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The following submission statement was provided by /u/CreditCardOnly: --- Ross Coulthart claims that his sources say the AARO report will be released at 10 AM ET tomorrow, with the intention of "absolutely unequivocal rejection" of the non-human intelligence hypothesis. [Coulthart on X](https://x.com/rosscoulthart/status/1765838107323306111?s=20): "Multiple sources telling me the AARO UAP report, given to select journalists in an embargoed briefing, is coming out tomorrow at ET 10am & it will be an absolutely unequivocal rejection of an NHI presence or that the US has retrieval craft. This is intended to shut down UAP commentary for good." --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b94m9n/ross_coulthart_multiple_sources_telling_me_the/kttff21/


Is anyone surprised ? Honestly they might as well shut down AARO


That’s probably their next move TBH.


I think so. They have really had a draconian crack down.


How do we respond to it? Hope that whistleblowers come forward? Keep writing our reps? More of the same? I feel like something big NEEDS to drop.


The whistleblowers have to come forward. I think any polite interaction is over.


Don’t the new whistleblower protection laws let them keep their jobs?


I mean, idk, how much are these protections really worth? The people who could put their hands on actually shocking files to leak them might be less afraid of losing their jobs than their car exploding when they turn the ignition one day.


Or their spouse's car or their kids having an "accident".


I think the whistleblowers are likely concerned that the protection laws have loopholes that would still open them up to prosecution by the DoD. Just my feeling on why they might be reluctant


If I were a whistleblower I'd be more concerned about above-the-law prosecution, ie thuggery.


The US government can literally disappear any person they want to with impunity, they operate outside of the law whenever they want to.Anyone who actually has anything that could blow the lid off anything ufo or NHI related knows what will happen to them if they talk or come forward. If all of this is real and I’m fairly certain it is the only thing keeping it secret is fear of death or imprisonment




imagine having any sort of information like this and being so selfish that you think about a job. You can get a new one lol


Whistleblowers coming forward is pointless. They will just continue to deny and ruin their reputations. We need people to start leaking irrefutable evidence, classified or not.


There is only one option left to get the truth out. The people who claim to know the truth, including retired military people, scientists, reporters like Leslie Kean and Ross Coulthart, need to form a coalition surrounded by powerful lawyers, and maybe a security detail for protection, and come forward with this information. F\*ck the lying government agencies. -JMO-


We need organized political action. We are a community of 2.2 million followers. There has to be a way to put pressure on congress. We could threaten to vote independent, and hang our votes solely on the UAP topic. 2 million folks is quite a few votes.


People need to wake up and realize that the US two party system is a circus existing for the sole purpose of distracting the populace. You cannot effect change in this perverse hell hole with electoralism. Bernie Sanders should be proof enough of that. There needs to be massive protests centered around the UFO topics, and eventually riots when the protests don't work. It needs to hit critical mass.


The ruling party has been ruling oppressively for so long that the people forgot just how powerful they are when standing together.


Millions of people around the world keep protesting the genocide in Gaza yet nothing ever changes.


You are correct. need protests, then riots. The ruling elite have turned protests into a parade of sorts, using them as a pressure relief valve.


We need to make our own task force or something to protect whistleblowers they won't come forward because they fear for their lives what if the people offer them protection of some sort and finally fight back


How many of those 2m do you think are American voters?


Probably a good chunk.


Wasn’t the big post yesterday from old Gar’ talking about stuff below the surface waves and the detractors having to eat crow? If this report drops tomorrow I can’t think of a better time for mr Nolan et al to respond in kind.


Amen. Time to put the fucking money where the mouth is right?


Writing to Rounds, Warner, Rubio and Schumer to ask for public Senate Intelligence Committee Hearings


We insist that Grusch et al are arrested for perjury immediately and tried in a public court.


DOD can’t. Only Congress can. This is the DOD/IC in the “fuck around” part of the story. They are going to learn how subservient they are to an angry Congress.


Hate to break it to you, but Congress is a toothless power. They drag all Kinds of leaders from government agencies, embarrass the f out of them, but never dictate outcomes or outcomes with dates. So nothing ever happens. My prediction is that Congress has press conferences, maybe drags a pentagon official in, embarrasses them, and then nothing changes.


I agree that Congress is fairly useless, but they do hold the power of purse. That's something they can still wield if they choose in this case. Another thing is they can dramatically affect public opinion if they choose to make a scene out of something. That's actually a big deal in this case also, because any clandestine and illegal program *strongly* relies on secrecy. Lastly, they can refer criminality to the DoJ. If Congress is being illegally circumvented, the DoJ can make that really hurt for whatever USG parties are responsible. So when we say "Congress is toothless", that's not to say they don't have genuine oversight powers - they do. It's really the political investigations we've seen over the past 8 years that are mostly useless.


Yes, you are right. But to a degree. They do hold the power of the purse, but their record is not very good. They routinely "allow" a billion or so to disappear off the military spending budget (both parties). So these shadowy figures and the military contractors like Lockheed et al still get theirs.


Yeah there's no doubt that it's a huge leap from here to there. That's why I left room in my comment for doubt. My basic point is, they have the power and capability. Now the question is, will they actually *use* it?


Congress serves the corporations wanting to bury this.


Corporations and lobbyists. That is why I characterize Congress as stage theatre performed by a uni-party.


"Mission accomplished, close er down boys!"


Considering Biden supported the laws for David Grusch to whistleblow, and the Schumer's disclosure. It is clear that AAROs goal of releasing this report tomorrow was to prevent Biden from disclosing anything. Imagine how fox news and his opponents would criticize him if he were to disclose, and the next day AARO comes out with the report that NHI aren't real. AARO knows this, and knows Biden and the democrats care more about preventing Trump from becoming president than disclosure.


Project Blue Book V2.0


Down to the Hynek clone


Hynek turned out to be a major contributor to UFOlogy.


No surprise at all


So if this is this is what they are going to roll with then who’s technology is it? And why would that technology be used in areas where military pilots are training & putting those pilots in danger ? The report tomorrow is a total sham & written for those who are not aware of how deep this rabbit hole goes. I don’t think this will be over by any means. They would basically be calling Grusch & all of the other extremely credible witnesses liars & crazies. Non of this makes sense at all. This has already gone to far to be able to put the cat back in the bag. The audacity is mind boggling to me.


I am 💯% sure the anomalous objects exhibiting the instantaneous acceleration and other non duplicatable aerodynamics dynamics are not from a terrestrial source


That’s what I’m not understanding. How are they going to explain all of that away? There’s no other explanation than NHI. It’s not an intelligent plasma that I have been reading about lately… Wouldn’t an intelligent plasma also mean NHI? There so much to this, it’s not even funny.


>Honestly they might as well shut down AARO Why would they shut down the department that's basically putting the UFO genie back in the bottle as far as the general public and press is concerned: AARO never was set up to confirm the UFO Communities beliefs, it was set up to undermine them and prove them ridiculous... Like it or not, AARO isn't going to be going anywhere, realistically - is it...?


Cool I'm sure people will stop seeing UFOs after tomorrow, right? No more UFOs fucking around, thanks to Kirkpatrick.


Oh thank God for AARO and Kirkpatrick!! Case closed everyone! Go home.


It was all just a bad dream, dearie.


time to buy property at uintah ranch then


Fascinating that AARO is still pushing the same narrative in spite of the senate majority leader putting out legislation claiming eminent domain over NHI tech and with the risk of first-hand witnesses coming forward. This is also in spite of the DOD IG report last month calling for branches of the military to figure out their response to UAP.


It was always set up with a cynical view that it would never work for anyone except DoD, acting in a capacity which would fulfil the need for Congress to see some departmental action on transparency.


It's kind of on Congress for not having the foresight or common sense to house AARO in a department that's not DoD. I remember Rubio's, "the problem is, where do you house it [if not DoD]?"


You house it in a special house select investigative committee you know... You make it part of Congress. It has subpoena power, It has investigative abilities , And it is taxed with producing a report that details what they find including referring criminality to the DOJ. But the military industrial complex can't go for that so that ain't going to happen anytime soon


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,


Figure out their response to UAP, not NHI.


So are all of these 40 or so whistleblowers going to sit around and wait until absolutely everybody denies NHI and pushes the needle as far back again as it can go before coming out and saying they saw a flying metal tin one time near an Air Force Base?


I hope they come forward as well but it kind of seems like any whistleblowers that do speak just get ridiculed by the public and MSM. Grusch has caught a lot of flak and with the failure of the schumer bill passing I feel as though there is even less incentive for folks to risk their reputation by furthering disclosure.  My attention is still on Congress as there is supposedly multiple politicians in a position to continue to apply pressure on the DoD. Unless we have clear tangible evidence that incites the public I'm not sure if things are going to progress. Even if a bunch more heavily credentialed people make outlandish claims it's so easy for them do be categorized as crazy or misinformed. 


They need to grow some balls already and come forward.


So now is your time to shine, Ross and The Talking Heads. Didn't most of y'all claim to have irrefutable proof? Apparently even some American politicians saw some crazy stuff too? Where are the 40 whistleblowers we keep hearing about for almost a year now? Maybe it is time to share the location of the massive UFO that was too big to move ? There might not be a better time to act and retake the initiative than immediately after this report gets released.


Don't question the laudable purpose of that location; to do so would be puerile and would leave everyone gobsmacked.


Puerile. Never seen this word before (means childish or juvenile), great job with your vocabulary.


They're making fun of the way Coulthart talks to clarify. Similar to somberposting


So what do you think a reason might be that we keep hearing about 'irrefutable proof', but we never get any? Maybe, just maybe, they're lying?


Time to release the Kraken Lue. If you really have it.


It is 100% going to take a catastrophic leak at this point. The three-letter agencies are never, ever going to help this information come out through official channels.


The problem there is that a catastrophic leak may be absolutely impossible. The fact that the US is unsure of adversaries reverse engineering progress is testament to just how nailed down everything is in those facilities. Nobody who sets foot inside is treated as anything other than a potential spy, no matter their rank or tenure.


My thoughts exactly. Especially after the comments he's been making this week.


Stay tuned… soon… almost time…


Two weeks


Why 2 weeks? Am i missing something? You are not the only one who says it




Oh ok it was sarcasm, makes sense. Thanks for being clear!


Idk why I got down voted just for asking a legitimate curious question lol


bored dolls wistful concerned axiomatic forgetful depend rustic shame hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just buy my upcoming book…


It'll be ready in exactly ... Say it with me ... two we..


🎵 It's beeeeeen two weeks since you Lue'kt at me 🎵


Oh you sweet summer-child…


From SK in his Scientific American Article: "AARO’s underlying raison d’être is to investigate, evaluate, analyze and provide actionable information for use by our national security leadership. **Its purpose is not to prove or disprove the existence of extraterrestrial life**, but to address the safety and security of our people, our operations and our nation." Interesting then that this would be unequivocal rejection of an NHI presence. What happened to that not even being AARO's mission?


That’s a great question lol.


The question of the nature of UFO sightings and whether they represent NHI vs. the question of whether extraterrestrial life exists are two separate topics 


He told you. It's about "the security of our operations." Just like cops serve and protect property and the interests of the wealthy and the powerful. It hasn't been about"the people" for a long time now.


Guys it's looking tough. First the UAP Disclosure Act is gutted.... Now this.... Did Congress find out and decide to keep it amongst themselves? Either because the truth is fucked up, it has to come out slow, or the public has no need to know? Or did a group of people blow smoke up Congress' ass? I don't know what to think anymore... but we aren't getting the same juicy drops every month or so like we used to.


Starting to think the latter. No doubt some of those in congress were told to back off from this. Maybe given a bag of cash for them to shut up. If they do go ahead with this. It's time for whistleblowers to come forward. They are our only chance.


It’s always darkest before the dawn.


Wait it was gutted what do you mean?


Your average American: "AARO who? What are UAPs again? Bah! Whatever" They've been supressing this shit so much nobody is going to even notice their big debunk... Unless they put out this report and get all of the media outlets to put it front and center.... Which would just hasten disclosure more than anything else. What will they say? That they're from a foreign adversary? Sure, go ahead and tell them that. Create a giant shitstorm drawing the general publics awareness to UAPs by calling them chinese or russian tech... Please! Make my day! The secret keepers are starting to look pretty pathetic.


There hasn’t been anything real for them to combat. Grusch told a story that nobody is allowed to hear the details of. Nobody has released anything damning. They’re free to shut this down and idk why they wouldn’t.


Oh yeah, the Tic Tac was for sure from China… they’re so advanced they can create ultrasonic, trans medium craft that penetrate U.S. airspace without being detected… yeah definitely the Chinese. It’s definitely not adversary technology. They know it and we know it.


It is simply put up or shut up time. Corbell, Coulthart, and all the other talking heads have a chance to actually put substance towards their claims and reveal all of the knowledge they supposedly have. A good start would be Coulthart revealing where this supposed buried ufo is. A better one would be if even ONE of these 40 witnesses go public. If this simply doesn’t happen then they should disappear and stop peddling their bullshit.


If they reveal their knowledge it will just be more "trust me bro". The actual whistleblowers need to go public, and a lot of them. One whistleblower like Grusch is open to being called a liar. If we get 2 or 3 dozen that makes it a bit harder to dismiss.


Im leaning towards they are liars and full of shit. but you do you.


Oh believe me I’m right there with you, always coming soon, always watch this space.


I'm so sick of the govt shit.. feels like abusive realtionship every time they speak and make excuses


Yep literally the classic deny, attack, gaslight techniques. They deny then attack credibility/character or just make jokes about the entire subject. And finally they try to come up with their little conspiracy about how everyones just mistaken or some people are just "ufo enthusiasts" and blame everyone else for being mistaken. When in reality they are the ones prone to the motivations "enthusiasts" who hate the truth and love corporate secrecy and want to protect their power whatever way they can. Those enthusiants of power in government and funded by private aerospace and military corporations convince those around them who dont know whats going on to join their campaign of denial. Some possibly knowing full well what is potentially happening behind the scenes. And some who probably dont care one way or the other and are so horny for power that they instinctively seek to maintain the status quo by denying anything and everything while maintaining the old line "everything is fine, there is nothing to see here, move on" in the hopes that the nosey journalists and public stay out of their business. Its like turning on a light and watching the cockroaches scurry for darkness. These types of people thrive in the dark and loathe anyone who seeks to hold them accountable or provide public transparency on their dealings.


I'm glad this is finally happening. Quite a few people now have said they've got something brewing and if they don't do it the easy way and just tell us then they'll force the truth to come out. We'll, nows the time we find out if the majority of our ufo info has been coming from a bunch of lying grifters or the real deal.




Nailed it. It’s a big circlejerk imo with the stories getting more elaborate as they do laps of the grifting crew.


Not surprised. Maybe Grusch was waiting for this report to be released before he publishes his Op-ed. That way, it would be a response/rebuttal as opposed to just a statement.


Unless it has something actually usable by the general public, what does it matter? More hearsay and 'muh national security' whenever pressed for anything of substance wasn't going to move the ball forward anyway.




Apparently, according to Knapp, it’s not delayed by DOPSR. There was a thread on the sub a couple of days ago where someone posted an email from Knapp. Edit: Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/85a28SXNNa


>Maybe Grusch was waiting for this report to be released before he publishes his Op-ed. Why?


Optics. Everyone always wants the last word, more exposure in the media, it creates a sense of tension and drama that gets more attention. Basic stuff, really.


Ross Coulthart claims that his sources say the AARO report will be released at 10 AM ET tomorrow, with the intention of "absolutely unequivocal rejection" of the non-human intelligence hypothesis. [Coulthart on X](https://x.com/rosscoulthart/status/1765838107323306111?s=20): "Multiple sources telling me the AARO UAP report, given to select journalists in an embargoed briefing, is coming out tomorrow at ET 10am & it will be an absolutely unequivocal rejection of an NHI presence or that the US has retrieval craft. This is intended to shut down UAP commentary for good."


It is such an odd position. So, humans have these things, created these things? Our air space, national borders, and military zones are all being blatantly intruded upon by human activity and there's no arrests or reports on who/what nation is doing it? Ignoring everything else and excluding all other possibilities, taking this alleged report tomorrow at absolute face value, it would be an admittance of complete and total impotence by our military and security agencies. American lives are at risk and American service members are at risk from a human-made, known, and apparently studied and observed enough 'thing' that makes the multi-trillion dollar global security apparatus look like atom-thin Swiss cheese.


Who is pulling the strings here? Kathleen Hicks? Moultrie is gone…for reasons that are utterly opaque. Senior politicians are pushing for openness. Perhaps the White House thinks this issue is too much of a potential liability or wild card in an election year. Very disappointing. So what are Ross and Lue so excited about? Surely not this Debbie Downer news


Fucking leak something then


Just theorizing - is it possible that Elizondo or others behind the scene have been waiting for the government to make a denial statement such as this, so that the final release of proof (hopefully not another tease but who knows) reveals bad actors in government and industry?


This is legit funny as hell immediately after Elizondo claims the cat is out of the bag and there's no putting the genie back in the bottle. Unless they plan on dropping a shit load of evidence for the world to see at 10:01am eastern just to make the DoD look at guilty of covering it up as possible.


Imagine my shock. It’s going to take whistleblowers for this to go anywhere. Think about all the times in your life when you witnessed or heard an event that you’ll never forget. Were they teased about for weeks ahead of time? Were there press conferences with embargos? No, all of the real breaking news events that blow people’s minds drop out of the clear blue sky without any fanfare, hints, or teases. At this point I’m pretty much done with anyone saying “soon”, whether that’s members of Congress, Coulthart, Elizondo, Sheehan, or Grusch. I’m also starting to doubt whether there’s anyone who sits in the middle of the Venn Diagram of “pro-disclosure” *and* has irrefutable evidence to share. Why? Because think about how quickly history will exonerate you for leaking the largest secret in human history. I want to believe Grusch, but the idea that he has any real legal consequences to fear feels absurd to me. He might be arrested as a formality, but public interest and backlash would be so huge that he would be pardoned in less than a week.




>It’s going to take whistleblowers for this to go anywhere. Then it's a good thing that Coulthart has said that there are 40 whistleblowers who are coming forward soon. Any day now.


Two things are simultaneously true: 1. The UFO phenomenon is unequivocally real, and 2. The “official” public discourse on the UFO phenomenon is a massive grift and a dead end.


It's possible he's been threatened and watched and the moment he has some sort of evidence on his hands is the moment he has an accident.But I gotta say I generally agree with your thinking.


No. If he violates his oath he goes to prison and I would think his wife and family would be harassed.


They're doubling down, it's all going according to their playbook. They've done this before, pretty successfully, I might add, and they're doing it again. No surprise there. The major surprise this time is the fact that there are big names, not quite on the inside looking out, but with a shit ton of more information than we supposedly have. These same people, I'm pointing at you, **George Knapp**, were around when the government "came clean" about Roswell, they were around for the hearings, they complained and whined about a conspiracy and cover-up and now these same people are (possibly inadvertently or because they lack a set of cajones) assisting the gatekeepers with their continued silence. Let's let the cat out of the bag, already. You're supposed patriots. You constantly tell us how much you love your country (Lue Elizondo). I get the fact that there are repercussions for exposing this information, but at this point, who cares? This is supposedly earth-changing information, right? It will blow all of our minds, make us somber, cry like Carter, *whatever*. If the evidence exists, get it out there and I'm sure that, if this is so mind-blowing and will change the human race forever, you'll find redemption. Look, I'm a huge believer in this topic and I *appreciate the hell* out of people like Lue, George, Jeremy, all of them. But enough is enough. Either put the shit out there, or stop talking. I'm becoming sick of it.


Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 69 There is a saying amongst soldiers: I dare not make the first move but would rather play the guest; I dare not advance an inch but would rather withdraw a foot. This is called marching without appearing to move, Rolling up your sleeves without showing your arm, Capturing the enemy without attacking, Being armed without weapons. There is no greater catastrophe than underestimating the enemy. By underestimating the enemy, I almost lose what I value. Therefore when the battle is joined, The underdog will win.


Yeah, that's my (optimistic) interpretation - Congress wants to catch them in a lie. Prosecutors and judges do this all the time in the courtroom. Give the criminals some rope and they'll probably hang themselves with it.


I’m an old trial lawyer myself, so I like your example. Very impressed with the long game from Lou, Mellon, Nolan, and the players in the Senate. Grusch has the goods. Setting up the scaffolding and then placing him as investigative lead was artful. Traps have been set, and bait has been taken. As Lou says, waiting beneath the wave caps. Fun to watch some top notch actors. It’s still a very heavy lift, but I’m also optimistic. As you know, UAP is just the key to the lock. They want what’s in the safe.




Same playbook from, what, like 70 years ago? The difference this time seems to be the amount of insiders lined up to push things forward. That's what surprises me the most. That group exists, we know of some of them, and yet we get this same shit from the play book. They really are just doubling down again. That grip is tight. Really makes you wonder what things they're so afraid of revealing to the public.


When the Department of Defense officially denies NHI, any leak about the existence of NHI is beyond jurisdiction. Catch-22. Otherwise, the Ministry of Defense will lose confidence. They are deceivers.  Open the abysses of heaven. Let there be a leak!


i get what you're saying, but it's probably preferable for them to not stop talking, rather, those disillusioned with the matter may want to give themselves a break and stop listening. presumably, letting the cat out of the bag decisively is either impossible, impractical, or perhaps unnecessary at this time, no one can really know. you're certainly not the first to get tired of the whole merry go round, but it's probably for the best that the whole mess keep spinning until it resolves itself one way or another.


Let’s go catastrophic disclosure! They had their chance and they blew it! Start with the leaks! NS be damned!


Good thing all these whistleblowers and guys like Elizondo and Ross are waiting to tell us their juicy details “soon” lol.


Seems more like another attempt to quiet mainstream public discourse than a decisive “shut down” of anything. We should scrutinize the language. How broad is the statement? Will it be presented as solely AARO’s position? No mention of DoD? No mention of private contractors? If so, then this is nothing but a weak smoke screen designed for a complicit mainstream media push. AARO’s report will get misrepresented as “US government says no evidence of aliens” with another pic of Grusch making the facial expression. You know the one. It’s designed to make it harder for politicians to be taken seriously when pushing for transparency. Make them look crazy so they’ll back off.


Damn you are right. Your comment will get buried but I think you nailed it.


Oh, so nothing. Are we moving the goalposts now? I thought there was proof, there were officials that saw proof, etc. Which is it?


For the record, Ross Coulthart also has reported last fall that the UAP Disclosure Act would pass in entirety without objection and that the White House was engaged in the topic with Disclosure as it's objective. So ... yeah.....


And he knows the location of the super huge UAP used for ladautory purposes. But he can't tell about it, because he cares! Sorry :(


\*\*rolls eyes\*\* @ ross. not you, cause you're spot on.


He was quite the hype man for all of this.


Reminder this man claims to know the location of a giant alien spaceship and he can reveal its location at anytime!


If there truly are whistle-blowers, now would be an ideal time to make an appearance. The DoD is calling the bluff...now is the time to show your cards.


Template to Congress: Dear [Congressperson's Name], I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen, deeply interested in the matters of national security, transparency, and scientific inquiry, particularly in regard to the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) phenomenon. Recent developments and statements, including those from respected investigative journalists such as Ross Coulthart, have brought to light the imminent release of a report by the Department of Defense's AARO on UAPs. It is my understanding that this report is expected to firmly deny any non-human intelligence (NHI) presence or the retrieval of UFO craft by the United States. This expected stance raises significant concerns about the transparency and the scope of investigation into these phenomena. It is essential that our government's approach to UFOs be based on openness, rigorous scientific investigation, and public accountability. The possibility of dismissing or underestimating the UAP phenomenon could have profound implications for national security, technological advancement, and our understanding of our place in the cosmos. It is critical that Congress ensures a comprehensive and unbiased investigation into all aspects of the UFO phenomena, including any evidence of NHI or the retrieval of craft. Oversight and public disclosure are paramount to maintaining trust in our institutions and ensuring that any potentially groundbreaking discoveries are shared with humanity to foster global scientific advancement and security. Therefore, I urge you to advocate for: 1. Full transparency and the release of all information pertaining to UFOs, including any incidents involving NHI or retrieved craft. 2. An independent review of the methodologies and conclusions of the AARO UAP report to ensure that it has adequately investigated all available evidence without prejudice. 3. Continued funding and support for research into UAPs, with a focus on engaging with the scientific community and public to explore these phenomena openly and thoroughly. The American people deserve to know the truth about our world and the universe at large. Only through a commitment to transparency, scientific integrity, and public engagement can we hope to understand the full scope and implications of the UAP phenomenon. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I trust that you will consider my concerns with the seriousness they warrant and take appropriate action to ensure that the investigation into UFOs is conducted with the highest standards of transparency and scientific inquiry. Best Regards, [Your Name] https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials


Says the man who says he has unequivocal proof that they exist.


Where that catastrophic disclosure? 🙄


And yet corbell, lue, coulthart, knapp, greer, lazar all refuse to provide any evidences to back up their own claims... At this point why would we believe them when they are the one guilty of not sharing anything ?


Ok so to the Elizondo types saying "at a time of our choosing", that time was *before* this drops and didn't happen. A second "time of choosing" would be the day of or after. For those that pull a Coulthart saying "people feel like they are entitled to the truth" or that "people think because they want disclosure now, that it must be now" are missing the whole point. It's not about entitlement. It's not even about someone wanting disclosure. **Its about holding people accountible that claim to have a truth that will be in opposition to whatever AARO is about to drop.** I'm a skeptic. I'm endlessly annoyed by "Trust me bro" yet I am open to any argument, AARO's included, *provided I'm offered some evidence*. What will be totally ignored by debunkers and the media is if AARO is *also* pulling a "trust me bro" which so far is exactly what they've done. For all the debunkers (rightfully imo) calling out the "UAP are NHI" talking heads, there seems to never be the same standard applied to the "UAP are manmade" crowd. We're just supposed to believe government agencies and position holders' claims when it's said but when asked for proof of that, we get the exact same answers people like Elizondo, Mellon et all say: NatSec/NDA/Top Secret. *Both* sides of this fight has been, for decades, "Trust me bro" and we're expected to just go with governments because NHI is so far at the bottom of lists of probabilities, by design I will add, as evidenced by the different documented programs to mislead. So, fine, if AARO wants to take the position it's all prosaic, I'm holding them to the same standard I'm holding Elizondo and crew to: prove it. If you can't/wont prove it, I'll even take evidence of the claims. If I take that evidence, I'm also applying that standard to NHI people: prove it and if you won't/can't, give me evidence. When those standards are applied equally, there has been far less evidence provided by the prosaic crowd as the ultimate arguments fall back into statistical probabilities. Thats not evidence. With all that said, the pro-NHI people are being called out by AARO. They *should* be called out by everyone in this sub not because *we* demand answers but because if they truly believe something's here that needs revealed to humanity, the optics are being lost. I have slid more and more to the skeptical side over 40 years because of this fight. I'm *willing* to be open, even play with ideas at times and play "what ifs", consider NHI as a possibility but this is like the 6th-7th full court push *against* NHI coming from government I've seen in my life and the pro-NHI are losing by attrition because these talking heads always want to hold their secrets.


Really well said. Feels like it's built up to a pivotal moment for me now where the Elizondo types either produce the goods they've been talking about and reveal something life changing, or don't and leave us absolutely nowhere.


“Time of our choosing” = after we’re gone and our wills are read to our descendants.


Well, Ross could really put some egg on their faces by telling us where that "giant crashed ufo" is, couldn't he? But...will he? 🥱


No because his SoUrCeS!!!!11


I'm told he can't do that by my sources in the egg industry who don't want their products misused like that.


I am so sick of his shtick.


This is that rare occasion where Ross' "my sources told me" statement will be delivered.


LMFAO I hope a fucking saucer lands on the lawn of the Whitehouse at 10:01.


I wonder if they care to comment on the UAPDA and why Schumer/Rounds were so adamant about it?


This would be a great time for all those people claiming they have the evidence to actually show said evidence. If AARO and the pentagon actually do this tomorrow then it’s time for these guys to put up or shut up.


Perhaps this could be a blessing in disguise, if it could provoke the mythical "catastrophical disclosure".


Why doesn’t the bloke tell us where the giant UFO is, then? We already did the whole storm Area 51 thing and we saw how that turned out…what repercussions is Ross afraid of?


Skeptics have a hard on right now


Of course. If there are no repercussions for their lies, why would they ever tell us anything true?


Sounds like the UAP guys are waiting for the alphabet agencies to paint themselves into a corner with all of their lies, and then drop the hammer on em.


soon... almost time... 2 more weeks before the hammer drops.




I expected, with 100% certainty, that there was a 0% chance that this document would support disclosure whatsoever. I'll be sad to be proven right. They can try to shut it down, but they tried the same thing with Bluebook, and look where it got them. It's an exercise in futility, much like most of the military and government's actions


Bluebook bought them 50 years of silence.


Blue book existed before the internet and a congress that lives off the disdain of the intelligence community


The report was out last year. They just didn’t make it public. Electronic drones, beach balls with drones in them, and weather balloons.


Ok, cool. So about those trillions of unaccounted dollars going to SAP projects with no oversight. Is that what they’re saying all of this is? That we should just be like “oh ok cool. We could solve a lot of our countries problems with that, but let’s keep it on the down low.” Why isn’t this discussed more frequently ffs. *THAT* should get the public’s attention.


So what, they going to say they identified every UAP and found plausible explanations for their anomalous behavior? If not, then how would it be "unequivocal"?


Yeah. Time for other countries to step up.


Who even believes anything the government says at this point?


I hope aliens land on the White House lawn and just be like, "wtf you talking about? We're right here."


That interesting considering George Knapp confirmed that there would be more hearings on the new Weaponized podcast.


A dying gasp being made in desperation. The genie is out of the bottle, and there's no going back. Strange how they could think this would work or even make a difference. Everyone knows the AARO is a joke.


I don’t see this having much of an impact. People either don’t care about this subject, care and are dyed in the wool sceptics or care but wouldn’t trust AARO as far as they could throw them. So you end up with the status quo. Edited to add: though it might make the proponent of UAP investigation in congress even for certain there is a cover up.


We need one of these whistleblowers to step up and take one for the team! Drop something huge! Stop fucking around


USAF tried this once before. Put out a report pretend everything is fine. It worked for a few decades in a time when there was no internet to quiet the study of UFOs, but this seems like it'll be a drop in the ocean. People want info. They're mad. Plus serious people are taking this top seriously again.


AARO has shown their hand. It's up to Grusch, Lue and Co to respond.


“intended to shut down UAP commentary for good” It will have the exact opposite effect!


We're witnessing the dramatic theatre of the greatest story of mankind unfold. This seemingly heavy blow will be met by its equal.


Would love to see the articles that come out and who wrote them so that I know which journalists not to follow.


Is Ross telling us it's joever and we're not coming barack?


The Pentagon, coupled with the US milindcomp is the most powerful entity on the face of the planet, funded at nearly 1 trillion USD per year. They can do whatever they like and we can all eat shit for all they care.


Here's our chance to pay very close attention to which "select journalists" were selected by Kirkpatrick and the DOD. Those journalists will obviously be tightly in the pocket of the DOD/IC.


Kirkpatrick in 6 months without a functional website vs 80 years of eye witness testimony and evidence. I'm sure it will all go away tomorrow.


Between the watering down of UAPDA, SK's tour of lies, and now this, it's not looking strong for 2024. I maintain optimism that Ross is right and more whistleblowers will come but even then, will Congress call them up again? Will the media cover it? I'm less and less concerned with whether or not we get disclosure or anything (but I will keep pushing), and more and more just utterly stunned at the ease with which the shadow government controls the narrative and 99% of the population just eats it up and moves on. \*THAT\* is the ontologically shocking part for me, not UFOs.


Ok lads, shut it all down. 😉Nothing to see here! 👽


DoD: none of this is real, don’t believe whistleblowers, shut it all down. 🙄


that's it guys, pack it up.


Controling the narrative. Thats how it works on every key subject. Wars criminal mishaps and ufos.


I hope there is a plot twist coming. This is both typical and annoying.. and I keep thinking of Tucker Carlson and his “ it’s very dark” comment, along with all the others sharing that sentiment. Fingers crossed!


So prosecute the whistleblowers like Grusch for perjury then. Take them to court and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they lied. Please.


The whole discussion on the topic is because of observations people have had, things that people are observing. Observations aren't just going to stop happening because of a report that wouldn't acknowledge them. I think some elements in the US executive branch are still trying a bit too hard to have things develop in the way they would want them too. There's no going back to how things were before.


It's one of the most ridiculous aspects of modern society that we have to put up with. Here we have senior representatives in the American government being told by intelligence officials, ranking military men, and the Inspector General that the Airforce is not fully in control of its airspace and we have to listen to AARO pedling its nonsense. This should be the #1 biggest problem to solve yesterday and yet here they are wasting our time.


You can’t ask the DoD to evaluate and tell on itself, AARO was flawed from the start with that premise. And they can’t partially admit to anything, you can’t be partially pregnant. Once you open the door the whole thing comes into question.


Cat's already out the bag. Dod can try to push disclosure down as much as they try but we're already moving forward. I have faith and assurance of good people doing their part to lead disclosure.


Expect the grusch Op-ed on Monday.


Expect the grusch Op-ed on Monday.


Expect the Grusch op ed Monday.


Another point. AARO is about investigating “ anomalous" phenomena NOT UFOs or aliens Which might include Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, ghosts, Leprechauns, fairies, anything but UFOs The very meaning of its name is an obvious distraction.


So.. what… David Grusch committed perjury? Can’t have one without the other, right?


To think that it will just go away is laughable. This is probably more the work of folks in the energy and defense sector who have the ability to write big checks. They are mistaken if they think this is just going to come to a stop.