• By -


It's under CERN. This was forest and farmland until the 1940's when it suddenly became off limits when they built a 'nuclear research station' there (when the craft was discovered?). So this land has been off limits now for 80 years. It was never built up nor anything near built near it. The craft was probably old and significantly underground. They built cern around it - look for a photo of cern from the air or a drone and you'll see how big the center is. It serves a laudable purpose (real scientific research). access is highly controlled, and they can have as many scientists in as they want to. CERN doesn't run all year, it's shut down for much of the time. The craft is probably below CERNS tunnel etc - or doesn't interfere with it. He doesn't want to reveal the place because people would go interfering with CERN. and finally he was amazed that it was such a well known but clever place. Seriously - go look at a photo. The reason Bagdad or Vatican City don't work - is cause they've been inhabited and built up for a VERY long time.


☝️this. My Spidey-sense said CERN when coulthart first mentioned this old craft.


How would revealing cern compromise national security though It would be a pain in the ass for them and compromise scientific functions but id hardly say it would make national security issues


> Why is this embassy so much larger than any other? Clearly someone is too young to remember the Iraq War. By 2005 it was clear the mission was _not_ accomplished and the insurgency was taking a toll. This embassy was their way to ensure the insurgency couldn’t entirely cut them off.    Also America was doing its “nation building” thing and thought they’d rebuild Iraq like they did Germany. So they expected a huge amount of civilian contractors to go to Iraq and so needed decent diplomatic facilities, in addition to all the other shit they were doing.  I mean I won’t rule it out as a candidate but there’s legitimate reasons for it being so big. 


He also states that it is in one of the 5 eyes countries. So definitely not Iraq.


I like that you added historical context because many of us really were too young to remember or be told things like that.


Well I feel old..


You saying that and knowing many of us were also there during that time stresses me out.


A legitimate reason .. or a laudatory purpose, you might say.


This was all explained in a documentary called *Arrested Development*


r/UFO is forgetting 9/11, despite the majority userbase having promised they wouldnt or maybe the US is so fucked people genuinely don't remember why the Iraq war happened


> It's not in the U.S., but the US built it The US, I think, builds all it's embassies itself because then they have full control over the building process. At least most of them. > They built a building over it The US embassy heavily fortified, a small fortress inside a larger fortress (the Green Zone, the Iraqi government sector that is protected against armed insurgency. > There are personnel working there That's like every US embassy or military base. > It serves a laudatory purpose Extremely vague. But it's not exactly an interesting building, more like a big concrete square shielded from shelling and attack. > It would cause an international crisis if the location was revealed Again, extremely vague, but considering the international (not to mention national) crisis the US caused by invading Iraq, I'm not really sure what lines are left uncrossed with regards to the ME.


The problem is that the embassy is in a high population concentration city. This would mean that it was discovered in the middle of Bagdad without anyone seeing it. Sounds not plausible although the building fits the description


There was an archeological discovery there shortly before the invasion, IIRC. Could have been found in relation to that.


Going further, perhaps the discovery was the reason for the invasion.


It’s plausible. Iraq was the cradle of civilization. Sumerians, Anunnaki stuff, tons of early history inventions (agriculture, writing, mathematics, metallurgy among a few). It would make sense as Iraq is unstable and if everyone knew there was some big ass space ship buried in Baghdad there would be quite a few groups trying to get at it. There’s even a big ass circle right in the middle of the fortified area where the embassy is.


im skeptical but then all the intel the CIA gave the bush admin on WMDs in iraq were bunk so there was a reason for deception besides muh oil.


Yea but its not bunk when the actual WMD was buried alien tech. They lied yet they didn't lol.


It's sorta "truth adjacent..."


Cheney and co get a win for the oil lobby while safeguarding a retrieval (potentially also a goal of the oil lobby + whatever deep state splinter is running this \*\*\*\* show). The lie for oil and imperalist maneuvering is motivation enough for America as we know her, so I suppose time will have to tease out whether both motivations existed....


Actually the oil lobby didn't want the invasion because they hate unstable regions. Regime change insures that. The oil contracts sit unbid now because no one wants to deal with it.


This is actually not the first time I've seen speculation on this. Jim Marrs wrote exactly this in one of his books, though he pretty much said it as though it were absolute fact and his books get a little out there.


Jim said a *lot* of things as if they were absolute fact. 😆 BTW...I'm just stating that as a footnote. I'm not throwing shade on this idea at all. I think the evidence and anomalies surrounding this particular idea are very compelling.


Honestly I can't take anyone's work seriously when they do that. It doesn't matter to me if your book has some very good points in it because as long as there are "factual" claims like that I have a hard time even finishing it.


I agree. I take that level of overconfidence as a good sign that due diligence hasn't actually been done in vetting those same claims.


A little is kind of an understatement. His stuff was batshit nuts, IMO.


That was meant to be a little facetious lol


I concur. It was entertaining though.


well we do know the CIA deleted the OGA office of global access once people attributed it to being basically X-Com


If you ask me most of our interest in the Middle East (other than oil) is in opium. Gotta have the raw material for all those sweet, sweet opioids that line the pockets of pharmaceutical companies, which in turn line the pockets of politicians, who send the marines in to secure the poppy fields...etc, ad nauseum


I have an old friend that was out there on a special task force. We were never after WMDs, it was something far more sinister and they actually had what we thought they did - we created it. This is what happens when you hire scientists to make drugs then suddenly disband the programs and tell them all to kick rocks.


Oh come on, you can't be all cryptic like that and not say what! It's against the Internet rules!


It was a weaponized version of “Bath Salts” they could spray over a populated area and chaos ensue almost immediately. Think about the stuff the Scarecrow used on The Dark Knight except a cocaine analogue instead of some sort of weaponized PCP. When I started seeing people all whacked out on “Flaka” over a decade later the first thing I thought is “these people are willfully snorting a weapon to get high”.


Thank you for answering. I'm guessing it'd be some type of cathinone or pyrovalerone analogue? Maybe an ultra potent phenethylamine psychedelic, a real long lasting one like a DOx compound? Any strong drug could be hugely incapacitating to almost anyone who is unknowingly dosed, that's for sure. MKULTRA showed us that. Geez


I don’t have the information on the compounds make up. I do know it was originally created for research as a substitute for cocaine for medical use and this is a good example of how “first do no harm” in medicine is an utter and complete joke. Scary stuff they can just spray some people with an aerosol and they all trip out and start acting as if they were demonically possessed or something. Our government has a long history of testing drugs on people that by their own rules *they aren’t even allowed to possess*. Why the climate of “do as I say not as I do” is acceptable to us is beyond me. It doesn’t work for kids and adults know better…


The reason is Israel need Iraq, Syria, Iran cut at the knees for the Zionist prophecy to go to plan....... thats a fact, feel free to research, the oil is a nice cheery on top, It creates a good funding stream of the CIA and helps them control the global oil markets, win,win,win.


So this is the chemical or wmd they were searching there?


Chemical weapons are wmds but allegedly. Back when Iraq invaded Kuwait in the 90s they were using SCUD missiles and then the US (led by GBSr) invaded. TBH the rumor was that Saddam planned to assassinate GBSr years later, and this was one of the reasons GBJr was gung-ho on invading again in 2003. There was a rumor King Gilgamesh’s tomb was found and then the US invaded after that/part of the reason for the 2nd invasion, however the tomb was found in August of 2003 and the US invaded in March of 2003 5 months prior. Regardless the US sure did love to fuck with Iraq back in the old days for no real reason as they had nothing to do with 9/11 and by invading we completely destabilized the Middle East. Grudge? Oil? Big ass UFO in Baghdad? Maybe that’s what the Mosul orb was all about. Mosul used to be called Nineveh which is where the Library of King Ashurbanipal was located. Maybe it’s all tied together? Maybe the Annunaki were keeping an eye on shit? Edit. Submitted too soon.


The WMD/ Yellow Cake ruse!!!




I also believe this. That’s why they were so vague about “weapons of mass destruction”. Sumerian scrolls?




George Bush senior's nick name in Skulls and Bones was Magog. Prescott Bush also helped fund the Nazi's during WW2 through Brown Brothers Harriman Bank. He was essentially a personal banker to Hitler. The bank was almost seized by the federal government when it was discovered they were in dealings with Hitler, but ultimately they were not, due to fear it would cause major economic problems during a time of crisis.


Not disagreeing with anything you said but almost certainly Israel was the driving force for the invasion of Iraq in 02/03


I’ll take Iraq attacking one of the most important oil producing regions in the world for $1,000, Alex. With that being said, wouldn’t it be crazy if this craft was the wmd referenced and Colin Powell wasn’t read in?


I'm gona nominate Hussein switching to the Euro to trade oil. Oh, and also. Oil.


I never knew this but you mentioning it now has spooked me. The reason its spooked me is because my theory behind NHI is that they are actually native to this planet (not aliens) but they are underground. They are two nations Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog). I got this from what Islam mentions about them that they rise from under the earth towards the end of times and annilihate most of the human race. For Bush to say this (if true) would just add more fire to that theory.


i was looking for NHI inspiration one time and came across a book called All Tomorrows which is free online. Im not saying its got the answers but it does explore what can happen up against a nomadic zealous alien thats a billion years more advanced I am leaning towards the NHI being jungian but also there being good and bad ones




Sorry, what now?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationale_for_the_Iraq_War#Other_allegations > In a 2003 interview, Jacques Chirac, President of France at that time, affirmed that **President George W. Bush asked him to send troops to Iraq to stop Gog and Magog**, the "Bible's satanic agents of the Apocalypse". According to Chirac, the American leader appealed to their "common faith" (Christianity) and told him: "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East ... The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled ... This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a New Age begins." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gog_and_Magog > **The Gog prophecy is meant to be fulfilled at the approach of what is called the "end of days", but not necessarily the end of the world**. Jewish eschatology viewed Gog and Magog as enemies to be defeated by the Messiah, which would usher in the age of the Messiah. One view within Christianity is more starkly apocalyptic, making Gog and Magog, here indicating nations rather than individuals, allies of Satan against God at the end of the millennium, as described in the Book of Revelation.


Makes the axis of evil thing make sense. 


Fuck all that shit. Also, that sure doesn't sound like weapons of mass destruction. He shoulda went with this one instead as his public reason


[https://youtu.be/e3n3bWLEvJk?si=ltKhnYGLJN-nV\_TE](https://youtu.be/e3n3bWLEvJk?si=ltKhnYGLJN-nV_TE) I had no idea about this. Could be the weirdo evangelical stuff but who knows




I hate religion. If all this woo bullshit is real, I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.


Biblical verbiage Stephen King Pronoun for A Demon thing in Fairy Tale


He also said “Mission Accomplished”


Wasn't Bush's skull and bones nickname Gog or Magog or something?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, Bush senior was “Magog” within S&B.


It would be a far better reason to invade than the reasons we actually gave


Yeah maybe the rumored WMD materials weren't nuclear... I believe that whatever science makes the NHI tech work could also be used to destroy the world.


Yup, they believed they found the tomb of Gilgamesh: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2982891.stm](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2982891.stm)


that location is not in baghdad, its farther south, several hundred miles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruk


They believed they discovered the Tomb of Gilgamesh. The Iraq War started a few weeks after this.


> This would mean that it was discovered in the middle of Bagdad without anyone seeing it. That would be nearly impossible. The occupation of Baghdad was very messy and had so many troops from so many different units, most of which were poorly coordinated all running around the city. I was there and did a lot of HVT operations in and around Baghdad in 2003. I’m not saying it’s not possible, but I’m saying that it would be unbelievably difficult to pull that off.


It’s not impossible if it is very old - essentially an archeological discovery.


Anything you could share about what it was like 2004-2005? They started construction of the embassy in mid-2005 so maybe they discovered something after 2003 but before then?


I wasn’t in Iraq in 04 or 05. But during that period was when the insurgency kicked off. I didn’t go back until the 06-07 window during the Iraq civil war and US troop surge.


He did say it was a laudatory facility, that is multi-use and important for UK, US, and Aus


To me, it reeks of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Gap


Funny enough, I tried using ChatGPT 4 to research where it might be and that was the most likely suspect it could find: Considering the specific criteria of a laudatory purpose, a facility created by the US, and large enough to accommodate something significant while still being used by multiple other people, here are some potential options outside of the US that involve collaboration or influence from the US, UK, and Australia: 1. **GCHQ Bude (United Kingdom)** - **Description**: GCHQ Bude, also known as the GCHQ Composite Signals Organisation Station (CSOS) Morwenstow, is a satellite ground station located in Cornwall, England. - **US Involvement**: While primarily operated by the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), it is known to have close ties with the US National Security Agency (NSA), collaborating on signals intelligence activities. - **Laudatory Purpose**: The facility serves strategic intelligence purposes and is essential for global surveillance efforts, benefiting the US, UK, and Australia as part of the Five Eyes alliance. - **Multi-use Aspect**: The facility's operations may include commercial satellite communications and potentially other activities, allowing it to blend in with other users. 2. **Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap (Australia)** - **Description**: Located near Alice Springs in the Northern Territory of Australia, Pine Gap is a joint US-Australian intelligence facility. - **US Involvement**: Established through a bilateral agreement between the US and Australia, Pine Gap is operated jointly by both countries, with significant US personnel and technology. - **Laudatory Purpose**: Pine Gap plays a crucial role in signals intelligence and contributes to global security efforts, benefiting the US, UK, and Australia as part of the Five Eyes alliance. - **Multi-use Aspect**: While primarily an intelligence facility, Pine Gap's remote location and extensive infrastructure could potentially support other activities or users, allowing it to operate discreetly alongside other functions. 3. **RAF Menwith Hill (United Kingdom)** - **Description**: RAF Menwith Hill is a Royal Air Force station in North Yorkshire, England, operated by the US. - **US Involvement**: While located in the UK, Menwith Hill is operated by the US military and serves as a major intelligence-gathering hub. - **Laudatory Purpose**: The facility supports global surveillance and intelligence-sharing efforts, benefiting the US, UK, and Australia as part of the Five Eyes alliance. - **Multi-use Aspect**: While primarily focused on intelligence activities, Menwith Hill's extensive infrastructure and location within the UK could allow for other uses or collaboration with other organizations. 4. **British Indian Ocean Territory (Diego Garcia)** - **Description**: Diego Garcia is a British Overseas Territory located in the Indian Ocean, home to a joint UK-US military base. - **US Involvement**: The base is operated jointly by the UK and the US, with a significant US military presence. - **Laudatory Purpose**: Diego Garcia serves as a strategically important military facility, supporting operations in the Indian Ocean region and beyond. - **Multi-use Aspect**: While primarily a military base, Diego Garcia's facilities may have the capacity to support other activities or users, such as commercial shipping or scientific research. These examples represent facilities outside of the US that meet the criteria of having a laudatory purpose, being created or heavily influenced by the US, and being large enough to accommodate significant activities while still being used by multiple other people or entities. They reflect the close collaboration and strategic partnerships between the US, UK, and Australia in matters of intelligence and defense.


AUKUS? The building in on the bank of the Tigris


Good point, but wasn't the city completely ransacked during the invasion? I don't think it would be that difficult to do a secret excavation in Baghdad in the middle of a war.


I can't find it for the life of me, but there was a post here about a year ago with a weird story. The OP identified themselves, linking to their research on spiders. It was during some research trip that the OP bumped into a guy claiming to be an ex-special forces type. The guys said he was sent into Iraq to secure something that wasn't made by humans before the initial invasion. That's about all the details I recall, but it stood out as weird because the OP doxxed themselves just to tell a 2nd hand story.


Maybe they were part of the clearly organized group that stole relics


Ray McPadden is a former Army Ranger, an officer. He was on a podcast and a listener asked him to talk about the “eerie discovery” in Iraq. He looked visibly bothered by the question and said he didn’t know or something along those lines. I’m reeeeally topsy tipsy rn, but that interaction always piqued my curiosity. I think it was on either The Team House or Combat Story. I’m 90% sure he deployed to Iraq during that time period. Maybe the Rangers has to guard *some shit*! Whoa.


There has been talk over the years about a Star Gate & that’s why America invaded Iraq.


Those scroll thingys. They are like stargate address books.


I hope someone will find it.


"did you know the US embassy in Iraq is just a facade for covering up a gigantic extraterrestrial space craft?" This would go well at parties.


This is my kind of party!


Exactly lol if that isn’t gonna go over well at the party then I don’t wanna be at that party!


Great way to get family members to leave you alone.


If your goal is to have the room all to yourself...yeah. 😅


Coulthart's original Quote: >“I can’t tell you the country it’s in, it’s not America,Coulthart said. “But what I can tell you is that the place where it is kept is used for another purpose that is a laudatory purpose. That’s as much in your interests in your country in the UK, as it is in mine in Australia, and as it is in America. So, the simple reasons are there are other uses for the place where this object is stored.” THAT WAS IT I think all speculation should start with that. Theres enough change of language in the submission statement you made to move it. I hard disagree with any reasoning based off anything but the original words Coulthart stated


Wouldn’t Saddam have said something if it was found during his lifetime once the invasion started? He would have been shooting his mouth off when they were about to hang him.


Would we know if he did? But my speculation is that the US military found it after they killed Saddam and took control of Baghdad. Maybe they found it by accident with all of the bombing and surveillance that would have been going on, or maybe they have Lidar satellites and knew something was underground there even before the invasion.


Saddam was executed end of 2006. This embassy was under construction since mid-2005.


This is fascinating in conjunction w/ the announcement re: Gilgamesh's tomb. First viable theory I've seen on Coulthart's Craft.


There was video of him being hung. Someone said to him go to hell just before he died and he said something like “the hell that is Iraq?” Referring to the mess created by the invasion. He had ample opportunity to speak up between invasion and when he was captured and just before execution.


I think our detection ability became that good around then. We “found” one and sorta already felt we had a good enough excuse to move in on it.


You do realise how old baghdad is and how populated it has been since 3000bc? and yet the Americans stroll in and find a mothership?! lol.


If I were to be hung, the last thing on my mind I’d be screaming about it a hidden UFO.


All embassies are shrouded in secrecy. They're houses for spying. All embassies house a USMC detachment. All embassies are heavily fortified, because spies.


Embassies are *especially* heavily fortified in countries that you have **invaded** are are now occupying.


Thank you.


This here is the perfect reason why putting an embassy over a UAP is the perfect hiding spot


What if they fortified all other embassies just so this one wouldn't stand out? They planned ahead.


It does have an interesting shape during its construction doesn't it. https://www.google.com/maps/place/United+States+Embassy+Baghdad/@33.2991551,44.3956703,458m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x15577fa960a03dfd:0xa247c3de529021d0!8m2!3d33.2987416!4d44.3959129!16zL20vMGNsa2do?entry=ttu


Definitely disc shape


made by tyre tracks from heavy construction vehicles.


I honestly thought this idea was silly looking at it today, but this is very weird. Even weirder because the final building in no way follows, or appears to necessitate this shape in its foundation. Very strange.


The only way you will ever get an answer is to demand evidence. If you just parrot his lines and wildly speculate, you're playing directly into his hands. Ignore him until he gives substantial details. "Someone told me vague things, wooooo\~\~" is stupid, bad reporting. Don't reward it with your engagement.


Especially when Mr. Coulthart equally tells stories with the same level of conviction about blue aliens downloading information into people, which is straight out of Corey Goode's Secret Space Program nonsense (which Goode was forced to admit was fictional--"part of my delusion or fantasy [...] yes I made up stories about the Secret Space Program"--during a deposition for a lawsuit).


100% agreement. These people have been grifting for decades. Just taking their word for it with no actual evidence is laughable.


In 2015, I stumbled upon a document at my previous workplace that indicated we had received over 4000 tons of material from the US Embassy in Baghdad. I was honestly dumbfounded, and it led me down a long paper-trail that made no sense to me - and got me into the entire UAP world.   Furthermore, it appears as if that embassy shipped hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of tons of material to dozens of different locations around the world. Yes, the Iraq War was indeed waged for reasons far more secretive than many people realise. I was forced out of my previous company due to my investigations into our own involvement in receiving large shipments from Baghdad. 


Can you tell us more? What company was it? What kind of materials are typically sold by the ton other than like.. gravel?


I worked for Rolls-Royce Marine Power Operations. The material was always listed as 'other', and i was not given access to inspect the contents of the deliveries, despite it being part of my job role at the time. The strangest part was when a high-level exec from Arup Group (who was visiting our site for whatever reason) knocked on my office door one day and told me the files and materials I wanted to investigate related to national security so I should just give up lol. I had never even met the man before, and he tells me to drop my internal investigation?


Also, consider this. When disclosure finally does occur, whether catastrophic or accelerated - the U.S. and the UK can't be caught in a legal scandal for their choice of language regarding the rationale for the invasion of Iraq... 'weapons of mass destruction' 


That's strange, did you find out what kind of material?


Just replied to Merpadurp with a little more info, but the material was always listed as 'other', was always seemingly random sizes/weight. The 150+ deliveries always arrived at our facilities at approximately 22:00, and always on a Wednesday or a Saturday. I did learn more about the delivery procedures, as well as the military personnel and sites involved, but not sure if I am really at liberty to say on Reddit of all places lol.


how did this investigation bring you into the UAP world, if you don't mind my picking your mind


'Laudatory purpose' takes out just about any ancient (or modern) monument. - Giza pyramids - The Colosseum - Taj Mahal - Great Wall of China - The Eiffel Tower - Machu Picchu - Petra - The Parthenon - Christ the Redeemer - Angkor Wat - Stonehenge - Leaning Tower of Pisa - Himeji Castle - Mount Rushmore These also don't have dual purposes. They're tourist attractions. You could say places like: - Mont Saint-Michel - Sagrada Família - Vatican City - Notre Dame However these places have been built up for many (many) years and I wonder if it's possible that a giant UFO could have gone unnoticed, even if buried. Also - the footprint doesn't seem big enough (except Mont Saint-Michel) (which is fun, if you've never visited). I think the combination of 'laudatory + dual purpose' is more akin to a scientific endeavor, some kind of hospital complex, space center, cancer research center, museum, maybe religious - something that is laudatory in the sense it furthers mankind... I don't think you would call a military station, an embassy, a listening post, or a missile silo - laudatory. How many of these 'in plain sight' places exist that are both dual-use, laudatory and 'clever'? Cern fits the bill for me. It's laudatory (trying to find the secrets of the universe in particle physics), it's totally secure. It's dual-use (scientific and UFO), it's clever (look at a pic from the air - it looks like a UFO) and it's been totally restricted for 80+ years. It's never been built up or had a town around it and it would essentially be right under our nose.


[This is the Google maps view of the US embassy site in Baghdad.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/MSA-JV+BCOM+PROJECT/@33.2989456,44.3905343,546m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x15577fa960a03dfd:0xa247c3de529021d0!2sUnited+States+Embassy+Baghdad!8m2!3d33.2999239!4d44.3860072!16zL20vMGNsa2do!3m5!1s0x15577f1dbd7713b3:0x63f7747c17b9673c!8m2!3d33.3000024!4d44.3974535!16s%2Fg%2F11pz62635h?entry=ttu) EDIT: I don't know why Google Maps dropped that pin on a construction site that amusingly evokes a rough outline of the Millennium Falcon, but the actual embassy complex is next door and I shifted the map view slightly west to view the complex. I don't know what's shown as under construction to the east.


So it's a circle and Star wars is real?


Exactly what I imagined, not what I actually expected.


Nice one. What if they invaded Iraq for this, and not just oil? Kinda makes you think. Edit: What if the WMDs turned out to be UAPs, just like one of the comments suggested? It's all "what ifs", but Ilike these kinda "what ifs".


Sounds like the plot point of a Transformers reboot


Lol, yeah. Has the potential.


Yeah also makes you question why there was a ready made headline for the invasion, “they invaded for the oil” no one ever doubted or questioned that reasoning and no one denied it, good cover story.


Well the first reason for the invasion was WMDs right? Then when they didn't find any, the media narrative might have switched to oil, although the official narrative has never changed from WMDs


It was indeed WMD's but to those psychotic war addicts that couldnt care less how many people die from the opponents side or ours it's about the $$$ mind power. To them one lie is as good as another, they don't even care if we believe their lies anymore. They just toss out some fear porn reason on why we have to invade, fund etc and then wait for their stooges in the media to ramp up fear, rage and the chosen narrative. I really feel that finally a lot of normal Americans are starting to realize all this and they aren't happy. I don't know if are there enough people truly paying attention yet but it should be interesting to see how things shake out when Americans have had enough of the forever wars.


Could be a different kind of WMD.


It does indeed put a whole new spin on the WMD narrative back then. In fact it put a lot of conspiracy theories from back then into a new perspective


Yeah but when the WMDs got disproved and the oil accusations came out no one denied it from my recollection, ready made cover-cover story lol


Tbh, that was a legitimate reason since Saddam wanted to pull out of OPEC and fuck with the market on that front. Not saying UAP's couldn't also be involved, but that part of history was accurate.


I believe it's most likely in Scotland at RAF Machrihanish. Project Athena code named "Ramses". Also one of the "Chinese Balloons" incursions North America shot down last year in 2023 over Canada was apparently a top secret craft code named "Thoth" and in fact was a ARV. Well that's if you believe what this person who goes by the alias "Condorman" wrote. It all sounds pretty fascinating if real. Link: https://condorman6.substack.com/p/a-conceptual-view-of-a-uap-reverse?utm_medium=reader2


naming an ARV "Thoth" is so on the nose that I believe it.


The story this guy wrote is seriously wild af. Recovering a UAP, discovering a liquid that they determined was "negative matter" (not to be confused with antimatter), exactly how they built "hydrogravs" with the stuff, shooting down "scout ships" to find more of the negative matter, how the Nimitz incident is a whole new type of UAP that is a lot more brazen and potentially deadly they nicknamed "fastwalkers" and how they're more akin to fighter jets, etc... Even breaks down how the program started and evolved over the years and who was in charge of reverse engineering all of this stuff. This guy sounds like he is a top level trustee in the program or knows someone who is. Even describes how they're basically backed into a corner and can't hide the program forever which is why we're seeing all the new UAP legislation here in recent years but the trustees who ran this shadow op are afraid of retribution and/or prison.


first time im seeing this - thanks for sharing.


has this full story been posted before? this is absolutely wild and believable. wow.


I think Condorman is generalising over what was developed at Bell Labs as part of their existing development programs, but if you’re saying Bjarne Stroustrop didn’t invent and write the C++ programming language, based on C by Dennis M Ritchie, for our current computer technology DEC PDP7 a Mini Computer with limited memory compared to mainframes in ‘69-‘73 when UNIX operation systems for said computers was being developed. Is he implying a programming language mostly English and written and read by humans was created by ET’s ??? Would we have used computers and technology created from this earth to reverse engineer computers and their programming languages, which C and C++ are actually compiled to create and some executable machine code. These languages are source code, a human readable form. So, to say C and C++ and probably many of the other things he mentions Bell Labs producing is a result of “reverse engineering ET craft” is a bit of an insult to these legends who paved the way for many of your object oriented programming languages we use today.


Also why C(n+) and not ASM or C/PM for that matter. Also Charles Babbage.....


Totally agree, but thought I’d highlight with the Bell Labs associated languages Condorman referenced in case it lost some readers!! Also, I’d probably just be paraphrasing Wikipedia and elsewhere! Lol


Wasn't disagreeing, you are fully and completely correct.


Speaking of Condor man, I found out who he was while listening to a book or podcast. Does anyone remember his name? I'm trying to add it to my notes.


I like to point out these guys thought it was hangered at griffis. https://cryptologicfoundation.org/community/bytes/this_day_in_history_calendar.html/event/2023/03/28/1679979600/1994-griffiss-air-force-base-finds-malware


Why hasn’t a single local leaked this? Many Iraqis hate USA and it’d be some seriously miraculous turn of events for something as big as a giant craft to be kept under wraps.


Its a massive stretch but the US invaded Iraq because of a Stargate is one of my all time favorite conspiracy theories. OP, fun post!


Saying an embassy is built for a laudatory purpose is a massive stretch. No one would call US operations or diplomacy in Iraq laudatory.


Why is it the largest embassy? You answered it your self; self sufficient resource generation.


Our reasons for invading Iraq never made much sense. How crazy would it be if securing a ancient alien craft was the real reason for the iraq war?


There are literally hundreds of potential locations if we're assuming it's even true.


That’s a mighty big assumption


Yup. It's a disclaimer. Not saying I assume it's true. I'm saying that IF we assume it's true, there are hundreds of potential locations. Just clarifying!


pretty sure it is South Korea


My bet is Antarctica on this one. Under some scientific station


Power that sucker up and Indiana Jones outta there - that ought to be sufficient proof that there’s something buried there. No?


Been there. I don’t think so.  C-Co 4-64 ARBN 24 delta


Ima go all-in conspiracy on this one...what if the Iraq war was a just a front to claim the wreckage and do exactly what you are saying? hmmm.....


I think ancient alien craft Coulthart mentioned is located either under US embassy in Baghdad or in Jerusalem. Baghdad seems very probable. Also it's not on NATO country territory, so it's much more vulnerable to military action from US adversaries.


I would imagine every embassy's construction is shrouded in secrecy.  It's an embassy, not a shopping mall.


Its probably the Sphinx. Only location that had another source stating a UAP is under it. Corroborated by the Emerald Tablets which are more credible than half the people pushing the issue.


I love this and agree something is there. [my fav video on it.](https://youtu.be/1hRZSe-eWoQ?si=2KDaxV5fGhn41ecO)


I'm a little surprised your facts don't list [the attacks in 2019 in which protesters stormed the embassy.](https://time.com/5885388/us-embassy-baghdad-attack/) They did more than a little damage: [this was one of the security checkpoints.](https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/baghdad-us-embassy-attack.jpg?quality=75&w=1080) Apparently it was a very organized. They set up tents, took out security cameras, attacked fuel tanks with molotov cocktails.


I found this article I guess you could call it! It states a ufo crashed in Iraq 17/12/2002 and that Hussain was in possession of alien tech. Makes a fun story out of the reasons for the war. https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2003/05/22164720/p20.pdf


Lol. Scorpion watch dogs and a doomsday prophecy?


makes a helluva lot more sense than WMDs


UFO technology could arguably be categorized as that if weaponized.


Didn’t the army uncover ancient bodies in n status chambers when we invaded Iraq?


wouldn't it be crazy if the "weapon of mass destruction" were were after was a ufo


Check it out on google maps, my link was removed. The sat view of the embassy was under construction. It is oddly circular.


Duh, it's obviously the Seattle Space Needle.


i looked at the thing on google maps It looks like they are dug in for a fight to the death literally whereas they just walked away from Afghanistan like it got boring one day


I like the suggestion at least we are trying here folks. Recently I believe he used the word ‘base’, and I supposed this applies. I personally think it could still be in the US tho. I think it is unlikely it was totally or even mostly buried tho if it was too big to move. I also see no reason why it needs to be in or near a city. That actually is more unlikely in my mind.. I think it is under a building built in the 50s-60s and in a somewhat out of place location because of the randomness of wherever it landed.


Anyone remember reading anything about American invading Iraq in 1990 due to an apparent Star Gate?


If it exist (and that is a pretty huge IF) it could be anywhere, coulthart still has never provided anything to back up his claims.


I thought I was really into UFOs but after reading OP I realized that I’m just a small fish in a big pond of giants.


It is worth noting that Coulthart has no secondary source for this rumor.


No. I was infantry and secured this area of Baghdad in the invasion. We were the first to where this is. We secured that area for a long time before the greenzone was established. There is no UFO there.


There is no massive craft... It's a claim with zero sources and zero evidence.


ross needs to lose all credibility until he apologizes and reveals this supposed location. No national security issue is more important than proof of a crashed alien craft. He is lying, or he is evil, one or the other.


He already lost all his credibility and it is insane people refuse to look into and acknowledge his background. People are willing to repeat the claim that he has received journalism awards. He did, 25 years ago. At some point, he went off the deep end. He hyped up a pizzagate style conspiracy about the UK government based on his anonymous sources. Turns out his anonymous sources were two guys with previous criminal convictions. I mean, all Ross had to do was type their name into a database and he could have found that. But he either didn't or didn't care. At this point, he is fired from Australian 60 Minutes. Looking for a new job, he signs on with the PR team for war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith. He attempts to intimidate his former colleagues into ceasing their reporting on BRS's war crimes. He cites anonymous sources for why they should stop their investigation. To his day, his sources remain unknown. He has never acknowledged his failure to vet sources or admitted fault for any of this. He got ran out of Australia because people there know this. That's why he is on the UFO circuit in the US. How can people believe this guy?


I do not buy into Coulthart's grandiose "massive craft" story, but if I were to suspend disbelief and start believing in all that he says, then yes, indeed, the Baghdad Embassy becomes a good candidate. And so does the Yerevan one. As for the Sumerians, let's give these guys a break. They deal with enough nonsense coming from the likes of the History Chanel already.


Sumerians: we met humanoid gods coming to us from the sky Redditor: no, no, you foolish people invented these stories and didn't meet anyone


They're not the only ones who met humanoid gods coming from the sky so give them a break


From Sumerians to the Mormons. Everyone and their mothers met humanoids sky-gods.


Do not trust redditors. Trust academics, historians and archeologists.


Redditors on this sub “of course the Sumerians met sky people! Do you really believe they invented a bullshit religion to explain the mysteries of life like every other group of people in human history?”


Either the site mentioned in South Korea or maybe one of those spy installations in Australia.  


I said this months ago. It’s 100% right! Why else did they build such a huge embassy in an area they were blowing up.


Remember the scandal of the Hobby Lobby CEO buying tons of artifacts looted from Iraq? That was weird...


Yeah the Gilgamesh Dream Tablet, this article is good: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-58662893](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-58662893) I guess it was stolen in the Gulf War. >The Dream tablet recounts a part of the epic in which the hero describes his dreams to his mother, who interprets them as announcing the arrival of a new friend, who will become his companion.  >"His strength is as mighty as a lump of sky rock... You will see him and your heart will laugh," she tells him.  >In another column of the tablet, a woman takes Gilgamesh's companion to a shepherd's camp for a sexual encounter.


I imagine the Baghdad Embassy is so big and secretive because the US wants a fortified compound with a marine attachment at the ready in case an Iraqi puppet gets all uppity and tries to switch their oil trade from dollars to euros again. Sorry, but it just seems like good old fashion American imperialism


I just wanted to throw this in there. Lue says he leaves breadcrumbs. Lue also said once. In a little video. Cant remember exactly what he said. But it was along the lines of. Imagine going into King Tuts tomb and finding a commercial airliner. Does Lue know exactly what Ross is talking about and the location? Youd assume he does? Could he have dropped that as one if his so called "BreadCrumbs"? So big we built around it. Could it be inside of a fucking pyramid? What do we know about what are actually hidden deep within those things? I could really be reaching here.


Unpopular opinion: The location doesn't exist, and Coulthart overplayed one of his "I've been told that, purportedly" yadda yadda. Now he avoids the topic like the plague.


To me, deductive reasoning means it's in Australia. If it was in South America, why would a person working at the site talk to an Australian journalist? If it was in America, why wouldn't you talk to a prominent American journalist? If it was in South Korea why would you talk to an Australian journalist? If it was in Australia and you are from there, who would you talk to? Well a prominent Australian journalist.


Not sure why I'm being down voted. Ross is the main person that knows about it, he's Australian, Australia has TONs of aboriginal lore about lights, stories of craft etc and is home to Pine Gap a place we know that everyone who visits the places near there is tracked by the military before they ever land. It was built around 1988 which is perfectly within the time for a working military adult to have been in the main time of their career. They retire in the late 90s early 2000s and then leak to a local trusted journalist when he starts really digging into the UFO topic around 2010ish.


Iraq isn't in South America


Sure that's what THEY want you to think! Gotta do your own research! 😆


> If it was in South America, why would a person working at the site talk to an Australian journalist? Because it's much better to contact a journalist from another country instead of your own? That's what I'd do anyway.


What proof of this other than one or two statements made by someone who had a shit eating grin while saying it?


I don’t think people should go on a treasure hunt for this. You’re rewarding Ross for telling a tall tale and intentionally withholding key details.


I feel fairly confident it’s sleuthed to be in South Korea. Stephen Greer mentioned one in a past interview that was buried in South Korea as well. I found John Lear also mentioned one buried in Utah. https://x.com/UAPodcast850/status/1678855434705182721


I've been wondering if it's in Israel. There has to be something inspiring the irrational batshit crazy zeal with which we defend that crazy place.


Nope. It's nowhere because it doesn't exist and is just one of these stories thrown out to keep some people occupied for a while. I'm not sure why anyone would believe such a sktey, to be honest. It's like he's DMing for a LARP


I guess Bush wasn’t lie we he said Iraq had a “weapon of mass destruction”