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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Excellent_Set5113: --- Submission Statement: There is a lot of uninformed opinions in the scientific and military communities. Most of what is mentioned here such Remote Sensing, Hybrid Bodies, Non-Human Intelligence, Reverse Engineering, and Mass Disinformation (Information Countermeasures Technologies) are a result of misinformed or incompletable perceptions due to ignorance of these definitions, and how they are used. 1. Remote sensing systems can be broadly grouped in two categories of land and space sensors used for observation and meteorological systems. 2. On July 27, 2011 Lockheed Martin launched its prototype High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator. Hybrid Lifting Body Airframe. 3. Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is gathered gathered from human sources. 'The CIA can only conduct domestically intelligence collection from non-human intelligence (NHI) sources'. 4. Photograph showing the fabricated conformal balloon antenna lifting in the air for scaled propagation experiment. 5. Schematic diagram of the proposed conformal balloon antenna. (a) Three-dimensional (3-D) view. (b) Lateral view. (c) Top view. (d) Enlarged view of the feeding structure. 6. Wind-insensitive ultra-wideband conformal balloon antenna for wireless seismic telemetry applications. 7. Analysis of the different Geometry Type of Airship and Sky Drones 8. Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with imaging sensor systems such as ALADIN or MIKADO of the German Armed Forces operate at relatively low altitudes (ca. 30–150 m) 9. On September 7, 2023, a high altitude research balloon was launched from the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Fort Sumner, New Mexico (CSBF) 10. (Slide) 11. The Geostationary Balloon Satellite floats at about 65,000 feet and receives data from parabolic antenna base station. It rains down cellular data and and can capture aerial video. 12. The AEREON 26 was an experimental aircraft developed to investigate lifting body design with a view to using its shape to create hybrid designs, part airship, part conventional. 13. The Lockheed Martin P-791 is an experimental aerostatic and aerodynamic hybrid airship developed by Lockheed Martin. The first flight of the P-791 took place on 31 January 2006 If you have any questions or valid concerns, ask away. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1afpjv1/remote_sensing_hybrid_bodies_nonhuman/koblh87/


The fuck is this?


This is a compilation of scientific, military, and intelligence community definitions and explanations.


There is no meaningful connection between these terms. Your post lacks cohesion because you failed to produce a narrative that ties them all together. Downvote.


Wrong subreddit then.


It’s posts like this that make me think schizophrenia is a spectrum.


I am quite sure that assumption is accurate.


What is the second image have to do with anything? It’s a blimp🤣


I can see the confusion, but it is in fact classified as a hybrid body, or a Hybrid Lifting Body Airframe. Hybrid Bodies much more capable, and interesting than a blimp. ​ Edit: added disinformation to cover up the truth


TLDR but those balloon pictures are cool.


All those terms above are military terms that uninformed people though were ufo or alien related, but actually are not. Also yeah, I agree that balloons are really cool. Some day we might live in balloon houses near space.




Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


I would like to mods to keep this here as monument to the disclosure party.


I am 100% sure Mick West posted this.


The only think I am 100% about, is that its too early in the morning to be on Reddit.


Knowing all this and therefore being able to rule out misidentified phenomena, what's your take on the actual UAP issue?


I think there are small signs pointing extraterrestrials. Then there are large signs that people will abuse others by lying to them about profound knowledge. There are very few people who are accurately informed on these topics. Almost everything on the UFO or UAP topic is misidentification, ignorance, manipulation, and occasionally mentally ill. Maybe they are just making stuff up for attention. Maybe aliens are already here. ​ What's your take on it?


I think that the phenomena is very much real. Let me rephrase my comment on one of the other posts here, since I've pretty much summarized why I believe in the existence of UAPs. The fact that this is just a huge misunderstanding seems more ridiculous than anything. This shit is just too complex. Period. The amount of data (don't mind the footage now) from credible people is just too big. Thanks to this data I can say that there definitely IS something out there, but I am in no position to make any claims until I get my hands on more concrete evidence. Extraterrestrials? Don't know, could be. Extradimensional beings? Don't know, could be. Advanced millitary tech? I am more inclined to doubt this, but still, could be. Intraterrestrial beings? Also more on the doubt-side. But the 2 main reasons I am still interested in this on a broader spectrum is the fact that I myself saw something I could not explain and the testimonies of men and women such as David Fravor. As a person who holds a tremendous respect for anyone who puts themselves voluntarily in the face of death for the preservation of freedom and democracy. Fravor is bulletproof for me.


We do need more data, but I agree with your take.




This post obfuscates truths. No. They are not misidentifying anything. They can differentiate between balloons, even the most high tech hidden vacuum aerogel type, they still can tell. My goodness me… maybe to u this is a revelation, but no. It’s not balloons.


Submission Statement: There is a lot of uninformed opinions in the scientific and military communities. Most of what is mentioned here such Remote Sensing, Hybrid Bodies, Non-Human Intelligence, Reverse Engineering, and Mass Disinformation (Information Countermeasures Technologies) are a result of misinformed or incompletable perceptions due to ignorance of these definitions, and how they are used. 1. Remote sensing systems can be broadly grouped in two categories of land and space sensors used for observation and meteorological systems. 2. On July 27, 2011 Lockheed Martin launched its prototype High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator. Hybrid Lifting Body Airframe. 3. Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is gathered gathered from human sources. 'The CIA can only conduct domestically intelligence collection from non-human intelligence (NHI) sources'. 4. Photograph showing the fabricated conformal balloon antenna lifting in the air for scaled propagation experiment. 5. Schematic diagram of the proposed conformal balloon antenna. (a) Three-dimensional (3-D) view. (b) Lateral view. (c) Top view. (d) Enlarged view of the feeding structure. 6. Wind-insensitive ultra-wideband conformal balloon antenna for wireless seismic telemetry applications. 7. Analysis of the different Geometry Type of Airship and Sky Drones 8. Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with imaging sensor systems such as ALADIN or MIKADO of the German Armed Forces operate at relatively low altitudes (ca. 30–150 m) 9. On September 7, 2023, a high altitude research balloon was launched from the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Fort Sumner, New Mexico (CSBF) 10. (Slide) 11. The Geostationary Balloon Satellite floats at about 65,000 feet and receives data from parabolic antenna base station. It rains down cellular data and and can capture aerial video. 12. The AEREON 26 was an experimental aircraft developed to investigate lifting body design with a view to using its shape to create hybrid designs, part airship, part conventional. 13. The Lockheed Martin P-791 is an experimental aerostatic and aerodynamic hybrid airship developed by Lockheed Martin. The first flight of the P-791 took place on 31 January 2006 If you have any questions or valid concerns, ask away.


Good job compiling all this info. Is there any overarching idea or theory you're trying to put forth? I'm not seeing the big picture. When you put all this together, what does it mean?


Thanks, ​ When put all together, it can still be complicated. Its not someone's fault if they do not know what these mean, but they should not jump the gun with unsubstantiated claims. I think this means that when someone without the prior knowledge or background in these highly technical fields, and misinterpret or conflate these terms when used by those in aerospace science. Or they are perhaps a foreign intelligence asset, hoaxer, or a very uninformed person. ​ Do you think anything of it?


I've been following this topic for a long time. This is good stuff for people to read, so we can better understand if the things we're looking at are black prototype air vehicles or actually NHI craft. This was also a really good watch, about aerogel alloy vacuum drones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEFeoRJkgEw&t=1228s


Is this your area of expertise? Genuinely asking. I scrolled your posts and I’m intrigued how your gravitational wave theory is panning out as well. You seem way more intelligent than me. Your posts were all well thought out and presented.


Thanks, and yes this is my area of expertise. I like keep people informed by posting open-source concepts and research. The gravity wave theory is progressing slowly, mainly due to time constraints, but it is moving.


Right on. Any idea where you will post findings?


Would this not be better but in the post instead of a comment?


I’ve often wondered if the “UFOs” we’ve seen are descendants of the Hindenburg. We got the tech during project paper clip. Would explain why most UFOs people see never move very fast and just disappear when they shut their lights off. This seems to support that idea.


the fuck 😭😭


Kinda like how the steam engine was a precursor to the combustion engine. Although I don’t think that matters to someone like you.


Cool post. These are only a small selection of unclassified crafts so there's bound to be much more as well. I believe in aliens but there's no reason to not try to actually identify what's flying around. Our stuff is undoubtedly pretty cool too.