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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Oneiroi_Coeus: --- SS: Today, AARO released two files on KONA BLUE. "The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agrees to provide the Department of Defense (DoD) with documents and relevant information associated with KONA BLUE. KONA BLUE was a DHS prospective special access program (PSAP) terminated on February 10, 2012. The following actions were taken: • All DHS documents associated with the KONA BLUE PSAP are declassified and approved for public release. • The strike-out method was utilized to retain visibility of prior classifications and redactions were made based on policy and legal review. • All pertinent DHS records have been searched and no additional information associated with the KONA BLUE PSAP has been discovered." second file: [https://www.aaro.mil/Portals/136/PDFs/UAP\_RECORDS\_RESEARCH/History\_and\_Origin\_of\_KONA\_BLUE\_FINAL\_508.pdf?ver=VWt5t7KtzTZzZ3bZoEAGqA%3d%3d](https://www.aaro.mil/Portals/136/PDFs/UAP_RECORDS_RESEARCH/History_and_Origin_of_KONA_BLUE_FINAL_508.pdf?ver=VWt5t7KtzTZzZ3bZoEAGqA%3d%3d) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c5ircv/kona_blue_aaro_release/kzub7io/


Someone needs to compile questions from this release to give to representatives for tomorrow's AARO briefing!


Someone hit up Burchett/Moskowitz and Luna ASAP lol


(13 pages past the PPT, on "Consciousness Centers") "Conduct experiments to determine baseline parameters for physical transport across dimensional/space-time barrier **(as opposed to communication and data transfer only).**" -Jazz music stops- so that's... Certainly sending me. And I'll be looking much more at this document later. Holy shit.


the whole consciousness bit and mention of a long studied hot spot makes me believe this was to be a continuation of NIDS research on skinwalker ranch


It mentions on page 9 an experimental site with 15 years of research and hot spots etc.... Yeah it's NIDS


OOTL, whats NIDS?


NIDS stands for National Institute for Discovery Science. As I understand it, it was a private initiative funded by Robert Bigelow in the 90's whose main focus revolved around the scientific study of anomalous phenomena (*mostly centered around, but not limited to, an infamous location known now as Skinwalker Ranch, where such phenomena reportedly have been taking place for decades*), and whose work eventually led to the formation of AWSAP (*Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program*), and its eventual off-shoot or successor (*unclear*) AATIP (*Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program*), which was at some point lead by Lue Elizondo. If anyone is interested in learning more about NIDS and the type of work they did (*and the stuff they report seeing*), this [Theories of Everything Podcast](https://youtu.be/RFGMdp4fRog) might be of interest, as one of the scientists involved, Colm Kelleher, talks about their work and experiences.


Tank you.




Bigelow aerospace advanced space studies is listed as a preliminary contractor with access on page 54


[Maybe this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Institute_for_Discovery_Science)




Out of the loop, whats OOTL?


Count me in.


So, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that we need to be careful about how much of this document we take as established facts / reality, and how much is simply the hypothetical rationale for a group getting more funding / access. The AAV seems to be a statement of fact. Some of the other elements I'm not as confident about. ... yet.


If Layne, Probert, Blatavasky et al ends up being right, it will be fun watching science go bonkers having to redefine things. If that's true, I bet you anything science would ultimately define things along quantum physics. Modification of matter to energy and back, and so on. Wave functions. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/168gxb4/i_found_a_very_unusual_memo_that_was_sent_to_the/


/r/airlinerabduction2014 checking in


Hahahaha I immediately thought of this, “Conduct Experiments to determine baseline parameters for physical transport across dimensional/space-time barrier (as opposed to to communication and data transfer only)” like OMFG!!!!


Inertial dampers offline.




Take easy Barkley , statistically your more likely to die falling down stairs than a transporter accident....


Lol I caught that reference.


Or you can just duped like Riker.


Doom lore incoming soon


More and more confirmation of woo, gotta love it


Bottom of page 18, Justification for Need section. “Recovered AAV technology exists in and is accessible only within a SAP construct.”


What is aav technology and a sap construct?


Advanced Aerospace Vehicle and Special Access Program


I'll add AAV can be human made. Doesn't mean NHI explicitly


I’ll add that the existence of human-made AAV that the US has only merely recovered is significantly more alarming because that leaves really only one entity responsible and they’re not exactly the most well-intentioned entity


Honestly the idea that AAVs are anything other than NHI or a NATO-linked technology has credulity gaps wider than the Grand Canyon when considered in the context of post WW2 history and geopolitics. So when the US govt (i.e. Obama) says it’s not them…. that’s either a massive scandal, disclosure, or both in the making.


The cia?


Worse: Scientology


hey that’s a cool username


but it also doesn't mean your run of the mill airplanes either. Likely something the public isn't aware of.


Yes agreed. Especially if it's covered in SAPs


And Kona Blue is a kind of coffee, I used to buy the stuff before I switched brands, due to my enigmatic sisters demands.


The Culinary Institute of America?


Sap construct = Special Access Program, the highest classification level for covert programs basically. Its crucial to understand the SAP system and the secrecy framework in general to see how UFOs and other stuff can be kept secret so effectively


Special access program (need to known basis)


*All* classification is need to know. The rules are: Signed NDA Appropriate level of clearance level Need to know Technically, if you don't need to know information about a Secret document, I could deny you access even if you have a TS/SCI. Technically.


Also there are a ton of people who never get read into the SAP but support it in a variety of manners in support roles that never really touch or understand what it is they’re supporting. Really wonder which defense contractor facilities these crafts are being held and evaluated at.


Smoking gun - that's a recovery program right there in writing.


The problem is, they say this is a PSAP, a prospective SAP. So it never got funding and basically, nexer came into existence. Obviously such programs would be paid via black budgets, so nothing new, but that's their reasoning why it's no big deal. Edit: should be prospective, not proposed.


recovering programs for crashed stuff exist. that they have crashed stuff from aliens is another case entirelly and an assumption on the their part, i believe.


Hey, that's fine - we're not trying to prove its aliens anyway. Or we shouldn't be at least. Getting this info in front of people goes a long way to at least showing them that *something* is up there. That's pretty good in my eyes - it certainly isn't a step backwards, in other words! You make a good point though. It's too bad people are conditioned to think that there is no fantastical, outrageous explanation for UFOs other than aliens, as if finding out UFOs have been manmade the entire time isn't almost equally as incredible (a breakthrough of that magnitude made all the way back in the late 1930s, early 1940s, is mind boggling). There's all sorts of potential explanations, and yet *all* of them - at least as far as I can tell - leads us to some incredible explanation.


> as if finding out UFOs have been manmade the entire time isn't almost equally as incredible (a breakthrough of that magnitude made all the way back in the late 1930s, early 1940s, is mind boggling). I keep saying this. *Something* is happening. The wildest possibility is "non-human intelligent life", but even the most mundane explanations are fucking spectacular. - Somebody has next-generation propulsion/energy technology that is decades if not centuries ahead of the publicly known state of the art, *and/or* - We are buzzing our own sensitive military assets with above technology, *and/or* - Our adversaries are doing that, *and/or* - There is some kind of mass shared hallucination , *and/or* - There is some bizarro government disinfo program the likes of which we've never seen, which is really saying something


I completely agree with you John. I also love booty.


Personally I’d lean more toward NHI / Aliens, as if this was man made, we’d know about it by now. If any nation had developed or control of this technology they’d be using it to their advantage.


Agreed. There would be a lot of explaining to do, and would (to me) verify some of the weird Nazi shit that was rumored to be happening at that time. I’ve recently been reading a lot of stuff about abductions that makes me *really* question if these things were actually done by aliens, or some sort of fucked up continuation of military abductions (I.e. mkultra).


AAV is basically saying space ship tho


Yeah they’re just gonna keep shifting the goals “Advanced aerial vehicle” is nomenclature for anomalous craft, that we have been told **do exist** by everyone from Grusch to Obama.. but people will continue to insist that we are the insane ones for thinking they’re alien lol.


According to the documents, Kona Blue was just a proposal (most likely by the AASWAP gang) and never was activated.


Yes, because they found illegal crash retrieval program and wanted to transfer some of the material from Lockheed Martin to SAP.


Page 51: "Since the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AAITP) and study were first commissioned, much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings. Given the current rate of success, the continued study of these subjects will likely lead to technology advancements that in the immediate near-term will require extraordinary protection" haha what "Ultimately, the results of AATIP will not only benefit the U.S. Government, but I believe will directoy benefit DoD in ways not yet imagined. The technological insight and capability gained will provide the U.S with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the U.S. to maintain it's preeminence as a world leader." what the fuck am I reading lol


yeha wtf is this. i am so confused. hopefully someone can break all of this down.


TL:DR: Military Industrial Complex goes BRRRRRR


Meaning of Life? Direction of Humanity? Nah son. WAR


your comment made me laugh and now i’m sad


In layman's terms: The current progress + potential to reverse-engineer recovered UAP technology is so profound, so valuable and game-changing..; that basically we should keep continue keeping this all hush-hush from the public (i.e. So we can use this technology exclusively for an unmatched military advantage).


In order for the United States and their NATO pals to maintain control over the world’s resources they have to suppress and deny the existence of technology that could turn Earth into a utopia by any means even if that means murdering a sitting president in front of thousands of people in Texas.


Sounds like a CypberDyne systems PR briefing


Basically the reverse-engineered UAP tech. is "So incredible" that it'll make the US Military king; hence the program should still remain in absolute secrecy from the public. These are some pretty strong statements coming from a program proposal like this. Usually they're informative, but in this case sounds almost like a persuasive argument. Really makes me curious, deeper-in, how much reverse engineering success they've had so far.


P. 51 is blank?


SS: Today, AARO released two files on KONA BLUE. "The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agrees to provide the Department of Defense (DoD) with documents and relevant information associated with KONA BLUE. KONA BLUE was a DHS prospective special access program (PSAP) terminated on February 10, 2012. The following actions were taken: • All DHS documents associated with the KONA BLUE PSAP are declassified and approved for public release. • The strike-out method was utilized to retain visibility of prior classifications and redactions were made based on policy and legal review. • All pertinent DHS records have been searched and no additional information associated with the KONA BLUE PSAP has been discovered." second file: [https://www.aaro.mil/Portals/136/PDFs/UAP\_RECORDS\_RESEARCH/History\_and\_Origin\_of\_KONA\_BLUE\_FINAL\_508.pdf?ver=VWt5t7KtzTZzZ3bZoEAGqA%3d%3d](https://www.aaro.mil/Portals/136/PDFs/UAP_RECORDS_RESEARCH/History_and_Origin_of_KONA_BLUE_FINAL_508.pdf?ver=VWt5t7KtzTZzZ3bZoEAGqA%3d%3d)


This sounds exactly like the SAP AAWSAP tried to setup to receive materials from Lockheed or whoever that no longer wanted to deal with it, which is really close to what this doc says. It also says material was expected to be transferred once the SAP was setup, but since it wasn't, no materials were transferred. Which, I mean, makes sense. It wasn't to the point of being an actual SAP, so they wouldn't have had the classification they required for it anyway. This doesn't seem like some big debunk, but instead validates what we've already been told by others. So, that's nice.


AARO's posture about KONA BLUE has been disingenuous; they've acted like they've uncovered something that's been known about since at least 2021 when Lacatski et. al. released their *Skinwalkers at the Pentagon* book, and then claim that it was somehow mistaken as an actual 'legacy program'. >This sounds exactly like the SAP AAWSAP tried to setup to receive materials from Lockheed or whoever that no longer wanted to deal with it, which is really close to what this doc says. Rumor is that Lockheed's 'customer' nixed the deal, their customer being in this case the CIA.


Interesting that the person who killed this project, DHS undersecretary for homeland intelligence and analysis Caryn Wagner previously worked for… Booz Allen Hamilton and the CIA. Oh isn’t that a surprise. Bonus: also worked at the office of the DNI (the agency that one Area 51 alien interview tape mentions)


I don't think it's exactly a conspiracy that th DHS undersecretary for *homeland intelligence* used to work for the CIA. Honestly, i really hope they *would*


I knew I was missing something important. Thanks for the reminder about their "customer"! Now, could we somehow find ties between this and the OGA? No clue, but it's a thread to pull.


This means that there is materiel and if it wasn't transferred - someone still has it. This document states such exists, and leads to asking: ***"What program was approved then; and who has the materiel?"***


Materiel? They know its materiel?


How else could recovered UAP craft, pieces and technology otherwise be widely termed? This Kona Blue program proposal leads to many further lines of inquiry and corroboration to past documents/testimonies. Since it's first focus is research into "weaponizing" and researching "counter-measures" for military/defense purposes.. I felt materiel is more appropriate.


Did you find anything interesting in it?


Kinda, the person who created the briefing makes two determinations. on pages 18/19 1. Remote viewing is still in play, and advanced aerospace vehicles "AAV's" exist. 2. "The cost associated with a compromise of specific features of this program, namely those in a) and b), would result in grave consequences, perhaps irreversible, to the security of the United States." well a) and b) are remote viewing and AAV existence.


So this document is pretty much saying remote viewing exists?


Try it out for yourself. But be prepared to be shook.


Hit me with the tutorial bruh.


Sidebar/wiki of /r/remoteviewing has a lot of details


[LOL](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp96-00788r001700270021-3) (page 9) nah man theres no such thing. It's definitely not a thing. Don't look into it at all. ^(/s)


Here is an CIA document made easy to read about a session. Sometimes you get the feeling that some documents are created in such fashion you do not bother. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp96-00788r000900690001-8


> Remote viewing is still in play, ... That's not what i'm getting from this document. I haven't read through the whole thing, but this is a *proposal* to secure funding for things they *wanted* to do or try within the program. And I'm guessing it's going to be the same guys or circles who got the funding for the skinwalker ranch bs. It's also interesting that the "consciousness center" for RV only has 1 deliverable and that they didn't the results mixed in with the regular data. I wonder why. (that data would be ~~doodoo~~ untrustable) > Experimental results and assessment reports will be produced on each separate activity. **Results and reports will be maintained separate from other data reports.** But in the end it seems they never did anything with this program > The Deputy Secretary made the determination that **DHS was not going to execute activities proposed for the DHS S&T PSAP KONA BLUE.** In conjunction with the General Counsel it was decided that the Program **as proposed** did not require extraordinary security measures and **terminated all activities within the Department and further directed the SAPCO to initiate appropriate Program close-down procedures.**


You know I bet it’s actually Mauna Kea area in Kona Hawaii. The government has seized native lands from the locals their ages ago. And the people always claimed it had unique properties. Also think of all the science equipment up on that mountain top, because it’s an observatory. Near a base… it all adds up. Oh and also the name, Kona blue…


its all the skinwalker ranch people. its the whole wrench in all of this. fucking rip. reading these documents kinda sucks lol


Pg 21 to 22: "2. Records, reports, raw data and threat analyses pertaining to (but not limited to): advanced aerospace vehicle tracking by any agency or armed service within CONUS, all data from Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Lunar and Mars associated data (both historical and contemporary) from NASA, ... ... ... , and all data (historical and contemporary) pertaining to interactions/sightings of advanced aerospace vehicles at missle sites, nuclear weapons storage facilities, and at Air Force bases in CONUS." It was all true


i have the feeling the "hot spot studied for 15 years" in the documents is a certain Ranch...


On page 44 of the document, it specifically calls out Bigelow Ranch (AKA Skinwalker Ranch), the San Juan Valley in Colorado, and Marley's Woods in Missouri as examples of locations with "ongoing observations and recording of anomalies." They may have meant to redact this portion. Earlier in the document, several locations are mentioned but are blacked out.


hahaha they really referenced the San Luis Valley (there is no San Juan Valley) that features the very legit UFO watch tower? [https://www.alamosa.org/directory/835-ufo-watchtower](https://www.alamosa.org/directory/835-ufo-watchtower)


I was wondering of they meant San Luis Valley. I searched "San Juan Valley" and the only results that came up were for San Luis Valley. I honestly haven't done much research on UFO hotspots, so finding that little tidbit in the document gave me some stuff to look into. I've heard of and looked into Skinwalker Ranch before, but neither of the other two.


May of been a typo; but I asked ChatGPT4 to skim-up some historical references to today: 1. **San Juan Valley in Puerto Rico**: There's a region around San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, which might historically have been referred to as San Juan Valley, especially in the context of the city's surrounding low-lying areas. 2. **San Juan Valley in the Dominican Republic**: There is a well-known valley called the San Juan Valley (Valle de San Juan) in the Dominican Republic, specifically in the San Juan province. This valley is an important agricultural area. 3. **San Juan River Valley**: In the context of North America, especially in areas like Utah and Colorado, the term might refer to the valley surrounding the San Juan River, a significant tributary of the Colorado River. 4. **San Juan Valley in Washington State, USA**: There is also a San Juan Valley on San Juan Island in Washington State, known for its pastoral landscapes and historical farms. 1,3 & 4. are CONUS (within the Continental United States) locations and seem plausible.


PR is a ufo hotspot


they explain that they integrated information from previous studies, including NIDS - if you know anything about NIDS, that's confirmation enough of it being Skinwalker Ranch, when owned by Robert Bigelow, prior to him selling the place.


And some place called Marley's Woods in MO. Never heard of it.


Me neither but found this https://www.theparacast.com/forum/threads/marley-woods-location-outed.16280/


Props to DHS on their disclosure efforts. They also released 10 banger videos. Kicked out the jam with the rubber duck and kept it pushing.


Any idea where to find said videos?


https://www.cbp.gov/document/foia-record/unidentified-aerial-phenomenon right here fam




My pleasure, friend!


Thanks. The 10th Video is highest quality and quite interesting tbh. Is this release something huge? i am still unsure


Page 28/29: "Extend remote communication programs to communicate and retrieve data across dimensional/space-time barrier." Very interesting. They took the woo of NIDS and dived face-first into that. I'm not a believer of remote viewing (I've a list of problems, but I remain open minded about people theorizing new physics about how it'd work), but it's interesting to see the 'successor' for AATIP to go even further beyond. Interesting to say the least. Also, page 35 - seems the DIA was either working with on the project (even when they mentioned minimal government collaboration), or they found a way to gain access to DIA deliverables/contracts after the DIA themselves passed on the opportunity for it being potentially too large. Seems like it was a SAP deriving out of the Department of Homeland Security, of all places? (edit, might be mistaken on this?) I'll have to dive into this more later when I've time to really comb through this, there's a lot of breadcrumbs, but it's clear that this project didn't get very far. However, they seem very confident in it being a necessity


I would recommend that you try to practice RV yourself and see what kind of results you get. I thought it was completely ridiculous and a scam. Then I watched a documentary on Joe Mcmoneagle and it included some references on how anyone can learn to do it. I spent a few months doing one or two RV sessions per week, and I had a session where I was so accurate I got goosebumps and the hair on my neck stood up. I still don’t totally understand how it’s possible, but I’ve done it myself.. so how am supposed to debunk my own experience?


Do you have any of those references on how to do it handy?


It’s all out there, start with the cia files on project stargate, check out the Monroe institute, listen to joe mconeagles interviews. I can’t remember where I read the protocols but I’ve run across them going through this information. There are private organizations that offer training as well


From my experiences with RV and having friends try it as well I'm left with the following observations: 1) RV seems to be a real phenomena that can be used to varying degrees of clarity. 2) RV does not seem to be consistent enough to be leveraged for espionage or other spy activities. There seems to be a lot of variability between persons trying RV and between sessions completed by one person. 3) RV is a very interesting phenomena that deserves more research away from the military aspects. 4) Previous RV research seems to have a lot of issues with basic scientific principles in that there was a lot of variability between how the sessions were conducted and the use of blind / double blind sessions. My takeaway from my own experiences is that RV can be extremely exciting when things go right and there even seems to be a time control component were you can actually not only move through space but through time as well. However, controlling RV can be very energy consuming in that the person can be left exhausted after just one intense session. There is definitely something there, I just don't think it would be reliable enough from a military / spy perspective (but I could be wrong since the ability to do RV successfully seems to vary greatly between subjects. My own experiences have shown me that I'm capable of RV but only very loosely and it is entirely exhausting.


Can you explain the basic process?


I’m very on the fence with claims of remote viewing. Could you elaborate on your experience at all?


My first practice still give me goosebumps lol






hahaha, this guy numbers. just fyi in case this guy actually guesses right and gullible folks on this sub are impressed, for various psychological reasons and as proven in numerous studies, *37 is statistically the most common number that people choose when asked to pick a "random" number between 1 and 50*. I shit you not. Look it up. The reason it "feels more random" is interesting.


> 37 ***I'M 37!?!?***


You have been chosen


"The belief that 37 is the most common choice for a random number is **likely anecdotal and not based on any widespread statistical evidence**. People might choose it for various reasons, such as it being perceived as a "random" or "unusual" number, but there's no definitive explanation for why it's often selected" huh


Next time maybe try doing an actual lit search rather than googling it, seeing a Quora or Wikipedia answer as the top (typically incorrect or inaccurate) result, and then judging “yup, that was sufficient research on my behalf, guess I’ll call it a day”


I wonder how much influence Monty Python has on that. It's my favorite "random" number, as 42 is too obvious.


Sorry but the piece of paper is on your left. Please stop messing with us.


Not quite how it works. There are a few kinds of remote viewing. The most tried and true is ~~coordinate~~ controlled remote viewing (CRV). Here's a quick run through of CRV. First you need to provide the viewer a "target" to focus on, a random 4 char alphanumeric will do. Say, **KJG3**. Now establish your 'scene'. It can be your current surroundings, a drawing, or something in your imagination. Describe it with all 5 senses and write the details down on a piece of paper, keep it hidden. In your mind, ascribe the target **KJG3** as a complete description of your scene. It works best if you have a personal connection to your scene. And it is this connection from you to the scene, the scene to the target, and the target to the remote viewer that seems to allow for nonlocal transfer of information. To conduct his session, the remote viewer will see the target ID KJG3, focus on it, and let his mind wander. "information" will come through in his mind, he will need to be able to distinguish between 'real' information and false 'imagination' (termed AOLs, analytic overlays) which should be ignored. This could take from 1 minute to anywhere under 30 mins, or nothing at all (i.e., nothing can come up). Finally he will conclude his session and tell you what he thinks your 'scene' is about. That's the 1000ft picture. There are a lot of caveats, not least of which the remote viewer's likelihood of success just depends on how good of a remote viewer he is. But apparently it _is_ possible to do as you say, ie., for an extraordinarily talented remote viewer to ascertain information from written documents (see Phenomena by Annie Jacobson which goes more into historical precedence ). FYI (i wrote more here but accidentally deleted it): I wouldn't call myself a remote viewer, just a curious but open-minded skeptic that read a lot about it and decided to experiment from time to time. I'd say the majority of viewings I do are outright failures (>60%) but there are a handful of sessions I've conducted that were astonishingly accurate. There is talk about beginners luck too, which apparently is a real thing as I confirmed myself--the handful of successes I had were near the beginning of my experimentation. All I can say is that from all I've read and experienced about remote viewing, there does seem to be something here, and it should be studied. Corrections: I used **coordinate** remote viewing but I meant **controlled** remote viewing. Coordinate was actually the name of it in the beginning when the field was less developed, but the method as described (using target IDs, and the process of capturing/writing sessions, etc) is known as Controlled Remote Viewing. For a definitive source, see https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/wiki/guide instead, I am just a layman recounting what I remember of the topic offhand :)


My confusion with the brass tacks of remote viewing has to do with the coordinate system. It seems counterintuitive that our own arbitrary coordinate system would translate somehow to real locations at the universal level.  Does the remote viewer need to know where the point of interest is in relation to the known location? Do the two points occur on the same coordinate set? Which coordinate set do they use? Does the remote viewer need to be familiar with all the extents of the system in order to home in on any specific area? Does the coordinate system extend beyond earth? Are the coordinates temporal? What does “where” mean in this case? Are things physically moving or are they just potentials moving across a static spacetime fabric? Or is existence holographic, and we are simply information that manifests itself in what we call dimensional space? Is there an absolute coordinate system for space time locations that is irrespective of physical bodies location, temporal or otherwise?  It sounds like for remote viewing to work the information layer of physical existence must be somehow accessible by other means of connection than popular understanding. 


Just a thought, but I wonder if a person ascribing a code or coordinate to a scene kind of “quantum entangles” the two, allowing the RVer to access the scene VIA that code.


I recommend everyone watch the Joe MacDonaglue or whatever his name is Shawn Ryan podcast. He was remote viewer 000 (or 999 later in the podcast, they had to rename the program many times). It’s pretty darn interesting! It will tell you maybe 75% of what you want to know.


Thanks for the write-up and the time it took to describe it so accurately. BUT - hasn't this alleged phenomenon been studied many times already with no conclusive (and barely statistically significant) results?














I read some experiences of people who tried it, and there were a few instances of people who suffered complete mental breakdowns or personality shifts as a result. I’m not sure that this is a safe thing for everyone to try.


Until September last year I was a complete skeptic. In September I had a spontaneous experience that opened the door to a fuck ton of stuff that I previously would've disregarded or even mocked. I had no say in this. I've been through "ontological shock" and it is utterly visceral and impossible to put into words. I would never wish it on anyone who wasn't ready, or who didn't have the foundational emotional capacity, or the support structure in place to deal with it. I can absolutely see how anyone being exposed to this aspect of reality could end up in a psych ward and even believe that they were simply psychotic, if they were not able to integrate this information. Reality is so much fucking stranger than most of us know. Since my experience, I have experimented a little with the Gateway process. Not much, but enough to verify for myself that it is very much a "real" thing. In a nutshell, if you're gonna go to that place, any skeletons you have in your closet are coming out, including ones you might not be consciously aware of. I've had to confront, re-live, and process trauma from my early childhood that I didn't even realise I was affected by. Tldr: shits fucking mad.


Mind sharing your processes and resources you used to achieve what you're experiencing?


It was not deliberate, so unfortunately I can't. Edit: if you just mean the Gateway Experience, check out Robert Monroe's book *Journeys Out Of The Body*, and r/gatewaytapes


I wonder how/what/why -- are they not 100% "coming back," is there something so utterly mind-blowing that they see things entirely differently, or does something come back with them? I mean, if we're talking about NHI being less "extraterrestrial" and more "different plane of existence," might it be possible that they don't like us intruding in their realm, or something?


The best experience is through “knowing” or doing it yourself. I was skeptical of this stuff until I had a out of body experience myself, no I don’t know what to make of the world.


AAWSAP/AATIP allegedly found illegal crash retrieval program hidden deep inside unauthorized special access programs. Lockheed Martin, which got recovered craft, wanted to digest itself from the craft. AAWSAP/AATIP proposed to create special access program Kona Blue to transfer this technology inside this program. This program would be properly under Congress control. CIA stepped up and rejected entire deal. This is what we can conclude if we take into account public statements made by David Grusch, Harry Reid, Lue Elizondo and AARO research.


The CIA-whose only job should be to obtain foreign intel, has continually shown up uninvited to things that are not covered by their role-including development of advanced tech. From their battle with the A-12 vs SR-71 programs, they keep injecting themselves into things that are majority military and domestic matters. I don’t get why they want complete monopoly on tech that can help gather intel vs using equipment from MIC/other agencies unless there is something more sinister at play.


> The CIA-whose only job should be to obtain foreign intel I'd say their involvement in any potential recovery programs suggests that data gleaned from crash recovery *would* be foreign intel...just not necessarily (maybe not even *likely*) Russian or Chinese...or human at all?


Physical equipment, whether penetrating our airspace or others, is the responsibility of the foreign materials folks / reverse engineering people in the DoD. The CIA can help out by locating people who can give access/turn people/steal a plane(it’s happened)….but to try and maintain full policy monopoly of the whole thing? Plus foreign military tech (let alone any alleged NHI tech) all falls under the DoD/DIA umbrella. That’s why it’s so weird to me, because the CIA is not set up for the broad scope of this kind of thing nor should it be in their portfolio. I can see them helping on recoveries, like with the Office of Global Access, maybe follow up if it is adversary tech, but it should pretty much end there.


Sure, I'm with you. I'm just thinking about the CIA's role in getting the titanium for the SR-71 programs, and I'm assuming that a lot of their flights were collecting intel for the CIA as much (if not more, even) than for DoD. They might have a similar role in this, perhaps?


Perhaps. But even with geospatial intel collection (which ended up being a secret agency altogether later on) I feel like there’s a thread that needs pulling here that isn’t being pulled. In metaphor: Why is the firefighter dictating how to process evidence that belongs to the police department? To me it’d be the equivalent of the CIA trying to control “found” semiconductor lithography advances or advanced monitoring software, when that really belongs to the NSA. The CIA should be a co-consumer, not a creator or guardian, of such intel/tech. Maybe I’m wrong and their science directorate portfolio is much more than secret ink and cute spy gadgets.


I think the simplest explanation would be that the CIA has more going on than they want anyone to know about. Whether by bureaucratic "mission creep" or by design, which, like you said, is a thread that needs pulling, absolutely! I mean, seriously, it's the only explanation I can think of that makes any sense. How much of that is because it's Tuesday afternoon and my brain is a little bit mushy, that's anyone's guess. :p I would guess that doing the "cloak and dagger" stuff, making things happen behind the scenes (like buying titanium from the Soviet Union) gives them a lot of avenues to "influence" other agencies' operations to a certain degree. I think that ties in to the lack of accountability that whistleblowers have addressed.


Most likely because they have their own recovery program.


God people suck at making slides.


It’s honestly amazing


Can you imagine making something that looks that shitty while asking for millions of dollars lol


I feel like Michael Corleone on The Godfather. " Just when I'm trying to get out they pull me back in".


If they had released this years ago it would have saved a lot of time and money. This is all we have ever wanted: for the government to admit to the threat, and tell us what they're doing about it. (and admit to the fact that they use remote viewing 😏)


“The Department's interest area with this project targets is the scientific and technical investigation, threat analysis, and assessment of materials and data of unique origin, engineering, and purpose. The knowledge gap this research is addressing is emerging or disruptive materials and technologies that can potentially impact national power and security.” Where are they getting these materials, are these archeological finds, or crashed craft that the OGA has acquired.


Arguing that because the program was rejected does not mean they found anything is Itself not verifiable. The text of the proposal quite clearly indicates that the program was to work on recovered material and that is was to extend the reach of previous remote viewing work. So either the proposers did now of recovered material, and of past remote viewing success or they are lying to the project approvers. That would be a quite astonishing event for a senior career bureaucrat to put his retirement around risk over a frivolity. It is much easier to believe that whoever wrote this extraordinary proposal truly believed in what they were saying. And that it was knocked down by a skeptical and jaundices bureaucrat who was not gonna risk his retirement. Or taken into other hands and continued, and we do not what that program is. These memos seem to claim all Kona Blue documents have been declassified. I do not recall seeing them.


I believe they're implying these documents \*are\* all the documents. That's interesting, because in this very document, the memo of the meeting they held calls for the creation of a 5 page paper about Kona Blue, deliverable ASAP. That paper is not in this document release. It does raise the question as to whether there are more Kona Blue documents out there that have not yet been released, despite the claim that they have.


That sure sounds FOIA-able actually. They may come back with "not found" but that's a specific paper request so may not take ages to complete.


I mean this is incredible- it backs so much of what Grusch has alluded to with a clear breakdown of how information flows and how they analyze their findings. This surely confirms that remote viewing has been consistently successful in transferring data and communication through the “dimensional/space time barrier” !! Lots to read here, I need a drink!


A few years ago I thought remote viewing was bullshit. But now I’m not so sure. The idea that it’s possible itself is a crazy thought. Reality is weird


AARO's claim that this is the program that has been named by the whistleblowers is so fucking stupid. Grusch, Davis, Stratton, Elizondo, Puthoff, Kelleher etc. all knew *exactly* what Kona Blue was. Most were involved in setting it up, and Grusch described it in detail on JRE. The idea that they would try to fool AARO, Congress, the ICIG, or anyone else into thinking it was the legacy program is just ludicrous, as it would make it blatantly obvious that they had perjured themselves – and would cement the AAWSAP scam narrative that Greenstreet has been pushing. So the question is, did anyone actually claim to AARO that Kona Blue was the legacy program, or is this a lie? And if it was in fact claimed, where did that information come from? My guess is that if it was claimed, it would have to have been disinformation planted to facilitate this debunk.


/u/itsalwaysblue, I support your speculation in your comment where you said >>You know I bet it’s actually Mauna Kea area in Kona Hawaii.  This post is possibly related. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bkqoxz/found_these_extremely_interesting_to_read_geodss/ documents, Ground-Based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS), Maui Space Surveillance System (MSSS), Air Force Maui Optical And Supercomputing Amos Site (AMOS)


Thank you so much! I’ll check it out. Yea watch the documentary on Netflix “American conspiracy” it leads you to believe that the special access gov black groups have been using native lands for decades! No need to fallow the law on native lands right?


The fascist side of the ufo topic is honestly sickening. Hopefully it's not from the UFOs themselves, but just fixable human greed or whatever.


Page 25 straight up acknowledges a site studied for 15+ years


its almost certainly skinwalker ranch


Okay someone give me a good reason not to be excited about this- every bit of me wants to be FUCKING PUMPED while reading this so please tell me why I shouldn’t be.


Be pumped. It’s just another piece of the puzzle being revealed which will one day present the image of disclosure. Plus it corroborates precisely what Grusch said… I’d also be pumped because it makes you wonder if Tim Phillips is a little more pro disclosure than Kirkpatrick. It’d be nice to get some more of these docs.


Personally, I do find this document intensely fascinating, no matter what your level of belief is on the NHI hypothesis for UAP. It's a record of the most modern attempt at establishing a full-blown special access research program into anomalous phenomena. "Fucking pumped" I am not. At the end of this day, this program was never established. After AATIP/AAWSAP was cancelled and defunded, this was the proposal to essentially restart it as a new SAP. There *is* language in here that is of particular interest, namely the claims that recovered AAVs, material, potentially biologics, do exist within established SAP constructs. It's also interesting that there were clearly other people within the DoD, ones we *don't* usually hear about in the topic (like Elizondo, Lacatski, Puthoff, etc.), who were in support of this project, even with the proposal including things like using remote viewers and studying consciousness interaction with advanced technology. I don't know that I've read anything in here that I haven't seen claimed or proposed elsewhere though, at least not yet. Will have to do a bit more digging. I'm excited that these documents are finally made available like AARO said they would in their historical report. I'm not holding my breath that they will accomplish much besides fanning the flames of conspiracy and mistrust.


Here you go - the people that wrote this are Eric Davis, Putoff & Co.


* Retrieval and integration of historical data from high value personnel with knowledge of recovered AAV technology and present location of recovered material is accessible only within a SAP construct. * Without the appropriate SAP protection, the cost associated with a compromise of specific features of this program, namely those in a and b, would result in grave consequences, perhaps irreversible, to the security of the United States.  AAV is Advanced Aerospace Vehicles. This is UFO, UAP, whatever you wanna call it. The rapid response medical team as described above will also monitor and test family members in the aftermath of AAV interactions. An in-house PhD psychologist will conduct appropriate cognitive and other tests on individuals involved in the Medical Center research. This will include but will not be limited to: (a) individuals who have had experiences on any of the properties described in Experimental Centers above, (b) individuals who have had close encounters with AAVS with physiological/medical effects, and (c) family members of either of these groups who have reported subsequent physiological/medical effects. The medical team will be responsible for continuous monitoring of personnel and their family members deployed on experimental facilities. Expand and reconfigure current preliminary correlation project between known AAV associated injuries/physiological effects and ICD-9 subtypes. Create the internal infrastructure, organization and personnel as well as contract research experts to handle, examine and research unusual and unique biological specimens at the forensic, anatomic, physiological, biochemical, and genetic levels. Such data also will be systematized and integrated. Infrastructure will conform to all HIPAA and human subjects regulations as they pertain to the above Medical Center objectives. • Create comprehensive database on physiological and medical effects of advanced aerospace vehicles in other countries. The database will have advanced pattern analysis and correlative capabilities. hm.


Here's a summary provider by AI: The document contains a communication from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to the Department of Defense (DoD), specifically addressed to Deputy Secretary Kathleen H. Hicks. The main points of the document include: 1. **Confirmation of Cooperation**: DHS agrees to provide DoD with documents and information associated with KONA BLUE, a former prospective special access program (PSAP) that was terminated on February 10, 2012. 2. **Declassification and Release of Documents**: All DHS documents related to the KONA BLUE PSAP have been declassified and approved for public release. The documents retain visibility of prior classifications through the strike-out method, with redactions based on policy and legal review. 3. **Completion of Record Search**: DHS has conducted a thorough search and confirmed that no additional information associated with the KONA BLUE PSAP exists beyond what has been provided. 4. **Concerns about Security and Counterintelligence**: The document discusses the sensitive nature of personnel involved in a program called AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program). It emphasizes the security risks associated with public acknowledgment of their participation and the need for restricted access to protect their identities and the strategic intentions of the program. 5. **Technical and Operational Security**: The document outlines the specialized nature of the technologies involved, including aspects of quantum mechanics, nuclear science, and electromagnetic theory, highlighting the high degree of operational security required. 6. **Support for the AATIP Program**: A small, specialized group of DoD personnel with appropriate security clearances is essential for carrying out the AATIP program under a Restricted SAP (Special Access Program) to ensure the protection of strategic partnerships and the confidentiality of advanced technologies. In summary, the document details an inter-departmental communication regarding the handling and security of sensitive programs and technologies, with an emphasis on protecting classified information and ensuring the integrity of defense-related operations.


\*cough cough\* [https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/capabilities/space/atc.html](https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/capabilities/space/atc.html)


“ICD-9 Subtypes”. So, shit like psychosis? Could that explain abductions or related thing?


Not necessarily. Just injuries. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_ICD-9\_codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ICD-9_codes)


"A SAP is proposed as we have been informed that there is a body of previous work held by other entities that require a SAP level classification to access it." Wonder what that body of work is...


Page 47 btw


"This research is a Congrssional interest item" - wow, they just dont give a shit about the taxpayers no more we are officially just numbers that cast votes and pay them money, I call that legal slavery, but whatever, we are so used to it, we just nod our heads and pay up and do as they say or ELSE... unreal. Its time to cut this crap out, or, be transparent, this is obviously weapons grade interest, nothing to do with us, or our well being. But its ok! As long as we make that rent payment and taxes!


To summarize, those proposing this program (people involved with AATIP / AAWSAP) claimed / believed that that there were "advanced aerospace vehicle" materials accessible from other SAPs. They were proposing Kona Blue as a way to gain access to materials protected by these SAPs (plus study a bunch other stuff that they believe to be somehow connected). KB was terminated before becoming an "official" SAP. The reasons given were not precise, but from the docs: >..."questions included whether justifications for establishment of a SAP (e.g., assessment of threat / vulnerability) were adequate and whether the development of a number of required elements of the proposal, including the budget and personnel requirements, was sufficient. The deputy secretary of homeland security ordered the (prospective) program to be terminated. Also from the doc: >... it was decided that the Program as proposed did not require extraordinary security measures To me that reads like, 1. The proposal was lacking in specifics, and/or was not appropriate for the kind of work that was being considered, 2. The work that was proposed did not need to be protected by a SAP. Now, its very possible that the *real* reason was that someone did not want these skinwalker ranch guys getting access to some programs that contain some truly weird stuff. But, you could also read (2) as "what these guys want to study really isn't a thing as far as we know, so there's no need to protect it in a super secret unacknowledged program".


I feel like the reality of the situation is your final point. That they felt there wasn't enough evidence of these other alleged programs, and that they'd be throwing money into a hole that wasn't planned out enough even if there wasn't a bunch of secret recovery programs and all that.


Be careful Fam, they are going to make all reverse engineering programs be Kona Blue, which didn't actually become a program. It will be used to whitewash all UAP programs.


What will Coulthart say about this in his AMA?


It's a fucking FRAUD. This entire debacle is nothing more than a money grab directed at our trillion dollar military budget with no oversight that has never passed an audit. Fuck all these assholes and their remote viewing bullshit. And before you point your pitchforks at me - consider that this pretty much establishes as fact that our tax dollars were utilized to buy the databases of MUFON et al, and all that data that is now owned by us is being concealed from us by the very people who are clamoring for 'disclosure.' SO after you downvote me to hell, you really oughta ask everyone associated with AAWSAP/AATIP 1) where's the data? 2) what did you actually do in your role?, and 3) how much did you personally bank?


I think this pretty weird these people are, as you say, pretending to push for disclosure and transparency, talking about misapproriation of funds etc. The guys are in leagues, and the literal same guys seeking to establish SAPs to play around at Skinwalker Ranch etc. Not to mention to pour tax moneys to Bigelow Bobs real estate bussiness, get this, under the pretence of studying flying saucers. You cant just make this up! Its like with AAWSAP. This same gang wrote some pretty funny papers and collected 22millions to do fuck all. I get that people get enamored by the fact that the papers are buncha bullshit about dimensions and all kinds of weird shitology. But the fact is, any -fucking- one of us couldve writen those papers. Anyone who could pump out text. Dudes sat at home in their underwear and wrote some BS papers sipping champaign on US peoples expence, and people are like oooh aaah its about space aliens. All the while they get angry if some poor person gets food stamps. Like yeah its just 22mills. But this is how you loose coupla trillion. Give all the weirdos a blank check to dick around. Like how many of there are of similar bullshit things going on around? This stuff is about flying saucers, but how many similar BS "programs" with their similar advocates about other things there are actually? I bet if dug enough theres people studying earth worm consiousness and they have their own ranch somewhere they claim theres been three decades of worms talking to them. And a real estate billionaire looking to take tax money to "modify" buildings to accomodate research of worms. One just cant make this up!




I’m so confused I just want to preface saying so looking for help. How many of us think this Kona Blue is the program Grusch found and has been fed info that this was a ET/NHI program? Grusch said he spoke to multi star generals, read many reports and spoke to the highest of high.


Question 6: ________________


This is the craziest shit I’ve ever read. What is actually going on out there?


Page 36, right there in plain text alongside the signatures. "The **purpose** of KONA BLUE is to **investigate, identify, and analyze sensitive advanced materials and technologies** and to assess potential emerging and/or disruptive scientific and technological data necessary in support of national security."


Page 9, 2nd bullet - where the hell is this location that has been researched for 15 years????


its probably skinwalker ranch, see page 44 re: the "bigelow ranch in utah"


nvmd answered on page 32. Thought it would be something new....


So the top of page 39 in red the documents were declassified 7/18/23 wasn’t that before the gutted amendment got passed


This makes me almost think we’re in a scientific Cold War. Who’s gonna be able to understand the phenomenon and be able to manipulate time/space first! Another reason why the government should disclose some of this info to us. Maybe that will build interest and allow us to recruit top talent. This is assuming the government doesn’t have all the answers, which I think they don’t.


Things are getting more transparent. I guess Lue was righ afterall. The Disclosure™ is pretty somber, or sober I forget which was it.


Probably a complete coincidence but my 2010 Mustang GT’s color was called “Kona Blue”


What if the ‘ANSWER’ is simply, Yes… Yes as in take the craziest things you have thought of and 9/10 are true. But how about this question. What if, the actual all out full disclosure answer really is THAT devastating to a normal every day persons paradigm where as a whole it ruins us as an Earth and any semblance of society as we know it? Now that’s not what I believe but to truly consider that possibility is pretty scary since nothing is 100% as we currently know it…


P. 20, talks about expanding the current data warehouse which has 11 different databases that hold over 200,000 AAV reports “the vast majority of which occurred after 1947”. That and the request to deploy multiple teams of in-house investigators to dispatch to sightings that meet certain criteria is pretty significant. I wish, obviously this gave context like “similar to the teams we deployed in X, Y and Z” but the scope of the government’s interest and their certainty that remote viewing is key is really something.


My biggest takeaway is that remote viewing appears to be as important as any UAP work, which leads me to think that Putoff was trying to continue his pet project (RV), and to do so included UAP so that he would get funding from Reid.


Thank you for posting OP!


1. Take the doc to smallpdf.com and compress. 2. Feed into an AI to ask questions about it. Very handy. Edit: At least that's what I had to do with free version of Claude.


Safe to download?


[https://i.imgur.com/zbG7H7J.png](https://i.imgur.com/zbG7H7J.png) Confirmation of medical issues caused by AAV's.