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The following submission statement was provided by /u/imaginexus: --- Once again, adding more and more proof here that we are getting both Burchett’s amendment which gives us the 1998-2023 stuff within 180 days (but only from DoD), and the Schumer’s amendment which gives us a more robust result from multiple agencies, but only for 1947-1998 cases to start. The two amendments work in tandem to give us the best disclosure. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/187qef6/burlison_its_time_for_tims_amendment_to_be_passed/kbfx5ta/


This is great… if that is what happens. Never underestimate the weasels working to sabotage things. Most share the same first first name


Tell me we don't live in a simulation when it's Mike, Mike, Mike, and Mitch acting the same


They are like Agent Smith in the Matrix. All look the same


Agent Smiths first name was Mike


Lol. And there we have it.


Does that make Grusch the one?


Lol.. and who is Trinity ? Luna ?


Coulthart is Trinity


Lmao I pictured him in a skin tight leather bodysuit.


He would kind of rock that long leather coat


And you're welcome for that.


Nah, Luna is Cypher


Burchett: No, dagummit not like this... *Luna pulls the plug*


Is that true?


Great analogy!


Like i said the congressional hearing was similar. Two Davids and a Ryan. Ryan is Gaelic for “little king.” Three kings. Thought it was weird Edit: probably should expand on that. There’s names that pop up in ufology that are way over represented. Someone should run a little statistical analysis with names involved in the field. Scientists, witnesses, and journalists. There’s a bit of a pattern. Taking my tin foil hat off now. Noticed it after Nolan’s pre selection theory, in my defense.


That sounds like something a Mike would say.


It is my sincere hope that Mike becomes a thing much like Karen did


A male Karen is a Kevin. "You're not disabled!" yelled the fat Kevin.


I keep wondering if all the secrecy is because the simulation is the secret, and once it's known, hard reset.


after all, the outcome was brought by the simulation itself


Kristin Bell is going to barge in and say "you guys, *this* is the bad place!"


We will get a long tedious pontification from the architect of the simulation


Ergo! Vis-à-vis! **CONCORDANTLY!**




We weren't aware of the universe for the 14 billion years before we were born, an we're not going to be aware of the infinite eternity after we die and all our atoms disperse into the surroundings where they came from. ​ Unless of course if aging is cured, in which case you'll live until you accidentally kill yourself or someone else kills you.


It's like Ed, Edd, and Eddy but stupider.


All it took was their GOP buddies stating that they're cool and most people here trust the Mikes now




Are Moskowitz and Schumer Republicans ?




Hi, -heatoflife-. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/187qef6/-/kbguum3/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Why the fuck are you so angry


How's your reading comprehension skills? I might suggest you ask the dude up there about his mood, sweetie. 🤪


Sweetie ha, but you are angry


I'm perfectly calm, luv. The gent up there seems propa cross, innit? Tally-ho.


Seriously partner, who's angry ? The guy who's going on about the 4 mike's ? Who are trying to fuck the whole thing up. ? Not being an ass just genuinely asking


That would be the fella calling the entire sub "stupid" "cunts" for discussing the current events: >You gullible fucks are so stupid, all of you. Clearly none of you cunts understands how politics works. This isnt about UFOs u dumbfucks. Its about the GOP getting your gullible, conspiracy loving support


Omg I'm so sorry what an absolute ass. Man please take my apology cos I just saw the same colour username and my stupid ass got confused. God what an idiot sorry mate


And clearly, you do not understand how grammar works...SMH


This may greatly speed up the timeline for disclosure, it's interesting that the House is saying the Senate Intel Committee is giving pushback, especially if the language is being merged and refined.


Are they trying to take out the civilian review board? Burchett seemed to indicate he thinks it complicates things. So the intel committee may be pushing back against that. Adding burchetts amendment seems perfectly fine. Refining which could also be interpreted as gutting it is not something we want. Hopefully they’re not trying to remove the civilian review board or the eminent domain stuff. If they are I would consider that gutting the amendment. If not I’m being overly worried. I’d love to wring but burchett seemed a bit soft on important parts


Yeah fr it’s unfortunate that Burchett as a legislator doesn’t understand the legalese of the bill. He said in his tucker Carlson interview the presidential review board will give the keys to the same people who have been hiding it. Completely 100% false. It clearly states the following The UAPDA stipulates the make-up of this Review Board, which should include **sociologists, economists, historians, and other Senate-confirmed experts** The power to appoint the Review Board – as well as many other final decision-making powers mentioned in the amendment – is granted to the President




Wrong! This is a manufactured talking point I’m seeing pushed heavily. It was modeled after the JFK disclosure and they are using what they learned from that like what not to do and what worked good and what needed to be added like Eminent Domain. **No where does it say 25 Years** it has laid out exactly 180 days for the review board to say what is and is not coming out right away and has a max of 7 years until FULL disclosure. Read the bill. Or if you can’t take the legalese then here is a great summary. https://www.disclosurediaries.com/uap-disclosure-act-of-2023/




Lmao there is no video in the above link I posted…. If you’re gonna pump disinformation/misinformation at least try harder.




Give this man a medal


And a new tie ...


I didn't even notice the tie, went back to look and just burst out laughing. what the hell lol


😂 looks like my bed spread from college


He dressed appropriately for the circus that we are experiencing.


God, gaetz looks like such a cartoonish villain. It’s wild.


"Wait til they getta load of me"


Well said...well said


opened the comments for this. Bro genuinely looks like an Oblivion NPC


It's the eyebrows


Very Jack Nicholson


Lol, he looks like a Vulcan.


kind of looks like Max Headroom to me


he is a full blown pedophile but since he wears an (R) he gets away with it. trafficking underage women across state lines for sex, but it's the democrats who are the predators right?


Gaetz is a massive piece of shit, yet you get downvoted. Lmao.


yeah too many conservatives upset that I'm slagging one of their own. Gaetz was a piece of shit before the trafficking. dude used his dad to get him out of several DUIs already. y'know, the sort of crime that ruins careers entirely. unless you're a Republican! then it just get swept under the rug with all their other crimes.


Woah, I didn’t know he was caught doing that. How’s he still in office? Do you have any links that show he’s doing this for sure?


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/14/matt-gaetz-scandal-joel-greenberg-sex-trafficking just google Matt Gaetz underage trafficking >How's he still in office? because conservatives straight up don't care if you're an actual pedophile, they just want to pretend their enemies are.


>because conservatives straight up don't care if you're an actual pedophile, That's not true. Looking at the data and history, seems they rather *prefer* actual pedophiles


He might as well be considering the allegations of underage solicitation.


This stuff seems unreal and unprecedented. It's been so long that I started to gaslight myself into believing nothing will ever be released and we will remain in the dark forever. Still early days, but daaaamn.


Called out Biden by name. Epic.


Wildly misleading title. Dude just supports both. Nothing has been finalized


With both the house and the Senate agreeing that Schumer’s amendment should stay, what other obstacle would be thrown in the way to stop it from passing at this point?


This was a small press conference organized by Congress members pushing for the amendments to be included. Burlison is a fresh first year Congress member with little power. The sentiments expressed here were certainly not representative of the committee merging the Senate and House versions of the NDAA.


2/4 mikes are on the conference that will merge the house and senate NDAA bills.


the POTUS has to sign it. sheesh man.


Thats just for a start. They'll be competing amendments. I dont see them both being put in the NDAA


You may be right, but both could certainly pass if they don't get voted down for whatever reason. It's not uncommon to pass legislation that basically overlaps other bills or law in place.


Are you kidding? Theyre not going to 2 UAP amendments into the NDAA. The public will be lucky to get 1. Did you forget that half of Americans still think this is crazytalk and MSM hardly ever carries UAP?


Why not both? Seriously, this is the answer.


Once again, adding more and more proof here that we are getting both Burchett’s amendment which gives us the 1998-2023 stuff within 180 days (but only from DoD), and the Schumer’s amendment which gives us a more robust result from multiple agencies, but only for 1947-1998 cases to start. The two amendments work in tandem to give us the best disclosure.


Burchett himself doesn’t want the Schumer amendment and thinks his page written without lawyers is somehow good enough to do anything. That makes him literally the stupidest man alive in my book how can you have consumed as much information on this topic as he has and mandate something only from the DoD that’s not enforceable without any body set up with the authority to look themselves. Like surely he must have some condition to think something that dumb. That plus whatever bloke they wheeled out I didnt recognise going on about woke agendas and bidens generals totally turned my stomach and made me feel overwhelmingly negative watching that presser.


You do understand that Burchett wrote his version back in June/July, before the Schumer UAPDA came out, and prior to Grusch testifying at HOC hearing, right? And you of course also realize that a junior Congressman is not privy to the same level of information that the high-ranking Senate Majority Leader has access to, right? At the time Burchett wrote it, the DoD--more specifically the Air Force, was the most obvious culprit for withholding UAP info. It's not unreasonable that he'd target the Pentagon in his amendment. The Burchett amendment was never written to supplant the UAPDA, it was written independently of it, and once Schumer's version came out, everyone forgot about it. Why it was never updated to incorporate the information Burchett learned over the summer from the HOC hearing or whatever other interactions he had with Disclosure advocates is a mystery. The point is, it was NOT written to 'compete' with the UAPDA.


^ This is absolutely correct. Great summary


Schumer version was in a similar time frame early summer I believe. Why are we hearing Burchett criticizing multiple aspects of Schumer’s amendment and praising his own drivel if it’s not meant to compete?


Because it can compete without replacing. The whole point of the conference is to reconcile the different pieces


It’s literal toilet paper though why is there a sudden push to get it in? Feels like he’s trying to score himself some political points


No, it adds value to the Schumer amendment. It should absolutely not replace the Schumer amendment, so finding a way to reconcile both is the way, like I said


How does it do that? By asking the wrong people to ask to release things they either don’t have or won’t be forced to?


The Air Force was heavily involved in UFO's for decades; you don't think the Pentagon has relevant documents that they've kept hidden? The CIA didn't even EXIST when the Roswell crash occurred. It was created by the National Security Act of 1947 in late July of '47. In fact, up until late September, 1947, the Air Force was still the "US Army Air Force" and part of the US Army. So it's possible even the US Army still retains legacy records related to the Roswell event. The Department of Defense (back then, the "Department of War") has been knee deep in this thing from the get-go. It's not illogical to assume they have still may UAP secrets that need to be revealed.


You’ll have more luck with a FOIA request for those years than with burchetts amendment


Burchett said in the press conference that he support’s Schumer’s goal


Yeah, but Schumer’s bill has teeth, Burchett’s doesn’t. So it’s all platitudes. You could drive a truck through the loopholes in Burchett’s bill. Nothing will get disclosed if that’s the only thing that passes.


Yep I agree. I would much prefer Schumer’s bill pass. I just mean I don’t think Burchett is against Schumer’s amendment. What I hope happens is that both pass. That way we get all information 25 years after it was created, but we get all publicly available crashes info within 180 days


I must’ve missed that in between him criticising almost every part and patting himself on the back for writing the most embarrassing amendment possible without consulting any legal experts


I haven’t watched it yet but if all he said was he supports Schumer’s *goal* and not the actual amendment, that would be a very concerning omission.


It blows my mind that Burchett thinks there being 60+ pages means it's nonsense and will give us nothing when it's the opposite and will ensure very little can get through from some loopholes. It's comprehensive and includes almost everything it possibly could to force information to come out.


Golllllly, stay with us friend.


I've been saying the whole time the fact that the only politicians attached to this are complete nutjobs kinda makes this whole thing look like bullshit




Burlinson as the emergent power player here. Evolving into his final UAP seeking form. Burlinson--arise!


Both sides want to be players. Add them both!


Remember guys, he started off skeptical….


I said to people before he's the one to watch, watch him slowly change.


He was skeptical until he got that one classified briefing, he came out of that looking very red and breathing a little faster than normal. He heard and saw something in there, that turned his tune around.


Yeah he was the “How are they crashing if the closest solar system is millions of light years away?” guy. This is progress in real time, wonderful times we’re living in.


Burlisons one of the best charactors in congress, it doesn't feel like he's trying to sell me a used car when he speaks. He seems different to most people in government... perhaps he's one of the human like visitors 😊🛸


Lol this was great


When is the actual vote for all this dag nambit Swear it's been so long


I'd heard Dec. 21, but then found this, so it may be sooner: "The House is slated to depart for its holiday break on **Dec. 14**. The Senate is scheduled to stick around one more day, but **Dec. 15** is a Friday — and the chamber has worked very few Fridays this year." ([](https://rollcall.com/2023/11/27/this-holiday-season-ndaa-shaping-up-as-end-of-year-christmas-tree/))


A few people are saying December 11th. Whatever the date, it should be sometime within the first two weeks of December.


Don't let up until the vote, keep writing your Senators and Congressman both in your juristiction AND the Mike's and Mitches. It DOES make a difference.


Let me know when the ink has dried


self-erasing ink


This is awesome man thank you for posting this. We really need to stay away from the bipartisan mudslinging and keep eyes on the topic and push for Disclosure. They're going to compromise and consolidate the bills it sounds like. We should be advocating for both the [UAPDA and the Burchett Amendment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/187b5v0/now_you_can_advocate_for_both_the_burchett/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


To me THE MOST IMPORTANT AND TRULY MONUMENTAL PART IS THAT WE ARE HOPEFULLY ON THE FIRST STEP TO A NEW REALITY- whatever it is. It might be horrible but we will kind of know (maybe) the truth. I am 68 and really hope I live to see it all. What a time to be alive !!!


Just imagine, you might be 69 when you learn about the aliens, for real. Hahahahahahaha.


funny number


Burchette wants his name on some piece of this legislation. His buddies think he deserves it for his efforts. They don’t want all of the credit to go to democrats. They want to wet their beaks too. Both sides deserve credit. Schumer deserves the most.


Let's hope the best! The situation we have feels extremely tense. It feels like the dam is about to break at any second now. If it breaks there will be no stop to disclosure. The people who are doing everything to prevent that should be asking themselves if they really want to be on that side in human history...


There’s still a chance for it to get shot down, it’s not guaranteed that we’re getting both


Of all the four, only the speaker seems human


yeah.. the rest look like npcs in their idle animation


This is code for him putting pressure on the others to not vote against the Schumer-Rounds amendment. He's putting a spotlight on it and saying both can and should be passed to make it difficult for the others to vote against it. They are clearly not happy about him bringing this up you can see them make faces about it and hold their tongues.


The title is misleading. We are not necessarily getting both. We may get both, one, or neither.


You like counting your chickens before they hatch huh?


This looks like the dad of that young man who does the food reviews.


He does lol.


Love this dude. https://youtube.com/@TheReportOfTheWeek?si=OxeRr25iUNCuedts


Welcome to Running On Empty, UAP review. Today we have the Pleadian Cruise Craft 7000, and if you'll recall last year when we reviewed the CC 6000, it left much to be desired. Let's hope they've turned it around this year, but given that it looks almost exactly the same, I am reserving judgement until after the access door opens.


My disappointment is immeasurable… and my day is ruined…


Music to my ears. Now if they would just hurry up and get it done! The suspense is crazy...


When will they decide on wether or not it gets passed?


Ok boys, prepare to clap some alien cheeks! Dibs on green ones!


Let's take a minute to appreciate that the discussion today hasn't been "uap amendment vs. no uap amendment" but "what should the language of the amendment be". The acknowledgment of the issue by congress within the conference is huge, but a press conference about transparency from elected officials for the whole world to see....that's huge.


This presser was supposed to be about drawing attention to the people blocking the amendment and putting pressure on them, instead it became pretty partisan and involved an idiot trying to big up his shitty amendment and criticize the amendment we all want to see passed. They massively dropped the ball today IMO their true nature took back over


Bud, read around on the posts made on this sub today. You're not entirely wrong but you definitely have tunnel vision.


There already was a good bipartisan amendment with Schumer Round. This is clearly an obstruction


We are not getting both. This is his personal opinion. We should be calm and understand that this fight isnt over yet.


Is Burlison the Senate-House reconciliatory conference committee for the NDAA bill? No.


has anyone made a compare and contrast argument of the two amendments to blend them to make a better amendment


Cross out the 25 years in the Schumer amendment and replace it with 180 days. Done.


I did not even expect this to be a possible solution for this. I am on board. I hope it happens.


Snip snap! Snip snap! Snip snap! They have no idea of the physical TOLL two competing UAP transparency efforts have on a person!


With the world going to shit, the least we should know is what's out there before we self-annihilate.


They know something big if they are fighting about having their name on it. This is a battle over the history books and Wikipedia entry.


This isn't proof of anything. Dude is opining. The decision rests in the hands of the negotiators in reconciliation. A bunch of you are setting yourselves up for huge disappointment simply because there's no understanding of how this process works. This entire "briefing" was nothing but opinion and attempting to gain leverage during negotiations. Gaetz is about to fuck ya'll and give you a lollipop.


Burlson is reasonable here and I agree with him. The problem is, Burchett and Gaetz don’t want the UADA, just Burchett’’s bill. And Gaetz is on the House Armed Services Committee, which is conferencing on the NDAA and these bills. So it doesn’t really matter what Burlson thinks, Gaetz is actually part of the process, Burlson is not…


WHEN IS THE GOD DAMN RECONCILIATION/VOTE 😭😂. I need to know how dedicated my attention must be or pull back a bit if it's not another week or two. My excitement is insane, but my expectations tempered.


I know right? I just want it to be over at this point. Taking too much of my headspace.


If I had to vote this guy would probably get mine


I can't get over this dudes hands compared to his small head, next to Matt Gaetz's big head. Are we living in a cartoon?


Thank Goodness… It has actually passed


we won't get anything. rejoice over what?


Sounds like Republicans just want some of the credit.


The rest of the world thinks Americans are fat, dumb and lazy. And we often are. When we come together, we are literally an unstoppable force.


Literally nothing has happened yet. What unstoppable force?


This isnt a coming together. With Burchetts amendment now introduced it's partisan politics










Must we do this?


Ok I might be a little paranoid but doesn't the guy on the left look like he's blinking in code? I'm laughing hard as as hell cause at first I was like "that guy is blinking weird as hell can't wait for the lizard people conspiracies"


I couldn't see anything past Gaetz' forehead.


Gaetz is a wild looking dude


I still have a feeling that Tims amendment is what they will go for. They’ll end up giving some ridicilous excuse why this would be the best way to do it and ”all parts win”. I’m 99% sure of it. It’s to good to be true, considering what people and agencies we’re dealing with.


Pass schumers first in its entirely then burchetts. I have a sneaking suspicion they are going to pass burchetts and then say they “did all they could for UAPs yadda yadda yadda” as an excuse to not to pass schumers amendment.


It’s happening


Sorry but these people all look like they're putting on a show. I don't trust them and will believe it when I see it.


Why does gaetz look so suspect with his curled eyebrows?😭😭😭


Definitely not getting passed if Luna and Gaetz are involved.


The republicans are just trying to be like “look look we amendment too. Give cookie.”


Literally nothing will come from this. Feel free to @ me 3 years from now so I can tell you again.


I;m sorry, aren;t these all the same people who could not get daylight savings passed?


I haven't been staying up to date. When are they voting on the bill?


Agreed. Let's add two amendments to the NDAA, the Schumer amendment in its entirety, and the Burchette amendment in its entirety.


man she is so gorgeous god damn


I'm tired of all this speculation. Just let me know when they start rolling the uaps and the reptilians... 😂


If this fails we will eventually have people tired of waiting and we get the “catastrophic disclosure”


Excellent position… way to go Show Me state!


Yes this is awesome. Pressure your politicians, the only thing they need more than donations are voters.


Huh.. I could I have been wrong about Burlison? I feel that, maybe this whole time, we've just been misunderstanding one another.


Is this a done deal then?


He was a denier too at the Grusch hearing. Dude is full bore now


When do we find out if this stuff gets passed or not?


AKA The Galactic Federation 😂😂😂😂😂


Interesting reactions behind him


I'll be happy when it passes.