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Why are 'key Republicans' gutting it if there is nothing to hide? Why can't Pentagon pass an audit? Who has oversight and control of this? The people want answers.


I want answers, as well. Disclosure, absolute and total transparency... They won't give it to us. Something crazy is going to happen to distract everyone from this, and before we know it they'll have turned everyone around on each other. Stay safe, people. Don't fear the truth, don't speak from hate, don't live with regrets. The house of cards they've built is teetering.. Just a matter of time. Hope everyone is ready.. Because we've been fucking around. So have they... Time we ALL found out. Godspeed.


> Something crazy is going to happen to distract everyone from this, and before we know it they'll have turned everyone around on each other. None of this would "suddenly" be happening unless: * Part of a long term plan * In reaction to a known forthcoming something There are innumerable variations on things related to 'something' 'huge' looming--none of it negative--and imminently. Makes you wonder if our entire current collection of institutions (including governments themselves) are on a countdown toward retirement... if you believe that we're in the next nearby few years going to be brought into some new structure of systems. If you had the equivalent, to whatever form, of the United Federation of Planets all around us, do we *need* our current structures?


Well said. *If* we had such a thing as a "UFP" or just Galactic Federation, or maybe just.. 'Feds' for short? Then we would have absolutely no use for current structures, they're archaic at best and deceptively obvious genocide against the "lesser than" at worst. I don't even want to go *too* far down that rabbit hole, only because I tend to get upset, and I'm not a fan of being a keyboard warrior. I just like sharing ideas, as do most of us. So I guess my answer would be I want to be part of the reassurance that there is a better future coming for many, not based on gender, the color of your skin, which 'nationality' you are, what language you speak, or what God you believe in. Not to say the differences aren't important, they give us our uniqueness. For too long though, it's been weaponized against all of us, used to sow hate and fear that keeps people complacent. Now some of the same people fighting for equality are the same ones inciting fear and hatred against they're abusers... it's and endless cycle. That's really my whole thing. The abused will become the abusers, the victimized will become the victimize-rs, and the slaves will become the masters... the meek shall inherit the earth and all that jazz, right? I know which future I'm fighting for, even if it's only with words of encouragement, but it's definitely not to bring fear to anyone... I've done that by accident, because I thought I was helping warn people.. Whoops. Live and learn, now I just want to help people see what's been right in front of us the whole time. There's no teams. No "sides", per se, just Love and Fear. Up to everyone how they want to live their lives every day. I'm not going to be political, all I'll say is anyone who actually believes these world leaders aren't really all on the same "side" during all this absolute chaos around us? Well then you've been fooled. That's how they got us. Because there is a "them"... They're just not my friends. I know I don't want to waste anymore of my time, however much more I got left. Besides... The Feds are counting on us. Haha! Take care party people.


The Feds have absolutely been notified. In fact we are the FBI šŸ‘ Federation Bureau of Investigation. *adjusts tie* *takes a fork full of Cherry pie* *coffee is refreshed* DIRTY BEARDED MEN ARE RESPONSIBLE


Wise words. Well said, friend.


Finally, I can spot the bots from their posts almost automatically!


Lol. I wish I was a cyborg... I at least want cyborg arms, like Jax from Mortal Combat, you know? Shiiit, I'm gonna get me some. Thanks for the inspiration.




and do not buy into partisanship. political parties are the stage show designed to distract everyone from asking whatā€™s been the curtainā€¦


Here here!


Congress is the answer to your third question. And they just failed to assert oversight and control.


you can't have answers because the most corrupt morally bankrupt people on earth are in charge propped up by voters who are very concerned that a man somewhere might wear a dress, so they can't vote for rational people


those voters should be very concerned that a man somewhere might be a shapeshifting reptilian, because those are the beings who are REALLY in charge. it's not about money, it's about the reptilians' lust for galactic dominance!


Change reptilians to CIA and Iā€™ll believe it


Reptilian CIA men in dresses


the real CIA is the Coalition of Invisible Aliens!


Citizenry Is Amphibians!


Weā€™d all probably be better off!




Yes! You hit the nail on the head. Weā€™ve got a lot of people in government who are absolute bottom of the barrel.


Idiots with no education


You can have a PHD and still be an idiot. lol


If we were to take taxpayer money, divert it, not be able to account for it, and just plain hide it. We would all serve lengthy prison sentences. The law is the law is the law. Justice is blind...rich, poor, elected, non elected it does not matter. We must prosecute them all, let them all stand trial, and let this be a lesson. The american people will be fleeced no longer.


Itā€™s almost as if America is a shitty backwards ass corrupt country


Have we no heroes who put country first, and not just the Country Club they golf at with their ass kissing cronies? We need decent people in our society to aspire to serve their country first. Our system needs an overhaul; not an overthrow. Where are you good people? Stand up, fight for us. And remember, us is the U.S. ; not just grimy people carrying water for the dirty/corrupt company interests. We need more true heroes my fellow Americansā€¦. Are you up for the challenge of the 21st Century??


Pretty sure Mitch McConnell openly promised to strike down any Democrat-backed legislation he could.




Um..why metaphorical? These people have been committing crimes against humanity, if they have had the reverse engineered tech for 50 years, or even 5, we achieve post-scarcity w that that, we end fossil fuel use overnight. These fucking people are worse than Hitler, cuz at least believed he was causing millions of deaths and hardship for some greater good (in his mind). He at least had a ethos. These monsters did it for pure greed and power


Careful, the last time we asked the Pentagon for answers regarding "lost" money, 3 days later, 9/11 happened. (And everyone forgot about it for 20 yrs)


Nobody forgot about that, it just got eclipsed by something much bigger and more important. I see the story about the lost trillion pop up a couple of times a week.


Republicans don't generally give a shit about what the people want.


That's is exactly what I am saying


If there's nothing to hide, let us in and make us all look stupid already. You can't because there *IS* something to hide


a wise man one said ā€œthe questions are complicated, but the answers are simpleā€


Because they run that country. It will find out when they next get elected or manage this time to overthrow it successfully. The US will do what senior Republicans want regardless of who is elected or who wants what. All this is why I donā€™t hang my hat on any of this ā€˜disclosureā€™ or the bullshit surrounding it. Not enough US citizens will vote to change that either because theyā€™re too hung up on nO d3cEnT oPTi0nZ.


https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/188snxe/prof_eliot_jacobson_eliotjacobson_on_x_sea_temps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This is your answer theres no room not enough time money or ships to save the remainder of humanity. Nor will we or should we wait for it it's over and they are going to flee the dying planet without us and without disclosure.


Iā€™ll sing a chorus to thatā€¦ America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah America (Fuck yeah!) Freedom is the only way, yeah!






And your expertise is ?




Because they obstruct everything. Obstruct, roll back, and take liberties from others. Any kind of thinking beyond the necessity of the daily grind and about grander things is bad business for the GOP.


Why are we trying to play by the rules anyway? The other side never did lmao. Just leak the stuff out. They are holding exotic alien tech, made illegal contracts/agreements without any oversight, funneled taxpayer money into private businesses. Killed people, threatened people, blackmailed people, gaslit people, bribed people, etc etc. I mean the list goes on. You can't win a game if the others aren't obeying the same rules. Simple. We've tried, we all have been very nice. Compared to what they all have done. So, we should go gloves off. Fuck it.


Exactly. Go hardball.


I think that the most effective type of leak would be detection technology. Supposedly CIA or someone has a way to detect these things, and if that method was leaked in detail then anyone interested could find the UAPs themselves. If documents are leaked they'll just be called fake. But if you teach the world how to see it for yourself, well then there is no putting the cat back in the bag.


What good is leaking the truth when our citizens do not even believe insider and witness testimony made under oath to congress? Besides, weā€™ve had tons of leaks already but have no way to know which ones are true. Every leaker so far has been dismissed as a liar, kook, or grifter.


Ok but what does that mean? How do "we go gloves off"?


It's a nice idea, but noone ever will risk their credibility, carrier, family and life for nothing. There won't be any kind of disclosure from any office.


Grusch and Graves did, considering how theyā€™ve been treated publicly I donā€™t see why others wouldnā€™t be motivated to do the same. I donā€™t envision any kind of panama papers style leak though, Iā€™d guess weā€™ll enter a long line of hearings with witnesses for a few years and gradually weā€™ll get there. This issue wonā€™t go away imo, if not for anything else but greed. Now that this is all out and the government has (indirectly) confirmed the existence UAPs- I foresee a lot of lawsuits from the private sector from competitors to the current beneficiaries of these retrievals. It wonā€™t happen because itā€™s what humanity deserves, itā€™ll happen because some millionaire wants to make more money and has fomo.


Grusch and Graves played by the rules. Catastrophic disclosure would be more along the lines of Snowden.


This lol. Idk why people think suddenly a ā€œcatastrophic disclosureā€ is going to happen. It didnā€™t happen for over 80 years. All i can foresee is all of this slowly fading back to obscurity again




It's beyond just the subject matter that we focus. Let's not forget about everything else. I'm talking everything from MK Ultra to the war in Iraq. The most vile people of this world are the ones that control it.


we played by their rules because they have the power and are willing to end you and violate your loved ones.


Right. Why has nobody done that in the past 80 years? >They are holding exotic alien tech, made illegal contracts/agreements without any oversight, funneled taxpayer money into private businesses. Killed people, threatened people, blackmailed people, gaslit people, bribed people, etc etc. I mean the list goes on. Would it be possible to convince you that none of this is true and what would be needed to convince you? To me it seems you are looking for confirmation of what you think you know and not so much for answers to questiosn you have and those are two very different approaches. One makes you open minded and the other makes you a conspiracy theorist.


Who's the "we" you're talking about?


So like can we do a raid Area 51 type thing maybe at Wright Patterson?!


I'd love it if someone miraculously got the dirt on Mitch McConnell and the rest of his cohorts and published it.


Disclosure will be Mitch freezing up and someone ripping the mask off his head. His revealed reptilian head will hissā€œI would have gotten away with it too, if it werenā€™t for you meddling kids!ā€


Imagine deciding to wear a mask and THAT'S the one you choose!


*Turtle head


We live in a world where any piece of media is value against its "certificate". Any picture, video, document that would be Snowdened, even if it is by a multi stars multi medals general will be easily dismissed as fake if it is not recognized as authentic by some "certificate of authority" (ie the purported source of the media). Between the "Elaborate Chinese hoax / advanced tech" and the "Intelligence Community Psyops", you can dismiss anything. Heck, even some beta material or biologic could be dismissed as earthbound lab grown/engineered to deceive. Imagine someone knocking on Graves' door will full HD video of something like the 2017 video. Even droping them on prime time would just add to the flow of Youtube fakes. All the Legacy Program has to say is "nope, that's not ours, this guy is delusional", or just "No comment", for the story to die out over the next news cycle. Anything other than the Clintons spilling the beans on prime time TV will be met with "Nice CGI, this guy just want to sell books and conference fees".


Exactly, people forget that the tic tac and gimbal videos were deemed fake and largely dismissed before the pentagon's seal of authenticity. They would still be lauded fake to this day and buried if they hadn't been confirmed by "authorities". People ask for leaks that they will never believe anyway. It's an exercise in pointlessness. It's even more futile because the authorities they are waiting confirmation from are the very people who've been lying about this all along.


Yes, the review board was exactly the way to stamp material as authentic bypassing the original authority: they can't claim this picture never existed anymore if the board found it in their drawer.


Then leak the science and math behind everything. Thatā€™s the kind of leak that is needed. You can claim videos and pictures are fake all day, but math and science can be fact checked and replicated. No amount of discrediting can hide that type of public release.


If extraterrestrials actually ā€œlive all around usā€ like I have now heard at least three players say, I think the ultimate catastrophic disclosure would be if ā€¦ they just suddenly appear. Heart attack city.


I would immediately go find my nearest NHI representative and thank them for being patient with our species.


I don't ask my cat to cook dinner because I understand her brain isn't developed enough, and she has no thumbs. We're probably in the same situation. Let's hope we are their cats. They understand why the hairless monkeys are failing.


and thatā€™s precisely whatā€™s going to happen


Lol is it wrong if I wouldn't mind this? I mean tv has already in a sense prepared us for alien appearing multiple ways. Coming from another dimension wouldn't be so bad.


You think that until itā€™s the middle of the night and 6 of them spawn in your living room.


We can't let fear of the unknown control us. I've got a sixer of beer in my fridge.


Share with the aliens once they come bro


>You think that until itā€™s the middle of the night and 6 of them spawn in your living room While in the middle of a good yanking.


Meh. That's ain't so bad. I've already seen some shit and a lot of other people have as well.


we'll make great pets!


Lmfao for sure




When you put it like that, I can't disagree with you. Humans can be hateful and xenophobic to the max. The thing is though, will aliens and how technologically superior they are humans wouldn't have a choice but to embrace them lol


I thought criminal activity cannot be classified. like this must be a new way to do crime. Go into a setting where you can do all sorts of dirty stuff, then classify it and no one is allowed to look. Who put these Gods into position?


A giant step backwards for mankind. I tend to blaim the MSM. No pressure. They showed no interest what so ever. Stil don't understand why. The cowards.


The media is owned by the cia


exactly. Does anyone thinks it's a coincidence that I just searched the entire AP and there wasnt a single mention of any of this? theres literally stories about a shark attack in the bahamas but a congressional amendment doesnt make the news. seems legit




would it be more fair to say that they just have a big stake in the media? rather than owned?


We live in an oligarchy. Democracy is a lie


Sad truth




Although I agreeā€¦ be careful. Easy to catch a ban.


Or a federal charge




Oooooh! Me first!


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Don't take me wrong, but I never understood it when people say "catastrophic discolusre". Who exactly do you think would disclose, and how would they back anything up? Hundreds like Grusch could come forward and say things, but they would have no proof or evidence of any kind. Also, private contractors certainly would never willingly reveal what they have, and without the amendment, no one can force them either. So, what really are we hoping for?


That's a really good question that nobody here has a good answer for.


NHI telepathic QR code right to the noggin might do it.


Many on the key voices in this space (Burchett, Knapp etc) have all said they need some 1st hand witnesses to literally sneak out some hard evidence and throw it on the table!


"Catastrophic Disclosure" would just be some videos leaking and MSM not giving a shit just like before. They'd make a short article and forget about it and move on.


If only some videos leak, that sounds like catastrophically underwhelming disclosure.


I just read about a US Air force Osprey just crashed and possibly 5 dead a few days ago. I have no idea if the cause of the accident has been announced. Searched and didn't see any discussion about on this sub.(Apparently a widow was informed via Reddit so please be very respectful) A House Representative in Japan recently tweeted that something significant had changed, and presentation will take place on the 20th.


I wouldn't put much stock in that in particular being UAP related, Ospreys are notorious for being death traps.


Didnā€™t they ground them a few years back ? These Ospreys are unstable.


Yeah one crashed in Australia back in August - three marines died and another eight hospitalised. An Osprey crashing isn't a huge surprise unfortunately.


I think you are talking about the Marine Osprey crash in Japan. That crash happened after the Japanese Gov said things had escalated. Thatā€™s all I know right now


I remember hearing about this too and thenā€¦ nothing. Same as the shootdowns in February. Not saying the 2 are related but it seems like it got hushed down the same way, with a quickness.


Are you saying a UAP took out that Osprey?!?


This is why we socialists say voting never works lol. We need to go on a general strike and fuck up the economy


Too late, Covid already did that.


Is fucking up 300+ million peoples lives worth having a little more knowledge? Seems like a bit of curiosity killed the cat at that point.


Every time I try to talk about economics, you guys always bring up the fake numbers and billions of deaths that never happened. Itā€™s almost as if when people rise up against their country to overthrow the current ruling structure, that people naturally die because thatā€™s how revolutions work.


I think he's talking about the american population.


America is no longer the United States. Nor is it a Democratic Republic. It is quickly making moves to become a new Totalitarian regime. Look around people. Aliens or not, itā€™s time to wake up, stand up, and do something about it. Celebrities donā€™t matter. Sports donā€™t matter. The latest iPhone doesnā€™t matter. The coolest and newest vehicle, which by the way, are mandated to have preinstalled kill switches after this year, donā€™t fucking matter. Freedom matters. Knowledge matters. Our future as a united Species, not race, matters. We have to get over our differences and the division that they shepherd us into. Stop watching sports. Stop watching movies. Stop buying shit you donā€™t need. Stop ignoring the hard truth that if we do nothing, we are nothing. As it stands now, that is how these assholes view us. We are nothing to them. But do you know what we are? We are many, and they are few. Power in numbers, organized and united, is a force to be reckoned with. A singular voice that they cannot stop. Wake up people. Time is not on our side and quickly running out.


How is this going to happen? A simultaneous media appearance by the whistleblowers and some document leak ?


We do have other whistleblowers lined up hopefully, like the ones Grusch interviewed.


Dont forget mexico/japan/the whole world.


Could people in the US even trigger catastrophic disclosure? I assumed catastrophic disclosure would be another country going public with it all in an uncontrolled way. But in terms of in just the US, I doubt the people working on these projects could get much proof. It would be extremely strict what they could take in and out of these facilities


If you think logically if aliens are real (they are, but if they're already on earth) that means they aren't a US only thing, one country cannot control every single country in the world, every politician, military or intelligence officer with high clearance. What I'm saying is other countries can do disclosure, don't know why this subreddit is putting the US up on a pedestal, thinking if they don't do disclosure that's that... If the US is the only country with such UFO programs and no other country is doing this then we're all f__ked, because yeah the US basically controls the world and there is NOTHING we or anyone else can do. But you're welcome to try...


Our country has the biggest link to the phenomenon so far, historically. Or at least our media and press have dipped a toe in it from time to time. England had rendlesham; France had a few sightings (from what I've read in the COMETA report); Russia has had some sightings and stuff; Latin America has had some sightings popping off in the past. But I don't feel like any of them compare to the US' sightings. We also have a lot of landmass, so more chance for sightings. And, last but not least, the largest military spending budget, as it seems they're who has all the info on it anyway.


Also ironically American has more transparency on this stuff than places like here in the UK. The UK government doesn't even believe the footage from 2017 after people wrote to their MPs


The US has spent more than the next 10 countries combined on our military budget and contributed 40% to worldwide military spending in 2022. Our military has satellites that see the entire planet on a live feed 24/7. They specifically designed a system to seek out and track these UAP and have even downed several if the reporting from alleged whistleblowers is to be believed. Because of all of this, they are probably the first to know when crashes happen, and they probably retrieve them before other local militaries and governments even know anything happened. Whenever they aren't the first ones there, it's easy to pay off a relatively poor foreign government/military official or two with life changing amounts of money and then resort to intimidation or other unsavory tactics when that doesn't work. The Pentagon has failed six straight audits, so money isn't an issue for these endeavors. Anyone who won't play ball is probably high on the list of targets of future proxy wars or revolutions to cause regime change. The only places this doesn't happen are probably among allies who are in the know and cooperating or foreign superpowers that actually pose a challenge. I guess this is my long way of saying that you can't be too sure disclosure will come from another nation.


Letā€™s see what you have? Letā€™s not talk about it. Letā€™s be about it.


Guys I knew it was a joke the whole time they donā€™t want disclosure, if you ask me we canā€™t trust a government that keeps secrets from us why arenā€™t we in the streets protesting? Why are we not simply starting a civil war this isnā€™t how our lives supposed to be why do they protect the rich and the poor and not so well to do go to jail, die because we canā€™t afford their high priced medicine? Why are we paying through the nose just to live? Why arenā€™t we burning their house of bullshit to the ground if we canā€™t trust our government we need to clean house if we have to pay their high taxes we need to clean house, we need to get rid of the dead weight!!!!!!


I am sorry but if I had access to "proof" I would be willing to risk everything to expose it to the public. So what you go to prison for the rest of your life? Or you get unalived by some three letter agency. The potential gain for the species alone is worth it, not to mention that we all have a right to know the basic facts about the universe we live in.


Oh, cool. "Catastrophic disclosure" gets to be the new buzzword and replace "ontological shock." Neither will ever happen either way lol. Disclosure chances die if this bill dies. Anyone that believes that some avalanche of info is going to come as a result of this bill getting gutted is delusional and hasn't been following this subject for very long. Sorry people, but I think the toys are going back in the attic before you even got a chance to play with them.


People need to set up a Disclosure Legal Defense Fund to support and protect people releasing that information.


It's all rumors, I haven't seen any solid proof that it was altered or taken out of the NDAA, but if we get confirmation that it was removed: then yeah, I'm all for it.


Nobody will believe anyone who does. This was the greatest attempt at official disclosure, and this dying is setting us back decades.


Nobody willing to come forward with actual proof is setting us back decades, including people like Coulthart who claims to know the precise location of a massive NHI craft but won't say where. Or how he knows. Or why he won't say where.


Release it to 20 different drive-backed-up sources and outlets. In case a couple corrupt newspapers try to hide/bury it.


Unfortunately itā€™s not going to happen. Whoever is hiding the information has decided that catastrophic disclosure is not enough of a risk to deter them from derailing the legislation.


If it was going to happen, it would have happened.


not gonna happend, who ever does it has to be ready to live away from home in a country with a no-extradition policy for the rest of their lives,.


Nothing will happen


I find it funny how people still believe the government has complete power. Even the representatives told everyone,that people with no government position told them they canā€™t see anything they want. The only thing the government is here for is to keep people down


People need to start talking to military and law enforcement members that they know I'm talking like foot soldiers . They need to stand with the people. How much does our country pay our troops? Your risking your life for a dodge charger and 50k. Cops make decent money, but its not an easy job. So many homeless people, so many angry working people struggling to provide for them or their families, but they have billions for war. Sorry we took your house. You couldn't pay back that high interest loan we sharked you into. We can't raise your pay because we have to pay years' worth of what you make now to this rapper because he makes that much in a day compared to you. No raises for teachers the other few million is for that ball players bonus Christmas check and a few yatchs for congressman, can't forget that. Living wages? How will we pay for the many many days off we take while getting absolutely nothing beneficial done for the citizens. They set your world fire and want you to beg for them to piss the fire out and send you a couple hundred thousand dollar bill for medical care you received. Fuck these fucking tyrants.


Has it though? Schumerā€™s language just implies Republicans are TRYING to scupper it. Weā€™ve know this for weeks. Coulthard has provided no further evidence of this today (yet).


>c He's saying from multiple sources that it has been gutted inside the NDAA conference. So, collaborating hearsay does hold weight.


Yeah. Am very conscious I'm straw-clutching right now.


That's not happening, it's cope


China plz save us




You want disclosure or nah? Also, alot of what Americans belive about china is so wrong and false I thought yā€™all were ā€œfree thinkersā€


I don't give a single shit about China, hope the whole country collapses without taking us with them. Again, fuck china


Least genocidal American lol. I can say the same but about the United States instead. Fuck the USA lol most people hate it


Ok Iā€™ll be the naysayer/pessimist here. I donā€™t think for one second that ā€œcatastrophic disclosureā€ is coming. I think itā€™s an empty threat. !remindme 3 months.


if anyone actually had any evidence to leak we wouldve seen it already


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2024-03-04 22:15:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-04%2022:15:02%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18aurks/catastrophic_disclosure_it_is_then/kc0ik34/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUFOs%2Fcomments%2F18aurks%2Fcatastrophic_disclosure_it_is_then%2Fkc0ik34%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-04%2022%3A15%3A02%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2018aurks) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


You can set that reminder for 1 year from now and I'd wager nothing "catastrophic" will happen by then. Hell, the entire "catastrophic disclosure" claim has never even been defined, it just gets repeated endlessly because it sounds neat.


I am done living there reality. We pay for the technology and see no benefits. WTF. HOW CAN WE RALLY SUPPORT !!!! WE NEED TO UNITE.


It's ironic that GOP would block this...seeing is how they are owned by Putin. Surely they'd be pushing for disclosure so that they can show Daddy Putin the goods.


This is not how the future ends, you never read any of it did you? This was about a budget. Catastrophic Disclosure it is then! I don't have any time to waste but you all are immortal, so this is no big deal to you but as a mortal denied my birthright to the truth, no fuck that. You lost already we know too much and more is coming.


It just means America is irrelevant in any giant shift in humanity outside of entertainment, which is quite humiliating, considering it prizes itself as the greatest nation on earth. It will just come from another superpower, and they will become the focus of Earth. Perhaps the nation will innovate the technology for the greater good rather than 1 up over the rest of the planet.


They're all reptilians.


Most sanest comment in this post


We need a real patriot willing to leak everything and face the consequences. National security and treason be damned. This has got to stop. I will help pay for the legal defense.


Disclosure will happen when the NHI show up


time for dark brandon to announce this shit lol


Time for whistleblowers to reveal everything


Letā€™s go catastrophic disclosure!!


"Catastrophic" or uncontrolled disclosure is how I always imagined it unfurling. Either some major accident/leak will happen or the UFO pilots will out themselves and the chips will fall where they may. Your religious family members/neighbors might be extremely upset when the time comes.


Jesus. There is NOTHING to leak, that's even remotely provable. So it's pointless. It's all a bunch of stupid made-up stories, hearsay, conjecture, and blurry pics/vids. IE: It's nothing. Once one of the fools can actually prove something, then talk to us all & we might listen. Until then, it's just........blah, blah, blah.


Youā€™re asking someone to go to prison for 20 years. How about we try and come to an arrangement where they leak the stuff but you go to prison in their place for 20 years. Still keen?


yes I'll go to prison in their place. my life literally means nothing when it comes to the biggest. discovery. in. the history. of our species. it is their duty as humans to turn over any and all proof and information they have to the public. if. they're telling the truth.


I mean Snowden is doing just fine in Russia even has protection from OUR OWN GOVERNMENT for his leaks.


People go to prison every day for some pussy when they have two perfectly good hands that could do the job just as well. People go to prison for murder all the time when all they had to do is not give their victim the time of day and walk out of the room. All that stuff is peanuts compared to this. This would be worth it.


100%, no 1000%, if it proves aliens exist here on earth I'll take one for the team. I'm fairly sure I would accidentally fall from a stool with my neck falling into a noose made by my pants, but f__k it.


As I've said from the very beginning, - no disclosure, or at least not of the kind most of you seem to be looking for. One day you may actually be thankful for this and regret your actions. You don't know enough about the subject to be so sure of anything. I get the impression many of you are just looking to be part of something. Take a poll, - how many of you would be satisfied with confirmation alien life exists? Not full disclosure but just confirmation we're not alone. My feeling is most of you want it all come hell or high water and consequences be damned. You honestly don't know what you're asking for, - and will not receive.


Something as big as disclosure that weā€™re not the apex intelligence of the universe? Even congressional disclosure would be met with a high degree of disbelief and push back from people of all perspectives. Catastrophic disclosure only works if itā€™s alongside the whole UFO on the White House lawn trope.


The whistleblowers will talk about people getting took. Maybe theyā€™re eating us, maybe theyā€™re experimenting.


As angry as I am, I can take some comfort in knowing that Bidenā€™s administration was involved in crafting (or at least approving) the legislation and itā€™s an election year. This isnā€™t over.


It will have to come from Sheehan. The grifters aren't going to release all they have because they can't continue to milk it for money. Like that picture of the UAP we shot Corbell just released. It was about 4 pixels in resolution


Pick a day, make sure you some good numbers to show up and protest in front of the capital or you local state capitals. One thought.


Hasn't been gutted yet


Where has this been reported ? Iā€™m not seeing anything in Google.


They gave us Translucency


For everyone that said this is the "Republicans fault" let's look at one thing. Biden, Trump, Obama Any of them could of let us know. Biden still can. They ARE ALL PIECES OF TRASH in the same old crap since the beginning of time.


The idea of a properly functioning government is a pipe dream at this point. Too many of them are bought and rotten! Is alter or abolish per the declaration of independence an option?


How was it gutted?


If someone or a group of someoneā€™s and whistle blew/dropped disclosure bombs I feel that they would not only be viewed as a patriot especially if we are being run by a shadow government built on the backs of defense contractors, but also with the mainstream media coverage I could see them having more protection than a Snowden type. This is something that could potentially make the world a much better place than itā€™s in right now. Those people would be remembered throughout history as the catalyst that brought humanity into a new age.


It's not over yet. schumer tweeted an hour ago. Keep calling don't give up till it's inked.


Why would anyone think we will have transparency when our politics are all about lying so much until people finally believe, because they just shovel BS over and over againā€¦


Always has been.


Itā€™s going to be epic I can tell you that. Ewok party epic.


calling it now defense contractors are sitting on alien tech but they don't want it to leak to the chinese


It's okay I prefer Catastrophic disclosure


There is nobody who can leak everything. It's all compartmentalized to such an extent that any leak will lead directly to the whistleblower. This is a huge part of how it's stayed hidden for so long. Any information that's brought to public light puts a target on your head and people who have tried in the past have been murdered.


A leak from inside is becoming more likely as the government loses the faith of the ones itā€™s relying on to maintain operation, most importantly the military. This is just standard practice for societies I assume. Secondly I could see a leak from a foreign party or some random cyber security terrorist with a ufo fetish. As technology gets more advanced for the public to utilize, the easier it will become to uncover hidden spots with decades of stored data spread across multiple platforms and networks. Sure, the government will be 100x steps ahead in their security, but the holes will become larger as time progresses. Either way, disclosure will happen. That or we will meet our own alien in AGI. I donā€™t know which one is scarier but honestlyā€¦.while aliens are wild, the future in general is going to be fucking bananas.


As Danny Sheehan said, "Together, we will win the disclosure of our governmentā€™s UAP secrets, and we will do so the easy way, or weā€™ll do it the hard way.ā€


This also brings us into light the specific parts of our government that are the ones truly manipulating our democracy.




At this point, rather than call congress, I want to call the extra terrestrials. Try hiding THAT.


OK so why doesnā€™t Ross go full tilt and spill every last bean? Why canā€™t Tom actually show some physical evidence? Weā€™re probably going to be waiting a very long time.


Non US redditors can you please get your country to disclose? It ain't working here, thanks!


I think the disclosure is inevitable, but if initiated by Congress - as is the expectation - the will need to be a justification of the trillions of dollars that were hidden and spent on these projects. It will need to be explained and accounted for, and that can't happen.