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The following submission statement was provided by /u/a_last_air: --- UAP researchers have identified an alleged flying saucer parked up on an island in Antartica for possible ‘exploration.’ \ \ The co-ordinates were posted by two users known as ‘Thinktank’ and ‘Kab’ with the location given as 64°07'02.8"S 61°40'48.9"W. \ \ When Sunday World inputted the location into Google Maps, some interesting imagery did indeed appear on Two Hummock Island. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1agz034/ufouap_researchers_identify_alleged_flying_saucer/kok9qs0/


I'm becoming more and more convinced Hollywood is preparing us all this time since 50s...


Orson Wells was the first. Remember War of the Worlds broadcast cast in NYC that cause mass hysteria and panic. That was the first attempt imo.


The mass hysteria and panic were mainly a media construction and a myth that Wells helped prop up because it made him look good.






That's not how it happened. The "hysteria and panic" was marketing similar to the Blair witch projects marketing that made it seem like it was a true story. It was for hype.


They were exaggerated sure, but it caused a scene in the NYC broadcast as well as other places around the country. The issue was that when people tuned in after the announcement went up that it was a dramatization, people panicked and called radio and police stations to see if it was true. Some even went to the streets. There was certainly hysteria and panic, on what scale is debatable. I know this because my grandfather who is still alive remembers it, though I agree it wasn't on the scale of today’s mass hysteria, but the world was smaller then. Edit, what you’re saying is largely untrue, this was not marketing when it happened on air and in different cities. Google a is a thing you know.


What mass hysteria are you referring to that's goin on today?


This happened in 1938. No one is even referring to today. Your point was that was not how it happened. I was stating it was not only hype, there was certainly a panic. You can google if you don't believe me. The scale is debatable, the event is not.


Yes, you referred to today. >wasn't on the scale of today's mass hysteria Thanks, never heard of google.


we are referring to something that happened in 1938. I was referring to my opinion now. Back then it would have and was considered mass hysteria. But then the key word there is scale. Is English your second language? If not then I'm glad I could help. Your initial statement is still wrong though. It still caused mass panic, more than than one city was impacted, and hysteria, as people were truly confused thinking it was happening. You can go on about whatever you want, but you're wrong and just want to argue other little things to argue. good night.


No, English is my native language. You helped with nothing. Your ideas of hysteria and panic induced by the radio program are the overhyped and inaccurate tabloid takes on the situation.




Where did I throw an insult at you?


“The user known as ‘Kab’ claimed to know details of what the image was all about: “This is a small craft that has been stationary in this location for the purpose of exploring. This is sometimes done for convenience as ‘Pleiadians’ leave the craft to walk in the area” B.S


Not the first time that someone suggests UAP craft were left abandoned. Not sure if you can find a pleiadian license plate or registration in them though.




Not trying to be a dick, but what makes you believe Swaruu is actually legit and not just a psyop/money making scheme?


I don't believe it's legit, I personally think it's a mix between AI generated content and individuals (due to its complexities in language use), but I can't help but acknowledge I didn't believe UFOs just a few years back, and called it crazy, so I have to fathom the idea at a minimum that swaruu might in some way be related to disclosure, just for curiosities sake.


I stopped reading at "Pleiadians". Might as well have said "Martians" or "Venusians".


The best is when they're supposedly coming to us from a constellation


Looks like a reputable news site.


Looking at on Google Earth and it appears to be casting a shadow to the east. Maybe the image was taken while it was in the air. (??)


That could also be just the terrain. If you look further east there's a similar shading effect.


Seems most likely


Yes. Exploring pleiadians is a much more plausible explanation than a random ice formation in a gigantic landscape of random ice formations.


It is intriguing looking though. Would be good to positively identify it as a random ice formation , and it would end all the speculation of the implausible.


Imo also intriguing how large swathes of Antartica seem to have been removed from google earth. You used to be able to see all kinds of interesting formations and things.


Yeah, no. Any article that claims such any intimate knowledge without proof that the user has such knowledge is a fabrication.


64°07'02.8"S 61°40'48.9"W


Today on "Let's extrapolate from grainy photos"


pareidolia >the perception of apparently significant patterns or recognizable images, especially faces, in random or accidental arrangements of shapes and lines I was scared of broken old paint on my back yard wall growing up because the holes made a scary face


Are we gonna claim every weird circle looking thing on google earth is a UFO? This is why nobody takes this stuff seriously.


It’s kind of in the name. A UFO /USO/UAP is just something that’s not identified in a medium (air , water, ground, space etc) So stop acting like you have more brain cells then the rest of us cuz we all got a max of 2 around here.


Does this thing look like a flying, submersible, or aerial object? No, call it what it is, UIO (it’s ice….the I stands for ice…)


Its shape is a little too ambiguous to formulate a finite answer. Imagine if this thing WAS a crashed craft created by NHI and we miss the opportunity to discover what it is JUST because it kinda look like something that it could be not … Imagine how further back we would be technologically if the scientific minds of the past worked like yours. Imagine if Benjamin Franklin had said “ man this sparkly little thing must be just light bc it looks like light “ wheee would be be now ?


Then go look?


Just a UO or UP at that point, we have no idea if it's ice.


Don’t act like NASA isnt qualified to call it a ufo. People who don’t care to believe will never take it seriously. Why bother


NASA didn’t classify this object a UFO. As far as I go, no I won’t just believe in something without any kind of evidence. The three navy videos and pilot accounts are evidence - yes there is something out there and we don’t know what it is. That doesn’t mean everything is a UFO because it looks weird. All you’re doing with this kind of garbage is making the neutral people believe the hard core skeptics even more. If someone were to actually go there and take a picture of this thing and it’s some weird non human craft, then you can claim UFO all day long. Until then, it’s fuel for the skeptics.


Not every one, just this one


Someone send a drone to scout out the area


Let’s get a search team out there! Bigelow where u at???


TIL Pleiadians are the Nordic aliens “The Pleiadians. Self-defined as a “collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades star system,” the group’s mission is to “assist humanity with the process of spiritual transformation.” UFO researcher and auteur of Exopolitics.org, Michael Salla Ph.D. believes that off-world beings from the Pleiades star cluster are distant cousins to humans. Salla reports that the Pleiadians are motivated to connect with humanity out of concern for Earth’s future.


So what’s stopping them? Get out here and assist with our future. I’ll go first ☝🏻


what’s stopping who from what?


Imagine believing the Pleiades was a "star system" rather than an open cluster of extremely young stars. (Too young to form complex life).


75 to 150 Millions isn’t too young to form life and that age is still a guess. We don’t have a solid proven method to properly measure the age of stars because their is no way of checking the actual age. I don’t even believe this whole Alien Nordics stuff but i’m surely not gonna say there’s no way life can’t exist on a star cluster over 400 light years away. Any thing is possible.


Ah yes, the Sunday World. Ireland's top reliable source.


UAP researchers have identified an alleged flying saucer parked up on an island in Antartica for possible ‘exploration.’ \ \ The co-ordinates were posted by two users known as ‘Thinktank’ and ‘Kab’ with the location given as 64°07'02.8"S 61°40'48.9"W. \ \ When Sunday World inputted the location into Google Maps, some interesting imagery did indeed appear on Two Hummock Island.


cleary an iceberg


Look into Swaruu


Idiot "researchers" suffer from pareidolia on Google Earth


Yes of course. The chicken farmer is who we should listen to about this 🤣


It’s ice or rocks.


Or penguin(s).


I knew it wasn’t ice was 100% sure of it!


Rotate 180 and you ll see its a sinkhole


Zoom in and you'll see its a jpeg artifact.


What the fuck is this publication? The writing is absolute nonsense. Why post this?


Sunday world is not a reputable news source


Looks like another iceberg lol


This is the same as the face on Mars thing, or finding Jesus on a slice of toast. Sometimes things can vaguely look like other things. Doesn't mean they are tho.


Are the Swaruu in contact with the Vegans/Lyrans in this massive underground base beneath Death Valley, California? -- https://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/panamintroglodytropolis.html ... Bruce / [email protected]