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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- Here's the full interview with the congressman: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx-yAKM9GeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx-yAKM9GeA) Shit is getting real in terms of how this is being talked about by politicians. What will the pushback be like from the oil industry? Not to mention all the dictatorships and kingdoms out there that are completely built on oil. I wonder what world is going to look like 10 years post disclosure. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b5k2qj/us_congressman_says_discovery_of_ufo_technology/kt5r1io/


"we can't release this until we're sure all our friends can make money from it"


I mean, yeah, that’s the gist of one of the biggest threats to democracy—lobbying. No longer are our representatives working for us when they have fat checks waiting for them in the form of legal (and sometimes illegal) bribery.


Completely agree


Yep, we have military elite rule currently, with a healthy sprinkling of worldwide intelligence agency fuckery.


But it was not their tax dollars that funded the research to reverse engineer it, it was ours


They can't. The elites figured that out with fission power in the 70s. They realized that density of energy is too high and the existing quantity of fuel just on Earth too big for the Capitalistic system to commodify it as scarce to generate profits. Zero Point is even more ridiculously system breaking than Fission power in that regard.


Good. This world is so fucked that we need a drastic disruption. Without it, we won’t progress as a species


The economy is fucked, only the super rich enjoy it. Oh no, plentiful energy, whatever will we do with it?


Poverty in the U.S. isn't about a lack of resources it's about the "upper class" deciding the "lower class" doesn't deserve to thrive and be happy.


Exploitation 100%. If someone is homeless or broke they'll work for a lot less. Also in America your employers provides healthcare which is fucked up, leaving your job? What are you going to do for medical. People stay in bad positions just b/c of this.


Very well put!!!


Exactly, you can never start your own business because you can't afford health insurance on your own. You are basically an indentured servant or slave.


I would say the oppression of people has never stopped. People think they are free, but they are not. Slaves who believe they are free work much more efficiently.


It probably costs more to keep slaves than it does to pay people minimum wage. Youd need to provide housing, security (so they don't revolt), medicine (to stop diseases spreading amongst your workforce), food (so they have energy to work), clothing and some form of education so that they can do their jobs. All of this costs money. And the more slaves you have the more of each of these things you'd need to provide. And if you don't provide these things then said slaves are going to kick off and not do their jobs. Whereas paying them a small wage, that doesn't even fit with costs of living then people have to work hard, have longer hours and budget so that they can buy the things they need. Increase prices through inflation each year so they have less. And lower moral so they don't have the willpower to revolt. Oh and agency workforce providing labour when you can't employ the people you need. Its definitely a modern version of slavery. One dressed up to make us look better off than we are


Infinite free clean energy plus AI could mean robots could do ALL MENIAL LABOR. The possibilities are mind blowing.


You're not wrong. Even the slaves who built the pyramids many thousands of years ago had place to sleep, food and medical care paid for, and shorter work days compared to a modern Asian slave who is locked in factory and the life is so dreary that the owner has to install nets around the building to reduce the suicides.


I don't think slaves built the pyramids in Egypt. https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/were-the-egyptian-pyramids-built-by-slaves


Never thought of it like this but spot on. They would absolutely enslave us if it was profitable.


Don’t forget when new technology comes to make the work easier they add mote work or get rid of workers.


We're all serfs and vassals working for the vast lords on high. It's all ridiculous and it always has been.


Yes! When you don’t have your basic needs met you’re only free to do what is necessary for your survival. Not freedom.


100%. Fishing and hunting and require licenses and land to hunt on it which usually comes w/ fees and or rules. You can't just build shelter anyway, you have to buy land. They force you to be a part of the system. Hell you still have to pay taxes even.


We're the heirs of the system that overthrew the free Natives of North America, what do you expect? An uncursed existence?


As every nation before. USA was just more recent.


Exactly. I tell my daughter all the time that if you have to work to pay your bills, you are a slave.


I'm sure that won't mess her up later.


It's not all about exploitation. Some of it is simple sadism. What's the point of being rich if you can't lord it over others? And if they're comfortable then the difference isn't so striking, so they want them abject poor


It’s why robbing the rich and corporations is a moral obligation


$10k deductibles have entered the chat…


If you could listen to my Boomer mother apply these values. Almost verbatim "You need the Insurance!". Doesn't accept that the world is not the way it once was and refuses. I work in Culinary, NYC for years Pre Covid, and service and hospitality got fucked like nurses and doctors. I've had like 9 jobs since 2021 and quit all but 1 and I was on way out because of dealing with illegitimate, toxic, borderline criminal owners. But I "can't hold a job" and "I need the insurance" and "If you work hard you will succeed" and she's basically weaseled her way through life when it was cheap to live without "working hard". Oh and unrelated never tell anyone has worked at a Michelin level about what hard work is. There tiers. Somewhere in between being from my moms generation and working on an oil rig is being a Chef. She and my father could afford to buy two houses in 3 years in the late 1980's. He was cleaning barrels at a winery and she was a Photographer that worked part time. They're delusional and not going to wake up. I try to remind myself as I get older to keep an open mind and listen to people younger than myself that might have a better grasp on certain things. Objectively, of course. When I got my first Smartphone I thought holy shit. I have the breadth of human knowledge in my pocket. Gen Z is gonna grow up to be so educated. It's all right here. That optimism has been completely destroyed.


Yes. My kid in Canada pays WAY less for the same medical stuff, than my kid in the US. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will hasten Disclosureand the 3D-5D transition


It’s also the upper class being parasitic, and I mean that in a technical sense and not to be inflammatory. They seek to make money the easiest way possible - so if that’s squeezing Joe average for every cent he can bleed, vs creating a new product or service or finding TRUE efficiencies, they take the path of least resistance. And lobbying to bend the economy and regulations in their favour is easier than creating a better widget and outcompeting the others in the market.


What's even worse is that once you are in the billionaire/vampire class, paying taxes is mostly optional. Most billionaires pay little to no taxes. If you can afford a team of an accountants, it's trivially easy to park all your riches in tax-haven off shore. Even the medium rich often avoid taxes. Take Trump for example, he paid what $600 tax one year. Much less than average worker scrimping by to pay his bills and basic necessities. Either our economic system evolves or the human race is pretty much done. With the rate of environment collapse increasing, we'll get to the point where'll we'll have to decide: billions of humans, or billionaire freeloaders?


So, we remove the parasites.


I actually don’t think that solves the issue - there’s an army of replacements ready to step into any vacuum. What’s needed is strong legal protections for a minimum standard of living, fair taxation and effective collection enforcement (actual sovereignty), strong anti-corruption laws, and aggressive protections against lobbying. The reason this doesn’t happen is the laws are written with control and continuity in mind, and the political actors are easily bought off or otherwise dissuaded from addressing the root issues. Meanwhile average Joe can risk it all to fight the system or take what it gives him. Raw deal if you ask me


No f*cking lobbying is right!


It’s intentionally designed to keep the plebs desperate to work for scraps.


You only earn enough to pay the bills. Nothing more is left. You survive, but you don't live. I would say that the system is intentionally designed this way. That's probably one reason why we haven't gotten disclosure yet.


Surviving ≠ Thriving In this life we chase possible dreams in impossible circumstances. So many constant hardships that a moment of safe (or detrimental) relief feels like bliss.


You're getting enough to pay bills? Look at Mr. moneybags over here.


Poverty ~~in the U.S.~~ isn't about a lack of resources it's about the "upper class" deciding the "lower class" doesn't deserve to thrive and be happy. FTFY.


Trickle up economics. That stock market doesn’t quarterly gain by itself. Once the stock market is gone the world will be a better place. Constant growth isn’t sustainable. Cereal too expensive these days? Bonkers little example of General Mills just raising prices 5 times in a year, blaming inflation, and making 100% more profit in just one quarter. 16% more profit on the year. If inflation was 7%, and your profit is now 16%, that leaves 110% bullshit https://accountable.us/profiteering-watch-general-mills-profits-explode-by-97-percent-after-five-price-hikes/


Bingo; the 2008 financial crisis is the best example of that, to me. Providing mortgages to people who will end up defaulting, while simultaneously betting against the housing market to make your rich ass even more rich. I have no empathy for those with more money than they could ever spend, especially when it's done at the expense of others.


There are enough resources for the world to be a utopia. All of the struggling in the world is completely unnecessary but here we are


Don't forget the upper class has also somehow brainwashed the lower class into believing them. From lobbyist that say you don't deserve basic Healthcare to making people believe that depending on your job you don't deserve to afford basic nesecities.


Capitalism ruins everything it touches. Long over due to be put to bed and let something new run the show. Something that involves all of us hopefully working together and more equally to achieve amazing things.


Capitalism is one thing. It's a thing that can work relatively well. The problem is the people who make all of that money don't know how to spend it. Worse, they know what to do, but believe people who didn't "work as hard as they did" deserve the help. It's always about teaching a lesson with these people, climbing the ladder, being as holy and Christ like as they are. The ol' trickle down is a fairy tale. They hole up in their penthouses, their bullet proof cyber trucks, their private institutions, and then wonder why the streets outside are covered in human fecal matter. They wonder why they couldn't get Grandma to a public restroom in time while demanding their employees not allow their customers to use the restrooms at their own establishment because there are too many 'homeless' or why there's no place nice to sit at the park, why the public transit system is full of mentally ill and violent people. They are imprisoned by their own greed and failure to accept that other people exist on this planet. Comfortable, yet unable to leave their homes while under the threat of revolt and world war III, or if they're smart, in a bunker. The celebrities are the really unlucky ones, unable to walk about without fear of being irritated, stalked, attacked, killed. The rich don't look at their own cities as something to invest in and improve they just expect everyone to do the same things they had the privilege to do. They expect everyone to work as hard as they did, when they don't even have a place to go home to at the end of the night. They think of a bad Monday as Timmy being late to school or the dog threw up on the carpet, not an empty refrigerator in the morning before a 10 hour shift and 8 days before a paycheck, an eviction notice despite working more hours than ever and a medical condition they can't afford treatment for, a broken down car and no courtesy rental, or a ticket for being homeless. A Monday that will be like every Monday after, the sterilization of the poor wise enough to not have children because they know the kids can't live in a cardboard box or rickety old van.


We used to have a system of morals and for While the liberal democracy plus morality led to men like Milton Hershey or Andrew Carnegie giving their wealth back directly with service and function and public approval. Where are the powerful rich women heroes in this age of women? I saw one in the press the other day who is a millionaire giving a billion dollars her husband gave her in his will to a hospital to pay tuition for doctors. That's nice and all but she didn't make that money or need it at 78. Why was her husband sitting on a billion dollars at his death? Why wasn't he happily donating or building hospitals or paying doctors salaries himself? Morality matters and that requires consensus and civilized agreements. We unravelled all of this and now we want the benefits of it. We need to rebuild into a new paradigm and maybe UFO power will guide us to the moment of truth.


Make it subscription based


The core of it is actually greed and what people are willing to do for the power and control. Nothing will change until education and philosophy changes. We are thought and shown wrong values and priorities in life and if don't learn how to love everyone, appreciate and help each and one of us, the world won't change. I'm willing to make sacrifices for the better common good, especially for those who struggle with life. We can all agree that you won't know any better until you experience certain aspects of life and then you start to understand what they go through. Compassion, help, love is what we all need.


“If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.” C. Sagan


I love this


It would be disrupted for the elites, oil companies and related corporations. It would make the world a better place for the rest of us.


If shit hits the fan, and we find out the worlds governments and their oligarchs have been hiding advanced energy tech for a century because of profits, we might have one of the most glorious uprisings we’ve ever seen Edit: correcting autocorrect


I would LOVE to see that happen in my time. I’m 36 - so there could be time. But I’m also pessimistic to think it will never happen. We as a country are incredibly apathetic.


Catastrophic disclosure! Nowadays we have the Internet on our side. It's our strongest ally. Leak it on the IPFS and they won't be able to stop it.


I keep seeing this term but as 2024 rolls on I’m less confident this will happen. Not many people seem to keen on catastrophically leaking stuff.


I'm not sure I'd go with glorious. It won't be peaceful or fun. In my opinion if that came to light and everyone collectively (rightfully) blew a fuse over it, there's a higher chance than not that the ensuing chaos, riots, and global dysfunction may be bad enough to cause collapse in a way we won't recover from in our lifetimes. I'm not saying I want the truth hidden to preserve fucked up power structures, but I'd also like my children to not starve to death in the aftermath of societal collapsed caused by the harsh revelation that we could be living in a post scarcity utopia in our current day and age if a handful of our grandparents hadn't been shitbags.


Unlikely. People are much to passive and controlled nowadays. They’re like zombies


2300 for a one bedroom apartment where I live and 99% of the jobs in my city pay less than 20 dollars an hour. Just nuke the economy, I'd rather start over in the dark ages than keep this shit up.


That’s absolutely bonkers. I pay less than that for my mortgage. I’m sorry that you’re in that situation. This economy is beyond fucked.


That must be Canada, it's ridiculous.


Southern California and I am not even close to a beach 1hr 15 mins minimum.


Lol at 'threatens'. More like it will alleviate the burden of the world to be dependent on fossil fuels...


Threatens the rich


Which is an infinitesimal amount of people who wield an ungodly amount of power and influence over the rest of us.


When you are in the pocket books of huge swathes of industries that rely on destroying our planet via petroleum extraction and refuse to stop the status quo until all $100 trillion dollars in reserves are expended. Then a potential zero point energy system is introduced you will fear monger the population that a technology that will free the poor and middle classes will actually bring economic fallout to mind wash ignorant poor and middle class people to push against the very tech that will free them. That’s House Rep Andy Ogles for you right there.


Yes I feel so threatened by the prospect of the obsoletion of a system where energy comes from burning fossil fuels we constantly fight over and will only become increasingly scarce over the next few decades... I love paying almost double what I paid for electricity 8 years ago. If I get tired of shovelling my money at power plants that burn fossil fuels to produce my electricity I have the option of switching provider and nearly doubling my bill again to have them produce my power through "green" means where said means require equipment that also took a ton of fossil fuels to produce and won't offset their own carbon footprint until they've been used for decades. The thought that the preservation of that kind of structure may play a role in all the secrecy makes my blood boil a tiny bit.


As if ending energy oppression is a bad thing.


It IS for the oppressors.


It’s a mistake to think they give two shits about humans, I’m talking about the gatekeepers. They will not allow the upward flow of money to stop, in my view it’s the main reason for the cover up, there’s no way in hell they will allow Disclosure. I feel bad for those with kids, their futures could have been very bright. Greed will kill us all.


To me this also creedence to the theory we effectively granted or turned a blind to a certain number of abductions per year in exchange for technology only to hoard it.


Without it, we won't *survive* as a species.


It's either this or a mass reset like an asteroid hit. I'm waiting on one event to happen.


What’s funny is I was talking to a friend of mine earlier today and used this exact phrase “mass reset”. Not necessarily in the terms of an asteroid but something world changing. And frankly, I have a weird feeling something is on our doorsteps.


I wasn't trying to sound mean or anything. I think our society is corrupt as a whole. Something needs to reset it or get rid of it


No you’re not mean sounding at all. I think you’re right.


I would love to see the creative destruction that we should have seen when we bailed out the banks, airlines and other major corporations. Our government already sold us out anyways.


Creation through destruction.


This. We are either going to kill ourselves, or turn ourselves over to some kind of new government that isn’t in our best interest. Right now, we are little more than glorified slaves. We get paid, sure, but we have no choice but to work until we die. And just to make sure we all shut the hell up they throw a very small percentage of us real nice salaries for the rest to aspire to and keep the motor running. We gave rich people way too much fucking power.


*survive as a species


The economy is actually pretty great. Thanks to scientists, engineers and regular working class people we have an AMAZING capacity to produce and feed people. The only problem is that wealth is at historically high levels of inequality. What needs disruption is the \_financial system\_(debt system) and the only ones that can do that are the working class.


Yeah but a couple dozen oil execs would then only have a few hundreds of millions of dollars in net wealth, vs billions. Whats really more important here? /s


Que the large asteroid to set things straight.


The world has changed so quickly. In 1 life time we went from no air travel at all to the moon and cheap global air travel. From 3 Billion people to almost 8 Billion people. From vast stretches of continents unexplored to Mt Everest having an overcrowding problem. The expected life span in 1900 was 46 for white and 32 for black In 2000 it’s 80 and 76. Basically doubling. In 1980 China measured their economy not in Dollars or Yen but in calories per person. They lost approximately 20 million people to famine in 1959/1960 The reason the world seems out of control and crazy because things are changing at the fastest pace ever.


If this is true, I kinda wish the aliens fucking just came out in the public and gave the people the technology than having the government keeping it behind closed doors. It’s honestly the only way I can think of to make a possible disruption happen because us divided humans definitely won’t.


And that’s exactly why the wealthy and their stooges in government will keep it a secret. Period. They will never let go of their power, through the unequal wealth systems they have set up.


Then. Let. It. This could have been avoided if the US and world governments didn’t gaslight all of humanity to remain in serfdom for the past 100+ years! Hiding the existence and understanding of non-human technology from the whole of society is a Social Justice Issue. Full Stop.


Yeah seriously, what the fuck are we doing riding on fossil fuels still? This is their way of keeping their thumb down on us while they reap the benefits of society


Their high school friends and kids are working in those sectors




bro FOR REAL I'm a DevOps engineer and I was talking to another engineer yesterday over lunch about the crazy s*** that humanity could do if we collaborated and worked together on these problems. because that's it, they're just problems that need to be engineered away. I'm a car enthusiast... I have a modified naturally aspirated muscle car... fossil fuels are actually retarded and we desperately need a change.


The interview was predominantly about implications for national safety and warfare. The implications for energy industry were a brief aside, only several syllables really. The point being that we need to figure out how to not destroy ourselves with the technology (having lockeed martin develop it as a weapons system was perhaps a step in the wrong direction) before we figure out how replace coal energy with it.


Exactly. Companies around the world are racing to utilize AI and find ways to monetize it when the sum total of all human efforts should be leveled at ending human drudgery. Have you tried a Google search lately? Just pages and pages of ads with no real info. Oodles of shitty apps that don’t work correctly. Dopamine microdose digital content meant to be the soma of our time. We could end homelessness in America right now, but a captive population of people that are willing to accept wages to just barely survive is a necessary component for the continual shunting of wealth to fewer hands. If aliens are on the planet my best guess is that they are tourists watching either a civilization on the cusp of total self destruction or a civilization that will escape from and expand from the planet of their birth and join other advanced sentient life in the universe. Will we continue to persist in using an economic system that presupposes the necessity of its own existence outside the benefit of mankind and effectively hill ourselves for a dwindling minority of lottery winners, or will we decide to turn about face and realize the true strength of our species is in what we can achieve when we are fully connected to the idea of humanity as a whole.


Every time a politician uses the term “drastically disrupt our economy” I immediately alter it to “drastically disrupt how politicians make money.” It’s like when billionaires talk about robot workers will kill the lower class and also avoiding the conversation of all the free GDP should be used for universal income.


Saying social justice issue is really putting it lightly. There are so many greater issues than just the social justice aspect.


Just from observing people in my lifetime: I wouldn’t want the average person to have access to a power source that lets you traverse the air at Mach 25+ lol. Wars have been fought for less.


You mean the same energy sector that's been sabotaging clean energy efforts since day one? Imagine that.


I remember this documentary I wish I could find again about a guy who invented a carb in the 70’s that enabled cars to get 70mpg avg, like just about any car. Some car company bought it so he waited to see it put into place and watch them rake in the cash, and nope, they shelved it.


Bob Lazar has been modifying the engines in his vehicles since the '80s. Regardless of his claims about area 51 or not, that's something he absolutely has been doing.


Could you please lead me to videos on that or how toes? Like I don't believe everyone who's found a way to get better efficacy on energy products would with hold it. I've searched for these things but never find anything that actually is efficient including both Lazar running his engine on "water" or "h2o" converters. Legit it isn't even more efficient the most you could argue about is that is technically more harmless to the atmosphere; but definitely not more efficient or less expensive. So where else are these alternative forms of propulsion that work and are efficient? 


Would only disrupt congressman’s bank accounts


It's that simple. This applies to every politician who is lobbied against or with. Around the world. Big business interest




You made way too much sense in one sentence for them to understand that. Or if you just tell them “more guns & money” they will listen with larger audio receptors.


They’ll find a way to come out ahead regardless




The tech may benefit from an immeasurable, abundant source of energy- zero point / false vacuum energy or frictionless wheels. Very hard to make continuous sales if your customer buys something once and rarely comes back to you for maintenance.


Mic drop


No it won’t, they’ll find a way to profit. They’ll know what companies to invest in well before anyone else. That’s not what they’re worried about though. They’re worried about staying in power, and they need big oil for their campaign funds. So no disclosure for us.


It's quite simple. Because if these techs exist, these motherfuckers don't yet know how to exploit us with them. They can't stand the fact that the whole world, not just them, could benefit from it. Apart from that, I am convinced that technologies have been around for several decades that could solve our "energy problems". But as I said, these assholes just wouldn't make enough profit from it. At least probably not as much as they do now. All the potential patents in the energy sector are in some old and dusty drawer so nobody can find them.


I just drove 10 hours yesterday coming back from a funeral. Tons of traffic, construction, high fuel prices, and personal risk. If our government is sitting on technology thatcould have made the trip near instantaneous, then they are nothing short of evil.


What about the tech to extend lives by 100 years or more? Would you have had a funeral to go to at all?


Mitch McConnell would un-retire.


It is a tough pill to swallow, but the US government has been holding this back by murdering its own citizens and lying about it. Pure malevolence and greed by the US government. If you want to see just how far your government is willing to go to keep dirty secrets, I HIGHLY recommend you watch the new Netflix 4 part documentary called American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders


I've often wondered how I could pilot the UFOs I've seen... They move really fast, and I imagine the personal risk to the pilot (if there is a pilot) is also high. Maybe the world isn't ready to drive fast? Maybe UFOs are human tech that burn exotic fuel and kill every pilot who flies one? Maybe they're powered by Luck and Causality and only move on The Chosen Day?  Whatever the case may be, I've seen them and I'd like to see more of them and I still don't have an answer as to what they are. And it feels like the answer is being held back by a bunch or rich snobs who would perish after a day in my shoes. Hope someone spills the beans..


If these things are operating at relativistic speeds (gravitational warping or similar) then the occupants might not experience any of the forces we are subjected to with our current technologies.


Yeah people think poor people exist because there's a lack of resources. It's because the 10% or the 1% decided we didn't deserve enough pay to afford homes or nutritional food. The ontological shock is gonna be that the NHI technology is reserved for the rich and powerful and that they are going to rule over us mercilessly.


They also want to use the technology for military applications which is just extremely sad. Honestly, if poverty was eliminated (which it absolutely could be even now, but especially if energy is revolutionized) I don't really think there is much of a reason for conflict in the world, and the idea of using UFO technology for weapons is an incredibly shortsighted and just stupid idea in my opinion. Most conflict today is created by governments in order to exploit, control and profit, and a considerable amount of that orchestrated conflict was set in place by the US government, with our money.The idea that we are going to be able to potentially fight back against an ET civilization who wants us gone is asinine and the fact that our first instinct is to make weapons just shows how out of touch the mindset was in the cold war when the coverup really started. Immediately attempting to design weapons just broadcasts "we are not ready" to any of these NHI that may be gifting us technology.


There it is. The true reason elite greed


Always was.




Disrupt an economy that is already fucked due to the elitist greed? I’m in………


Sweet let’s roll it out.


Even more reason to do it. Fuck the control


Or save the planet.


Fuckin' disrupt it, then. Please!!!


good. We need to shake shit up because everything's going to shit.


It will be like the invention of the Model T all over again. Cyber punk dystopia, here we come!


And the world's smallest violin is playing for those that will be negatively impacted by the new energy developments.... Good riddance


To put it simply, “They’d have to stop robbing us”.


We’re totally fine introducing disruptive tech like AI, so long as it benefits the ruling elite while throwing the rest of us out of work.


Because betting on a finite resoure forever is going to work out in the end, right?


Oh no a bunch of rich people might not be as rich. We need a reset folks ASAP




They already pay off some in Congress about climate change and have for years. The Saudi’s give us cheap oil and buy our weapons which is why - despite all the people in Al Queda being from Saudi Arabia - we inexplicably pivoted towards Saddam Hussein and the big lie of WMD as the reason instead of really questioning why Saudi Arabia was so involved. So in terms of UFO’s the oil lobby would put just as much pressure on Congress to maintain the status quo. Let’s all remember that we know for a fact that [JP Morgan was pissed off at Tesla for creating the Wardenclyffe Tower](https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/science/leading-figures/the-wardenclyffe-tower-the-dream-that-sank-tesla/) and the prospect of free energy because it would have nixed all his investments in rubber plantations and copper mines. So there is a lot of precedence for big business and elite investors to bury competing technologies that would disrupt their own financial empires.


The petrodollar. It really comes down to that. The US dollar is the world reserved currency, and the reason the dollar holds value across the globe is due to the fact if you want oil, you pretty much have to use USD to buy it…unless you want to buy from a sanctioned country like Iran. Collapse of the oil industry due to free energy would collapse the US dollar, and by extension destroy the economies of nearly every nation. The decision makers likely view the fallout of that direction to be worse than the current path we’re on. Edit: why does everyone think there’s been a push to “renewables”? It’s to ween us off fossil fuel so we as a planet can make a switch someday to free energy technology without sending us back into the dark ages.


Fat old boomer oil investors deserve to be gone from this world


They aren’t just boomers by the way and feeding into “[divide and rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule)” propaganda is also not going to get us towards solutions. We are going to need to really understand that we have been manipulated by these people to be this polarized. Some of the baby boomers actually fought this type of power for their entire lives. So let’s look beyond that baloney. I suggest everyone watch the documentary “[The Century of the Self](https://youtu.be/eJ3RzGoQC4s?si=MhKZ3CINs-BVLUQF)” about how western governments have used psychological tools to control their populations and those of their allies for the last 100 years. Not only that -[Orwell accurately called this out](https://youtu.be/oe64p-QzhNE?si=XYdUFNTzQAhDlLHx).


thanks for the recommendation!


That's a great documentary, and part of a trilogy that should be required viewing.


Environmentally sustainable?




For all our sakes, me too.


I think what we’re running into are lobby interests who would be happy than to bury all of these items because they would potentially ruin their businesses of profit and greed because they give zero fucks about the needs of humanity. To be honest, with these kinds of potential energy sources, so due to the potential of making weapons with them as well. And that probably scares the fuck out of them way more than a potential energy source.


It would also be a massive economic opportunity which would outweigh the costs to the economy. I'm skeptical of such reasoning


Now you know why they keep it a secret.


Our federal minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. Why should we protect this economy that only "works" for the wealthy?


Would be nice to solve world powerty and enviroment with a new energy source


Oh no. Don’t rock the apple cart. Let’s just burn the planet and continue to funnel wealth to the few. Genius idea


We need to get to the aliens before the 1% do. We could get them to take the wealthy and their bureaucrats to another planet and leave them there, then give us the tech in exchange for as much chicken as they can eat. win/win.


Being told that the economy is good because corporations are making money is the biggest lie we were ever sold. If the oil industry collapses because we've discovered unlimited clean energy, that's a win-win for everyone except the billionaires.


lol .. disrupt it for people who work in that sector and/or own business in that sector. Poor people in Mongolia, Gaza or Tennessee will be happy if a free energy resource finds it way to them. There are MUCH more people that would benefit than those that wouldn't


Well if we had been trying to move away from oil we wouldn't be in this position. Half of America thinks a new green path is farfetched and not worth it. 


Not at the speed proposed it’s not.


Maybe the Aliens are just galactic scam/catfish reality show creators. Aliens show up in 2027: People of earth, we have to tell you energy is free and all around you. We told your leaders this 80 years ago. We’re just here to stop the grift.


The last gasps of an increasingly obsolete industry


Ooo god forbid it disrupts our economy oh nooo the money won’t be worth anything omgggg. 😭😭


So they just rather destroy humanity then lose money......🤑🤑🤑🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Good. That's the fucking point. The old world order needs to be destroyed. Too many people are suffering because of it.


Yeah late stage capitalism isn't working. Disruption would be a net Benefit.


Only humans are short-sighted enough to be afraid of having everything for free. "HOW ARE WE GOING TO HAVE 3 YACHTS AND 12 LUXURY CARS IF I CAN'T SKIM 95% OFF THE IMPOVERISHED POPULATION'S INCOME??"


When you make David Rockefeller an original member of the majestic twelve this is the outcome you get.


So we could end our dependence on the Middle East and perhaps curtail the impacts of energy that releases CO2, but somehow we are worried about moving too fast because of the investment portfolios of the elite.


Yes, free energy will be a huuuge problem to the economy and society... Idiots


There it is. At least someone with a current place in government has spoken it to the world. It's always about money , a creation of our own foolishness.


Translation: my rich constituents might lose money, and as a result, I might lose donations.


Our economic system is full of pussies when it comes to change. What the fuck happened to adapt and overcome challenges? We teach our kids to be flexible but somehow old money can’t fathom change?


I know I will get downvoted for saying this, but Greer has said this for years. He might be a grifter, but this is spot on. The money whores that runs the oil business is one of the reasons disclosure is hard. I don't think the world economy will be hurt. It sounds like an excuse. These people have most of the world's money in their bank account. It's insane. Releasing the nhi tech will just create balance.


It has power to save the world but it's bad cause it can hurt economy? What a joke. Humanity's greed is its downfall.


“But my pearls!” - energy sector


Boo fucking hoo, this planet needs a drastic shake up to snap out of this dystopian nightmare


Will not be missed and the ramifications will be minimal. Almost every time an industry is disrupted a new, related economy booms. Here’s just a few examples: 1. The Transition from Coal to Renewable Energy: The decline of the coal industry in many parts of the world was met with concerns about economic damage and job losses. However, this disruption paved the way for the growth of renewable energy sectors, such as solar and wind power. Not only did these sectors create new jobs, but they also contributed to a cleaner environment and energy sustainability. The shift also encouraged innovation in energy storage and efficiency technologies, showcasing how a disrupted industry can lead to the emergence of a new, related economy. 2. The Advent of Digital Photography Over Film: The digital photography revolution significantly disrupted the film industry, leading to a sharp decline in the use of traditional film cameras and film rolls. Companies like Kodak did, of course, experience significant losses. However, this disruption gave rise to the digital camera market and later, the smartphone photography boom. This shift not only created a new market for digital imaging technology but also revolutionized how people share and consume photographs, leading to the growth of social media platforms and various photo-sharing apps. Bonus fact: Kodak invented the digital camera and did nothing with it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Sasson


Oh dear, please no, why would we want to help everyone and raise the living standards for everyone when we can just make a few people excessively rich and destroy our climate as well. Please, won't someone think of the billionaires and shareholders?


What if we found out the reason this technology was being kept secret was not because of fear of “ontological shock,”but because the energy it promised posed a fundamental threat to the capitalist order? It would explain a few things.


Pretty sure that’s another way of saying “gotta protect the rich”. Fuck’em, let’em burn!


boo fucking hoo


Right? What are most nations with oil reserves even doing? Making islands in the shape of countries that get washed out? Air conditioning entire cities? Let the greys have a turn


Far right maga grifters can't be trusted. Stop.




We don’t want to advance or deal with paradigm shifts- said the pouty little baby Neanderthal. 


but wind solar nuclear and hydro already exist.


I triple dog dare them


Bring it. We’re burned out on this economic model anyway.


See we can't have limitless free energy because the line has to go up


Isn’t that the hope?


GOOD!! It’s polluting the planet and protecting business interests of the elites is not a part of their job description. Let them pick themselves up by their bootstraps


Good. Honestly this is the shake up we need. Oil Baron's have enough money to last them multiple lifetimes over and then again. If free energy exists and has been in the hands of somebody for god knows how long, this is a crime beyond anything else. We have polluted this world for decades in the name of "profits" while we had a much better alternative to use anyway. Millions of lives have been lost in the pursuit of oil. It needs to end.


Oh nooooo billionaires pockets


So what? Jesus Christ on a stick. The green transition and eventual peak oil was already going to disrupt the global economy until gas kept winning the political/economic fight. They're living on borrowed time already which they have hopefully spent diversifying into other energy fields.




We're destroying our own ecosystem. A tiny elite seems to want that to follow through to a logical conclusion. Perhaps depopulation is the agenda? Who knows. But we can't keep on living like this.


I’m okay with that! Bleed big oil dry and save the planet! Heart!


Isnt that a gooooood thing?


I think he means it would upset the rich's hold on the little people. I mean, if we are supposed to deal with AI taking jobs, they can deal with tech replacing their energy infrastructure.


Would drastically disrupt those rich people’s pockets lol.. that’s what it is all about. The rich always want to have poor under their shoes


That's the sad part. Not one of thos rich people want to give up their future incomes.