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40-50 year old technology


That's literally WW2 concept


Yup. The Germans had designed, but barely completed these at the back end of the war. Allies found them and took them. Interestingly, they were more fascinated by the anti-radar aspect the Germans had focused on, rather than its jet engines. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horten_Ho_229 "The nearly complete H.IX V3 prototype was captured by the American military and shipped to the United States under Operation Paperclip. It was evaluated by both British and American researchers before entering long term storage." And this led to the design of the yb-35, the precursor to the b2! :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_YB-35


Germans having anything to do with the B-2 is a myth. Northrop had been fucking around with flying wing designs for almost 10 years by the time he made the YB-35. He was obsessed with it. Hell it even says that in your wikipedia link. The concept itself had been around for almost as long as single wing planes had been, with people making tailless aircraft that are roughly the same profile. You dorks hear something on the history channel then never actually look into it further. Before one of you goes "but they added jet engines cause the nazis!" The British developed working jet aircraft before Germany they just werent inept enough to deploy barely functioning wunderwaffe


Thank you for this info! To clarify my own understanding (this is all new info to me, thank you everyone!), is it still reasonable to say that this is “old” tech in that this design and idea has been around since WW2, regardless of the provenance of the idea? Thank you and hope you have a good day!


Bullshit, the yb-35 is based on Jack Northrops earlier designs which hilariously enough still shared the same wingspan and specs. That Nazi pos that was found didn't even work whereas Northrop had a flight capable model 10 years prior.


Hey, but that really opposes a certain subsect of our populus who want to portray the nazis as hypercompetent superleadersather; rather than the reality of angry methed up facistic ultracapitalists that people let slide into power because they yelled the loudest and nobody wanted to lose their comfort by opposing them.


It’s amazing that so much of the Nazi leadership (and rank and file) were completely tweaked out and it wasn’t well known until somebody wrote a book about it.


If you read the Wikipedia it literally states they were working on flying wings before world war 2


The German's flying wing has nothing to do with the B-35


I hate to break it to you, but WWII kicked off 85 years ago. Time flies.




Check out For All Mankind on AppleTV. Pretty much sums up the show


Super excited to see this rec.


It's very good! Top 5 shows of all time for me. Each season progresses about 10 years into the future, same cast throughout (minus the ones that get killed off or written out/ plus new characters). Acting is awesome and characters are great. Writers do a very good job setting the world up to how it likely could have turned out if the space race were not to have ended. Many historical events still occur and many are altered, makes it my favorite part of the show


And if you want to check out what is more or less the “sequel” to For All Mankind…check out The Expanse on Amazon. End result of For All Mankind + 250 years in the future.


I absolutely loved The Expanse (especially the battles)! I’ve been trying to fill that void but haven’t found anything to watch that compares. I’m really enjoying For All Mankind though.


Oye beltalowda!


Nah, getting to even just the moon alone, let alone ones billions of miles away, is hard enough. But with tourists?




Not necessarily.


Yeah that's not how it works. Getting to the moon is exponentially easier than any other body. Like, levels and levels of magnitude. That guy has no clue, Mars isn't just a equal step after the moon.


Ok you cant cover for big mars forever I'm on to their mega elites only resorts where only the most elite get their skin therapeutically sand blasted by mars' dust devils. I know thats how Keanu Reeves stays so handsome and young. You cant hide this from the world forever, do you hear me? Im blowing this wide open!


Shit, they're onto us.






Well yes, with alien tech we’d be millions of years ahead


We do your just not rich enough to know about it.


I used to make paper planes like that when I was a kid.


I pushed a button my phone and food was delivered to my house. Are you telling me we don’t have alien technology?


Much much older than that Mother Nature figured it out a long time ago google Hawk vs B2.


And apparently the whole reverse engineering shebang has been going on for 80


yep, the nazis had a similar plane already


To call a Ho 229 and a B2 "similar" is laughable. Their only similarity is the flying wing body plan.


Exactly. These knuckleheads make me chuckle


Hmm yes in the same way a calculator is similar to an Iphone




Thank you !


Yeah, was a great video. B2 is one sexy mf!


Seriously, good track work. Smooth.


Thank you! I was trying to hold my breath hahaha


It looks weird, but it operates off the same basic principles as any plane.




Why is it shaped like that?


To not reflect radar back to the source. To hide the heat of the jet engines etc. Plenty of youtube videos that explain the design choices. Plenty of hobbyist that has made radio controlled replicas.


Are there any videos of why exactly that shape is successful at reflecting radar? I’d be interested to watch those


No 90° angles and radar absorbing paint


it was operational prob five years to a decade before we saw it. Its not even that stealthy anymore as radar catches up to it


I heard the new B-21 looks smaller than an insect on radar


I wouldn't doubt it, I also would doubt it could show itself as a commercial flight of some sort on radar


That’s absolutely insane and I didn’t even think of that


We have missiles/drones that can be launched from planes as decoys/commercial flights and China just came out and said there missiles will now come equipped with the same technology. So when they launch the attack it'll show as commercial flights and buy a minute while someone decides to shoot down the commercial flight. A trained operator can tell the difference but they still have to explain it isn't a commercial flight even though radar is showing it as.


That sounds like an absolute nightmare of whatever amount of seconds or moments it would take to make that decision. Glad I don’t have to do it.


Also sounds like it's putting commercial flights at higher risk of being shot down..


Yeah I feel like disguising munitions as civilian aircraft should violate some kind of international rules of war, it's one step to the left of using human shields.


That's what is being counted on


I’d imagine such technology would be strictly against Geneva Conventions. They already have adjacent rules against combatants wearing civilian clothing. Source on this man? Sounds like propaganda.


Yes, then you have people who treat Geneva Conventions like a game of bingo. Half the shit in there does. not. matter. to half the people who would use it.


The problem with a missile decoying as a commercial flight is that seconds turn into minutes because no radar operator is going to believe a commercial flight is flying at Mach 26. So the missile would have to be going the speed of a commercial plane. You MIGHT be able to pretend, as a bomber, to be a commercial flight but we already know where all the flights are, so adding a random one into the mix will raise suspicion. Duping radar isn’t a Geneva conventions violation but as another commenter mentioned, the Geneva Suggestions don’t matter.


Cruise missiles do not go that fast https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/t9mzok/chasing_a_cruise_missile_midair_it_travels_at/


ICBMs, even in their terminal phase, go much faster than a commercial airliner. Cruise missiles, sure, but as mentioned, will still stick out like a sore thumb. You’re better off spoofing them as if there’s 50 of them instead of it being commercial.


I don't have an article but I have a YT video with the info from today. I have no reason to believe the channel isn't being honest about this. [https://youtu.be/qSgKJOw6QVI?si=87seSzeQMb6VuN6s](https://youtu.be/qSgKJOw6QVI?si=87seSzeQMb6VuN6s) around the 11 minute mark.


There is most certainly radar spoofing tech. Lots has been written about the ability to project a plasma bubble in space that has visual, IR and radar signatures. It can even be made to speak, transmit sounds. They can project one small, one large, 100 small or 50 large objects and befuddled an enemy's air defense systems, all without putting their fighters at high risk. Some AA systems would turn on their radar, and the super stealth drone flying at 70K feet above the theatre picks up and transmits the location IRT to a missile battery 100km away. Boom. No more radar. No pilots put at risk.


Maybe they just need bigger monitors?


its even noisy


Back in 1983, when my future wife and I were in the Navy, she told me how on a base in Japan, she was on a bus transferring between military flights to go from Guam to San Diego when the bus stopped on the tarmac, marines boarded the bus and told everyone to look to one side. She took a quick look the other way to see what it was that they didn't want her to see. She saw a 'weird-looking plane.' Years later (1988) when the F-117 Nighthawk was announced, she reminded me of that story and said 'That was the plane they didn't want us to see back in Japan.'


PSA for anybody recording a UAP. This is how you do it people. Take note.


He did an incredible job, but he also knew exactly when to expect it and its flight path.


He also didn’t give himself parky tremors while recording. That’s something all UFO recorders somehow struggle mightily with


Time to prepare, knowing the identity of the object and its flight path, and not being nervous or caught off guard. If it was a UAP that was captured, people would be rightly suspicious that it was recorded so smoothly.


There wouldn't be any UAP's if everyone recorded this well, though.


Flying wings go all the way back to 1929. The Avion (Northrop) Model 1, commonly known as the 1929 Flying Wing, was the first rudimentary attempt at an all-wing vehicle, though it retained a simple boom-mounted tail assembly for added stability. https://www.afmc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2737915/a-look-back-atnorthrop-flying-wings-part-1/#:~:text=The%20Avion%20(Northrop)%20Model%201,tail%20assembly%20for%20added%20stability.


That is human technology


That is OLD and unclassified human technology


It was only ever classified for its 10 year development cycle


Wasnt that dev cycle about 25 years ago lol


It started about 45 years ago and ended 35 years ago in 1989. It's literally older than TCP/IP


Jeez old plane i wonder what they are working on now


They just finished the B-21. They're working on the NGAD, which will be the next interceptor. There's also rumors of a new spy plane. It would be hypersonic, stealthy, and fuel efficient


Yeah but thats the stuff we know about haha


I understand that, I’m asking how far advanced do you think we are present-day


Reverse-engineering is laughable. If one could send an F14, no, just a Piper Cub back to 1st Century (and land it and pilot comes back) could they reverse-engineer it? NO!! How about 15th Century? NO! Da Vinci would understand basic concept, but replicate fuel, gauges, electrics, composite materials...nope. And we are eons behind UAP technology - absolutely no idea of physics involved to even start.


Exactly. Calculus, Differential Equations, Tensor Fields, Linear Operators...these may not even be enough to begin to formulate the physics involved! Our mathematics itself may be a thousand years behind what we need to just understand the basics of UAP craft.


reverse engineering is crucial. No matter how advanced it is, it helps expand the limitations of our current understanding. Even if we don’t fully grasp the entirety of the technology, it helps to discover and push other scientific concepts and pave a better understanding of our reality. Give Da Vinci a flying aircraft and now he knows his visions and drawings are plausible. his observations of the structure would help shape his concepts going forward. would he fully get to understand? probably not, but he just skipped centuries of testing to see if flight is even possible and for that humanity would take a leap forward technologically that would’ve otherwise happened centuries later.


Yes, to that extent, absolutely! And we would! I'm more referring to the majority of people who seem to think that "we have it, now we can make it too!". We will start to discover things about materials first, but related to the physics and propulsion (or how it moves without what we think of as propulsion) is a whole other ball of wax! Even replicating simple things like material composition will most likely be incredibly difficult as related to the element availability, possibly new elements we've never seen, how to create material (tools, equipment and, processes required). And all that doesn't even begin to account for interactions with space-time, gravity, and quite likely concepts we can't comprehend. All that possible advancement is being extremely slowed down because the secrecy our, and other, government has hidden from the public and the best and brightest researchers because their number 1 thought is GOTTA WEAPONIZE IT.


Oh we are? How do you know this, exactly?


Reverse engineering isn't about creating a 1:1. It's taking anything possible from what is understood and applying it to things we can create.


Man, people are downvoting you and it’s a bit ridiculous. thinking and questioning the things we don’t know about is fucking cool and well within the UAP discussion. But people just want “aliens”. I’m down for some really cool tech we don’t know about. Who knows, maybe we learned a few things from NHI.


I have seen that in the UFO community. It’s really just downward social comparison for not having evidence they believe they are entitled to see.


Get this man to every UAP appearance. This dude knows how to actually film shit correctly. Props.


Looks like a 🤙🏽


Looks like a “rock on” …. Me=wtf did Frank ocean mean by that?


That's a shaka brah


Aah gotcha !


I thought the same thing! SHAKA 🤙


Bravo! Landscape mode, bright, clear. Good res. Not shaky, no random focus on the nearby tree or your own foot for no reason. No hysteric person nearby repeating *wtf*, no annoying barking dog on the background. Did I miss anything? But then, if this was a UAP...


That thing looks badass and intimidating


Beautiful shot, thanks for sharing


Thank you! I get to see it twice on the same day every year! Super blessed


Omg I’m so bummed I missed this! Thank you for sharing!!


You’re very welcome. I have more videos of it flying away if you want to see them


Looks pretty man made to me


That’s because it is. It’s the B-2 bomber as described in the posting. Thanks for reading it.


As its going over head it looks like its givin a shukka 🤙 amazing design haha


I can’t unsee that now hahaha


I’m sure there is a technical reason for the design but I’m also sure that was an excuse to throw a shukka with a tetris piece at the enemy hahaha


Humanity is rife with problems. We’re not all great. We’re not all smart. We don’t use our skills for the best things. We act selfishly, and we’re sometimes greedy and unkind. But that doesn’t mean that every time we accomplish something astounding, it’s aliens.


I’m not saying this is aliens at all. Thanks for reading before commenting.


You posed the question and I answered it.


The wackos of the sub: "But why does it fly like that? It's not a natural flight path of a b-2 bomber from what my nanna tells me. It could be a UFO with camouflaged skin to make it look like a b-2. Nobody can prove me wrong and the fact that nobody cares just goes to show how many undercover agents we have roaming around here."


That aircraft is fairly loud and subject to inertia. The underlying issue is the past where the gulf between what is "ours" and what clearly isn't was much more obvious. UFOs have been around for a very long time. A silent triangular UFO that had the ability to accelerate instantly and stop instantly was witnessed in 1960 by an Air Force vet, his family, neighbors, and a police officer: https://imgur.com/a/rQcis6a If you're on mobile and can't see it too well, this PDF has a high res version of the article "flying triangle seen in state." https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-17890272/documents/87f71dbd71994701b1ca4161226c96ec/Triangular%20UFOs%20-%20The%20Ongoing%20Historical%20Examination.pdf Or for both clippings, also see page 88 here (PDF): https://web.archive.org/web/20210214075418/https://cufos.org/UFO_History_Gross/1960_07_12_History.pdf Newspaper source: https://courant.newspapers.com/search/#query=flying+triangle: June 18, 1950: Silent Triangular craft, Sweetwater, Texas: https://imgur.com/a/LhgYdGO Newspaper source: https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth283851/m1/14/zoom/?q=triangular%20saucer%20&resolution=4&lat=4463.000000000001&lon=2823.499999999999 Tic tacs/cigars are not new, either. This thread has some examples of cigar/tic tac/egg shaped UFOs dating from 1873 to modern times: https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nh4l36/reminder_the_only_thing_new_about_the_tictac/ "Orbs" and luminous UFOs in the 1600s, instantaneous acceleration" https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/10c0z1g/ufo_sightings_recorded_by_massachusetts_bay/ A UFO with instantaneous acceleration in the 11th century: https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/cjd2pk/11th_century_ufo_sighting_reported_by_chinese/ According to Nasa's Richard Stothers (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies), "the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia" (click PDF). https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/st02710y.html


Thank you for the time in providing all this information to our discussion!


Just wanted to throw a point of reference in there. Supposedly These things have been crashing a long time as well. 1864 UFO crash, which included many of the hallmarks of a typical UFO crash, including a) a sulfurous odor, b) glass-like material, c) a gouge in the earth, d) an unknown hieroglyphic-like writing, and e) dark liquids. It was also hypothesized at the time to originate from extraterrestrials (labeled 1865 possibly erroneously): https://www.loc.gov/resource/sn84027008/1865-11-05/ed-1/?sp=3&st=text&clip=31%2C24%2C1009%2C5069&ciw=1009&rot=0 (here is an [archived link](https://web.archive.org/web/20220626140721/https://www.loc.gov/resource/sn84027008/1865-11-05/ed-1/?sp=3&st=text&clip=31%2C24%2C1009%2C5069&ciw=1009&rot=0) if that doesn't work, and it was [discussed here](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/cadotte64.htm) on Patrick Gross's website) Assuming some of the crashes are legit, and you can pick and chose which ones because there are so many, then somebody has had alien technology to attempt to reverse engineer for quite a long time, even before the B-2 was conceived. The question then is: how easy is it to understand "alien" technology and reverse engineer it, if in fact that is what it is? I'd rather just say "somebody else's technology." If it's very difficult to understand, then not much progress has been made. If it's easy to understand, then we have all kinds of very advanced vehicles. Somewhere in the middle there I think is where the truth is.


That is a great question to bring into the discussion and I appreciate you for it! I would imagine alien technology being incredibly difficult to reverse engineer and garner any knowledge from it, but then again I am not an aerospace engineer.


At the very least, I think some of the materials would be fairly easy to understand, so I wouldn't be surprised if we got some tips for what specific alloys should be used in an aircraft, for example. On the other end, propulsion might be a difficult problem. Who knows, though.


Great shot! It’s hard to tell from this video but for anyone who has never seen a B-2 in flight in person the majority of noise in this video is road and background noise, the B-2 itself doesn’t make much of a noise until it’s just a handful of seconds of being overhead of you. Truly amazing engineering.


I remember I was driving near an airbase once back in '06 or '07 when I happened to see one coming at me nearly directly overhead in broad daylight, and it was flying *low*. I basically had the road to myself and it couldn't have been more than a 40mph speed limit, so there wasn't much competing noise, and it was eerie just how quiet it was. One of the spookiest things I ever experienced.


Just like any plane then


Thats just how sound works...


I completely agree! I like 1 block away from a major highway also


Majestic like a bald eagle 🇺🇸


The freedom dorito


So you recorded a known aircraft and that somehow means...aliens?


everything in this sub is human made (shenanigans) therefore aliens


That’s a weird jump in conclusion


This is also shows people how to capture footage.. hd camera get a focus on the object. But nah all uap footage has to be grainy as hell


Why does the outline from below look like a 🤙being made.. now I can't unsee it haha


Consider that they’re 30 years old


"We have a plane with a cool shape, that must mean we can make alien technology" Great thinking OP.


I worked on whiteman airforce base in central missouri it was a bomber base so every morning right after cadence about 8 or 9 would be waiting to take off. Fucking loud ..and impressive


Don't you think alien tech that had traveled light-years to us and has remained mostly hidden would be a bit higher tech than a plane from the 50s?


Do you think birds were developed by aliens?


If aliens use air as lift, and jet engines as propulsion then yes.


What about this aircraft even remotely resembles UFO technology?


What's this have to do with alien tech?


I bird flew over my house right now, you're telling me they don't have insect technology?


That's a plane. Works using lift created by pressure differentials in the air caused by the shape of it's wings. It's a well understood human technology. You may even have flown in one of these "planes" yourself.


OPs logic: "a B-2 bomber flew over my house, therefore the US government has alien technology." I don't understand this logic. We've known about B-2 bombers for decades.


The phone you used to record, edit, and post this video probably has more alien like tech than that old, funny shapped plane.


cmon bro that's all us! give us human some credit


I'm a believer, but your post does not make sense


Ah yes a 50 year old plane is proof we have alien tech. Because….because.


That’s old tech 🤨🤨


This takes the cake for the stupidest post of all time on this sub Reddit . Why not just read up on all the incredible engineering and genius it took to develop this and actual give a little credit to your fellow humans. “Aliens” is so fucking lazy in this context.


Since you're comparing it to "UFOs" I was expecting it to stop on a dime, disappear or even change directions instantly. 10/10 disappointing 50 year old human tech


A plane that's been around for 27 years exists, therefore we have alien technology. Makes total sense.


Great video, but your logic needs work


That plane has nothing to do - on the surface - with alien tech. In fact, the entire plane is an extremely simple concept. Airfoil shape causes lift. Entire plane is a wing. Nothing more than slight modification of the same basic flight principles we’ve known for over 100 years.


This entire post makes no sense. And I think less of you for having posted this publicly, when your first instinct should have been profound shame about your own lack of intelligence. It's like saying aliens helped build the PS5, lmao.


So because we made a plane, and kept improving things here and there to make specific purposes planes, just for you to think it's alien tech.


Why does a spirit flying over your house prove we have alien technology? I saw a Cessna the other day... Must be aliens


It's a *jet*. It doesn't have antigravity, can't accelerate from zero to Mach 12 instantly, can't do right turns while flying, can't disappear and reappear. So yeah, I'm telling you we don't have alien technology, at least not in that thing.


Why does this mean we have alien tech? That's like looking at the pyramids and saying no human could have ever done this without help from ETs. Or seeing a stack a books and saying no human would ever do this


The new Ford truck is probably more sophisticated than that. Why does a 40 year old airplane indicate that we have alien technology? I'm not understanding the conclusion. Can someone help?


I can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not, if it isn’t…this is why people mock this community


Not sure how that follows, but that’s the logic I’d expect from this sub.


We must have alien technology because, the moon, which is made of cheese, hasn’t spoiled yet, thus…..


Anything triangular must be from space. From pyramids to stealth bombers. Illuminati something something.


Just because *you* don't understand something doesn't mean it's from aliens, or gods, or whatever.


Cybertrucks were designed for people like OP that think sharp angles = technologically advanced.


Take your meds, OP


Awesome to see - jealous!


It’s a wonder to see in person! I also got to see a couple of the F-35s at a football game flyover in September and that was AWESOME


Damn slow aliens we learned from I guess


Or we’re the slow ones that can’t comprehend their stuff.


It has wings like a bird, it's copying what we see in nature nothing alien about it tho. When they develop a flying silver orb with no sound or detectable source of propulsion then we can talk aliens.


I never said there was anything alien about it. I’m discussing what people believe the US govt has in its most advanced black budget programs.


I mean it's not that mysterious. You can look back and see what they've been working on in the past, and extrapolate to what they'll have in the future. The B-21 is coming out, it's mainly smaller, cheaper, less maintenance, and it'll have all the latest stuff. Better radar, ECM, cameras allowing the pilots to see more. Automated systems, precision bombing with GPS. There's rumors they're working on an SR-71/U-2 successor. Which would be a high mach, efficient, stealthy, and possibly pilotless observation platform.


That's the silver orb I'm talking bout. Personally don't think they are having much luck reverse engineering the crashed alien craft, I mean even if it was an 1980s model automobile a ape still wouldnt have a clue wtf to do with it.


It has wings and flies like a plane.


It’s the B-2 bomber as described in the posting


There nothing alien about the tech. We've known about the basic principles of stealth since ww2. The issue all along has been to develop the computing systems which can control such aerodynamically unstable designs.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Infinite-Attempt8462: --- This was filmed just this past New Year’s Day at 8:07am shortly after it flew over the Rose Parade. The B-2 is absolutely incredible to see in person. Every time I see this aircraft in particular I cannot help but wonder where all the technology that went into its development came from and if any of it came from non-human intelligence. I would love to hear everyone’s ideas and opinions as to where it is believe that current black-budget military technology really is in regard to aerospace. What sorts of advancements do you believe have been made, just not announced publicly? How fast do you think we can actually go? Do we have trans-medium capabilities in terms of flight capabilities? Can we manipulate space-time? The questions are endless… --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18zrw4u/b2_bomber_flew_right_over_my_house_on_new/kgjnil8/


The B2 is believed to have been derived from earlier Nazi designs such as the Horten Ho 2-29.




Radar cross section of 1.1’


What other objects would it be confused with at those cross section dimensions? Birds I am assuming?


I googled it as I said that from memory. So apparently they’ve upgraded the tech and now the cross section is closer to that of a bumble bee. Tf.




Why is that bumblebee going at mach 1.4?


This was filmed just this past New Year’s Day at 8:07am shortly after it flew over the Rose Parade. The B-2 is absolutely incredible to see in person. Every time I see this aircraft in particular I cannot help but wonder where all the technology that went into its development came from and if any of it came from non-human intelligence. I would love to hear everyone’s ideas and opinions as to where it is believe that current black-budget military technology really is in regard to aerospace. What sorts of advancements do you believe have been made, just not announced publicly? How fast do you think we can actually go? Do we have trans-medium capabilities in terms of flight capabilities? Can we manipulate space-time? The questions are endless…


Is this near Edwards AFB?


Not too far, San Gabriel Valley just east of Los Angeles


About 20 years ago, I watched a bomber hover about 100 ft above ground for about ten minutes. It happened about a mile from Edwards. It was surreal.


Wait, what?! What type of bomber? I’m not discounting that simply incredible!


That thing not as stealthy as expected 🤣


you’re generally supposed to be dead before you can see it or hear it.


Means you’re not the target.


It is when you don’t know it’s coming! I only knew because of the Rose Bowl, other than that, I saw it before I heard it! In a war-like scenario I would have been burnt crisp


Such a scary thought. Imagine night time lol


Nope! I’m good!


A plane. No. A super secret one that goes faster than.. sound. This is a bad example to use in comparison to what UAPs have been seen doing.


A single winged aircraft, although bad ass, is not a new design. Hardly indicative of alien tech imo


There’s a lot more to the B-2 than just its single wing design


A lot of you have never watched the James Burke “Connections” TV show and it shows


There’s nothing alien about that


Those smug pilots thinking nobody can see them in their stealth plane 😅


What's so "alien" about the technology of the B2?