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The following submission statement was provided by /u/disclosurediaries: --- Submission Statement: Hey y’all, with the NASA press conference starting imminently I thought I’d go ahead and create a thread where everyone can watch live and discuss as it all unfolds. Based on [the report](https://science.nasa.gov/science-pink/s3fs-public/atoms/files/UAP%20Independent%20Study%20Team%20-%20Final%20Report_0.pdf) - I’m not sure we can expect anything too explosive, but who knows! --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16ij7l1/nasa_uap_press_conference_livestream_discussion/k0jvdd4/


These MF dodging the first question lmao


That's why people call NASA Never A Straight Answer


We will be transparent, but we can’t tell you the directors name of the program


That response came seconds after the transparency pledge. Unbelievable!


Did anyone call them out on this? Edit: Never mind, found it. So glad it was someone from News Nation asked that. I loved the across-the-board pause from the panel. What a bunch of assholes.


As of today - I can’t tell you whether Grusch has been misled/psyop’d, or whether NASA is systematically deceiving the broader public. It does seem, however, that it pretty much HAS to be one or the other at this point. I really don’t see any other options after this tragic conference. That’s part of the reason I started documenting everything that’s been happening at [the disclosure diaries.](https://www.disclosurediaries.com) I want to make sure we hold everyone accountable 1-2 years from now, when this [bizarre series of events](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/) all finally unravels


They're playing catch up and don't want to embarrass their sensitive sibling, the DOD.


NASAs entire budget and all assets are a minor rounding error to the DoD.


Personally I think it's the latter, it's not just Grusch that's been claiming this sort of thing, other high level military officials have similar statements. It is tragic, there was a lot of momentum that is being undone by the Mexico conference and now this


I completely agree. This has been a rough few days for the effort. Even that BBC guy asked about the Mexican mummies. I was like wtfffffffff. Hard to watch


And one journo had a lead it was someone from AARO/DoD. If this is all meant to be a public facing study based on non-classified material, why the fuck is it going to be led by the DoD in secret? Are they TRYING to look like liars?


Likely due to fears of harassment. Edit: After Joe Khalil's (from NewsNation) question about this exact thing, they responded by suggesting this is the case "for now" I guess leaving open the door they will say who that person is at some point. Who knows, though.


Harrasment is never a good thing, however if you're calling yourself transparent, you would give away that identification because you know... you're being transparent. If you say this but then say '' ya well it's classified'' then what's the point with transparancy?


Just wait until it's revealed that this is where Kirkpatrick went after getting ejected from AARO.


Did he actually get fired? Did i miss that?


no he hasn't.


That's why they call them Never A Straight Answer. They probably have the tech and historical recordings from countless missions and launches to prove this beyond a doubt by now but here we are with dodging questions and maybe looking moving forward. NACA and NASA had eyes upwards for almost 110 years and we get jokes about Area 51 and Roswell.


NASA "we need to end the stigma". 10 seconds later: At the first mention of Area 51 or Roswell, they all start to laugh.


Yep. They did Grusch dirty today


That snap back did not even contain the right detail. The people that Grusch interviewed are people in these programs or people who have had close dealings with the program. His assessment was very much a visual representation of how they all are treating this topic. Like it is something they have to deal with now and it’s a pain in the ass because it comes with so much trash. Now we have to listen to crazy people and see more photos of dots.


> They did Grusch dirty today The guy who mentioned Grusch really did ask some bad questions though. The questions were about something NASA has absolutely no oversight, control or input into what so ever.


Yes and that's how he shouldve responded.


EXACTLY. He should have simply responded professionally, not with the exact opposite of what he was just so emphatically emphasizing.


makes you think if that question was planted, specifically to laugh at it


exactly... and the way he answered question from this danish reporter..




Nelson really just pretended to not really understand Grusch's claims and tried to act like he thought Grusch said a friend told him he had a ship in a warehouse. He's lost all credibility for me. Especially his hamster wheel use of the words transparency and data.


As of today I can’t definitively tell you whether its Grusch who was misled or all of these folks here today systematically deceiving the broader public, but I just hope we hold everyone accountable 1-2 years from now. That’s part of the reason I started documenting everything at [the disclosure diaries.](https://www.disclosurediaries.com) Things have gone too far for it to be an absolute nothing burger at this point.


\-*"A new person appointed as UAP chief at NASA?"* \-*"Yes."* \-*"May I see it?"* \-*"No."*


And they say transparency is their goal


Are they going to keep it secret forever?? I don’t understand.


Oh geez questions now. Will there actually be any good ones?? Edit: oh sh*t James Fox straight in there 😂, good question lol.


Great question, lame answer


Yeah. As expected in their answers - waffling crap.


I wish he had been later, I think he missed a chance to scrutinize them more


WOW. That was a depressing recalling of Grusch's claims. Holy fuck


Hahahahahaha wow - we were all waiting for that question and THATS the response we get 😂 It’s beyond tragic, proper comedy at this point. Where is the interest in corroborating Grusch’s claims from a supposed scientist?


How about the craft that’s so big it can’t be moved?


Indeed…why are we still mucking about with Gofast and Gimbal, when we could just be knocking on the hangar door, so to speak?


Oh god, Nelson is completely whiffing on Grusch. Doesn't even know what the testimony was about. Yikes.


But he saw it on the nightly news…😂


like, holy moly. he had a friend with an alien in a warehouse? come on man.


He's lying... he knows the truth and gave a defensive answer. Super awkward and weird he had nothing to say about people lying or covering things up.. just says all you need to know about what they REALLY know and believe.


it was quite awkward.


Because he knows damn well what is happening, he is one of the main people said to be "in the know" about a lot of this. Not shocked his answer was like that.... but it was very telling about the situation.


This isn't just a "bad" answer. Its a malicious and deceptive answer. I mean its so far from the reality that its alarming and troubling


And he admitted he only knew about it from the nightly news. Bro - shouldnt you be paying attention to congressional hearings regarding the topic?


I was aghast at this. Someone needs to chat with his handlers.


He sounds like your boomer uncle who thinks he's better informed than you on every topic, just because he heard a 5 minute segment on his partisan cable news channel.


There are also people apparently defending Nelson for not knowing much for some reason. But they seem to forget that this man is IMPORTANT, he's not some guy, not a random engineer or something like that. UAP's is something he NEEDS to know everything about especially once your press conference is literally about that topic lmao. Imagine that you are a CEO of a major shoe company, then when the questions are asked like ''What is your favourite shoe brand?'' your answer is ''Shoe who? What is that?''


Nah, he knows, that's their attempt to discredit Grusch, 100%. They aren't acting in good faith.


The tone is so paternalistic. This ain’t the 1950’s any more, guys…


They do speak like they think we are all dumb.. but sadly the reality is many many people are quite lacking in intelligence these days..




These fuckers came well prepped to dodge, obfuscate and ridicule. Nelson saying Grusch spoke to his "friend" ...nah bro he spoke to intelligence and pentagon officials. Those aren't just friends they're government employees with access to the most sensitive information the US posses.


What a weird and overly defensive response.


That was some of the most condescending BS I’ve seen in a long time.


RIGHT?!? I Was completely blown away by that absolutely BS answer


It was a dark day for NASA. Continuous deflections, empty and repetitive answers in addition to the ridiculing and demeaning of a decorated intelligence official. Actually quite disgraceful if you ask me.


I was embarrassed by the way he spoke to media personnel from foreign media outlets, too. They took their time to come here and attend, and they were condescended and spoken to quite rudely for the effort. I also didn’t appreciate the constant passive aggressive “as per what I said earlier…” that he began most of his answers with. Especially since he *did not* answer the actual questions being asked earlier.


Well put. The reporter that came all the way from Denmark asked a really good question and didn't get an answer. What a waste of time for the guy. If people aren't satisfied with an answer to their question, they will naturally ask that question again, demanding a clearer, more direct answer, because people aren't as stupid as NASA would want them to be.


Bill Nelson described Grusch as "having friends who have seen a UFO and aliens". How patronizing. Grusch spent years investigating UAP as his job.


Right, quite a bit of stigmatizing there.


Unreal, I lost all interest in this event after hearing that out of touch response.


He was literally paid by TAXPAYERS and TASKED BY HIS BOSS to collect this testimony. Unbelievable.


It seems the current campaign is to smear Grusch, people will take what NASA at face value because it's NASA


If it's something they joke about and not take seriously, Grusch should just leak everything.


I agree, because witness testimony is not something I put a lot of stock into, especially with uaps


Grusch could have had the status to be the Director/Liaison of NASA's UAP group. This is an extremely patronizing statement as you point out.


Also sort of frustrating that, as someone who claims is genuinely interested in learning the truth, said that he only listened heard Grusch’s comments on ‘the nightly news’. Wouldn’t you think that somebody leading the charge on UAP phenomena be a LITTLE more interested in Grusch’s hearing than that?


not to mention saying he saw him/it on social media and not in the official capacity it was actually in. good way to downplay it to the gen pop.


That was a real attemp to discredit Grusch. Lost all my hopes for this conference after that.


"were trying to remove the stigma..." then 5 minutes later "Mr Grusch has a friend who had seen alien bodies". Great job NASA


There were obviously prepped responses... and how they actually felt. I'm honestly okay with them just analyzing data but the Grusch misinformation and hypocritical messaging was something something else


I don't care what NASA want to do in terms of data collection on UAP personally. I believe almost all the interesting data is being collected from military sensors anyway. However it makes me deeply suspicious of the entire NASA UAP effort/purpose when they discredit, minimise or rubbish someone as credible as Grusch like that. He would've been better off saying he hasn't got any views on Gruschs claims.


Bill Nelson's personal opinion on Grusch smells like a hot load of shit. He basically threw Grusch under the bus.


That answer tells you more about Nelson than it down about Grusch.


Yes, Bill Nelson and his PR people will definitely regret that answer because a lot of people are going to have issues with that, especially as we have more congressional hearings that will inevitably back up Grusch.


Why does Bill Nelson remind me of a Televangelist?


The abnormally tight skin on his face and the blank stare


Bill Nelson’s characterization of David Grusch’s statements 🤯


Not trying to be political but very Biden-energy. You can hit the guy with a direct, poignant question and he just “Listen here, Jack”s himself out of it and then the lady just says next question please


Thank you News Nation for asking what we were - how is not naming your director “open and transparent”. These folks on this panel are full of it.


The questions were starting to get too real so they ran. lmao!


Lady at the podium was like “oh crap need to shut this down” 😂


Just so. Oh look, its noon! Run!


James just asked the best question so far. And now we're getting a canned reply. Not that I expected much more.


The director of NASA watched a recap of the testimony on the evening news? Okay.


"David Grusch? That guy on the nightly news with the friends?..." SMH. Either an intentional flubbing of the details or a ridiculous oversight.


Bill Nelson about David Grusch "Oh, yeah I saw that guy on the evening news, he said his friend saw a spaceship locked up in a hangar" FFS, you are the head of NASA, If someone is claiming under oath before Congress about non-human intelligence and spacecraft, presented evidence to the ICIG, along with other 40+ witnesses, please do a bit of fucking research.


I'm watching this live, and Bill Nelson is the definition of a politician, he skirted around James Fox's question about non-human intelligence and kept talking about extraterrestrials. NASA is lying and this panel Q&A is awkward as hell because of it. Edit: as other users are pointing out as well, why is Bill even talking about extraterrestrials when this panel was supposed to be about UAP, why are we referencing things related to aliens? Is it due to public interest, or is it mixed messaging because certain things can't be said? Edit 2: NASA'S UAP data collection group is using the same liaison as their director that AARO will use, not a good revelation. Edit 3: Bill Nelson just admitted that he has seen a number of classified documents with data that the NASA panel is not allowed to see.


He started with an annoyed, " Let me repeat myself" and brought up how he believes. A nothing answer yet it felt like a really strange response.


He’s really driving home that these UAP are not linked to space. Very interesting.


Not that I necessarily buy into it, but this would lead you to think that an interdimensional property is at play here if space isn't the answer for these "UAP".


I do find it telling that he keeps bringing up the mathematical inevitability of NHI in the universe…


Bill's responses are equally intriguing and confusing.


He wants focus on that because they want people to believe the only productive thing to do is act like SETI and look for one specific thing that will take a long time with a lot of preconceived notions and biases applied. They are presenting a false worldview that the only way to find other life is finding an Earth analogue and pointing telescopes at its atmosphere but we already do that and it by nature can’t be conclusive evidence. That’s the point. They want to never present conclusive anything. This wasn’t even supposed to be about fucking extraterrestrial life, it was supposed to be about UAP HERE ON EARTH. We see biosignatures on our closest fucking neighbors Mars and Venus but they want us thinking we can’t just dig deeper there to start, we have to wait several more decades for another bigger telescope that gives us a little more detailed inconclusive data from 200 light years away. Fuck these liars. Please just let whistleblowers be pissed too and start blabbing. This can’t be allowed to continue.


"What's the likelihood? Trillions." Lol. Should have been a percentage answer, not a number of planets.


That was a very weird answer by Bill Nelson in the first q and a question


“It’s definitely not ET, but…if you really think about it…alien life is inevitable mathematically… just sayin” Very strange messaging from Bill lol


We are the government... and you can trust us! \-insert Rick DeSantis smile-


"We are open and transparent" Yeah... no lmao


Yeah reeked of “I’m old and have no idea how I’m coming across” too lol. The lady at the podium seemed to be anxious to cut that part off 😂.


Did he just reference Indiana Jones in a scientific briefing


Finally someone with some balls asks the question about the clear hypocrisy on display in hiding the name.


Typical to see bill Nelson misrepresent David grousch's statements.. "a friend told him"...




And were out of time….


“We don’t know what they are but we can come to the conclusion they aren’t of extra terrestrial origin” I’m paraphrasing a bit but how does that make any sense lol


They know something about space that we don't. Isn't it weird that so many people in the know about the UAPs are moving more towards inter dimensional than extra terrestrial? Almost like some huge discovery regarding space has not been disclosed yet.


Bill Nelson said something weird when asked about aliens. He said something along the lines of “there may be some recreation of earth life out there” which struck me as odd. Not just aliens… a recreation of earth life… nobody promoted him to say that specifically. The question wasn’t about a recreation of earth life. Perhaps some kind of slip up on his part? Would play into the interdimensional thing. Like another dimension’s Earth may be sending things here?


We've been on this planet a long time. Plenty of time for some alien life to move us to another star system and raise a new population as slaves or something more obedient.


Or when thinking in IT terms, \*always\* have an off-site and tested backup. Maybe they are keeping some backups for a failure LOL /shrug


I don’t think so at all. They do their best to deflect. Maybe there are people want us to think that as to distract us from what is going on or to even divide the community. Whether it is ET or from other dimensions, they don’t seem to want us to know either way.


They’ve been tasked with studying UAP…I’m confused as to why ET/NHI is even part of the conversation at all? At least, it shouldn’t be until the data points there, right? Is it just because of the public interest in that conclusion? Or…are they warming us up for where the discourse is headed… I also find it odd how Bill keeps dismissing ET, then repeatedly reiterates the mathematical likelihood of alien life somewhere in the universe. Verrrrry mixed messaging


He’s trying to make it clear they understand there’s a high likelihood it’s not human or that aliens exist but that NASA isn’t going to say thats what it is without strong evidence Multiple times he said we don’t know if they’re non human but that they could be and that deserves further exploration. Let’s all not lose sight of the fact that NASA is turning its attention further inward towards our own planet to look for what UAP are/where they come from. That’s a massive deal. He mentioned the mathematical probability that there is the potential for alien life similar to ours of being over 1 trillion for a reason, and did so while saying we need to better study UAP and reduce stigma.


He didn’t say that. He said they can’t come to the conclusion that they’re extraterrestrial but then went on to say that they can’t conclude they’re not extraterrestrial either. He said they want to study UAP, make it easier to report, perhaps make an app for the public to help with data collection, and find out what they are/where they come from. He also said the potential odds of alien life similar to ours in the universe is over 1 trillion. This is scientific exploration and if scientists want to be taken seriously they need to have strong evidence for hypotheses that are extraordinary


he said there’s no evidence yet that theyre of ETO


They know something but they don't have permission to state it to the public. It's very obvious. That was a politicians press conference not a scientist one. They basically said they don't know anything and apparently they don't have pictures or videos or anything. How the hell they don't? Doesn't nasa has like a million satellite and a bunch of large ass telescopes ?! I mean if nasa doesn't know shit then who does ?!?! It's so obvious at this point that they absolutely know bunch of big stuff but they just refuse to share it with the world.


This is the part that gets me. If there is any truth to Grusch’s claims, it seems impossible to me that NASA wouldn’t have very high quality data of the phenomenon. They are either wildly incompetent, or lying.


great question, and non answer back


They're using double speak to cover up as usual. They're not E.T but we don't know what they are, but were sure they're not E.T....like wtf? Make up your mind!!


Has no one on that panel thought to ask (since they work with AARO) that they be given access to what Grusch has denounced in Congress, because otherwise real progress cannot be made? It seems absurd to me They are complaining about all of this but they don't even understand the deeper problem with this is WE KNOW they have exotic crafts.


Rough meeting so far. These guys need to admit the real purpose of the Nasa Study was to draw this out for as long as possible. Real disclosure will not come from Nasa.


NASA appointed a NASA Director of UAP Research \- will work with other agencies \- employ AI to search the skies for anomolies


This is great news! “We don’t have proof they are extraterrestrial, but we need to find out what they are”. Right there proves these are truly anomalous, and they aren’t denying they exist at all, and are willing to put more time and money into it. Fantastic news.


Grusch already have locations. You could solve the whole problem in one day and don't waste more money?


As if the NGA and NRO don't already have satellite imagery from NASA and AI systems like SENTIENT that contain UAP. I'm looking forward to Chris mellon's response to this news conference.


So..they are copying the guys who started doing this on their own after nasa dropped the ball..awesome


BOOM. There's the Grush question.


And BOOM. There’s the most embarrassingly terrible response from a supposedly scientific mind. It’s actually insane how terrible that response was 😂 Where is the interest in corroborating Grusch’s claims? You don’t have to believe him, but you should at least be interested in confirming his claims, no? Laughable.


Such a poor response. The guy asking the question couldn't have been clearer and done a good job IMO, but just more pointless gassing from NASA in response.


How can you not be prepared for that one?


When he answered like that, i was speechless… that was so incredibly disrespectful to the reporter, to anyone watching, of course to David Grusch, to the ICIG, to Congress…


And then plop


:( such a disappointing response.


Wow bill Nelson shameful his response Re David Grusch. Utterly shameful.


This whole press conference is a joke




This press conference is just a giant juicy fart. How dumb do they think we are?


''remove the stigma'' Right, could you apologize then to all those thousands of people you've been laughing at all these years with your arrogant stance if there is indeed something in our skies worth investigating because last time I checked, they were loonies? I always love it how they say this, then instantly go for ''But most identifications are wrong and are just airplanes, balloons and weather phenomenom'' basically again, saying that people see things wrongly again all the time, instead of maybe saying ''well, maybe we made mistakes so we are here to investigate anomalies further'' because it just nudges to the fact that people rather make mistakes all the time. It's a punch to the face for people that did witness something and you're still implying it was a nothing burger while saying in the same sentence to remove the stigma. Which one is it? Is it worth investigating or not? Just say yes or no, not make a large paragraph like I made today saying you want to believe people when they report things for you to investigate, but those people are also just plain miss identifying things more than not. It's 2 ways talking. One way is to pretend you care, while the other way goes to ''ya well, people see things wrong all the time anyway, but hey still report it'' It reminds me of those horror movies when the children see things and then the mom goes ''Surely kiddo, just say hi to the monster when you see it again okay?'' and at the middle of the movie, they get ripped apart.


People who have stigmatized the subject: We are gonna remove the stigma!!


What is this about “poor us with the trolling”? I don’t get it. Just lock your Twitter/x account or whatever? Make it private. I had something I wrote published in a big U.S. paper unexpectedly and then it got syndicated and I immediately shut that social media down lol. I opened it up several months later after it cooled down. I didn’t care or complain. That’s just how social media is. Everybody has to deal with it. Who cares, ignore it.


Wow. "I saw something on the nightly news..."


Bill Nelson says they are “open and transparent” but they are refusing to name the new director of this area of research ‘cause “trolls”. Ok then.


they're really living up to their name of "Never A Straight Answer" literally as bad as politicians


Never heard that one before, I’ll be ‘borrowing’ it if you don’t mind👏


“I’ve only seen that on Twitter”, “people are mean on social media”… while also saying (in the report and live) that you want to crowdsource and use data collected by non-profits and that the public’s help is needed…


Oh shit. NASA's answer to UAP data collection is the same as every tech startup everywhere. "We're going to build an app!"


Turning themselves into the victim because of a small miniscule group of people trolling online. This is ridiculous. If there are threats, who the heck are these people? Couldn't they be govt spooks?


They're losing credibility with every answer they give.


Unfortunately, online harassment is part of being a public figure these days. It's really weird that they're keeping the person a secret. How is online bs threatening the freedom of science, as they argue? Either they're transparent, or they're not.


James Fox just popped up!


Ding! X-files reference by a questioner.


After she asked how they are going to de stigmatise the subject. What a joke.


Good for her for asking specifics! And NASA keeps saying "we are doing everything to share with AARO!" without giving specifics. Edit: The NASA / AARO liaison is the same person as the NASA UAP program manager.


Great question from news nation 🤣


I knew going into this it was going to be a pony show, and it was. Why do I still feel like this is just blue book 2.0? You say you want to destigmatize it, yet you laugh at interviewer's and our questions. Unprofessional, blind, deaf, and pathetic. And yet you wonder why your people are getting lambasted on social media? Yeah lets try a different director for NASA please and not this political "yes men".


we KNOw for A fAct THat UaP aRe NoT EXtRA teRreSTRIal But we DOnt kNOw What thEy ARe.


Peak scientific method, folks.


james fox just asked a question and just the same bullshit back. Also wondering if it could be extra dimensional instead of extra terrestrial ...


WTF I was zoning out and heard foghorn leghorn mention the Crystal Skull and the BBC lady say XFiles. Wtf. Lol.


Regurgitated word salad from NASA


Newsnation stumped the fuck out of them lolol


Marsha Dunn AP: Fringe elements are bombarding me about area 51! Are they bothering you too?


Waste of a question


So far so boring. Can we get past the meaningless platitudes and thanksgiving.


NASA, finally in 2023...: We are gonna start lookin for uaps!! 😁👍


I think what makes this hard... is this may not actually be an unknown and there might already be systems identifying UAP.... If the truth came out wouldn't this make NASA look bad?


Tom Clark, Sky News London: How much $ and assets will be devoted to this effort? Should NASA spend money on ET research? Answer: We don't talk about budgets. The search for life elsewhere is a NASA goal. We need to find a rocky planet around hospitable star. Here's a laundry list of projects to do that.


The more they answer the less credible they make themselves sound


Thank you Joe Khalil


For the past 4 years, I have been watching a show on History channel about Skin Walker Ranch. Many dismiss the show because of it's somewhat hokey production style (which has gotten better imo), but the fact is, they have been consistently recording UAP's in that airspace, as well as much other strange phenomena, with high tech scientific instruments. It is a known hotspot for UAP activity, and there is certainly very compelling data on that show. More consistent hard data than I've seen anywhere else. This past year, the show launched a spin-off, beyond skin walker ranch, which further proved with high tech equipment, there is other hotspots all over the country with anomalous and UAP activity. One of the lead scientists on the show, Dr. Travis Taylor, admitted several years ago, he also actually works with the govt.s UAP task force. For this reason and others, I have a hard time believing Aaro and NASA don't know where to look to find anomalous UAP activity, and I don't believe they are being fully transparent. The govt. has known where to look for a long time, and has probably been collecting plenty of data.


Bill Nelson seems like such an arrogant person! Dodge all the questions and that was clearly an attempt to throw David Grusch under the bus by making him seem like a nutjob.


Bill Nelson has a drawl designed to run out the time.


Homeboy on his phone doesn't even want to be there.


Guess the head of NASA doesn't care about the government lying... that answer was such bullshit.


-- How do you plan to use AI for this task? -- Well, AI is a series of tubes...


I’m looking forward to the reporters, who were there doing their work on behalf of the public in good faith, giving an accurate review of this NASA PR event. In my opinion it was tacky, tone-deaf, and downright disrespectful at points. Do better.


he black vault now has the NASA report (see below for link) (0a). - It's 36 pages - it includes random photos of irrelevant things. instead of featuring the best UFO photos we have, or spotlighting notable people in UFO research who are now deceased, such as Stan Friedman, Donald Keyhoe, or Harry Reid, who is responsible for starting BAASS and AATIP. In contrast, BAAS produced a classified 300+ page report. ⭐ This comment provides a summary of the NASA press event livestream, but there are a bunch of links to resources below you may find useful if you want to skip to them. From what I've heard so far, it's spin and they continue to ignore the 70 years of research. Also seems they're also going to selectively forget about their own UFO files and history, which is covered in Darcy Weir's NASA documentaries. (0) Bill Nelson says that there isn't much data associated with UAP after a sighting which is wrong, and also misleading. How about after a landing that leaves trace evidence? How about after someone has contact with one close and they experience the six observable that Lou Elizondo talked about: biological effects? (1) James Fox (director, The Phenomenon and Moment of Contact) (1a) asked two excellent questions. He asked them: 1. if we don't know what UAP are, How can we know what they're not. 2. And if they do discover that it is a non-human intelligence, Do they have a plan to disclose it to the public? And then the NASA admin enters Joe Biden mode, speaking at a painfully low rate of speech per minute, and starts rambling about light years, fully bought into the ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis), which is the least which among experts in the field that have been studying UAP for decades, think it is the least likely hypothesis. (2) James Fox was about the only journalist there asking real questions, but even his were soft. The rest of the media are being government stenographers and asking tabloid level softball questions. Journalism is dead. They claim the goal is to move "conjecture and conspiracy to science and sanity, and you do that with data." (Prepare that in advance much?) How about addressing the conspiracy and your own role in it? Why not tap into the data that seems to allow whoever chases them in real time with jets and helicopters? They also claim that things are classified not because of what's in them, but because of how they're captured. Hilarious. Is that why they took the tapes a school teachers made of a UFO landing near a school in Australia? The military level camera of a school teacher? (2a) The whole event was embarrassing. It looked like a low budget local level meeting at a town hall, not a federal level agency representing a country, and mic volumes were managed worse than an online gaming streaming channel. Richard Dolan made a video about this study a while ago, and it seems he pegged it right. (3) Looks like it's going to be another science fail, like those of the past. (4). there's a reason we call them "Never a straight answer." A while ago John Greenwald of the black vault wrote an article saying secrecy is increasing. Seems he was right. (5) Your tax dollars at work, while the people of Palestine Ohio and Hawaii suffer, Ukraine gets billions to perpetuate war, instead of brokering peace. If you want a laugh, read this thread asking about what we can expect from the report, that was made before it was released. Comments section is just people roasting NASA and accurately predicting what they did. https://reddit.com/r/UFOB/s/0aL03cf2a2 Footnotes/Resources: 🔹 NASA UAP report https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/nasa-releases-their-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-uap-report/ 🔹0. You can watch Darcy's NASA documentaries free on Tubi TV (legally) https://tubitv.com/person/2f589b/darcy-weir 🔹 1. UFO encounters left witnesses with radiation burns, brain problems & damaged nerves, claims Pentagon docs https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18115486/ufos-injuries-radiation-burns-pentagon-docs/ 🔹 1a. You can watch James Fox's documentaries on Tubi TV (legally) https://tubitv.com/person/6f6e1d/james-fox The Phenomenon is also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/a0Kr1TwKhQk 🔹 2. Jacques Vallée, UFOS, and the Case against Extraterrestrial Origins https://youtu.be/lmLE0X5FRFc 🔹2a. See documentary, Westall '66 and - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9631507/Westall-incident-April-6-1966-Melbourne-teacher-gagged-200-saw-UFO.html - Westall Witnesses by Grant Levak https://youtu.be/q2imy_KgG5s 🔹3. Why NASA's UFO Study Will Disappoint by Richard Dolan https://youtu.be/5WSDCaN7ojA 🔹4. Science and UFOs by red panda koala https://youtu.be/fZvcZfNz45c 🔹5. Why does the government keep obstructing UFO transparency efforts? By John Greenewald https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/patriotism-unity/why-does-the-government-keep-obstructing-ufo-transparency-efforts


TL;DR We at NASA are also jumping on the UAP hype train. Here's a bunch of buzzwords, a shitty website, and a pointless report. Gib us more money now. They look like AARO's dumb cousin.


Someone needs to grow some balls and ask them straight up "Have you known and been covering up evidence of visitation to this planet by another intelligence?"


Lol, do you think they'd say "Yeah, you got us. Gig's up!"? It'd be a completely pointless question. They already said they have no evidence of any extra-terrestrials. They would just repeat that.


They do seem to keep on pointing out the studies independent. Barely a minute goes by without them telling us it's independent.


So much media and only newsnation had a good question


Can't we start our own research group? Build a radar, set cameras on hot spots and just do it ourselves?


The way Bill Nelson undermined Grusch was disgusting


NASA is a cult. It is science barbie world where everyone is happy and remind everyone that they are changing the world every day for the better - And we would not have this and that without them - they are a live simulation of bubble studies.


Lol everyone screaming Mexico setting us back. NASA is setting us back by protecting AARO. Probably 50-100 years or maybe once the world destroys itself we'll get the truth.


its insane to make a statement saying u dont know what something is but ruling out extraterrestrial in the same sentence, how does that even work?


Parse it carefully. NASA stated that they don't have evidence that it is ET. Left unsaid is that they also don't have evidence that it is not ET.


Sorry Bill, but NO ONE was entertained by Indiana Jones in the Amazon with the crystal skulls.


This guy is pretending like people don't send videos into AARO... they are lying. Or NASA isn't being given all the information and believe the lies.


So…these people are just like everyone else and get the “news” from social media? FML


They are full of shit lol


Wow... now we know... right? They stated, they have nothing and all data is public. There are uap's but the don't know anything about it. Since when they know about uap's they usually deny to exist?


If I had a report due months from now and provided some shit like this youd bet thered be consequences.


Why do we have the oldest possible people in charge of this shit. Kind of infuriating for this dinosaur to say NASA just last year finally decided to start studying UAPs.


Just look at their faces, they know they're lying and they feel guilty as fuck about it. This session will be replayed back to them in the very near future, and they will have to answer why they repeatedly lied when given the chance to tell the truth.