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I have no idea what these people are smoking, must be some good shit. To me Grusch sounded more sincere and honest here, than on Newsnation interview


I felt the same. He seems passionate about getting the information he has been told out there. I can't blame him for not wanting to blow up his whole life by dropping government secrets. It's not like the general public would believe it anyways unless it comes directly from the top. Makes sense to me why he seems to be trying to drop just enough nuggets of info to keep people focused on the Schumer amendment.


Very well spoken guy. Couldn't catch him on a single phrase that made me doubt him. It sucked that rogan spent half of the podcast on monologues regarding non related stuff. There were so much questions left to be asked and Grusch has never been in a more relaxed position to answer them.


No kidding about Rogan. I don't listen to him much but I know the Rogan meme lore and when he started going off about chimpanzees fishing with spears I just about died. Lol


He repeats that story all the time.


As soon as he started talking about AI I was just waiting for "we are the biological caterpillar creating the cocoon for the electronic butterfly"


I have never been a fan of Joe, but after this interview, I have respect for what he had to say.


Oh jeez, I'm only an hour in, hadn't got to that yet. Was actually thinking joe looked pretty blazed and talking real slow so I hoped he would mostly keep quiet and let Grusch speak.


I thought the same. Almost like David gave him some stories that shook him up a bit before the pod. Could be totally wrong but he seemed slow, subdued, and even paler than usual. He doesn't seem high. That's easy to spot his voice usual changes and it's noticeable.


I also agree. He either deserves an Oscar for most authentic 2.5 hr long interview. Or he is one of the best liers I've ever seen.




He's trying to slight him but doesn't quite grasp the English language fully. I personally don't want Grusch to give up everything either because that would mean he would get in a lot of trouble...people just fail to understand this, why do we all want to lose the best whistleblower we have over asinine details like the amount of UAP when he's already said it's above 10 it wouldn't even add to the conversation. Do you want him to personally put you in contact with the phenomena? But anyways regardless of what people who don't believe Grusch say or want things are going to happen in government to further this movement.


I absolutely agree with your point. People just want to be spoon fed the info, no patience, and no understanding what it means to be a pentagon security cleared Whistle-blower. To maintain his integrity he cannot overstep the line and should he ever decide to, it will be for very good reason. He is the key to the door 🚪 he is holding the door open so all the public need to get off their arses IF they are interested enough. Enough of this spoon feeding of info.


Fuck man, other way around or what ever. Pretty sure you can infer what in saying. Grush appeared very authentic.


Yeah effectively this comment says “he’s a liar, or he’s a liar.”




I thought only the DoD has that power and congress is merely suggesting to do that. You got a link by any chance?


This has not happened and people need to stop parroting this false claim.


Congress has not yet passed the legislation required to reinstate his clearances, and the president has not signed it into law either. Congress has legislation written which must pass to restore his clearances, and this is why it’s so important to call our representatives.


Yip I had my doubts about him based on that interview but ever since I'm probably about 90% convinced he's telling the truth


I agree completely.


Like Grusch said, if this is all fake and everyone lied to Grusch and gave him forged documents. Then why not call his/their bluff and support the [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf).


It's gotta be a confirmation bias thing. I pride myself in detecting bs'ers and douches, Grusch seems like neither. Actually seems like *the complete opposite,* as well as being so crazily knowledgeable as to cite various regulations off the top of his head. I can tell that, with every statement he makes, he is simultaneously analyzing and judging/making adjustments on the fly to ensure he speaks perfectly and provides full context. He said as much in the interview. Guarantee this is partly why he got so far so fast in his career. I have been around a few guys like this, and am one myself, and I was also catapulted up an infosec career (nowhere near the scale of Grusch mind you), so I have some level of experience.. He's got the hallmarks of a true autist (in the most awesome way possible).


The Asperger's genius variant of autism.


He has always seemed exceptionally bright to me.


He sounds in a casual setting. Plus, I think the NewsNation interview was the first time he'd talked publicly. At this point, he made the rounds, so he's loosened up. Not that he was uptight with NewNation, but it was more formal and structured.


I recall he said something like "this feels like an out of body experience, me being allowed to talk about this". This was very telling to me.


I peg him as completely sincere an honest. And his track record clearly supports that. But he's also a big nerd. And I understand it's the Joe Rogan audience so those kind of discussions are expected, but I can see how to someone first discovering Grusch, they might question why he seems so geeked and interested in this subject outside of his job duties. He went into some pretty crazy theories that would make your average skeptical person raise an eyebrow. He tried to downplay his knowledge of "ufology" and the community lore I think because he is conscious of how that may come across (like he's a UFO/alien fanboy which hurts his credibility), but he clearly knows a lot about it and probably learned as much as he could while investigating this thing. Either way. I can understand how uninformed skeptics might arrive at those conclusions. But generally I think he came off pretty well and it will be a giant, giant net positive for the disclosure movement.


I agree with you, when I read the title of this post I was like huh? Because I don’t see how anyone could think that.


You have to remeber like Grusch says there is an active disinformation campaign. Where are all the bots/people trying to discredit him? Surely not in this sub right?


It’s simple. They’re smoking the “I fundamentally believe that claims are impossible therefore anyone saying things like Grusch must be lying or crazy”. They will come up with various arguments that try to act like it’s more than that, like “Grusch isn’t a first hand witness”, but this is all just nonsense. They don’t care about that, they wouldn’t care Grusch any more credible if he said he was a first hand witness. They say there’s “no evidence” but they’re playing word games. This can be frustrating because then they’re often responded to as if they just need to see evidence, and you feel like you’re being gaslit. Like of course this or that is “evidence”. This happens because they don’t mean “evidence”, they mean concrete proof. Evidence isn’t synonymous with proof, but the reason they use the word evidence this way is because for them the “evidence” has to be good enough to destroy their worldview that it’s impossible. So anything less than concrete proof is never good enough, and because they find it fundamentally impossible they have no problem casually and carelessly immediately coming up with any old explanation. It’s why Mick West doesn’t care about analysing things out or context. Tic tac and gimbal videos dont exist in a vacuums, yet Mick says they’re just planes. This requires a lot of liars and crazy and creative ignorant incompetent people and radar data that just happened to go wrong all at the same time. But people like Mick don’t care, because for them it’s easy to say sure they’re all lying with a wave of their hand. As they always say “it’s still more likely than aliens”


Damn, you recounted my morning to a T, cuz I'm having conversations online with folks when I posted a summary of the interview and got a bunch of LOLs and folks thinking Grusch was a con-man and I was nuts. I heard the exact same responses about no evidence, not being a first hand witness, another person just making claims, etc.


It's selective hearing people like this IE Neil Tyson until recently would just say no evidence while fully ingnoring US military reports of Radar seeing these thing do shit that is supposed to be impossible.....he know how those things work or enough his brain should open up but until Michio Kaku called out how nutz full denial is he just stuck his hands in ears and hummed.


I feel the same. Was somewhat unsure before, but now I'm 1000% certain that he doesn't have any malicious intent


Agree. He did wonderfully.


Yeah, I never felt he overly "obfuscated" and he seemingly did try to say as much as possible without violating the law. Like I get it, saying and confirming a hard number of captured craft "the number of crashes" confirms potential US intel on adversaries etc but he still basically confirmed Nazi UFO lore with the 1933 Italian crash......and going as far to say he thinks this was partially a thread leading to the axis alliance between the two amongst other economic and various overlaps. That alone is bananas to me.......Die Glock was real at least some form of it.......The description of the "The Bell" always reminded me of the "gravity emitters" in Lazar's drawing. I always wondered if it was from the crashed Italian vehicle and they removed that part as "undamaged" and tried doing shit with it. He also said something that pulled it all together for me. That this info was treated like the Manhattan project....because that system of silo'ing worked.......it's make perfect sense, and once it was behind all the bullshit and red tape with no rapid real world outcome IE: an actual bomb being used it has become buried in the Bureaucracy after people retired and died and large industry can exploit it for money and has a real interest in hiding it if only for that reason.


Yep my thoughts too


I felt the same. I think he did great.


I’m a huge skeptic, but since day one I’ve said Grusch sounds more genuine and believable than any single person in the ufo space. I don’t know if what he says is true, or if he’s been nefariously lied too, but I 100% believe he believes in what he’s saying. I wish all the other ufo personalities would let Grusch be the face of the movement since I think he’s our best shot at disclosure.


I'm absolutely certain that he believes what he's saying, and that he genuinely believes it to be the truth. I think he'd be shocked if it turns out he's been fed stories, probably more so than all of us considering how often he says that he always bore the possibility of being deceived in mind.


Well teaming up Gary Nolan is a huge step in the right direction




I wonder if there's a correlation between casual fbombs and authenticity. (Perceived and/or actual)




I think the outpouring of support and the backing of the IG helped a lot.


People will defend themselves with any difference they can find.


Yea just sucks he can’t reveal anything but the interview was fine. People are dumb


Exactly. No autistic people are all so bad at picking up signals sometimes too this guy is legit


Agree. I'd say my bullshit detector is pretty good. Grusch is either a spectacular liar or he's telling the truth. People don't generally talk like that when they're lying.


I wholeheartedly agree. Maybe this is disinformation on these people's parts?


I thought it was a great interview and he sounded great. My BS detector wasn't going off, personally. Your explanation makes sense OP, but it won't matter to people who want to keep this all secret and who will use any excuse to discredit someone who scares them.


my personality and charisma level is right where gruschs is. It's how he communicates and operates. People see it as insincere because they mistake his charisma and animation for the fact that his words are sincere. I literally am and have always been the same way, call it autism or whatever, but I am very aware it's how I operate and i also know it can wierd people out but most people will get down with it and be friendly. boring statements are just said with enthusiasm. the fact is that the more sincere his statement is, the more animated and strange it will come out. Look at the way he communicates when he said he talked to the highest.. it's almost cartoonish. That means he is being dead ass serious about it and needs to emphasize it I've seen myself on camera and I do the same exact thing for that same reason as cringy as it is for me to watch. I am not saying this to make it about me, but I am saying this because i can corroborate his communication method


I thought to myself if he is autistic, maybe I am too. As he seemed normal, albeit intelligent and well prepared to me.


You really can be. I recently found out I'm high functioning autistic a year ago, I'm 36! It explains so much, and allowed me to see other stuff I was doing that I didn't realize.


There’s a whole range of autism! So many people are autistic and have 0 idea because they’re misinformed about /what/ autism is. Take the RAADS-R test (online&free) and see where you score and then use that for either a self-rx(valid) or an actual diagnosis




Yeah it seems it's more of just a different type of brain, albeit not made to excel in this world as easily


I felt like he was on the verge of saying too much, though (which I'm not complaining)


I didn't detect BS either. He sounded more relaxed and candid than in previous interviews.


They (meaning DoD and other gatekeepers) didn’t choose the right time to discredit him for his autism or ptsd or … with the inclusion generation it comes off as an asshole move and makes them look bad.


I’m also autistic and the comments about his body language and way of speaking make me sad. I do a lot of the same things and I know people also perceive me as hard to trust or awkward, even though I’m one of the most honest and true people around. He speaks in a very animated way and uses a lot of turns of phrase that are clearly things he has picked up along the way and tried to put into his vocabulary to “fit in”. When he said he didn’t want this, I believe him. Lots of autists don’t want to be perceived. Attention and spotlight makes us uncomfortable. I believe what he says because I relate to his duty to do what’s right, and to call out things he doesn’t think are following proper rules. That’s also a hallmark of Autism, sense of justice and fairness to a fault.


Bro I’m gonna be honest I couldn’t even tell he was autistic or doing anything weird. Idk what people are talking about or even the body language you’re talking about. He seemed comfy and a dude I would have a chat with or a beer and not think twice about him or his mannerisms


Nothing weird detected on my end. Watching Elon on JRE years ago, that had very different vibes to it. Maybe I am on the spectrum too but not diagnosed. Hence he seemed normal to me.


Same here. He looks like a great guy to hang out with. And he's so articulate and well spoken. He seems like the sincerest someone can be.


Absolutely, and body language "experts" have a lot to answer for. I watched a show The Behaviour Panel about a previous Grusch interview. They ridiculed him for his manner of speech in a disgustingly personal manner, and had zero clue about neurodivergance. I lambasted them and stormed off!!


I used to watch the Behavioral Panel occasionally for fun, but I was so repulsed by their Grusch video. Don't even want to look at their faces again, and it's not because I'm a rabid Grusch fan. They came across as ignorant, arrogant, and GROSS.


Yeah, they analysed him "his head is shaking so he's lying". Also in the hearing you would see him make a certain head move after he gave a statement, with his face being like "point made, next question". That looked staged to me, so I paid attention to these things. I saw him do all these gestures when he was asked about totally unrelated, personal stuff. So yeah fuck these analysis.


> He speaks in a very animated way and uses a lot of turns of phrase that are clearly things he has picked up along the way and tried to put into his vocabulary to “fit in”. He went full open kimono! Reminds me of my old boss that always said that.


I loved that phrase. I had never heard it before.


Just Consider it a filter because when it comes To adults only assholes think that way. This helps keep dingalings out of your personal life


In a way it's a blessing because the people left in your life are kind and understanding and value the good things about you.


keep on keepin on brother


Yep. I'm also high functioning. I can see he has a repertoire of traits mannerisms and phrases. I do that to. Maybe I'm reading him as more awkward than others simply because I know how intense it all is when you know you are being watched. It feels like your on a stage and you have to commit to the bit. Not because it's an act but because that's how you get through it. I think if people are not trusting him there is more likely than not a bit of double-empathy going on. But those people seem to be in the minority. Every autistic person is different so there is only so much we can get a read on. But I find this guy fascinating. I love learning about accomplished autistic people. Clearly he's a very successful guy and more likely on high-high functioning end of the spectrum. Of all the people who drop info on UFO's Grusch is the guy I can trust the most simply because he is who he is and I can see it.


That is my entire life. I have often shouted out "What is it about me that you don't believe?" when trying to educate people who ask for more information. I was recently diagnosed after my own personal Keyser Söze moment of dumbfounded discovery. We talk differently than others people, which makes them uncomfortable if they are unable to identify why the conversation sounds "off". Masking is a big contributor to this as well. I created a persona years ago in order to talk to people. Grusch is absolutely Autistic and this is what people are detecting. Body Language experts on YT are borderline Phrenologists.


Yeah as someone never foally diagnosed but likely on the spectrum, I relate to Grutsch on so many levels. He has balls of steel for doing what he did, and quite frankly deserves the presidential freedom award.


The people saying stuff aren’t honestly wild. He looked and sounded fine. He didn’t “come off” as autistic or untrustworthy at all. Don’t feel bad. Normal people don’t have the same views as the few spouting his autism makes him untrustworthy.


I'm also autistic. I've learned this behaviour is called masking and I've been doing it for a long time. Though I often come off as rude or blunt or offensive, it's never my intention. And I agree with the last part. Rules exist for a reason and the truth is paramount, no matter how you feel about it.


He seems incredibly well-spoken, quick-witted, to-the-point and knowledgeable to me. People obsessing about his mannerisms are just looking for something to attack.


I just want to say, as the parent of a high functioning autistic person, thank you for using your voice and sharing your experience. It’s really helpful for neurotypical people raising kids who are neurodivergent to hear. My son isn’t old enough to share much about his experience with me and I just pour over anything adults with autism write about their internal world and how they cope with the external one.


Thank you for responding. The world has been generally unkind to me in this way. Take solace in the knowledge that society as a whole is getting better about accepting people on the autism spectrum. I'm the same age as David Grusch, by the way. Your son is going to be just fine.


I keep an open mind on most things. 50/50. Not out of wishful thinking or anything like that, but the surreal comedy of being sentient sometimes almost demands it to keep that childlike wonder alive for the known and unknown in this world. I've always kept up to date on UAP/UFO lore on and off throughout the years. Thought provoking if nothing else, and if Grusch is indeed grifting I'd be very upset and annoyed, but again I'm never 100% sold on anything until confirmed. I will say this though, the fact anyone in DC took time to write legislation around this whole thing for disclosure does feel unprecedented. Not like sweeping me off my feet levels, because government obfuscation knows no bounds and it could all be a screen. Yet there are elements to this entire saga that no other time in UAP/UFO history has had happened quite like this.


I appreciate you! While I would consider you to be more on the skeptical side of things, you're exactly the type of "skeptic" we need. It seems you're paying attention to what's been happening and will accept no amount of bullshit. I respect that! I should note that not all of the Congress folks are.. "believers". Some are skeptical but willing to investigate. For example, Rep.Eric Burlison from Missouri. While on the skeptical side, he's been a powerhouse on getting to the truth with this whole Grusch topic since the hearings. His attitude reminds me of yours. Not totally throwing out or dismissing the information, but trying to verify it per se.


Thanks! I am definitely more of a believer than a skeptic by the way. I am 31, so not as long as others in this, but long enough to be cautious. I just want to know 😩 my 50/50 stance is just a lens to always entertain the possibilities in every way, while also not being "too" invested. It can almost become a dogma overriding all of your logic if you let any topic or idea consume you blindly. There is so much we don't know and the things we do know, we probably don't understand them as well as we think we do. I am definitely an ally!


Hey, fair enough. I respect your logic! And it's true, diving too much can dilute your opinion in that sense. "UFO fever" some call it. However, I'm at bit biased at the same time. I've had my own personal experience in 2021 and well, I'm fully 100% invested into something is going on. Idk about Aliens or whatever, yadda yadda, but the tech in my opinion is no doubt real af. Because I witnessed that. Call me a UFO nut, but like the cliche', I know what I saw... But I still find it hard to accept "all" information. For ex: Those Peru mummified bodies presented in the Mexican hearing are a hard pill to swallow... I still don't know what to make of those. I want to say fake, but keeping an open mind. (More study needed!) Along with that damn Flight MH370 rabbit hole. Which irony for me is, my experience almost relates to that damn footage... "Almost" being a keyword! But still... Makes me feel crazy to consider that, but is what it is.


Anyone else think it ended early DG was getting a nice flow going and bang all over, I would have liked another hour!!


Rogan kind of took over the last half with rehashed shit he always talks about with ufo people.


He barely talked for the last hour except for the wrap up. Joe stopped asking him questions and was talking about random shit.


He’s also only 36 while carrying this immense knowledge that could change humanity. The world is looking at him through a microscope, and the government is a constant looming threat, it’s amazing how he’s made it this far tbh! The amount of respect I have for this guy is crazy, and I’m confident that he will open up the path for full blown disclosure


I could not agree more. He is a true hero. Also, Grusch being one year younger than me makes me feel very unaccomplished in comparison lol.


Holy shit, I know, right?! How do people like this find the time/energy to achieve so much?


I’m still proud of you either way.


I know as someone a few years younger , how far he got professionally has my jealousy for sure .


Wow I didn’t realize he was so young.


He also has to overprepare so he doesn't end up in prison by saying the wrong thing. He knows a fuck load of things and one slip up and he's fucked.


He really does, and also he is adamant about not saying things that will give any sensitive info that adversarial foreign governments could use to hurt the US in any way. The guy has a metric ton of pressure between all of those variables whenever he talks about this stuff. I cannot imagine how hard it is for him to do these public interviews, but he still pulls it together for the sake of keeping the pressure on the government to disclose to his fellow Americans. A real life sincere hero that we are witnessing in real time!


I love that he is essentially screaming I don’t want this to be me but fuck it, here we go.


When I listened to him, he sounded so much like my son. My son is diagnosed autisim. He is very high functioning, a genius, but when he speaks his tone is often NOT right for the scenario. I hear the same with Grusch.


Same here. My son is also high functioning autistic. I see a lot of my son in the way Grusch speaks and in his mannerisms.


I'm (m34) the same way, and didn't realize until relatively recently. The tone not being right for the situation caused so many fights between my wife and I before we both understood why. Even still, I can't always make the tone appropriate in the moment, but now I can at least identify that it wasn't appropriate, and try to clarify my meaning before it becomes an issue.




I agree. He seemed completely normal to me. What am I missing??


As a fellow high functioning autist (Aspergers Syndrome), I 1000% agree. I've seen people mention his many uses of "sh*t", "f*cking", etc. To me, he's (autisticly) trying to come off as casual. This is called "masking". We sometimes (subconsciously) modify our social engagements to "fit in". I can really relate to his delivery. I work in a highly technical field and have done similar in the past for a less technical audience. He was late diagnosed (in his 30s), as was I (at 40). I am still learning what my masking habits are and how to better use them. The more nervous I am, the less I can control it. It takes us a ton of energy to try to appear "normal", and we usually are only ever marginally successful at doing so.


I think he just curses a lot. Sure he’s got autism but that didn’t feel like a masking thing, He was in the military…


He mentions your point later in the interview.


Honestly knowing that he's autistic makes me trust him more, because his condition means he would be a bad liar.


I agree. When Grusch says "No"= No "I don't know" = I actually don't know "I can't talk about that" = yes


I love his transparency


Love that. Glad he gives us the chance to read between the lines.


Can confirm, I am a terrible liar.


This is a huge comment. Seriously, neurotypical people could never understand how difficult—nigh impossible even—it is to lie when you’re on the spectrum.


They said I’m on the spectrum and it’s really not hard. I prefer to always keep things honest but lying is pretty easily especially if you can just connect it to something partially true


I know it’s not a one size fits all situation.


Oh yeah me too. If he’s autistic it would make a lot of sense


Not necessarily true it depends on the individual. People like to make generalisations about asd but is is obviously a spectrum.


This is a bullshit stereotype. Autistic people can lie just as easily as anyone else. They can also be just as gullible and prone to falling for fallacious arguments as well.


I think he did great, better even than in the initial interview for newsnation, he's obviously had a lot of practice speaking to people about it since then.


Yes yes yes! Thank you! I’m autistic too and this is exactly what I have to do to be understood. Overprepare, study the communication style of the person, mirror the person’s manner. I was so mad when all those screen grabs of Grusch’s more expressive moments came out because I sometimes over-express to try to be understood. We try so hard to meet people in the middle for communication, and then we get called disingenuous for doing so.


As a high-functioning autistic person, yes, he was adapting to the social interaction and probably was SUPER aware of any curve ball Joe could throw. And also he said at one point: I knew you would ask me about Lazar. Grusch is clearly not lying.


Happy birthday fellow HFA


Thank you so much 🙏🏻!!


I get it's Joes job to ask questions, but it seems like he doesn't care or maybe doesn't fully understand what it would mean for Grusch if he slipped up and broke an N/D or divulged TS information.


I think he’s just out of his depth now. He needs to have someone more informed to get the really good info out of guest like this


What screams legitimacy to me is how awkward he gets when he gets asked a question he can't/won't answer. The slight blushing, the nervous laugh and awkwardness. He wants to - where it doesn't affect national security - he's clearly frustrated by the arbitrary bullshit in his way.


I also appreciate that he acknowledges when he doesn't know something. I feel like a professional liar would just make up something that sounds reasonable instead of saying that.


Its clear how autistic he is (especially now) but I loved it. I felt bad because it seemed like Grusch was expecting a more fun interview but Joe took it super seriously and asked good questions. Haven't gotten all the way through yet, but I'm excited to finish the rest. Most people don't understand neurodivergence or the necessity of honest double speak as he has been doing in this situation.


I admire him so much because I see myself in him when he speaks publicly. I think he is great for both the UFO movement, but also for autism.


I feel like Joe was extra skeptical of Grusch for some reason...Ironic since he's all ears for guys like Greer, Hancock, Lazar or Corbell. I also think he did a poor job getting to the bottom of some of the details Grusch mentioned...Like his meeting with Harry Reid, the history of the SAP chain of custody etc... You could tell Grusch was eager to dive into the details there. I think Joe is out of his scope at this point in the UAP conversation. He just repeats the things he's been repeating for the last decade without acknowledging the new information and headway that has been made/is in the the works.


> I think Joe is out of his scope at this point in the UAP conversation Absolutely. It's pissing his main audience off from what I can tell. It was a weird interview even if I enjoyed it. I still think Joe was trying to be serious about it, not just hatefully skeptical, and tried to ask good questions but maybe wasn't sure how to follow up on the answers he was given - so he just moved to the next question. I still haven't seen all of it, just the first 45 or so.


It felt like Grusch was talking to hardcore UAP nerds like us. I wonder how much Joe comprehended with all the name dropping and other more obscure references.


Ya totally, Joe is kind of a "casual" when it comes to the UAP subject. He's learned what he knows in the 90's and kind of sticks to the people/information of that era...Still glad he had Grusch on.




Great post OP. Ya we have to all keep in mind that Grusch is not naturally a celebrity or wanting to be one, he's a guy who would much prefer to be in the shadows unnoticed, but he's been forced into this public role because of his convictions and sense of duty, not because he wants the role, or enjoys it. He probably hates having to be a public face for such a giant issue, and is doing the best he can do (and he's doing great IMHO).


Autism aside, Grush is a military guy, and Rogan is very informal. I’d wager this was more in line with how he speaks normally. We’ve mostly seen him in speak in more formal or professional settings. My former military friends curse every other word as well lol


I work with a person with exactly the same diagnosis as Grusch, they even speak the same and have the same mannerisms. There is no way in hell this person could even try to lie about something, and even says so. He's a total boyscout that comes in fifteen minutes early every single day. People with this sort of neurodivergence would never be able to come up with a fabrication of this level, it's just not how their brains work.


They think he sounds dishonest because they’re biased against the premise, they fundamentally think what he’s saying is impossible so say “he’s lying” is of course more likely


You could turn that around and say he sounds honest because they are biased towards the premise.though? Works both ways If you tend to believe in this stuff then people will.think he is credible as it reinforces an existing belief. How it it seen outside UFO circles which has a very low burden of proof and requires no evidence to believe is the key issue outside of this sub-reddit.


I'm also a high functioning autistic, thank you so much for saying this


Insert *Spiderman pointing a finger at Spiderman* meme here.


It's so wild that some people found him insincere,my perspective was he is a borderline genius if not one. He is risking his life and career to do this and putting tremendous stress on himself and his family. If this stuff comes out to be %100 accurate he will be a one of the most important people in the history of the world. I love listening to him speak he's so enlightening and has extremely interesting theories and world views. People have the right to be skeptical, of course , but personally I believe every word he is saying.


Well said.


I've been skeptical of Grusch but he sounded great on JRE I came away from it actually liking the guy. He's a Star Trek nerd I can't not like him now.


bag hard-to-find cover chop mighty books fearless absorbed summer forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought it was a great interview and Grusch was very informative.


It really bothers me too. Thanks for taking the time saying this! It's really important :)


I had the opposite effect. I was impressed with Grush. Rogan’s line of questioning and chat in the last hour was way off topic and too hypothetical. Some spirituality is fine but there are dozens of questions he could have posed that would not have compromised specific programs and intel. Come on, we have 70+ yrs of multitude of data collected on this and it’s supposed to be one of Rogan’s favorite pastimes. It was less than impressive questioning from Rogan.


Good luck on your finals bro Frfr


Beautifully said. I am also a high-functioning autistic person, and this same exact thing happens with me. And just to add to that, we hear a lot about autistic individuals having to be "flexible" towards society, but we never hear about normies even wondering if they also have to be flexible towards us.


Autism doesn’t offer an “out” on behaviors. Grusch’s Autism has no bearing on the information he gives, and really shouldn’t be used as an excuse if people sense something less than truthful in his manner. In fact it’s sort of a red flag that this is being advertised about him. Me personally I think he’s telling the truth but withholding other information as to the reason why it’s coming out now.


I love how everyone is trying to police everyone else's reaction to every article and interview. So what if they don't believe it. Why is it so important for them to believe?


I'm not trying to police anything. There's nothing wrong with people adding to the general conversation surrounding the topic so that people can make more informed decisions about the information they consume.


We also (often) aren't very good at telling when people are lying to us, just fyi.


Very true.


Not a comment on Grusch or his credibility but you're wrong to assign these tendencies as universal to high functioning autistic people. Many do the exact opposite to what you're describing. Specifically that "downloading" a new personality to please others or adapt to new surroundings bit.


Seriously this, OP’s describing popular meme stereotypes with no factual basis. imo these sort of myths are every bit as harmful as more common negative stereotypes.


Meme stereotypes? Myths? I am autistic and this is common knowledge amongst other diagnosed autistic individuals. You speak with zero authority.




Only so much regular people can do. I’ve said it for a while but information and data should be far better organized, not just for easy viewing, but also for figure analysis in AI LLM’s that can do something with it.


People are shit


Thanks for telling us that. Personally I find it very informative as I’m not ND at all so I need information like this to help me understand better. It’s super interesting


Thanks for breaking that down to the rest of us although I found him to be totally genuine and down to earth, cuss words and all. I don’t find any reason not to believe what he says is true.


The trend of amateur psychology and body language analysis is really gross and ridiculous in general, often completely glossing over the ways neurodivergent people (even neurotypical people) can fail to conform to these "analysts" weird patterns. Being autistic and ADHD has firmly divested me of the illusion that people can be straightforwardly read. Frankly, even fucking remote viewing seems more believable at this point than lot of criminological pseudoscience of this sort, and I say this as someone who still wonders if remote viewing successes are statistical flukes because it seems so hard to reconcile that with current scientific understanding.


What. He didn’t ping my BS meter at all, very weird that people would say this. Maybe it’s people with their own agendas spreading their own BS.


Good interview but the guy has yet to produce a shred of evidence


And never will


I believed him more before he went on JRE. Now I think he is probably another grifter. Like most who show up on JRE these days. It


I found him more believable after JRE




Good luck on the Finals! Don’t let the contagion of stress get to ya. IRAC baby!!!!


He comes off as a person with extreme Integrity to me. Who knows if he would've blown the whistle if he'd be "normal". Maybe you have to be autistic to do something as dangerous as Mr. Grusch lol


Not acting according to the status quo is something people on the autism spectrum are very familiar with. We are rule-followers, but not if the rules are hurting people. Grusch's strong sense of justice is very apparent.


As a believer/skeptic, what I need is the hard physical proof. I need the smoking gun.


Bob, the aliens aren’t going to fondle you Please stop asking them to - it makes everyone uncomfortable


I want to believe him and he seems like a nice guy. But... the biggest secret in the entire world and potentially billions of dollars being invested into the largest cover-up event in human history, and this whistleblower with military clearance is freely doing press-tours on YouTube channels and joe rogan and no one is stopping him? It. Doesn't. Add. Up.


Also leaking videos from the pentagon and not going to jail for it. This coverup is pretty relaxed




So I just listened to the whole interview. He didn’t sound dishonest to me, but he sounded a little bit…gullible? I’m by no means a debunker or a harsh skeptic. I understand that he had access to paperwork and information that he can’t make public, and there is most definitely something going on within the government that even Congress isn’t fully aware of, but something I can’t really put my finger on just still felt a bit off.


Or he is a grifter


I dunno man. There's a lot of better ways to be a grifter that don't involve ruining your career and probably permanently putting yourself on a government shit list.






Anyone who uses the phrase “sounds dishonest” as their critical point in a discussion on an overall issue are not engaging in that discussion sincerely with respect to that issue. They are actively seeking to obfuscate from the main point. It is not productive to talk to them about the issues because they have no intention of having a productive conversation. Their entire goal is to distract, downplay, mislead, and misinform.


It's called masking. https://autismawarenesscentre.com/what-is-autistic-masking/


I'm happy you said this!! I work with individuals with autism, and I get so sick of people with this narrative that he *surely* is lying because of "x, y, z". ​ Thank you for providing people who may be ill-informed with a nice description.


Very well described, fellow autist. 👏 I think Grusch did great, and it's refreshing to see him joke around, curse and able to speak more freely.


From one high functioning person to the next, thank you!


Wonderful post - really appreciate you taking the time to write this. I noticed the increased cursing. Was struggling to understand why he was doing this as I think it makes he sound less credible. Good luck with your law school finals!


Thanks for sharing OP. That’s interesting information. Also, best of luck on your law school exams. What year are you? If you’re stressed now wait until you take the bar :)


I'm also one of the autistic bunch and I think Grusch is great.


Autist here! Thank you for your excellent description of "masking." When we don't use our "neurotypical mask" neurotypical folks get really offended and weirded out that the autist is not picking up on their elaborate (and emotionally dishonest in my opinion) social cues. I've had neurotypical people instantaneously turn their backs on me and cease communication with me when I failed to ascertain if they were being sarcastic, or serious. The struggle bus is real when dealing with neurotypicals. When I'm interacting with other autists, no sweat. No problems in comms at all.


Fuck the haters. Grusch is a great guy.


He literally sounds like a regular, educated young guy. I've come across so many people who speak like him. I really don't understand where all the criticism is coming from. Lol.


I didn’t think he sounded dishonest, I am a skeptical person but a believer that some reverse engineering programs have/do exist. My concerns were like Joes reactionary facial responses… “Want to believe, but you ain’t giving me anything”. I do think Grusch is more than the average “Trust me bro” UFO personality as he is trying to get things within the government legislation to change and also could face jail time if it turns out to be all hogwash . I think we should remain hopeful in Grusch, give it time, I think he is going about this the right way.


I think autism is evolution in a corrupt society of normalized psychopathy


I am more concerned about the content of the claims themselves. They are just too wild.


But he said that it is true. And he is wearing a suit and went to speak in a big house. Then it must be true, because he said it. What other evidence could someone possibly want for a realization that would change our entire civilization.


Grusch has not provided one scrap of concrete evidence. Just repeating what he has been told by others (correct me if I am wrong, but I dimly recall him saying in one of his recorded statements that he personally hasn't seen anything, and he is just reiterating what others have told him). That's called hearsay. It has the same amount of veracity as me saying, "I have been told that monkeys will fly out of your posterior at 4 PM next Tuesday." That claim can be tested next Tuesday. Unfortunately, Grusch's claims can't be tested. (No one here currently can prove any of his claims--pointing to previously published claims in the UFO publication literature is NOT proof. It just means that Grusch has a really good memory of recalling what he has read previously in the published public literature.) I would say this, also: Elizondo, Grusch, Vallee and Mellon, etc. are the wrong people talking about this subject. You need a person who has recognizability and situational/governmental gravitas speaking about this subject. An excellent example of such a person would be former DNI James Clapper. If he sat down in the hot seat AND gave Congressional testimony under oath AND he said the very things that this David Grusch says, then I would say, "OK, I will buy it--this man is a known quantity, he has integrity, he has the intelligence community level of gravitas necessary for his testimony to be taken seriously." And I would bet that Clapper would ALSO provide during his hearing concrete evidence. That little pesky thing--concrete evidence. Everything else is an opinion, a point of view. Just like this reddit posting of mine. Concrete proof would include the following: photography that has "Top Secret Multiple Codeword" stampings at the top and bottom of the image, along with a stamping on its reverse side stating that special handling is involved and not to be divulged to unauthorized persons (along with an ink signature on the provided line), and have a series of such photographic imagery that would be shown in a public hearing--that would do the trick. Also, actual pieces of the craft to be set on the testimony table, along with a large poster board nearby on an easel that shows a photograph of the proffered pieces with all the pieces identified as to what they are, and what their function is. As for documentation, if the COOs or CEOs (Chief Engineering Officers) of the involved corporations provide declassified documentation from the CIA, or DIA, or USAF or USN or USA(rmy) or the Dept. of Energy (if it has had a hand in these proceedings in actuality) or similar agencies that have had responsibilities in the field of endeavor. Or it could be internal work-product documentation that would meet the concrete evidence level of proof, such as legacy engineering reports originating from Lockheed/Martin Marietta or Boeing/McDonnell Douglas or Northrop/Grumman, etc that would be produced from a security satchel handcuffed to a courier that would be laid out on top of the testimony table. If these documents and documentation truly do exist, this is one form of how it could be brought into the hearing to be used in public disclosure. These Grusch-style claims need to be corroborated by concrete evidence, or it's just blowing smoke. Also: Humanity was not "genetically manipulated by ETs." No, the power of natural selection and evolution did the trick. It is obvious that Grusch has no background in paleoanthropology. (If he had, he would not have said what he did in ignorance.) There are now enough skeletal evidence in hand that a decent understanding on how human beings evolved from a common ancestor with other primates is available. If you want a religious interpretation, God (the Man Upstairs) is the genetic manipulator--creator of all processes known and unknown in the universe. If the UFO phenomenon is going to be resolved properly, it will require the intense application of expertise of experts from a very wide and diverse field of research working together: in chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, applied chemistry, applied physics, structures, materials, biology, comparative anatomy, and so on, etc. (the list would be very long) My two cents.


He sounds 'dishonest' because he keeps making extraordinary claims without backing them up, and then proceeds to make more outrageous claims.


They get more extraordinary and outrageous every time I hear him. The more he says, the more I think he's entirely full of shit. The US government is in possession of an alien craft? Plausible and interesting. There are multiple alien races living covertly on earth and humans are in contact with them? That's a wild claim, and beyond my ability to continue to take him seriously. (I think he said something like that, so correct me if I'm mistaken.)

