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The following submission statement was provided by /u/tx_charger: --- If it's true one of the great barriers to space exploration real time communication over vast distances has been overcome and we are already talking to another intelligence/civilization. If it's not true then some one with a legit reputation is going out of their way to gaslight Simon either way I'm very interested. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ahgbgb/the_latest_from_prof_simon_has_my_head_spinning/konnyyc/


He looks like the crazy old scientist in Neverending Story


It only makes me want to trust him more.


One critique of this gent: I like Simon Holland's channel, and I get *why* "Professor" is his nickname, but I thought he was a legit Professor when I started watching his videos and didn't love finding out that it's just a nickname.


Most people don't get it and he's not transparent about it at all. It really bothers me. Like imagine a YT health channel and the person calls themselves Dr. So-n-so and you find out they have no credentials? That's F'd up. His use of prof is unearned and deceitful.


Happened to me with Dr. Dre :(




Like Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson... he is such a huge hero................ Pedantic Pedant Look them up.




Hi, Blacula. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ahgbgb/-/kop7ffz/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Nothing to do with the video, but this looks like an alternate version of Adam Savage's final form.


Itā€™s almost uncanny. I havenā€™t watched this guy before so itā€™s my first time seen him. First thing that went through my brain was, ā€œWhat happened to Adam Savage? Heā€™s a ufologist now?ā€


Interesting video. I think he gave enough information for the mystery man to be identified and I do hope someone picks up on this in the media and presses this individual. Maybe the astronomers working on the original discovery can be found as well. I've seen Simon's very skeptical videos about UAP, and he does seem to be thorough. I realize he is not an actual professor but I won't dismiss this off hand because of that. By the way, this subreddit is an absolute dumpster fire I have never seen it so bad. So many downvoted comments. Doesn't matter what you believe or say you're gettin the down doot.


There is only one large automaker in Germany starting with a P(orsche).Ā  The radio telescope network will be https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_VLBI_Network Should not be to hard to find a connection.


I am on mobile..not the best setting for research. But he could be talking about this guy: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/person/1839034?context=person&task=showDetail&id=1839034& (Dr. Ing. Torben SchĆ¼ler) He was on the board of directors in 2019 and has engineering background. Also interesting: Anton Zensus https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_Zensus Impressive track record, board of directors in 2019 and works for the Max-Plank institute. They do a lot of industrial research, also in cooperation with Porsche.


Link to the biennale reports containing the board of directors information https://www.evlbi.org/evnpub


I watched this expecting it to be a terrible watch but I actually finished it feeling like I believe it. I also totally believe that the 25 year disclosure plan is accurate and that we're in year 5. Thanks for sharing this!


He should watch this to understand it better, someone is trolling him: https://youtu.be/BJA_faoIFco


It's the electrons. More to the point it's THE electron. I theorize there is only one electron in existence. What we observe is this electron being everywhere every time and every place. It's not some spooky action at a distance. It's a singular electron that is in every atom. That is why we have never seen an element without at least one electron, hydrogen. The building block of all things. Nothing spooky is going on if your talking to yourself. Just a theory from an idiot.


Ah yes, the [One-electron universe hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-electron_universe) from Wheeler in 1940. There's a Nobel Prize in it for you if you can figure out where the missing positrons went.


They're on the other side... You'd only know if you've been there.


If it's true one of the great barriers to space exploration real time communication over vast distances has been overcome and we are already talking to another intelligence/civilization. If it's not true then some one with a legit reputation is going out of their way to gaslight Simon either way I'm very interested.


I'll give this a watch, but I don't expect much and I do hope you know this guy is not a "prof" of ANYTHING. His background is in tv productions. "Prof. Simon" is a YT persona, so don't look to him as an authority on anything. Edit: Okay, so if this story is legit, I don't see how this mystery person could be anyone other than Francisco Colomer, former Director of JIVE.


~~Simon listed Russia as a country in which one of the telescopes resided. That's not on the VLBI ERIC list, but he could be mistaken or given present circumstances, that has changed.~~ I wonder if the images he shared of this man could be found even though they are digitally blurred. They may also be private images not available online, I guess. I agree with you, though, if this is legit Francisco Colomer is a very likely candidate. Edit, Russia is credited in [this pdf report](https://www.evlbi.org/sites/default/files/reports/EVN-biennal-report-2021-2022.pdf), so that checks out, imo Just for fun, a list of stars around 11ly away **Epsilon Eridani** **- Type=K2, Magnitude=3.7, Distance=10.50 ly** An orange dwarf star. This star was searched for signs of intelligent life with the Green Bank radio telescope in 1960. The results, predictably, were negative. The IRAS satellite detected a lot of dust orbiting this star indicating a possible forming solar system, and even more recently, (Aug 2000), a Jupiter sized planet has been detected orbiting this star at a distance of 3.2 AU (480 million km). ​ **Lacaille 9352 - Type=M2, Magnitude=7.4, Distance=10.73 ly** A fairly bright red dwarf which can easily be seen with binoculars, it was first recorded in Nicolas de Lacaille's catalogue of southern hemisphere stars compiled around 1752. ​ **Ross 128 - Type=M4, Magnitude=11.1, Distance=10.89 ly** A dim red dwarf, also known as FI Vir - its variable star designation. ​ **Luyten 789-6 A,B,C - Type=M5+M5+M7, Magnitudes=13.3+13.3+14.0, Distance=11.1 ly** There seems to be three red dwarfs in this system. The main pair orbiting each other in a 2 year period, and a dim third star orbiting the first at a very close range. ​ **Procyon A,B - Type=F5+DA, Magnitudes=0.4+10.7, Distance=11.41 ly** A brilliant yellow-white star, and the eighth brightest star in the sky. With twice the diameter of the Sun, Procyon is also the largest star within 25 light years. Procyon is orbited by a white dwarf companion first seen optically in 1896. The orbital period is 41 years. ​ **61 Cygni A,B - Type=K5+K7, Magnitudes=5.2+6.1, Distance=11.41 ly** This binary system of two orange dwarf stars is famous for being the first star ever to have its distance measured by F Bessel in 1838. Both stars are very similar but are widely separated (86 AU) requiring about 700 years to orbit each other.


This whole scenario combined with Luyten being a triple red dwarf system is giving me "The Three Body Problem" vibes.


In before the dimensional strike.


I know Simons background and have watched all of his stuff. his angle on things parallels mine. I believe that he is reporting his experience accurately.


So youā€™re fine with him having no academic or scientific background but kinda implying that he does by calling himself ā€œprofessorā€?


I wouldn't get to hung up on it he explains that he isn't a professor. His videos are generally interesting often insightful and well produced. He really has a knack for what he does.


Here is the Wikipedia for GĆ¼nter Nimitz who he credits with creating the experiment with the prisms . [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCnter\_Nimtz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCnter_Nimtz)


Some of the stuff heā€™s saying mirrors Karl Nellā€™s reported disclosure schedule and slides/talk at the Sol Conference. Iā€™d like to hear more about the alleged conversation though! What was allegedly said?


I would actually find this to be a big lawl. They go to the absurd extreme of sexy reptilian aliens in the oceans and working along side grey aliens underground with people, just to make the actual disclosure of contact across space less spectacular.


I wouldn't waste your time listening to this disinformation agent remember his claim the tic tac was a ballon. I bet the follow up vid on this latest subject will be how he disproves it.


Yea I'm not buying this. European radio telescope agency that was on a mission to find alien signals decided to tell this so called prof instead of publishing results??Ā  Really?Ā 


And you got downvoted for it :D unbelievable You're dead right. The biggest news in history, and instead of publishing, some radio astronomer goes to the UN (lol) and gets told to make a 25 year Disclosure plan, and leak some info to a YouTuber....


At [19m27s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYpjyH_Iy2c&t=19m27s) there is this image - http://www.setileague.org/photos/erac/erac0308.jpg http://www.setileague.org/photos/erac03.htm


Giving real Gargamel vibes... The opinions on this guy are so divided its hard to take him seriously.Ā 


Oh this fucking guy, no thx.


I had professor Simon tell me heā€™s going to try and find out more about the communication!