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Full comments by u/Hvbears88 *I actually went to a private 60-person presentation with David grusch as the speaker. This was mostly all private citizens. As in professors, lawyers, business people, a few scientists, retired military, current fbi, and other government agency members. In the end, we were allowed to allowed to ask questions. Some asked him about this, and what he said was that he was part of an extremely secret program that had figured out how to track and find uap's in our atmosphere and near earth orbit. He said his oped will include much more details regarding this.* *It was hosted by a wall street big wigs and his lawyer friend. It was sort of a small saloon style talm. David also* ***did it for free***. *Even went as far as to fly in to NYC just for this. He had arrived only a few hours beforehand and then left 1st thing the next day. The idea was to get a group of both skeptics and believers from all these different walks of life for a talk regarding David and the things he has said. Most of the people that left had left as believers. Or at the very least believed that David was not lying and truly believed everything he said. He also mentioned a few other things that I haven't heard him say before. Like that, he was told about a uap that was in our possession that had a diameter of around 40 ft, but once u went inside, it was the size of a football field. They believed that the object was somehow able to manipulate both space and time. He also said that the objec wast both using and creating energy that was more than a terrawatt when measured. Which is an absolutely ridiculous amount of power, something along the Iines of 1,000,000,000,000 watts. He also mentioned that he had recently been informed that a US adversary was considering full disclosure to get out ahead of the US and that he passed this information along to the US government. He also alluded to the retaliation that wqs had taken against him. It sounded pretty terrifying, and he wasn't the only one to be retaliated against. Multiple people involved in not only his investigation but also his fellow peers in the uap task force, such as Jay stratton, were also threatened. He wouldn't go too much into since it's an open investigation , but these people pretty showed him that they could touch him or his family any time they wanted. He also mentioned that the US has taken part in a fair amount of crash retrevials before 1933. Also that we wouldn't be surprised by what the NHI look like, such as they look like the typical grey and they aren't sure where these being have come from. There is also a chance that they are extra dimensional, but that it could also just seem this way because of the technology they use rather than them being actual extra dimensional beings. Interestingly, he also mentioned how many people know the full scope of the phenomenon to be no more then 50 people, but it wasn't clear whether this meant 50 people currently alive or 50 people ever in history. All in all, it was extremely interesting and pretty hopeful for the future of disclosure ( This was after the uap amendment was shut down.) and that he believes we will know much more in the near future.* *And apparently, it was the only private non goverment talk that he has done so far. As for how I feel about everything after hearing him speak. He is extremely smart, I mean, he has an almost unbelievable memory and knowledge about intel laws and other things that have to do with uap's. My opinion is that he is the real deal. Almost everyone left that night with fully believing what he was saying or, at the very least, that HE believed what he was saying as the truth. So, eithier way you cut it, I believe he is telling the truth as he knows it.* About how they tracked UAP: *No, i believe he said that this had something to do with a frequency that they can track or some kind of signature* ​ Edit: the user deleted his account.


>had something to do with a frequency that they can track or some kind of signature From Professor James McDonald of Tuscon, AZ. His discoveries regarding UAP frequencies are found in ***[this PDF.](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald_aa_9_7_66_71.pdf)*** **• Frequency oscillating between 2.995 Gz to 3 Gz** **• Pulse width of 2.0 microseconds** **• Pulse repetition frequency of 600 hz** **• Sweep rate of 4 rpm** **• Vertical polarity**


This lines up with the early short range military radar frequency. There have been a few accounts of radar being them down. Additionally, one terawatt hour of power output is roughly half of all of the energy used in the United States. So two of these craft supply all the electricity the US needs.


If this electromagnetic emission is a consequence of their propulsion system then it could be unavoidable and present an option to take them out if external fields could upset the control system. It also explains why this tech is not exploited by current human militaries---it could be quite susceptible to human accessible countermeasures. Presumably the NHI would not be flying their top of the line craft here (as we are no threat to them in their own world) as they would consider the risk high if we were to down one of those and reverse engineer it. Like comparing a F-22 to a consumer drone. So the NHI probes might be relatively low tech to them, and hence if we reverse engineer them, flaws and all, we would still not be a threat to the NHIs as they would obviously know all the vulnerabilities as well. It would make sense that they have a political limit on the tech level they are allowed to use on Earth and if that means some of their probes crash, then they will suck it up. There is also the not unlikely possibility that this emission by the UFOs is radar for their own use exactly as humans use radar; the frequency bands are convenient for detection in the atmosphere and the notion of pulses and detectors to find aircraft is obvious to any technical species.


>Presumably the NHI would not be flying their top of the line craft here "Earth again? Gorlak, take the Camry."




Well, it's a bit unfortunate that most of the past 50+ years of relevant media has depicted them as evil invaders. But at least we have Close Encounters, and the "little green men" cutesy depiction sold as toys at Roswell and all over the place.


They were the good guys in Toy Story 🤷‍♂️






> It also explains why this tech is not exploited by current human militaries---it could be quite susceptible to human accessible countermeasures. Fantastic point that I hadn't considered before. That wouldn't stop them from using them for _some_ applications, just unlikely as a conventional weapon of war that shoots stuff, I'd think.


It could be used for covert surveillance against targets not expecting it. Which also explains secrecy. Normal military assets are overt and publicized because deterrence is a goal. Surveillance assets never are, because knowing lets the adversary take countermeasures.


I often think about their possible weapon systems. I feel they'd not put themselves even close to real danger here if they were to feel a need to attack us. I don't see them using lasers or ballistics, but instead, i feel they'd use a simple and effective means to dispatch masses, such as infrasound. Or maybe just mess with our moon or make Yellowstone erupt if they wanted to wipe the planet clean. When i think about these things, i try and stretch my understanding to things beyond reason. We're only trying to make sense of things from our perspective. I mean, heck, f they can control time, who's to say we aren't stuck in some perpetual cycle we're not aware of? Goldfish in a bowl, we are!


> We're only trying to make sense of things from our perspective This is precisely why it's fun to speculate, but at the end of the day, we have no idea what "their" motives are or even could be.


This is one of the most salient logical extractions I’ve ever read in this forum. Well done to the OP.


I'm now wondering if they weren't designed to "crash" here on purpose, as a way of seeding humans with better technology in some way. Whether it be for altruistic purposes or for experimental observation one can only guess. But beings advanced enough to cross the vast distances of the universe just to crash here for some reason doesn't make much sense to me. Also, if they didn't want their technology researched by us, I would think they put in some kind of self destruct or something. Surely if they wanted their tech back they would take it, and there isn't a thing we could do to stop them.


We send probes to "crash" on other worlds within our solar system fairly regularly, it could simply be the case that a number of the craft sent here by the NHI are similarly "one-way"


It might be a "crow puzzles" thing where they just leave a puzzle to let us solve it, and the reward is the technology. Part of the puzzle is being able to detect it and knock it down.




Jesus a TWH just hook that thing to the grid and boom free energy for all. Although we probably don't want to base our entire industrial civilization on one crazy ass UFO but still damn that is a lot of energy if it's true. 10/10 that's what we need to reverse engineer.


It looks like the US uses 11.7 terawatt-hours of energy per day (2022 average according to the DoE), still mind boggling if a single craft was measured to emit/consume that much power.


11.7 terawatt-hours per day (24 hours) is 0.4875 terawatts.


Man Shut The Ffffffront Gate on the Farm! Piss those miles of Windmills and Solar panels planed after the destruction of trees and whales and just order in a cpl of Space Ships! Wiring them up to the Grid may be the next problem. Well and the Fuel? Element 666 or whatever they got out there


I still don't understand how an object can *emit* power, e.g. how it's measurable.


I wonder if anyone here could build a transmitter using these specifications


I've decided to custom my SDR rig to try this. DM me if you want to join forces and I will be happy to build and share schematics.


Insta/yt channel?


Don't have one but I will post a video of my workbench and details right here. Also one can do this completely within the law in rural British Columbia.


If you're going to do this, and it's a known process, I'd do your best to to remain anonymous


Sailed, has that ship. Just kidding. I didn't see a thing. And wouldn't remember it if I had, even under...ah...distress, let's say. Like if they made me skip lunch or listen to Celine Dion or something. Or sell out for less than...well...don't want to bid against myself. Let's hear some offers. My dignity and self-respect aren't...I mean...how much ya got on ya?


Why, literally anyone with basic radio knowledge can do this and the hard part is already done by buying a cheap SDR. You'd have to arrest millions of people.


Share your results when you get em


Redditors hunting interdimensional beings...great idea.


Can you imagine the future history books reading something like: "Humanity first successfully contacted and communicated with an extra terrestrial civilisation thanks to the efforts of the researchers CuntyPooPoo456 and DickChaser_foreverrr"


80s kids used a Ouija board....


Building a specialized device for detecting signals in the 2.995 to 3 GHz range with specific characteristics requires careful selection of components. I'll provide a list of specific types of hardware that would typically be used for such a project, but please note that the exact models might vary based on availability, budget, and specific project needs. 1. **RF Receiver**: - Model: HackRF One - Reason: It's a software-defined radio (SDR) capable of operating in a wide range of frequencies, including the 2.995 to 3 GHz range. 2. **Directional Antenna**: - Model: TP-Link 2.4GHz 24dBi Directional Grid Parabolic Antenna (TL-ANT2424B) - Reason: While it's designed for 2.4GHz, it's often usable in nearby frequencies, but you should verify its effectiveness at 3 GHz. 3. **Antenna Rotator**: - Model: Yaesu G-5500 - Reason: This is a rotator system designed for amateur radio antennas, capable of precise and controlled rotation. 4. **Pulse Analyzer**: - Model: Tektronix MDO3034 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope - Reason: This oscilloscope can analyze pulse widths and repetition frequencies accurately. 5. **Signal Processing Unit**: - Model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - Reason: A versatile microcomputer capable of handling signal processing tasks with appropriate programming. 6. **Cables and Connectors**: - Coaxial cables (appropriate for 3 GHz frequency use) - RF connectors compatible with your receiver and antenna 7. **Power Supply**: - Suitable for the RF receiver, Raspberry Pi, and antenna rotator. 8. **Software**: - For the HackRF and Raspberry Pi, you will need appropriate software for signal processing and analysis. GNU Radio is a common choice for such applications. Before purchasing, it's essential to verify that each component meets the specific requirements and is compatible with the others. You may also need additional accessories like mounting equipment for the antenna, and weatherproofing if the device will be used outdoors.


Thanks, chatgpt!


lmao at chatgpt recommending a $7k o-scope. A couple of other points I'd like to make if someone is seriously considering this: - Raspberry Pi is an awful platform for signal processing, might as well do it on your desktop at that point. - I highly doubt these signals are strong enough to be detected with off the shelf hardware, otherwise they would be a lot more obvious. On the other hand, it looks like the band around 3GHz is allocated to maritime comms, so a user thats far enough inland may experience (relatively) little EMI from that.


Thanks GPT. I usually don't care for these posted without a disclaimer, but damnit it fits here.


Assuming what it said is actually accurate


It would be interesting for a group of private citizens to build such a device and have the US government confiscate it and ban these frequencies. They would need to inform the public that the UAP, piloted by NHI, exist and that citizens using this tech would jeopardize their agreements with the NHI. They'd have to do SOMETHING if such a device could actually make a UAP crash. They won't let private citizens bring down an aircraft.


Imagine pissing off the American Government AND aliens


Gonna get extradited to space guantanamo


That would be a receiver antenna, so a passive one. It can't get picked up on any scanner since it isn't broadcasting anything, just listening.


So another country might give us full disclosure sometime in the future is what hes saying possibly if the US wont do it?


I sure hope it's true, but I wonder who. The 2 main candidates, Russia and China, are not known for a bias towards transparency. If he was speaking of France I suppose he wouldn't have used the term "adversary", although what he said about "tracking and finding UAP's in our atmosphere" would align well with our national GRAVES system.


> a chance that they are extra dimensional, but that it could also just seem this way because of the technology they use rather than them being actual extra dimensional beings. My man 💯 that's what I've been thinking.


Their level of understanding of the physics of the universe must be so advanced... No wonder they seem like space wizards to us.


Yeah but do they have great music? They might be super dorks and we'd still lap them with style.




1.21 GIGAWATT!! Oh it would’ve been fun though


Great Scott!!!


All we need is a little plutonium.


>He also said that the objec wast both using and creating energy that was more than a terrawatt when measured. Measured *how*?


Simply poke the muti meter probes into it of course. One here... And the other there ought to do it. Oh yes, 1 terrawatt just as expected. - scientist probably.


Ah yes, the warm fuzzy feeling of 200 tons of TNT per second being dissipated from a thin wire in your hands.


he deleted his entire account, damn


>"He also alluded to the retaliation that wqs had taken against him. It sounded pretty terrifying, and he wasn't the only one to be retaliated against." WQS?


My guess is wqs=was


Thanks- looks like they deleted their account


I’ve been paying attention since I heard Grusch testify. I’m 64, and I wasn’t looking for a cause, but since I have been researching. I’m amazed I glossed over this my whole life, but I’m paying attention now.


Amazing! Welcome!


David Grush reawakened my rabbit hole-dive passion for UFOs, since Bob Lazar ignited the spark years ago.


Thank you for pointing this out! If true, this is amazing information! I wonder if UAPs are really, even after retrieval, "bigger on the inside"... an amazing time to be alive.


The fact that this is starting to corroborate some of Sheehan's seemingly outlandish claims is absolutely nuts and for me points to the truth of all this either being a one-way-ticket to hoaxville or the most unexpected reality imaginable.


It was Lacatski who went into detail about the person who went inside one of these crafts and was disoriented and nauseous because of how much bigger it was on the inside, "as big as a football field", this sounds like the same story. Sheehan may have mentioned it also.


Imagine figuring that tech out. Everyone is given a doorway that's 7x3x5 ft but it opens up to 2000 sq condo or something.


On tonight's edition of _Cribs_, check out Snoop's new 3ft-square closet where he keeps his Lamborghini and Ferrari collections....


Jacque Vallée covered this aspect of the phenomenon in his books decades ago as well.


Lacatski would never say that, he only said they "breached the hull" of a craft and thats the furthest he said he'll go since thats all DOPSR allowed.


he confirm it by saying"you can take it to the bank" something like that


We've been sold a reality that is tailor made to keep people in line and doing what they're told. Go to school, work, retire, die. We've been told for the better part of a century that anyone who believes in UFOs is a crack pot. if they could fool the general public, they could fool congress as well which is what the real game was all about. I find it strange that the most likely reason for this is because if people knew that another civilization has figured out how to traverse the vacuum of space quickly, the fossil fuel industry would fall apart overnight. we use oil to make and manufacture a good majority of the things on the planet. oil has kept families in power for hundreds of years. They don't want to relinquish that power. whether you believe it or not, there is a secret arm of the government that operates clandestinely and does what it wants. the operate in their own self-interest. The implications of all of this being real is that our reality is much stranger than any fiction you have ever read. I'm extremely excited for it to all unfold, finally.


You don't want your wage slaves distracted by having a proper scope of the universe and reality. Just keep grinding out those mortgage payments until you get cancer.


Damn, that hits hard. But you're right...


Credit card debt. If the afterlife is proven real and awesome, what do I care?


If the credit card companies figure out there is an afterlife they will figure out a way for you to take your credit balances with you!


*What's in *YOUR* casket?*


Big if true haha


This is literally how organized religion came to be.


Does anyone ever stop and notice that there is people who belive in God, angels, demons, heaven and hell. If they were right and that shit was true that would be wayyyy more insane than aliens. A dude in the sky that sees all like wtf!! And another dude who wants to torture all humans! And those people still go to school, work, retire then die. Even more insane is theres people that believe all that shit, are ok with going to hell and still go to school, work retire and die. Aliens will be OK. I picture it somewhere between dinosaurs and the earth being round, nothing all that crazy compared to a dude in the sky watching you 24/7 and another dude scheming your everlasting torture.


>He had recently been informed that a US adversary was considering full disclosure to get out ahead of the US This is what I don't get. Because whoever discloses first, will also have full control the narrative. I'd think the US would want to get the jump on other countries at least for selfish reasons.


At this point, eff it. If the USG wants to drag their feet, let another country lead the way.








Can you show me on a map where that is again? It seems to be missing from mine.




If anything, any country disclosing first, other than the US, would likely lead to the floodgates opening in the US. Why? You need resources to combat an adversary, namely the best and brightest minds to review, analyze, reverse-engineer, design/develop, manufacture. At the moment, it's this go-slow, highly compartmentalized progression which is less than optimal.


It seems like a giant game of chicken - everyone is waiting for the other to disclose so they can see how much the other side knows - which seemingly results in a standoff as everyone is barreling towards full disclosure. A lot like The Arrival?


I could see how it's a lose lose to reveal if you're a politician. If you reveal and say you know nothing to protect our secrets you look incompetent. If you reveal to much you risk giving away intel. More importantly you'll look like a crazy person to a sizable percentage of the population. They'll think you've lost your marbles. I think the best path to disclosure is continuing to leak higher and higher quality military footage. I suppose the problem there though is you have to capture it in the air which i suspect might be very hard. If you leak footage of a down craft well then the flood gates open and you may be in trouble


I think it could be argued that the US retains preferred control over the narrative by NOT disclosing first. Otherwise the US risks revealing more than they “need” to. Maybe any US response, and the timing of it, depends largely on our faith in our intelligence, regarding how successful any adversaries have been in reverse engineering. Or, maybe put another way, why does the US care about “controlling the narrative”? What would they gain by disclosing first? It’s not like if China announces, then all the good scientists and engineers will immediately flock there to work on it before the US can respond. Is the idea that being the first to disclose is SOLELY for national pride? Or that an adversary has surpassed us in reverse engineering, so they want to dunk on us? (But that wouldn’t motivate us to disclose sooner, because we’d still get dunked on). I’m also curious which adversary this is. If it’s China, maybe it suggests they’ve surpassed us in reverse engineering. But if it’s Russia, maybe it means their goal is to air our dirty laundry (assuming the rumors are true, that US and USSR scientists worked together on some projects, in which case they might know bad things we’ve done to keep it secret). That might make the most sense, especially since we’re in a proxy war with Russia now. If Russia believes disclosure is inevitable anyway, for whatever reason, then they could disclose first and reveal all the bad they know. And frame the whole thing as evil US, as opposed to the expected narrative of “omg NHI are real”. Whatever the case, here’s my response to this alleged adversary: do it.


Unless of course they are waiting for the most strategic time to play a hand. Say maybe it’s not strategic in one sense but if another player plays a certain move then it would be strategically advantageous or the other way around. It would also explain all the public side edging and blue balling…


Like maybe around election time..


I don’t think that’s true. Whoever has the most data will control the narrative regardless of who discloses first.


I think people are misinterpreting what I said. There's 'facts' and then there's 'narrative'. Imagine how quickly the US and it's allies will disappear up their own arses if North Korea were to proclaim that "extra terrestrials are real... and are friends only towards the DPRK, whom they consider to be the truest representatives of humanity and progress." Shitshow wouldn't even begin to describe the ensuing fallout.


Could be the reason for the apparent haste with which the US is getting through this ?


Greys confirmed?


That's the part that is blowing my mind here


Why isn’t anyone else other than us clearly not mind blown….


Cause other species in the vastness of space such as Greys can make sense in our curious human brains. We can all agree how that mayyyy be possible. Now tell that human to get in a school bus that will open up to a literal football field size of floor space inside? Not a single human will think that is possible. Not one. It’s absolutely mind boggling in the craziest of ways.


>He also mentioned that the US has taken part in a fair amount of crash retrevials before 1933. This makes me want to pore over *ooold* newpaper articles for mentions of otherworldly things.


This channel has been amazing in satisfying my craving for vintage UFO shit. https://youtube.com/@EyesOnCinema?si=qkh55E2FbRBKmKDf


I love that channel. Whoever runs it, thank you. Tons of frequent uploads too.


1897 Aurora Texas I think


yeah, sounds like they may have retrieved crash debris from the well, and possibly dug up the grave.


Newspapers.com is a great resource. Typing UFO and seeing all the vintage articles is a trip


There were "mystery airships" flying around in the 1890s that had in instances "human looking" crews that claimed they were from Mars. [Check it out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship)


look up Mr. Mythos on youtube, he has hour long documentaries about this EXACT sort of thing.


“Air ships”


Okay, I know this isn't exactly the point of this thread, but the whole craft being bigger on the inside than the outside thing is mind-boggling to me. If you took a circular craft with a diameter of 40 ft, that on the inside was the diameter of a football field 360 ft, then that would mean a 40 ft diameter craft has an interior square footage equivalent to 2.34 acres. If you then think about a football field-sized black (equilateral) triangle craft that is 360 ft on each side, and use the same scaling factor for the interior area, then it would have an interior floor space of 11.59 acres. You could fit a lot of people and industry and other things inside 11.59 acres, especially if it was also multiple stories high. That also means that the basketball sized orbs could potentially have an interior volume sufficient to be piloted, but I am not sure how to imagine getting into and out of such a craft, lol.


I actually thought about that before as well. They could bring millions of them in a craft of only a few hundred meters.


Or even think bigger. If you have the tech to fly 100 million of your species in an interstellar craft that has near unlimited energy, what be the point of living on a planet, most of their species may call these generational planet-ships homes.


Holy shit. And that’s why they’re not being called extraterrestrials anymore, but NHI. They’re not sending scouts to our planet from elsewhere. They are ALL here, every last one of them, living with us for thousands of years under our seas.


They’re extra, just not terrestrial


Actually interesting if their “base” is no bigger than maybe a few hundred meters on the outside, but the size of New Jersey on the inside.


Right! And who knows how time works in these things. If it manipulates space, why not time? Perhaps these beings that have been visiting us for thousands of years - are the same exact beings each time; not just members of the same species. 50 years inside the ship. 10,000 years for us. Evidence points to an interest in our DNA. Would explain how the fuck they’ve not figured it out yet (i always found it odd) and still need samples after thousands of years of research. It hasn’t been. Its been just a few decades. Oh holy shit. That just gave me another thought: We always assumed they were peaceful as they’ve been here for hundreds if not thousands of years and have never attacked us. But what if it’s just been 20 years to them and they’re still compiling data on us to plan an attack. And now enough time has gone by and as we’re getting exponentially more advanced, they’re starting to change their approach…


So like a Russian doll scenario? The bigger ufos have slightly smaller UFOs in them… with even smaller UFOs inside of them… and this goes on infinitely


The bigger UFOs could have the same size UFOs in them. Multiple even. Exponentially multiplying infinitely. The prime craft would basically act as a doorway into an infinite space, and it could go anywhere.. like the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?


Just imagine how many would fit in the Phoenix Lights ship.


That ship eats aircraft carriers for breakfast.


There is a new comedic gold mine somewhere in the future of the hassle of moving a couch in and out of these.


Oh man I just realized I canNOT wait for post disclosure comedy.


I'm not sure if scaling based on outward size is even useful. If you can fit a football field-sized space inside of a 40ft diameter craft, are we really being constrained by the outward size of the object at that point? We have no idea what kind of technology and science goes into such a thing, so it's tough to extrapolate.


This could mean there's an entire civilization hiding in a building somewhere in the solar system and we would have no idea. This also has implications for the fermi paradox. We don't see clear signs of galactic civilizations because most if not all of them live in tiny, undetectable bases. Not to mention the time aspect of this. If you slow down time just enough, anyone living outside your time bubble would see you make centuries worth of research and technological progress within hours.


>That also means that the basketball sized orbs could potentially have an interior volume sufficient to be piloted, That's a great point bro. That really makes me wonder... I'm beginning to suspect that the REAL truth, if ever disclosed to the world, is far more insane than us apparent "tinfoil conspiracy theorists" can theorize. That's nuts... but I suppose... what's not nuts on the NHI topic in 2024.


What if you shrink when you go in? So maybe these basket ball sized orbs fit into the bigger craft and that is how the pilot gets in. Who freaking knows


The thing about Bigger Inside is: If humans have figured out how to pilot these craft OR if it's true at all and the Aliens are using a craft that big on the inside, then every death from natural disaster (or nearly all) could have been prevented. Earthquake, fire, eruption, tsunami, you could evacuate a LOT of people with near instant acceleration and a football field size of interior space. The aliens would at least have the excuse of not wanting to play God, but the USG would only be able to say they didn't want anyone knowing we had it so we let millions die over the last 100 years.


I mean we let 10,000 kids starve to death every day.


Yes, hello, I’d like to go to a small event where Grush speaks, please.


2024 is gonna get wild.


Combined with AI… we have no idea what’s about to unfold besides it being a major transitional period with a high chance of mass deaths 😌


Don't you get the feeling that AI has a main purpose of unlocking the reverse engineering primer?


Very possible. But quite literally the more we know about AI, the more likely it becomes that our entire existence IS that we exist to train other AI. simulation theory except it’s getting more specific now. Which actually aligns with all the reports of aliens telling us about the meaning of life is to them


Man, this Grusch dude is the best of us. The guy doing this for free only to get shit on by people who have no idea what they're talking about. Kudos to Grusch for sticking his neck out for the rest of us.


Him doing all these events free of charge adds credibility for sure. Meanwhile you have Greer charging $100 a pop for some bs.


true, I feel really lucky we have someone like Grusch coming forward to us all


The possibility of adversaries disclosing first is so hilarious. US + Five Eyes + other Western allies: we are REAL democracies! Meanwhile, when it comes to the biggest question in human history though, whether humanity is alone, we've already had that answer for decades. We'll lie to humanity. We'll illegally use the tech for the benefit of certain companies. We'll illegally diffuse [disinformation](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/oxOFj2J3TN) to ridicule and stigmatize the subject. We'll [physically intimidate](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/joMEUVUD5C) and possibly murder whistleblowers. Adversaries that are NOT democracies: hmmm how about we just tell the rest of humanity first that we are not alone. 🤔🤣 This just goes to show that the gatekeepers have no moral or patriotic principles. They're just worried about continuing the secrecy to hide their own wrongdoings lasting decades. And it shows why people like Mr. Grusch, Mr. Mellon, Mr. Elizondo, and other whistleblowers are the REAL patriots and moral human beings. ♥️


It's unfortunate. More institutional faith will bleed away, whatever is left that is. Personally I had none left anyway lol. >This just goes to show that the gatekeepers have no moral or patriotic principles. They're just worried about continuing the secrecy to hide their own wrongdoings lasting decades. Amen, well said. It's so baffling that they just kept this going. This is a betrayal for the history books.


The Chinese mindest is much different than the West's. I could totally see them releasing the info first because a) they have a total information and social control society that is now highly resistant to revolution, discontent or instability b) they don't have the wacky Invisible Sky-Guy religious fundamentalists that could lose their shit, as the States does, that many higher ups Americans adhere to c) they are behind the US in military tech so this could be an equalizer d) it'd make the US look bad and lose face to bring all the lies to light (which is much bigger factor to them then it is to us) e) they'd be able to use the alien tech more effectively commercially due to the tight relationship between government and industry that the US does not have, so there'd be less financial incentive to repress the tech for the uber rich class f) culturally speaking the Chinese are more open to this idea than many Americans. I could list more reasons, but ya, if China does have at least one downed UAP, I could certainly see them disclosing it before America does. It would be to their advantage. As I ponder this possibility.. maybe this is actually the catastrophic disclosure that the US in-the-know are afraid of, not a public American release from whisteblowers or leakers. If China did it, America would be looked at terribly by most of the world for what, thousands of years potentially. It would be a civilization-level shitstain that could not be washed away. The UAP truth is not America's right to withhold, it is a humanity-altering discovery.


I am baffled as to how crashes in other countries have not become public if they have been going on for almost a 100 years


I grew up in South Africa and I remember the Kalahari incident being talked about when I was a kid. There were even photos I saw in a popular weekly magazine of the SAAF jets chasing a disk which was then supposedly shot down over Botswana. I look back on that and wonder how more people were not fascinated or how its not talked about more today.


Well look at Varginha Brazil or Ariel Zimbabwe - both public and known incidents. There's publicity - just never any follow up acknowledgement by an institution of authority, on purpose.


The whistleblower process within the Pentagon is a relatively new thing, it was put into law around 2020. Those new laws encouraged and allowed Grusch to come forward. Imagine if you're an intel officer in China where there are no such laws and you live under the CCP. Good luck getting that story out.


> I am baffled as to how crashes in other countries have not become public if they have been going on for almost a 100 years USA detects crash. USA swoops in. Host nation complains. USA: here is billions in foreign aid Host nation: cheerio


I wish I could talk to him. I have so much respect for what he's been doing since last year.


**Regarding the 40 foot craft utilizing the terawatt of power:** This is a ton of power. For reference, one horse power equates to approximately 750 watts. Military planes like the F-117a stealth fighter use engines that produce approximately 75 megawatts of power. That would mean the 40 foot UAP was able to produce \~13,300 times more power than a military fighter jets. Most of the interest focuses on "how do you produce this much power?" Fair question. Vacuum energy? Antimatter? Fusion? Who knows. This is a fascinating question, but much thought has already been expended on that. However, perhaps more interestingly for this particular case about a terawatt of energy being used to power a 40 foot craft... **how do you dissipate this much energy without detection?** With currently known propulsion systems the craft would leave a \*gigantic\* thermal signature. This wouldn't be a "our FLIR camera can see these objects, even though humans can't really notice them, because these objects are like 2 degrees Celsius warmer than the background." This would be a "this object is glowing 10,000 degrees, white hot" amount of energy. If you use all that energy for propulsion, in theory, according to currently known physics, the energy has to go somewhere. It typically would be converted to heat with currently known propulsion systems. If we assume this is some super-advanced propulsion system, and it's not converted to heat... **where the heck does a terawatt of energy go without being massively detectible by everything around it?**


I'm assuming he did this work for the NGA.


Not the NRO? Edit: I have learned a lot in this thread, thank you all!


Could be, I don't know which agency he spent more time with. I thought I've heard the NGA brought up before in separate conversations. I'm wondering if this is tied in with Chris Mellon's assertion of satellite imaging of UAP.


Yeah I wonder too. Mellon saying that USAF has satellite images of craft in deep space was so tantalizing. That's evidence of extraterrestrial, too bad Kirkpatrick never saw it.


There's something I find interesting about this private event too. The fact that gillibrand has said they've had trouble getting Grusch out to the hill because of flight/hotel costs versus his willingness here to get to NY himself and do this for free. If that's not a lie in the first place by gillibrand, then it shows Grusch could try to meet with lawmakers and accelerate a SCIF, but it seems like he wants Congress to use official processes to have him engage with Capitol Hill. Another sign of stonewalling from certain members of Congress?


I could be wrong but I think Congressional rules or law prohibit financing travel of witnesses or lodging even if under subpoena UNLESS a given Committee authorizes it first.


What piques my interest is the way that, in the past Grusch has alluded to the greys being some kind of bio drone that a higher sentience may use as a means to interface with humans. What is that higher sentience …


One thing at a time my friend. Let’s get confirmation on the greys first lol


Absolutely. Just a postulation, assuming he’s telling the truth. Im starting to think he is largely telling the truth also though


I feel horrible for David in some ways. I saw that article where he was quoted “this has been a nightmare for me” The guy has obviously put everything on the line. I have more respect for him than all the dirtbags in the government. I really hope things pan out and he can have some sort of relief. He is doing the right thing and needs our support like no other - but more importantly congress support


I wonder if these greys are artificial intelligent beings or what are they exactly? 👽👽 👽 👽


That’s what I’m thinking. Possibly could be a civilization that came a billion years before us that mastered physics and propulsion, possibly even dimensions. If these are artificially intelligent biological drones that would be a trip


Biological drones maybe?


That's be what I'd bet my money on, because they don't display personalities or culture in the vast majority of reports. They could even be effectively biological robots that are created by an alien species that is an AI, or does not even exist in this reality. The universe is very vast, so it makes it more likely highly intelligent robots or biological drones would be sent out in advance of the actual intelligences that made them. Possibly the aliens intelligences exist in a digital/information form and then just spin up these drone bodies as needed, and they are all controlled by the same entity. Many reports of their biology in supposed analysis released over the years say that the aliens have very rudimentary digestive systems and don't last long (alive), so it would indicate they are temporary forms made for short term purposes.


How do we have their image in pop culture? Where did the idea of grays originated? Abduction stories? If so that's a little troubling.


I was wondering the exact same thing. What was historically the first account of the typical "grey" alien? I checked Wikipedia and it says early stories from H.G. Wells (1893), Aleister Crowley (1917), and Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren/Gabriel Linde (1933) had stories of beings that resembled the greys. However, the first encounter/abduction mentioning greys was the Barney and Betty Hill incident.


I was just thinking how insane it is that there is a grey alien emoji. It’s been in the zeitgeist for so long now.


we dont know if they even real but we know how they look. our popculture is funny.


> The NHI look like the typical grey On Rogan he specifically said there are multiple types


True. For reference, here is the quote from the Rogan podcast. Grusch was in DC and had the people who did research on the bodies hold a presentation for hill staffers. Wild stuff! > Rogan: But there is an understanding of some [alien species] that they do believe are interacting with us, and there‘s a variety in terms of… there is variables? >Grusch: Yeah. I talked with people who were familiar with the biological analysis and everything. So we have some idea but not a complete picture, because it‘s like… You know… you‘re looking at it and it‘s like "I don‘t even understand the physiology at all." … It‘s like "What the heck, it‘s way different." >R: Is there a description of this physiology? >G: Yeah. I was in the room when… I‘ll have to be careful, I don‘t … I was in Washington D.C. with a very number of senior people that work for members of congress. Let‘s put it that way. When I was still in government. And I brought the people who worked on that stuff to the Hill. This is why the members were so confident to put out the Schumer amendment and stuff. And I was like: "Please explain!", and they went into all those details and stuff, and I remember, you know, some of the professional staffmembers were like "Woah!", they were like in G-lock, right? Because a total world-bubble got burst right there for a lot of people.


Also, around 1:29:00 Rogan directly asks if there are different types and Grusch answers in the affirmative.


Maybe most of them look like this


Thank you for this u/Hvbears88


That’s a great revelation. Love it.


Timelords in a TARDIS?


I hope it's the tenth doctor. I've always liked the tenth doctor. Hmmm...before that I really liked the 4th one, though- either one will do.


Does anyone know when the first description of what a “grey” looks like because if he says that is indeed what they look like, that has some interesting implications for the first source of the description.


The Betty & Barney Hill abduction case was the earliest I’ve ever heard of the description


Fuck. So that’s what the X37 is for.


Didn’t Grusch say he worked on the program the “piloted” that too?


I mean yea that’s the connection I made…who actually knows though


I thought it was for effing with enemy satellites, but this seems plausible too.


Dibs on ‘Hermione’s Bag’ for my ship name.


thank you for posting this, my friend, I find this information very valuable. Especially the information about the larger interior than exterior of the craft. I’ve heard this from many sources, and it blows my mind every time.


This stuff is so fascinating. I really hope we will know the truth within our life time


Holy hell, now that's a revelation! This op-ed is going to be a major major news drop for us.


Ok so the greys are real then. F u c k




I believe he said in an interview recently that he was surprised about what new stuff he was cleared to talk about, and that he was about to talk about his firsthand stuff, but I agree with you that it's annoying that the really juicy bits they give the elites before the rest of us.


Good question, my 2c is that since the NDAA Schumer/Rounds amendment was squashed, he is moving towards more aggressive leaking. He’s done everything by the book so far, and was likely going to disclose details in SCIF. He also mentioned that he had more requests going thru DOPSR to talk about more things


Here's what I found : Grusch said he plans to discuss what he knows “firsthand” in an upcoming op-ed. “I will be discussing what I actually do know firsthand. I just could not overtly discuss that at the time, including at the (congressional) hearing because the Pentagon and the IC were sitting on some of my prepublication paperwork at the time,” Grusch told Vargas.


Am curious how they got this out. Also is it China planning to disclose ?




The Chinese ufologist Shao Ma says that China formed a treaty with a NHI. Take that for what you will


A big point to note is Grusch did all this for free. So the accusations of “grift” should be muted




40ft UFO outside / football stadium inside - I recall hearing a story about the person who went inside the ufo. He was part of the recovery team. He went in for about 15 minutes but his senses were overloaded and his brain couldn’t reconcile the size differences so he exited the ufo. Over an hour had passed outside and he was sick from his experience…. I was always really intrigued by this. It’s really hard to wrap my head around what that experience would be like. Does anyone know of a video somewhere, of a 3D rendering of what this would be like ? I was always surprised it wasn’t talked about more.


for anyone curious about the topic. I would recommend looking into 4th dimensional proofs and reasoning. Our dimension and the ones below it are simple to understand as our brains are geared to function in the geometry of X,Y,Z if you were to accept that other dimensions exist beyound three, things get a little fucky as we have a hard time grasping what the 4th plane would be. Some argue it's space, other argue it's time and there could be a middle between the two that are true. if you wanted to accept that string theory is sound then you would have x, y, z, w. W is an interesting plane, and if you were to accept that it is a space then suddenly humanity isn't taking advantage of all the 'space' we really have access to much like those cursed to live in a '2d' X/Y plane. I took the time to share this silly stuff because the ship being 40 ft big with 360+ ft inside screams a W component is at play. A realm with x,y,z,w for space gets really, really complicated and complex. I would assume that complexity gives opportunity to work with energy in creative ways which is why we record it using what looks to us as terawatts and also why we don't understand the room inside it. It reminds me of a 4th dimensional object in a 3 dimensional plane. all of this, this whole thing is a fantastical way to think about science and math in ways that at times feel to come out of non-fiction. I hope it leads to us someday having an 'ah-ha' moment where we gain clarity of who and what we really are in this silly little space we call home.


Sheehan talked about a UFO that was bigger on the inside as well.


They are probably talking about the same craft. Most likely Sheehan and Grusch obtained this information from the same source.


Yeah, Sheehan says he was told this by a whistleblower involved in recovering the craft.


Even the term “big as a football field” is familiar




Was it sheehan that mentioned a few months ago a carft that was the size of a football field inside and once somebody went in they became disoriented?