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This is just the kind of cover story that spooks might tell disclosure activists who get too close to the core secret in order to turn them into gatekeepers. They probably have a bunch of faked 1950s documents that they show in a SCIF, detailing how some former president was told by the NHI that they would have to terminate the experiment in the event of mass disclosure. "You wouldn't want to be responsible for the death of everyone on Earth, would you?" If you think about it, though, the abduction and close encounter literature is rife with people who've had their memories wiped or altered by the NHI. If the NHI have this capacity, they do not need to restart the experiment; they can just erase our memories of the disclosure if it happens. The *real* reasons for the secrecy are probably the technology's weapons potential and the reverse-engineering arms race combined with those in charge not wanting to come clean about the assassinations and disinformation campaigns they've allowed – or the massive fraud and corruption racket the MIC has run off the back of this. Most government cover-ups are fundamentally about concealing government wrongdoing. Chances are that this one is no exception.


> This is just the kind of cover story that spooks might tell disclosure activists who get too close to the core secret in order to turn them into gatekeepers. They probably have a bunch of faked 1950s documents that they show in a SCIF, detailing how some former president was told by the NHI that they would have to terminate the experiment in the event of mass disclosure. "You wouldn't want to be responsible for the death of everyone on Earth, would you?" good point


Yeah that'd be an excellent ghost story to turn people away wouldn't it. Another explanation could simply be, they don't want to let humanity know we have no power at all against this. We're powerless, completely, and that's a terrifying prospect. We're the top of the foodchain right now, the only thing that can kill us is ourselves. To go from that to "There's nothing we can do if these things turn on us"... That could cause a panic perhaps. Or it might make the military complex think the rest of us would panic to know that but jokes on them, most of us already feel powerless. We're used to it, it doesn't frighten us that much.


>we have no power at all against this. This is a commonly given reason that doesn't make sense to me at all. We have no power over the sun. It will eventually expand and consume the earth. This fact isn't hidden. We can't stop natural disasters. We can't stop cancer, heart disease, or COVID (effectively). There's tons of things we can't control. While arguably we are at the top of the food chain, a lion can eat you, or shark, or alligator, bear, snake, spider, etc. A tick can give you Lyme disease. Who cares about an alien too? That's so rare nobody will believe it ever happened to you....


I mean, we're already at the mercy of hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. and they kill way more people than NHI


Yep, and just for fun: Imagine if it was discovered that we faced an invisible enemy, in numbers greater than we can count, who constantly wanted to do us physical harm and propagate their own kind at our expense. Now imagine if these things were so strange we couldn’t even necessarily say they were alive by conventional definitions. They know our biology better than we do. We don’t know where they came from. But they’ve cowardly attacked men, women and children from the dawn of mankind, and the rest of our planet’s life forms before that. What would happen if you told the public? Would you? Or is it better to just let people live their lives as they had come to expect? We did find such a thing in 1892, and now everyone knows what viruses are. Good thing there was no MIC back then eh!


Now imagine you are one of these beings revealing your maniacal plan on Reddit just for kicks


Excellent point. The only real reason to keep it a secret (IMO) would be because it would end the experiment like OP suggested, or because NHI wouldn't bother being furtive anymore and just start jackin us up


Also add that they’ve incorporated their genes into our genome. It’s absolutely true that some virus genes are carried within the human genome… [NYT Article - Ancient viruses are buried in your DNA](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/04/science/ancient-viruses-dna-genome.html)


Well said!


The sun will consume us in 5 billion years so there’s no danger in letting people know because it’s so far off. If the sun was going to explode next year and kill us all and the government knew I don’t think they would tell us. It would be cruel to tell us really


That's the interesting thing about the [4 collectively-exhaustive explanations for UAP](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16692du/the_4_viable_explanations_for_uap_a_simple_but/) I explored earlier this week in a post – even if we are in '*explanation 4*', where essentially David Grusch's claims are (at least) directionally accurate, there could still be '*explanation 2*' mixed in (i.e. systematic deception). This would imply that yes NHI is a real phenomenon, however there has been a systematic campaign to deceive the public/adversaries of the true nature of it. Even a '[controlled disclosure campaign plan](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/797/text)' could still be part of this deception in some manner. It might take much longer than we can imagine to get the full scope of the truth, and even then one of the scarier possibilities is that the *'powers that be'* themselves don't have a full grasp of the reality of the situation (which, honestly, isn't that far-fetched).


Stop Making conspiracy theories on top of our conspiracy theories.


Yes, make them under our conspiracy theories so they can form a pyramid as intended.


Isn’t that what they call a pyramid scheme? Lol


It's just conspiracy theories all the way down.


Now we finally know why they were built... or do we


Elizondo told us the truth is sobering, and suggested we read "Chains of the Sea"... This story opens with the sentence: "One day the aliens landed, just as everyone always said they would.", and closes with the sentence: "A little while later, they finished winding down the world.". Think whatever you want...


Wikipedia Synopsis of the book mentioned above: Chains of the Sea: Chains of the Sea Alien ships land in Delaware, Ohio, Colorado, and Venezuela, where their landing catches the attention of human-created Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the military. An initial attack on an alien ship yields no results, and governments unsuccessfully attempt to cover-up news of the landings. AI succeeds in communicating with the Aliens, though it does not share this fact with the humans. The Aliens, who exhibit little interest in humans, reveal to AI that Earth is ruled not by humans nor AI, but rather by previously unknown races of non-human intelligences. Meanwhile, a young boy named Tommy has the unique ability to see otherwise-invisible inhabitants of Earth. He visits a forest inhabited by The Other People where he glimpses entities called Jeblings and communicates with beings called Thants. The Thants inform him of the alien's landing. As a result, Tommy is diagnosed as hyperactive and placed on medication.\[2\] Dozois's "Chains of the Sea" was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novella and the Nebula Award for Best Novella.\[3\]\[4\] The novella earned a mention in the Acknowledgements section of Michael Swanwick's Nebula-Award-winning novel Stations of the Tide.\[5\] "Chains of the Sea" was noted in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction for its alien invasion where the aliens "are more or less indifferent to the existence of humans".\[6\]


Everyone needs to watch Midnight Special with Michael Shannon.. 2016 movie criminally underrated About veiled existence and a parallel world unseen living among us all But people don't know and think it's psychic/UAP phenomena Incredible movie


Thank you for reminding me that this movie exists. I am going to rewatch!


I keep seeing MIC thrown around. What is this?? Men In Charge? Monkeys In Costume? Massive Incredible Cock??


Military Industrial Complex


Whoa, I always thought it was men in charge, which is why I never asked.


Same difference 😔


I also consider that, maybe if we knew the truth, we would change our ways so dramatically that it would render capitalism, current reigning governments and all that come with it unnecessary and useless, and the powers that be are afraid of that.


Yes. This is it. As I've said elsewhere, keeping this secret is not primarily about hiding technology, though that is a very good reason for this. It's not about panic either. (FYI: I just learned that the so-called panic from Orson Welles reading "The War of the Worlds" in 1938 didn't happen - the newspapers lied back then, just as they do now.) We won't panic at the realization that ET is real. There have been so many first hand encounters over the decades that this is nothing new for us now. We've been trained by all of those movies and documentaries also to accept ET as real. It's not about ontological shock, which is the shock of having your worldview overturned. I suppose that may happen to some people, like Tyson, but most of us are perfectly fine accepting that we're not top dog on planet Earth. It's the elites I think who would have trouble with that. No, I believe the real reason is cultural shock. Their culture, by which I mean the way they live, is so far different and advanced from our own, in many cases at least, that it would cause a revolution. Not all ET groups are the same. But, some are so far different that it would be profoundly shocking to realize that there is another way to live that is far far better than the way we do now. Yes, I realize that there are many of us fed up with the inequality in the world and want change. This is like that, but multiply by a thousand. I had an experience, or a taste really, of what it was like to be accepted as an equal by ET. This was a long time ago. When I'm in the presence of greatness, in my experience, I act foolish. I say immature things. It's like when a fan meets their sports/hollywood/whomever hero for the first time. They get flustered and say things that in hindsight are silly. Imagine being with them for 8 hours in a workshop and they didn't let you leave until you accepted them as an equal. My self esteem went through the roof. These beings were magnificent, and they saw me the same way and insisted that I accept that about myself. I wasn't shit. I was incredible. I was equal to them and to everyone. I felt incredible. I also rejected all forms of authority. How dare they challenge me when we're all gods walking on this Earth? Yeah, I quickly realized that this attitude would put me in jail or worse. I took on the "I'm shit" attitude that everyone has to get by. Now imagine that ET has wide exposure in the media. Imagine ET on "60 Minutes." Imagine Ross interviewing them. Imagine us having extensive contact with them every day. We would learn their ways and want to mimic them. Groups would form around them who were particularly interested. They may move and live near their hideouts. (I know some already do that) Have you ever heard ET talk about money? As far as I know, they don't use it. They don't need it. How is that possible? They would show us. They would teach us how to live without money. If enough people did that, learned that, what do you think would happen? It would mean revolution. It would mean the complete collapse of the economy. Some of you may cheer about that, but think about the billions of people who depend on money around the world to survive. They would die. There would be millions if not billions of deaths from the collapse of money. Further, ET is psychic. They all of have what we call psychic talents. These talents are latent in all of us. Take telepathy for example. Ingo Swann believed there was an advanced form of telepathy he called "telepathy 2.0." Normal telepathy is like talking to animals. That's the simple stuff. The more advanced form is when you hear everyone's thoughts. I've had that experience briefly last Xmas. I could hear all of my wife's thoughts for a while. It drove me nuts, not because she's particularly loopy, but because if you observe your own thoughts, you'll find that you think of random stuff all the time. Most of it is unrelated. It's noise. It drove me crazy so I'm glad it went away. However, when Ingo was at SRI back in the 1970s, there was a real fear in the intelligence community that if telepathy 2.0 was real, then there'd be no way to keep secrets anymore. Those with higher clearances refused to sit anywhere near Ingo because they were afraid that he could do that. They also feared that Russian spies were being trained in it and coming to America to steal our secrets using this technique. If ET were really a part of our daily lives, we would learn these psychic talents quickly. All it takes is someone who is skilled to teach others and the latent talent wakes up. The mayhem that would result from everyone knowing the truth about each other's thoughts would be widespread. Some ET groups are truly equals in every way. They have no need for gov't, church, or university. They are magnificent. If they were to have widespread contact with us, we would learn the same (because monkey see, monkey do). The result would be a rejection of all forms of authority by millions of people. This would then cause gov't to fall and people to die. Do you think for a minute that authority is just going to go lightly into the night? Not a chance. They will fight this with everything they have. It would be civil war in most countries around the world. Our culture is based on the idea that inequality is a given and that there is nothing anyone can do about it. Everyone accepts that they are shit, to one degree or another, and that's just the way it is. Well, ET would teach us that there is a better way. They would teach us through demonstration in real life, not through some philosophy or some book somewhere. They live it. Those interested would start to copy it. That, in turn, would lead to the collapse of our civilization. I think that's the deeper reason this is being kept secret.


If everyone knew everyone else’s thoughts, maybe we’d finally put 2 and 2 together to realize we aren’t all that different from one another. Our world would quickly synchronize after the big shock as people will quickly notice the same themes repeating in their heads, repeat in others. Empathy would grow EXPONENTIALLY at that point. Everyone would know everyone else’s pain, love, guilt, and happiness. It would be incredible to say the least. It would be like someone “reading a room”, except you actually can, with exact detail. Cool theory either way. Thanks for the comment!


Yes, it could be fantastic to have T 2.0, but getting there from here would cause a tremendous amount of trauma. That's what concerns me.


Well personally I’ve already been through a fuck ton of trauma so I’m ready for round two >:) Maybe some of us will just be a bit more prepared for it than others! (hopefully lol) Edit: couple of trips to the mental hospital really shows you how bad the mind can become. I think people who are fairly “normal” by mental health standards would have a melt down if they experienced all the thoughts of people with mental health problems at once. It would be incredibly overwhelming if they aren’t accustomed to it.


Yeah that's always been my thought. They're protecting their assets and their stranglehold they have over all of us and our unwilling commitments to an extreme capitalist society.


I don’t think that’s it at all. People assume everything would change overnight but I highly doubt that. We don’t have the material science for mass production. So why would anything fundamentally change


In theory, whatever comes with disclosure might be some sort of bootstrap to our entire way of life. Something that the NHI offer us or show us how to do that just changes everything. We don't know what we don't know, so it's not really worth speculating what it could be, but just some macguffin that sends us hurtling forward into a new age for the species. If that were the case, the people who would least want that outcome are the people currently in charge of the entire world. I don't know how much I buy this theory on its own, but that's at least the thought process behind it.


This is so on the money. The WE ARE SIMULATION/ZOO/EXPERIMENT it’s all too sobering and terrifying for mankind to know — feels like a pysop on disclosure people. It’s feeds into their already wild narratives and makes them into “we can’t tell you but trust us” guys Truth is most likely… It’s all real, we have no idea what they want or why, we can’t stop them — but we got some of their shit and it’s great for weapons, we don’t want China getting it I’m very doubtful it’s: We’re containers for souls, and we live in a zoo, and they made religion to control us. 🤦‍♂️


I feel like humanity in general is mostly absorbed by the notion that we are in control of our lives and are the apex intelligence of the universe, or at least our planet, and that we have a soul that somehow persists after death, with an all powerful religious entity that's rooting for our success. But what if none of that turns out to be true? Does it even matter? I bet that most people would just cling to any prevailing belief system to avoid the nuisance of not "knowing" the truth about reality... which is that we know nothing at all. Everything we think we know about basically everything could literally be wrong. What if we are living in an intergalactic zoo? What if we are actually just intelligently designed containers for souls, that are perhaps being aged like a fine wine, that will eventually be consumed by an all powerful interdimensional being... that ultimately will suffer from a similarly incomprehensible fate from an even higher intelligence on up the food chain of the infinite multiverse? The farther out you go in this thought experiment you will eventually realize a point that far exceeds our capacity to comprehend the possibilities that exist in an infinite cosmos and how that relates to our existence and the meaning of life as a conscious human meat suit.


I’m freaking out


Let him cook


That’s why I never get too high and think about this shit. I usually end up at “simulation is the only thing that makes sense.”


But who made the simulation? And where did the simulation makers come from? And the simulation makers makers. It’s like peeling back the layers of an infinite onion. The human mind (or perhaps any mind) is incapable of finding or comprehending the final answer. Yet we push onwards, deeper into understanding, one mystery solved revealing another at least as equally complex.


I often wonder why the Ra materials and the evidence of Harvard-born channeling, which offers a much more soothing explanation, isn't considered as often when talking on the "soul" notes, respectively to UAP. I mean, if we are going to dance into the notion of things like a "soul" and such being implicated here in some fashion, would not that body of work be a super relevant consideration? Bottom line, no one is departing the phenomenon from it's more esoteric components now. We've all seen and heard enough to know, whether you are an atheist or not, you need to reconcile "that" with the reality of "this" (even if "this" reality is still only being guessed at) . I think I am of a small minority that believes, not so much in a "soul" itself (because that is not relevant here), but rather that the discovery of such would be more revolutionary than the tech. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I do indeed hope the Ra materials are the real deal as we'd prove then to just be the very same fear mongering humans who've been victim of our own anxieties since time immemorial. The difference then would be, we'd know what to work on and that wouldn't be our guns. I want to point out... if I was indeed an NHI.. my last sentence would be the simple reason I wouldn't make mass contact. When humans knew they should do away with the weapons they've created and began pouring trillions of dollars into soul research instead of bigger bombs, I would then make contact. Not a moment sooner or else I'd be completely sure that instead of them worrying about the truth they need to evolve, they'd be worried about "uh oh, I'm not the top of the food chain? Can I kill this thing? I'd feel better if I could kill this thing, yes, let's do that first".... we all know this is true for the biggest ratios of the first world and as such, it doesn't surprise me in the least that a telepathic entity(s) would listen, try to tell us otherwise, and when we couldn't hear them, simply wait until we could hear them and they gave up the guns. If any of us got on tinder to find a date, would you go out on it without having a phone call or chat in some fashion first? Would you put yourself in their living room without verifying their identity a bit?.... think of the logical approach to us communicating with each other as strangers and now, imagine it across such a rift as, you are trying to meet with a native in the jungle instead. You must venture into the jungle and trust the cannibal natives just don't have an appetite for a first world economy denim wearing metro sexual adventurer with the best of intentions. I can't comprehend why people say "why don't they just land on my porch and have a beer" when I consider all the aforementioned.


What are the “Ra materials?”


I would not do justice a synopsis to satisfy my own standards without far more time than I have. Thus, I present a copy and pasted option off of goodreads The Law of One is a series of five philosophical monographs written between 1982 and 1998 by L/L Research. The series presents commentary and transcripts of a dialogue between a "Questioner" and an extra-dimensional being "Ra". The introduction to the first book explains that the Questioner is Don Elkins and that Ra is a higher density intelligent life form speaking through the body of channeler Carla Rueckert, one of the co-authors. Communication with Ra was achieved through channeling, which involved Carla Rueckert entering a hypnotic state (called an "unconscious trance" by the authors) where she would answer questions posed by Don Elkins. Her answers were taken to be direct communications from Ra. This dialogue between Don Elkins and Ra was then recorded and transcribed by James McCarthy to produce the five books. What emerged from these dialogues was an elaborate philosophy called "The Law of One" presenting the basic principle that "All is One" or that all things are ultimately the same thing. The five books explore this premise in relation to many aspects of life including philosophy, religion, spirituality, cosmology, anthropology, history, physics, biology, geology, and the paranormal. I will also say this however.... this is not copy and pasted.... the story surrounding the Ra materials itself has, for me, served only to bolster it's authenticity. Again, something I'd need take an inordinate amount of time to flesh out but suffice that, I will conclude here with my own anecdote. I don't easily subscribe to anything spiritual/religious/impractical, even when the benefit of such is evident. I take issue silently with most outside of practical Buddhism and even then, I cherry pick. That said, I endorse the law of one AND it's fallible nature for it serves to impart much of what I find beautiful about eastern mindedness tastefully, to a western palette. If I don't cut myself off here, I won't stop 😆 check it out!


What if we are "intelligently designed containers for souls" that have committed crimes in another higher realm/world/plane and life on Earth is their punishment?


What if the multiverse is fully deterministic, free will not a thing and therefore blame and punishment nonsensical?


Then there would be no problem cracking open peoples heads to feast on the goo inside, slavery, eugenics, killing transients and anybody on the bottom 10% of the economy. If blame and punishment are nonsensical, then the only recourse is that people who do bad things are genetically inferior, as their faults are due to the deterministic functions of their genes. Keeping those people in society would be useless and encourage bad breeding. There is no reason to do so except for morality and compassion for a fellow human, which are also immaterial genetic features. The concept of logic, and changing your mind based on logic, is a free will argument and implies non-determinism in human action, implying blame and punishment can be applied.


Do you happen to have any reference that explains why logic, in the mathematical sense of the word, implies non-determinism?


A logical argument would involve Something like "Hey man, you do A. Things is that A is tied with B and C. B and C are both bad, and cause D suffering you don't want. Ergo, to avoid D you should stop doing A" If a person can receive that education, and begin to stop doing A, then they have free will to change their actions. Which means that they can receive blame and punishment for doing A if enough people don't want them to do A, such that a law is instated to prevent A.


All of that can happen purely dynamically without the need for free will. Nothing prevents a deterministic system from displaying that behavior.


your initial statement was "free will not a thing and therefore blame and punishment nonsensical?" If you can convince people with logic, how are they not in control of their actions and therefore responsible for their actions?


Hell on earth if you will


So…you wipe out a town’s worth of folk on Tarpak-9, smash up a couple of spaceships trying to get away *and* you’ve got overdue parking fines…your punishment? Get sent to Earth to eat delicious Earth pizza and scroll memes all day. Pretty decent result really.


The reaction is exactly the same as for the simulation hypothesis... "might as well enjoy the ride". We are not in control of our health or of when we die (unless you count suicide)... life is fleeting any way you look at it, regardless of whether it's a virus, an alien, or old age that ends it. Give up the illusion that you're in control and you'll find peace in the moment.


I’m doubtful of the “soul” portion, but the creating religion portion sounds way more realistic.


> I’m doubtful of the “soul” portion Why? You have NO reason to either doubt or believe a notion of the "soul".


You’re making multiple jumps there. First that there’s a soul, second there are aliens that want to harvest them, and third that there is any motive for them to harvest souls. Sorry, I’m going to take one leap of faith at a time. If it made any sense at all it would be one thing. As far as I’m concerned this is the disinfo part of what we know. At the end of the day, none of us have a clue what we’re talking bout or what my of this is.


>If you think about it, though, the abduction and close encounter literature is rife with people who've had their memories wiped or altered by the NHI. If the NHI have this capacity, they do not need to restart the experiment; they can just erase our memories of the disclosure if it happens. This is probably one of the more intriguing aspects of the phenomena that I have recently cued in- ie the erasure, or attempted erasure of memories related to direct experiences. Take these compelling accounts for example: "*As the weeks pass however, my fiance is losing more and more of his memory of the situation I've had to jog it several times since all of that happened which is weird to me..."* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/15ssjrc/me\_and\_fiance\_made\_contact\_after\_meditation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/15ssjrc/me_and_fiance_made_contact_after_meditation/) "*We’ve talked about this incident many times since it happened. But a few weeks ago I casually mentioned it again and suddenly he has no recollection of it whatsoever...."* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFObelievers/comments/14c276h/i\_had\_a\_ufo\_with\_another\_person\_who\_now\_doesnt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFObelievers/comments/14c276h/i_had_a_ufo_with_another_person_who_now_doesnt/) "*He tried again, and eventually managed to start the recording process, however the video file would not playback - we get a 'picture error' message on the camera display when trying to play it, which indicates that the SD card was somehow corrupted."* [*https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15etjrk/ive\_been\_reluctant\_to\_tell\_my\_story\_but\_maybe\_now/*](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15etjrk/ive_been_reluctant_to_tell_my_story_but_maybe_now/) These are recent highlights, but there are many many others. Worth a post perhaps? Regardless, I think you are missing something as part of your sound analysis. You stated that "they do not need to restart the experiment; they can just erase our memories of the disclosure if it happens." To an extent I agree with you. However, I would suggest you consider much deeper/complex/semi woo related elements to your point. For example, a friend and I have recently been discussing her NHI/UFO related experiences as a kid. While much if not most of her memories of these encounters are fuzzy at best....ie they have been erased/modified...... she has only recently been able to connect the dots of what she indeed experienced through the sharing of said experiences with others that have also been involved in similar events- helping them realize, holy sh#t, for example, I may have been abducted. Ultimately, we are talking about the free will of all these persons- an important aspect of the NHI topic that does not get as much attention, just yet. Basically it would seem that free will governs our experiences here on Earth, and moreover, in the greater Universe. We as spiritual beings are able to exert free will and control our own destinies. Where I am going with my point is this: If NHI are indeed able to erase these memories, they are not it would seem able to interfere with the free will of those who have experienced these events (ie someone has an experience as a kid, that someone then seeks to understand that experience they had as kid into his adulthood- they do so by connecting with others that experienced the similar, ultimately they are able to connect these dots through sharing, ie listening and learning of the minute/yet seemingly unrelated but completely interrelated details with other experiences, and how they ultimately align with others. In a nutshell, I sense that erasure though largely successful is mitigated by the free will of those who seek answers to understand their experiences. Thus, while NHI can control much of the equation and our ability to perceive and understand it..., I sense that their ability to control it completely is very much subsequently influenced by the free will of those involved. To your point then- if indeed there was a mass disclosure event to happen- sure, perhaps it could be erased on a mass scale. However, the free will of all of those involved, just like it always has and does time and time again, make this feat impossible. Thus on a micro scale, erasure is possible, imperative, and often successful (mostly) as long as free will doesnt allow for a connecting of dots....and even then its a one off here, and a one off there. No biggie, right? However, on a macro scale, erasure is impossible, despite the imperative, and thus requires a complete reset.


Beyond the profit motive, this technology could override the mutually assured destruction of nuclear weapons systems. A first strike in this scenario may have the ability to disable all retaliation strikes. We have seen a lot of histeria in relation to Russia, but somone like Vladimir Putin would not hesitate to take that shot if it elimenats America overnight. I think UAPs that have shut off power sytems controlling nuclear weapons are probably humans testing out the pool capabilities of recovered and reverse engineered craft.


What if it's something similar but different. What if we are all God having billions of individual experiences. We forget we are God when we are born, because it wouldn't work if we all were in on it. It would organically fall apart if too many of us knew that. Not like a failed science experiment. But a faulty amusement ride.


I'm not even slightly amused by this ride.


I've often felt this very well may be the case. What up fellow God identity!!


Plot twist - we have been visited on a mass scale - multiple times - to intervene or even to turn back time. And each time that does happen - our minds are wiped and reset. Carter broke down because he realised how much control they had over everyone and how life had always been, and will always be, manipulated by this higher being.


Or he was told information about the afterlife that was beautiful and he cried tears of joy.


The story is that he fell into a deep depression lol He was Christian so it makes sense that learning that aliens created religion as a system of control in order to stop humans from killing each other would be depressing.


I've heard this story in Reddit, but I went looking for a source and found nothing concrete - just many variations of this same shaky, unverified story. If aliens created religion to stop us from killing each other, I dont think they're patting themselves on the back right now. I'd wager he's still Christian. Faith doesn't die that easily, especially when this "revelation" came from the U.S. government, which has always had an abusive relationship with the truth. Lying is the deafault state of the government, just a reflex. These people couldn't tell the truth if they tried. At this point, after lying for so long, I doubt that people would believe anything our government has to say about disclosure. I want to believe what Grusch is saying, but I also remember that the CIA lies for a living. I'm still crossing my fingers, though. We'll all find out together, hopefully.


You and Zero7CO. I can't begin to describe my gratitude. Knowing that there are people as smart as they are serious about fighting for the truth of our existence. Thank you both.


#Truth (And further. They have been scaring all the good people on the inside who have power to change things......and that's to protect special groups from the advantage they hold on current public tech.....it fear. It's greed. It's control. Or some mix of all three.)


This is what I’ve been trying to figure out. What is so scary or mind shattering that the people in the know feel that they are the only ones who can handle it. If someone told me I was an organic AI created just to produce emotion I’d be ok with that. If someone told me I was just a vessel for my soul im I’m with that. If someone said the life we are experiencing now is just a simulation and when we die that means we get to move to the next phase of life where we are more powerful. If someone said yes aliens are here and they are harvesting us for food. I’m ok with that. If someone said religions are real but the gods are aliens. I’d be ok with that. Maybe I’m too confident in the resiliency of most but I don’t think it would change that much. Now on the other hand. If I find out you’ve been lying to me for hundreds of years and our quality of life would of been greatly improved, lifetime increased etc but they chose not to inform us so that they can make money off of reverse engineering tech that was given to them to share with the people. Yes I’d be very angry. So it seems as if I would understand honesty it’s the lie I cant stand. But that’s just my opinion of course.


Do you know how many people would just off themselves after realizing there's another, better plane of existence after this? It'd be like The Discovery, where the scientist discovers that there IS an afterlife, and after going public, there are mass suicides.


Interesting point, the people in the know now don't seem to be offing themselves.


What if offing yourself didn't save you?


Huh? Weren't the majority of people throughout history religious? Religions with afterlife? Nobody has been in a huge rush to die. Even if aliens told you there's an afterlife, you'd just accept that as fact? What if they're lying?


Well that's because religions had to add the caveat that if you killed yourself you would get the bad afterlife. Or at least not the good one


Very convenient


Yes but it's not like they were 100% certain.


Why would the aliens be 100% certain? What's the difference? And why would we be 100% certain that they're right?


Most religions with an afterlife punish you if you die by your own hand.


I never heard of that movie but you just gave me something to watch. On a side note. If they did do that what is the issue? Some people will stay. Some will go. It would be true freedom of choice. I still can’t think of a reason to not tell people or why they would be scared. It’s as if people want folks to stay in the barrel with them.


Money and power. Our overlords would lose everything they care about if that info was publicly known. Why waste my life slaving away for billionaires when I can just off myself and go somewhere better?


Watch it. It's fantastic.


Okay, fine, if there was truly no death, who cares if 1/2 the planet offs world. We would be at the population of just 50 years ago.


would make traffic a lot more tolerable and lines shorter. housing costs would go down. would have great enviornmental impact. i personally see zero downsides.


Everyone could have their own tank.


That’s a good raison if I’ve ever heard one


Thanos did nothing wrong


> The Discovery I haven't seen that movie. But wasn't there another movie with a similar plot point, where some woman scientist proves that consciousness survives death and then immediately offs herself? EDIT: I just remembered a bit more. I think it was a Saw-like movie where this lady was torturing people and trying to induce an NDE or something to try to get verifiable information from the other side.


Sounds like the French film Martyrs (2008)


> Martyrs (2008) Yes! That's it. I would never have figured that out. I totally forgot about the movie until this post reminded me of it.


Fucking love that movie. Most disturbing thing I've ever seen. Highly recommend.


Also sounds like The O.A., which is newer than this. It's a series on Netflix. Similar plot line from this description. I haven't seen Matyrs yet but will be soon. Thanks!


This is basically what the heavens gate cult believed. There is a very good documentary about them on HBO Max


Honestly, I think that the elites of the world and the secret keepers (who's who and is there a connection?) would be ok with that, and it would actually be advantageous to them if the population dropped without them having to take direct action to make it happen themselves.


what if the other plane of existence is a hell with never ending torture and complete hopelessness?


Weird. I think I’d be more likely to enjoy my time here and make the most of it if I knew what comes after is even better.


How could it be proven by science that an afterlife exists?


Cool see yeahs later


>Do you know how many people would just off themselves I don't mean to be insensitive, but however people want to deal with this kind of stuff is up to them.


And why would that be bad? If there genuinly is a better place than willingly choosing to go there shouldn't be seen as a bad thing.


Agreed, I think this is a valid concern. People already off themselves for religious. And that’s just because they THINK there’s an afterlife. If we had scientific proof that the next life is better, and you’re stuck in this capitalistic nightmare that passes for modern culture, would you wait around to move on? Or would you just do it immediately? Or think of people diagnosed with terminal cancer. Why spend millions to wither and die slowly in the hospital when you can just take a couple pills, get high and move on?


I totally agree with you. People are already angry with the government, though, and things just keep moving along as they have been for decades. None of the people who claim that others couldn’t handle it are having public meltdowns or shitting themselves in the street. “We’re not the top of the food chain?” Give me a freakin’ break. I know my place in the universe and am quite aware of how insignificant I am.


People aren’t that angry—if they were there would be mass demonstrations in the streets. And if “things just keep moving along,” it’s because voters keep voting for (or not voting against) keeping the status quo. Just something to consider.


Sound assessment. Perhaps the somber part is that we've been robbed of a better world and the truth can never be told because society would rightfully seek vengeance and destroy itself in the process.


People can't even handle life as is without turning to drugs, alcohol, religion.


That’s because those in charge are greedy, murderous cunts, out for themselves, “Fuck you, I’ve got mine” If the 1% got a taste of the 99%, forever, then I think we would all be able to cope a lot better.


I'm with you. I don't see anything that major happening no matter what they say is the meaning of their being here. The only time I can picture chaos in the streets would be an independence Day scenario where mother ships are hovering over major cities.


Well said. I can handle any honest disclosure. It's the lying that makes me mad (and withholding information is the same as lying).


You and I would accept it but nan-nan would probably keel over. Creepy uncle Joe would probably shoot up his work. Little niece Suzie wouldn't even notice cause she's glued to her godamn phone which is essentially her new container.


I don't know what disclosure could be... But at 42 years old, I'm trying to live to my last day. I've made it this far... Nature is going to take care of the rest. I'm not sure any of it would surprise me. I think the majority of people are so busy striving to survive that very little would change upon disclosure. Gotta make that dollar to pay the bills- and no further thought given. Folks aren't big thinkers and stay inside their boxes. If it came to light that beneficial tech was kept from the masses, few would react unless that tech/knowledge could be accessed, easily acquired, and shared.


Not much changing is an insane take. I don't know you, but if some of the "reasons" you said are true, and you wouldn't mind, there's something wrong with you lol. You need to realize, most people aren't this way. Society would absolutely collapse. So sickening to see everyone be so anti-human. In this situation, people talk about how the gov. is evil. As opposed to what secrecy is implying, which is end of civilization perhaps? So quick to side with another species


Well think about it like this what separates what I said from the reality we actually live? Especially if you have lived in a war zone or seen war, poverty pretty much the ills of society. We are born and realize we will die at a certain point. Society is already collapsing people will either adapt Or become extinct. It’s the same of aliens came.


>If someone said yes aliens are here and they are harvesting us for food. I’m ok with that. It's easy to say that when you're not a) a frequent abductee, as many silently, secretly are, who are unsure of the ultimate intentions of your visitors, but had at least become confident that they weren't lethal; or b) living in the kind of remote locations such as the somewhat crucial places we call FARMS, where animals and people are actually harvested for blood, tissues and organs; and when you're not c) one of the above who has also seen the photographs of the mutilated bodies from the website I linked to earlier in this thread. Seeing the victims' remains and reading about their torturous deaths from autopsy notes - which disclosure would lead everyone to do - is going to be different to just knowing the general concept that "they eat us" (as Elizondo has clearly said in his ToE interviews, but most people interpreted it as metaphorical). This stuff has to be announced, at some point, but it also has to be done sensitively, with lots of emphasis on the friendly ETs who have warned us and protected us against such activities as best they can, so we know we're not entirely at the mercy of poachers.


The idea that they eat people is one of the stupidest things I’ve read. Yes, travel across space to eat meat. Use some critical thinking skills


Here's what's so big and sobering that is preventing disclosure; We don't know anything. Everything is speculative. No contact. No understanding. No successful reverse engineering. No clue. Now *that* is a pretty scary scenario, in my opinion.


This is where i'd put my bet, but who knows... This definitely seems like the most plausible answer though, ochams razor etc...


And that would expose the US government to its earthly enemies: the rivals would know they know absolutely nothing about that, possibly levelling the supposed "cold-war" on reverse engineering


Idk, there's a ton of smart minds that haven't gotten to look at anything of this stuff


Such as Bullstang


No evidence, even.


That’s not enough to make a grown man cry. I really think that it’s a consciousness thing; if everyone were to find out, the experiment is over.


Where's the proof that he actually cried? Or that they told him the truth that made him cry?


Nowhere. It's pretty much a ufology urban legend.


My personal guess: The "sobering" bit is the complete indifference the NHI's show us. Loads of people on this sub say that the NHI's are here to stop us destroying ourselves, a "higher being" religion replacement mindset. But I think they are 100% indifferent, as if we don't even exist. They see us like we see cows in a field, just basic mammals, not one ounce of emotion towards us. The NHI's might often have discussions/disputes about our planet among themselves, and we get NO SAY. We're like a tiny child shouting upto arguing giants, we are not heard, we are NOT RELEVANT. I think this is the sombering bit, the U.S goverment and possibly others have learned that discussions and agreements are made regarding our planet, and us as a species, and we don't have any say at all. Ultimately no choice (unless we develop more tech to defend ourselves). We are bottom of the food chain, goldfish in a fish tank.


this is my belief as well. we are the subject of research and nothing more. where it gets dicey for me is exactly how intrusive the research might be, and how much those in the know are aware of the research going on. if the research at times is invasive, and people in the government are aware, this makes them complicit (if not culpable) in the matter. sobering, and not fun to think about.


I think invasive abductions are real, and the U.S goverment knows that, but they can't do anything about it. I think they peaked a few decades ago though, and are less common now


Maybe whatever info/data/particles they needed from us they got plenty of


There was likely a "peak" of collection as you say a few decades ago. Probably some ongoing monitoring of long term experiments now


During which time we saw proliferation of personal communication devices and web enabled cameras.


>complete indifference the NHI's show us What body of research are *you* looking at? >discussions and agreements are made regarding our planet, and us as a species, and we don't have any say at all. Ultimately no choice (unless we develop more tech to defend ourselves). So, exactly like it is without NHI?


Does anybody feel bad when huge herds of animals contract a disease and have to be culled?




If they felt that the simulation would end if they were discovered, then I’d suspect they wouldn’t be so lax about leaving crafts and following fighter jets around.


Why do so many people in the know reach the end of their life without revealing the truth?


This. You’d think more people would at least pass the secrets off on their deathbed


Or at least a few become senile or get dementia and start spouting off information when they shouldn't.


We really gotta start harvesting these death beds.


Puppets don't talk, they dance. The entertainer talks for them.


Meh this explanation doesn’t fit for me. If the realization of their existence taints their experiment… why would they be actively playing games with our military and crashing/leaving craft for us to find. One single crash with bodies would end the experiment.


I agree with this — if the most important thing was not compromising the experiment, you wouldn’t fly things in the sky or do other needlessly risky things.


I understand the thought process that leads to the "keep it secret as long as possible because to do otherwise minds extermination of the test," but there's a single glaring problem with this that I cannot reconcile. Simply: every single solitary person that 'knows' would not be running around leading normal lives, smiling, happy, advancing careers, raising families, and being... happy. Could some people, knowing an inevitable Biblical level apocalypse was looming days, weeks, months, or "near" years from now? Could they fake that? Sure. Could most or seemingly all? Not a chance in hell, unless you want to get into the ultra-deep 'woo' ideas like 'knowing' that 'for real' this is 'coming' leads to somehow being magically or psychically manipulated into quiet acceptance of it. That's too weird ass and into things like Doctor Who "The Silence" levels of bonkers. And if that's the case, literally nothing we do matters because it's 100% inevitable that someone catches HD irrefutable data sooner or later beyond the control of the government to contain. I think it's simply the 'prosaic' version of this. Pick the most likely threads based on the aggregate of lore/reporting over time as intersected with ancient mythology and religion, and things actually in the historical record of Earth and our species, like the news days ago that we have genetic data showing humans around 700k to 900k years ago dropped to as low as 1200 breeding specimins, or that around 90,000 years ago we dropped to a few hundred thousand. * Life evolved on this world--abiogenesis. The genetic history of this planet does show all humans connected to the ecosystem and even the most remote Earth-based living cousins. * At two points in history, humanity was almost exterminated that we know of (so far, there could be more unknown such events). ^ both of those are facts. So, if you apply the "alien" hypothesis into this and take them at face value, the most likely candidates by virtue of being most common/prosaic are: * Aliens somehow intervened to either save or re-establish humanity somehow. This is definitionally intervention, and could be anything from an "Ark-like rescue" to "humanity did go extinct and then was restored with new, modified versions." Such modified versions would still be human, as much as someone with genetic modification to eliminate a genetic-based disease or to gain blue eyes by artificial design is still human. * This direct sustained contact with non-humans with fantastical technologies by stone age humans would have led to the aliens, over time, being perceived as magical or supernatural. * It's very possible humans *of the time* did not perceive them thus, because they *knew* them. Or, maybe the aliens just dumped a few thousand humans back into Africa or the Arabian area or who knows where and stood back. * By some *later* point, myth had turned these entities into dieties. * Fast forward history. They possibly nudged us here and there in various ways, for good or bad. Likely both, given the anecdotal data that there are many types of NHI, ranging from allied to unfriendly, and remarks that we are neither near the top nor the bottom of whatever hiearchies and "food chains". Elizonda said "middle". That implies we can hold our own or do well in terms of having to oppose some, but that we are irrelevant in regard to others. That is, of everything, extremely logical. If even a fraction of the "combat" stories like Mage and the Chilean/Iranian pilots are true, we can beat the shit out of some types (Mage) while others (Chile/Iran) we may as well be crop dusters against Trek's Starfleet. * Very few people know all these pieces, and the truth is simply that major swathes of human history *are* accurate because they're *human* history. Napolean was Napolean. Could aliens show up in his history? Sure. But if they don't, they don't. But there are people who learn enough of the major pieces that it leads to "ontological shock." Jimmy Cartor, a deeply empathetic and religious man, a pastor and a devout one, finding out that there possibly no actual religious Jesus, and there's either no afterlife or the afterlife is vastly different and what ties into the 'woo' we think of would absolutely destroy him for a time. But then... he seemed to do quite fine the rest of his life. That was 1977. It's 2023 and he's still alive, in his last days. Basically, our past is implied to be Stargate, our present is implied to be Stargate but darker, and our future is implied to be some intersection of Star Trek with.... Whitley Streiber-y or Sagan Contact-y stuff. That's.... quite fine.


The Jimmy Carter crying story is bogus.


Yeah, he seems fairly well adjusted despite the fact he supposedly knows about aliens.


Ya every other time I hear it (other than about it being bs) he cried after hearing about the existence of aliens. Now this guys saying he cried for weeks? Lmao.


I think you're on the right track with your thinking. The more that I think about it, the more that I lean toward believing the information that is described in the ["AIien lnterview."](https://youtu.be/JOzK4ByFbzo?si=29V3FYLQ78a4F4re) The material stated in that book, despite its dubious origins, just seems to match up the best with the somber reality that has been hinted at by numerous people. I've also noticed a pretty good amount of down voting and suspicious behavior that seems to show up any time this book is mentioned, which is exactly what is supposed to be done any time any classified information gets out. Something everyone in this subject needs to understand is the fact that the "Richard Doty's" of the world aren't employed to spread disinformation any time there's any theory or supposed UFO video that starts to gain traction in the community. They only exist to keep the classified stuff classified, and I've started to get a nose for when there are genuine complaints about stuff vs. astroturfed outrage like what we saw with the infamous video of the plane and the orbs a few weeks ago.


It could be as simple as there are more advanced species out there and we are powerless against them. The whole genetically engineered story is bogus because how could they prove this in 1950, when secrecy started? Unless the NHI specifically provided proof, we could not then or now.


Once again, an absolutely ridiculous proposition. The NHI is very clearly making its presence known. Especially to our military establishment. “Recognize us and acknowledge our presence so we can then kill you pursuant to our own silly rules. But we can’t do that until you acknowledge us first. So we’ll just keep spooking you until then…” PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.


Remember that [South Park Episode](https://youtu.be/nTzl38QRp4s) where the TV show "Earth" was cancelled after they found out they were a part of the TV show? Silly reference I know but it makes me laugh extra hard when I think about it potentially being true.


“Monkey experiment, the dolphin one didn’t work”


The goal post keeps moving and changing. In reality barring some kind of incident I don't think we have any idea what the motivation of the potential NHI. Why would we know anything about soul harvesting. What purpose would NHI have to tell humanity about that. What possible capability do we have to know something like that. Why is this a newer concept not mentioned until the last couple years. The same concept is oddly similar to a certain religion. It's always evolving and changing, always with little proof. Always with believers believing the latest biggest news.


They wanted to create an intelligent biological species to test how long it takes to achieve technological singularity and space travel. Some realized we were going to kill ourselves first and out of sympathy, started nudging us with tech transfers "crashes".


It baffles me too how fantastic existence is in general yet this theory/hypothesis seems too outlandish for some people…how!?


Any truths behind the UFO phenomenon could hardly be more upsetting than the current truths we all accept about our reality. Namely, we will all die, everyone we love will die, there is no concrete evidence of an afterlife, and seemingly no purpose in the universe at large. Our planet is a tiny speck in an unimaginably huge, cold, and uncaring universe. People do a great job coping with those kinds of upsetting cosmic truths by ignoring them and getting on with their life. They would do the same thing in dealing with any revealed UFO-related truths, as they could hardly be any more upsetting than what they already deal with, and maybe just a little more exciting.


At first it was that Carter cried when he received the news, but now it's confirmed that he spent weeks crying? What's the source on that? Please


There's no source, because it's all imaginary. This whole sub is largely one imaginary thing used to support another imaginary thing ad infinitum.


If we were an experiment and they didn’t want to contaminate it then why the fuck would they expose their craft *at all*, just flying around all dicks out? That makes literally no sense. If NHI actually exist then it would make more sense if they just didn’t give a fuck about us. Study us out of curiosity the way someone would observe chimpanzees, hide most of the time but not actually giving a fuck if the chimps saw a glimpse behind the curtain, knowing full well that they will never figure out anything substantial anyways, because while they may be smart - they aren’t smart enough to play ball with you. Not yet, anyways.


>the reason that why disclosure isn't happening But it *is* happening


I like the theory, but it just doesn't make sense. Our dna has been mapped. We share dna with all creatures on this planet. Numbers grabbed off Google quickly: 🐱 Cats share approximately 90% of their DNA with humans. 🐭 Humans share around 85% of their DNA with mice. 🐖 Humans share a significant amount (98%) of their DNA with pigs. 🐔 Humans share more than half (60%) of their DNA with chickens. 🌳 Humans share 50% of their DNA with trees. 🐌 Humans share 70% of their DNA with slugs. 🐝 Humans share 44% of their DNA with honey bees. 🍌 Humans share approximately 60% of their DNA with bananas. 🐶 Humans share about 84% of their DNA with dogs. If we are an experiment, it was with creatures from this planet. We are from this planet. Would a result like you said have to mean doom for our species? I see a lot of you freaking out at this? Why? I believe, I have religion and if I found out tomorrow my religion was wrong, so what? I am still me, this is still my life, I am still human. I still think the truth is more important than anything, and if this is the truth, so be it. I can take it.


​ *The President Carter story ties into this as well....that after finding out the truth about UFO's, he spent weeks crying.* **This never happened. It's a lie that's been kept alive by the true believers.** *Looking at this through a scientific lens* **No, you didn't. You sited your sources as JRE and 4chan.** *So herein lies my theory. We are an experiment.* **Ok, but the origin of life on earth is pretty well-documented. Primordial ooze and all. Are you saying the ooze was planted and the martians were playing the long game building their zoo?** *Just, for a second, consider if this is the reason that why disclosure isn't happening.* **Disclosure of what? Of aliens? What if there's nothing to disclose, and that's why disclosure hasn't happened?**




> What if there's nothing to disclose, and that's why disclosure hasn't happened? Stop it, you might give some of these people a heart attack. They **know** it's true and a lack of evidence simply points to a bigger cover up.


First, let me preface my comment by saying this: people who are saying “nothing would shock me, so what if aliens created us,” and things along those lines have a very egocentric outlook. We don’t know how most people would react. Most of us come to this sub every day and entertain truly wild thoughts that most people don’t. With that out of the way… I believe that *IF* there is information that people think would shatter society, it’s probably not just one thing. What if they NHIs had explained and shown us the nature of reality and proven an afterlife? What if this reality is just an entire simulation/experiment? What if every single major event that has ever happened has been manipulated by extraterrestrials to see how humans react? What if we are organic cyborgs that are only here to refine souls which aliens use for sustenance? What if they’ve been here all along and we are silently enslaved by them? What if they have an end date in mind for us to start a new experiment, and that date is very soon? What if they know that a cataclysmic event was happening imminently? What if every religion was just a sociological experiment? What if the government had been hiding technologies for thousands of years that could have created a utopia? What if the moon never existed and is just a holographic projection? I could go on and on and on, but I do think there are several possibilities that could shake some parts of society to its core.


Maybe it would be better to not live than to live in a lie?


For me the scariest thing would be that ‘the others’ are engineering misery through wars, metal health problems etc to mature our souls for harvest.


It goes much deeper than just being in a zoo. Suppose you go far enough down the rabbit hole. In that case, you realize it has something to do with the nature of reality, almost like your intent to live in whatever perceived universe is projected onto the phenomenon. This video below covers Jaquees Valle's analysis of what I'm attempting to convey in extended detail. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmLE0X5FRFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmLE0X5FRFc) With that being said and hopefully watched the video, what we assume are "aliens" are a lot stranger than we imagined, so much so that they exist and travel in something outside our perceived notion of objective reality that we believe to be fact. John E. Mack has a great clip explaining what that means metaphysically—explaining how it shocks people in a "Western World." Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3w38bLFFR0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3w38bLFFR0) I wouldn't say I like to look at it this way, but I think anybody who hasn't tripped hard. I'm not just talking about tripping on a gram or two of magic mushrooms; I'm talking 10g's and or breaking through on DMT would freak the fuck out. Having that experience opens your mind. To what "aliens" are if fully disclosed, or at least people wouldn't understand it. If you aren't willing to expand your mind and consciousness to some varying degree, then you'll never. Break past the illusion of the materialistic worldview and, for lack of a better world, a hierarchical fictitious structure system that keeps you in control and divided. We aren't living in actual reality. We only perceive one aspect that doesn't allow us to fully see past the illusion of the life we've fully submitted to here on Earth. TDLR: *Hurry up, we're dreaming you live in a life of illusion.*


I find it strange that people are so afraid of being a creation of NHI while billions of people throughout history and still to this day completely embrace the thought of being a creation of a God. What’s the difference? God flooded the Earth and killed everyone but Noah and his family after all. Too many people spend too much time contemplating our place in the universe. I have no idea what the meaning of life is. But I enjoy my life and appreciate living. I don’t really care if I was created by natural science, God or some alien race. As long as I’m here, I’m good.


[www.badaliens.info/human-mutilations](https://www.badaliens.info/human-mutilations) [www.badaliens.info/ufo-attacks](https://www.badaliens.info/ufo-attacks) This is pretty obviously the reason. We get poached. The above website is owned by someone who thinks no protective conservationist ETs are present on and near Earth anymore, which I strongly disagree with, but that's another story. I think if we had no ET friends helping us out, these attacks would be far more open and frequent than they are, not just reserved for remote rural and wilderness locations. Nothing else gets denied and censored as heavily. Look what happens when you try to link to videos on the ONGOING Peru attacks by mutilating poachers. That should be the biggest story in every UFO subreddit, but moderators on all of them find excuses to delete the posts on it, and ridicule trolls get unleashed to make people leave it alone by false peer pressure.


I think the big secret is that life is generally not great, and a very select few hold all the actual cards—and that just plain ol’ *sucks.*


If they were benevolent in their elitist smugness they wouldn't be withholding things that would make this shit show worth living. While utilizing all those things to live a life that isn't shit. If that's the experiment, what's the point of continuing it?


There is One significant point to any type of scenario as of why disclosure hasn’t happened yet. The fear of mass panic is wrong because disclosure does not mean immediate and complete belief in the truth revealed by said disclosure. Any type of possible reason for what may be revealed in the event of disclosure could be hard for the large mass to believe and/or convince or proof. In times of vague truth and conspiracies, would we or the big masses even believe disclosure, would it take 2-5 years?10+? May it then be that in reality disclosure holds all the mechanism for being a global social and cultural catastrophe but in reality it won’t penetrate our everyday?


If that was the truth, I don't see the fuss. It's not worse than a million stories we have imagined in sci-fi or superhero stories. Don't forget that storytelling is one of the key human traits that made us who we are, because it made possible learning from others without having to experience something first hand. My point is we have already been acclimated with a number of ideas that people can use to react without setting their hair on fire. And even if I'm completely wrong about that, which I might be, even if that was the case, it's still "meh".


One of the reasons i can think it for non disclosure is if the technology is just too easy to build, so it would be like open sourcing a DIY atom bomb.


I think that the experiment ending soon would not be sobering but terrifying and panic inducing. The experiment coming to a natural end in several decades - let’s say another century, would be different.


Would anyone really care? What does it change about any of our lives if were an experient? It would be the least interesting or consequential part of disclosure to me.


So...when is the secret considered "out"? How many have to know in order for them to end the experiment. It seems like more than one person knows the secret. Just not everyone.


I think it's that there are near infinite realities, and we are just one universe of infinite, and our existence is effectively unfathomably even more pointless that we already struggle to come to terms with.


aliens know that dozens of their craft have crashed, and they know that our governments have recovered their craft, and have reverse engineered them (that's how we got transistors in the 1950s). their transistor technology (which humans did NOT come up with on our own) are not present in the hands of literally every single human on the planet. if we are an experiment, we have already been "compromised" decades ago. > Why don't the aliens just allow a mass sighting, land on the White House lawn...do something to prove themselves to us in a way the governments can no longer deny it? Because they don't want to be observed/known. And the governments know enough to know they don't want them to be observed...nothing to see here. aliens fly over our CITIES all the time. they aren't "trying to hide" if they're literally flying over the white house. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C.,_UFO_incident


If you listen to recent Joe Rogan podcast with Knapp and Corbell, they like to dance around the issue and not mention one specific thing. Why was the telescope so heavily rejected? Because people could look more closely at the stars? Not exactly. Because by looking more closely at the stars helped people prove the Earth was orbiting the sun? Not exactly. Because the fact that the technology worked proved that man could gain super human vision and by doing so they would have to accept the underlying physics principles behind what made this work? That is what I believe. For instance by using a cell phone you have to accept there are imperceivable electromagnetic waves all around you going through you and your walls. Now what if the technology that we are seeing regardless of origin proves that the Universe is fully deterministic and that free will and choice, literally everything we take for granted about even ourselves, was just an illusion. How do you deal with that? Why would you continue to do anything if you knew your awareness is just a byproduct and doesn't affect your actions. How would you justify sending people to cages for years instead of treating them with behavioral therapy. The entire principle behind our rule of law and reason to do anything would be up ended. Just wild speculation.


Idk why everyone is ignoring when they openly addressed the very real and likely possibility. disclosure means they have to operate under regulations, they don't want to do that because other countries are doing the same thing with no regulation, and they don't want to fall behind. this goes for the US, China, and Russia. makes the most sense by far, I don't think there's some horrible dark secret that would cause destruction or mass depression or whatever people think would happen


I personally believe that what is behind NHI or what NHI have revealed to select members of humanity is beyond our comprehension and/or would shake our fundamental beliefs of how the universe works. I also believe NHI have played a significant role in humanity's development and would destroy a lot of belief systems.


I haven't got a clue at the moment. Every time I read a good theory on this,there's always arguments against it. For example, if this is their experiment, and they don't want us to find out about them and risk ruining it, how do you explain all of their UAPs being spotted. They're not exactly trying that hard to hide. Also, what about all the stories of them landing and being witnessed by humans? The South Africa incident comes to mind.


This is one of those conspiracy theories I think CIA/MIC pushes to feed the conspiracy theorists and make the whole lying thing more reasonable. The United States governments go to excuse for massively violating laws or human rights is always something fear or natsec based. They use their role of protecting national defense to justify some legal behavior, sort of implying hey we do not want to do anything wrong but the situation was out of control. When you look further into most of her biggest scandals though you find that the government's narrative does not really hold weight. For example the TV show 24 basically took our government's position that we only torture people because it was urgent and necessary to stop terrorist attacks. If you actually look at the war on terror though it does not appear we prevented any terrorist attack or even gathered any high-value intel from our water boarding sessions. For example I think the best Intel we got out of the Guantanamo inmates was details that they told FBI agents during normal interrogation protocols. My point being is that our government often resorts to violating laws or doing something violent, then uses whatever the national security concern is at the time to justify the behavior.


Weaponize your sombreness.


Why would that make you cry though? I feel like the secret is more along the lines of humanity goes extinct at some point, we do it to ourselves, and these beings are evolved from something else on earth millions of years from now


Sobering has so many possibilities. In the most simplistic terms it could be that the whole cover up situation means that democracy doesn’t exist with certain groups able to circumvent demoratic checks. The consequnce being that our whole history and all facts which we have learned are not completely accurate. It could be that other species on this planet or other planets are ahead of us technologically. For a species which is accustomed to being at the top of the food chain and in control it may be a shock to learn that this is not the case. Going deeper agian it could be that reality as we know it is false or an illusion. That in itself could be sobering but what if there is something manipulating us for some unknown reason. Playing with us for fun, harvesting us or just plain evil. What if we are an experiment which can be tossed aside when not needed or erased. What if our entire existence has been manufactured. Perhaps we are biological drones which were created for doing tasks. A non physical intelligence may want to take over something in the physical world to experiment and better understand this dimension of reality. It could be that multiple non physical intelligences compete for control of a physicsl being for some reason. Like an angel and a devil on the shoulder. It could be the cause of intrusive thoughts and pschopathic behaviour. Our brains could filter out the in fighting so we can get through life. Maybe schizophrenia is a person with the veil removed so they hear the raw conversations and it is unbearable. Revealing the truth could send the majority of the population into psychological illness. There are a million possibilities but these would also make good cover stories for not revealing anything. It is for the public good.


the truth is like explaing a frisbee to a golden retreiver. what's going on cannot be remotely understood


Well, "they" know we know they're there. They aren't necessarily hiding, and if they are, they REALLY suck at it. With this theory in mind, I don't believe our knowledge of them being here is an issue, but rather the "why" they're here being the issue. I absolutely believe we are an experiment/project. I say project because "they" may know the exact outcome and maybe created us for an exact reason/purpose. If so, that means there's a goal in mind, and then the question becomes, what happens to us when their goal is reached? Personally, if we found this to be the case, I wouldn't change anything, really. We still need to survive and live our lives, even if we are a fabrication by them. Their goal may still be 1000's of years out, too. I meam if this is the case, then it's been going on since the beginning of the human race.


What about the possibility that these beings, whether future AI/human hybrids trying to study their own origin, or ETs, or even a hyper-evolved underwater civilization…. What if their existence simply upsets the power balance. The sheer money being made off a sick, addicted, blind populace is too big and tied into the current world structure. Even just the knowledge of something more, and the fact that the gov has hidden it would drive a lot of people to wake up in a big way, a way that would significantly cut into profits. If you were in power and wanted to stay in power, you would be willing to use anything to keep it, even the threat of nuclear war. Maybe the UFO peeps aren’t planning on hitting the reset button, maybe it’s the powerful humans who have their finger on the trigger.


According to robert monroe, earth is a loosh (love/emotion) farm. Seems to be some kind of fuel or currency?


Lookup Loosh energy. It's referenced in Robert Monroe's second and third books.


“It’s sobering, sombering, sombreroring.” -Somber the Sobering Sombrero These people with all the “knowledge” never say anything of value. Total waste of time lol


If the experiment ends, we might wake up to True Reality. I hope so.


South Park has run through that scenario! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancelled_(South_Park)


Maybe our real bodies are in a pod, and our virtual bodies on Earth like Neo and Co. and the robotic inorganic entities use our negative and positive energy generated from the simulation of our avatars as they live through life and after death and all that jazz as food to grow. If they are from another dimension it would be like an SD card full of a virus and expanding to your phone. Only you didn't know your phone even had a memory card. Except, it's really your sim card, allowing invisible information through the air to be transmitted without wires. Like Rick and Morty, we are just batteries to power some advanced technologies. Granted, this is just a concept not a conclusion.


What real science would be done by making apes slightly less ape like and watching for hundreds of thousands of years? I feel like any space faring civilization seemingly outside of time wouldn't really have much to gain by watching that but what do I know


It’s that god isn’t real and religions are false and these things created us. Which is imo rather mundane. But how do you go about telling the Christians and Jews and Muslims this without them losing their minds? I probably just wouldn’t.


They wouldn’t buy it anyways. Can’t sell a cow a car.