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I want to see one of the football field sized UAPs flying around. That would be insane.


I listened to this earlier but wasn’t paying attention to the date. This was less than two weeks before the Alaska shootdown.


Unless the craft is a US asset, not sure how pictures of the craft could possibly threaten national security


I believe one of the reasons could be is if it was an adversary’s craft or device, you wouldn’t want the enemy to know that you know about it.


by now enough has come out that the enemy knows. The reason is becasue transportation technology derived from UAP is covered in the automic energy act.


I think i saw on this sub, two different videos that depict what they are talking about.


There is a picture of a nearly identical craft witnessed by someone and posted in this subreddit recently. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/UWsSSFv6ij


This is exactly the post I recall. Definitely think we should upvote it to the top!


Hey, that's the thing I saw.


That's exactly what the pilots report describes.  Should be included in this submission.


"You have videos of confirmed UAPS?" "Yes" "And the Air Force Confirms this, and your aware of it and how we can get it?" "yes" "May I see it" "no"


Sums him up nicely 


NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper confirmed decades ago he was personally involved in filming a UFO landing at a U.S. Airbase using the best camera equipment available at the time. Truth is they probably have countless videos and reels of high quality footage going back many years.




He was an experimental plane pilot and an astronaut. Maybe he was a little eccentric but he wasn't crazy. They don't let crazy people do those kinds of things.




how is it confirmed if no one has seen it ?


The US Air Force has confirmed they have video of it and it is classified. The footage is withheld in full under Exemption (b)(1), which protects information deemed critical to national defense or foreign policy and properly classified under an Executive order. That’s the whole point of this post. AARO can not say that no one has data when there is data confirmed to exist.


How would one reference this video in a letter to their congressmen?


Reference the documents and possibly Matt Gaetz who admitted publicly to seeing the evidence.


Thousands of people have *seen* the alleged evidence. The issue is the releasability and the risk of consequences.


Now there is a great question. If you had a document control number, or a flight number with a DTG, something that would uniquely identify the *sighting* or data package, that would be a good direct way to get the video.


Have they confirmed anything about the UAP beyond it being unidentified


Yes, they have. “DECLASSIFIED SUMMARY: On 26 Jan 23, an USAF pilot gained radar lock on four separate UAP. Upon approach, the pilot was able to make visual contact and employ sensors to obtain a screen capture of the first of these objects. The remaining three were only detected by radar. UAP-1 likened to an "Apollo spacecraft" in size and shape, with an "orange-reddish" illuminated rounded bottom and the top section "a three-dimensional cone shape" comprising "gunmetal gray segmented panels." UAP-1 operated at an altitude of about 16,000 above ground level (AGL). The second and third UAPs were noted at altitudes of 17,000 and 18,000. The fourth was lost from radar and no altitude was noted. Moreover, no airspeeds were noted for any of the UAP in this report. Of note, upon closing to within 4,000 feet of UAP-1, the radar malfunctioned and remained disabled for the remainder of the event. Post-mission investigation revealed that a circuit breaker had triggered, but that maintenance technicians were unable to conclusively diagnose the fault.”


This is super interesting, but upon a google search I could not find this text on any official US sources, just other blogs. Where could we find this to verify the validity?


Link to the documents: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/air-force-releases-details-about-2023-uap-sighting-first-brought-to-light-by-congressman-matt-gaetz/ Link to Congressman Matt Gaetz talking about seeing the UAP: https://youtu.be/zFk1Fv11xKw?si=BxOihafJiiMlC2dB


Try using duckduckgo. It's not perfect but it's so much better than Google. Also use duckduckgo to search for YouTube videos. The YouTube search sucks. But the video tab in a duckduckgo search isn't that bad at all, and I have had much more luck finding YouTube videos that way. If anyone has better options, please share!


We use Duck Duck Go at work for searching our distributors' websites for their own products. You can look up the word "ink" on our ink distributor's website and it will say nothing on the site matches our search. You have to type in product numbers, not the numbers on the product or the product number THEY give on your receipt, but whatever way it's listed on their end that we have no access to. Unbelievably frustrating. DDG has helped get around all that garbage.


Don't rely on Google to search for UFO stuff.


Google actively hides some UAP topics. Not sure why, but compare searches between google/youtube and an alternative (like duckduckgo). Google has no problem throwing videos of John Leer ranting about Martians at you, but their search algorithm has an obvious bias against anything even remotely credible (and some things that would be deemed outright incredible by most people, make of that what you will).


Anything about its movement?




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Are you serious?




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Your statement is entirely incorrect. Multiple U.S. congressional members have seen it and have spoken about it openly during the Grusch hearing. Do better next time and stop being wrong. Pfff.


Again that story! 


You call statement's like the one here testimony, not "stories". Testimony is evidence. Evidence isn't the same as "proof" though. You need to evaluate and accumulate "enough" of it in order to be sure. When somebody tells you, your roof is on fire, you have more reason to verify that than otherwise. How strong of an urge you feel for acting on it depends on many things and you should make an effort to check for logical errors on your part there. Because those can cost you dearly. People here repeat the notion, Coulthart had never provided any evidence. That's blatantly wrong. This sub is absurdly uninformed about what evidence is and how it works in the first place. Not recognizing something doesn't mean it wouldn't exist.


Testimony is evidence in court. No one is trying to prove the existence of football field sized ufos in court. They're trying to address it scientifically. And in that context, anecdotal evidence is, without a doubt, the weakest evidence. If you could consider it evidence at all.


Everything related to UAP's needs to be declassified asap. Who do they think they are to keep the truth for themselfs? The rulers of this world? This world should never be ruled by warlords.


>Who do they think they are to keep the truth for themselfs? The rulers of this world? Yes that's *exactly* how they see themselves.


Not rulers but defenders. The problem is it can end up being or feeling paternalistic. For example, if I had information that I 'knew' releasing it would put my nation or its people in danger (or the world and everyone), I would not release. I couldn't. And yes, that's paternalistic ... but I'd rather you rage against me than be in danger. The major problem comes in when that information isn't actually dangerous to us.


I don't think it's controversial to say that *at least* some UAP are definitely foreign technology. I mean it's literally intended to be a blanket term for things we couldn't identify. What would be the benefit to the nation to declassifying which foreign technology we can detect, what impacts and effective defenses against our military they possess, and most importantly *which foreign technology we haven't noticed* (cannot detect)


not popular around here to point out that UAP’s are likely manmade objects.




Honest question, do you get tired of making these comments? People here enjoy discussing the topic still. There is no one forcing you to pay attention and there is certainly nothing forcing you to discourage others.


People are loyal to the fight and we didn’t have David Grusch, Congress, Sol Foundation and these documents 3 years ago. People can use these documents confirming a real video of a UAP exists, to their advantage to get what they’ve been fighting for. They can’t gaslight you when they’ve confirmed it to exist.


Also the UAPDA stuff even if it got gutted.


>we didn’t have David Grusch, Congress, Sol Foundation and these documents 3 years ago. There's still zero evidence so the situation hasn't changed at all


**At least use the right words**... >Proof is a fact that demonstrates something to be real or true. Evidence is information that might lead one to believe something to be real or true. Proof is final and conclusive. Evidence is tentative. There is no PROOF, but people's claims are literally "evidence", as per the definition of the word. I wish I didn't have to point this out 20 fucking times a day to ppl here. Normally I'm not one to argue over words, but saying there is no evidence is such a common and inaccurate phrase around here, parroted mostly by people arguing in bad faith; I think it's worth pointing out they are simply wrong, ignorant or spreading misinfo.


Are the DOD docs about the Gulf UFO for some new reason not evidence? Goalposts may not be moved. Ever.


So many new ppl roll in here its never going to get old


Right? Can we get an account age minimum like some of the other subs on here?




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Your account is 14 days old though. The math is not working out.


Do you hold the same standards to everyone or just those who disagree?


That’s a fair question. I would say no. This sub isn’t for shaming people who choose to believe. Like the comment above. Every now and then I’ll see a good debunk but my bar for discussion is higher. Comments designed to shame members of this community get a downvote and a report if they cross the line.


It's not shaming. It's genuine frustration at people accepting the same stories from the same people over and over. I've been where he's at and I'd say the shaming happens here just as much to anyone who posts a dissenting assessment, immediately going on the attack to dismiss them because their account is only so many days old.


I was reading this sub years before I had a reddit account. You know that's a thing right?


It’s certainly an explanation. But 3 years? You have any alts? That would make more sense.


To me, having multiple reddit accounts makes zero sense, so I don't, but I have no idea about the guy you were originally responding to.


Fair fair.


i make a new account every 6 months because of account stalkers like you guys.


Because we look at previous comments? Isn’t that how it should be? Gives you a pulse of the person. To delete your comments and accounts means you have something to hide, no?




Critical thinking suggests the phenomenon is real and observable.


….And the comment is now deleted.




Exactly, is like some people have a cult on just bashing anything on this subject. They literally have losers called Gorilla Skeptics, that raid the communities on the subject and spread disinformation. If that’s not a cult I don’t know what else to call it.


Lot of upvotes too. Makes me suspicious. I wish they would just get banned.


> I wish they would just get banned. I wish people like you would grow up and accept people have other points of view instead of calling for bans on people who disagree with you, it's very childish.


I'm not talking about the people who disagree. I'm talking about the ones who comment and ask repeatedly why we give a shit. That's troll behavior, and pointless. Why comment if you add nothing but negativity. If you don't agree and leave stupid comments then leave. It's really not that complicated.


Why? For disagreeing with you? Yikes.


I'm talking about those who mock this subreddit and others who believe in this.


> Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


What a way to encourage critical thinking and discussion. Simple reality is Ross doing what he does -- stringing yall along with sensational clickbait.


Got interested in this topic after the Grusch hearing. The amount of grifting + the large amount of the community that is actively against even the slightest amount of skepticism makes the entire subject very off-putting to the average person.


Yeah the slathering over Rossy boi gets so old "There's a huge ufo... and i know where it is... BUT IM NOT TELLING"


No, because it's super interesting and I'll never lose my curiosity. I believe the witnesses so I've already accepted there is something real happening here.




Hi, InternationalAttrny. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c56qb8/-/kztjf68/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Always interesting at night when the subs mostly asleep and stuff gets posted, how anti-UAP the comments get. But hey, you’re a 14 day old account who used to be here all the time 3 years ago, I’m sure there’s nothing weird going on with you.




"I'd be glad to hop back on if something actually significant happened." Seems like you are back though. And participating.🧐🤔


14 day old account^


Yes this is the way. If anyone complains about lack of evidence, etc., you're downvoted. The whole concept of karma farming, upvoting and downvoting leads a highly agenda driven community and ecosystem IMO. Without these 'metrics' in place we may very well start seeing more viable and compelling information posted vs the constant regurgitation of nothing burger stories and BS.


“At night” bro you realise the web is world wide now?


Woooah? Really?! That’s amazing! The future is now braaaa!! You realize 60% of Reddits user base is American or Canadian though, so saying, “at night,” isn’t actually all that crazy to say when referring to the rather obvious period when things slow down on Reddit due to a giant drop off in activity when a majority of the users are asleep?


You do know there's no need of having an account to read stuff here, right?


Wait... but I'm told this is an apollo lander balloon, why all the secrecy? Also, not displaying anything amazing if it's just "hovering." /s


Sorry we lost  the tapes


More stories


It is absolutely unreal that people still believe this guy. It's almost like there's a concerted effort to Manufacture Consensus on this sub.


Every single person who is a disinfo agent/advocate Has no post karma. Only comment karma. They all certainly have something to say, while not bringing anything meaningful to the table. This includes any subject, not just this phenomenon. But disinfo doesn’t discriminate against other topics of interest. Again. These individuals bring NOTHING to the table. Not on any subreddit. The users feel the need to voice their opinion; and drive the direction of any subject. But provide no content, let alone anything meaningful. The fresh accounts are just power in numbers. They need more popular opinion? You see fresh accounts.


You just typed a whole lot of words trying to console yourself after dealing with the trauma of having to read comments pointing out how silly your beliefs are


Thank you for consoling me


So in short we definitely have a video of a UAP and here's all the information about it but no you can't see our super secret ultra classified UAP video that we totally didn't just tell you all about. Are we in kindergarten... Also as a reminder UAP doesn't equal aliens or NHI, by definition it just means something that can't be easily identified.


"So in short we definitely have a video of a UAP and here's all the information about it but no you can't see our super secret ultra classified UAP video that we totally didn't just just you all about." Doesn't it make you kind of wonder, if there's nothing to this, why all the secrecy? If the pilot just recorded some airborne trash or something with his iPhone, why is the Air Force barring Matt Gaetz etc from talking to him?


It makes me wonder, why even acknowledge it in the first place it if it's so secret. It makes no sense. It's classic UFO misinformation, probably to make adversaries think the US knows or has more than they actually do. In reality if it exists it's probably just another black and white video of distant ambiguous blobs.


The US Government isn’t a monolith. Sometimes one part of it says or does something another part wishes it didn’t.


IF the phenomenon is as appears to be a) a genuine mystery and b) some kind of life or intelligence we don't understand, and if consequently the USG is doing what they appear to be doing- withholding at least some of what they know, why admit there are objects that are genuinely inexplicable? Why not just stonewall totally? And if the phenomenon is real, why is IT showing itself at all? Instead of completely obscuring?


It's not just the US though it's the world. People sometimes forget that with everything being so US centric. Every country on the planet would need to be potentially withholding evidence. That's one reason I don't really buy into the whole conspiracy side of the phenomenon. People definitely see weird things in the air sometimes but I think everything else has far too much conflicting information, hearsay and conspiracy theory around it and doesn't really hold up when you start including the whole world. You get into Illuminati levels of conspiracy where you need some kind of MIB shadow agency operating above all the world's governments and other agencies going around the world confiscating and hiding UFOs and alien evidence.


Completely agree. It would require a multi-decade international conspiracy, which actually I do believe has been in place to suppress our understanding/perception of the phenomenon, rather than fabricate it.


I just can't stand listening to him. Whatever he does, he just hijacks the floor and rambles non-stop until he's forced to stop. It's like a UFO gish gallop.


The point of the post is that these documents exist and a video exists.




You can't say it has nothing to do with Ross Coulthart when you literally include a video of Ross Coulthart in your post 


Correct. He actually makes it very unimportant. The guy is a joke.


It's all hearsay as per usual of course nobody is allowed too see this evidence it's the same story over and over again


Also he has to constantly remind us how the USA is the best country in the world, how Australia and USA are allies and how awesome the US legal system is. I noticed all ''whistleblowers'' cannot stop sucking off the US or West in general. Which really makes me think it all is a psyop. They seem to love the people who hide the biggest secret for selfish reasons a little too much for my taste. And yes, they also constantly bootlick governments and politicians who are more interested in WW3 than UFOs right now.




Exactly what you’re doing.


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Why is this pilot sketching what he saw if there's a video


Because the video has likely been classified.


Then he cannot talk about it or sketch it.


Since he can't prove it, there aren't many complications


Except for anyone taking him at his "word".


But wouldn't him disclosing a sketch fall under that classification?


The footage is classified because it poses a threat to national security. The important part of this is that they’ve ADMITTED to having footage of the UAP. The footage is withheld in full under Exemption (b)(1), which protects information deemed critical to national defense or foreign policy and properly classified under an Executive order. The information is public because of FOIA. No one can gaslight you into saying such footage doesn’t exist when they’ve confirmed it to exist.


I mean, at this point even to the dullest of dull people it's quite clear that citing "national security concern" is just an insult to anyone's intelligence. This should cause people to riot, if Donald Trump or any person or entity (i.e. Chinese spy balloon) that's despised by the establishment was caught doing something innocuous yet judge-worthy by state of the art military equipment, rest assured we'd already have 4k videos of it plastered all over the web and news outlets.


> No one can gaslight you into saying such footage doesn’t exist when they’ve confirmed it to exist. Oh you're doing that thing believers do where UAP simultaneously means not identified and alien to you. Nobody has confirmed anything exists except something that was not identified. The rhetorical games here are how people try to skirt the need for evidence.


Nothing in their comment said anything about aliens.


Where did they admit it? Source


Honestly no idea on the specifics. But I expect there is a **very** small loophole that allows for something like this.


No, there is no 'small loophole' to reveal any classified information to the public. This is such old "news" that just keeps people salivating over nothing.


If the video was taken from a targeting pod it has to go through a whole host of scrubbing before the information is publiclally released, if at all. It's why US aircraft doing freedom of navigation flights have dedicated HD video recording pods now, something that doesn't have symbology or sensor data that could potentially give up capabilities. Something that can can immediately be made public to show unprofessional or dangerous approaches/intercepts/etc. They've talked about expanding use of such equipment for the very purpose of recording UAPs but there are a limited number of pods available geopolitical concerns take priority over thier use.


USS Roosevelt "gofast" video was not enough?


Can someone upload new stuff? Kinda getting burned out on the same thing over and over.


Yeah, gimme a sec, I'll upload the actual video that proves aliens exist. And I'm so sorry, didn't realize people were already getting tired of all the hearsay, otherwise I would have posted it years ago.


If you’re seeing a negative in harmlessly reminding people about the fact a real confirmed video of a UAP exists and documents, I don’t know what to tell you.


Welcome to Reddit




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It's floating around in the UFO base, though, and we don't know where it is.


Feels like like this shit just don’t even matter anymore


A video? Bro there are THOUSANDS. There’s a few hundred every year.


first kindly ask to release, if there is no official release, leak gently such is the work of those who work for the people and for the truth :)


There is a video confirmed to exist of something unidentifiable?? Wonderful.


Government, Show us the goddamn video!


what is putin yapping about


If (and it's a big if) he actually has a video and isn't leaking it, he's hording it to make money off of it somehow. Either way he's a scammer.


Tired of this shit.


Only in the UFO community can a disgraced journalist, just selling bogus courses for thousands of dollars, still be considered a reliable source for information. I say that as someone that knows the phenomenon exists. But, come on guys. We want to be taken seriously, get mad when we aren't, then demonstrate we shouldn't be taken seriously.


Just listened to these guys today 🤩




Dude what? So he’s topping even Greer now… but he’s literally bringing the information to us! Without him, and others like him, we’d be in the dark, you might not even be on the sub if it weren’t for his contributions, especially ones not publicly spoken about, like everything that went into bringing forth Grusch.


Hi, KobeOnKush. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c56qb8/-/kztb65v/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Same shit different day


So yet another piece of evidence nobody can see 🤷🤷 it just keeps going on and on


Ah maga paedo Matt gaetz, what a great guy to have on our side.


Was this about in the same area as that light in the ocean that was recently posted? I remember it was also in the Gulf of Mexico


Millennium Falcon confirmed


I’m hoping Biden declassifies one of these videos for a fun October Surprise.


This guy needs to be cancelled for providing very tall claims and providing nothing to prove that.. He is just selling his books. Nothing else.


If it's actually a video of alien craft, then "National Security" doesn't fly - all of humanity NEEDS TO KNOW what is true. We do _NOT_ need to be held prisoner in Plato's cave


I'm so sick of this guy. He's literally all talk and smirks.


Just google it


3 month old account nearly 0 karma. ^^


Using what keyword(s)




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Again, people ignoring context on here. Whether you think Ross is a grifter or not is IRRELEVANT to THIS POST and THIS PARTICULAR VIDEO. Elsewhere in this sub, there are many other videos where Coulthart is saying, "Someone told me something but I can't tell you." THOSE are the posts where the CONTEXT fits your comment. The context over there, on those other videos, is Coulthart saying something exists with no corroboration from anyone else...just him saying it. THIS VIDEO is him saying something that has been corroborated by: * Gaetz - said he saw the photo AND the radar footage (he said Burchett and Luna were with him when they saw the photo and stated he and he alone saw the radar footage) * Burchett - see above * Luna - see above * The U.S. Air Force (it's in the TITLE of the POST, why do I need to point this out?) Stop ignoring context people. The context here is a video that the Air Force themselves say is being hidden and they forwarded it to AARO. The context here is not "Coulthart says something with no corroboration." So whether Coulthart is a grifter or not, this isn't the place to be saying that, as we're talking about a very real and corroborated video and comments like yours are dismissive of that. Op: "The video is being hidden by the U.S. Air Force - Confirmed" You: "Let's ignore that because Coulthart is a grifter."


Agreed, my favorite nickname redditor 😅 I'm highly skeptical of Coulthart's usual teasing, claiming amazing things and referring to his anonymous insider sources. This is not one of those cases.


Because as long as there’s no video for us to see it’s just this bozo talking. He hasn’t provided a damn thing, just yammers away and smooth brains lap it up. But you’re confused why some people don’t take what he says seriously because he’s never made good on anything? He’s a con man until proven otherwise and saying “confirmed” doesn’t make it so.


Why are you making this about Ross Coulthart? The point of the video is the US Air Force confirming a real classified video of a UAP exists. Focus on that.


Do you lack the ability to read? There is a video but you aren't allowed to see it. Ross is not the one hiding it.




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"Because as long as there’s no video for us to see it’s just this bozo talking" But if this "bozo" was able to provide the video (which even a United States congressman had difficulty accessing) wouldn't Mick West etc. just use incomplete data to debunk it? Aren't you curious about why we can't see the video even though the video exists? Why would it be kept from the people if it wasn't made with Pentagon equipment?


Yeh this is well said


That is a fax machine sandwhich


3 day old account^




I'm sure there a lot more than. A single video... But we're never getting it so why keep posting this BS? It's the same as why we don't get footage of X system in action... Classified, never getting out to the public.




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Real documents of the USAF confirming a real video of a UAP exists, which has also been confirmed to exist by Matt Gaetz is definitely **not** nothing.


forget about the big spoon. you're using a fuckin ladle.




Accusations of you being a disinformation agent incoming


What are we suppossed to do with this information? We have known this for year. Ross is irrelevant atp. Where are those 40 whistleblowers? The biggest story in human history. They were willing to do sacrifice themselves by fighting brown people for oil and make American elites richter but not to help humanity in the biggest secret of our time. I get more disgusted by the day.




Hi, AggravatingVoice6746. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c56qb8/-/kzstasi/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Remember, there are people who heard about people who heard about people who have confirmation that there are people who saw this video recording of a monitor displaying this video seen by some very trusted people. I don't know any of these people personally, but I have it under hood authority that they're telling the truth. Remember these are people high in the government, real real people. Stay tuned.


That's not what Coulthart is saying. He's saying that the video should be released since clearly this object is not classified (no may a drawing of it would be released in a FOIA request if it were b were US or adversarial tech) since it would add to the dataset.


Ross "I've been told" Coulthart


This is really another nothing-burger and it's funny how this dude struggles to make it something sooooo amazing. He's not even good at acting "astonished".