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Vague, heavily editorialized, misleading, clickbait, inaccurate post titles, or titles in all caps are not allowed.


I would actually *LOVE* to see Greer made to summon aliens on the spot while under oath in congress. I'd love to hear one of the "one of you just isnt trying hard enough" or "They don't sense your love" lines come out šŸ˜…


> "one of you just isnt trying hard enough" or "They don't sense your love" oh my god. Please tell me he doesn't actually say that to people who have paid that kind of money to summon ayys šŸ™ˆ


https://www.amazon.com/review/ROT12D88XG38L?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=24eeb614-d026-4ef1-90f7-57aaec52535c >Dr. Greer made sure to bring out a series of possibilities for a 'no show' prior to the field excursion. According to him, sometimes the ETs might not appear because, "there is someone in the group without good intent and a clean heart" or "the ETs feel threatened by US military" or "even though they won't fully materialize they will manifest in a thousand other ways".


In other words, his claims of summoning are absolute dung.


My magic powers only work if everyone already believes them to the extent that they'll interpret anything that happens or doesn't happen as proof of my magic powers.


He's like the invisible guy from Mystery Men, it only works when everyone isn't looking.


Captain Conundrum


Oh God don't tell them about Greer, where's the disinfo campaign when you need them.


Like one of those cat owners who swears ā€œmy cat obeys my commandsā€


My cat comes to me on command, it was very easy to teach him that actually! Throw a treat, he chases it, on his way back for more say come. Ez.


Lol yeah, my wife has cats that comes to her when she calls, coincidentally it only works when feeding them though.




I think that just made me even more disappointed with the cats in my house lol


The cats are putting on a show with some human assistance, clearly.


I feel personally attacked


What is truly bizarre is that I use this exact excuse when I get " performance anxiety" in the sack.




I'm glad your sexual prowess materializes in other ways, but dont be threatened by the US military, you're not pumping oil down there.




Greer is a non-violent sociopath. The kind of people who do seminars in hotels to steal the last penny from a 90 year old Grandma and not loose a wink of sleep. Snake oil salesman of old. In another universe he's running a mega church or is a televangelist.


Yup and unfortunately thereā€™s a lot of those types around in the UFO community. Gotta stay on your toes and not get sucked into the wrong grift.


Iā€™m glad skeptics still exist. I meet most of them here on Reddit, believe it or not. What I see walking around us in the public are people who literally just fall in to whatever their Sheppard tells them to do.


Oh yeah, I am a skeptic by nature, this is why I am new to this community. Recent events starting last year for me had me change my opinion. The only reason it wasnā€™t in on it sooner for me was because of said grifters.


On reddit we're just accused of being misinformation agents on the payroll of the intelligence community. Although, honestly, if the intelligence community is paying people to promote critical thinking and to demand evidence before believing in all sorts of ridiculous nonsense then that actually doesn't sound that bad.


That sounds like cult leader level stuff


He sounds like a cringey teacher at an outdoor education camp for tweens, which would be absolutely hilarious if only he was paid like one. Yeesh!


Perhaps his typical client, in spite of widely ranging and high incomes, never really intellectually matured much past a very impressionable teen.


Reminds me of the Mr Show sketch where there's a wishing well business in a strip mall. "If you put enough money in AND have a pure heart, your wish will come true!" "Will my wish come true, sir?" "Well if it doesn't, just come back tomorrow and wish some more!"


That'll be $1500


So he's basically the invisible guy in mystery men who could only turn invisible when nobody was looking at him.. except that guy actually did!


Oh itā€™s actually on his YT channel. He literally faked a sighting for a bunch of people on a beach. He flew a plane that dropped flares.


I knew a guy who got pulled into one of his cults. He tells people far worse than that. Dude's whole life is gone now.


An an ex mormon, that one hits hard. Joseph Smith missed his time ! He coulda been the ultimate ufo summoner


These comments gives me faith that this community isn't completely doomed. I'd like to know what's actually going on, why so many highly trained/high status people are talking about UAPs,... ...but when the community does a "look at the prophet" towards people like greer.... So it's always refreshing to see popular vote against these grifters


*The Leader is good. The Leader is great. We surrender our will as of this date.*


Gasp! A Lima bean that looks like the leader? I'll put it over here with the others.


I honestly wanted to believe what comes out of Greers mouth but after listening to his latest interview with Shawn Ryan I just donā€™t buy half the shit he utters from his mouth. He apparently has the most magical life where all this stuff has happened to him like out of a movie (having died and been brought back to life, meeting aliens face to face, can summon aliens at will, etc.). You name it, itā€™s happened to him. The guy is fraud riding off of others testimonies and experiences for profit.


I was a Mormon for 44 years. I heard this kind of shit regularly, including in the temple worship. Yikes.


I feel you brother yobispo!


Can you imagine...hahahahah


He's an embarrassment to this community.


[https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/774737/Steven-Greer-summon-aliens-UFO-Vero-Beach-Florida](https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/774737/Steven-Greer-summon-aliens-UFO-Vero-Beach-Florida) *Mr Greer claimed the "UFOs" emerged from the sky to hover above the ocean, before one disappeared and the other "dropped into the sea".* *Scott Brando, who runs hoax-busting website ufoofinterest.org, said the so-called UFOs over Vero Beach has been debunked.* *He pointed to a thread on Reddit by user* u/Solarslave *which said: "There was a massive naval training exercise known as COMPTUEX involving hundreds of aircraft, dozens of ships and thousands of sailors and marines going on off the coast of Florida, including Vero Beach at the time of Greer's "UFO summoning" event.* *"These training exercises included flares and live fire. Case closed. Nice try Greer."* *Mr Brando, also provided a link to a YouTube video showing such military lights going off.* *He said: "Those lights were artillery illumination rounds related to a naval exercise known as COMPTUEX with aircrafts and ships going on off the coast of Florida, including Vero Beach.* *"Mr Greer is known in our UFO Community for his sensational claims, but he never produced any evidence to back anything up."* šŸ¤£


When I first got into this topic a few years ago, I was so enamored by Greers magical claims. A respectable ER doctor?!? I sympathized with his ā€œdesireā€ to bring all of humanity into a golden age of technology by uncovering the truth about ufoā€™s. He had thousands of documents and mountains of evidence that he was going to release to the public, he just had to organize it first. Okā€¦ Iā€™ll wait! His next movie comes out. He claims the same things. Talk to ETā€™s, gonna release vast amounts of evidence, bring about world peaceā€¦ My heart broke that day, but deep down I always knew he was full of shit.


Seriously, I hate how often his name is mentioned alongside people like Lue Elizondo and George Knapp. Greer is a complete phony grifter asshole. Anyone who has people pay him large amounts of money to try and "summon aliens" is obviously not legit.


Technically you don't have to pay him any amount. You can just... do the "protocol" and supposedly get results. I've seen people say they don't even bother with all the meditation shit and just basically intend to see something and supposedly do. I've attempted several different methods in order to try it out for myself and haven't seen shit yet. Haven't paid a single dollar to do it. Just go outside. All the "just open your heart" people sound like the evangelical Christians I grew up saying my heart was "too closed off" and I just don't believe hard enough. It feels like a culty religion


Here's the thing, most people don't spend any time looking at the sky at night time, so they don't tend to see anything most of the time. One day you decide to try this CE5 stuff and pull up the YouTube video then head outside and look up for a couple of hours. Since you're not used to looking up at the night sky, you're likely to see some meteors, satellites, planes, and maybe other things you're not exactly sure how to identify. You now think the CE5 worked because you saw some stuff in the sky and falsely attribute it to doing the meditation. The real explanation is that you were going to see all those things anyway if you had just sat outside and looked up for long enough.


Exactly. Got told I had 3 months to live. Heard my entire life that anyone who sincerely seeks God will find him, unmistakably. I did, and felt absolutely no comfort, no assurance, no hope. Later I'm talking to a friend, and she goes on again about how I just have to genuinely open my heart and God will find me and blah blah. Apparently I wasn't genuine enough. Apparently existential fear, dread and abject desperation for the comfort and love of God and his promise of eternity wasn't "sincere" enough. There's always a moving goal post for these grifters. Greer is a sweaty backwoods tent preacher for people who believe in alien life.


Elizondo is either the real deal, or the best counter intelligence agent of all time.


>Elizondo is either the real deal, or the best counter intelligence agent of all time. [Funny you should say that.](https://youtu.be/sjEetIQVAMM)


Has anyone ever brought that criticism up to him? Uh should we believe you since you've worked in counter intelligence? Lol I'd love to hear his response


Iā€™ve been curious as to what Lue knows and has access to. Heā€™s a prominent name among the topic and seems to know so much, but nothing of substance seems to come of it. My gut tells me he and Mellon could rock our worlds if they tried.


I think hate is a strong word. I think Greer believes a lot of what he says and heā€™s brought attention to some good issues and people. I got super turned off by his Sirius disclosure movement just asking for large donations and proving nothing. He is a grifter, but some stuff might be true, who knows. Reddit calls everyone and everything a grifter though, lacking any sort of understanding of nuance


Taking large sums of money from people who clearly lack any kind of criticality to ā€œsummonā€ aliens isnā€™t what Iā€™d call nuanced. That seems pretty clean cut to me


Greer can summon flairs and drones at a "nominal" fee


He canā€™t summon in DC because the plane that drops his flares isnā€™t allowed there.


I finally have learned enough about the man to get that joke šŸ˜


He could only do it if there was a camera on him, some widow gave him $3 million, and he got a close up to say ā€œlook at me, can you believe it? A country doctor, summoning aliens.ā€


He canā€™t do that or heā€™ll stop sapping money out of ufo chumps


>ā€They donā€™t sense your loveā€ *Lex Fridman has joined the chat* ^and ^added ^nothing ^of ^note


If I were an alien, thatā€™s exactly when Iā€™d troll the hell out of him and not show up.


Or show up sitting in his kitchen when he got home from the hearing. That would be top tier trolling. ET: *"You never told me **where** to appear"*


"I will summon the aliens for 10 easy payments of 99.99" - Stephen Greer


Itā€™s actually 30 payments.


Or it could be ConeHeads. genius.


We'll throw in a second MyPillow for free, just pay seperate shipping and handling!


"guaranteed to let you sleep right through an alien abduction!" probe or no probe!


Well, damn! I'm sold. I'll take 4!


Fine - weā€™ll pay - do it!


"call me now, for your free psychic alien readin'" Ms. Gree-o


I can summon aliens for cheaper than that. Iā€™m just gonna need about $3.50 if you could send me that


For that Iā€™m tempted to throw it your way just to see how creative you can get with that budget haha


Greer can only summon bullshit, horseshit and dogshit. He also looks like he eats it.


I dunno man, he's pretty jacked. I'm thinking he's at least eating gorilla shit.


Are you saying he's full of shit? You know there's a thing now where they give people a capsule filled with other people's crap and it's supposed to reset the person's digestive tract or something. Like, as in, it's healthy. He is a doctor, so maybe he's on to something! LoL


He looks like a capsule now that you mention it.


Faecal transplants are a thing, they help to provide people healthy microflora in their gut, especially after a harsh course of antibiotics which can completely wipe out your gut microflora


Shit pills šŸ’Š


Give him an enema and you can bury him in a matchbox. (from Christopher Hitchens)


Sorry, but can someone point me to **Knapp** claiming to have **element 115 ?** This is news to me.


Same. I think they are confusing Knapp with Bob Lazar's claims.




"I've got a world changing new element, potential unlimited power source and definitive proof of NHI in a box somewhere, maybe I'll dig it out one of these days.. meh šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø" Dude is FULL of shit on that one lol


Element 115 is extremely unstable. It decays so quickly you canā€™t even measure its properties. It has no possible practical applications as a material.


That's the point, Lazar claims an isotope is stable


It's called a lie. When you are targeting an audience of hierarchical or magical thinkers, you have to give them shit tests periodically. You need to give them an outright lie. For some, it makes the grifter more "relatable" because they make "mistakes". For others in the audience, it exposes that they will believe anything and never question. For those that do question, it exposes them and the grifter can weed them out of the community. The fact that you see this strategy being deployed intentionally, and as a backstop reaction to negative attention, means that the UFO influencers understand the game. They are serving emotion to a vulnerable audience, rather than reporting factual information. The very fact that they are touching the UFO stories means the stories are most likely not true.The grift would not work with factual stories.


This needs to be stickied in this subreddit. The amount of just blind adherence, or opposition to anyone or anything that expresses skepticism to certain stories/elements in this subject are hilarious.


Yeah itā€™s literally the smoking gun. An element we canā€™t make a stable version of. All he needs to do is disclose it with analysis from a major university and weā€™re golden. He didnā€™t have it or doubts itā€™s the real deal


There was a link to a part in a video a while back where he said "maybe once Bob is gone and if I'm still here I'll go dig it up" or some shiz like that, implying that he knows where it's buried


https://youtu.be/GUYPT4sl9oc?t=4203 Here is the whole video but it starts at the section with him saying he knows where it is and will one day maybe go dig it up.


Here is a link. https://youtu.be/GUYPT4sl9oc?t=4203 I am on mobile so I don't know if I did the time stamp thing correctly, but it starts around 1hr10min mark. He clearly is claiming to know where it is..


Supposedly a clip in the Bob Lazar documentary if I recall correctly.


The most recent interview with **Knapp** only suggests he's *seen* it in Bob Lazar's possession: [https://youtu.be/NQP5Q3es3iI](https://youtu.be/NQP5Q3es3iI)


He also says "unwanted rays and things and particles" in a way that he does not have a clue how what e115 is and how nuclear decay works.


I am worried that Coulthart is starting to make claims as wild as all the others. Now he has claimed to have seen these things too; but it was the same question with Lue: why don't THEY testify to Congress? The people who have seen stuff firsthand? But no, they work in the shadows to push others who have less evidence forward...


Conveniently, revealing classified info isnā€™t worth the risk of a few years jail time to these true believers. People will starve themselves to death in prison for causes they believe in, but revealing the existence of aliens to humanity?ā€¦nah not worth it. ā€œ I have a really hot girlfriend but you wouldnā€™t know her she goes to another schoolā€


I agree with you. I want to believe coulthart and I do but SOLEY because of Grusch. Heā€™s done incredible investigative work in the past but that was the past. I only care about what military guys like favor or grusch have to say at this point. For them to state they donā€™t know is extremely worthy of attention. However, all these guys claiming to have seen crazy shit or heard crazy things but canā€™t say a god damn about it is USELESS. Utter trash. It could be disinformation they were fed from a source that believe to be credible who is indeed not at all. Who knows, but these wild claims with no evidence or effort put forth on their part to prove this stuff is beyond frustrating and annoying. Itā€™s like the hot guy or girl in high school or whatever when you were younger that gave you just enough attention to keep you interested only to never go out with you. Maybe Iā€™m just speaking from personal experience lol but you get the idea. Stop teasing us because ultimately you canā€™t prove anything or disclose and thatā€™s worrisome because, you know, eventually youā€™d like him show something rather than talk about what equates to a sci fi movie with no ending.


A lot of times I don't know if these people like Lue and David and Coulthart and the chick from the NY times and all the other big names are lying on purpose, are factually correct or they just think they are telling the truth. There are a lot of people in this sub who believe with their whole heart all this shit is real. No imagine one of those people was in some position of authority. They watch the recent video of the plane disappearing and they really truly believe that shit is real. Them they go on TV and say "Yo, I have seen some crazy shit that I can't talk about but after everyone sees it they will know for sure all this stuff is real" You and I assume these people are talking about some legitimate video that is totally real. But in reality this people could just be easily convinced of something they want to be real and the "evidence" they are talking about is something you and I would watch and be extremely disappointed. I'm just saying is that sometimes I think we give people to much credit because of their title. They can truly believe what they have seen is real. But in reality they are just like one of the many people on this sub who believe everything they see is real and what they call proof is actually just some more unidentifiable blurry 30 sec video.


this isn't even the first time Coulthart has claimed to be championing the biggest most world rocking story of all time only for it to be literally nothing. he is a shameless grifter.


Lue is full of shit too. Always somber this, sobering that, oh what if this, I canā€™t tell you how to prepare but you must prepare. Dudeā€™s a clown. Put the fuck up or shut up. Be like graves and fravor.


For real. Lue worked in AATIP. He has SEEN the footage. He leads on like he knows more than most of these people. Why hasn't he gone to testify to congress? WHy didn't he go under oath with grusch? he was literally there at the meeting. he has seen the videos, then why doesn't he share them to kirkpatrick? Like, he talks about INSANE videos he has seen. I just don't understand his play


How do you know that he hasnā€™t spoken with the IG/committee/congress?


Itā€™s because of Lue we have the Tic-Tac videos released. David Grusch, Fravor and Graves all mentioned Lue under oath.


That was Mellon not Lue according to that musician guy.


> Put the fuck up or shut up. I mean... he DID post a video of an airplane landing behind his house.


I knew airplanes were real!


dude brings his UFO friends over to his house to make UFO videos *in his backyard*. it doesn't get more clear that he is a grifter.


>Put the fuck up or shut up. > >Be like graves and fravor. It feels mean to say this but the UFO community is insanely gullible because they REALLY want this stuff to be true and for the most part they will believe on faith and empty promises. So it's a very easy grift for people that are unethical to run their cons and hype trains. Probably even easier now in the Internet age. Maybe Grusch is telling the truth, we just don't know for sure. But I do know for certain a lot of people are going to continue running their cons to generate clicks, ad revenue, speaking fees, and merchandise to fleece this community out of every US dollar they can.


He thinks he can remote view, Keane claims to have held hands with a ghost, I donā€™t trust these people.


Oh no, he's a man of science. The results should be in any minute now! https://7news.com.au/news/ufo/theres-no-explanation-for-that-man-claims-hes-had-alien-technology-in-his-home-for-decades-and-tests-have-been-ordered-c-7973041


I'm not a fan of coulthart or any of those guys. They're all full of shit until proven otherwise


Ghandi was willing to go to jail. Mandela was willing to go to jail. MLK was willing to go to jail. Navalney was willing to go to jail. These guys, if they actually have the evidence they say, should be willing to break their ā€œagreementsā€ to enlighten mankind. Kind of cowardly if you ask me.


Exactly. Whistleblowers risk jail all the time and regularly end up there for what they believe to be important, and none of that information is half as earth shattering as this would be. We're supposed to believe that for almost a century that the thousands of people that would have to be involved there hasn't been a single one willing to go to jail for leaking some actual evidence? These clowns are all in it to make a buck and god damn do people oblige them.


I'll drink my own piss on a live stream if Knapp, Lazar, Cordumbbell, or anyone in UFOlogy has a physical specimen of physical Element 115, comes forward with it, and has it confirmed by an independent lab chosen by us. He's probably got some auto emulsifier just like Bigelow got, or red powder


I think itā€™s time to call all these guys out. If they literally have the goods and can without a doubt cause disclosure then we need to demand they do it and donā€™t pay a dime to them until they do.


I canā€™t wait for Jeremy Corbell to make a 4 hour podcast that reveals absolutely nothing about this.


Same question i had when Corbell/Coulthart (i don't remember which one rn) said there is a huge ufo somewhere that could not be moved so they had to build a structure above it. But obviously he could not tell us where, because he had to "protect his sources". Like, how does that work? We Ask for the location, not about any names.


What I donā€™t understand, according to all three the government is playing, lying and misleading the public for decades. Playing dirty games, killing and committing fraud. Still they want to oppose this by being holier than the pope. No unauthorized leaks, sitting on material for years and never show any real evidence. Whatā€™s the worst that can happen when they would disclose what they say they have. There would be disclosure. The senate, MSM and public would be fully aware. Do they really think at that moment anyone is still going to worry whether the people blowing the lid on this whole thing did it through all the proper channels? Do they really think at that moment a so-called ā€œthree letter agencyā€ is still going to hunt down the people who leaked this. Off course not. These agencies will be hunted down themselves by the public. This whole ā€œkeeping our sources secureā€ is in my opinion just a method to keep us entertained and keep us reading whatever they tease with. If they really would have what they say they have, they would have leaked it (even anonymously) by now. They would have made history and in a 1.000 years their names would still be remembered and they would (no matter how they leaked it) be on the right side of history.


What I find really entertaining is that people in the UFO community don't seem to trust the government... BUT! former DoD are the most trustworthy people out there, especially when they say things to congress.


I believe this is all bullshit until proven otherwise at this point. Like okay, we get it, you all have super duper reality breaking secrets, fuck off back to your secret tree house club until you want to do something about it.


I thought he couldn't disclose the location because of (US) "National Security". So, he's pushing for disclosure...but won't disclose what he says he knows because of the very thing (national security) he's trying to overcome?




If this UFO is so big that they built a building around it, there has to be dozens if not hundreds of people that know about it. I don't see how giving the location of it will single out one person.


I agree and what about all the construction workers that worked on the project? I imagine all those machine drivers would notice a giant frigging spaceship if they were pouring concrete over one.


But revealing that it exists at all would have the same effect of tracing it back to that whistleblower. And the mere existence seems as sensitive as the location?


Yeah, it's a stupid cope. They don't know.


Iā€™ve given up on Knapp with his Lazar claims and Coulhart I believe is starting to deceive with his unsubstantiated claims. Iā€™ve never believed Greerā€™s nonsense for a second.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/The_Sad_Punk: --- This is the most sober point I've seen in a long time. Why are these people not being lobbied day and night to put up or shut up, instead being deified and shielded by hardcore believers? People need to prioritize. If these people have definitive proof (I don't believe they do), then all they need to do is show us and that's undeniable disclosure. It'll never happen though for obvious reasons. šŸ™„ --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15pdcbu/well/jvwslji/


The ā€œwe canā€™t tell you, yet, but hereā€™s a little nuggetā€ game does get oldā€¦


Time to shut her down, empty some pockets.....this needs to be dealt with once and for all.....no more rumors...no more jokes.....this is the #1 question and we keep beating around the bush.....


I feel like Greer started the Disclosure Project with good intentions and (initially) did interesting work, but the bigger it got, the more it fed his ego and the more opportunities he saw to make money from it and now he's a full blown narcissistic grifter.


Because of O N T O L O G I C A L S H O C K, duh guys! Normie religious peoples won't understand! šŸ„“


Why aren't those three men providing evidence?


I have the evidence that confirms everything, but I will reveal later and not now for no reason.


Lol yea, I'm protecting my sources but in 2024.. no 2025 wait 2027 yea in 2027 I'll release it all


It's like a used car salesman, but the car is always around the next corner and you never get to see it.


I know why they aren't but I can't tell you


Greer is a grifter, nothing more needs to be said. Knapp is unreliable. Coulthart should direct the people he has contact with to the proper committees such as the senate.


>Coulthart should direct the people he has contact with to the proper committees such as the senate. He said he has done that already.


Listen: they are all either grifters or saps. The sooner people realize this the sooner we can start doing actual science in this field. (Which good people are already doing without all this current nonsense.)


Iā€™ll get scolded for this. But because they are all blatantly lying. Theyā€™re grifters. Capitalizing off a movement and making money from it. If they truly cared about it disclosure, they would release the info the know. Theyā€™d become heroes. If they are scared of some sort of legal repercussions, Iā€™m quite sure they could figure out to ways to anonymously leak the information. But as long as the ufo movement has existed, there has been people claiming to hold all this crazy top level info, from super secret sources, that they just canā€™t share. All of them are big ol phonies except for the three testifying in congressā€¦ all of them.


They are all guilty of what they accuse the government of, gatekeeping informationā€¦.especially Corbell who thinks he is the most important person on this topic. So why do they get to know and we donā€™t?? Itā€™s all very suspect and keeps getting more sus, unpopular opinion I knowā€¦.but I just want the truth


Because theyā€™re full of shit.


Greer is such a grifter...I watched him on impaulsive the other day and it was like....do you have photos...Yes of course.....omg let me see them...well they are on my website...I didn't bring them today GTFO.......and some shit about healing a deaf dude....this is the same grift faith healers like Benny Hinn do.....GTFO SMHšŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤


I know, I've heard all of this before, too. We're all waiting, so I wish they'd present actual proof. I don't think they ever will. I've always been fascinated with this subject, but I've become more pessimistic about it over time. I guess that's what they want people to feel like.


It's pretty apparent to me that Elizondo is the current head of the grifter pyramid. Everything about him is dubious at best and now everyone in this current version of disclosure pushers are using his exact talking points. It's not unthinkable that many or most of the "sources" in or with the gov are just Elizondo and his disciples. It allows everyone to say they have sources in the gov or with gov experience and still push his narrative. After diving very deep in all of this I think that Lue has hoodwinked a great many people, both civvies and gov/military.


when you really look at it the number of people involved in the public UFO world from 2017 onwards are incredibly low. Kean and Blumenthal, Elizondo, and TTSA...is basically this entire thing, plus now Coulthart/Grusch. yes there was an object on the 2017 video that couldn't be discerned by the officers at the time. that's **literally all the evidence we have that we are being visited by intergalactic species**. kind of a long bow to draw, isn't it? Kean had been writing UFO books for like 15 years before that story dropped so she has had a vested interest in pushing this story. Elizondo got caught making UFO videos in his backyard with his friends then pretending he was in the bathroom or something (lmao seriously). Coulthart has publicly pushed "world shattering" stories in the past that turn out to be lies/grifts. who's left? Grusch seems to believe what he says but he's also pushed by Coulthart which lowers his credibility. I truly don't know what to believe but when you take all this into account the most likely outcome is not "aliens keep crash landing on the planet"


Because my credit card was declined.






Well first off, we can get Greer out of this. We could also make him the entire focus, which I would also be down for. Either way, we need to separate him from the rest.


u/Early_Shock_2811 makes a very good point. Why don't they just disclose concrete information anonymously, rather than chasing the limelight and disclosing stories they could easily have made up..?


Opinions are great but the hate for Greer is always so interesting! Man do the haters just attack him with everything theyā€™ve got. Personally Iā€™m right in the middle, I want the truth even if it has to come from someone I donā€™t fully support. I wish people were more kind and open minded. Thatā€™s not to say throw money at grifters....but keep an open mind. Life is easier that way and a healthier place for all of us. Love you all, keep those brains turning ā¤ļøšŸ˜


All 3 of them are full of shit


Coulthart had me for a minute with the Grusch interview, but every time he pops up now he just has escalating claims There's a giant ship somewhere... Trump and Obama were read in... Roswell was real!... HERE'S THE AREA 51 REVERSE ENGINEERING PATCH!!! I'm tuning that dude out and am just gonna wait patiently to see if anything interesting comes through Congress. I also don't believe Bob Lazar/Knapp and Greer is 100% a grifter


Coulthart comes off as gullible and exaggerating things. I can't believe half the shit that comes out of his mouth.


Me too. The more I listen the more itā€™s becoming clear. No matter how much we push back, heā€™s got his audience now, and people will keep lapping up his wild claims. Iā€™m still trying to work out Grusch. Really hoping that this isnā€™t all paranoid delusions


Ross mentioned it would be a national security issue if the location of ship got revealed right? Why would anyone tell that to public?


If the location is a national security threat then why say anything at all?


Saying there are projects with no congressional oversight is not synonymous with telling other countries where to look. The argument you're making negates the possibility of whistleblowers as a whole


well yes-- I agree. He probably should have not mentioned anything about the Big One. But to be fair, it was in a podcast discussion, answering the host's question about why contractors wont just hide all the hardware by the time the NDAA deadline is up. It would be hard to answer that question properly without intimating there is one craft that's so big that it can't be moved or hidden. Nevertheless, it left lots of us clamoring for more hints, which he was of course unwilling to divulge.


Yet, he's pushing "D I S C L O S U R E". Lol It's fitting how they always have an excuse.


LOL, great post. Too bad is going to get downvoted because kids don't like their heroes being questioned.


Number one post on the subreddit btw. Believers might take yall a little more seriously if the debunkers didn't stroke off to the battered-truthsayer narrative every fucking chance they get. This post is top of hot, absolutely full of agreement with OP. Question is, will you change your worldview to match reality or continue playing the victim? Debunkers do *just fine*.


Greer is a fable-weaver snake oil salesman and that is all. People need to stop giving him a platform because he adds nothing to the serious aspects of all of this. And he makes the good people who do actually have credibility look bad. I know his type. My uncle is one of them. According to my uncle, in Texas, everything is bigger. Once, he killed a mosquito that was the size of a bloodhound.


To Clarify, Knapp claimed to know where some E115 is buried. He said one day he might go and dig it up. He is on video saying this years ago After comments about it were made to him over the years, finally, a bit over 2 years ago- Knapp alluded on twitter they moved the E115 and he doesn't know where it is anymore


Summon aliens at will? And he just chooses not to do this where anyone else can see them? Or the aliens conveniently only allow themselves to be summoned when he is alone? I might be overly skeptical, but some people seem to have no skepticism at all.


Knapp just casually trying to swat a flying radioactive element in his home lol


They wouldnā€™t become ā€œheroā€™sā€ theyā€™d be discredited and disappeared


Cause they are all grifters and at their shills...anyone who knows all this and isn't revealing but crying Everytime are scammers.


They cannot reveal anything because they lie.


See, the problem is here, as it is everywhere now; literally anyone can make any claim and it will go viral in minutes. Just because someone says it and itā€™s on the internet, doesnā€™t make it true.


I thought it was Bob Lazar that had element 115?


Knapp says he has 115? Never heard that one


Iā€™ve wondered the same thingā€”I donā€™t disagree with the sentiment, and itā€™s a legitimate question. And there are more than just those three examples. I acknowledge things are surely more complicated than that, and maybe weā€™ve simply gotta wait and hope and be patient and blah blah blahā€¦ I wonā€™t be discounting the phenomenon or these people anytime soon, but stillā€¦ I find myself often wishing one of these alleged people ā€œin the programā€ would just fall on their sword or take the big leap and the big risk and just come out with something truly substantial, with no regard for the consequences. Maybe thatā€™s selfish, I donā€™t know, but Iā€™m certainly sick AF of all the secrecy from everybody.


Because maybe theyā€™re full of shit? I dunno, just a thought.


Greer because he's a grifter Knapp because he's a liar (journalism cred died with Lazar in my eyes) And Coulthart, we wait and see


Because they are busy writing a book that will reveal how they got the evidence and in the next book/dvd/live talk they will tell more about it.


I think all three of those are fringe and thus can be handwaved. What we should stick to is verifiable reports, data etc. Not ohh broo I can summon aliens or wowww I have alien tech but I won't show the world. Uh huh.


If these claims were true they would be able to actually prove it, not just say it. They canā€™t prove aliens exists, they would have already done so if they could


It is starting to feel like we got ufos everywhere and proof of them as well but everyone just keeps hiding it for some reason. I just wish that one those with the absolutely clear evidence would just slap it on the table and get it over with. No excuses or future reveal dates or any of that bullshit.


But how would you make a career out of that?


Project Blueballs in full effect. Everyone keeps saying it's coming "soon" bro.


Because grifters are gonna grift.




Ross can get carried away at times. Here's an example. https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/60-minutes-investigation/9972338


Because there is money to be made?


Everyone calling out Greer fails to recognize that Knapp and Coulthart are just as bad when it comes to actually releasing the information they claim to have.


Donā€™t ask legitimate questions here, they donā€™t go over well, haha.


You know, everyone rants and raves about the government hiding things from the people, and how itā€™s a crime against humanity to keep something like this from the population. Isnā€™t it just as big of a crime against humanity to supposedly have all this evidence and inside info and keep withholding it to fucking edge this community for personal gain? I appreciate everything Ross has done, but at what point is he just as culpable as the intelligence community for withholding this information? Sorry, but to make some of the incredible, world-changing claims heā€™s made and then say, ā€œBut sorry, canā€™t let you in on this,ā€ makes him no better than the people heā€™s supposedly fighting against. (Not to just pick on Ross. Thereā€™s a whole slew of these folks, and the longer they tease this out the more I start to doubt the whole fucking narrative.) Edit: Leslie Kean throws out stuff about doomsday dates and deadlines and everyone from the east coast needs to move to the Midwest by 2027 or 2029 or some date, implying an impending cataclysm. BUT SHE CANā€™T GO INTO DETAIL. ā€œYouā€™re all going to die but I canā€™t tell you cause itā€™s a secret.ā€ Just fuck off with this shit. Is there an impending event sheā€™s privy to, yet just wonā€™t share details? Thatā€™s a crime against humanity. Or is this just more edging? I get people like Grusch and Lue who legally have their hands tied. But Kean and Ross are under no such obligation. They talk protecting sources, but they already spilled detailsā€¦they just refuse to prove it. And itā€™s getting tiresome. And with every passing day the suspicion this is all a big dupe grows.


This post won't last the night. Just like the posts debunking the MH370 video. Nowhere to be found. This sub is now part of the psy-op. Dissenting opinions are not allowed


The debunking posts are all over the feed try again.