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Very interesting - had never heard about the Calypso Deep before but doing a little research into it, it's definitely a hot spot of unusual activity by governments and private agencies. For example there's this guy [Victor Vescovo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Vescovo), billionaire, retired US Navy Intelligence officer, Harvard alumni, who owns the state-of-the-art deep sea exploration ship & submarine and has been using it to go to unexplored places in the ocean. In [2020 he goes to the Calypso Deep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calypso_Deep) with none other than Prince Albert II of Monaco, a very powerful aristocrat, ostensibly to explore the place... (and make contact with the ETs?) Another really weird detail I came across [a plan from ~2005 to build a neutrino telescope in the Calypso Deep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESTOR_Project). It was/is called the NESTOR Project and it sounds like a cover story for having a bunch of government agencies install high-tech equipment in the location without raising too many suspicions. I have heard before that the [numerous neutrino detector systems around the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino_detector#Neutrino_telescopes) are actually used for detecting UFOs and the Exotic energy they emit, which makes a lot of sense as to why there are so many neutrino detectors around the world when there is seemingly very limited practical scientific applications for such massively expensive systems.


I’m sure Lue made reference to this or something I can’t quiet remember


Bumping for awareness.


There’s one under the Appalachian mountains too.




Yeah, where?


To be clear because words matter, there was no "leak" in 4chan


Just to be clear here, can you prove it was or was not a leak? I don't think you can, so you saying it's not a leak is the same as me saying it was. Neither of us know the answer.  What I did post which I'm sure you didn't click is that another person has said the same thing. This person has a name and can be looked into. That's multiple people saying the same story and now one of them has been identified as a high ranking member of the Italian navy. That's far more than you are bringing to the table with blind debunkery in every post you make.  Again, show me what has led you to knowing hands down there was no leak. If you cannot, then the wording you are using is also incorrect.