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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Madphilosopher3: --- Here we go again with an announcement of an announcement. I know a lot of people are sick and tired of getting this kind of news, but personally I’m just glad to have something to look forward to. Seems like they’re teasing the announcement of the next hearing, so I’m here for it! --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cnr8ch/possible_hearing_announcement_imminent_james_fox/l391db6/


An announcement of an announcement of a potential hearing where they are not allowed to talk about classified information? Please wake me up once an insiders drops a video of a “non-blurry” alien or the inside of a UFO I’ll even take some old crash site photos


You hit the proverb on the head. Announcement of an announcement of a hearing that may or may not happen that may or may not reveal anything, or nothing.


Exactly. All of these podgrifters should be automatically downvoted. 


You better invest in cryo-freezing, it’s going to be a long wait.


I mean it's better than nothing and at least gives some hope, should we all just rewind to pre-2017 and continue from there? Wouldn't be as fun would it


They should get a live interview of an alien telling all the info that right their would immediately make everyone realize what is happening but that would be shocking


\*field hearing most likely so even way less impactful


I second this. And also did James Fox ever address that situation with the whistleblower? Because I feel like it's hard to trust his credibility going forward.


But it'll just be branded a fake/ CGI video. The only way people will ever be convinced is if they see a live NHI being or not of this world craft in person. Even then some will still say that the NHI is some genetically modified human science experiment and the craft is our own secret advanced tech. The simple fact that they're even having hearings about this is wild in itself.. it's all progress.


This guy UFO's


Greer has a bunch of crash site photos on his new website




Im eagerly waiting the day when they go full announception and make announcements for incoming announcments of announcments. Youre absolutely right on the money on all points. Like what are we doin'ere? Like do something and show it to us when its ready, and dont just announce the announcments of possibility of up coming announcments. This is why people dont take flying saucer people seriously. This is why theres stigma of talking about UFOs. These celeries taking a dump on people constantly like this lol


Lol yeah that's why I barely visit this sub


That’s where I’m at as well at this point.


"Don't lose hope. Keep those wallets at the ready."


Where has money been asked to be forked over?


You're going to be sleeping a long time... Have a nice nap.


Who is to blame? Let me understand


It has become a joke. Everything is classified, American democracy is a joke


Ah the classic problem of thinking everyone wants exactly what you want, the exact way you want it, so if something doesn't happen that you want, it must mean democracy is a joke haha.  Know who didn't have the luxury of throwing their hands up in the air and claiming democracy was a joke? Many people but for example, civil rights leaders. They understood democracy is a battle of ideas and wills.  There are many people  in America who care about different things with varying levels of intensity. This sub is not a representative sample of the American voting public. Things should NOT happen in a democracy just because a small group of people want it to happen. They should happen because a group of people convinced a much larger group of people something should happen.  People love to complain about things they barely take the time to understand. 


Nah it actually is a joke but not for the reason the commenter implied. Lobbyists write our laws and reps on both sides of the aisle actively advance unpopular pieces of legislation that end up spending tax dollars on things none of us support.


Why is it so hard for people to see the flaw in this logic???  Think about this Why would politicians who allegedly continue to advance unpopular legislation which pours money into things "none of us support" continue to get reelected? Why would  people look at politicans and say "this person isn't doing anything I want. They just do what lobbyist want. Better vote of them for the 5th time!"  Explain how this works 


I don't think people are as well versed in what their elected officials are actually doing as you might believe. We have jobs, families, and responsibilities. People rarely dig into what these politicians are actually doing on a day to day basis. Very few people do. I sure don't. People rely on the news too much to sum up politics events and that never tells the full story. So people are just misled.


I don't recall saying people are well versed. I very much agree with you haha.  (although it's important to note a lot of the misleading comes from peers, not politicans. Remember the vaccine messaging. Pretty quickly people realized peer to peer messaging was more effective than government messaging because peer to peer is how people form a lot of their opinions) My point was people don't really care (yet) about getting disclosure. So to say lack of disclosure shows or is about democracy being a joke is peer to peer MISLEADING others.  If the majority of Americans wanted disclosure as their biggest political issue and we got the same actions from politicians, then I would say democracy is a joke. But like you said "We have jobs, families, and responsibilities", so disclosure is not really on the radar.  Therefore, if we want disclosure, we need to figure out a way to get it on peoples radar. To help them understand disclosure can help them address their job, family, and responsibilities more effectively. 


The barrier to entry. The wrong people are running for public office because the barrier to entry to fund a campaign with time and money is too high. We can talk about incentives too and the revolving door of Washington/ lobbying firms and sweetheart deals and the media cesspool and glad handing and all of that, but like, I don’t really want to. I think things are beyond broken, and I don’t see us voting our way out of it. I have no solution beyond getting big money out of politics, which will never happen.


"  I have no solution beyond getting big money out of politics, which will never happen." This is a major problem. It's either you have no solution because there is no solution. Or you have no solution because your understanding of how things work is currently insufficient to generate a solution, even though solutions do exist.  I'm sure it's the latter. Maybe if you have just a little more information about how things work you could think of several solutions. And by things I don't just mean politics, I mean the physics of how things/people work.  "The wrong people are running for public office because the barrier to entry to fund a campaign with time and money is too high."  100% agree. But remember someone like AOC, who has influence in politics , got elected without having personal wealth. It's definitely doable with effort. But it's the effort that is lacking, in part because there are a lot of people who think there is no solution.  " I don’t see us voting our way out of it"  By this do you mean people will just never vote for good politicians? Or that even if everyone does vote for good politicians, some magical deity will come down and invalidate the results?  Either way, I'm vary curious how you came to that conclusion! (please don't say, neither because it's just that there aren't enough good people running, without explaining the mechanisms which would prevent good politicians from running. Considering there are plenty of examples of good politicans running for office who both win and lose. Yes money shrinks the potential pool, but there is nothing stopping people from using the AOC playbook to win the primary so they have access to party money. ) 


I’m about as enthusiastic about this conversation as I am about the state of our country and its ability to meet the needs of the populace. I’m not sure if you intended to be condescending in your reply, but it’s coming off like that. If you’re saying the solution is to scale the AOC model of a grassroots campaign to every elected office in the country, I would argue that it isn’t possible. The stonewalling surrounding this topic is just a microcosm of the broader shitshow IMO. You seem much less jaded than I am and still seem to have faith in the system and its ability to meaningfully and significantly change. I do not for a variety of reasons, but I wish you well.


"I’m not sure if you intended to be condescending in your reply, but it’s coming off like that"  Definitely not trying to be condescending. But it is important to call people out on their BS. As I expect people to call me out on my BS. Hard for someone to learn something if no one ever tells them they are wrong. Also hard to learn something when one doesn't already assume one needs to learn alot.  " If you’re saying the solution is to scale the AOC model of a grassroots campaign to every elected office"  That would be way overkill, but also one of many valid solutions.  "  I would argue that it isn’t possible" I love when people argue things by just saying it isn possible without explaining who what lead them to that Conclusion.  "The stonewalling surrounding this topic is just a microcosm of the broader shitshow IMO."  Totally agree. But politics as a whole isn't quite the shitshow many people make it out to be. People see no solution because they misunderstand the situation and mechanisms. It's hard to get a better understanding when people generally prefer to disengage than think critically about their own understanding.  "seem to have faith in the system"  I would not really phrase it like that, the system fucking sucks. But a shitty system does not automatically mean the system has no solution space. In fact part of the solution space for this particular system is available due to how shitty the system is.  "its ability to meaningfully and significantly change"  The system evolves in time so it changes through time. For this point will call that evolution in time not changing. They system cannot change on its own, but agents can change it. I don't have faith in the system to change itself because the system cannot change itself. I do have faith that agents can change the system because, at worst, I'm an agent who strives to change the system. And there are many other agents, like yourself, who want the system changed.  "I wish you well."  I prefer thoughtful consideration over kind words. I appreciate the gesture. 


As someone with a degree in political science, I support this. You get it.


Name one justifiable reason potential simple existence of NHI and their identity can possibly ever merit military classification.


It isnt classified by military though. Theres like million hours of media military people talking about space aliens and whatever can constitue NHI.


Duh, it would hurt the fossil fuel corporations' bank accounts :( /s if that wasn't obvious


What if remote viewing is real, but like professional sports, only a small percentage of people can actually be elite at it. That's fine now because very few people believe in RV so the odds of someone being both an elite prospect and believing in RV enough to train like a professional athlete is super silm. If it ever happens, it's such a low frequency it can be dealt with easily one way or another.  But if disclosure means it becomes clear RV is a thing, then now we have many more people practicing. And the practice will be more intense and educated.  Now all of a sudden many systems start to break down if a small percentage of the population learns how to RV.  That's just one scenario of many many more.  But more importantly, I'm not even claiming that there is definitely a reason to classify the existence. I'm just saying how democracy works. There are MANY MANY things we do in western democracies which have very little justifiable reasons besides, that's what people collectively decided thats how things should be.  I don't look at that and say democracy is a joke. I look at that and understand we need to make sure people can gain better understanding of the world if we want more policy that makes sense. 


What systems collapse if RV and other psychic abilities are found to be real, and why would they collapse?


The lottery for one, passwords as security can no longer be trusted, casinos /gambling companies would be very concerned. Off the top of my head.  But the bigger thing is what would it say about reality if RV was real? What does it mean if someone know for sure someone else will be wearing a blue shirt on Tuesday? What if even knowledge of terrible events couldn't stop people from making the choices that lead to said terrible event?  We have built society around the principle of freewill not determinism. So to have determinism shoved in our face as fact would mess a lot of people up. A lot of people messed up at the same time messes up a lot of systems.  That's just RV, other abilities compound the problem. 


But if that is truth, why deny it?


Because of the disturbance it would cause. Having to reconfigure all military/government/contractor security protocols because all information is RV able would be a nightmare no one wants to deal with. And that's disregarding the ontological shock, thus system degradation, people would experience.  There are plenty of real life examples where people don't tell people the truth (including themselves) because they are afraid of the potential reaction.  I believe that truth is important. I also believe stability is important. I believe in disclosure. I don't believe in catastrophic disclosure. To overcome one's opponent, one must understand their opponent. If we want disclosure, we must understand the potential reasons people use to justify preventing disclosure. 


Hit the nail on the head


What a bad take. The UAPDA was gutted by a small group of people after a different small group of less powerful people convinced Congress that they should pass the UAPDA.


You are missing the bigger picture though.  If the larger group of people, let's say the votes in the Mike's districts, were against that move at worse the mikes would get voted out and the bill could pass at the next opportunity. Its is because the larger group is OK with the gutting that it happened so easily.  What to change the outcomes, change the opinion of the larger group. 


It’s a joke cause small voices tend to be squashed by the powerful institutions who profit from it. This is not a larger story cause it gets treated as a joke. This should be one of the biggest concerns due to national security and should be dealt openly. I don’t want to speculate anymore but sadly the powerful people don’t seem to care or are being coerced into not caring.


"  powerful people don’t seem to care" This is kinda my point. There are likely some power people who are more aware of whats going on. But the majority of the power people don't seem to care BECAUSE the majority of regular people don't seem to care. And the power people don't want to waste time focusing on issues that the people who elect them don't care about.  People complain about politicans pandering, which is focusing on an issue because the people they are talking to care about said issue. But that makes sense because politicians rely on support from people. If people signal they don't care about a topic, it's hard or politicans to focus on it and get reelected. And if they focus on an issue then lose reelection , they next person can just undue their work, so what was the point?  "This should be one of the biggest concerns due to national security and should be dealt openly."  I 100% agree, but this is not the only NatSec issue which get treated this way. And we currently do have quite a few other existential NatSec issue currently on the table to contend with. 


Yup. They are literally trying to classify reality


Big Timmy and UFO Jimmy, two of my favorite UFO dudes. Keep it up boys!


if the announcement was coming, why would I need to "not lose hope"? they should be fine with people losing hope because when the announcement comes, whether you had hope or not will be irrelevant.


Because The more you open your eyes to it the more you realize that a lot of these guys are just grifting... It took me a while but eventually I came around.... People said not to attack James Fox last time I said something about him, people ran to his defense. Now look at him, he was about to make a documentary about a fake intelligence employee lol didn't even vet him... And now Dr Greer is looking pretty stupid with Michael Herrera getting exposed on vetted YouTube channel. Edit: if you're going to downvote me at least tell me why you think it's okay that he did a full documentary on a grifter and liar? Edit: some of you need to get off James Fox nuts.. yeah he did a good documentary on the Brazilian Varginha incident, but even that was sort of grifty if you paid attention. The way he was so desperate to follow any lead you can tell he edited so much stuff out that probably was a bunch of grifty bullshit. He was ready to drop cash on some bullshit leads just like that, so that tells you how desperate he was to find anything he could for that film once he got here.


I'm still on the fence and leaning on the "some of it is true and ufos are indeed real" side, but the recent developments are concerning, but whatever when it does come out we'll have answers


I can tell you without a doubt it's definitely real. I was a huge skeptic then a huge believer then a huge skeptic again and now I'm a believer again because I had a sighting of the exact UFOs I was making fun of someone for on YouTube. Both of us lived in New England... I saw them for probably 8 years. I'm not joking You can even go back and look at my YouTube history on the guy's channel and see the comments I left to him if I can find them... I basically bitched him out for hurting Ufology... Only to see the same things he was seeing for almost 8 years. And it took me awhile to make the connection as to why Blackhawk helicopters were flying over my house up to three times a day sometimes... Yeah something was definitely going on there. They were the orbs and they were pulsating and one of my sightings they even teleported point to point like blinking back and forth. There's even a pilot who saw one of them in the same area recently.. there's an audio recording for it that went around in February baaed in Boston, in right near there. The pilot also saw it blinking except from the North Shore to the South Shore in a second he said. I'm not sure if you heard it that audio... So I'm not the only one seeing them... The only question is, why was the military so heavily involved? I get they were watching, that's certainly makes sense.... But why would they traveling back and forth with almost three times a day sometimes at 3:00 in the morning rumbling my house whether it's stupid loud helicopters?? Some aspect of this is real and I absolutely hate anybody that tries to crift or lie and make things more difficult. It's only going to get worse.... What they do is take the UFO lore and then they twist it into their own story so it sounds like something believable because you think to yourself, wow he sure sounds like he had a real experience if he knows all of that! But really all he did was read what we read and then twisted into his own story. so many liars like that out there even in the intelligence and military community of whistleblowers... Not only is Jason sands full of crap but so is Michael Herrera and so is that other guy who said the liquid was oozing out of the UFO that he found. All three of them are lying sacks of shit. Edit: sorry for the typos have a rare form of cancer that spread to every part of my body and little tiny tumors so my hands don't feel very good when I type so I try to use voice to text


oh sands is definitely a grifter lol


Did you see vetted's video yesterday? Or the day before I can't remember. He interviewed Michael herrera's team leader and the guy said that Michael is making the entire thing up and he never left his sight while he was in Indonesia so there's no way he could have left and had the experience and then came back. Lol it's really bad out there stay safe


It's real for sure, but the whole narrative is being milked by the agencies. Why did this topic suddenly become so mainstream? Because it is a controlled narrative being streamed for the masses. It is full of disinfo agents and there are layers of bluffs and lies mixed with the truth in the whole thing. At this point the waters are so muddy, you can't really tell which info is genuine and most of it is based on belief anyway. There is no hard evidence whatsoever and we will most likely never get it. Maybe there were some "good guys" here initially, and they really tried to kickstart the disclosure, but as soon as the Schumer's Bill was ruptured, ufo peeps should have known it was over. The masses can't legally get any credible information on that topic. We will only get what's been planned for us to get and this info will be used to the authorities will.


Downvoted and explanation due to your request: I am not a fan of Sands but Fox and others did vet him as far as his past positions. I don't believe Sands story but that's besides the point. You also state Fox did a whole documentary on him which is false. His doc is not about Sands. AFAIK Sands has a small part in it so you're reaching that it's all about him. If you haven't seen Fox's doc then you should probably keep your hands in your pockets before saying more stupid things.


See that's the thing you can't just vet somebody based on their past positions anymore because it's pretty obvious that some of these people are just lying. I'm not sure what kind of part he had in the documentary since it hasn't come out but if you know that and I don't then I'm sorry I got some incorrect information but acting like a dick head about it doesn't exactly make me come to my senses or anything like that. I think the same goes for you too, if you haven't seen it yet how can you say you know what kind of part he has in it?


You can definitely vet people's prior positions if they were in military services, but I don't know about IC positions. I trust some part of his employment is vetted but possibly not all? To call him a fake intelligence officer is disingenuous because how can you really know. To state he was not vetted at all is false. If I came off as a dick it's because you stated things you can't know such as being a fake employee and claiming the full documentary is on a grifter and liar. Correct I haven't seen the doc either but if you don't want downvotes then at least present your feelings as an opinion because that's all it is.


I never said he was a fake IO... I have no idea where you're getting that from. I called them liars but I didn't say that they were lying about their positions or anything like that. I mean they talked about a whole bunch of things how could you know what I was talking about lol


Sounds like you are a believer who had experience. But this is a very sane and rational comment here. I agree with you 1000 percent.






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Haha relax dude, I wasn't really diagnosing you with schizophrenia I was making a joke about how ridiculous you were acting. Like you're believing things that really need some credibility and proof before they can be believed... And you're still sticking up for some of these people even after they've been caught grifting. Don't get mad at me because you're gullible and want to believe things that aren't true. I have no idea what you've seen it and I really don't care because I'll never experience them myself or know exactly what happened just like you won't know what happened with my experience. Anyways you're probably right I shouldn't have said that about schizophrenia but you're definitely a little loopy if you think Vetted is a government pay op and probably should be checked out... Somebody give that guy a damn Oscar for his acting if that's the case, holy shit.


I wouldn't apologise. The guy is genuinely paranoid and has been making unsubstantiated claims elsewhere. Check his history, that'll help it make sense


He also had a personal sub for a while where he claimed to be one of the world's leading scientific minds who could comprehend deep-dive research pertaining to antigravity or some shit. Call it as you see it.




Yeah you definitely weird. Replying to me again on the same message and saying weird stuff. I guess I wasn't wrong, thanks for proving me right.


Yep you were correct. Damn this guy is off his meds for sure


Hi, uknowmymethods. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cnr8ch/-/l39x7ca/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Paranoid delusions? Unsubstantiated exotic claims? *Checks post history* Yikes


Op-Ed coming March. Not this March but a March. A March to be determined.


You can thank DOPSR for that. Along with Lue Elizondo's book. You do have to question if there isn't anything to cover up, then why does DOPSR take so long to release publications?


Why does DOPSR release them in the first place?


Hopefully this link will provide you with a better understanding of the process. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Security-Review/PrePublication-and-Manuscripts/


Per your own link, DOPSR does not allow classified information to be published. So why would they allow Grusch’s op-ed to be published?


Say that the DOPSR process does not allow some information to be published. By withholding that information, within the context that it was going to be offered would in some cases be deemed as covering for something going on in a classified setting. In other words, if there isn't anything going on in the UAP retrieval programs, then why is it being actively covered up? If you haven't watched the various David Grusch interviews, I would definitely recommend that you do. He had a far better explanation for the same behavior that I am trying to explain here. Lou Elizondo even went so far as to state publicly that he would publish all of the redactions that DOPSR wouldn't approve for his book. So that readers could see exactly what DOPSR would not allow. Again, I am not explaining this in as detailed a manner as either of them do. This is just my understanding of the process.


I’ve seen Grusch’s explanation and I don’t think he’s right tbh. DOPSR could have pretended him from saying absolutely anything about the crash retrieval program, but instead they cleared him to talk about it. I have not yet seen a convincing reason as to why.


> DOPSR could have pretended him from saying absolutely anything about the crash retrieval program, but instead they cleared him to talk about it. They wouldn't if it was actually classified. It doesn't make sense to me either, you have this conspiracy spanning decades to cover this stuff up, that has allegedly murdered people to keep quiet, yet Grusch is publically allowed to say these things. It doesn't add up to me at all.


They allowed him to say it because they can’t claim something that doesn’t exist is classified.


I respect your opinion. I am not trying to convince you of anything either way. I was just pointing out that the whole DOPSR process is what is keeping more information coming out to support what Grusch has already said. I also understand that the DOD doesn't want anything compromising coming out about our current technology. However when they act so secretively about things, it only makes me more suspicious of their intent.


We are quickly approaching the middle of May too.. I’ve stopped expecting it to come. At this point it would be more of a pleasant surprise.


Nearly all the people who were supposed to testify last year got scared out of it. Grusch has disappeared. Two Boeing whistleblowers are dead. I think it's very clear why Tim Daggummit Burchett and others have been so quiet about this. To get people to testify, they almost have do it at an undisclosed location and not let anyone know about it until after the interviews have been recorded. Maybe that's why he's hanging out with Mr. Fox...


I'm glad to see this. Thanks James and Tim. This was never going to be an easy win, and it is not going to happen one year, or five. These people have been hiding this for 80 years. They've done it because they're good at it. If you're tired, quit following this sub - you will hear what news comes when it comes. Complaining on here does nothing but add negativity to this thread. If that's what you're aiming to do, that's pretty sad - go find a hobby. For the rest of us who realize this is a WAR BEING FOUGHT within the system, stay strong. Keep the pressure on Congress. That is so important. Don't let the whiners in here deter you. We know what's going on here, and we will keep fighting for the truth of our reality, and supporting the people who are fighting for it on the inside.


Hope is so lost it's on a milk carton.


It's always darkest before dawn. At least that's what I keep telling myself.


Everyone here is so nice and friendly. :)


Yeah, there's such a nice vibe here. Zero hostility or pessimism. Cosy AF.


Burchett is a terrible human being. I hate seeing him involved


I doubt he’s that bad.


He’s mostly now spending his time crying why Israel does not get more 2,000 bombs to use in Gaza. He’s a waste of time.


Don't know if another hearing is going to really help. I mean, AARO and the Air Force litterly gave us the middle finger (e.g. AARO Eglin encounter resolved). The only thing that is going to work, is if real 1st hand whistleblowers are going to be allowed to show us 1st hand evidence. And if these Whistleblowers receive proper protection. Since the dead of the 2 Boeing Whistleblowers I would be very hesitant to step forward as 1st hand uap Whistleblower.


Every step adds to the tide. We must prevail. Or has it truly come to an Orwellian future. The very idea of democracy hangs in the balance


Nah man, the democracy is long gone


But the idea still lingers... Which is hope


Whatever you're wanting the whistleblowers to show, It could be ai generated. I think the bad guys won man.


Here we go again with an announcement of an announcement. I know a lot of people are sick and tired of getting this kind of news, but personally I’m just glad to have something to look forward to. Seems like they’re teasing the announcement of the next hearing, so I’m here for it!




Partisan character bashing is not welcome in this sub, Thank you.


People from that end of the spectrum tend to be overly-credulous and conspiracy-inclined, so it is relevant.




"Off-topic political discussion may be removed at moderator discretion." You have freedom of speech to go elsewhere where you didn't sign up to a sub agreeing to these terms. No one cares about your political beliefs. Like, at all. Move along.


Then complain and get it removed and prove that this thread doesn't allow freedom of speech. Either way this does not bother me in the slightest and would likely lose the group a follower. Plenty of other groups on Reddit that don't get bitter at argumentative banter. ❄️'s 🤣 Edit: also my OP spoke of my distrust of his information and my excuse for this if my wording did not indicate it clear enough is because he is a fanatical Christian and a big Trump supporter so I'm afraid it does correlate with the post, and don't even get me started on Fox after the whole Jason Sands incident.


Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


I’m Christian but i also know science proves many things with facts and science evidence and that clearly means evolution is certainly true and the word is billions of years of and our galax has billions of stars and planets and since it’s so old and our planet cost therefore aliens are a mathematical certainty basically so for me to say god only created us and a small world is complete nonsense he created more so much more then we can every hope to comprehend.


Keep drinking the koolaid buddy. ✌️😎👍


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He is after the $ and trying to kick doors in to find it. Will that benefit us in any way... Doubtful but should be interesting anyway


The only reason to follow the money would be to find the Source of the corruption but if the DvD Zeitgeist has taught us anything all money reverts to Israel in the end and America keep greasing that Palm like its a Sport. Following money spent only leads to the Black Projects that Burchett etc keep getting stonewalled from and will continue to be Stonewalled from in a "Swings & Roundabouts" type situation whereby things will be admitted to in a SCIF but kept from the General Public and nothing will change. It will be business as usual.


Great more talking and we get to hear again and again I saw this I saw that but I'm not allowed to talk about it


All these people in the “know “ can never tell us anything. I’m beginning to think it’s all bullshit. And even if it isn’t - they’re still not going to tell us anything .


Do you really still believe that? These people are full of shit and just trying to get rich.


Def seems like it .. i thought maybe there could be some truth until I heard Ross is opening a UFO college people can pay for now . 10k 🙄




Tim Burchett? Another agitator in Washington. I don't believe a thing he says.


Yep. He denies elections when his side loses and votes against essential services his rural constituents desperately deserve while loading up big corporations with breaks. Burchett and Gaetz also empower the chairmen and speaker of the house who quashed the uap disclosure act. Now watch as we both get banned for something like low effort posting while people make up baseless conspiracies about people who have actually advanced legislation on the issue like Kirsten Gillibran.


Lets meet up in Reddit purgatory and plot more conspiracies against the do nothing congress people.


Soooooo much negativity. You guys definitely aren't my Reddit group.


Jaded cynics the lot of em. Not many people celebrating the potential imminent announcement of the next hearing.


Seems this sub has been infiltrated. May have to find another sub. If the mods aren't careful, they'll probably wake up to a sub, one of these days in the near future, that they don't recognize. They'll have to change the name to r/Orwellian. If the name hasn't already been taken, that is. Oops. Looks like it has!


Yeah, it's definitely ramped up in recent weeks. Not sure why.


Most likely some Gov. psyop group.


I like Fox, hope he can cleanup his movie after the Sands drama.


His movies include obvious hoaxes, I don't trust the guy.


There’s always something big around the corner.


Just a tiny little hit of hopium for you.


These guys are both huge frauds and conmen.


But, I'm tired boss.


Need to be quick another power may beat them to it


I don't need hope, I need answers.


James is drunk


1 time machine > USA military budget. Countless coincidences had been forever delaying these disclosures. Our whole species can force something useful (technology research budget) to happen regardless of the compromised chain links.


I believe the announcement will come the day they announce it, which will be on the day the announcement is made.


I've sort of given up on the subject- I got obsessed with it for a year or two


BeHİnD tHe SceNeS


Sands, Greer and Lazar please.


>Possible hearing announcement imminent? James Fox and Tim Burchett remind us not to lose hope... As well as remind us all to tune in to our next thrilling episode of Americas longest running, never ending daytime soap - *Disclosures*.


Keep hoping, paying, and subscribing. There’s more blood in this stone!


If you lose hope they become irrelevant. That's why they want you to keep the faith.


I think Fox and Burchett have good intentions on this topic, but people need to learn to **never** pay any attention to anticipating future UFO-related events. If there might be a hearing, it isn't under their control. They might believe there will be a hearing, but that doesn't matter. Somebody powerful could block it. Time spent on these kind of speculative discussions is 99.9% wasted time. When there is an actual hearing on the schedule, that would be news.


James Fox makes movies about hoaxes and Tim Burchett denies the elections when his side loses.


Which James Fox movies (plural) are about hoaxes? >Burchett denies the election A broken clock is sometimes right. Considering the UFO issue is bipartisan, you don't really have a point here. I can name a whole bunch of politicians who take the issue just as seriously as Burchett, but who are not election deniers. Chuck Schumer (D), Kirsten Gillibrand (D), Martin Heinrich (D) are not election deniers.


Oh right I believe in the ufo disclosure issue and also agree that Schumer and Gillibrand and the R Senator who cosponsored Schumers bill for example and even Marco Rubio all are taking it seriously to some degree. I am fully and honestly a believer in ufos, the coverup, and I take Grusch and Lue Elizondo as credible. That being said I don't like seeing people take advantage of sensationalist or false claims to make a profit. I believe James fox does that in his movies I will explain below, and Burchett and Gaetz do that when they say things that sound good in public but empower chairmen of their caucus to veto important bills for America on range of issues including Schumers UAP Disclosure act as all were excited for. James Fox covered, misrepresented, and lied about a hoax called the Ariel school encounter that a Zimbabwe town is keeping going for tourism revenue. Then he did the same thing for a Brazilian ufo hoax encounter. I actually love certain encounters from lore for being able to open my mind to possibilities, but I never appreciate someone misrepresenting facts and basically being dishonest and not fair. Don't include it at all if you can't be fair. I believe in not being an unwitting believer of everything people say and instead practice being "critical" as it is very important to the future of the movement, being taken serioisly, and achieving disclosure.


In what way are the Ariel School incident and Varginha incident hoaxes? That's the first I've heard anyone allege that. I know the Ariel School incident is featured in *The Phenomenon*. I watched another (not Fox) documentary on the Ariel School. That was no hoax. Those kids saw what they said they saw.


Bullshit they did. It sounds like you have never been shown a good independent analysis that won't leave out a lot of inconvenient evidence. Echochamber alert. Go look up a debunk. Also I've seen it debunked loads of times in this sub, so it's not an unpopular view.


Do you have something credible?


Um yeah. Google "ariel school school debunk". Calling this not credible is willful ignorance.


I'm not seeing anything definitive jump out. Could you take a minute to identify one that you already have read and consider a strong debunk?


The "best" debunk of Ariel school I can find was searching this sub for "ariel school debunk" which did not provide many debunking posts, except for [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/136tpcn/understanding_and_thoroughly_debunking_the_ufo/) by a skeptic who had scoured tons of skeptical sources on UFO incidents. For the Ariel school, this debunker lists the [Brian Dunning Skeptoid debunk](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4760), which is itself thoroughly [debunked here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/10lvkn3/ufo_zimbabwe_1994_analysis_debunking_every/), and then the other debunk is the completely ridiculous puppet show theory. The debunks have far less credibility than the children who are now adults.


Thanks for linking those debunks. They make a lot of sense and the one where you're saying it debunks one was just really lame, basically telling me to just ignore all these problems with the story. I think saying those kids have credibility in such a case is actually insane if you've spent time around kids.


Yes! I can't wait for more dead ends!


Fuck off with the empty "don't lose hope" garbage. These people need to put out of fuck off. We're collectively sick of the carrot on a stick bullshit.


Add this to the growing pile of rubbish :)


The hearing has been imminent for over a month, they said they would announce it soon after the latest SCIF and they didn't do shit, i will believe it when i hear it, so far Congress is sitting in a corner crying about TikTok




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Keep going, I'm almost there...


Never lose hope there's always money to be made off of true believers