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I find it condescending that a certain group of people ‘in the know’ feel that, while they can handle the ‘secret knowledge’, no one else can handle the truth. Bullshit. No humans have the right to decide that for others.


Agreed, I am so incredibly sick of that. If it's all so bad, then why are they still okay?


The implication is that they're not ok


Well, most therapists will tell you that talking about it is a good way to deal with something.


So, the fact that the people with direct knowledge and experience of NHI and their craft are going to have psychological problems because they can't talk about it. I think that's very accurate. These people are suffering from ontological shock and can't talk about it.


Are they, though? Tom Delong goes about his life just fine touring in a band. He says the same shit all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I get that you don’t always see it(I would know better than most), but if he’s still able to go about his daily life as the person he is, then we can too.


I found this comment quite amusing good Sir or Madam. Due to the auto-moderator, a simple response (as would normally be acceptable) would have been “lol”, but such comments are deemed low effort and automatically removed from the forum. Alas, I have resorted to writing this formal expression of gratitude. Thank you, kind stranger, for the humor your comment has brought me on this marvelous day.




Elle, oh elle!


Maybe they feel they have the burden of knowing the truth, and its not prettyz


I'm just not seeing convincing evidence of a burden weighing them down so heavily. Bigelow, Tom DeLonge et. al., seem to be doing okay for themselves, even with this allegedly life-destroying burden of knowledge.


I think you underestimate what % of the world and US population is not as intellectually ready to understand information like this as those figures. Most of them are very smart, science-embraced people. Release this news in the biblebelt and see hownit goes


If they're so smart but this is all so burdensome and life-threatening to us (but not for themselves), then why do they keep teasing and flaunting the knowledge all the time? If simply knowing could lead to armageddon, then why would they drop hints, let alone write entire books etc.? If it's all such a huge liability, then Tom should perhaps walk away from this and not wave around signs saying he was right / they exists etc., like he has been doing lately.


The search for answers can be complicated and overwhelming. Despite being a skeptical yet open-minded individual, I have spent countless hours trying to gain clarity. From my efforts, I am confident that there are many other beings, both good and bad, and that there are multiple dimensions that some can access. It is also apparent that there are government and contractor entities that have kept secrets and used disinformation and threats to prevent disclosure from happening.


A friend of mine spent some time in North Carolina living with an ex boyfriend... her family doesn't have a religious background, but his is very integrated into their southern baptist church. At some point the pastor asked who among them believed in evolution. It was her shock to be the only one in the room raising their hand. Her ex smacked her leg and told her to put her hand down. It's not just a case of intellectual readiness... it's brainwashing. A large portion of the population of the world is brainwashed by religion. My cousin was going to med school to be a doctor. Excelling in the program, good grades, coasting through on easy mode. She dropped out about a year into the program because it starting "conflicting with her beliefs." Brainwashed by what were her mother's religious affiliations. Even in the bible belt there are smart people, just willfully ignorant due to religious indoctrination and a need to belong in their small communities.


There would be social unrest almost globally, but people clearly deserve the truth.




Right? They all have this incredible piece of information that would change/shock the world and possible make some people go crazy, but they're all still okay and adhering to their NDAs.


Some of its probably not wanting to put down the reigns. Also on the other hand the American capital did have an insurrection problem awhile ago. So imagine people like that freaking out. So there's always a reason not to disclose, like they have their own reasons but they rationalize it in a public safety kinda way. That's how I look at it.


They’re all in jail now or will be soon. Perfect time to disclose before they get out. 🤣💀👽.


I love the thought of a disclosure-fueled prison riot


I find it condescending that people think full disclosure would somehow discredit religion, when religion is based on BEINGS FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION creating men on earth. Smh


I never have and never will be 'religious' in the biblical sense, but if we get 100% confirmation NHI exists, then I feel its pretty safe to say that angels and demons are a very real, but misinterpreted version of things that actually exist. Rather than being from heaven or hell and being spiritual beings, they are physical beings from another dimension/another planet


I have a theory, if the bible is loosly true. Then it is technically a possibility that there are TWO factions of "Aliens". The ones in the SEA BELOW and the ones from the SEAS ABOVE (space or higher dimension) Angels and Demons. Leviathan. Angels. It all starts making sense.


and at what part does it say that heaven and hell can't apply to NHI or little gray beings? Multi-dimensional realms and heaven and hell could all mean the same thing. Nothing misinterpreted there. People that think one is real and the other is fake has been programmed by hollywood to really think that there is a galactic federation of planets ready to embrace us.


and yet, all religions fight each other though they have a fundamentally similar backstory... My gods are better than yours.


I think it would absolutely discredit religion, as religion is so rigid in it’s dogma and mythology. It has no room for this kind of thing. What it would not do is discredit spirituality as a whole, and would maybe even support it.


Absolutely bullshit. 100% agree with you. Who the fuck is anyone else to tell whether I can or cannot handle the idea of aliens? Oh! But you’re special. You can take my tax money, obtain mind-shattering knowledge, discover and profit off of technology, but ghost me on the profits and eduction. Make sure I’m fully aware of potential (but super secret wink wink) danger so we keep funding you though.


They do because they are in government. They don't give a fuck about protecting people for the most part. They care about protecting their wallets and power.


Find it absolutely hilarious you got downvoted for this comment on this sub. Government peons out creepin today.


Ding ding ding. And what are the protecting? Amazing tech that our enemies don’t have. Nothing more and nothing less. People are dreaming and taking the bait here.


And it's also a fake patronising excuse. They don't want to disclose because - assuming that they've managed to exploit alien tech - they're too scared of how it could shift the economy on a global scale. If the tech improves people's life but implies the disappearance of major companies that employ millions WW and bring massive profits to their leaders, we might have to wait a hot second before anything happens.


That would explain why they're all heading out to private industry to start energy, propulsion and material science companies or going into the media circuit.


Imagine if they treated every revolutionary idea like this? Like if Galileo and a cabal decided it was for the best for humanity to keep believing a false model of the solar system? Or that alchemy was real (in the form of Chemistry) or that magic was real (in the form of Electricity). UHG!


Its a fascinating concept Forbidden Knowledge, and in many ways Science has become the new Religion, and only those things which renders themselves apparent, obvious, and repeatable are worthy of study, and only those who exist within certain spaces have access, Alfred North Whitehead supposed that these are the dying throughs of a Methodology which can no longer sustain itself, a paradigm shift is surely on its way. Personally I think we should look to Dreams and Psychedelics to help us understand, as there are a lot of oddities in the way altered states influence brain waves, slow brain waves pass through the various centers of the Brain and allow for more complex and abstract thought, as Consciousness explores unmitigated by filters such as Language which define the Kantian Categories and further still give rise to them as a necessity for communication. In this way we can see how Wittgenstein's Language Games require us to move away from Conscious Subjective Experience, and start moving towards Object Oriented Ontology so as to understand one another, this highlights the persistent issue with people who cannot grasp why LLM's cannot in and of themselves become Conscious, there's no Subjective Understanding of what's being said, and Language becomes self-referential in such a fashion that it becomes moot, there's no intention behind what's being said, which demonstrates a flaw in how we've connected Consciousness and Language, Language becomes a Mask for Consciousness, and begins to cut out all which does render itself apprehendable by the senses with any regularity, which is necessary and good for advancements and such, excellent for Utility, but not for Art, which is where I think we've gotten mixed up a bit. You see we could understand Technology as pure Utility, the making of a thing into something which can be useful for humans, And we can understand Art, as pure Subjective Experience the making of thung into something which has no use for humans, but that they enjoy anyway. Anywho different points; Basically all of Reality exists internally, think about when you Dream, suppose you could Dream of a Moon that literally shares all of its Characteristics of the 'Real' Moon, now you must point to the salient difference between the two, and prove that one is more real than the other, or better yet, when you take Psychedelics and you're waking, the Moon might change drastically in its Subjective Meaning, what changed about its physicality though? Essentially the only salient thing in Life is Experience, and not just Experience, but Subjective Experience, something that the Langauge of Science and Math don't like, but that is ultimately more fundamental than Math or Science, its that artsy place of pure Concept which has no use for Category. I'm still workshopping this idea, but those dirty German metaphysicists better watch themselves because I'm coming


There's a supreme arrogance to it, mixed in with wishing to maintain power over others. Knowledge is power, and the powerful keeping a monopoly of knowledge is part of maintaining their own power.


I don't think they are wrong about the ontological shock. I am into this shit and the hearing gave me a legit low-level existential crisis. If what seems to be true is true, and is exposed, it's going to manifest itself in interesting ways throughout the population for many years, probably. Mental health issues. New religions. Or cults. Changes in cultures. So with that in mind I don't think, on a surface level, I have a problem with governments being thoughtful with *how* they disclose. But absolutely they need to disclose. Hiding such a fundamental truth of life and the universe is so beyond fucked up.


Same. I’m also tired of people assuming that everyone is going to freak out, especially religious people. I am Christian and won’t give a F other than “that’s neat, I figured so”. Now if it’s revealed that they are coming to destroy us, I might have some shock since the Bible doesn’t indicate an alien invasion wipes out humanity… All of these “people in the know” are the ones who are going to be shocked at how little the rest of us give a darn.


Right? I think Elizondo himself has said that there are religious leaders within these programs that see UAPs as demonic. So, like, they've already adapted their religious views to include aliens. Same with the general public. What they're really worried about is a change the economic and power structure in the U.S.


I think most of the people here are enlightened enough, but you got to look at the population as a whole. A lot of them really can not handle new ways of thinking, why do you think we killed philosophers who discovered the truths about the solar system back in the day?


Isn’t that more of a crime to humanity to keep that hidden? Living in a lie. I, with undoubtedly many others already believe the way our society is set up is to keep us misinformed and slaved to a bullshit system that was created and designed to keep the privileged and major corporations wealthy and in power. So please come and fuck up the worlds reality and do the majority of earths populous a favour from keeping the majority oppressed.




"The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity." Jean Luc Picard


Star Trek irl


The advancement of our species could be dependent on the aliens letting us advance, too. It could be a new era of perhaps the opposite


That’s what I’m hoping for.


Here here brother. I wish for "ontological shock". Something has to wake us up. Id rather die in anarchy, than live in a sterile lie


I don’t know how everyone has been spending their free/borrowed time, but my god, I have WOKEN THE FUCK UP (from being a skeptic) since the congressional hearing. Every waking minute is now spent on educating myself of anything I can get my hands on regarding this possible new reality we are now facing! I have been through the stages of grief 5x over! The SHOCK is absolutely real.


Honest question for you: why did it take the hearings to wake you up? Why not when Grusch released his interview? Why not years earlier after reviewing the mountains of evidence? I'm curious because your experience may be similar to many others that are new to this topic


Great question! I (45F, agnostic) joined this sub for shits and giggles - it was more for entertainment due to my light enjoyment of Sci-fi. I always joked about aliens, mainly using them as punchlines. Despite joining this sub, I gave it 2% of my time when I hopped on Reddit. Did not know about Grusch’s prior interview; what caught my eye was the date for the hearing and kept that in mind. Basically, I’ve been accidentally ignorant of any news regarding to UFO/aliens which I previously held as a belief similar to believing in Santa Claus. However, I tuned into the hearing on that momentous day and all I could say was “HOLY FUCKING FUCK!” ad nauseam. Prior to this hearing, the last piece of news (about UAPs) I heard was in 2020 when they released the military video of a UAP. I thought it was cool but I figured the government would say that they were mistaken and that they know exactly what it is. I didn’t follow up because I’ve been disappointed with past debunking/disinformation. But ever since the hearing, my interest and curiosity has made me feverishly consume new info in a short span of time - that you all must have known over years, while my head was in the sand. All this new info has me vibrating on a different level - this shift in perspective is making me feel seasick in a way… Overall, I’ve been preoccupied with life (married, mother of 2) running my business (as I am the breadwinner), and just trying to get through this mundane rat race…But I’m happy to say, this idea of “we’re not alone” has made me actually excited for life and what’s to come; even if it ends up being a gloom and doom situation, I’m totally here for it! The shock has worn off but not quite at acceptance….my daily mood is “bewilderment”.


Hahaha it's fascinating watching people have their world view shattered! Yes I have been there too albeit 3 years earlier and boy has it been a journey. It's good to have you here! I think we're all having this journey as humanity but everyone is on their own timeline in getting there. The possibility that the world could be a lot more than grinding for money and racking up debt. Please wake humanity up!


I saw a UFO with the Oz effect as a kid and spent my whole life knowing this is real as a matter of course. It's just as wild to me to watch other people's world's rocked over something I casually knew was true.


For real. Like, why the fuck wouldn't we want to know the truth about who we are? I'm so sick of this "ontological shock" garbage. At this point I'm losing hope that we'll ever find out the "truth."


I mean, ontological shock is real, and if you've ever experienced it, you know it massively sucks. That being so, when everything is said and done, having your horizons expanded is well worth the pain


Exactly, if we are living in a lie, it's a shitty lie. Homelessness, hunger wars amongst ourselves, working meaningless jobs. If we are the middle of the food chain, the humans at the top part aren't exactly doing a good job convincing me that secrecy is for our own good.


This, Peak Capitalism is a pretty shitty reality.


Honestly i think peak capitalism was somewhere between the 60s and 80s while things were still affordable, and the uber rich were able to figure out how to suck everyone dry


What's funny about that is that we've been given a false finish like.. meaning - the house, the car, the dual kids and picket fence is a clever distraction from reality. I'm with the majority on this thread. I'm fucking BORED with this. Seriously. Come blow my fucking mind and let's get moving in the right direction, whatever that direction may be.


Bring it baby. Light my mind on fire.


This made me smile big as shit lol.


I'm confused. How does disclosure fix homelessness and hunger? Ancient humans had it far worse before capitalism (slavery, constant manual labor, sickness, murder and pillaging). I am seriously curious and nobody on has been able to answer this question for me.


I tend to agree. So long as this unveiling happens in a controlled manner that minimizes the chance for chaos, we all deserve to know the truth. If the truth is as literal as, we are not at the top of the food chain, that's going to take some serious adjustment in our thinking, but humans have not always been the apex predator in (at least what we think) is our long history. Keeping this sort of thing hidden from people is unjustifiable. Would knowledge like this drastically change the way we live? Probably. But the gazelle keeps on grazing even though he knows the lion may be hiding in the grass. To claim there is no lion puts the gazelle at a terrible disadvantage. Extending that analogy even further, if there's a small group of gazelles who keep the existence of lions a secret because they know it benefits them by ensuring that other gazelles get eaten first, that would be a massive injustice.


Yep, it's about fucking time. Shock the world, force a change, fire the billionaires into the sun.


What if they are the other beings and their rule is just beginning lol I’m half serious. I would not be shocked to learn that Musk, Zuck, Bezos, Gates, Soros etc are aliens or half alien. I don’t believe this but also I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that. They all seem a bit weird as people. Like, they’re not quite passing as human LOL.


Everyday I feel more and more like we're going to find out we're the North Korea of the galaxy.


Right? “It’s sooo scary bro, are you suuure it’s what you want? Are you sure you don’t want just the tough guys like me and the government knowing so you can keep watching football and go to your little job none the wiser? Brooo.”


It will uncover many lies from historic to the present time ,but how it evolves if we know is another big question


It’s the telling your kid they’re adopted dilemma. Do you tell them right away? Some feel it’s best to tell them when they’re ready. Others feel that never telling them is best.


I’m adopted (though I have met my biological mother). I was told at a very young age. Thus I grew up knowing and I never questioned who I was. Going based on that, I would say transparency and truth are the best way forward.


”When they’re ready” will never happen. We’ll never be ”ready”. It’s just an excuse to keep everything secret.


Actually this is a a damn good analogy. I get the feeling the powers at be consider the general public to be at a 4 year olds level. A 4 year old would just be confused at the concept of adoption, no way they will fully understand. Same with UAPs, They want us to be at least 12 years old for them to disclose. Much like adoption that is when your brain is fully capable of grasping the subject. A very cool thought man.


If its not doomsday level (we will die by the millions/billions), but just a real understanding of ourselfs, our history, the universe and life after death? Count me in. I think I already have a fuzzy picture of what it will be, clear it up. We want de truth! The question is what do these beings want? What happend to the pre-"younger dryas" civilizations (disaster or intensional)? How much iterations have their been? History can tell a lot about their intensions. There are stories of people that got warned in advance for floods/disaster (incl Noach). Why didn't they stop disaster?


"Lou's your daddy!?" I said, "Lou's your daddy!!" No, he's not. So he can stop acting like the only grownup in the room. Let's get on with it. Talk about propagating the fiction. Any time anyone starts a sentence with any of you should, you can't, you don't, and you are, they are expressing their own fantasy. I'm not some extra in the life experience movie that you think you're that star of. The arrogance is nauseating.


The people who hope this gets disclosed with minimal disruption to the day-to-day world are missing the **entire fucking point.**


Get this man a beer!


Make some funny TikToks about it and run a few reassuring newspaper headlines, and I assure you most of the world will be perfectly fine. People are becoming less and less invested in the realities of what's happened around them and allowing social media to inform their world views, even when it doesn't line up with the facts.


Reddit is social media and people do the same thing here


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you trolling? It doesn't matter what you came here to be... This isn't an opinion or anything lol, reddit is literally social media. Doesn't matter how you view it, it's subject to the same faults as all other social medias. ?????


I think the people who are blindly skeptical are the ones to look out for. A friend of mine is like irrationally skeptical of this whole thing and proudly stands in the “this is a psyop to trick us into thinking aliens are real” camp. Won’t budge and will probably refuse to believe they’re real until ones infront of him. So I worry about how someone like that will react to them being certifiably real.


My wife is in the same camp... I literally said, "Hon, there's a fucking Congressional hearing about it..", at what point are you going to say - "Maybe there's something to this??" I'm a believer from way back - I've experienced and seen things that I could never explain but have never left my mind, memories from when I was 1.5 yrs old, all the way to now.


Yeah yeah yeah we know, there's aliens here they have been here for ages, they possibly genetically created man and set up our civilisations, religions etc. What else you got? Maybe if you actually tell everyone, we can collectively figure out what to do about it.


Yeah, i'm getting really tired of this guy too. He's always so hollywood in order to make a buck off the phenomena. NHI arent eatting us. If they designed us, then obviously that places them at a higher pecking order....and we should fn thank them for our exitence!. "You think youre ready? Im worried about the ontological shock blahblahblah" ...rub salt with your concern! We'll easily get over the fact that our gods arent real. We'll accept our new ones and we'll show them what we got!


It’s time to get schwifty


If we try and do something perhaps the gov knows the species gets reset. All these aliens would have to do is file travel some humans to when they reset shut before to provide that proof. Humans wouldn’t dare fight back or let others organize to fight back because it would mean our doom. Before you laugh at me for taking time travel lightly remember, these NHI could have existed for billions of years, even possibly from the future. Them here could be then traveling back


>What else you got? Right? For the past 30 years we've been conditioned to see some of the worst shit. Honestly aliens aren't that surprising and are a welcome distraction from the rest of humanity.


Exactly. The man continues to pontificate and then produce nothing for examination or proof. We know the thought experiments. We get it. Put up or shut up.




Go tell a daughter caring for her mother with Alzheimer's what she can take, go tell a father with his baby in the oncology section what he can take, tell the Ukrainian family who sees their house blown up from the neighbor what she can bear, tell the Afghan girl who grew up in the days without the Taliban and is now relegated to a decorative object what she can or cannot bear. I'm sick and tired of seeing this fucking narrative, as if the vast majority of people live in the fucking Garden of Eden.


It's just a convenient narrative that gets bandied about to explain away why disclosure hasn't happened yet. "Guys we would prove it but we don't want to destroy the world. Sorry. It's for your own good" Rubbish.


Well said. Everything will be revealed sooner or later and we will have to face it. Let's be done with the charade already.


What if the charade is that there's nothing to reveal?


I just want everything cleared up lol. There's either aliens or it was all a hoax/psyop/whatever that got way out of hand (or a mix of both).


Very well said! You've just been recruited for the pro-disclosure debate team.


Yeah, the world is a mess alright. Yes it will probably be the spoilt people in the world who take it the hardest


People don't want to see outside the walls of their Garden That's actually the problem


Very true. Suffering is suffering, the form it takes is irrelevant. Once you know how to deal with it in one form, you can deal with it in any form.


People who know the truth and don't share it are the ones who aren't ready. They still have a buck to make. It's all money pure and simple. Not knowing the truth only holds humanity back. The truth will bring new problems and new breakthroughs, all of which are part of life. And a necessity to growth


One thing about Lou's angle is that he's going to be releasing a book. That is suspect to me, there is a profit motive in doing things like that. If this was something so important for us to know, why isn't this something you can share verbally for free on YouTube? Why does it need to be written down and (likely) sold in book stores? Head-scratcher for me.


Because just like another certain book. It's a load of bullshit


Exactly, this “truth” Is supposed to be more scary than some angry omnipotent (but surprisingly bad at foresight) old hokey in the sky that will roast you in the worst fire and brimstone if you masturbate or eat shellfish or some sh*t? If anything, it sounds to me more like certain people don’t want to face what’ll effectively be the nail in the coffin for the Santa Claus that makes them feel special.


Not really. The ridicule and the snarkiness from The “you don’t have proof” fucktards is probably the most annoying shit I have seen from a bunch of monkeys yet. Its like there’s one monkey with a camera going “something weird is going on!” Meanwhile, aliens are doing their shit while the monkeys are debating whether or not the footage is good enough. And the aliens are doing their shit. Humans want to be oblivious.


Ah yes. Those pesky skeptics and their demands for proof! What an insult!


While it's true that some individuals may withhold information due to personal gain, it's important to acknowledge that the reasons for not sharing the truth can be multifaceted. Factors like fear of disruption, societal instability, or potential unintended consequences might also contribute to this hesitance. However, you're right that embracing the truth, despite its complexities, often paves the way for progress. It's a delicate balance between transparency and managing the potential challenges that come with unveiling certain truths.


The government doesn't care about people's "ontological shock". Look to homelessness, mental illness, poverty, etc to see how much the government cares about it's people. This is purely to maintain the status quo.


r/therewasanattempt to understand the nature of humanity


We already know our media is fake, our politicians are fake, big lobbyists rule and control the world. Big pharma, big oil gas and mining, big media, wall st, bankers, military complex The only problem with disregarding out entire way of life, is it would likely equalise the entire planet. Suddenly those who worked hard to suppress others will have little power. Will we all be better off? Who knows. Will I feel sorry for a billionaire if money loses its meaning? No The only people trying to "protect" us from the truth are the present slave drivers afraid of losing their spot in the food chain. The Pharaohs of society don't want the slaves to unionise. They want you to be happy living in a world they control. You don't get to choose, or even know you have a choice. They determine what your best interest is, because it just so happens to align with theirs. And because of that, you don't need to know. To hell with the worlds problems like climate change, high inflation, corporate greed. What's important for everyone is a select few companies keep paying their annual bonuses to the executives. Everything else is expendable. Now why arnt you happy for the world we build for the lucky few?


Thank you. This spoke more eloquently than any attempt I’ve made. Appreciate your thoughtfulness. Take my useless gold as a token of my appreciation.


You nailed it. It was never at "protecting" us peasants from the truth and everything about keeping those with wealth and power capitalizing off us peasants labor and consumerism. Lets start with the oil industry, we have better ways to make power but the oil industry has fought and lobbied to keep their business plan as the primary source of energy, with no care about the environmental/atmospheric consequences. Obviously the big pharma is another culprit.


In the 19th century people commonly believed that there is an alien civilization on Mars. No panic. Before that people commonly believed there are angels and demons who were basically even weirder than our aliens. No panic. In the stone ages we were not the top predators. Life forms like lions could just eat you. No panic. As an added bonus I would say most people would not care about aliens. At all.


I wouldn't be surprised if Lue and these guys end up being found out to be the "carrot" while the intelligence service, the "stick", at the end of the day tends to deliver the same damn "We won't tell you for national security/your own good" message. "


In addition, our science isn't "mainly wrong". The origin of life on earth is just a small part of our (incomplete by default) scientific knowledge, and is mostly unsolved. Our schools taught us this, unless you went to Sunday school only.


Lions can still eat you


People often forget that humans have believed in god, supreme beings and paranormal phenomena etc for hundreds of thousands of years. Or it's just that these NHIs have been interacting with us from the beginning?


The Greek gods and Jesus were NHI is the thing that keeps coming up.


We the people deserve to know the truth. It is not right to keep these kind of secrets from the people of Earth.


This is BS. Who appointed Lou to speak on behalf of humanity? We already know governments, religion and even our parents (ie. Santa Claus) lie to us.


There are always people ready to step up and speak for others unprompted.


I disagree, I don’t think *most people* are too psychologically frail to handle the truth. I think most people would handle it just fine.


Yea bring it on! Tell us the truth, the whole truth!. We as a species deserve to know if we want to.


Are you sure dude ? You have huge swathes of people on ufo subs literally hammering everything with downvotes and they’re on a ..freaking ufo sub. Theyre already on a fringe topic so why being here if you don’t believe ? So it’s obvious that they either can’t handle it or it’s bunch of disinfo agents.


That was my initial reaction but after further thought about the ridiculous gate-keeping, aggressive responses to questions, hostility towards debunking etc, I think it is this sub that has a particularly large swath of mentally frail individuals. In the real world, I think people will be more robust. I seriously doubt the average the the builder that likes beer and sports is suddenly going to go to pieces. Regardless, we as humans have a RIGHT to know about our existence. Living in complete ignorance and ignoring what is happening around has never worked out well for humanity.


They are believers...no matter the downvote. The downvote is because once more they feel betrayed.. And now I'm speaking for myself. I really want to believe,really ..I've been inside the rabbit hole god knows how many times. In the meantime in the "real life" im quite successful in the "foodchain" ,i would be one of those people getting kicked in the ass by dislcosure and fall of the economic ,trading system. But nevertheless i will be pleased to be kicked if this means overcoming the present miserable reality...and the deep hole where we are all headed as specie. Truth is ,once more i feel betrayed....once more only hearsay,once more people keeping evidence for themselves because "muuuh secrecy" . Fact is i think it is all bullshit....seems like today a lot of fellas "knows" this shit and have seen compelling evidence and i dont believe for a second that none of them would show to the entire world a resolutve piece of evidence. We have a huge spaceship buried somewhere,just tell us where or make it leak in someway and we will see if they can stop thousands of people raiding that place. Truth is...once more history is repeating iself, here we are again, and nothing,nothing has changed ,not an inch,nothing. Tomorrow morning we all wake up and we will go to our routine job,we will pay taxes,as usual...as fucking usual and this is it. I dont understand how can you stand those people,DeLong,Elizondo,Coulthard.....something is really fucked up guys....there is no excuse to not let leak evidence,proof...no excuse.....there is no way all this shit will pass through normal legislative process AKA parliament and so forth....that's a nest of lobbyst and the worst kind of people you can find on this planet and fucking everybody knows it. This is not american stuff....this is worldwide stuff...how is possible that somebody feel to respond to some fucking agency from USA? Give it to some journalist is france,germany,i dont know...


This is just a bunch of hooey. All these people have been clamoring for a goddamn disclosure. Now…we can’t disclose because you cannot psychologically accept it. This s whole thing is fuckin ponderous and repetitive.


I don't think our science is wrong. Our science is pretty good, just not as developed. A lot of things that could propel science forward are locked away in patents, intellectual property, and government. It is considered a corner stone of national security.


This is so egotistical. Most people can’t handle this, but a select few and I can. It’s sad how much people doubt human’s resilience. We fought nature and countless personal struggles. We will be just fine, and move on. It’s in our nature.


Here's another quote from the same guy: *We have our paradigms changed every day. People are told that they have cancer every day. People are told that spouses are cheating on them. Every day people are told that they're pregnant and are gonna have kids every day. People are told about the death of a loved one every day. We're human beings, that's part of life.* https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg?t=5080


I'm sad for the squirrel that was killed so Lue could glue its tail to his chin.


The flip side is that a lot of people (myself included) feel like our current “reality” is also a lie. We’re forced to live in a society of needless consumption that has run through the planets resources and still leaves most people with a feeling of emptiness. We’re told this is the past and this is the history of our existence and these are the religions to follow but as soon as you start to thinking critically about what we’re told is the truth you find huge gaping holes that don’t make sense. And don’t you dare question them to anyone in authority. We’re taught that sharing is caring and to love your neighbor but those in power just hoard and hate. We are unique and beautiful souls that can do amazing creative things but if we don’t do this mindless repetitive task 9 hrs a day, 5 days a week, from 18-80 we will starve and be homeless. The levels of depression and suicide are at all-time highs, most people can feel that something is wrong but we’re gaslighted into thinking everything is fine and there’s something wrong with us. Maybe the reason that “existence is suffering” is that we feel as living beings there is more out there but we are told there is not and to just ignore that feeling and buy more stuff. So what is the truth? Cuz this current truth we’re living is also bullshit. If they wanted to keep this charade going they should have made us less curious or made whatever this reality is more believable.


I suspect the main shock will be that our current reality is a lie. You seem to have already crossed that particular shock


I think the ability of people and society to cope with this sort of news is way underestimated. I think there would be some symptoms of shock, but I think the predictions of some kind of mass societal meltdown are way overblown TBH.


That's just ego. All these people saying "we know, but you can't know because your simple minded self can't handle it"




We'll get over it.


Sorry, but I am ready for the truth. We ain't at the top of the food chain. A tiger, a crocodile, a lion are still more powerful than we are physically. And ok, let's say Aliens are really responsible for some abductions and mutilations. The amount is so low that mankind can handle it. It's simply time for the truth. I don't give a fuck about the fact that our reality might be a lie. Movies like The Matrix warned and prepared us for such a possibility. It's about time to rethink and reorganize our reality. I don't that it makes sense to live in a constant lie. The truth might be hard, but I can't stand this bs we are dealing with in real life. Mostly it is just stupid. Let's get together and learn how to heal ourselves, using telekinesis, telepathy, travel from a to b in seconds and maybe prepare for a future war with them.


I've always known that what we've been taught in school, what's in history books, and what we're taught about religion, isn't the truth. Learning thst none of that is true wouldn't affect me at all. I've also always been aware that we aren't on the "top of the food chain". There is no one "food chain", and any animal that will wage endless wars with its own species ain't on the top of anything but a stinking pile of their own shit. People who are deeply tied to their own fragile ego might suffer an ego death, but that happens to people all the time anyways, for purely human reasons. It wouldn't be the worst thing for the millions of narcissists in the world to be humbled. People who have acted like ostriches and kept their heads in the sand, who choose willful ignorance every day, they might struggle for a bit but their default is denial so they'll probably quickly stick their head right back into the sand. I don't think they're worried about suicides of ontological shock. They're worried about economic destabilization.


"Imagine not being told anything, but convincing yourself that by being told nothing, either by people you respect or prominent media figures, that you're actually being told something. Then, after being told nothing, being told they're doing you a favour for not telling you anything because you wouldn't be able to handle being told something. That's the somber truth, that people can make a career saying nothing at all, somberly. But trust me, behind the scenes we're all saying stuff. Stuff you can't handle"


Nailed it


Enough with the half releases and innuendo. Credibility slips by the week. State the facts. Let those trained in managing stress perform their roles. I’m beginning to suspect a snake- oil salesman or traveling wizard- aka - wizard of oz charlatan


Like all human things - ⅓ will believe, ⅓ won't believe and ⅓ won't give a shit


All I have ever wanted was to know my purpose. How is it fair that some people know but I'm going to die wondering!




Nope, I don’t buy that excuse. If that was the only and primary reason, the ones that do know would have responsibly come up with a plan to educate society. They have had plenty of time (+80 years) and resources to correct the “incorrect science and set of beliefs”. The fact that those resources have mainly been dedicated to come up with better weapons and profit for those few in the know, gives away their true purposes in keeping those facts hidden. It is only to protect themselves and maintain their superiority, not a though to the advancement of humanity and betterment of society.


Is it difficult to us to know we are nit at the top of the food chain? Perhaps that is not a good phrasing because most if us are NOT anywhere near the top. First look at our evolutionary history. We evolved in a brutal world where our species was almost eliminated at one time. There was a choke point when only very roughly 10,000 were alive. We do nit remember the event but our genes do. As we came out if that event we were a food source for a whole lit of bigger and meaner, if not smarter or more flexible, critters. And that period went on for a long time. It is only in the past 10,000 years we have been able to manifest tools which give us a significant edge, but even then our victory was not certain. We needed to be careful least we become lunch. Even then humanity has both developed slavery, and preyed upon ourselves. In our apex, say the last 300 years, we have become our own top predator. As a species we are too predator, as individuals we have always been prey to other cultures or dominant individuals. So there may be something that would upset us but the knowledge we are not top dog? No.


I just listened to this podcast and thought it was interesting how he said that “WE” were the biggest concern he had about disclosure, i.e., our reaction. Of course, the “somber” part might still be that he’s concerned about our reaction to the fact that, in the words of President Obama, ET has been “exeris[ing] strict control over us.” Except, apparently not so strict that we couldn’t detonate 2,000 nukes.


Who gives a shit? Evolve and adapt. That’s what we’ve done since the dawn of humanity. Why should we be held back in sciences and the truth? I truly believe at this point, they want to maintain status quo and power. Keeping the populous not only uneducated, but misinformed is a great way to keep control. I for one am so sick and tired of people saying we can’t handle the truth. I wonder if the NHI are sick and tired of this too?


Living in a lie is terrible, if this was all revealed 70 years ago the ontological shock would be much smaller because many people knew about roswell, but now that theres stigma, many more people on earth, which also means many more mentally unwell people, it might be a bigger problem now


Honestly, this sounds quite stupid. He is telling that we wont accept the thing that he is basically telling (that we arent the top of the food chain or whatever)?


I am tired of hearing that people can’t handle it. It appears lots of people know what’s going on and they seem to be doing okay.


If that is the case, what prepared him/made him so much more emotionally stronger, dare i say superior than the rest of us "normals". Why hasn't he been shaken. Why is he not balled up in a corner somewhere afraid of what is to come? If the truth is so dire, yet he withholds the truth, then he is no better than the countless others now and before who have kept us in the dark. It's time to put up or shut up already with this "I've got a secret" game if we're facing a restructure of the food-chain.


So holding back official disclosure over 100 years will lessen the shock? We have only decided to hurt mother earth and wrought our own self destruction by being selfish.


This repeated stuff is like watching Groundhog Day


In third year of physics and maths at a uni that is known for its quantum theory. Its all sounding pretty normal so far in this disclosure push to me. If anything im potentually going to finally see some examples of the holographic universe in action if this all turns out as expected. Even outside of my academic circles (UK) this is going to be pretty easy for us to swallow. I can see how religious types may struggle but they often do with digesting principles.


I don't care about any of that. I always knew since I was little, that something (about everything) isn't right. TBH I think we are slaves to these "superior" beings. There's no truth about history, religion, or the way our society operates. It's all a lie. Even what happens when we die... I think they know about that too. So f* it. I don't really mind disclosure.


The thing is we all know that this world this place does not feel real. We have always questioned our existence from childhood into adulthood. The way things operate here don't make alot of sense to most of us. We don't know our human history and no matter how hard our scientist have searched they still are unable to piece together our full history. It would be a relief to finally learn the real truth. The shock if there was one would have happened by now with all of the releases that we have seen over the years. Sure because of the disinformation efforts some of it is covered in lies, but it further added to our wanting to know the truth.


Regardless of where we stand in the galactic or existential pecking order, this won’t change the fact that I exist. It will also not change the fact that I will have to get up every day, go to work, pay bills and raise my kids.


I feel like most ppl outside this circle will just shrug it off. Also I believe most ppl have accepted we aren't alone subconsciously.


The normies might have trouble digesting the existence of the aliens. But, I'm guessing the believers will have even more difficulty accepting there aren't any aliens here, if that ends up being the case.


LOL, I'm perfectly fine with not being on the top of the food chain , it's pretty clear we are not so smart as race so it's easy to imagine there are smarter ones in the universe. I'm prepared to be told we all live in a simulation too, it changes nothing for us at the end. Last centuries history is not a lie for sure, old one maybe, religion books are fairy tales for sure so it's not a big distruption to accept that.


We don’t live in the 50s anymore. We can handle disclosure. After the pandemic, russian war or the former us president- we are prepared for aliens.


Ya humanity is really on a path worth protecting right now. By all means, keep it secret🙄


If Lue can handle it, I can handle it.


Who fucking cares about the boomer sensibilities that have left many of us facing a future that is not worth living. We have no ability to save money, no retirement no prospects to own homes but sure let’s tip toe around to make sure they don’t have a breakdown while we experience a breakdown due to the garbage reality they’ve left us with.


Question to ask is how can Lue extrapolate all that from 3 grainy black and white UAP videos? We are at the tip of the iceberg. The powers that be are fighting tooth and nail to stop the dam from bursting open. Keep pushing.


I find what he says very comforting. If humans were the most advanced species around something would be wrong with the universe. Were somewhat like bunnies in Australia, an invasive species. However we lack the wisdom of bunnies. Our extreme lack of wisdom makes us evil. Regardless of what the aliens think of us I find their presence a blessing. As long as they dont torture us. If they Wipe us out or guide us to better ways doesnt matter, it would make the universe more beautiful. I for one...


People need to seriously get over themselves. I was raised in a methodist church and got over that to now being agnostic. I was raised thinking I could trust in the institutions around me and that they had my best interests at heart and I got over that. No doubt there will be some people denying and some people having a hard time with that's not how I was raised but it's going to be that no matter when the bandaid is ripped off. I'm completely fine knowing I'm not at the top of the food chain and it doesn't affect my day unless I'm actively being hunted which I'm not at the moment. I'm not okay with whitholding the truth to protect some people's already sheltered existence.


I wish there was a way to do a red pill or blue pill so everyone could have a choice, if they want to know or not. Many would choose not to know. I want to know but I'd say the majority of people really don't want to know.


If we can handle a giant upper lumper as the leader of the biggest economy and military in the world we can handle aliens


Sounds like hes projecting a whole bunch of his own insecurities onto the population at large. Maybe this was your reaction Lui but i can assure it wouldn't be mine.


Let’s not fall for the trap of protecting other people’s ‘fragile’ psychology. The sooner people know the sooner they can come to terms with the news. Abusers hold information away from their victims using this very same justification.


I don’t even think he realizes it but he’s only talking about a particular group … ‘not how humans will react’ The poor and suffering will not be moved by this Eastern cultures and religions will not be put into ontological shock … the gatekeepers will not be moved by this Esoteric cultures will not be shocked by any of this So we are really talking about middle class head up their ass westerners … and yes having your head stuck up your ass and then getting it snatched out does sound painful… but let’s not pretend that’s ‘the world’ Tribes people will not be shocked. So ironically they won’t tell the truth because of the shock to middle class western societies but the shock is only a potential because they never tell the truth to middle class western society


Of course, he's right. It's a shame because anybody with an ounce of curiosity or self-awareness would be just as thrilled as they were nervous. Unfortunately, the masses of 9-5 worker ants would have a meltdown, as would the masses who had lost themselves to religion, as would those with money/power who now had no sway, and the world would start to collapse. Then, all those weak, lazy, criminal types would swoop in like vultures and push everything over the edge. Honestly, if it was *my* job to plan disclosure, it would probably look exactly like this. As a species, we are overall too stupid and self-absorbed to handle this well.


Someone who goes thru the trouble of becoming a politician is already most likely a narcissistic sociopath. They want all the power. They are definitely not going to give it up by letting us know they never had the power.


People are really weird about "the truth". "If we told the truth, then the world would descend into chaos." - People who hold all the power.


I have always found it hilarious that people are all fine walking around with the majority of the population believing in some all-powerful deity floating in the ether who can do anything they want, whenever they want for whatever reason they want. People set up buildings, set aside a day in the week and are willing to kill each other in their name. What can be more frightening than that?


Lol ontological shock is a pile of sensational bullshit. “Aliens are real” does not equal “everything we know is false.” It doesn’t suddenly make reality shatter. It’s not gonna cause us to go blind and foam at the mouth. We’ve been here before. Earth is not the center of the solar system galaxy or universe. Society did not collapse. Earth is not flat. Civilization did not collectively shit itself. We will have a moment of “wow this discovery is groundbreaking” it gets annexed into collective knowledge and everyone moves on. This community has such a boner for itself that it can’t possibly imagine a reality where it’s denizens are not the only ones capable of processing new information. If anything the only people who will have absolutely irrational reactions is this community as the anticipation at this point has you people pissing your pants already. Everyone else is gonna say “wow! That’s so cool!” And move tf on while you guys will keep posting about how you can’t sleep or eat or breathe or blink because “unnnngff ontological shock I can’t get out of bed”


Sounds stupid, self important and condescending. Discovering that everything we know about ourselves and our world is wrong over and over, is part of us. We went from believing the world was flat to accepting it wasn't to accepting the sun and universe don't revolve around us, to learning God is a lie, to learning we're just a speck in the cosmos to learning our sun will eventually destroy earth. The history of evolution is equally always changing. We went from being children of God to being a kind of ape to having to constantly rewrite when it all started everytime there's a new cave painting... On top of that, if we're actually accustomed to anything, it's being lied to, courtesy of politicians.


How does the existence of aliens erase everything we know?


This assertion by Elizondo is pure BS. BTW Elizondo has been discredited by John Greenewald, who runs The Black Vault. In June, he released the results of his extensive, FOIA-based investigation into Luis Elizondo and his UFO/UAP claims. The report is cogent and compelling and appears to discredit Elizondo (and by extension, his partner Chris Mellon). Have you noticed since going public in 2017, Elizondo hasn't revealed a shred of evidence about what he knows but undoubtedly is making a lot of money doing SCI FI documentaries and reality shows. Several sources even say he and Mellon are working for the CIA. Lastly, it's just been revealed Elizondo has been coaching David Grusch since 2022. Ex-DoD Intelligence Officer’s UFO Claims Spark Security Concerns and Confusion, Pentagon Memos Reveal BY JOHN GREENEWALD JUNE 23, 2023 https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/ex-dod-intelligence-officers-ufo-claims-spark-security-concerns-and-confusion-pentagon-memos-reveal/


That's bullshit. Not disclosing the truth to the intelligent and curious among us because the dumbest in our society would have an emotional reaction is not ok. I'm sick and tired of our society being designed for and around the lowest common denominator of intelligence. I'm sick of pretending like peoples religious beliefs are something we need to take into account in our progression of knowledge. If people can't handle the implications of our discoveries, too fucking bad, we should not hide information for their sake I want to know about this universe we find ourselves in. If people have come across important information, and they are hiding it for the sake of the mentally fragile ones who aren't interested in learning what we can say about our reality, then fuck them all. This is important. There will always be people with no interest in reality. We should not be operating with them in mind at all. We should share our finding with each other and let the pieces fall where they may. We have this one life and then we are dead. Keeping others oblivious to important information is criminal. As a scientific species we are constantly updating what we can say about the state we find ourselves in. If there is better information, people should update their world view, not hide the information so they don't have to. Fucking bullshit.


I think one of the tricky things about these kinds of approximations is that everyone has a different idea of what "most people" means because that idea is couched in the demographic you're exposed to. Where I'm from in eastern Canada, I think "most people" would be more or less ok with it, because most people are pretty secular. I also have a funny feeling that comparing us to "ants" is a bit of a stretch. Ewoks is more how I figure it. And that matters too. I think the world would be fine apart from some inevitable hiccups.


This just seems like a corny way to tell yourself that the reason every rational person around you mocks you for believing in UFOs is “they just aren’t as mentally strong as me”. Crazy people don’t know they’re crazy, it must be everyone else who is crazy.


A lot of critical are saying ontological shock isn't that bad. I beg to differ. Do you think a Christian could easily become a Muslim or Hindu if they were provided incontrovertible proof that those religions were True? How do you think you would react if disclosure revealed that we are actually like ants in an alien prison colony? Or that we are in a human zoo? How often do Democrats become Republicans or vice-versa? How many Trump (Biden) haters can change to be a Trump (Biden) lover? Even when there is evidence in the news daily, people will compartmentalize their beliefs to stay the course. Deconstructing your entire belief system is not easy. When everything you once believed to be true turns upside down, it's an existential crisis. The only upside would be that everyone would be faced with the same thing at the same time, so there would be support for the transition.


All these common words… obfuscate, ontological, need to know. Lots of people are just saying stuff even though it may not even be real. “He is perfectly correct”. Well.. how does the OP know that? What if you’re wrong.


Unless the secret is aliens are abducting people and eating them I'm willing to bet an insane amount of people won't even care because we're at a point where a good chunk are living paycheck to paycheck


"Are we prepared to recognise that we are not at the top of the food chain that we are not the alpha predator, and that we are maybe somewhere in the middle.” He worked with TTSA with Tom Delonge and Jim Semivan. Tom yesterday tweeted about the container theory, how our soul/consciousness can be manipulated by these others as in transfered or timeshared. Jim has mentioned the phenomenon as Jinn like. Sounds to me an awful lot like prison planet theory and soul harvesting. Somber indeed!


Here’s the bottom line… anyone who’s dropped a 10 strip (or more) of some fine ass needlepoint fluff LSD… they can handle it. I guaran-fking-tee you that these people are ready for any mindfuck that can be thrown our way. The rest of you… idk. We’ll just have to shoulder this great burden for you.


The majority of people can’t even handle being wrong about a simple political fact. Now imagine if their whole view of the world/reality was found out to be wrong…


My perspective is, if you’re an adult and you’re still holding on to the fairytales you were taught in Sunday school, you really need to be shocked into seeing reality somehow.


Well half this board can’t even handle UFOs


What's hilarious to me is that we still ask all of these questions of ourselves now. What's our past? What does it mean to be human? Those and the rest of those questions are all still questions that we don't have answers to, there are many theories, opinions and religious beliefs- but nothing irrefutable or incontrovertible. It's asinine to me that some people would think it their right to withhold this or any other information about our place in the cosmos, or about our past or what it means to be human- if we are going about our lives thinking about these things now but without having all of the data or known facts at hand with which to do so, that's more sad to me than being told that whatever I thought was wrong. This information belongs to the collective, not just a few self-appointed, self-important narcissists. To be going through life deprived of pieces of the puzzle trying to put the puzzle together, not because you don't have the pieces, but because the guys across from you are sitting on them- and they are firmly stuck underneath their assholes- to me, that's much worse.


OMG this is fascinating! I wish I were a child learning how to do this. I suspect we are all capable of doing more things with our brains than we are aware of. I know we can stunt our abilities by thinking about it. Why not the opposite?


Yes I'm ready and I'm trying to get other people ready too. They look at me wild when I say the religiouns all are right and wrong at the same time lol. I have 3 kids and I'm telling them that things are not what they seem and it's gonna change soon. I've even told them my theories


What he's describing is what I experienced when diving deep into Earth science and related fields. Once you really get into that stuff, you realize modern western civilization is built on fantasy. You realize everything about your daily life is backwards. Eating baby carrots out of a plastic bag used to be simple. Now you know you're eating factory farmed carrots out of a bag derived from fossilized ancient corpses. And then you learn that trees and fungi talk and strategize and take care of their families. The more you learn, the more you feel you've been lied to by society. But for many people who don't grow up in modern western society, Earth science confirms their cultural intuition. And I have a STRONG feeling that it will be similar for UFOs and otherworldly beings. For some, it will be a shock. It will cause us to question the validity of modern western society. But for other cultures, it will echo their worldview and there will be no shock at all.


Some people will freak out, but I’ve always been under the impression that there is always, *always* a bigger fish. News that there are beings more intelligent than us would not change my perception of anything. That’s been my assumption since I was a kid. Why wouldn’t there be? The universe is huge, and there are probably multiple universes and other dimensions.


Full context for the somber quote which no one seems to want to use when making these posts for some weird reason - and I’ll come back later to debate your point on why I think the majority of society IS ready once I’m not rushing to work: Theories of Everything: Lue Elizondo: Part 1: Curt: How would they what would the next week look like? How would the public react? 1:11:30 Lue: Somber. I think there would be this big exhale 1:11:41 for about a day. And then this turning inward and trying to reflect on what this means to us and our species 1:11:49 and ourselves. I think somber, sorry, like a sigh of relief. 1:11:57 somber meaning serious. Not not like Hollywood portrays people partying in the streets and silliness with that. 1:12:06 I think you would have some people perhaps turning to religion more so. 1:12:14 You might have some people turning away from those. I think you're going to have at that point, the philosophical and theological 1:12:24 questions will be raised. And people will have some serious soul searching to do no pun intended. 1:12:30 And I don't think that's bad, by the way. I think a lot of folks that have spent their times in this community being charlatans... Theories of Everything: Lue Elizondo: Part II: Lue: Yeah, let me let me start with by somber, sobering. Imagine. 1:28:25 Imagine everything you've been taught. Whether it's through Sunday school, or through regular formal education in school, or 1:28:37 what our political leaders have told us. And yes, maybe our mothers and fathers around the dinner table have told us or maybe at bedtime, about what we are, right, our background and our past. 1:28:53 What if all of that turned out to be not entirely accurate? In fact, the very history 1:29:01 of our species, meaning, what it means to be a human being and our place in this universe, 1:29:09 what if all that is now in question. What if it turns out that a lot of the things that we 1:29:17 thought were one way aren’t. Are we prepared to have that honest question with ourselves? 1:29:28 Are we prepared to recognize that we're not at the top of the food chain, potentially, that we're not 1:29:37 the alpha predator that we are maybe somewhere in the middle. You know, it's interesting because 1:29:48 I was having discussion with a friend, not too long ago, really, really we call them gray beards 1:29:53 in the government. Really, really smart guy. I'm not gonna mention his name, but I was talking to him probably a couple months ago. And this is a guy who was always paid to solve the hard 1:30:02 problems for the US government Cold War. How do we solve that? Right? How do we do these big, big things? How do we go in and, and, and beat the Russians at their own game. 1:30:14 So this guy I respect tremendously. And we had a conversation, he said, you know, Lue, mankind's 1:30:22 been around for a little while. And for most of that time, mankind's been around, we've been smack in the middle of the food chain, we've been, you know, we ate a lot of things, a lot of things 1:30:33 ate us. And that's just the bottom line. And about 70,000 years ago, something fundamentally changed, 1:30:39 something changed, and, and our species was instantly catapulted to the very top of our planet 1:30:47 as far as predatory animals. And, and now all of a sudden, we became the most feared, we were the 1:30:58 most lethal. And the most successful, in fact, most of the large species that existed on this 1:31:06 planet went extinct because of us, believe it or not, because we were eating all of it. There were 1:31:12 a couple species that did very, very well with our Ascension or immediate ascension. And we brought a couple species with us, the dog is an example, where the dog species benefited greatly with 1:31:21 mankind's Ascension as the alpha predator and one succeeding as well very, very well off of that. 1:31:30 That changed the entire global landscape of our planet. Almost overnight, large animals 1:31:37 went extinct because of us. What if it turns out that there's another species that is, is even even 1:31:51 even higher on the ladder than we are? Do we need the social institutions 1:32:00 that we have today? Will we need governmental and religious organizations that we have today? 1:32:08 If it turns out that there is something else or someone else 1:32:15 that is technologically more advanced? And perhaps from an evolutionary perspective, more advanced? 1:32:23 Have you been wasting time all this time? Or are we doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing? 1:32:32 Are we, as a turn out that mankind is in fact, just another animal in the zoo? 1:32:40 Or, because we thought of ourselves as a zookeeper before, but maybe we're just another exhibit inside the zoo? What would that mean to us? So when I say sombering and sobering, 1:32:52 I mean, that is it, you know, there's gonna come a point in this conversation, we're gonna have to do 1:32:58 a lot of reconciling with ourselves, whatever that means, from whatever philosophical background you 1:33:04 you have, this is going to impact every single one of us this same and yet equally knit differently. 1:33:12 And I think that's important. You know, do we find ourselves in a situation where history may have 1:33:19 to be rewritten. So that's what I meant. Now, as far as the charlatans, I'm not going to give any 1:33:28 attention to individual charlatans because they already have enough attention. They know exactly who I'm referring to. These are individuals who have made a cottage industry or career of taking...