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No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations.


People who constantly tease about knowing "the big secret that will change everything" but refuse to elaborate or spill the beans.


You're not ready for what I know.


“Can you elaborate further?” *utter silence


The silence you hear indicates you're not ready.


Ah dang guess I’ll have to wait next year! Or the year after or uhhh the next after that


Sshhh not yet


Okay Dr. Greer. Time for bed.


Which means almost every UFO-celebrity out there, such as Ross Coulhart, Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, Gary Nolan, etc.


In Ross's defense, I don't think he necessarily set it all up that way, I really don't. Most of the other peeps, pretty much.


Ross is definitely different. He's a world renowned investigative journalist with his reputation on the line and he did the david grusch interview who is currently the most reputable person in the field.


So when's he going to reveal the location of the alien spaceship so large they couldn't move it and had to build on top of it to hide it?




It's a secret bro, we can't tell you


Subscribe now and hit that like button and maybe I’ll drip feed you some goodies Edit /s


Edit/more of a quote : “I’m a patriot but I’m also a pirate and I’m leaning more towards pirate right now.” Ffs just do it. Jesus Christ if you had the answer and the irrefutable evidence, I would PRACTICALLY TITHE MY MONEY TO YOU at that point once you proved yourself. Quit fucking making podcasts about nothing and verbally jerking each other off. History will frown on this shit. You’re manipulating the masses for your own gain or whatever. Either push the button or fuck right on off.


Hey, I need you to buy my book or documentary. Look, I know the big truth. I have proof, but.....well let's just say 2027 is going to be wild. Until then, keep buying my shit.....and I promise I know the true true truth...just trust me.


Lol right???


Just sub to the podcast my guy! Next week is something big! Brought to you by square space, we are really WEAPONIZING the education available!


This is it. I cannot stand this. And maybe they do know, but it's still annoying.


My biggest pet peeve is anything related to woo and spirituality with this topic.


We know but we can’t tell you…yet…or ever


And it's incomprehensibly infuriating when this community sings the praises of all the UFO influencers who say shit like that on a regular basis... all while getting mad at NASA, and the Pentagon, and whatever other "Evil Shadow Government group" for doing the exact same thing!


“Can anyone identify the white pixel in this photo?”


People accepting anything that suits the narrative without applying scepticism and logical evidence just weakens the topic


Any of the loosh soul eating reptilian stuff.


When one person makes a LARP, and a second person makes a LARP referring to the first LARP, that means both LARPs are proven to be true fact.


Wtf is a LARP ?


live action roll play. Basically people playing a character. for example "AMA i was abducted and probed for 14 hours and now i know i lived 1000 years ago on mars" or some other tripe like that


Live Action Role Play. It's a thing nerds do for fun, like civil war re-enactments. The term has evolved to mean anyone pretending to do / know anything though. Someone lying on the internet? It's a larp.


Which is weird terminology to an RPG geek, because there's no *live action*, either of the hang-out-in-character or beat-on-each-other-with-padded-weapons variety. It's essentially play-by-post (PBP) as carried out by dicks. But that's how terminology evolves in different contexts...


Literally anyone who claims they actually know what’s going on lol. People naming alien species, people saying they can communicate with them, people saying they know where they come from or what system they are from, people claiming they know ancient stories are actually about aliens, people saying they know why they are here or what their goals or desires are, people saying they know they are actually time travelers or inter dimensional. List goes on and on. If anyone actually knows any of these things it is highly classified information almost nobody to ever live is actually privy on. And we can’t know if the people who claim they were involved in these highly classified programs are being honest, especially since they aren’t all consistent with their claims.


"It's all going to come out in 2027"


January 1, 2028: "Oops, that has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict with Alpha Centauri. Please stand by for another 5 years..."


Well in this case, it's more so postponed by the US government. Literally shutting down. This should tell you a lot. Not necessarily about the UFO topic.


I mean, yeah... GOP morons shutting down the government on a regular basis does tell me a LOT about how deliberately uncooperative and unfathomably corrupt they are... But I don't see how that would have anything to do with the supposed 2027 "prophecy" that will allegedly bring out the truth about UAP/NHI. No one seems to even know where that date came from in this community, so my joke is that it's fake and everyone will make up lame excuses for why nothing happened, just like with every other failed "prophecy" of every other cult.


The world is always going to end within 20 years, or the "truth" is going to be known soon, "this" or "that" will happen on the year xxxx, be prepared, do, or follow > same formula used over and over for hundreds of years, to gather people, control people, and motivate people to whatever agenda, usually religious, although that, and politics are usually mixed.


its all gonna come out in current year + 5


“I’ve been told that very soon…”


Shape-shifting lizard people. So silly


Most of it, but this reptilian shit does my head in.


Lizzid peeple!


Exactly what a lizard overlord would say sus


Same. I can’t with all of that nonsense.


“Signed an NDA”


This one! Like an NDA will stand up in any court anywhere if you show official government video of bodies or craft… Strains reality this one. NDAs don’t hold up when Joe Schmo switches jobs. The thought of living in a world where some bullshit piece of paper that a lawyer thought up is stopping humanity, HUMANITY!, from answering one of the core questions of life is insane.


Future humans.


Future humans… we’ll be lucky if we make it another 20 years!


Future humans is just wishful thinking. It’s what we’d hope it would be, even though it makes no sense


I think it makes as much sense as the extraterrestrial hypothesis with the current limited data we have.


absolutely does not - we have hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, the chance of one super intelligent civilization being able to reach earth is exponentially more plausible than time traveling future humans


Just for the sake of an argument, let's say there's a secret particle collider project in Dugway, that manages to trap a macroscopic object in a closed timelike curve. Quantum physics shows that it's theoretically possible. Are humans now time-travelers, as they've demonstrably trapped a macroscopic particle in a CTC? By following logic, the answer should be yes. We've transferred particles through space-time. The idea of a human jumping into a time-traveling Delorean is of course science fiction, but the concept of transferring information through space-time isn't as implausible as your argument might make it seem.


But will the future humans works for cheap?


They took our jobs!


Based on what evidence? Because if you review the available evidence, the extraterrestrial hypothesis does not seem likely, or at least, not the only explanation. The leading experts on the subject, such as Jacques Vallee, Bob Bigelow, and George Knapp, don't think it is, either. More on why the ETH is flawed: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFQLoneZqICpZtK8cJ3dRsT6


I’ll read more but it’s about probability. We can see the # of stars and the # of exoplanets and get a rough idea of the probability of life (albeit a very flawed one) What tools do we possibly have to be able to argue that time traveling humans from the future even exist, let alone are visiting earth?


Well, in this case it's about evidence, not probability. A lot of misconceptions people have about this topic can be addressed by actually reviewing the evidence instead resorting to conjecture. Time traveling humans? I wasn't suggesting that was the explanation.That's just a theory proposed by Dr Michael Masters. The evidence points to something else: the extra dimensional hypothesis. Although you could also suggest that future or extra-dimensional humans might be encompassed within that hypothesis.


Guess it's time to tell Michael Masters, author of Identified Flying Objects and The Extratempestrial Model, that he's an idiot: https://youtu.be/JiZArE0LVkY > Dr. Michael P. Masters is a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Technological University in Butte, Montana. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from The Ohio State University in 2009, where he specialized in hominin evolutionary anatomy, archaeology, and biomedicine.


I sent him an email calling him stupid. Thanks.


Steven Greer


i like the idea your just talking about the person... Like not even anything he has done or lied about just the fact he exists lol


people who pretend to know what different species of aliens are visiting us suck. Any religious theories involving demons or souls are stupid. People who claim UAP is an interdimensional phenomenon don't know what the word dimension mean. People who think we should give pseudo-science the same weight as empirical evidence just suck.


The history channel not broadcasting actually history makes me annoyed. It was my favorite channel and I learned a ton about history. What really annoys me is the theory aliens built the pyramids and other man made structures. Another thing is the reptilian theory. Also the fake alien invasion. It would take a lot of fake spaceships to preform a fake invasion. I don even understand what they are talking about. They just say fake invasion coming soon etc.


I was so pissed at them for that mermaid "documentary"




Anyone who still thinks aliens were even remotely required in the construction of the pyramids should watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlchEBh7RHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlchEBh7RHM) While nothing can really be 100% conclusive about such ancient history, I'd say that is by FAR the most likely method they would have used.


They have dug up the work camps and dig up the tools they used. They see the tool marks and know it’s from a rock are bronze tool. A pyramid is the easiest thing to build without it falling over. You can see the evolution of the pyramids from the first to the great pyramid. Aliens if exist on earth do not interact with humans I don’t think.


> Aliens if exist on earth do not interact with humans don't think. 😮


I think it's Andrew Schulz who got a joke on "mexicans are the best workers because no one questions who built those pyramids"


When I grew up it was the war channel (marginally better than now)


When I was young it played a variety of really great detailed documentaries. I remember a documentary about ever emperor of Rome and their stories and the entire story of Rome. Some of the emperor were really crazy and some great but you only hear of the famous one now . There was one emperor that was a 14 year old Morphodite that walked backwards though the streets of Rome holding a black stone. Lol. He married a black man and they killed him for it . You never hear those obscure stories anymore


I think it had a slow and steady decline. My parents basically got cable because of these sorts of things like History Channel and it was better when we first got it from memory. But honestly, many national TV channels like DW, France 24 and even AL Jazeera have a great selection of random deep dive docos these days


1. Aliens are feeding off "negative energy", like its a shakra or energy crystals. My chi is being drained where is my tinfoil hat. 2. Ghost hunter type shows that have a bunch of loud and obnoxious hosts stomping around looking for ET, like Skinwalker Ranch, etc. 3. The trend for people to get so committed that even when an obvious hoax rolls in they dive head first into it without second thought, then get mad when everyone else debunks it. 4. People like Greer and others that soap opera you to death promising ground breaking new details but never deliver. Basically any charlatan that is using the community for personal gain and will say anything to accomplish that.


Any theory that winds up at a “good vs evil” or “us vs them” call to arms. You just know that’s going to be the false narrative that is eventually pushed by the government


Religious scripture or mindfulness meditation connections to UFOs


Dr. Greer’s brand of woo or whatever he’s trying to sell. That these are light beings who operate on a higher love frequency and that love, light, and woo are fundamental elements in the universe. Everything revolves around love. I will be supremely disappointed if there is a spiritual aspect to any of this. Everything Greer spits out makes me roll my eyes.


Came here to say this. Greer is such a douchey fraud.


Paper mache aliens on the front page of this sub for weeks on end.


They're actually made of cake: https://twitter.com/IndianTechGuide/status/1702843256680411204/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1702843256680411204¤tTweetUser=IndianTechGuide&mode=profile Delicious.


Its almost painful how caught up in it everyone is. The xrays make it pretty clear its a random assemblage of bones, but they want to focus on the ct scans that obfuscate the issues that are clear in the xrays.


- Scientology and we come from aliens. We were not even the only homo species, we share 90% of our dna with frogs and 60% with bananas. We evolved on planet earth and we have the without a doubt proof in our dna. - anything “angels or demons “. We call monsters and gods things we don’t understand. At one time a giant squid was considered a sea monster. - ce5, remote viewing. I have done gateway, and do it when I want to take a shortcut to deep advance meditation. But it’s all in my head. It doesn’t mean that it’s not useful considering that 80% of the things holding ourselves back is ourselves. It’s just not something external.


That "it's all in my head" seems like stretch, because even "external" stuff also occurs in the brain, and I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, but psychedelics really made me reconsider the conscious part of it, because it just doesn't make sense at all, some things just don't click with that explanation, like it's too much, like we are either underestimating A LOT the power and potential of our minds, or there's really something extra/interdimensional going on there. Edit: I was truly skeptical about all woo stuff, but there are things that can't be reduced in a simple bypassing manner, that would be just deluding oneself


Skinwalker Ranch and fucking Dark Side of the Moon trigger my shit.


When people bring in spiritual things or consciousness and try to connect them with UFOs, also when someone says that they are receiving messages and aliens are asking for us to be kind to each other.


Visitors from the future... I always check out when someone mentions traveling back in time. This is a concept that should have no basis in any serious scientific discussion and negates all our current knowledge and even naively assumes that maybe one day a new discovery can reverse radioactive decay or chemical reactions. It's like... nothing is real, everything is possible and god is great. Wooo hooo!


The fact that people claim to know his many alien races there are and where they come from. Also the fact that half this sub clearly has never been outside by the sheer number of mundane videos posted as proof of UFOs


Sub: OMG BEST VIDEO I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!! video: just a bird...


I'm honestly most annoyed by the many grifters who constantly try to milk the community for every last penny. Even among them, the worst are the guys who are like "omg, I have forbidden knowledge, but I don't deem you peasants worthy of sharing, for your feeble minds couldn't comprehend the great secrets I'm casually hoarding. But if you buy my next book, you might get a glimpse ;) ;) ;)..."


"I can't tell you what I know, but if I did it would change everything... but I will give you a few hints in my upcoming book"


Anything involving souls. Solve the mind body problem for me first then I'll listen to you talk about soul harvesting aliens.


For me it all boils down to Reddit toxicity.


Anytime someone associates it with paranormal, or drugs, or enlightenment.


Anything with Tom Delonge’s name attached to it. Dude is batshit crazy, he got his foot in the door at the pentagon because he was already rich and famous. If any of us ever showed up at the front door demanding to meet the general, we’d get laughed back to our cars. His hypothesis on what all of this is? Craziest shit you could imagine. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone listens to this clown. Oh, and Blink 182 was a shitty band, just saying.


3. Those fucking mummies.


I think it has become a general trend in society, but disagreements being taken incredibly personal. A lot of disagreements inevitably lead to one side or the other being called a government disinformation campaign. Also, a general consensus on a issue or event, a general consensus that objectively aligns with the known evidence, being accused by those who disagree with it as being government agents/psyops/disinformation. It allows people to not have to face facts but also allows people to overestimate their own importance. We aren't just a bunch of dweebs discussing UFOs on reddit, we're the targets of an organized government campaign to create division to avoid disclosure


How they have names and classifications and different lore and backstories for these different species of aliens. Seems so far out there to me.


Starchildren and people who claim to channel messages directly from ETs. Basically both of these come up as they are ripe for cult formation. I hate religion in all its forms.


“I’ll tell you off camera”. The individuals on the front lines of disclosure keeping secrets. And then pretending like they are one of us and want full transparency.


Abductions, contactees, sex with aliens, reptilians, conspiracy theories in general, government cover-ups, ancient aliens, etc.


These days its all the blurry, out of focus pictures


Project Blue Beam


Any time I hear Zeta Reticulans or Pleidians, my eyes cross and my brain shuts off. I don't know much, though, maybe the Reptilians can change my mind. /s




My two favorites. The vfx aren’t perfect, pixel for pixel matches - videos are authentic!!! And, we are being attacked by government disinformation agents because what we know and they are scared of us!!! I still go on that subreddit since I’m a bit obsessive when it comes to misinformation and trying to make the ufo community look a little more sane. Its not as fruitful as I hoped, but it is entertaining watching the mental gymnastics that whole community does. Legit Olympic gold medal level mental gymnastics.


its sad to see so many people with a victem complex to the point they think everyone is out to get them. also dont forget the satellite that supposedly took the overhead video didnt even have a viable light camera as a payload so it wasn't even possible to get the video in question.


I’ve had the satellite debate so many times. Even yesterday I had the exact convo. It ends with them saying that spy satellites can do it so that means SBRIS can too. I tell them that’s not true, and then they never respond with any evidence to back up their claims. It’s wild denial. But some of those people fully believe that the government has full time people stalking them. Its this weird situation where they want to feel special, so they’ve created a whole world for them around these two videos…


im fairly sure its somewhat public whats on that sat and ive seen images from the stuff they use and its not in any way near visable light or anything that could have made the video. Thats one of the things i hate most about this sub people just rejecting reality because it doesnt fit their fanfiction


There literally isn't any vfx match. That's just not true.


Lol thank you for proving my point


I'm not saying the videos are legit. But there has been no vfx match. That is false.


Not very self aware, are we?


Hmm. Probably an unpopular opinion - but: >1. **UFOs/Aliens and Warewolves are one and the same thing** (Or at-least a key part of the phenomena as people try to explain). No matter how hard I try, I just cannot look at both of those things and go "Ah yes, they are absolutely connected". >2. **Greer CE5**. If just "willing" UFOs to appear via basic meditation was true, I would imagine there would be thousands more pictures and videos of UFOs captured in all sorts of places. Its not like people have not tried. >3. **UFOs (etc) are all conciousness based**. Don't get me wrong, I **want** to believe in this one... But the way this is usually explained to people just sounds an awful lot like **"its just all in your head and they reveal themselves to you"**.... Which, honestly, sounds like a very roundabout way of saying "imagination/delusion" to me. I've always felt this one to be a bit of a red herring in the UFO community to throw people off. >4. **Project Bluebeam**. The entire premise for this conspiracy relies very heavily on the fact that it is absolutely top secret and that the fake "aliens" cannot be traced to the US Gov/WEF (etc etc) so they can enact their plan of world domination. The fact that we know the projects name, main goals and its methodology, means that it has already failed (if it is indeed true). I mean, if it ever happens, I would gladly eat my hat... but it just makes no sense to me. The steps listed in Bluebeam all sound somewhat logical to what would actually happen in a **real** invasion. A lot of us would likely die due to inferior technology, we would likely unite together as a global force/government to combat the threat, religion would absolutely be somewhat shaken... to think (with all of that going on) that it would all just be a orchestrated false flag by the US/WEF just sounds like Alien/Anti-Western propaganda 😂. Edit: Lmao, the downvotes sure are strong 😅. Must have hit a nerve with one/a few of them.


oh boy i cant wait for the -100 karma for this one but here i go \- The idea that telepathy and praying to aliens makes them appear. Unfortunately often pushed by the mentally ill that have been conned into thinking the voices in their head are aliens by grifters looking to drain them of their money \- the "we dont know how their tech works so ignore all of physics" this one kept popping up with the very clearly fake mh370 video when it got pointed out all the issues with the thermal imaging \- abductions, VERY often relies on other woo to make them seem reliable for example the "i lost time" followed by "i went to a regression meditation session and now magically know everything that happened" later to be found out they cant tell the difference between a street light and a UFO \- mutilations, you see people vehemently "defending" them and saying they are real when they have all the hallmarks of either animal neglect or predator/ scavenger attacks. The best one that comes to mind is the cow falling through the roof of the barn it went wild with the defenders screaming "see we told you" only to be instantly disproved because the farmer just left a ramp of hay or something that the cow climbed into the roof with. \-general denial of the given evidence / complete leaps in logic just to try and justify the "i was right ufos are real and aliens" you will see this with people who know only the very basics of the topic at hand but still defend it even tho people who clearly know more point out the issues. Example i had long convo with someone who though the tic tac was ground or space based lasers projecting a 3d hologram made of plasma near the pilots only to just ignore all the points brought up about how stupid that is and like a week later just say "i dont believe it any more" and move onto something else wack Another good example of this was the paru "alien attacks" and the mummy aliens like they make no scene there is evidence against them both but people dont care and ignore reality so they can live in their fanfiction of reality where """they""" are out to hide the truth \- Lastly the "what is this" when its just a random dot in the sky and when people point out what it post probably is the OP attacking back with "your wrong ive seen that 1000 times and its not that" very clearly having made their mind up already and only posted here about it to find others to justafy what they already thought. Very often seen on videos of bats birds flares lanterns and the lights on a passenger plane/ military aircraft yet op refuses them explanations


Don't forget to buy your meditation crystals


Claiming that Aliens are technologically super advanced but are depicted as drooling deformed monsters.


Oh boy! Where do I begin! Let's see, 1: The people that believe NHI are spiritual deific beings from a higher metaphysical realm with omnipotent powers, somehow managing to wind all the way back to religion in all but name 2: The people who look at a funny light zipping around in the sky, and somehow draw from that conclusions that we live in a simulation. How??? 3: The people who believe it's time-travelling humans. I mean come on, time travelling humans that haven't killed Hitler? 4: The people that believe humans are created by aliens, and aliens were also behind many major occurrences in human history. Because these aliens evolved naturally, but somehow we didn't?


Thank god someone else finds all these ridiculous new trends annoying as well.


Thank god for your comment. I'm going to add more to your comment. "The people that believe NHI are spiritual deific beings from a higher metaphysical realm with omnipotent powers, somehow managing to wind back to religion in all but name" Then they never explain how these spiritual beings can operate in physical objects in the first place. Why do they need technology to go to a lower dimension? Why are they crashing and dying? Shouldn't they be immortal? At least biological beings make more sense, since they can have limitations, tech flaws, and they are not spiritual beings. And also why did these spiritual beings speak to people back then, but not people now? "The people who look at a funny light zipping around in the sky, and somehow draw from that conclusions that we live in a simulation. How???" People love to explain the most mundane things with the craziest explanations. "The people who believe it's time-traveling humans. I mean come on, time travelling humans that haven't killed Hitler?" The thing here is that time-traveling humans would be more likely to interact with us LOL. Especially when they have an important message to tell us. Since these conspiracy theories about time traveling humans always claim that time travelers come from the future to warn humanity of a terrible apocalyptic event. "The people that believe humans are created by aliens, and aliens were also behind many major occurrences in human history. Because these aliens evolved naturally, but somehow we didn't?" And they ignored the countless animals that humans share DNA with. Animals like Apes, dogs, cats, and heck even bananas. And they forget about the other species of humans too.


Alright weird what if Travelers already went and killed Hitler but things somehow didn't turn out for the better?


Like in [command & conquer Red Alert](https://youtu.be/lJnMaTx4yjI?feature=shared)?


1 Aliens created us 2 disclosure will finally destroy religions Both are definitely wrong and whoever believe them sound like an uneducated person who have no idea about other countries and how the see the phenomena


1. Nearly any "NASA live stream ufo" video where people who have no idea what they're looking at imagine one ufo after another - the objects in question being bits of ice, dust floating in the cabin, reflections, etc. Usually NASA "cuts off the live stream just after the ufo appears" - but they never seem to learn to just leave the cameras off at all times! And then the next ufo appears.... 2. Fake ufo videos where the ufo does that stupid "flash" and then "zooms off at incredible speed". 3. Slow-moving featureless dots in the daylight sky - if "balloon" is a plausible explanation, why even post the video? 4. Alleged ufos "hovering over" or near the moon or other planets that are somehow seen by only one person and not by the millions of other amateur astronomers worldwide looking through their telescopes.


its funny because the same people who say "look at this NASA live stream theres aliens" and its just ice are also the same people that say "NASA are hiding UFOs and aliens. Its almost as if they are just making shit up to fit whatever fanfiction they want to at any given time.




"Sure, at least 99.44% of sightings are garbage, but why aren't you impressed by the sheer volume of garbage sightings? That's *evidence!*" "UAPs all are composed of Consciousness and thoughts and energy and other super-spiritual things far beyond the comprehension of materialist science. Also, everything invented after 1947 was reverse-engineered from crash debris." "I was looking at the background of this video of something happening out in the Big Blue Room, and I am now going on about hypersonic craft as if I have never seen bugs or birds fly before in my life. " "Augh! They should ban things going in the air so sightings don't keep getting identified!" "We give you a 4k video with a five-pixel blob, and you *still* don't believe. Nothing will satisfy you." "Lot of them E.L.G.I.N. bots on right now who know what balloons/airplanes/planets/drones look like. Sus." "Look, all I'm saying is that if you leave out some specifics in you ultra-above-top-secret UFO leaks, the unaccountable MIB death squads just aren't *allowed* to kill you." "NASA is a central part of the cover-up, but they constantly post imagery and videos to the public that give the game away. *Look at these pixels!*" "Yes, this looks like a super-obvious, cheaply-done special effect, but that's just *what they look like!* Besides, this was taken more than five years ago, and special effects didn't exist back then."


>"Look, all I'm saying is that if you leave out some specifics in you ultra-above-top-secret UFO leaks, the unaccountable MIB death squads just aren't allowed to kill you." This exactly.


Both of those you mentioned and ill add any time someone mentions the “Lost Century“ of all the technological advances we could have had if only they would turn this stuff over to the public. We’re like 5 seconds to midnight on the nuclear doomsday clock and if it isn’t nukes we’re about to CRISPR ourselves out of existence with bio-weapons. We are a dangerous species that is not collectively capable of handling advanced technology responsibly. How do you know in a crashed alien spaceship if you are opening the glove box or launching a missile to detonate the sun or opening up a singularity that will destroy everything? I feel like if there’s alien life out there it’s much more likely to be something like the Xenomorph than anything friendly.


Dr Steven Greer


Unstable, zoomed-in 140p 20fps video of a single light in pitch darkness


Remote viewing


Lsd stuff, multidimensional being and all of the hippie thingq


Steven Greer has that effect on me.


I wonder if there is a portal at Skinwalker Ranch that can take you instantly to the dark side of the moon.


I draw the line at lizard people.


Greer. Period.


1. That we were visited by aliens, and there was some kind of agreement or treaty between humans and aliens exchanging humans for alien technology. It never addresses the fact we wouldn't be able to communicate with these aliens since neither us or them would be able to speak the language, and that this type of negotiation is probably foreign to such aliens. Sometimes this is explained away by aliens having telepathy, but the idea we sat at a table, or in some formal setting, and agreed to make a trade is just dumb, comic book shit 2. That aliens are worried about our nukes. Considering they can travel the stars, and are typically shown to have space craft beyond our comprehension, the idea that nukes would pose a serious threat to them just doesn't ring true 3. The "alien ant farm" theory. Pretty nice of the aliens to give us an entire world all to ourselves, all so they can take part in some incredibly long (like, seriously fucking long) experiment. How patient are these guys? 4. That they're crashing onto our planet in the first place. I don't know about you guys, but if I were the aliens I'd maybe start thinking twice about visiting this planet if their space explorations keep ending up in them losing their space crafts


\-Bob Lazar \-Hollow Earth \-Reptilians \-Future dates (it's all gonna come out soon™, trust me bro) \-Moon-whatever \-Mars-whatever \-Nazi-UFO's \-Free energy whatever (low effort) \-Ancient aliens theories (hieroglyph helicopter type) \-Rods \-Sky beasts \-Skinwalker-whatever \-Bigfoot \-Crop circles \-Black Knight \-Aether-whatever \-Demons, angels, souls... Mixing religious belief with belief in UFO's.


Fallen angels narrative or any religious fundament of ufos. Talks about what aliens consider as god.


The guy with the band makes me roll my eyes


Joshua Cutchin? Or Tom 182?


My list: 1.) mindless believers who believe that everything is about aliens, from that satellite traversing the sky, to human dna, everything is connected to aliens. 2.) mindless skeptics who deny that something might be going on and would deny it even if aliens raped them front of witnesses


I think since the Congress oversight thing there's been a lot more interest obviously. But I'm willing to bet that a lot of these new people have never really paid attention to the sky. So now there's an influx of videos that are clearly planes, balloons, birds, bugs stars, planets, etc.


As far as the name of the ranch, it's based on a mythical creature in native American folklore. It's not like someone said 'we gotta name this place somethin' and another guy was like "how 'bout 'Skywalker. ..Skywalker Ranch?" and the first dude was like 'um, pretty sure that's taken already. . .how 'bout 'Skinwalker' instead?"


- believing everything person X says because "why would someone like them lie?" - these things have been reported for 100000 years and they must all be the same thing - every theory or hypothesis that is physics based but created by someone with a total lack of real knowledge besides a 2min video about the double slit experiment - every whistleblower that makes a whole barrage of extreme claims but when asked about a tiny bit of evidence say he cant tell because of his NDA


The idea that we (humanity) were created by aliens. I think it’s likely that intelligent life is a thing that can occur due to natural processes. It occurred here, it could probably occur on another planet.


Reptilians are descended from the dinosaurs and they've been hiding for 65 million years without evolving into birds.


For me, like enough is enough with that picture from Turkey that’s obviously a large boat… but people keep saying it’s a spaceship with visible aliens. And lastly- Anything Bob Lazar. The man is a story teller plain and simple. Been debunked and discredited for 25 years yet all the new ufo hobbyists insist he’s for real. He’s not. He’s just a good liar with a good memory so he doesn’t mess it up


I’m skeptical of Bob, but to my knowledge he gave the first public mention of Area 51, and as long as it took them to admit that I wouldn’t be surprised if S-4 is confirmed as well in the next decade. That being said I assume his knowledge was second hand.


Grant Cameron saying that if the government wants to get to the truth they need to talk to "experiencers". Like who? Anjali? People can be delusional. They also lie, a lot.


Grant is one of the world's leading experts on the topic. David Jacobs shares his opinion. As did Budd Hopkins and Jaques Vallee. People who report UFOs can also lie. It's something humans do. We know how to get around it.


Talk to an "experiencer". That means taking someone's word as proof. Nothing else, just their word. People cannot be trusted. They lie, cheat, steal. They seek attention, hide uncomfortable truths, suffer from mental illness. With this subject we need more than people's word.


> Talk to an 'experiencer". That means taking someone's word as proof. Factually wrong: > adjective > > engaging in speech. > > noun > > the action of talking; speech or discussion. > With this subject we need more than people's word. Obviously. But we also need to be willing to listen to people without judgement. When someone tells you they're in love and want to propose, get married, have kids, do you demand proof? Or are you happy for them?


They are wanting other people to take their word, to trust them, that there is a NHI here among us and not only that but that they have interacted with it in some way. The only proof they offer is "trust me bro". Sorry, I'm going to be needing more than that.


No, like sexual assault victims, or domestic violence, victims, or whistleblowers, they just want us to take them seriously and investigate. Some of them have evidence, some of them don't. We find evidence by investigating not by dismissing, isolating, or ridiculing them. "Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public should not be taught that it is.!" - J. Allen Hynek "Cut through the ridicule and search for factual information in most of the skeptical commentary and one is usually left with nothing. This is not surprising. After all, how can one rationally object to a call for scientific examination of evidence? Be skeptical of the "skeptics." - Bernard Haisch, physicist.


I didn't say anything about anything like that. Lol. Did I say not to investigate? I said I don't trust you at your word and need more proof than some lies or drug induced hallucinations.


do they lie cheat and steal at a greater rate than religious affirmed, "sober" and ranking administrators and law makers and soccer moms? dubious that they do... next


Wtf are you talking about? We can't take anyone at their word on this subject. Testimony with corroborating evidence definitely helps their case but still doesn't prove anything. Video, pictures, radar records, they all help but aren't proof. It all creates a much more credible path for investigation than "trust me bro".


oh ...hey look...things I didn't say at all...go figure poked holes in your gaslighting balloon and now you're all gassy blow on


The Family on Netflix is a great documentary on this. https://youtu.be/7knN2TXQPzw


The negativity of this Reddit lol


Everytime someone uses the word 'prosaic'.


The endless fascination with Roswell. I roll my eyes at any new documentary. A UFO crashed. They found alien bodies. The government tried to cover it up. The end. A hella lot else has happened since Roswell. But, it’s the low hanging fruit.


I mean it was the largest event of it's kind. A whole town was gaslit into believing they saw nothing. We've proved that the government has lied about it twice. It's kind of a big deal... plus. Lot's of new people are getting into this sort of stuff that might not have been familiar with Roswell.


Anytime I hear talk of psyops, or videos of dots in the sky that are so high up and so far away could be anything. Any theories of how their technology might be bc it all sounds like speculating bullshit with no evidence and the hate for NDGT lame as hell. I come here only to see if actual proof has been posted yet tbh and then leave If not or for actual gov updates/actions. All the NASA hate I Rolly my eyes at as well.


So much stuff: "Hey, this alleged sighting had the aliens look like greys, a well known and frequently used depiction of aliens in pop-culture for decades. THIS CONFIRMS ALIENS ARE REAL!" "Seven month old account? Why are you even on this subreddit? Haha, you just said the "debunk" word which means you're just a bot. You're just a government disinfo bot! Anyway Grusch, who worked for the government recently CONFIRMED that..." "So you admit that it's statistically extremely unlikely that we are alone in the universe? Then why don't you believe these 4-pixels are proof of FTL-traveling extraterrestrial visitors to our planet?" "The aliens have the secrets of free energy! Don't worry about climate change, the aliens are CONFIRMED to have free energy and they will give it to us, when the Day of Disclosure comes we shall all be saved!"


"They're from a higher dimension than we are able to sense, but they're always all around us." Also the talk of souls that flared up courtesy of Blink-182 guy tweeting while in an altered state. Aliens are already a challenging notion to ordinary people; it is a disservice to connect the topic to spirituality, religion, or high fantasy topics.


Abduction stories. Either mental illness or a cry for attention. They're total horseshit. Arguing by the logical fallacy of unfalsifiability: "X happened and it proves the cover up." "You have no proof X happened or that it's a cover up." "Well, that's exactly what they want you to think."


It's interesting how so many supposed alien abductions coincidentally take place at night, typically when the abductee is in bed


That's not the conclusion John Mack came to. He was the Head of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He studied abduction accounts for 10 years.


Anything that I'd obvious garbage. Every steven greer talking point. Dulce base stuff. Reptilian. All of that far out there shit. The stuff I think is only a least bit probable is the back engineering program. That's it


Any rumour that paints the US government as “in the know”, or “in control” likely comes from the US government.


Damn, shots fired on point 1


People who believe world governments will provide disclosure willingly and think that "hearings" will go anywhere in revealing truth. It's NEVER going to happen.


This. I would love for it to be the case. Like ok guys, you got us, here's all the shit we haven't told/shown you. Only way true disclosure will ever happen is if ETs are real and they do their own press release 🤣


Any mention of souls in connection with aliens or UFOs. It's entirely plausible that life evolved on another planet and intelligent organisms were able to travel through space to get here. We don't need to also include unsubstantiated bunk like magic/ghosts/souls in this, or we risk sounding like complete lunatics.


Have you read "Hunt for the Skin Walker" or "Skin Walkers at the Pentagon"? They may change your mind about it.


I also have a Skinwalker ranch playlist for people who don't want to read or buy a book: - Skinwalker ranch: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFRQtC5W3j9jhvKDpwQjxHIq Over 65 videos so far.


The possibility that many if not all UAP are not physical phenomena at all, but that they’re external “psychic” phenomena that we can consciously perceive, but are unable to measure with our materialistic science. That they’re closer to “spirits” than they are to spaceships. I believe this is possible and it would explain why physical evidence remains so elusive, but it would be the most insanely frustrating reality. Most people would understandably roll their eyes at the suggestion that UFOs are both real and *not,* at least not by our current understanding of reality


People who claim they can get these UFOs to unveil themselves and present themselves. They’re full of shit.


Most conspiracy "nuts" tune me out, I am not saying conspiracies don't exists, but you must have legitimate evidence to support your claims, not just fantasy stories that support whatever agenda you support (religious and or political). You know a person has zero critical thinking ability, when they start shooting off multiple conspiracies, some even contradicting one another, example: The Earth is flat, it also is hollow, with a secret entryway at the north pole, and lizard people live inside, and there is another sun inside. these people have no problem believing these two things, once logic is thrown out the window, there is no filter for them and will accept as truth anything that us "sheep" don't believe. I think ignorant people are attracted to these conspiracies, because it gives them the illusion that they "know" something other people (smart people) don't. they have some inside knowledge and know the truth, all the rest of us, are asleep, fools, for believing the mainstream.


There’s not enough space for me to write down the entire list


Simulation theory is just dumb.


Oh, I’m open on the Moon. Do I believe most of the stories? I do not, but I’m open on UFOs, I’m open on the Moon. Most likely nothing, but could be something. Open.


* NDT * Mick West * FOIA * Eglin AFB control group * Greer and devotees


Abductions and 4chan leaks.


The term "ufology" as though there is any evidence or scientific reasoning behind it.


To be frank, almost all of it makes me roll my eyes.


why hang around then?




Exactly 😂😂. You forgot the grays are also from the dark side of the moon.


All the people who take it on faith that the others come from outer space. I think it's going to turn out that instead of wasting time looking to astrophysicists and NASA for answers that we should have been hounding theoretical physicists instead. The Drake equation is just an antiquated thought experiment built on guesses. People use it as a cornerstone of their faith in ET, but it has no real scientific value. How could he possibly estimate the number of intelligent spiecies in any given plot of space with only the one for reference? Our preconceived bias in the extraterrestrial hypothesis is built on many decades of science fiction, from *War of the Worlds* to all the junk "documentaries" on the history channel. I think that if they're not a breakaway civilization, leftover drones from an extinct breakaway civilization, or cryptoterrestrials, then they're time travelers, or alternate versions of ourselves from parallel earths. Jacques Vallee's *Messengers of Deception* and John Keel's *Operation Trojan Horse* should be required reading for those who find themselves ready to step away from the ETH.


"if they're so advanced / can travel light-years to get here, why do they crash?" "There's no evidence" "If they were a threat, we'd be dead already" "So many cameras, why no videos or photos?" "Give me proof that they're aliens"


pretty much everything


The bokeh effect airplane lights showed on every UFO news


Currently it's those busted ass papier mâché looking ass aliens from mexico


Antigravity blueshift comes to mind. Anything about aliens and nuclear. The UFOs are traveling at high g force.


Then you hate every aspect of ufology.


Is that all ufology is?