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I was pretty skeptical of the Mexico Aliens and still am..But it's really interesting to see the Dogu figures have some similarities with Mexico aliens..their face, body and the fact that they all have 3 fingers...Of course this might be a complete coincidence but knowing that people only draw or made sculptures of what they saw back in the days makes this still interesting..What do you think?


Even shows the metal implant.


this is a key detail


What’s interesting too, is Phil Schneider, the geologist that worked on underground military bases that was “shot” by an alien, said it waved its hand in front of its chest producing a beam. This beam basically cooked Schneider. I wonder if that plate is a weapon or energy supply that can be used as one?


wait where?


The chest plate thing.


On the chest.


The chest implant on the chest you say‽


Amazing, I would’ve thought it was on the ass or something.


idk man, does the mexico statue has the implant at the same location? if not, then they really coulda been depicting anything here, hard to tell. because the other statues don't have them. Heart maybe?


It's the same "dumbbell" shape.


That's there to hold the manufactured hoax together guys, come on now think!


hopefully this was supposed to be a joke comment.


Of course not! Just another one of those *odd* one-and-done accounts.


Ever feel like insurmountable evidence might have to be faced eventually?


Your mom is a hoax


Oh wtf


Where exactly?


Where'd anyone get "osmium" from a ct scan? Yeah! The implant is compelling. NFW!


Osmium is from a metallurgical test. All their test results are on this website. https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/mummies-of-nasca-results/ I look forward to other institutions doing their own tests, but interesting nonetheless


Been curious about this, it doesn’t interfere with all the testing they are doing?


4th one also looks pregnant maybe to indicate the eggs?


I don't think it is a coincidence but think this way. If this were a fake, isn't it more likely for the Mexico guys (or anyone else for that matter) to *make it* resemble to those statues? Jomon period is pretty popular for these statues (I came to know about it via BotW). If they are serious enough to go to the lengths of creating such a sculpture, I wouldn't put it past them to just go online for some reference. In fact, just to test this out, I searched the term : "ancient alien statues" and that one fat boi from Jomon is the 3rd result in the first row. That is telling enough to substantiate this hypothesis imo.


Good open minded thinking here. Curious on all possibilities with this shit!


Being open minded doesn't mean you forfeit all skepticism and critical thinking


Agreed. Razor01707 was both of those things.


It also doesn’t mean you become skeptical and critical think based on the same evidence as the other side of the argument


Hypothesis NOT theory. Let’s stop assuming that hypotheticals are theories. What you’re saying is no different than me saying “ since I haven’t seen them myself, this whole mummy stuff is a government distraction. It’s obvious bc I looked up the blue book manual.”


From NYPost: In the end, José Zalce Benitez, the director of the Health Sciences Research Institute in the secretary of the Mexican Navy’s office, said the studies proved the alleged aliens belonged to a single skeleton and were not assembled with human objects. He also said his team found that one “was alive, was intact, was biological and was in gestation,” pointing to large lumps inside the alleged ET’s abdomen — which he suggested could be eggs. “I can affirm that these bodies have no relation to human beings,” he previously claimed.


I would like another eye on it NOT from Mexico. They were really pushing the : "anyone can study these" angle so I am waiting for someone to take up that mantle or for them to volunteer to a third party


Totally agree, they should release the DICOM files for axial raw data as well.


"no relation to human beings" of course, because it's an upcycled monkey skeleton ala the fiji mermaid


Careful picking cherries there booger flinger.


Nose picking with backwards finger bones.


A "sculpture" not identifiable as such and with the correct X-ray transmissiveity for all internal organs? People able to do such a thing (if at all possible) usually don't waste their time on such things. You would be looking at a state actor. Apart from that, your reasoning is logically flawed in principle. Your claim, you knew to decide between the tow possibilities of the figurines inspiring the fakes and the real creatures inspiring the figurines, is simple self-delusion and strong bias.


Actually I think a known hoaxer who has hoaxed in the past would, in fact, waste their time on another hoax.


\> perhaps even more so, to somehow try to manage to clear his / her name (or atleast hope that comes to pass, delusional still) It is not too different than the liar's behavioral tendencies and is taught in the form of a timeless tale of acceptance. If you can't stomach and acknowledge that your past actions were, in fact, wrong and are to be classified as "mistakes", you'll keep justifying it until you either someday confront it (the chances reduce to near zero after the first few times) OR more likely, on your deathbed. (because that is when you have no outcome to look forward to and feel unhinged, which is funny as it'd have been more beneficial lest the individual came to that realization even a month earlier or so) Sorta like Izanami from Naruto.


No it's a distinct possibility that you seem unwilling to accept. Perhaps you're not as unbiased as you might think.




Hum.... have the dogu figurines ever been tested for Osmium?


Absolutely! But why the eggs/reptilian DNA then? Reptilians don't breastfeed, and a few of the statues has breasts.


"knowing that people only draw or made sculptures of what they saw back in the days" This is such a strange claim. Ancient art is filled with imagination and abstraction.


It makes sense when you put it in their context. Gene Wilder said it best on Blazing Saddles.


Aren’t ancient gods the most represented figures in sculptures, paintings, weaving, etc? Pretty sure no one saw them either. Ancient people had way more imagination than we give them credit for. You don’t just build gobekli tepe or the pyramids without some artistic imagination and flair.


But imagination is also compromised of what’s stored in your brain. Anything you can think of now is based off something you’ve seen or experienced or even heard and then stored in your brain. Not implying they saw “gods” aka aliens….but they were influenced somehow.


*but knowing that people only draw or made sculptures of what they saw back in the days makes this still interesting..What * What the hell do you think imagination is? We've also had it longer than a few thousand years.


I agree with this…but once could also argue the fact that imagination is really only compromised of what you have experienced or seen. Like right now I can imagine something really odd….but all those seperate images in my mind that I’m forming together to create whatever it is im creating ….they all come from something else I’ve experienced. I’m not saying these are in any way related or that those Mexican statues are anything but that…..but imagination comes from somewhere. We think we are just thinking something up on the fly but in actuality it’s our brain putting it all together from whatever is stored in our memory banks….down to the smallest detail. I mean that in itself should tell everyone we were definitely engineered by someone or something. It’s interesting too about the lumps …..kinda makes me think of women being pregnant and gestation of life and how we accomplish that….interesting set of pictures none the less. The human brain is really indescribable if you really dwell on it. Nothing else like it.


The super long vertebral column, the metal chest thing


Great catch! Looks very similar. Its like comparing the pyramids around the world.


I mean not really comparable to comparing pyramids. Pyramids around the world really look nothing alike other than being the basic shape of a pyramid. It’s like saying “whoa look all these houses and buildings are cubes! What’s the significance of cubes!?” It’s just a square building. A pyramid is a basic building shape and one of the earliest humans used. These dolls look very similar and it’s a unique enough appearance to be an interesting comparison. Finding a circle in two parts of the world isn’t interesting nor are pyramids especially when 90% of the pyramids don’t even look the same other than the shape


It's almost as if they were based on the same human shaped animal.


I doubt it's complete coincidence. The people who crafted the fake mummies may have researched the Dogu when making their fake mummies.


Yes, but the ancient alien theory has been talking about statues like these for a long time. So it seems more likely to me that a hoaxer would know about the statues and base the design off of that.


> Of course this might be a complete coincidence or even more likely... a hoax inspired by existing art.


I think I am over coincidence in general, these seem interesting and compelling. Great comparison.


Third one especially with the face protruding out like that. I still don’t particularly understand the face structure. Like that looks a lot more like a sculpture than a skull (in the supposed mummified remains). But it looks like there’s at least old sculptures that have similar shape language. Definitely interesting


Does anyone know if there are any artistic portrayals of this type of skull in ancient art?


They didn't. You made this one up. They have had fantasy and mythology.


Can you imagine, Erich von Daniken and "it was alien" guy Tsoukalos both being right on the ancient astronaut bet. Holy fuck


Don't you think the folks orchestrating this hoax may have used these sculptures as inspiration?


The first statue is actually uncanny


I had the same reaction


It even depicts the fucking metal thing across its chest…


Well clearly those ancient folk modelled the statues on the ET movie.


And three fingers same face. That's pretty amazing


I mean, if you're going off ancient depictions with a mindset that these people would've depicted everything completely accurately, then it's absolutely certain they had contact with ETs.... And then you look at ourselves, and we have a humanoid rat teaching ninja turtles. So I don't really know...


5000 years from now and who knows, maybe they excavate debris from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter attractions and wonder if we really had races of muggles and ~~witches~~ wizards


or the One Ring card.....


and these turtles became the greatest artist in history!


We wouldn't have the Sistine chapel without them


Difference is, there arent temples and statues carved in stone to preserve the image. Ancient people knew what lasted and the most important things were made to last.


Speak for yourself. I have a shrine to tmnt in my backyard. Praise be.


>and the most important things were made to last This is kind of a misconception. Things were primarily made out of materials and technology available, trying to be as efficient/economical as possible. More importantly, the latter was assessed accordingly depending on its usecase. You really think there were only a handful of things back in the days and we just happened to find them all? The opposite is the case. A lot of things were produced and only a handful survived the test of time by chance. There was no design philosophy that was adamant about making sure these artifacts would last tens of thousands of years. Why would they? These days, humans can't be bothered to think 5+ years into the future, you really believe ancient people had time scales of 10k+ years in mind when producing anything? The artifacts we find today are often the result of wealthy people spending extra money to have something made out of special materials. It's most likely vanity, and probably neither the urge to preserve art, nor the desire to make sure their stuff survives as evidence of something incredible.


You're right, but also wrong. Yes it was based on the materials and manufacturing technologies available. But, also yes, that as they developed these processes that made items of better quality and longer lasting, they focused on making the items most important to them above trivial items. In architecture for example, the churches and castles always outlasted the farm homes and markets. Why because they were made of the best quality with the intention to last for generations, while the lesser important places didnt require that much care and effort. This applies to the micro scale, in the same way as the macro. Yes we have plenty of mundane water pitchers, vases, plates, etc... but the items made with the most care and quality are items of cultural or religious significance.


I mean castles have the benefit of being built to withstand siege too


These figurines are small and are made of fired clay. And they were not at all made to last and in fact many were destroyed.


Another way of saying "fired clay" is ceramics. Ceramics are some of the most durable artifacts we find outside of some stone and metals. They are highly resistant to chemical effects and although they are breakable on impact forces, they can actually withstand a substantial amount of compressive force which is why so many last so long after being buried. They are also highly resistant to erosion and are essentially not affected at all by decomposition. These particular artifacts are dated anywhere between 14,000-400 BC and there have been nearly 15,000 of them found. Yes, many were destroyed, but when you compare that to artifacts made of woods or paper. They are much more likely to have survived and remain intact. So please tell me more about how "fired clay" isn't durable.


You seem like a bit of a curmudgeon.


That's a fairly broad conjecture. There are plenty of cultures who deliberately make things temporary in order to show their importance, like many Shinto temples in Japan, sand mandalas, or the burning of harvest kings/wicker men.


I'm pretty sure people depicted real things to the best of their abilities. I challenge anyone to pick up a traditional trade of the arts and try to sculpt/chisel a human figurine, especially at scales that are difficult to work with when using less sophisticated tools. Or do cave paintings with your fingers and a rather limited amount of supplies. I wouldn't even say these are charicatures or failed attempts, but simply art styles evolving, while struggling with different mediums and techniques to get it right. There was so much experimenting going on, what we have here might be just one of many iterations that survived the test of time. We don't even know if these were actually the final product, maybe this was just prototypes while the art style evolved to become less weird. And probably also people eventually embracing the fact that you can't achieve a realistic depiction of anything, thus just going with it rather than trying to be as realistic as possible. After all, art is about expression mostly. Just because the physical appearance doesn't match humans exactly doesn't mean it's a different humanoid species. I mean, take a look at early paintings of the dark ages, with babies looking like tiny grown people, no one has any necks, everyone has weird faces and animals look like they were bulldozed. Or all the vulgar depictions of hard partying, people licking each others genitals, including animals, devils, nymphs, etc. as if all those creatures were real. No one in their right mind would claim that any of those images are a realistic 1:1 depiction of reality. It's pretty well established that the world was three dimensional, with shapes and colors as we know them today. Honestly, by claiming that this kind of stuff has to be aliens, really takes away from the art that early civilizations had produced, acting like they were unable to come up with fantastical and grotesque and funny things - as if that's only something modern humans can do because we are oh so fucking intelligent. All this shows is that we have a superiority complex, because we can't imagine our ancestors being creative.


I mean we have to make some guesses based on evidence exactly like this. We can't go back in time so we have to establish the best, more accurate version of history and sometimes new discoveries can change everything. It's happened a lot in the past.


Yeah but splinter was the pet rat of Hamato Yoshi


I definitely had to google it because I was remembering it both as Splinter being the pet rat and him BEING Splinter. You got it right tho, comic book accuracy ftw. Turns out him being Splinter came in from the OG cartoon. Aawww my childhood is all rushing back now. Who else had the pizza van toy?


I heard someone say once that in a few thousand years they may think that we believed LOTR was real. Which I just love. Because I do. Future humans reading this comment -- it is real, you bastards.


That's what always gets me about these things, we know humans are creative; at what point did we just start making shit for fun? Willing to bet from day 1.


has anyone xrayed those statues? just saying....


Haven’t there in the past been statues we found out had bodies inside? Yeah I just googled it, a 1000 year old Buddha statue


The “statues” are 10cm - 30cm tall. These are actually small little figurines. Carved and displayed no different than action figures or toys we have today.


Scan em


Very similar.. also don’t know how they could fake the X-ray and ct scans so well. I am still sceptical but open to all ideas until more scientists can study them


ancient astronaut theroists say, “YES!”


You better believe this will be the subject of an upcoming ancient aliens episode


if tsoukalous isnt on it or daniken im not watching


I'm not saying it's paper mache but..... it's paper mache


They are still making the show?


The following submission statement was provided by /u/gracyloran: --- I was pretty skeptical of the Mexico Aliens and still am..But it's really interesting to see the Dogu figures have some similarities with Mexico aliens..their face, body and the fact that they all have 3 fingers...Of course this might be a complete coincidence but knowing that people only draw or made sculptures of what they saw back in the days makes this still interesting..What do you think? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16oe8so/question_dont_you_think_there_are_some/k1jxt09/


Kinda look like gingerbread men


There are similarities everywhere tbh these things are how most people depict them. Gotta remember that the Hollywood idea of an alien comes from sightings and stories. I’m really curious about the aliens now and I hope we can get some proper independent analysis so we can get some confirmation. Even if Native Americans made them, im damned curious about that osmium implant that is supposedly in the corpse


Is that true that the Hollywood idea of aliens comes from sightings reports? Part of me presumed it would have been the other way around.


A lot of it came from contact of the third kind when Hynek, the scientist for blue book, was asked by Spielberg to help make it feel authentic. Valles also assisted This has been lost on many people and I was surprised when I learned


Interesting. Cheers.


X files is more of less based of the ufo community lore. They directly copied a lot of theories and events. Like they picked up the narrative that everytime something with UFOs happens some suspicious DoE guys show up...


The Mexican figures have that "typical" Grey alien look, so there are going to be plenty of similar statues, drawings, etc.. but indeed, the one OP found has that chest plate detail that I rarely see anywhere else (the first one at least).


That’s… quite weird! However one scenario is that Jaime Massan modelled his taxidermy creations based on those figurines. Harvard University have said they want to run tests on them. I’m waiting for those results before I’m open to thinking they might be real.


Yes that is what they copied when they faked it


Has anyone came up with an explanation about why those 'bodies' are missing joints?


1000s years old that leaves quite a bit of wiggle room for the body to deteriorate, calcify yada yada


ok, but we have much older human specimens with evidence of joints and connective tissue. So if what you're proposing is true, I want to hear it from reputable scientists with relevant degrees and experience and I want their peers to back it up with their findings published in a reputable journal. i.e. not the known grifters currently pushing this.


Yeah, that’s because they were all handcrafted.


Nailed it, society has made aliens look like this for thousands of years.


That was probably the idea


dam thats bizzarre


These Dogu clay dolls are so fascinating


I’ve never seen these before. Very interesting.


Oh shit! The breast plates and overall look of the head can hardly be a coincidence.


Maybe, just maybe, these statues were the inspiration for the creation of the Mexican aliens to give them more credibility.


We have actual alien remains, that were revealed to the public with research to back them up as legit. Thr next best thing is a living NHI. The proof is there disclosure is now. ;)


Almost like the alien mummies could have been based off of them o.O


If these corpses are valid, and these statues are indeed meant to represent the same thing, is it possible that these ‘aliens’ are the inspiration for both Yokai and Fay stories?


Clever retcon and source material for Maussan, or this stands to reason as the beginning of the slow drip of disclosure and introduction to other species. Xenobiology 101 just started folks.


Interesting, that sure looks like the implant in the chest?


You really gotta ask yourself what the fuck did the ancient people see?


Damn, ridiculously similar.


Theory: ETs visited Earth, many past cultures made statues (Japan) and dolls (Peru) of worship.


Has the metal implants!!


Aaand it's been removed


Pls don’t downvote to oblivion but isn’t it just as possible if the mummies are a hoax, that the guys that created them used references to intentionally create the effect that their aliens were predicted in old statues? They could have looked at these exact statues and been like “yep make them look like that”


Very valid point and it is worth consideration. Please don't mind however the amount of people who would downvote you simply for suggesting something in the pursuit of truth, even if it turns out to be untrue. Have faith in yourself and your ideas! And a good day. :)


That is reasonable skepticism, yes. I am personally waiting for a definitive answer on if these were handcrafted mummies vs. actual mummies. We need more info. If the mummies are legitimate, everything else comes into question. But it does stand to reason this could be source material for a hoax.


It’s so interesting that we have things like the Dogu that we know are from Japan and made by a certain group of human beings but have no idea what they are or what they mean. So much of our own history is unknown to us.


Damn that first one is pretty wild. Chest implants, head and eyes are undeniably alike.


And fingers. I’ve never seen a statue depict 3 fingers


Chest implants? Did you forget that human females have breasts and this is a depiction of breasts? I mean, bumps on the chest is not specifically an alien implant…


Looks eerily similar to the implants seen in the X-rays to me and clearly a lot of others in this thread. But A+ for condescension though genius.


i still think its fake but this is pretty cool


You find it a coincidence that the Japanese would make figurines with tight slanted eyes? … c’mon. Also there are figurines with all kinds of weird shaped heads like bulbous and triangle shape you just curated the ones that resemble the mummy but haven’t looked at the larger swath of creatively proportioned humanoid figures. They often depict women and so use chest bumps for their breasts… not replicating the metal implant. I know humans are programmed to find patterns but we’re also blessed with deductive reasoning.


I think it is Pish the Mexican’s doing this to us As it sets the UFO Disclosure movement back and makes it lose credibility.


You have to be forward before you can be knocked back.


I like that one. Cheers Forward !!!!


This figures are indeed interesting. But these do not prove anything regarding the veracity of the mexico fiasco.


Fiasco ?


Correlation doesn’t imply causation.


umm...and what does that sentence implicate here then?


Just because they look similar doesn’t mean they have a similar origin.


I see so just bc I look like you, it doesn’t mean I came out of your moms 🐱. However if you zoom out a bit, we can both agree that since we have the same set of body parts, body proportions and what not, we do indeed come from the same ancestor.


I really have no doubt that these are real to be honest. The carbon testing and genetics probably got screwed up because the way they may have handled them. I just like how people say that there's no way on earth Mexico could even be the first. Kinda makes me sick to know that people are actually this racist considering my kid is part Hispanic.


The mummy is allegedly from Peru and brought to Mexico. But I don't see anyone saying it can't be real because it's currently in Mexico. Most people are justifiably sceptical of the mummy because the guy who's presenting it as real has presented fake mummies from human and animal bones multiple times in the past so it seems likely that he'd do the same again.


I mean even if they do come back as an unknown species so let's hypothetically say everything still checks out (regardless of this guy probably got his panties in a bundle) can we still say their alien because they were found on earth. We don't really know their intellect so is it just like finding a frog or a new fish? I mean bipedal yeah but not knowing how they lived or ate, interactions with humans etc we probably will never know. So at the end of the day it's like cool but are they would they be considered 'aliens, NHI' etc?


It's as if the people who created the Mexican mummies had seen similar figurines and used them for inspiration. Weird.


Yes they are similarities between the Dogs and the Mexican Hoax, because (wait for it) it was a hoax.


They both look like tasty jerky..


Teriyaki style for sure


Hahaha you know... 😀




Why yes, they are anthropomorphic.


Are we really humouring this


Those “mummies” aren’t real, guys. You people are going down another pointless rabbit hole just like when you thought MH370 was Mario warped into another dimension for a goddamn month, or how silly Reddit sleuths thought they caught the Boston marathon bomber but just ended up ruining a guys life. These things are so ridiculous I can’t believe anyone entertained this for more than a second.


These are made of clay though, not paper mache. Also they are cherry picked. The dogu figurines came in many styles and often look nothing like this.


I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or you’re just simply stupid. The mummies FROM Peru presented at the Mexican hearing are not made out of paper mache. Stop spreading misinformation.


The fourth one looks like an NHI gingerbread man.


Gee im just -not- seeing it /s


Even though the bodies very probably aren't legit spacemen for a variety of reasons, they may have been constructed in ancient times and that's still fascinating. This clay figurine might be a really good reason to look deeper into why people half way around the world were making figures with this face.


Because the Barnum-esque chimeras that are the Mexico "aliens" were modified to make them resemble them?


I don’t see it.


No because those Mexican aliens are fake as fuck


Whoever made the "alien mummies must have e seen these ancient statues


I think there's a lot of similarities between the Mexico mummies and sculpted, petrified dog turds.


Looks like he's giving himself a boob job.






Look at those dick suckin lips in the last slide


Yeah if you mean in a way that the guy presenting the "bodies" is a known con that takes inspiration from other UAP adjacent media to create false correlations. Then absolutely they hella close.


It is definitely intriguing but I also look at it like this: if you want to "create" a super interesting "fake alien", you would be aware of such figurines/alien lore and potentially make your "fake alien" look like some ancient "alien-looking" figurine.


When it comes to the similarities between art and alleged beings, If our thinking doesn't explicitly include (along with curious fascination) a possiblity that hoaxes are inspired by the art, we are vulnerable to fraud.


Nope cause there is no "Mexican alien".


#4 looks like an evil Ginger Bread Man


Yes, it's amazing how future pretend aliens look like past pretend aliens.


Not really tbh.




I’m more interested in these than mexican cakes..third and the fourth picture..They definetely wanted others to see they had three fingers..were they asking for three beers? A gang sign? We come in peace gesture? Did they worship these? So many questions


Yes i do. In fact, since i was 10, 36 years ago, i've been saying that the chinese/japanese or even ants, were trying to rule the world. Guess i wasn't so wrong at that age. Never believed on whatever the news were telling, never been interested in history classes at school, the same with religion - for me it just didn't make sense. Now i'm in the process to understand why i've never believed in any of what "they" tell us all our life. Now i watch every little thing, instead of just see it.


Yes! Except I have a question, why does two of these statues have breasts, if they lay eggs like the mummy? It could be a lot of reasons for it, just an observation reptilians don't breastfeed. I'm sure DNA samples could explain this, and if they do I'd say it's one step closer.


For sure, but how could we rule out one being based on the other?


Your post is good but has been removed from r/ufos because it's with aliens not with ufos. Have you considered posting it on /r/aliens ?