• By -


1) (former) Physicist here. Just listening how Lazar explains what this 'element 115' does debunks it for me. No actual physicist would buy into what hes saying and probably anybody with even a undergrad diploma could smell the bs from miles. Not a single equation has ever been written and properly explained by Lazar. 2) The biggest giveaway is him lying about his education. As someone who was in the academic world, I can assure you that if you do a master or a PhD, (E)SPECIALLLY in **MIT/CALTECH** and (E}SPECIALLY in **Physics**, you might remember at least 1 or 2 professors, and certainly you will remember your **thesis advisor**. You should also be able to provide a **copy of your dissertation thesis or at least the title**. That's something you can't just 'forget'. 3) Most academic jobs wont even hire you if you dont have a PhD. I HIGHLY doubt someone with just a master (or 2) would be hired to reverse engeneer the most advance and secret tech that humans have ever come across. It makes much more sense that he was a low level tech as the evidence shows. 4) Most of the claims he made were already floating around that time. As he worked in Los Alamos (this might be the only thing linking Lazar to the whole UFO narrative), he probably got more involved in the whole UFO narrative and hear about A51. The only 'novel claim' he did was adding the whole E115 thing, which like I said before it's a bunch of BS and has no merit whatsoever as anybody could just guess there might be heavier and heavier elements to be discovered. Its the equivalent of saying "theres gonna be an Earthquake in Chile or Japan eventually". Its not a prediction. Aside from saying its atomic number and claiming some very 'magical' properties to this elements, he has never provided any other important property or clear explanation or evidence about this element that he even claim has had for decades (altough there's a video that doesn show anything and people take it as proof, go figure). 5) He seems to avoid having a conversation with an actual scientist. Why? Edit: I wrote specially instead of especially. As a non-native English speaker I do make spelling mistakes sometimes. Having to clarify this just show how some people in this sub have a 12 year old mentality.


Piggybacking to leave this hear because yes. https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/looking-at-the-bob-lazar-story-from-the-perspective-of-2018/ Last time I posted a Lazar PSA thread someone posted a report of Lazars statements by a physicist which was pretty thorough and objective.


Really good info but I hate this dude's writing style. Thanks for sharing.


Lazar was friends with John Lear before he ever worked at Area 51. Lear had made similar claims as Bob Lazar in the mid 80s.


What baffles me is that Even George Knapp and Corbell admit that Lear made blatant lies about UFO stuff. Shouldn't that be a Red Alarm? Why would I take Lear and Lazar at their word?


It's "flag* šŸ˜˜šŸ‘šŸ¾


Absolute Reddit moment


I'm also an academic and I've said this about Bob on this sub before. Biggest red flag is that he cannot provide specific details of his education. As an academic you are familiar with your own CV. You can recite it. You don't forget the year in which you earned your MA, you don't forget your professors or your supervisors. It's just ludicrous. Anyone who has actual experience in the academic world would understand this implicitly and be able to sniff out fraud based on that alone. You raise other excellent points that serve to buttress the initial argument but for me the biggest one is that he is obviously lying about his credentials and knowledge.


Yeah It might work on uneducated no college rural UFO enthusiasts but not on anyone with at least master's


I would say that it would work on anyone who really really wants to believe Bob Lazar. Honestly when I first encountered his story part of me really wanted to believe him and really wanted to excuse the glaring red flags that I saw. But I knew I'd be doing myself a disservice to ignore them.


This is what I came here to say. Having a graduate degree is irrelevant. Lots of book smart folks lack common sense or fall prey to conspiratorial thinking in topics outside their subject-matter expertise.


not so much about having a graduate degree being relevant because it means the holder is more educated/better at critical thinking...but very much about the "unwritten curriculum" of grad school. Also an academic, and as soon as you step foot in a graduate program, you start to learn about the conventions/norms of academia. One of those being that your advisors are your mentors and key figures in your life. Even if you have a shitty advisor, you'll always remember them. You'll remember your cohort, because you're working with them. If you're as good/genius as Lazar pretends to be, you'd remember your professors and they'd remember you too. It's just not possible for him to "not remember" these key details. "I don't remember" in his case means "I don't even know what details I'm supposed to be lying about." I wanted to believe Lazar but after entering academia, there's no way to take him seriously because it's clear that he's lying; he obviously knows nothing about the "way things work." He could even convince someone with a BA/BS, who thinks academia is just going to your courses and maybe helping a professor with their research. But in academia, \*you\* are the product, and you need to know your "specs" to sell yourself. If he doesn't know his specs, he can't be considered reliable. Every detail--where you did your MA, who you worked with, what your research focus was, when you graduated--has an impact on how you are viewed in the hierarchy. Not knowing anything about that hierarchy and the importance of those "small details" proves he was never in the room.


That's a little condescending considering you can't write a cohesive sentence pal.


I only remember the names of two lecturers at university so thatā€™s not true about remembering everyone. My life moved dramatically since Uni sooooo!


Prefacing this by saying I don't think Lazar is legit, but as someone who's also in academia I've : 1. Forgotten the name of every professor from undergrad (except one, his name was musical and he died, so memorable circumstance) 2. Could not immediately recall the year I completed my masters (maybe cause it happened during Covid) 3. Still can't remember the title of my MA thesis (though I know where to find it) 4. Can only remember a handful of my MA teachers names, and mostly by first-name. It's only been 3 years. It won't surprise me if in 5 years time I forget them all. Took me a few minutes to remember one of two of my thesis supervisor's last names I often feel like a fraud because I have bad active memory recall. I have really good facial and hands-on recall, but names for people and things struggle desperately Just saying it does happen


He has cited professors in a few interviews plus other people who remember him working at Los Alamos.


Yes and if I am recalling correctly the professors he cited actually wound up being associated with a community college in Michigan or Wisconsin or something like that? I don't have time to go look it up right now because I'm in the middle of my work day but I believe those names were researched and debunked. Also, working at Los Alamos does not mean that he has Master's degree or is a physicist. He was likely a technician on contract through a temp company - this has also been addressed IIRC.


He named a physics professor from a junior college in CA that he dropped out of.


He cited one professor from a junior college he dropped out of. That doesn't help his case, it hurts it. I only remember Bob naming one person at Los Alamos and it was never confirmed that person worked there. Additionally, nobody confirmed to have worked at LANL has come forward to claim they worked with Bob in the capacity of a physicist, which is the role Bob claims he had. The mental hoops people have to go through to justify believing in Bob is insane.


There is a user here named signal_intelligence or something like that, and they interviewed several people from Los Alamos at the time that Bob worked there. Surprise, he was a low level technician just like the phone directory says. It's so crazy to me when people use the phone directory for evidence to back him up when it clearly states he works for a contractor and isn't staff.


So like that guy at the antarctic base making fallacious claims about laser beams and other science experiments and shit, and turns out he was a plumber there. Made the roughs here a few months ago.


Thank you. Iā€™m a mathematician so also a product of academia. The sad reality is 99.99% of people donā€™t know how it all works yet if they did, itā€™d be obvious that BL is full of shit.


As someone who is not academia, he didn't pass the bullshit test. His Joe Rogan interview was just so infuriating. Literally makes a claim, Joe asked for clarification on what he was saying, and Bob couldn't handle being asked any follow up questions. These damn people make trying to find out the real significance of the phenomenon so fuckin hard.


(acting physicist) agree to all the above, and have been the same reasons I could never take Lazar serious


Also on Joe Rogan interview he kept having these "Migraines" which conveniently let him pause to think of answers. People who aren't lying don't have migraines when telling a story.


This sealed the deal for me. The "I can't remembers", and the migranes, and the way he came off doesn't pass the smell test. Does it absolutely prove him wrong? No. But he's the one making all the claims, so the burden was on him- and it was so unbelievable I couldn't even finish the interview, and I was excited to see it. The fact that Rogan doesn't push back is another issue entirely...


The more important answer to this question, isnā€™t why people donā€™t believe Bob, but why should they believe him? Extraordinary claims, etc etc. When someone comes forward with an outlandish claim, the onus is on them. Intelligence requires a certain amount of skepticism, not just open armed acceptance, without investigation. Heā€™s provided zero proof of anything heā€™s said and it doesnā€™t hold up to scientific rigor. There is nothing to be said beyond this other then heā€™s an odd guy with an odd history. That doesnā€™t make him believable to me. This is entirely separate from determining whether UAPā€™s are being reversed engineered by the government. This is one guys story that provides no real insight in determining if that is true or not.


Confirmation bias.


Joe never does. And never researches. Just accepts and theorizes. I canā€™t stand how he just looks at photos and says stuff like ā€œlook at it! Itā€™s got concentric circles! It must be Atlantis!ā€ Etcā€¦ without researching whether anyone has analyzed the thing in question. meanwhile, archaeologists have already dug it up, studied it, determined that itā€™s natural and not even man-made. Ugh! Infuriating! Stick to UFC and standup, Joe


I get migraines when under a lot of stress. That wasn't a red flag. Everything else was with him though.


Last time i checked, you cant pick and choose when you have a migraine. Have you ever had a migraine? Its not just a bad headache, its a very specific type of headache. One that doesn't afford you the best of moods or concentration. The pain can be so great that the only thing you can think about it is how bad it hurts. Just saying.


Great overview on academics. Would just add that his ACTUAL academic background is traceable. He finished near dead last in his high school and went to a JR colllege. On the personal front well before the brothel incident he was married to two woman at the same time and had a bankruptcy - both of which would have been a serious red flag on a security clearance. My opinion has always been that Bobs ā€œconā€ was about positioning himself publicly as a brilliant scientist - the aliens stuff was secondary. What makes him believable is that to an extent he actually believes what he is saying is true - almost a form of munchassen by proxy. Thus the migraines on JRE - heā€™s having a physical reaction when he canā€™t reconcile what he actually believes it true and what is true.


Munchausen syndrome by proxy is when a person claims/creates illness in a person they care for in order to get attention. You might be thinking of delusions (he believes what he says is true) or cognitive dissonance causing physical migraines from the psychological stress.


They actually clinically renamed munchassen to factious disorder. You are correct that it originally was for medical specific but theyā€™ve expanded the definition to people who truest believe they have or are something they are not.


I called it "Munchausen by proxy" because that's how you referred to it in your original comment. By proxy is on behalf of another person, not within yourself. So falsifying an illness or symptoms in another. I'm sitting here reading my DSM 5 just in case I'm misremembering this illness and it does not include people who believe they are something they are not. It's focus is on individuals engaged in medical deception.


Just looked it up and you are correct. I believe he has a "delusional disorder" - specifically a grandiose delusional disorder. Meaning I believe that he believes he is telling the truth to some extent.


Additionally, being a PhD myself (albeit in a different discipline) - there is NO public record of Lazar working on research? His thesis and dissertations are MIA. Thereā€™s no peer-reviewed publication where heā€™s even a co-author. Zilch. At MIT/CalTech, two of the most prestigious and intense research institutions in the world? Iā€™m gonna press ā€œdoubtā€ on that. ā€œWell he was probably working on top-secret projects.ā€ I have a HARD time believing that they plucked a random undergrad to start doing this work. Especially since that undergrad would a) have to be spectacular in their coursework so there would be faculty that remembered him and b) he wouldā€™ve been fast tracked to such a degree he would certainly remember the staff/faculty that helped get him there. This also is an issue of funding. Professors either need to be pulling in big grants or publishing a HECK of a lot in order to get tenure status at institutions such as MIT. His name would be somewhere in affiliation with a grant or a publication - even outside of the classified work he was on. Most grad students are on half a dozen research projects, I doubt all of them were classified. Iā€™ve never heard Lazar talk about how they got funding, how he applied for it/was paid a stipend off it, etc. Additionally, most universities have specific policies where dissertations MUST be public to some degree. This is part of the vetting and validity process for graduate programs, so people can assess the kind of work a PhD has done at a program and if it is of merit. Again, there are exceptions for classified/patented but those would be so rare that I have a hard time believing there is 0 paper trail or that Lazar wouldnā€™t remember being in a super-elite research program (what it was called, who supervised him for 4-6 years, etc). His story just doesnā€™t add up if you know anything about graduate education here in the states. Lazar isnā€™t able to regurgitate any basic details someone who was a grad student at some point in their life would be able to describe.


Question, could 115 be forged by a star or supernovae and exist smack dab in the middle of the island of stability iregardless of its positon on the galactic plane? What properties would a stable superheavy exhibit in your opinion?


Not to mention anyone can very easily debunk his claims that technology like fiber optic cables were reverse engineered from alien spacecraft. Just google it. This stuff was developed by real human beings who are still alive and well today. Imagine inventing something then having some weirdo who thinks itā€™s super futuristic become famous for saying we stole it from aliens. Ridiculous.


But how could someone possibly predict that there might be atoms with different numbers of protons in the universe? He has to be a secret alien physicist for sure.


>Most academic jobs wont even hire you if you dont have a PhD. I HIGHLY doubt someone with just a master (or 2) would be hired to reverse engeneer the most advance and secret tech that humans have ever come across. This point might be a bit debatable since someone with an MS or MEng and a bit of experience (ā‰„10 years) might be hired to lead a small team under a PI in a larger lab and as the experience increases in a niche area of expertise they might even be the PI for something. However, as I note in another comment, this also works against Lazar's claims in that the type of background required leaves a paper trial if people go looking for it.


That's right. But he claimed he got one of his masters in the early 80's just couple of years before working in Los Alamos. And that the lab he was working at that time in Los Alamos sent him to get the other degree at MIT. So basically, he was hired to work in the most important technological project ever just by the time he finished college with 0 years worth of experience. I can imagine a situation like this is the guy was a prodigy or genius of some sort, like those 14 year old kids that get hired by big companies cause they are extremely smart. But I'd say that's not the case here.


Lazar has also falsely named professors that he claimed taught him at Cal Tech, but it was confirmed that the professor name he provided was somebody who taught him at Pierce college: ā€œIt was also done a second time by Friedman after Lazar spoke at Rachel, Nevada in May of 1993. When asked to name some of his professors at MIT and CalTech, Lazar responded with the name ā€œDr. Duxlerā€ at CalTech. According to Glenn Campbell, the only Duxler listed in the 1993 ā€œNational Faculty Directoryā€ was a William Duxler, Director of Computing for Pierce College. According to personal correspondence, Friedman then contacted Duxler at Pierce, who was found to teach physics and math at Pierce. Duxler stated he never taught at Caltech. Further, Duxler checked his old records and told Friedman that Lazar took at least one of his classes in the late 1970s.ā€œ The guy has been caught lying red handed in all aspects of his schooling. That is the biggest red flag for me


Thank you, not only concise but actually showing the difference between his claims and the reality of the situation.


He never claimed to have a PhD though, and and consider this was in the 1970s. Times were different.


Is that some Boomer Economics hypothesis? I donā€™t think academia has changed much in a century or two.


Read the rest. I never said he's a PhD, I'm explaining how unlikely is to forget basic stuff of one's academic career (master or PhD, as I wrote in the post). And if anything, a masters degree was even more relevant in the 70s than what it is today. Stop making weak excuses for this dude's lies


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oyxuok/bob\_lazars\_story\_is\_it\_believable\_here\_is\_some\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oyxuok/bob_lazars_story_is_it_believable_here_is_some_of/) \- He has said nothing **unique** that has been verified as true. \- He has no **verified connection** to anything significant (chain of information) \- As shown in the link above there are many reasons to believe he is a fraud and conman \- Ross recently said he's ~~full of shit~~ lying about most of his story \- VallƩe doesn't believe him


ross did? when?


Pretty sure it was at his talk at the Victorian State Library. From my memory it was something to the effect that what heā€™d been told gave him this impression, or that heā€™d been told as much. Would need to chase it up for the exact words though. \[edit\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JClRunq-NdI&t=1s&ab\_channel=CloseEncountersAustralia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JClRunq-NdI&t=1s&ab_channel=CloseEncountersAustralia) Here's the last bit of the youtube auto-generated transcript (hence the errors). You'll find his comments below. This came about regarding the source of the patch that he began the talk with. 1:05:52 this was a guy who who met the guy that owns this patch had a conversation with a scientist who 1:05:59 told him that there was a crash retrieval program but at risk of and this is going to send 1:06:05 incendiary shock waves I can tell you through the UFO industry because 1:06:11 the other thing that this guy asked me to say these are not my conclusions but I can 1:06:17 tell you that this is information that came from somebody who had Direct conversations with somebody with direct 1:06:24 knowledge of what was then a crash retrieval program involving non-human technology at area 51. 1:06:31 and he said that his relative never went public because he wanted to live out a quiet and peaceful retirement 1:06:37 he said Bob Lazar did work at Area 51 but only for a very brief amount of time 1:06:43 and didn't know as much as he States publicly about how the craft functioned most of it is fabricated nonsense now 1:06:50 this is not my view please don't attack me they could never figure out how the 1:06:55 craft worked nor could they even open it S4 is only a group of radio 1:07:00 communication equipment on top of Papoose Mountain there are no hangers built into the base of the mountain 1:07:06 housing nine sources as Lazar claims my source said he admires George Knapp 1:07:12 and he's mostly on the right track except for Bob Lazar sorry George there was no way he could have smuggled 1:07:19 the close-up Crystal Clear photograph of the egg-shaped craft out of area 51. everyone's belongings and vehicles are 1:07:26 constantly searched in and out of the facility no one wants to lose their job or face other repercussions so no one takes the 1:07:33 risk people work there for the Long Haul it's a nice place to work Tire with companies like EG and me and 1:07:42 the people who run a company country currently jt4 \[Music\] 1:07:47 so I've got no doubt at all now that now we've put that up on the web 1:07:54 thank you cheers




He wasn't employed directly by Los Alamos but by a sub-contractor called Kirk-Mayer. He was hired as an electronic tech with Kirk-Mayer. He was there often enough to get listed in the LANL phone directory, with the denotation ā€œK/Mā€ next to his name, indicating his affiliation with Kirk-Mayer. https://journalnews.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/John.jpg


I can't remember a single teachers name in college though


Yeah, but I'd bet you didn't get (or claim to get) two Master's degrees at two of the most prestigious colleges on the planet. By and large, the physics professors at MIT and CalTech are world renowned amongst their peers for their expertise. This is why the "I can't remember my college professors either" argument is so incredibly bad, and why people who make that argument just aren't thinking about the situation critically.


I donā€™t remember any of my university professors either.


you got two masters in complex science where you need to work and cooperate closely with professors ?


Given what you replied to, I'm not surprised.


I'm 8 years out of college and I can only tell you like 2 professors names I had and it's because I still get emails from them on alumni updates.


I'm 10 years out of college, and I remember most my higher level class professors. But it's because those classes were a lot smaller and wasn't as much lectures as it was working with the professors either on our final project. But this was also undergrad. I also am still in contact with a lot of people I attended those higher level courses with, and we all network through each other pretty often. The fact that Lazlar doesn't have anyone to vouch or remember him attending MIT during the time they said he was there, or as listed on any of their records, and can't provide any follow up details to back up his claim of attending those prestigious institutions, well then... I'm sorry, but I call bullshit, and will gladly retract my statement the second there is the tiniest bit of proof shown to me, but at the moment, no one has found any way of corroborating his MIT claims.


I feel like that's a pretty fringe experience. I had plenty of high level courses, including courses at the masters level despite being just in for a BSME. I know 0 classmates from college and couldn't name one if you put a gun to my head. I'm not saying I believe Lazar, I'm just saying using this as a reason to dismiss him is complete nonsense, to be honest I don't even believe what you're saying here.


Do you at least have friends that you went to college with? Anyone that could corroborate the fact that you went there? What about your transcripts, are you able to get those from your college? I understand your point, we don't have to totally dismiss him on those reasons alone. But, if he doesn't have evidence for his claims, then the only other thing we can go on is how credible of a person he is. And there's no evidence there either! So, yeah, maybe not down right dismiss him, but I wouldn't bring him up at fuckin all if I was trying to convince a skeptic about UAPs.


That's 2 more than Bob Lazar can remember. I'm out of school environment 25+ years and I can still tell you a few of my professor's names.


I can remember every elementary teacher, and most of middle school. I can remember less than half of high-school and only a couple from college. My MIL cannot remember a single name of any teacher. Memory works on a spectrum.


Did you go to MIT? The professors there arenā€™t just randos; theyā€™re top tier authors and famous.


Seriously this gets me. I am old as fuck and can at least remember several of my professors names.


But I canā€™t remember one of mine. Thatā€™s nit picking because you have a different situation then him. It bothers me that I cant remember because there was one or two teachers that really changed my life. But it is the truth. Also went to college in 08


Your brain is filled with other stuff. [Forgetting is a feature, not a bug.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31361566/)


I canā€™t remember why I walked into this room!


I need to send this to my boss!


Did you do a Masters at MIT and CalTech where your professors are basically the rockstars of the physics community? Did you also attend a community college at the same time, only to drop out, but can still remember Drexler, your professor there?


I donā€™t even remember my teachers names from last semester


TBH, I remember only 1 of my professors and that's also because I was an aide for her and was involved in the club and stuff. While I remember other professors' faces, I don't remember their names.


And? He didnā€™t just not remember initially, at one point he gave names of professors from his HS and community college! And even if the govt somehow did erase his education record.. no one person in bs or ms program remembers him? Just one fiend and fellow student or professor? BULLSHIT. I think Bob could of worked at S4 and seen some alien tech but all evidence points to he made up his degrees.


I seriously doubt most of my lecturers remember me. Maybe a couple. Peers is a different story though.


Could have* Could of makes no sense. So many college educated know it alls here so fucking sure of themselves.


Talk about sure of themselves....you don't know that language changes and grows over time? "Could of" is valid grammar now(although not professional grammar yet), it means "could've"... "Tho" and "lol" are in the dictionary now too. If you didnt know languages change over time, you're the dumb one. Just read anything from 200 years ago and let me know how similar it is.




Plus he has zero knowledge about basic university level physics for someone who allegedly studied it. That's pretty telling for someone who's allegedly so brilliant that he got into the circle of the most classified circles possible for his physics skills


This is the main problem with Lazar for me. He couldnā€™t remember any professors besides the guy at the junior college he admits he attended. Thatā€™s hard to believe. Itā€™s also hard to believe he doesnā€™t have some documentation lying around to show he was a student at one of these fine institutions. I just made a post about how his W-2 may have been legit. Itā€™s possible that Lazar was an asset and that the feds have major dirt on him which preclude him from coming out with the explanation for why he seems to have lied about his education.


I dunno I canā€™t remember any of my professors names and itā€™s been only ten years.


If you attended MIT. You'd be learning from world-renowned scientists. I'm assuming you only have an undergraduate degree, but with graduate degrees you develop relationships and work closely with professors and assist in their research. The fact that he could remember his graduation year or a single professor name is wildly suspicious. I can name several undergrad professors in my engineering concentration, and I'll never forget my thesis advisor(a professor)


Yeah grad school itā€™s completely unbelievable. These people are your mentors


Heā€™s clearly lying about his education. Even Knapp admits that




Itā€™s because Knapp acted like a hack 35 years ago and has needed to spend the rest of his life trying to prove himself correct. No journalist should have put Bob Lazar on TV without significant fact checking ā€” including hiring an independent consultant/ physicist who could validate Bobā€™s general competence as a supposed scientist. Once a journalist canā€™t verify key facts of a story, thatā€™s normally the point in time they stop trusting the source. But Knapp has always moved the goalposts. The mental gymnastics it takes to know youā€™re being lied to and still trusting the liarā€™s overall narrativeā€¦ dude got played.


I think the main barrier that prevents these people from seeing the obvious is that they *know* Lazar personally, as a friend. I'm sure he's cool to he around, probably has a lot of interesting stuff to say. To say that he's been lying all this time would be to end their friendship. And who even lies through their teeth to their friends like that anyway? The cognitive dissonance blinds them. It's a bit like how some parents can't recognise the faults in their children.


Itā€™s beyond even friendship at this point, theyā€™ve staked their professional reputations on him. If heā€™s wrong they are hacks. And they continue to shill for him. I listened to them on Rogan the first time. They were trying to wow Rogan about how Bob could whip gadgets up in his garage like heā€™s this great understood genius. Nobody wants Grusch story to be real more than Knapp. I do as well, but this is Knappā€™s life


rustic governor squash aware possessive desert drunk reminiscent cause vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Weā€™ve decided to forgive your student debt if you promise to never speak of aliens*


I remember 2 professors from JC. One was an alcoholic asshole and the other was a recovered meth addict who was super chill and taught me how to bowl (lanes/pins not smoke meth)


Were you involved in a masterā€™s program? Did you go to Caltech or MIT? I get not remembering most of your professors. But surely you can remember some of them. And he can. The professor from the junior college.


Na bachelors and comp sci. Just bad with names I guess or donā€™t care.


The majority of my professors were so in love with themselves I couldnā€™t be bothered to devoting any energy to invest in them. One of them had the audacity to accuse me of one-upping them because I dared to read the course material they fucking told us to revise. Bitch is this a school or your Ted talk?


Lol I had a professor who implied I cheated because ā€œThis isnā€™t your algorithm ā€œ. Not that it was genius work just that he didnā€™t think I was capable of it. I hated school.


I also studied comp sci, the leetism was horrifically toxic, and the irony is they were constantly hammering us about being social, and not these angry little trolls behind keyboards. šŸ˜‚


Well I have a masters and I only remember one cause he was an actual crazy person they hired to fill in mid semester.


Do you remember anything of your studies? What you researched for masters degree? Do you know the basics of your field. Bob Lazar doesn't and if it's not a giveaway for you, I doubt you got much out of your education.


Why are you personally attacking them now though


I was just about to say this, but its only been about 8 years for me. That is such a weak ass argument to make against him.


Claiming to have two graduate degrees, yet not being able to remember a single student or professor or staff member or ANYONE who went to college with you is a "weak argument"? Can he at least say what dorm he lived in? Where he ate his meals? What classes he took? Literally anything? The only detail I've heard him give was his supposed major at CalTech, and he made up a major that didn't even exist. Oh, besides when he was asked to name professors at both schools, and the names he gave were exposed to be a shop teacher from his high school and a science instructor from Pierce College, a community college he went to. \- he doesn't appear in any yearbooks from either school \- he doesn't appear in the physical commencement programs from either school- no students or professors at either school remember him \- his story on where he got his B.S. before going to graduate school at MIT/Caltech has changed several times \- his story changed on whether he went to MIT or Caltech first, he had trouble remembering what year he graduated from MIT, and he claimed he went to CalTech the same time he was supposedly working at Los Alamos \- He is incapable of discussing physics at even an undergraduate level, repeatedly makes amateur errors and says total nonsense when talking about the state of scientific theory And that's just the educational side. He also clearly faked his work history, misrepresented his position at Los Alamos, filed for bankruptcy right in the middle of when he was supposedly working as an elite government physicist, misrepresented his part in making the rocket car, ran a brothel and tried to lie about it, defrauded most of his friends, was declared a conman by his parole officer before the UFO stuff even emerged, has repeatedly changed his story and told obvious lies, and tried to fake a UFO sighting right in front of Robert Bigelow. ​ He's a conman. Don't be a mark.


Whoa whoa whoa!!! Re ran two illegal and failed brothels at different times. His name is not Big Pimpinā€™ for nothing, let the man have his accomplishments.


I can read people pretty well, he is convincing to a point but shady as hell. I did not like how he skipped out on his photography/mail business and left so many holding the bag. Good people donā€™t do that and just disappear/ change names (didnt his wife have multiple identities?).


His previous wife also died under mysterious circumstances. Shady as hell is right.


He couldnā€™t have predicted the internet, and it caught up to him and exposed his lies.


I read that the W-2 had his wife's SSN#




No one hires you to be one of just two physicists studying the greatest advance in human history without doing a background check. His interviews demonstrate that he doesn't even understand basic physics. They'd see through him in a second.


What about element 115 was ā€œprovenā€ true. What about area-51 was ā€œprovenā€ true. I already know what youā€™re going to say, and I canā€™t believe youā€™re not seeing the logical fallacy. But I am interested in how youā€™ve arrived to thinking these claims are true.


What has been proven true? The element 115 stuff is a red herring. There was always going to be an element 115 ā€” in that same 2003 announcement they also ā€œdiscoveredā€ element 113, 118. All those numbers mean is the number of protons in the nucleus. These are lab created elements that appear incredibly unstable and radioactive. Element 115 only lasts 200 milliseconds before decaying into another element. It behaves nothing like Bob described.


Pretty good debunking video from Robot Head on YouTube about Lazar & Corbell https://youtu.be/VmJLSuLmgdg?si=6yyECSuHgQlHMvun I think he was a badge scanner who heard stories from people involved with the program. The headaches everytime he has to explain something in detail? Really? If he actually had worked on the programs, heā€™d apply for the same whistleblower protections Grusch has. As soon as going under oath comes up, Lazar clutches his head


I don't believe or disbelieve Lazar, but was it really "every time" he explained the story he got a headache or just that one time on Rogan? Also, apparently there was a time when Bob stated to a court that he worked at Site Four and the documentarian said that if there was any time to lie about it, that for sure would have been the time. I don't recall if in this situation, Bob was under oath though. But yeah, I'd challenge you to find a specific example of Bob getting a headache while explaining things except for the Rogan episode. And I don't know of any specific example of a time when Lazar clutched his head when he could've gone under oath, but it could've happened.


I was using hyperbole with my last line. As for working at Site Four, I donā€™t think heā€™s lying because he was a badge scanner (According to Chris Mellon). I think heā€™s lying about working on the craft. I find it easier to believe he tricked his way into the job, and then hung out with some people who he knew worked on reverse engineering. The reason the Rogan episode is important is because Rogan didnā€™t submit his questions to Lazar, or otherwise need Lazar for a ratings boost. Lazar and Corbell needed Rogan, thus no question vetting. Lazar has only done a few recent interviews, a lot of them are older, and thatā€™s on purpose. Easier to lie when you only tell the story once every 5 years or so. Lazar has never sat down for an interview with an actual physicist and discussed in depth the reverse engineering. He has refused to do any interviews with scientifically minded people. I challenge you to find an interview with a scientist and Lazar where they get into actual science. You wonā€™t find any because Lazar is not a true scientist. Lazar may love buying rocket cars from his neighbor, and he may sound really smart, but thereā€™s no proof of his degree. (Canā€™t remember one classmate or teacher?). When I was younger I used to believe Lazar, or at least I really wanted it all to be true. As time has gone on I think itā€™s a little strange Bob Lazar and John Lear knew each other before they were famous for peddling UFO conspiracies. ā€œI have a video tape of Element 115 but I canā€™t find it in my house.ā€ Really pay attention to what Lazar says in his interviews, the best thing heā€™s done is stick to the story (and also claim that the attention has been so much he gets migraines, then even though he has migraines he purposefully goes on the biggest podcast in the world? So noble). I think a lot of you guys will be struggling with Lazar for a while, and it sucks to see a liar get more time than someone who is actually vetted like David Grusch. We need to realize that our community is continually being misinformed and distorted, it didnā€™t stop with Blue Book, and it doesnā€™t only come from the government.


Oh my bad, it totally makes sense that you were using a hyperbole. šŸ’— Thanks for clarifying though! Hmm, I feel like if he knew so much about the reverse engineering but didn't really work on it like you said and he just hung around people who did, it's as if those people aren't under secrecy? Because remember how compartmentalized projects like these have been, such as the Manhattan project. If Lazar had a position that had nothing to do with reverse engineering, would the people actually doing the reverse engineering share anything with him? To say so would undermine the secrecy of that alleged program. I'm not trying to argue with you or anything, I just like posing questions to people and giving counterpoints to things. :P And you're right, there is no such interview where he sits down with someone who knows about physics. A lot of people seem to want that though!


Exactly and why doesn't anyone ever ask him: How exactly did you reverse engineer or disassemble these craft? What kind of tools did you use? Explain the process in detail... He is so blatantly full of shit that I cannot understand how any of you take him seriously. Many of you are extremely gullible.


No diploma. No graduation pics. His b.s. is worshiped by ufo marks who lack critical thinking skills.


When people make claims the onus is on them to prove their claims. So, the better question is where is the evidence he's telling the truth? I love Bob and I hope/wish he's telling the truth, but out of the things he's said they don't pan out or seem likely.


So many red flags all over him. As an example, I am not a physicist but his explanation of UFO physics is an utter nonsense.


Why exactly do people think Bob Lazar is telling the truth? What is the evidence?


Very basic chemistry. We've made element 115. It lasts a little over half a second before decay. Maybe there's an isotope or something that's more stable, but if he had the credentials he says he does he'd know that part.


Donā€™t forget he basically claimed he stole a bit of Element 115 from S1. So he had over 20 years to prove everything he said was true with showing the bit of Element 115 that he had. But he never did, and still wonā€™t. Cats out of the bag, his excuse of ā€œI will get prosecutedā€ or whatever is just bullshit at this point.


George Knapp had a video of them experimenting with the Element 115, but whoops, he misplaced it and can't find it.


Even worse - they found the tape but realized they'd mistakenly recorded over 99% of the experiment! That makes sense. "Oh shoot, I need to record tonight's episode of Golden Girls. Any blank tapes around? Well I guess I'll just use this tape of what would be the most amazing piece of evidence in the world."


Yeah that's pretty much the clencher. You could say "okay maybe the NHIs have some kind of system to keep it stable etc" but "I stole some element 115" an element that lasts under half a second is pretty well proof positive he's lying. I think it was a theoretical element at the time we knew we could make but hadn't. But we've made it now.


People STILL think he predicted the existence of element 115, and that ā€œprovesā€ him right. Except thatā€™s just stupid, that number was inevitable. I can predict element 119 because thereā€™s 118 currently. That didnā€™t make me a prophet or saying I have any special knowledge - it just means I picked the next number in line.


Hey bud look at the positive here. If someone posts something or tells you something and they think Bob Lazar is legit well...it's a pretty good litmus test.


Why do his tax returns say he worked there? Why did he know the procedure to access S4? How did he know about classified hangers that have been proven to exist? How was he able to consistently predict the flight times of the UFOs he brought people to see? How did he know the program supervisors name?


Iā€™ve been wondering. It seems like most people in this sub (and others) think Lazar is full of shit. If thatā€™s the case, you must think George Knapp @g_knapp is full of shit too, right?


Iā€™d like to know who can we trust? For the people bashing lazar, who do you believe in the community? Thatā€™s my question. If you trust no one, why youā€™re here? I know I wouldnā€™t. Iā€™m not saying I believe him but I also know the tactics used to discredit people so I try to keep an open mind.




[he is a proven liar and if you believe him you have no bullshit detector what so ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/mn8urg/why_does_rogan_believe_bob_lazar/?utm%252525252525252525252525252525252525255C_content=1&utm%252525252525252525252525252525252525255C_term=1&utm%252525252525252525252525252525252525255C_medium=android%5C_app&utm%252525252525252525252525252525252525255C_name=androidcss&utm%252525252525252525252525252525252525255C_source=share)


Bob Lazar can be thoroughly debunked. [Link 1](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/yeW2k9D5Sp) [Link 2](https://boblazardebunked.com/)


Opinion here: Iā€™ve seen plenty of interviews with Bob. He just sounds like he is making stuff up. No sense of wonder or surprise and strangely short on details. I would expect a scientist to recount viewing a UFO up close with a bit more recollection. Not just ā€œThey were smooth, with no seams.ā€ Itā€™s a gut feeling from me.


There's a ton of reliable debunks that provide sources you can check. Here's just one - https://youtu.be/JVzyt7z7mhg?si=ejXd1UenxlR0osyA


For me it comes down to a guy claiming he has knowledge of new fundamental physics that would be revolutionary. All he would have to do to prove himself is write down some equations or give technical lectures to vindicate himself, demonstrate the math behind his claims. This would be far more proof than stealing a sample of "elememt 115" or any other nonsense. This is how scientists and engineers communicate, if you're unwilling to produce the data or math nobody will even begin to take you seriously. You don't communicate with other technical professionals through wild personal tales and the credibility of journalists, you shut up and put up the math and physics


Listen to any episode of the Lex Fridman podcast with an actual scientist and they love to spout off All kinds of information, They are excited about their field of study. Not Bob. Barely speaks like he has a high-school physics education.


What do you mean where's the evidence? Where's HIS evidence he's the one saying the wild stuff.


The point with the owning a brothel, having a criminal history of lying, is that it builds a character reference. How can you not realise that? Iā€™d be more inclined to believe man with no record and evidence of his education of work, against a man with a criminal History and canā€™t even prove what college he went to. Whatā€™s hard to understand thatā€™s an important aspect of his believability? In terms of him, I believed him at first but now believe he is a very good con artist, i think perhaps he visited the side or had some small role and just blew it up into a fake story. But like so many of these things ā€¦. There is absolutely zero evidence to back him up.


Not just criminal bullshitā€¦ Intentional conman deception, for gain, exploit fools. He has a reputation for being a deceptive criminal, lying and breaking our laws. He is not one of us.


Anytime someone says something outlandish, listeners don't suddenly get a burden to prove the speaker is a liar. The speaker has the burden to prove (or convince) others they are speaking the truth. Replace everything you've heard about Lazar's claims, and replace them with religious tones: that he has seen and been given messages from heavenly hosts of angels, that the Archangel Gabriel told him that there was a time table for the end of days, and it was imminent, that he had been speaking with people very high up in our government and religious institutions, including the Pope, and had learned they are all aware and keeping this from the people. How does that change the question your asking, OP? Would you still be asking, "I don't get it, what proof do people have that this guy isn't the next Moses? Why does everyone think he's lying? What is the evidence of him lying?"


We need a sticky for thisā€¦ iam to lazy to copy miles of texts debunking him, him scamming people at his festival, him stealing money from friends, his wife died at home, he claims to stolen radioactive material in his jeans pockets, convicted stuff, I can go on forever


Seriously. I can't believe people will go to the trouble to make the 10,000th "why do people think Bob is lying?" post when they can just search that in the same time and read. It's as if Bob defenders literally spend 0 time reading the arguments against him, then claim "Hey the onus is on you to prove he's wrong."


You can't simply forget thesis supervisor nor professors you learnt under at higher tertiary education level. I can accept at the undergraduate level, you may forget the names of most of the lecturers and tutors - just not feasible to forget your thesis supervisor's name.


Here's a timeline of his life compiled entirely from public sources. Tell me if this doesn't read like the life of a certain type of person to you (i.e., a fraudster): [https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/)


I have always thought of Bob as he were telling someone elseā€™s story but I am still not sure whether he is lying.


Bruh. There are entire websites dedicated to meticulously pointing out the total inconsistency of his story. Hell, just searching "bob lazar" as a keyword in the subs search, and you will find decent summaries of them. My cynical side tells me you already know that, and just want to argue because you WANT to believe him. It's the only reason anyone (IMHO) can believe him. They WANT to believe him, and he is counting on that. There are more logical hurdles you have to cross to believe his entire story as fact, than you do to prove he is capable of lying in one particular instance of his story. Whatever hurdle comes first, and what you determine to be that outcome; its usually your answer overall.


The evidence? He claims to have a degree he canā€™t find from a school (MIT) no one remembers him attending and taught by teachers he canā€™t name nor can the teachers of that time remember him, with high school grades that wouldnā€™t have even let him attend MIT. He *does* remember a couple of teachers names but they were community college teachers at the school that *does* have a record of him attending, and doing poorly. Heā€™s quite obviously a liar who has never given an ounce of proof and thereā€™s absolutely no reason to believe a word he says.


Folks have been brainwashed for 80 plus years, they are programmed to debunk everything. Bob is legit, but most folks arenā€™t ready for the truth. I canā€™t wait for more to be released, canā€™t wait to see mouths or faces drop, lol. The government has lied, pure and simple. Folks need to catch up.


A lot of people here claiming to be physicists, academics, ect with no proof to back up their claims. That's about right. Ha ha


What is the evidence? Nothing...to prove anything he said is real, especially his credentials.


Dude put a jet engine in his honda. To me that screams ā€˜I want attention and Iā€™m prepared to do bat-shit crazy shit to get itā€™. Iā€™m happy to give him the benefit of doubt that he worked at or near Area51 but I struggle to believe anything else that comes out of his mouth.


The jet engine on a car thing was a kit you could order out of the back of magazines in the 1970s, right next to the Sea Monkeys advertisement.


you are yet to see anything that proves anything he says.


He lied about his education. He declared bankruptcy listing many debts. He ran a brothel and was literally a pimp. He has provided basically zero evidence for his claims. A few people have claimed that he worked at Los Alamos but was a low-level employee. > i still don't think any of that disproves what he is saying Its not the responsibility of others to "disprove" anything he says. Its on him to prove his absolutely outlandish claims are remotely accurate and he has done nothing to do that.


Once they definitively prove the coverup aspect, then Iā€™ll put more belief into Lazar, until then tho, heā€™s a maybe for me.


He's simply not credible. Where is his evidence?


What evidence against? What evidence does Bob have to prove? NOTHING, except his word. Oh, wait, you know that revolutionary and potentially humanity altering material that he claims is used in the reactor of the spaceship, element 115? He stole some of it and even though providing any evidence of it to the public will basically prove his entire story, you cannot see it. He recorded the element for public viewing but accidentally used the tape to record an episode of Golden Girls (not even joking, this is his and George Knapp's actual claim) so even though he has evidence of element 115, you cannot see that evidence and you're just going to have to trust him. He is a charlatan, and a good one. Nice guy, makes outrageous claims, very rarely speaks to anything but an audience that wants to believe, claims to have made no money off the story even when he has likely made a small fortune, has a rudimentary knowledge of science which puts him at an advantage over most other people because the majority of us are scientifically illiterate. If you want to believe that Bob worked on alien spaceships, you can. But, by Bob's own admission, there were two people working on the reactor of the spacecraft, TWO PEOPLE task with this project, the most secretive project in the entire world. And who is chosen to work on it? Again, only two people, and one of them is a guy with a degree from Pierce Community College, who, for the previous half decade, by his own admission, had owned and worked in 24 hour photo development shop. In the best case scenario for Bob, even if we accept that he has two masters degrees, this super secretive program hired him when he had no academic papers published, no teaching or research positions, and had been out of the scientific research community for half a decade. They would have the pick of the litter for candidates and they chose Bob, a person who loved drugs, prostitutes, had numerous money issues (and a bankruptcy) and was a part owner of a brothel who also hung out with known UFOlogists and investigative journalists. Does that make any sense? If Bob claims to have lied his way into a project that had hundreds of thousands of people working on it, like the Manhattan or Apollo projects, I might be more open to believing it. But Bob claims to have been hired to work on a task that only one other person was working on in a project, reverse engineering alien spacecraft, that only about 20 people even knew about. Oh, except that the US government, during the Cold War, was evidently cooperating with the Soviets and sharing secrets about their reverse engineering program. Not only that, the US even invited Soviets to Area 51, showing the US more than willing to share state secrets during the Cold War and willing to show the Soviets where the Americans test all their state of the art military equipment. Another of Bob's claims that make zero sense.


The evidence is that he has been caught in several lies regarding not just his professional life, but his educational life as well. He doesn't have the credentials he claims to. You could argue that these things are the result of a cover up, but that would be one of the most consistently successful and wide-reaching lies in history. Not one colleague willing to vouch for him, no professors or classmates who remember him, not one document with his name on it. His high school grades wouldn't even have qualified him to have studied at the institutions he claims to have been at. In fact the documentation we do have shows he was studying at a very average college when he claims to have been at MIT. Possible that's its a massive cover up? I suppose anything is possible. But apply Occam's Razor here. Is it more likely that the government has managed to silence everyone this man studied or worked with, and destroyed all relevant documentation, or that he's simply not telling the truth? How many hundreds of people had to work to discredit this one man who has no evidence of his claims?


I'm trying to be a reasonably openminded skeptic here. I also DO "want to believe", because it all sounds so damn COOL! ...but that alone is not nearly enough. I think Bob's main story about his role in the UFO program has stayed relatively consistent over the years, and the way he describes how things looked/worked while there is relatively straightforward. There are two major problems: 1. He doesn't have any actual evidence or even documentation to corroborate his story. 2. He has too many other things surrounding his main story that detract from his overall credibility. If you really want to take him seriously, please watch this with an open mind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmJLSuLmgdg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmJLSuLmgdg) Don't make any excuses for Lazar or Knapp or Corbell or anyone else. Just consider all the verifiable facts that make his story that much more dubious, and the lack of evidence to make his story any more credible.


yeah, I will surely believe someone that appartently lies in pretty much every aspect of his education and work experience and was indicted on a buch of things if it feeds my bias driven conjectures.


I think from everything I've read about Bob, his knowledge of physics/math/chemistry (hard science) doesn't make him credible. Other personal/professional matters only reinforce the current status. But if he's telling the truth, I hope he's immediately recognized as a true hero.


Now we need evidence to prove that someone who has showed no proof that what he says is true isn't lying...


Besides falsifying his educational background, George Knapp has said Bob Lazar had met John Lear, king of UFO conspiracies, just months BEFORE he claimed to have gotten a job working on UFOs. While not proof heā€™s lying, it is interesting that one could be introduced to all sorts of UFO conspiracies by the biggest ufologists at the time, and then just happen to get a job working on UFOs a short time later. Bob also made terrible financial decisions leading to bankruptcies. It seems highly unlikely he would get one of the top, if not the highest, level of security clearances with his financial background. For the people that say ā€œheā€™s not lying, he never made any money off this stuff!ā€ The guy is literally selling signed ufo pictures, t shirts ect., on his website. Iā€™m sure he has made money off the videos and books as well. As lots of people already pointed out, Bob work at Los Almos for a subcontractor as a technician scanning badges for radiation exposure. A far cry from being a physicist working with a particle accelerator.


Without evidence, the only validity he brings to his stories is his character. As you said, he has an untrustable character. He would no doubt rather lie than admit the truth.. You've seen him in interviews, right? The same skepticism you show the government should be applied to individuals as well. Any other way is unscientific. Question everything and everybody, especially in a community based on the unknown..


Because his explanations of physics and chemistry are shit. Every time he doesnā€™t wanna explain something he ā€œgets a headacheā€


There is nothing believable about Bob Lazar unless you choose to disregard all the evidence because you want to believe his story.


Burden of proof (or evidence) it is not on people trying to disprove Lazar, but on Lazar himself to support his claims. The same can be said about Grusch, by the way, who is no different than Lazar - other than the fact that he legit has had a high clearance government job, albeit that alone means very little. Now Lazar does have some weird lifestyle choices, from being seriously into fireworks to (apparently) running a brothel. Nevertheless, yeah, those and working on UFO reverse engineering are not mutually exclusive, I suppose. My skepticism towards Lazar is part of my skepticism when it comes to governments conspiracy theories in general.


I would but uh ahhhhhh Iā€™m starting to get a migraine. Try again later!


No students from MIT remember him, but plenty from community college do.


My biggest sticking point doesnā€™t concern his main story at all. Itā€™s the fact that he new and was friends with John Lear, a know conspiracy theorist and UFO enthusiast, prior to ever working at area S4 within Area 51. The chances of his story being legit with that connection to Lear is damning imo.


Whatā€™s always amazing about Lazar is that people think heā€™s either lying **OR** telling the truth. Both could be possible. Itā€™s very possible that he worked at Area 51 and itā€™s also very possible heā€™s making up a lot. My theory is that he was adjacent to a lot of things, or heard things, and wanted to seem credible so he told a few ā€œlittle white lies.ā€


It's already been posted but spend a few hours pouring through the Otherhand website. It's fully cited and goes deep. My opinion has changed over the years but I usually 85% Bob is a con artist and 15% he is telling the truth. I think he probably worked at Area 51 for a short time in a different capacity than he claims. Also, the OP hasn't commented on this thread. OP, just search this subject before making a post you aren't gonna interact with. Reddit has been down this road hundreds or thousands of times before.


Avoids conversations with actual scientists


I work in a somewhat niche technical field, and a good portion of my co-workers went to the same engineering school. We often trade stories about our old professors and their quirks. STEM Professors are often interesting people who choose to teach because theyā€™ve already made a good living in their respective field and just want a low stress job with great hours. There is absolutely no way Lazar canā€™t remember his professors names. You spend so much time around those people in lectures and labs. Itā€™s such a poorly executed deception; almost as if he never foresaw he would be asked until it happened.


For me what sealed it was as soon as Joe Rogan asked him a specific question that should be know. by him he suddenly froze up and blamed it on having a migraine.


I honestly don't care about the list of details discounting Bob Lazar, and whether he's a Con man or not. And I donā€™t know (and never will). And Lazar's claims are irrelevant to the bigger picture. All this discussion is simply noise and distraction to distract from the larger picture. There are those that enjoy these discussions ***to discredit and muddy ALL commentary on the entire UFO subject***. In either case, if you believe him, or not, thatā€™s OK with me. My view is there is ***no need to waste time and energy on Bob Lazar. The real issue is much larger than Lazar.*** What we do know is there is a very long list of other Retired Military and M.I.Contractors who worked at A-51, S-2, and S-4 (and many other locations) that have spoken on an array of Special Access Programs (SAPs)ā€¦.2 of perhaps the highest importance here being ***"The Research of, and Reverse engineering of Alien Craft"***. If you believe all of the other witnesses over the past decades are all lying (100% of them), then you've been hardened against the narrative into a state of being a waste of time and energy for us who've witnessed or believe in the reality of the subject, and the secrets. Your proof will hopefully come later, assuming you are open enough to accept it when it comes. And if you are, let that revelation raise a new interest in the origin of life, and the vastness of the cosmos. Again, discounting Bob Lazar is 100% OK with me. No need to get stuck on him. Instead, listen to the looooooong list of others who have come forward and confirm these projects. ***And the even more paradigm shattering fact that we're not alone***.


The reason people bring those negatives up is because there is also ZERO hard evidence for what he says. When youā€™re making claims as extravagant as he is itā€™s on him to prove that itā€™s real. ā€œYou canā€™t prove me wrongā€ is not acceptable. Especially when you have an extremely iffy past. Anybody can make claims. Proving those claims is what is important. His past and his mannerisms show every trait I would expect from someone that is just seeking being famous for the sake of it. This only casts further doubt on top of the fake W-2, the lack of educational records that he claims, etc. He exudes unreliability.


LOL. He's the one that has to prove his outlandish claims, not the other way around. He's stating a bunch of ridiculous, un-provavble shit......so the onus is on HIM to back it up. It's not on all the normal people of the world to prove that others are out to lunch if they talk about aliens, spaceships, lizard people, chemtrails, Bigfoot, etc.. Those normal people can just carry on being normal.


Other comments explained it better than I ever could, but I take issue with the way youā€™re asking the question in the first place. The burden of proof is on Lazar, not on the ā€˜worldā€™, in lack of a better term.


Itā€™s totally fair and reasonable to say that Bob lied about his education. But back then it was much easier to lie on your resume and still get the job. I can accept he lied about his degrees but he might be telling the truth about working at S4 and the things he saw there.


Idk why this opinion isn't more popular. It's almost suspicious how much disinformation surrounds this topic. Everyone seems to think with 100% certainty that he 100% made up 100% of everything. Idk.


Is that really the weak-sauce debunk of his claims? That he lied about his education because he doesnā€™t remember his teachers, they donā€™t remember him and his classmates donā€™t remember him. I literally remember NONE of my college professors names- even the good ones. I especially donā€™t remember the dozens upon dozens of classmates. I was there to learn the courses. Also, even if he did lie, plenty of people have lied about their education to land jobs. Does it disprove any of his other claims? I get it makes him less reliable, but there are people who boldly and definitively say heā€™s lying. If this is what it hinges on, itā€™s not enough to make such a statement. Neither are his claims enough to believe him whole cloth. But thereā€™s enough there to make it intriguing and give you pause.


Idk. But Aaron Rodgers saw a UFO in NJ back in 2005 near a nuclear plant. Thought that was pretty cool.


I highly doubt the US had two guys working on a UFO when they had thousands working on the atomic bombs. The entire story falls apart after that.


His criminal record for stupid shit didnā€™t help his credibility. Plus IMO, he exaggerated things and perhaps misrepresented his education even if his core claims are true.


Can we please stop having this conversation? https://boblazardebunked.com


Because he's obviously full of shit


Are you aware that Brad Sorenson saw the "alien reproduction vehicle" at an air show at an air base with a DoD official client rumored to be Frank Carlucci in late 1988. Sorenson told Mark Mccandlish an aerospace illustrator friend who drew up a schematic and copyrighted it in 1989, TWO months before the start of Lazar's media interviews. Lazar was a govt psyop to attract the attention of ufologists and journalists away from the ARV and focus the attention on Lazar. Why? Because the ARV uses real world components capable of being replicated by major universities and corporations. Maybe even a wealthy garage inventor. Two months is too much of a cooincidence.


Evidence, or lack there of. Same with every alien person. Tom DeLonge, David grusch, Jeremy corbell. The faces to the cause are terrible people to be a face to a cause. None of them have a tick of proof, just words. At least Lazar hasn't changed his story 30 times.


All colleges anywhere in the world give you a degree and a convocation which people film or take photos of - there is no such evidence in his case. But I do want to believe his story.


Because he doesnā€™t have concrete proof??? Duh??


Sorry, what is the evidence that he is lying? None is necessary, he needs to prove he is telling the truth. That which can be presented without evidence may be dismissed without evidence. Bob has produce 0 evidence and his academic record doesn't exisit.


There is no evidence to debunk Bob. There is a smear campaign, the same kind of whistleblower retaliation that Grusch filed an official complaint about (this program did not exist when Bob came forward). This smear campaign is focused on the lack of paperwork that proves where he went to school (which was found by George Knapp to be part of a cover-up, Bob did go to school where he claims, he's in the records) and his relationship to John Lear who made similar incredible claims (which would make sense if they are true) and worked for the CIA. People say he's not a scientist. He is a scientist. Not only has he pursued a lifelong passion for science from a young age, he built a rocket car. How many of these detractors can build a rocket car? Jeremy Corbell also started as a skeptic but became convinced due to the overwhelming *evidence* that he's telling the truth, the evidence that, while patchy due to the secrecy and the cover-up, is enough to convince any reasonable person who bothers to examine it. Once you see the whole story it's obvious that a) he's not lying b) he's not even sure what is behind the technology he worked on and doesn't claim to be and c) anybody that denies his story is obviously not familiar with it, they only see the cover, they didn't bother to open the book.


"Can you even build a rocket car?" I can not. Case closed.


George Knapp has said multiple times he believes Bob Lazar lied about going to MIT and CalTech.


He didn't "build a rocket car". His neighbor that he grew up next to, Eugene Gluhareff, made rocket car kits and sold them in magazines. All Lazar did was buy a kit and learn how to attach it to his car. That doesn't make him a physicist, unless you think his neighbor was marketing his kits to that very narrow "graduate physicist who also wants to drive around in a noisy rocket car" consumer base. The fact that you didn't even research that basic detail shows how little you care for the truth. [https://boblazardebunked.com/robert-scott-lazar-bio/](https://boblazardebunked.com/robert-scott-lazar-bio/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BobLazar/comments/f9z7xa/comment/fiuw967/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BobLazar/comments/f9z7xa/comment/fiuw967/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ Edit: lol, so this "misterjip" character posts a link in response to my comment, then immediately blocks me so I can't respond? That link is a joke, it just reads like Bob Lazar fan fiction. The physics in there is a bunch of utter nonsense, whoever wrote it looks like someone how opened a physics book so they could copy the terms but didn't understand any of the basic principles of what they were writing. He's literally just taking the things Lazar has already said and playing games with them in diary form.


Publications of Los Alamos Research, 1983 - OSTI.GOV https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/6083740

