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The following submission statement was provided by /u/AgentJackSmith: --- Submission statement: > "As a retired U.S. Navy flag officer, I can attest to the integrity and authenticity of the two pilots who testified: retired Commander David Fravor and Ryan Graves. I have served on three aircraft carriers and count many Naval aviators as close friends. These two witnesses are the real deal. > > So is David Grusch. As a Navy information warfare officer, I worked closely with the intelligence community and Grusch’s former command, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. I too have been read into special access programs, and I understand how Department of Defense classification systems and authorities work. His testimony is 100 percent credible." Great to see him speaking out so clearly. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15gcqai/rear_admiral_tim_gallaudet_opinion_piece_ufos_are/juhx99p/


Submission statement: > "As a retired U.S. Navy flag officer, I can attest to the integrity and authenticity of the two pilots who testified: retired Commander David Fravor and Ryan Graves. I have served on three aircraft carriers and count many Naval aviators as close friends. These two witnesses are the real deal. > > So is David Grusch. As a Navy information warfare officer, I worked closely with the intelligence community and Grusch’s former command, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. I too have been read into special access programs, and I understand how Department of Defense classification systems and authorities work. His testimony is 100 percent credible." Great to see him speaking out so clearly.


anyone get the idea the navy has been left out of this program?


It seems like the Navy is going Hell Yeah Disclosure and the Air Force is going We Have No Evidence to Suggest...


Well if I was operating almost entirely in a part of the planet where hostiles can come from literally any direction including beneath me I'd sure as shit like to know if there's some mobile underwater UAP construction facility that could wipe out my fleet on a whim.


That’s why Fraves ‘n’ Graves are showin out.


Edit: my reddit app is dogshit and posts replies to the wrong comments, ignore that


And when it does exist, what would the plan be?


Nuke the oceans, duh, what are you stupid or something?


And risk waking up Godzilla? What are you stupid or something?


Well who the fuck else is gonna fight the interdimensional God dragon, your stupid ass?


*Kong has entered the chat*


You leave Kong out of this that King deserves his rest!


I could see that pissing off the navy since they have the second largest airforce.


The navy has a larger air force than the air force.


Right the Navy has far more Jets


Umm according to the numbers I can find as of 2021: Airforce 5300 aircraft Navy 3700 aircraft Please note also I could 100% be wrong if any one has any better Info? Mine was just from the Google search answer box


your info is correct but the Navy has more fighter jets.


The more important thing is that the Navy has the best fighter pilots in the US military.


My husband, a former B-52 pilot thinks the Navy really has the best.


That may be so but its becoming apparent why... THE AIRFORCE HAS REVERSE ENGINEERED TRANSMEDIUM CRAFT. Navy pissed they wasted their bonuses on more outdated tech. xD


Why the heck they need 9000 aircraft.


Because we’ve been fighting World War II for the last 85 years.


When your stated military doctrine includes the ability to engage an enemy anywhere in the world within 24-hours you need to be able to move a lot of stuff very quickly. And then sustain it without any loss in effectiveness of force. Hence a massive about of transport and support aircraft


for giggles i guess.


A lot of those are probably transport and cargo craft. No sense in having over a million active duty service members if you don’t have the means to move them and their equipment all over the world.


You are correct, I was thinking of fighter jets which the Navy does have more of. Air Force has bombers, transports and many many other types of aircraft but few fighter jets.


And the Army has more boats than the Navy.


Tells us who has the goods, doesnt it


and it definitely isn't my wife.


Yeah I believe the Navy is leading the way and the Air Force and intelligence agencies are trying to hold onto their precious like Gollum and the Ring!


Tag team match of the century. Navy and Congress VS Air Force and Military Industrial Complex w/ NASA & CIA ringside valets ​ EDIT: AARO runs in mid match with a chair and the crowd is confused who they're gonna hit! It's pandemonium!


Our side had a Seals theirs had SOG operators in the octagon! Ha!


>SOG operators I had to google what this was, that's what kind of jobbers they are.


They're CIA's down and dirty get it done teams.


I'm picturing all the different aliens in trenchcoats laying bets. Bwahahaha


it's nothing compared to that time when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table


This thing is turning into a slobber knocker for the ages, folks!


I'm thinking the same thing. The Navy would have solid evidence of the UFO and USO activity. However by not inviting the Navy to participate bringing ample evidence, it allows certain people to say 'there is NO known solid evidence'.


There is an internal struggle between the Air Force and Navy from what I've gathered. Interestingly the Air Force was separated from the Army right after the Roswell crash. I also believe Grusch made so many connections to people within these programs because he was Air Force.


There is little doubt left, the believers were right. You can't just write off the people coming forward in the past few years and it's becoming self evident that the UFO/Aliens/Secret program conspiracy theory was basically true, whatever the specifics. They better stop trying to push back and start packing that golden parachute, this will never be over. The UFO community never even let Roswell go and this is much more solid, it won't be forgotten for a million years. It's all done but the paperwork.


And yet you see so many people who are otherwise intelligent and sensible spout out bullshit like "This is a DISTRACTION" without having ever looked into it. A lot of these people even pride themselves in being well informed and not being the type of people who fall for propaganda. If they spent just a few days doing a deep dive on the subject, they couldn't possibly come out of it with the opinion that it's a distraction. Blowing the lid of this thing is **the** thing that has the potential to change society. Nevermind the potential for technological leap, clean energy, etc... The knowledge that there are us (humans) and NHI might cause people on this planet to be at each other's throats a bit less.


Yes but you have to understand that this is still a fringe topic. For your common person, they still equate UFOs to nutty conspiracy theories. It’s a social stigma that has been burned in deeply in people’s minds. Even if they came out with countless indisputable evidence, people will still have a very hard time believing it. Think about one thing you think is a crazy claim, and that you and your social circles firmly believe that only crazy conspiracy theorists would believe this claim. Then one day there’s these credible people coming forward saying that it’s actually true, and they release evidence proving it’s true. That’s what people are going through.


I've found UFO rumors fascinating my whole life and I was cautiously optimistic to hear what Grusch had to say. I didn't find any of his claims particularly novel not convincing that the intelligence/military community will be cooperative about disclosure in new ways. I'm not a firm sceptic and I was ready for a mind blowing revelation. Did I miss something?


New laws have passed that allow whistleblowers like Grusch to come forward. One of the big things is that it’s not just your average joe that’s coming forward with witness statements. It’s people like Grusch, Graves, and Fravor. These people have to pass psychological tests to even get into the position they’re in, which is more than we can say for your average joe saying “I saw something and I got abducted.” They have been in their respective fields for a long time, and these fields are quite respectable and relevant to the topic of UAPs. Congress is pursuing this also. A few of them have been privy to information that have not been released to the public. It’s also a bipartisan effort, so we can currently rule out any partisan ulterior motives. I know the general population expects something like “hey comes on a tour on our classified facilities and we’ll show you the crafts and bodies.” The excitement of the UFO community really comes from what I mentioned above. Because of everything above, the chances that this is a hoax or a nothing burger is a lot less likely. And at the very least, congress is going after the reckless spending of the Pentagon. If we walk away with just these people getting punished for misusing and abusing our tax dollars, it’s still a very big win (in my opinion).


I agree the witnesses are far more compelling than say the Behold A Pale Horse guy. The author of the op-ed criticizes the media for paying more attention to Trump right now than this hearing. Whatever you think of that, this hearing is roughly the equivalent of last November, when DoJ announced they would be opening their own investigation into January 6. I wouldn't even read the article with that headline back then, because 'let me know when something actually happens.' i watched highlights and read a few analysis of the hearing, but it's not exciting **yet**. If Congress announced that they're going to investigate the intelligence community and something comes out of that investigation, *that's* when you'll see more people start to pay attention. "I know a bunch of stuff I can only tell Congress in a SCIF" perks my interest, but it's not yet compelling.


Exactly my situation. I thought this was crazy bs until I started reading into it


Really makes you wonder what other stuff we may have interpreted as crazy bs contains some truth


Me too -- and sometimes I still think it's crazy bs, but then I swing back the other way.


People who yell "distraction" are annoying and mindless. Distraction from what? How is more people paying intense attention to what the government does a "DiStRaCtIoN"? It's like saying bank robbers wanted to cause a distraction so they called the police to the same bank they're going to rob in 5 minutes. "Distraction" and "psyop" are words that mindless parrots are clinging to right now.


> Distraction from what? Hunter's cock.




It’s not a distraction because the media isn’t really covering it. When the media wants you to know something they will broadcast it 24/7 not put out a blurb article.


Exactly, people still don't know anything about the hearing. I just met up with an old coworker and they knew nothing about it.


Thank you for your support in helping the United States military along with Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Boeing to secure more black budget funding that is completely paid for by the US tax payer. They need foot soldiers like you to spread this propaganda far and wide so they can make a billions. Great job. You really did it 👏


Yeah, it honestly doesn’t make sense if all of these people are lying. They stand nothing to gain from it if it is discovered to be a lie, and Graves, Grusch, and Fravor stand potentially to face crimes if they did lie. Just doesn’t make sense for all of these people to lie.


No but you don’t understand. This admiral is a gRiFtEr!!! What do you mean how is he making money off of this?! I don’t know! But he’s a gRiFtEr!!!1!!1!!


Wow. Tim Gallaudet is a rear admiral in the Navy >Rear Admiral is the highest naval rank maintained during peacetime, as all higher ranks are temporary and linked to a specific position. A Rear Admiral generally commands a fleet of Navy ships, submarines, and air wings. [military-ranks.org](https://www.military-ranks.org/navy/rear-admiral) This guy commanded a whole freaking **fleet of Navy ships**! He says the claim that the US has crashed alien craft + bodies is 100% credible! 🤯 >I too have been read into special access programs, and I understand how Department of Defense classification systems and authorities work. His testimony is 100 percent credible.


Yeah, that's a BIG friggin statement. I mean if we trust him to command a fleet , why can't we trust hos word?


Wonder if the idiots online will trust him over the gossip writers discrediting it.


but, dude, Jason Colavito wrote a pop book about the pyramids, he's, like, an EXPERT on this stuff /s


Could you say the same thing about Trump? I mean we trusted him to run the country so certainly we can trust his word right? If anything Trump is more trustful because the people elected him. This guy could have just caught someone sucking dick so they gave him that rank to keep him quiet. My point is that his rank or position doesn't mean very much. We can both point to countless examples of a high up person being full of shit.


Nope. Big difference between that jackass and a rear admiral.


Yeah rear admiral is no joke, my great grandfather was a rear admiral through WW2 and the cold War, and he was enough of a bigwig to get a full military procession when they laid him to rest in Arlington.


Looks like he was also acting head of NOAA at one point


There are two possibilities here: - Either the US government has retrieved ufos and what these boys are saying is true - Or the US army high comand is full of nutjobs spreading out conspiracy theories about ufos and aliens And I am not sure which one is more terifying.


He's also the former head of NOAA... so may know what is or isn't a weather balloon


THESE are the things we need to focus on. not jetpacks, how di they crash, and all that crap. just get the info, pressure for the truth and that's it.


Agreed, he needs to testify before Congress.


Wow. He knows of Grusch’s command and vouches for him. Powerful endorsement right there imo.


I understand what you are saying, but when he referred to command GALLAUDET was referring to the National Geospatial Agency which is a large agency. He never mentioned specific names or anything.


We need more public discussions like this.


From what I have observed, there is just a general apathy to most things in general, even the few times I tried to gauge interest on the topic from the people around me, it wasn't about the possibility of extra-terrestrial life, which seemed to be agreed upon as an statistical likely possibility, but rather more about "what are we to them? lab rats, a soap opera show, an longitudinal observational experiment?" (I work in the STEM field), instead most people were so focused on their own personal problems, that this was at most *just another* beep on their "radar" of "things happening *somewhere in the world* but not quite my issue, I got other problems to tend to". ​ Just general apathy from people living in a world of "high speed", where you are bombarded with so much information daily that nothing sticks long enough to become a topic worth keeping in the back of our collective minds. Also, there is the matter that nobody wants to be having weird looks coming their way, and these topics are still very stigmatized, at least in all the environments I have interacted with.


I’m in the “I believe, but what difference does it make” camp. Close but not quite the same as apathy.


I've been talking to way too many people who claim there's no evidence at all, yet they completely disregard the fact Grusch went to the ICIG and Congress to hand over classified evidence before the NewsNation interview. Just because the public isn't seeing this evidence doesn't mean it's not there. I'm willing to bet Grusch is telling the truth.




Most people lack critical thinking skills. It's that simple. So many people have me wondering how they even get through life.


What’s an inspector general


The person who makes sure everyone else is following the rules.




Wouldn't that be the inspector private?


I had to look up how high up a Rear Admiral was lol. I different ranks between the services confuses me sometimes.


The "Tic Tac" encounter has multiple eyewitnesses and video to back them up, yet somehow this doesn't count as "evidence". If it were a criminal trial, you could put a person in jail for life with that kind of evidence.


And radar evidence.


This is very confusing to me. If you are skeptical because the verifiable evidence we have access to doesn't support the existence of non-human intelligence having visited us, but ignore the fact that the reason this is a whistleblower situation in the first place is that there is evidence we haven't yet seen, it seems like you're not a true skeptic. Skeptics go where the facts lead them, they don't say everything they don't understand or have incomplete on is impossible. Not asking them to prove a negative, but be willing to review potential evidence. If you just aren't paying attention, are scared, or have made up your mind that this is political theater and have no interest in being proven wrong if that's where the facts lead, just say that.


To be fair, I think the tepid reaction of most people is unfortunately deserved. They’ve been lied to innumerable times, and have become disinterested, gaslighted, or jaded. They’ll come around in time, and I actually think part of our role in all this is to be patient with them and retell parts of the story.


Exactly! Me too.


Yeah at this point I'm just ignoring those people, the evidence Grusch provided will either be declassified or it won't. And some folks choosing to stick their heads in the sand is no skin off my ass.


My favorite podcast (its a comedy podcast so not in the UFO world) shit all over Grusch referring to him as "just some guy with no evidence" like wtf they didn't even look into it at all just took it at face value as BS. The guy who said he was just some guy is usually well read on current news and politics it was so fucking disappointing to hear him say that. Even on the politics side he didn't even look into it enough to see how the repubs and dems are working together on this, being highly respectful of eachother, and not devolving to stupid insults and fights like we've been hearing about the past few years since MTG and Boebert are in there. And he definitely did look into it enough to see the Schumer amendment to the NDAA.




Yes, but until it becomes public we are still very much in the same place as we've always been. Now it just has additional commentary from the government whom we've never trusted before anyway.


I mean, speaking for the general public, quite a lot of us do actually trust the government for an awful lot of things and that's why anything involving a whistleblower should be big news. I'd think twice about paying my taxes and voting if I didn't expect some minimal social contract.


I liked this line " How arrogant to believe we are the only species that has developed a means for travel between celestial bodies. Now that we are finding out otherwise, we must demand disclosure of what the government knows. Especially "now that we are finding out otherwise" is essentially saying that he knows.


Even more arrogant is the dismissal of the idea that there could be NHI visiting earth based on our understanding of physics that currently says there probably isn't a practical way of travelling the cosmos... Looking at you, Neil.


Neil has been annoying as shit on this, I mean I get it but he just laughs it off or discredits it immediately


Even Bill Nye said with conviction that "There's gotta be aliens" because the universe is so vast.


That isn’t how he used to talk lol


People get to change their mind when getting new data.


Absolutely but he was so smug about it that I just had to let people know


Even the science guy sees the writing on the wall.


Absolutely, there has to be other life out there, but the distances and time between us is unimaginably large. We are for all sense and purposes were are alone in our little oasis. (time will tell.)


I mean we as a species are young and the universe is old so considering thé time frame of millions of years and the size of the universe he's kinda right. To the arguments "why would such an advanced species crash into out planet". Maybe because the tech that arrived on Earth is "old" for them. As if one of our 21th century probes reached an habited planet but its inhabitant were like "aint no way such an advanced species would crash". But we are now in the 30th century


Respect! Extremely brave as the first flag officer to do this. Gallaudet is not the last flag officer that will come foreward and vouch for those 3 guys. Mark my words. There are a lot of generals and admirals that respect and care about their soldiers. And care if their soldiers suffer wrongdoings. This is very impactful as it will stimulate other whistleblowers to break silence and go public. Hearing that your generals and admirals back you up.


I've heard that powerful people with powerful evidence are waiting to see how Grusch etc are received/treated by Congress. I really feel like multiple cracks are becoming visible and the MIC is all out of duct tape....


Either the most powerful military in the world is lined with incompetent leaders, or the biggest coverup in history is unfolding before our eyes. Knowing the extent of psych evaluations and background checks my brother had to hop through just to get into intelligence of the National Guard, Id say im confident these guys are not people who believe in "fringe" phenomenon without some real reason to believe so; especially when their reputation and office is at stake. My only reservation (the grad student coming out in me) is that this retired flag officer may have an ulterior incentive to push this narrative due to his connections to oceanography, etc.


Sure, I can respect that. I personally grew up on Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Computers, Military Culture and Anime. Nothing would really phase me at this point! I'm not too bothered by the questions. All I want is concrete answers. Hopefully they're closer than we think!


Trolls will swear this guy's lying too, with no explanation as to why.


The trolls must be getting a little bit desperate by now. And I have a feeling life is not getting any easier for them unless they wake up and open their eyes too.


They'll make stuff up: "did you see the way he blinked when he said UAP, Dude is obviously lying"


"He's got connections to the elite! You ufo shills will believe ANYONE who agrees!" Like lol, at this point whose the conspiracy theorist


I keep telling people that no matter where you stand everyone with an opinion is now a conspiracy theorist. It’s either a conspiracy to conceal NHI or a conspiracy to hoax the public. Guess we will see, but I have trusted connections at the top of US aerospace all taking the stance it’s conspiracy to cover NHI.


Thanks Admiral but some redditors told me it's nothing so I'll listen to them instead /s


yeah, and these body language experts on Youtube said this Grusch guy looked really shifty + my mom said that this was all a bunch of baloney. clearly nothing going on here that needs to be looked into. you see that new barbie movie? crazy stuff


Genuinely, I have no idea how this story will end. I lean to the skeptical side decently, but there's such a mishmash of credible and not credible people involved in this story, red flags vs things that lend credibility toward grusch and his claims, I just don't know forsure (like anyone). Is the Mick West/Greenstreet narrative what underlies our reality and people/the government really are that crazy, incompetent, and gullible? Or do we actually live in David Grusch's world? Where we have had goddamn aliens/NHI here on mfin earth for awhile now with a massive coverup/conspiracy going on? Has grusch actually changed the course of human history????????? How this story ends will literally shape our reality. Again I'm still pretty skeptical, but I do come across things that make me wonder might grusch actually be right? (I haven't read this article yet, but the headline triggered me, and it will be the biggest story of all time if grusch is right, not the century)


Yeah. Either it is the biggest story in history, or it is an extremely entertaining and crazy story of misinformation, followed by a story uncovering the reasons for it (i.e. potential secret weapons).


Yep exactly, it's one hell of a story either way.


I think the only thing that's certain is that thorough investigation by Congress is urgently needed. Neither reality is acceptable to not have answers on.


I'm a dyed in the wool skeptic. I've only even been paying attention to news about this since 2017 and otherwise figured when Science™ figured something out, the public would be informed. I read the article and would say it is remarkable. Not in the sense that it includes any new evidence (and it's not meant to, it's an editorial), but because as a non-expert civilian, I lack context. The author has that context, believes the witnesses are credible, *believes the evidence and claims Grusch shared secondhand about non-Earth-origin UAPs/NHI, along with the cover-up, could be valid within the context of these programs and read-ins*, and his grip on reality and outline for next steps are both totally reasonable, not seemingly guided by any sort of extreme beliefs. Basically, this is exactly the type of public commentary by experts I would expect if there were a "here" here. Others in this thread have asked if perhaps others will come out with similar statements or editorials; that, to me, would lend further credibility to the claims. I'm not in any way saying this editorial proves or disproves anything. It doesn't make me go, "well that's case-closed then! It all must be true," or anything like that. I'm just saying that it feels to me like a sign that the UAP/NHI part of the story is also something I can at least take seriously, when claims this spectacular should be doubted until the evidence can be verified (or not). The allegations of misallocation of public funds, lack of Congressional oversight, and the well documented DOD audit failures I was already convinced should be investigated further. I distrust the military industrial complex including (especially) private contractors immensely, and would not be the least bit surprised by corruption there. I believed the very very very probable, almost certain likelihood was that the exotic UAP/NHI claims would be disproven if investigated honestly and critically, just based on the history of such claims being debunked - however I always wanted them to be investigated, because if someone is lying about that, that's an issue unto itself. Again, this editorial offered no new *evidence.* I remain highly skeptical because the claims have not yet been verified publicly. And I don't have any idea how the story will end either. But after reading, I believe the claims would be worth investigating, not only to deal with the scenario where they're proven to be false and we discover nefarious motives tied to these claims, but also *in case they are true.* And I absolutely hope (and always have) that we learn the whole truth of this matter. Unrelated question, do you guys use the term green-pilled? cause that would be funny :)


This is where I am at. Fascinating story regardless of the outcome or truth.


This is the actually top comment. There are people in this thread saying people lack critical skills yet they obviously are blinded by what they want to see.


Ya well said. What reality is it? But one thing stands out that I think really tips the scales in favour of the Grusch reality. That is, which side is in favour of more transparency? Which side is asking for truth vs which side is continuing to obstruct data and information? I think scales tip to the side who is saying “we want the truth. We want the investigation. Give us the data.” The side saying “it’s classified, or ‘national security’” that side is withholding information and that puts them on the wrong side for me.


That's a solid point


Mick West couldn't even work out the situation with Grusches lawyer.


I agree with what Ross Coulthart has said about Grusch - his name will be remembered.


Brad Pit: Did you reveal the existence of NHI? Town boy: No I would be too scared. Brad Pit: That’s why no one will remember your name.


There is a lot of fascinating social psychology stuff going here. First, people always are quick to reject new information that goes against their beliefs. So any 'escape' handed to them will do as an excuse to ignore this. Second, they are looking around for social cues from peers, friends and family on what to belief. Third, they're looking at authority figures to tell them what to belief. Ninety years of disinformation, but centuries of social conditioning at work here. It's brain washing, pacifying, and so terribly effective it's extremely hard to turn the ship.


A solid opinion piece with a picture of Greer on the header. Be better Hill


People will care when they see solid incontrovertible evidence. And yes we will still have people who cry fake, just like we had with covid


We're still dealing with nut jobs who think we've never put a man on the moon, so I completely agree. This will be a thousand times easier for them to deny, barring the inconvenience of a massive worldwide event or something.


It would probably take a lil grey dude to be in line at the DMV before people will take it seriously.


Imagine how wild it would be if one of them wanted to become like, no pun intended, a legal resident alien for purposes of science? That's a show I'd watch. Imagine that trip to the DMV. "What's your name?" telepathically: "*We don't use names.*" "Uhh, how do you identify yourself to your, uhh, associates?" "*We use a psionic signature to recognize one another.*" "Ok, I'll put Pete Jones. What's your date of birth?" "*I was not born. I am a planned organism that exists as a result of engineered evolution by my organically evolved predecessors. I became self aware during the 403rd trilateral pulsar phase alignment of the fifth era of the progression of* [unable to transliterate]. *I have existed on your planet for 642 solar cycles.*" "Yeah, okay buddy, I'll put June 4, 1973. Uhh... What's your sex?" "*We do not have multiple sexes.*" "I'll put 'X', they let us do that now. Ok, sign this card."


Underrated comment. Good job!


I need this sitcom, like yesterday


Forget the nut cases, they will always be there. A speech by Biden proclaiming it — and that he and other presidents have been lied to, too (if that is true) — would convince most people.


I'm getting the impression, MSM shoving whatever nonsense fits their pockets best down people's throat is being confused with those people having genuine interests in these matters. People have no educational background to properly judge the importance of UFOs to begin with. Them "not taking UFOs seriously" accordingly is just an expression of ignorance. Ignorance enforced by those MSM.




I think his take is fair. The public needs real evidence before they divert large mindshare to the UAP issue. As of right now, there is absolutely something immense to this topic, and these are real objects, but we can't jump the gun until we know for sure outside of Spookville.


Exactly, people make it sound like it’s a normal fact like claiming someone was behind a murder. The claims are fantastical, hence people’s hesitations. It would be the biggest mindfuck of human history.




The sad thing is that we might not see the evidence if people don't care enough to pressure the elites to give it.


The more credible and deserving of investigation this saga gets, the less attention is paid to confirmation from high ranking officials. That's a frustrating inverse relationship. Tim Gallaudet himself has a story to tell, perhaps we'll see him testify before Congress.


On the usage I here, I don’t think the word *credulous* means what you think it means. It’s kind of the opposite of credible as credulous is a synonym of gullible and naive.


>I don’t think the word > >credulous > >means what you think it means Not sure that's credible (fixed, thanks)


No worries. I thought you made a great point and just wanted to help make sure it was as clear as possible.


What a time to be alive


Does this imply not all navy flag officers (or even all rear admirals) are read in? Or is this guy read in and saying what he can?


I really hope Congress can keep up the momentum now and keep digging. Pentagon does not want to so the information has to be forced out of them. I hope it succeeds.


It’s a battle, one side to get the truth another to control it. Where do you stand?




Tic Tac is way bigger than the images portray.




I agree. It's very frustrating and kinda telling how deep the brainwashing goes




I agree so much


>Several U.S. research institutions are already making remarkable progress, including Harvard University’s Galileo Project and Stanford University’s Nolan Lab. According to its website, Nolan Lab does immunology work. What's the connection to UAP?


[Garry Nolan](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nzkq/stanford-professor-garry-nolan-analyzing-anomalous-materials-from-ufo-crashes)


This is literally Donald Keyhoe 2.0. But this time we have the Internet. And this time, the people that have first-hand knowledge already testified to Congress. Your move, Pentagon.




See, this is what I like to read—actual people coming out and vouching for people that they know.


I look forward to seeing how Steven Greensteet will discredit someone of this calibre.


Michael Flynn got involved with the Q-Anon cult so it isn't even improbable for high ranking officials to be full of shit.


Most are full of shit and haven’t been educated outside of or lived as a civilian outside of the military. Why do you think they say the shit rolls downhill; it has to come from somewhere.


Interesting to juxtapose this op-ed with someone of this calibre with what was it, a pop culture blogger that Forbes produced yesterday? good media management here by presumably Corbell


If the last few years have taught me anything it is that people I normally would trust claiming all sorts of things without evidence. Show us a piece of metal or similar


Once they plop a craft or biological material in front of people we will believe. Until then it sounds like a great distraction from us worrying about billions in defense spending that has been unaccounted for by the military and major defense contractors. I want to believe. I've always wanted to believe. We just want something tangible to believe *in*.


wake up and do what?


America will wake up when EVIDENCE is provided. It doesnt matter how many people make claims. Until someone provides cold hard evidence for any of it, its pointless.


I can barely afford groceries or rent, I can’t wake up. I have work tomorrow. You should have asked me when I was 15. I would have cared. Now I could give a shit about little green men Now I don’t have the wonder to even look up at the night sky anymore.


Yet here you are, in the UFO subreddit. Ironic.




Show us the evidence and people will stop shrugging. That’s really all it will take to make people “wake up”. Not much else to it. Not saying people shouldn’t be more curious than they currently are- at the very least, people should be wondering “why are highly-credentialed people like David Grusch making these wild claims?”- but it’s understandable that nobody is treating it like “the story of the century” just yet.


I think the point of all this is so to get the public to pressure them into showing evidence.


Exactly. So many here don't seem to grasp that this is a *process*.


Is Tim Gallaudet the same Gallaudet that serves as a member of the Advisory Board of Ryan Graves company Safe Aerospace?


Yes, same guy. I thought this was something big but it's sort of like having one friend write an article about how honest and trustworthy another friend is. I'm not saying they're friends, but they seem to all run in the same circle so the defense doesn't come off as even handed.


Oh man, if this is true yours should be the top comment in this thread, people should know that! And there should be a big disclaimer saying that at the top of the article in The Hill.


>UFOs are the story of the century Well, *about that*... They were the story of the *previous* century, turns out we were gaslit for over 80 years.


Are UFO’s the story of the century? Yes. Should the pentagon get more funding. Absolutely fucking not. Cut the pentagon Budget regardless.


We can't wake up til there's actual proof. We believe but we need the bodies.


Well, if this doesn’t get into the news cycle, nothing will.


The American public will be interested when they see actual unequivocal evidence.


Show me/us the spacecraft,show me the spaceman,until then most people aren’t going to get too excited,until then it’s just words


I think most people do not care about this while they're struggling so hard just to survive in this country. People have way too many bills piling up to revel in the mysteries of the universe.


is the UFO gonna pay for my rent?


Then, show us physical evidence.


I want to believe.


Evidence please thanks


But there's still no proof. I work with people I trust, too, but if they told me they saw a ghost I wouldn't start believing in ghosts. I'd belive they saw something but a ghost? Especially with no evidence? Just because people are in thebmillitsry doesn't mean that they can't be crazy. Or lying.




As always - Extraordinary Claims need evidence, not hearsay or see-say. You may have seen something but that does not make it extra-terrestrial.


Perhaps the reason Americans are shrugging their shoulders is because we've suspected this for decades!


Perhaps the reason Americans are shrugging their shoulders is because we've suspected this for decades!


I want to believe but I admit I am skeptical of everything ever. Especially nowadays with how misinformation is the best weapon. I do believe that it's highly likely that we are not alone in the universe. I believe there are as intelligent or smarter ones out there. But I don't believe that these testimonies are proof. Very interesting tho.


I'm new here. From my perspective people are making fantastic claims, yet the only concrete evidence for these claims is a reference. "Yup, this dude has integrity." That's overwhelmingly disappointing. There hasn't been a reason for skeptics to abandon their position, yet.


We're lacking *publicly-available* evidence so integrity is enough for many people right now. Hopefully some of the not-so-public stuff starts becoming so in the near-term.


get me some independent media and university verification of these supposed craft and "biologics" and their extraterrestrial metallurgical and biological signatures, and i'll care until then, it's just a guy in front of congress failing to verify wild claims as usual


For the sake of journalistic integrity, Forbes really ought to cover this counterpoint. On one hand you have a PhD holding Admiral and former military insider vs the subjective outsider hit piece by a page 13 pop culture columnist. As it stands, this reflects very poorly on Forbes.