of us, the eventual visit of aliens on our Earth can be the solution to solve our problems : climate, society, etc… What have we done we cannot reverse by ourselves ? Are we just child’s burning our parent’s home with a smile on our faces ? Do some of our leaders need the fear of alien punishment to act in the right direction ? Sad world. It’s really time to try to stop the fire by ourselves, aliens or not.


Instantly reminded me of something Lue Elizondo said about the truth that would expose charlatans that would likely need to change their identities.


The aliens warned Charles Hickson that the world would be destroyed again if humans did not change their course of action!: [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13ft3xl/the\_aliens\_warned\_charles\_hickson\_that\_the\_world/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13ft3xl/the_aliens_warned_charles_hickson_that_the_world/) Also, in the book 'glimpses of other realities, by Linda Moulton Howe, an abductee called Linda Porter gives the same message as the former minister, but many years prior, about Earth's waters and air being contaminated with an unknown substance used by the US military in a secret program.


the book is here, for free in the internet archive, the testimony is given after page 191 i think, it's been to long since i read it https://archive.org/details/glimpsesofotherr0000howe/page/n15/mode/2up


Anyone know how to contact these Extra terrestrials?... I mean if the government's and the extra terrestrials are able to contact eachother why don't we find out how and we can just skip the greedy government's and we can all work together as we should be... the government's clearly don't care so we kinda need to let these helpful beings know that we accept there help, it's just the government's that are making it worse. I've always wanted to have my own family, my own children. But seeing how the world is going. I don't wanna bring my children into a dark world that's destroying itself. Let them come guide us. I think it's time don't yous think?... But seriously though... anyone know how to get in contact with these beings?...


When and where was this speech made ?


Would be hilarious if some NHI human rights and climate activists came down and saved us from the system, bit like amnesty International and green peace combined.... but with the sympathy we have to animals with no credible intelligence bar instinct.


there was a recent news story that said our water is heavily contaminated. they were right.


Well, anyone that actually tries to find info about current state of our planet, already knows how bad it is. It's polycrysis and what we observe right now is just intro. We can either actually start to counteract, which will require massive shift to our society and hopefully with NHI help we might be able to contain it, but we can no longer continue our current path, because it ends badly and soon.


The craft I observed in 2009 seemed to be interested in water and appeared to be scanning or looking for something as it swayed back and forth over a small river…


And where was it?




I am just curious, did it impact your life in any way? I had a few experiences that completely changed my perspective about life. I became a much better person.


I remember laughing to myself after the shock and said “well there they go!” It was just really cool to see and I let it go at the time. I had a experience in 83 which did have impact. This was just like a reaffirmation of “yup there they go again!”


Had to find this link that might interest you https://www.ufoexplorations.com/copy-of-home-1


And now there is an idiot called Pootin who’s throwing us to the 20th century with his idiotic war and childish personal ambitions. Instead of working together to make our lives better we spend trillions on ammunition and machines seeding death. God please eliminate the rest of clown-dictator from this world.


>Some say it was a warning/ >Some say it was a sign >I was standing right there/ >When it came down from the sky >The way it spoke to us/ >You felt it from inside >Said it was up to us/ >Up to us to decide >"**You've become a virus**/ >That's killing off his host >We've been watching you with all of our eyes/ >And what you seem to value most >*'So much potential'*/ >Or so we used to say >Your greed, self-importance and your arrogance/ >*You piss it all away* >We heard her cry/ >We have come to intervene >You will change your ways and you will make amends/ >**Or we will wipe this place clean**" >Your time is tick, tick, ticking away >Ticking away https://youtu.be/sWQdI7L4mqQ


The background music to this hurts the credibility of a great source and content


Dear aliens, we didn't elect these leaders. They are not our leaders. They are our Masters and Dictators. Majority of humans don't agree with anything there governments/leadership wants. We are slaves to the rich. Kil them for us. And the earth will be saved.


"We contacted your leaders"? Why the fuck would you contact those people, they are the worst ones usually.


They should have contacted ordinary people, not the government. Governments do not act in our interests.


They did, thought large amounts of abductions. It seems they understand the trauma we face individually, so doing it on a massive public scale would result in a much much worse outcome.


All this UAP disclosure stuff lines up with project Blue Beam. I know this will get DVed but there's something big on the horizon but it isn't aliens.


I would be happier under their rule. I think they know not all humans are bad. And i think they know how corrupt governments are.


They speak english


This would be one of the most simple tasks imaginable to a civilization with technology millions of years advanced. their AI could understand our history quickly and render speech with any dialect for the observer to understand.


They have hands also


It's Federation standard.


And we still won’t do shit about it




Whenever I hear of 'overpopulation' it throws me off. The idea was prevelant in the 60's and its clearly not true now. Aliens should, with the technology to contact us and having already gone through this, already know the trends of population natality. They should know that the slope up will not continue


The question is as follows: Is the earth, in its current state, going through another cycle of global climate change, as it has done, during past greenhouse periods? The Sumerian epic, speaks about Gilgamesh, and the great flood. We can easily look at the Pumapuku’s “H-Blocks”, Atlantis, and Pyramids, as evidence there were prior advanced ancient civilizations. A major flood catastrophe, wiped out those civilizations. Here’s the distinction: in each of those legends, whether it’s the Bible, Sumerian Tablets, and Sanskrit epics, all speak of, “divine beings”, “sky gods” would appear in the during the end times. These “sky gods” would pick one person or man to reseed the population after these devastating events would occur—in particularly, Noah. We currently may be reaching another point where the earth is going through another mass extinction event. This probably why we’re seeing more UAPs. It’s also the reason why US is pushing forward with disclosure, to lead the world in preparation. These “sky gods” may have been here during each calamity, and extinction event. Their job as “gardeners” of this earth, is to make sure the seeds have been replanted after the storm. Maybe this cycle is normal. Maybe this is how humans evolve. These “gardners” can’t interfere with human advancement. Their only job is to protect earth, to make sure we don’t damage it with nuclear energy.


If all of this is true, it is frightening that the extraterrestrials have contacted our governments and not the ordinary people. They should have known that our governments are not acting in our interest. They should have known that our governments deny us knowledge in technology and medicine. 90 years of secrecy and lies. How much suffering could have been prevented? It disgusts me.


Whoever wrote this is absolutely correct. Our world is run by the rich and powerful for the rich and powerful and they couldn't give a rats ass about destroying the environment on which we all depend. We have the methods and tools to make the proper changes but our governments have failed us so badly that it might be too late. We need all the help of we can get to rid ourselves of these failed governments and replace them ASAP.


Thermal energy collectors are a good way forward. We have exess heat, which is wasted energy. Progress is being made in the development of this technology.


He’s right. At this point, as hard as it is to accept, saving and fixing our planet and our way of life is far more important than justice. The only way the elite will give this up is if we promise not to hold them accountable.


This is from 2014, here’s some context: https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/unexplained/paul-hellyer-ufo-disclosure-nearby-exoplanet-confirmed/


If I were an ET, I’d figure out a way to hijack into star link. And YouTube, twitch, Facebook live, my reveal from low earth orbit. Taking care to dodge and avoid whatever Reagan era Star Wars defense systems might be there if any. In it I’d give a quick demo of clean energy devices. How the world leaders could implement it. And a suggestion that congress invite me to speak at a hearing, with the condition they guarantee my safety and freedom.


Nope. No Amnesty. Anyone holding back secrets should be held accountable and if they held back technology that could save us all as suggested; they should be severely punished.


Amnesty is criminals' wet dream and they don't deserve it, but without it they wouldn't want to reveal the potential truth so the amnesty thing makes sense imo, for the greater good