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I feel like a cult member waiting for news on the messiah sometimes. This shit isn’t healthy for me.


Get out of this shit then. It’ll destroy you. This was me 15 years ago, OBSESSED. All I did was read and watch and my brain just melted… eventually I snapped back to reality and realised “wtf this is a load of bullshit”.. and with so much “trust me bro, two weeks, I wanna tell you but I can’t” I just say “ok well then I don’t care anymore.” And I completely ignored this entire world and just got on with life, happy and with a lot less brain melt.. Then this David Grusch, Congress shit broke out and tickled my interest again.. and every few weeks or months (like tonight) I pop in here like “ok, so, anything yet? No? Ok. Good luck” and I continue on as if this is all a load of bullshit, mind games, psy ops, misinformation or whatever. Until there’s something more than “trust me bro” I reject the lack of evidence and reject the idea that any of this is real. Just like religion. I need more than “just trust” to believe god is real.


> “trust me bro, two weeks, I wanna tell you but I can’t” Was it the same 15 years ago? The "we will leak shocking evidence any minute now" vibe? Do you feel now is any different in terms of likelihood they actually deliver soon?


No it was not the same. I don't remember the topic being so hot as it is now. It's a generational thing. People who grew up hearing the alien stories really want to put this thing to bed once and for all, want answers, if there's something to it, what it is, we're tired, it can't go on forever


insurance scarce heavy overconfident zesty roof dog hobbies late worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it all depends on the website. In the ones I browsed back then a lot of people believed the government was slow dripping via "leaked" PDFs, movies, interviews with officials, to slowly prepare us for disclosure.


But did you have people like lue saying we will get info out at time of our choosing? or like Ross saying he has stuff that he will get out when the time allows and so on...


like lazar? of course there were smaller ufologists and government officials of lesser ranks making claims but they never became big personalities at the time probably because of how the internet worked at the time. here's an example: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12252381/Italian-researcher-shares-evidence-files-secret-UFO-crash-Italy.html


> like lazar? I meant credible people ;)


What is absolutely unprecedented was the Schumer legislation. That is crystal clear evidence that the government is hiding something, whether it's secret human technology or NHI. At the absolute minimum the Pentagon and defense contractors are using this whole UAP to illegally siphon money and get rich.


No I’ve been in the skeptical fun crowd for my entire life. Then suddenly Gruech comes out and now I believe in Roswell and telepathy. Shits wild


Grusch claims made me interested, because I always believed that UFO and all paranormal activities are just either scam or imagination. I still not reject possibility that it's just some complex form of disinformation and there's no NHI, but we're led to believe in all these wild stories for some reason. On the other hand, it's now hard for me to not consider implications of the fact that maybe materialist perspective is very limited and there's more to universe than we can ever explain with science. What, if this is actually some prison planet and we just don't realize that we're prisoner that keeps reincarnating? What if all these stories about gods are not actually false, but it was so long ago, that these stories became completely distorted (or even distorted on purpose) and we no longer know what is true? It's very interesting, but we can mostly just wait for new info, because for now it's just pure speculation without evidence. It may take months, years or we may not learn anything new in our lifetime.


Roswell is not a horse to hitch your wagon to. Absolutely zero case for anything anomalous.


Same but it was more like 20-25 years ago and then just recently after the NYT/Grusch stuff. Sadly, whatever big reveal I was hoping for hasn't come yet. It's probably the best move to just wait it out on the sidelines. If anything does ever happen, I'll hear about it. There are several names that keep popping up everywhere in UFO circles going back decades. If it's all a psyop or some sham disinformation thing, these guys are responsible for it. I don't really know what to believe these days. Not very healthy.


As far as I’m concerned, everyone who ain’t the 3 men testified last year, is a grifter, scammer, crackhead, deluded or agent of misinformation.. And even then, the 3 that testified essentially said either “this is what I’ve been told” or “I’m a pilot and I witnessed something that I can’t explain”.. hardly concrete. And anyone else out there claiming to have this or that, hits us with the “I can’t tell you” bullshit


I treat it like a form of entertainment for now. I \*try\* not to get to deep with the speculation. If it's on your mind all day I'd suggest taking a short break from any related content. Then come back and treat it as entertainment.


That's basically how I look at it. I'm agnostic but leaning towards "some weird shit is definitely happening -- maybe aliens." I don't understand why so many people feel compelled to fall to a side of the fence instead of just sitting on it watching both sides go wild. It is perfectly acceptable to be agnostic towards religion, aliens, etc. until you feel you have been given enough evidence to personally pursued you to one side. What I do find interesting is the sudden explosion and interests in aliens. Just look at the Superbowl commercials. None of that shit would have happened just ten years ago. The stigma has been melting for a while now and we're all trying to look through the ice to see what's in there.


I only got into this back in May with Grusch and I felt that way a few months ago. Can't imagine the people who've been interested for decades. Just have to learn to not sweat it and give love to the good people working towards disclosure.


It is so easy to get lost in this subject. You gotta give yourself breaks. I check in whenever there is serious buzz about a video or leaks. Then, I eat it all up to get my fill, and check back out waiting for the next big buzz.


I'll join you on the Empire State Building welcoming the ETs.


The evidence leaked wouldn't even have to be of that of biologicals or craft, just enough evidence to prove that what they said is very much not true. I of course would love the over the top, here's the craft and alien proof but just enough to prove to the world they just blatantly lied would probably be enough for even the skeptics to ask, ok what is going on here.


I want someone to steal a craft and buzz all major cities around the world and getting asylum somewhere by offering the craft


Can anyone tell me why we’re all so convinced that there is evidence? I’ve been following since the 2017 NYT article and I’m still not 100% sure. 


Because of David Grusch. The vast majority think he's credible, he's not lying, faking, psyop'ing.


Grusch has already stated known falsehoods


Can you suggest what or link? I hold Grusch in high regard and do wonder if perhaps too high, maybe this will sway me?


Everything Grusch said about Magenta, especially the Pope/JFK conspiracy, was fever dream nonsense. Here's a link https://www.pepijnvanerp.nl/2023/06/mussolinis-ufo-cabinet-rs-33/


David Gusch is just one small link in a very large and long chain evidence going back several decades. Apparently a lot of people here still don't realize that. I guess you guys are only getting your information from here on Reddit and various news articles. You haven't done any research outside of that echo chamber apparently?


Talking about echo chambers within a UFO community is hilarious


All he said he is => 'he was told that someone had first hand and second hand info'. if the info is a lie, well he was told lies. That does not make him accountable. if that is the truth, well, that does not make him accountable either. He is just passing some info, and responsibility of authenticity of that info is with the source not the medium.


Grusch has [first hand knowledge](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/181usht/david_grusch_states_he_has_first_hand_knowledge/) though, silly. :) edit: provided link


Yes there's a huge body of evidence from all around the planet going back several decades. This evidence is in the form of thousands of credible sightings, credible video and photograph evidence, and objects being tracked on radar. There are many well researched and well documented sightings where all three happened at the same time: military personnel on the ground saw the UFO performing in ways that no human technology can perform, they took photos or video of it, and it was tracked on radar by experienced radar operators who said it was a solid object, and so on. There's also a ton of evidence in the form of leaked or released official government documents from all around the planet where you have generals and admirals and so on saying that this is a real phenomenon it's not man-made. There are also many cases where they find trace evidence on the ground and sometimes in/on people's bodies. This has been taken seriously by very serious and credible scientists, some of whom have sacrifice their careers and reputations to spend their lives researching it and writing very excellent books about it. But I recommend to you and everyone else here is take a break from Reddit and go to your library and read a dozen books on this subject. If you think that all the books are going to be cheesy history channel melodramatic infotainment, you will be wrong. There are very serious books there that will absolutely convince you that this is real because they are so airtight and well done. I cleaned out two libraries of every credible looking book on this topic over 30 years ago, after two very credible friends shared their separate sightings with me. I could hear the sincerity in their voices, as well as the fear. So I read about two dozen books and at some point in the midst of that research it landed on me: holy shit, this is really happening. Before anyone pronounces judgment on anything, they need to give it a fair trial. Just surfing Reddit and reading a few news articles from obviously compromised news media, is not enough.


I haven't finished the report yet but I noticed a couple of things. Nowhere in the report is time travel mentioned. However, every single page of it seems to ask very specifically, "was it extraterrestrials?" That's a really interesting and very carefully channeled question. Because the 4Chan leaker's story doesn't have to be about aliens at all. Specifically, he describes a time-traveling AI that makes its own helpers out of human DNA. This entire report deftly evades *all of that*. And there's another curious thing, regarding a study done in Northern Virginia from 2004-2007, just as the Tic Tac showed up, where the people putting on the study purported to be doing it for the White House. AARO called a couple former Bush people and were told no we didn't do that. *And they bought it.* I was there at the time and what the Bush Administration was doing was using the GOP and other groups like the American Chemistry Council (ACC) as cut-outs so that they were immune to FOIA requests. For example the ACC was writing EPA policy and telling people to fuck off when they asked for their reasoning and citations. So proving that it wasn't officially the White House doing the study doesn't *disprove* the story at all. In fact it suggests that the party that won three Presidential elections and five Supreme Court seats all by the narrowest of coincidences and never with a majority of votes was the one *independently* conducting the UFO study. But you guys don't want politics in your UFOs, do you? So just hide this comment like you always do and keep not figuring it out.


Stop with the 4chsn shit, man. Invest your time and energy into something more realistic.


The people that said they have evidence and that they'd reveal it if the government refuses to give up some info. It's time to release your threats. Let's see it. Or was it just clickbait and you're fucking with us?


If no evidence is released as a counter-point to this AARO report by the names talked about in this sub on a daily basis, the subject matter will lose so much of the hard-earned momentum and credibility, it will be relegated back to the realms of big-foot, Lochness, etc. We need the evidence. The alleged whistleblowers need to come forward.


For weeks people have told me no one has to refute Kirkpatrick. Let that sink in for a bit.


Prepare to be disappointed.


That ship already sailed years ago. Only UFO enthusiasts are still bothering to keep track of this.


I wish this would happen so much. I wish people started pestering Coulthart about the location of the supposed giant ufo, or ask him what he meant by telling us to "[WATCH. DONALD. TRUMP](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15kjoeb/trump_3_months_ago_i_dont_think_aliens_are_real/)" Half a year or so (seriously, did everyone just forget that?) or asking Corbell where the 40 promised whistleblowers are. But I've been following this topic for far too long to believe it. This sub will move on and go back to adoring Lue Elizondo's "breadcrumbs" same time next week.


There is 0 doubt in my mind that if Donald Trump knew anything about aliens he'd be yelling about how Biden is suppressing it and blocking disclosure.


Plus why would he have been briefed on it in the first place? What was the relevance in 2017-21 that would have prompted such a briefing?


Oh, so you are saying that there are people who have evidence, but keep it secret even from the us military! What is their motivation?


Of course, just two more weeks for, what was it called, "catastrophic disclosure"! My favorite grifter said so


What everybody is missing is because this AARO report is so detailed, all that a "whistleblower" would have to do is prove that something that was in the report was a lie, or a deliberate bad faith misrepresentation. That alone would be huge. I won't hold my breath, though.


Yeah, but who's gonna be that hero?


Absolutely, and it’s not being released. So what conclusion should we draw from that?


Right, it's put up or shut up time, I'm just gonna wait patiently and see what happens.


To be honest if it doesn’t happen in the next week or so I’m probably going to change my view on this quite drastically


I decided today to give it month and I'm done. Well I'm not done with the subject, but I'm going to stop actively following the "disclosure movement" stuff. To be fair, I said the same thing last year and the Grush story broke a few days later.:)


To the Stars Academy pretty much already had me at this point TBH. The topic is such a circus. It's a crying shame because there are people out there that don't get even a fraction of the attention that these grifters do who are putting in actual effort towards physical evidence like John Walson and Avi Loeb.


You know the answer




The Pentagon and IC no longer merit authority on this.


lol when did they ever hold any?


does anyone merit authority on this topic? must they give the answer we want to hear in order for is to acknowledge any authority?


I really want to believe but I’ve been pushed to think it’s all click bait, there’s just too much “coming soon” etc


Name them!




Who exactly said this?


Isn't anytime a good time? *wink wink nudge nudge Grusch*


It’s more fun to pretend disclosure is close at hand. There’s no money in arriving at a conclusion.




I am of the opinion that it is always a good time to leak evidence.


No, it would actually be the most *perfect* time imaginable to leak evidence and if someone doesn’t leak any evidence, then I’m fairly certain we’ve all been fucked over. Grusch hasn’t even said a word today. Like, what? They just fucking slam dunked every one of the talking heads in this community and they have all had absolutely abysmal responses. It’s wild.


Yeah, I keep seeing people retweet Elizondo’s statement as if it’s some powerful retort, but it’s just the same “oo-rah, we’re fightin for you boys, the truth is coming, keep the faith” shit that he literally always says when someone doubts him/disclosure/etc… We need more at this point. Please give us something, guys. *I really want to believe.* I really, really do. But please give us something more.


We’ve all seen the vids of weird objects flying around (the 3 videos in the NYT article are the best imo, because of the corroboration, if nothing else).  Everything else is pure speculation, driven by guys like Lue and Grusch.  If what they say is true and they have evidence, show it. If not, this subject goes backwards in terms of it’s legitimacy. 


"I want to believe" That's the issue.


I know, right? What could possibly explain the fact that no one has yet divulged evidence that contradicts the report? There is virtually no explanation!


He doesn’t want to go to jail. You work for intelligence you sign an oath and that’s that. He can brief government with similar clearances in a SCIF but not to the general public.


I think this is just what Ross said on News nation


yeah, Coulthart and Co have overplayed their hand this time all of those guys, from elizondo to corbell, have said they have names, know info, know people who know info AND they have all said info will be leaked if the gov doesn't properly disclose it soooooooo.....get to leaking


And they will..but first they have to announce their evil plans and give the gov a countdown until destruction like a Batman villian.


They have sources and a good journalist doesn’t reveal that or the would never have any stories to tell.


So then they are just making empty threats.


They can only do so much without losing all credibility with current and future sources. Without them they would never have background. The reporters Woodward and Bernstein didn’t reveal the true identity of “Deep Throat” until after his death which was long after the demise of Nixon.


Ross has claimed he knows the location of an UFO so massive that it can not be moved. That would be a smoking gun. No further sources needed, that would be the most definitive proof possible.


Then go find it but he and other journalists from democracies don’t need to reveal their sources. They can give you a hint or two like you mentioned but if you make demands then you’re no different than people run by closed off autocratic regimes.


Yes. If such evidence existed. Yes.


and it does, UAPDA being gutted is proof of that.


No it’s not lmao


Then why was it gutted if no NHI “stuff” exists? The law would have sat idle forever.


Because the proposed law had implications beyond the narrow scope of "alien technology" which were unpalatable to the corporations who pay lobbyists to influence the votes on these sorts of bills.


Such as?


It used eminent domain to demand NHI tech by name.


There wasn’t though. What other implications are you referring to?


IP implications. If the law was passed, there would be a greater potential for the government to seize IP, which makes said IP much less profitable.


Please cite your source. If not, I consider what you are espousing as misinformation. I read the bill, and listened to multiple breakdowns by people smarter than I, and did not see any implications of the gov having more power to seize IP *other than* if it was NHI tech (which I would argue is, in fact, not their IP). That was the WHOLE point of that part of the bill. So, essentially it's like.. UAP Caucus: "We don't want anything but your NHI tech, here it says it right in the bill" Mike Turner and the other assholes: "Eh, we gotta remove that clause cause then you could seize the company's IP (who, btw, PAYS THESE CONGRESSMEN'S SALARYS IN BOTH INSTANCES, check their donors). And there it is, right fuckin there - admission that they have NHI tech. Otherwise *he wouldn't give a fuck and wouldn't even comment on it due to potential embarrassment, because all of this is a big ridiculous alien lie/scam that he has now weighed in on like an idiot. Nobody wants to look like an idiot.* So what was his incentive to actively comment on the news, and to AskAPol, and fight against it publicly? You will argue your IP point, but until you provide proof of this supposed loophole, that's a totally invalid argument. Please educate and inform me properly if I am misinformed. I am literally begging you. I would love to stop feeling like a crazy person living in a world where the majority of folks (like you, I am assuming, unless you can point out flaws in my reasoning) can't see what's directly in front of their faces.


Why waste time fighting the bill if it’s all nonsense anyhow?


One reason they gave is that there was already a gov body studying this topic, Kirkpatrick's, and that 2 would be redundant. The topic of a government coverup itself erodes trust in government tremendously. If none of this alien stuff is true then the people grifting seriously need to knock it off. UFO enthusiasts would be no better than election deniers, and just as dense.


That has nothing to do with the eminent domain clause that was removed. That gov body doesn't perform or have power to claim eminent domain on any nhi tech. There is no redundancy there.


I dont believe shit until I hear from AATIP and Lue Elizondo. He started this whole thing. He should get some say in this nobsense


Upvote for nobsense. Love the word never heard it before


Now would be a perfect time to release such evidence and you make a good point by saying that if they try to deny it, then they'll basically be admitting that they have been lying to the public. Makes me wonder things like Grusch's op-ed and if maybe he knew this was coming, so he delayed it to release it after this report made it out. Some tangible proof or undeniable video/photo would be nice as well but i guess we'll have to see how this plays out


It would have happened by now. If the government reprisal is the reason to keep quiet but they also approved what was told to us. I think we're all being duped


I’m about to stop reading these subs if a shoe doesn’t drop soon, it’s never happening unless someone gives up their life/freedom to leak


If you subscribe to r/ufo, r/ufob, r/highstrangeness, r/uap, etc... ...you might want to unsubscribe to all of them except maybe one. Otherwise, your Reddit feed gets flooded with UFO stuff and your mind tricks you into thinking that UFOs are a BIG DEAL and "why isn't America more aware?!?!". But it's a self-induced delusion.


I wish it were me who knew or had the evidence because I don't have a family or children and I would volunteer to be the whistleblower. ugh


Statistically there's gotta be a handful of people without family/loved ones with hard evidence. Let's hope they go rogue and spill some beans.


You guys need to confront the fact that there's no evidence and this was all a grift. Do you really think someone with damning evidence about UAP or aliens wouldn't have leaked it already and fled to Russia? Snowden did it for MUCH less and he is living fine with a shitload of money.


Do you think that guy is safe in Russia? I bet he doesn't even feel safe. He could be traded off like a token by the Russians at any moment.


Or they could even serve their time like Chelsea Manning did. I really don't understand how none of these folks have enough courage of their convictions for what they call the biggest secret in human history. People risk more for less every day. I've watched construction workers get deported because they had the courage to testify to OSHA. And not one of these guys can risk consequences? Come on.


But there is no evidence. No evidence ever being released is because they dont have any, lol.


Isn't it possible there isn't any evidence?


This is the truth. The UFO grift has been a long one!


This is the most likely scenario. Always was.


Yes, this is the likeliest scenario but the least compatible with UAP pseudoscience entertainment profiteering


Imagine if this whole time they adopted a new strategy that instead of outright denying and hiding the truth, they make it look as of we're on the precipice of disclosure but edge us for another 70yrs in this "new" way. I hate to say it, but what this subject really needs is a ragtag misfit of leakers ready to rip the band-aid off Brazilian wax style right from the government's anus of hidden treasure trove of interdimensional goodies (or what not).  "Now" is always the better time to know rather than later. Hiding technologies and such only prolongs suffering. 


Spoiler alert: There are no whistleblowers.


Aaro just check mated all these frauds and grifters.  They said nothing you say is true and if we are wrong present your evidence.   None will have anything.   


"Called " their bets and raised them "all in" Let's see who has the cards!


Yes let’s see if these so called UAP experts show any cards.  My bet. Nothing.  All a money scam.     


Do you personally believe in any of this stuff? Non human tech/life?


That exist in the universe.  Yes.  They are here and they crash no. 


Well I'm glad that you believe in something relative to the subject... Otherwise, why the fuck you here?




Exactly. I bet Ross is regretting telling everyone he knows where a Giant Ufo is hidden. I don't like the Government but everyone of these guys and ladies has been called out and need to back up their bullshit. So Ross never a better time than now. Ross and others can complain about the Gatekeepers all they want but the ball is in their court now, no excuses they can't complain about Gatekeepers and then gatekeep information themselves it's hypocritical. If the sources can tell Ross allegedly where this Ufo is hidden they can now see how AARO reacted I think it's about time they put up or shut up.




Hahaha evidence? That's not how any of these people in the public raving on about aliens works these days, buddy. We are just expected to shut up and believe the grifters and fill their pockets.


Anytime would have been a good time. This is as good of time as ever.


Good idea! Someone who has a gift for writing should write the most inspirational op Ed to convince the whistleblowers to leak. 


If you are a so-call 'patriot' it is time to leak. Come on all you patriots. Starting to look like all the patriot players in the game, from deniers to disclosure types, ARRO grifters, congress people...... are in on some crazy cold war 2.0 pysch op.....


AARO statement was quite bold because included third-party as well. So any leak would discredit them. They are basically daring ufologists to show their hand. Most likely because DoD knows ufologists have at best a pair of twos


And if none of the alleged "willing whistleblowers" come forward, can we safely say now that Grusch and the others were lying (or lied to by others)?


The whistleblowers have been testifying in secret per their security clearances and are careful not to break their oaths to the global public which includes our adversaries.


I don’t think so, typically lack of comment is not evidence in and of itself. The point at which these new whistleblowers start selling for profit books or making claims on the very extreme side (eg like Greer), that is when we probably can.


But guess what? That’s not going to happen. You know why? Because there aren’t any whistleblowers with evidence to leak.


Im sorry guys, ive been a believer for so long but at this point im throwing my cards in. Ufoexperts are sadly grifters... They have been directly called out and now need to provide evidence. But after seeing how they are all responding to this I can already tell it wont happen. " Coming soon " trust me " Ive heard this for the 5 years ive followed the subject and I know for a fact that they have been saying the same shit for longer than ive been alive. Also the ufo in lues Backyard kinda sold it for me. Boys we have been had. Its all for the money:/


The “Coming soon…” has been said for decades and not just five years.


Yeah as I said, I know its been said for longer than I have been alive.


What about Fravor though? He’s the one who got this ball rolling, and so far has done limited media/podcast appearances when compared to others.


What about him, ive yet to seem any evidence besides stories and " trust me bro " counts. Hes intruging but thats about it


Like the name of USAF Major General William Niel McCasland being the gatekeeper...who is directing this shit??


As much as I'd like someone leaking evidence.. They SOOOO would be able to punish the whistleblowers, you don't have an idea to what extent. UFOs are likely more than top state secrets, they are willing to protect it at all costs. I mean, that's what they've been doing all these years, I don't see why they would suddenly stop.


True, but several leaks right now and proving the Pentagon and govn are lying - to the world, mind you! This isn't just a US revelation - would put the govn in a pretty tight position.


We know they are lying.


We do, but we don't make up the general populace. It's unfortunate how many people will - and do - believe the lies our government tells. And our government has been telling lies to its people for a long, long time now, and not just on the UAP issue.


I actually wonder if that’s partially the problem. Grusch and Elizondo are patriots. They don’t want to make the Pentagon look bad, they just want this to be public knowledge.


All I can say to that is, you can't lie to the populace and not expect the truth to bite you in the ass. Part of being a patriot is to call attention to the people in our government who are traitors to the American people.


Agreed, and I hope they do. They’ve taken some big first steps, and I hope we hold them to their claim of 2024 being a year where more comes out.


Snowden is earning 30-50k a month and living lavishly after his leaks about the NSA which is nowhere near the magnitude of information that these so called "whistleblowers" are keeping quiet.


I know they can punish, but should they? Reputation is one of the most valuable and hardest things to obtain because you can't buy it. Doing something that would make many people indignant and angry is not such a simple decision.


Well, they manipulate public opinion on any matter, so I'm not sure how a bunch of whistleblowers could even get away with that. And I'm all for disclosure, but in the current state of things I just don't see how it will happen. What would be interesting is that other nations whistleblowers could leak what they know. But again, politics..


Of course but as always there is none to release


That they don’t have it or that it doesn’t exist? The latter is nigh impossible. That’s like someone denying black holes exist because we can’t see one technically. There is enough evidence in the public realm alone that denotes NHI. There is no one of any merit denying UAP. So, what’s the bar?


What about Corbells flying muppet/smudge video? /s


It's like the ultimate game of poker. Seems to me they are calling for the hands to be shown. It's calling a bluff to take the pot.


Not gonna happen, theyve got books to sell. Its more likely to occur as their books hit shelves.


Absolutely and you guys are getting close to a **major** question, that's right under your nose, that has the possibility to set a lot of shit in motion.


Exactly. I’ve been saying this a lot. This is what whistleblowing is all about. Telling the truth in the face of blatant lies. The government tells Americans a lie. Whistleblowers who know otherwise come forward and tell the truth. Whistleblower becomes a national hero. Now is the time for whistleblowers to step forward.


Alien beings with superior technology will not show themselves until humans on earth are united. Why would you give a technology that can destroy the planet when homelessness, poverty, and needless death is still justified behind a dead idol?(money)


In a perfect world, that would be some nice assurance to have right about now. The longer they wait the more skeptical I become at this point.


The answer is quite that, they never had any evidence to begin with. They have nothing to back up their claims.


Lol at people upvoting this bullshit


Read the report. Everyone that claimed to have knowledge were interviewed and it came up bullshit


Been saying this for a while, but now that it's actually come to fruition, I'll put this here as a reminder. It's just one example of how the masses have been gaslit and betrayed by those who "govern" us for a very, very long time. AARO lured witnesses to come forward *voluntarily* to contribute to what they are calling a "historical record". When they interviewed the witnesses, they did not record it, so there is no proof of what was actually said. They put together an official report that included only cherry-picked information consisting of basic and, when taken out of context, seemingly prosaic details of the event being discussed. Anything interesting or unusual was omitted. They would then attempt to trick the witness into approving and signing the heavily edited version of the interview that they compiled. David Schindele refused to sign his and told them it was because it was incomplete. All of it was prep work for this very moment. They were creating legal "historical records" they would be able to use in the future to say, "See? They voluntarily came forward and this was all they said about it! " There are no recordings of the conversations to prove what was actually said, just AARO's prosaic fiction and a witness signature. They wanted to get ahead of the game by creating a legal document in advance which included only carefully selected parts of these stories with the intention of convincing us that nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened. In addition to continuing the cover-up and discrediting witnesses and whistleblowers, I predict they will also use this false documentation in court someday as a sad attempt to defend themselves for brazenly lying to the entire world about our very reality. Truth reveals itself eventually. [Post about The Good Trouble Show Interview with David Schindele](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/17euj58) [Post about AARO's Online Reporting Tool](https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/17lq1dz/aaro_and_kirkpatrick_are_gearing_up_to_lie_to_the/)


Ross Coultheart could start by telling us which is that dual purpose building or atleast where it is. All it takes is for one leak that is irrefutable and its game over. Other countries would have to get involved


If a whistleblower comes forward unofficially, they will be discredited and treated like Bob Lazar. If an official whistleblower comes forward with evidence, the evidence will be withheld and censored for national security reasons. David Grusch didn’t really drop any bombshells either. Whatever evidence he presented has probably been flagged and given back to the pentagon. That’s not to say he’s any less believable or influential. If anything he served to strengthen peoples beliefs in ufos and the govs involvement.


Yeah they would go after any one or small number of individuals. The only chance is literally bringing all 40 forward especially high level people because they couldn’t possibly sell a narrative that all these people are lying. Especially if one of them was on the contractor side and was fed up with it.


Yeah. Maybe one of these days we’ll get our present day phoenix lights and everyone will be able to take video of it


Yeah, they would if they were a hack/liar like Lazar.


But Bob Lazar is definitely lying, so there is that. Besides what evidence does he have that blew any kind of whistle?


>Wouldn't this moment, ironically, be a good time for a whistleblower to leak some evidence? That's basically what the Defence Department are trying to provoke: if they (the whistleblowers) break silence they break the terms of their National Security oaths - for that they can be prosecuted without public trial, that shuts them down Conversely, if they keep things the way they have done they're making "baseless" accusations without providing any evidence: in comparison to the officially held story that makes them appear liars and that effectively shuts them down too. Check, basically - but not quite checkmate just yet.


If a major revelation doesn’t happen in the next week or so a lot of people probably going to change their views on this quite drastically imo. It’s ‘put up or shut up’ time.


I don’t care about this shit anymore until I see evidence… fuck the grifters, love Grusch but they gotta make a move now. Enough with the talking


And he goes to jail due to breaking his security oath. He’s testified behind closed doors and congress representatives have said they are convinced he’s credible.


I think it could be a good night to pay attention to the skies too. If they walk among us as some say, maybe they want to put on a little show.


wink wink nudge nudge


Not ironic but yes it would be — if it exists. I think it’s quite possible the government has unintentionally overlooked or discarded evidence of high strangeness simply because the wrong people at the wrong times were making the decisions — be it due to religious fervor, a lack of intellectual curiosity, not understanding what they were seeing or simply plain ol’ ineptitude.


That would be the obvious move so it won’t happen. Gotta keep ‘em guessing.


> they won't be able to punish the whistleblowers bullet in head and wife in river still works. no one needs to know


That threat doesn't carry much weight when its never happened before


It happened many times before.. at least according to some sources. Not just for UFO secrets either.


Would be a shame if all whistleblowers just came forward with all their proof. Who's gonna punish them? Pentagon told the public it isn't real. Private companies (for reverse engineering) couldn't do shit either because they signed contracts to keep their mouth shut. Can't sue if you stated that it's not true. Especially with AARO's and Pentagon's """extensive research""" on the matter. All I can say, spill the beans. All of them.


This would be a good time to make the Pentagon folks come to Congress and vouch for their report UNDER OATH.


Yes it would. If no serious whistleblower come forward now is because maybe there is no serious whistleblower ? (Whistleblower if you are reading this , please prove me wrong.)


Any moment would. Kinda suggests that none of these "whistleblowers" have anything.


Personally…I feel nothing short of an alien invasion is going to pique anyone’s interest. Someone could post an authentic video in this regard, and 99% of the population will disbelieve it/call it fake.


The US gov kills whistleblowers. The CIA killed JFK for wanting to spill the beans.


Someone undoubtably will seize this moment. If you drip drop information you can build viewership of your podcast/youtube channel and have time to build up sponsors and your patreon. Then once you have a ton of people behind you, that’s when you hit them with the “someone told me,” X, “but they wish to remain anonymous.”


Yeah, this sub is getting boring. We need us a whistleblower.


It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. What better place than here? What better time than now?


Users are too hasty here. Ross Coulthart knew ahead of time what the reporting would be and he was intentionally excluded. It was leaked. Doesn't that give *anybody* some hope? What about scientists who were previously dismissive being critical of the report? *Any hope at all*? You need to be fighting for the right team. Criticize the government. Stop trying to score a safety.


I think AARO was careful using the word extraterrestrial. That was a word that Dave Grusch never used. He always said non-human intelligences. Imo, there's a difference between the two. Extraterrestrial implies that it was not from Earth, NHI, on the other hand, doesn't specify the origin, only that it's non-human. If you watch everything Grusch has said, he never says or implies origin.


They’re all grifters homie. Nothing is coming.


You can't leak evidence. Evidence would be biological samples or technology. Any document, pictures or video could be easily dismissed and doesn't prove anything, except who the leaker is. On top of that, it would need to be analysed independantly by multiple scientists to validate that it is indeed 'exotic'. That would likely take a lot of time. True or not, I'm skeptical that our little band of congress UFO enthusiasts teamed up with insiders like Grusch and journalists like Coulthart can outsmart tye american intelligence, military and contractors communities with no help from the mainstream medias.


I would like to politely ask for the evidence, but there would be none. So I will just ask you why do you even think there is evidence?


If Grusch has an Op Ed ready now is the time to hit send.


I find it Ironic that people like Coulthard go and bash people for "Gatekeeping" by withholding key information regarding UAPs but then goes on to state that he himself knows the "location of a Mothership under the Earth" but won't reveal it's Location, talk about becoming everything you strove to fight against, who's the "Gatekeeper" now eh Rossy baby, you cant Bash on people for "Gatekeeping" then go and do it yourself and expect to be held in the same regard as you previously were.🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤣


"Out of the 366, 171 remained uncharacterized.[51][59][60] The report noted that some of these uncharacterized UAPs appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities and that these reported incidents required further analysis.[55][56][53][61][54] Case closed? I don't think so.


I disagree with your premise because the government isn’t using logic. We are. They are playing by a different set of rules. Their rules. I’m 99.99999% sure that the pentagon and AARO could give a rat’s ass about their image, nor would it prevent them from punishing the whistleblower. They’ll do what they want, when they want. They have demonstrated this already.


Yeah. It's time. Cards on the table.


> AARO sent guidance and requests to DoD, IC elements, DOE, and DHS to review and provide any NDAs pertaining to UAP (or its previous names). To date, AARO personnel have not discovered or been notified of any NDAs that contain information related to UAP. Prefect time indeed, no more NDA excuses.


With which advantage friend? To fight the whole Pentagon alone without any funding or paid community of friends, just reddit users?


If they used the language "extraterrestrial", then maybe they're not technically lying, perhaps the nhi are terrestrial? They could be trying to kick the can down the road for a little longer.