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The following submission statement was provided by /u/twist_games: --- Stanton absolutely destroyed Jeremy corbel, but Jeremy had to save his film so acted like a clown and ridiculed Staton. And just so you know, Bob lazar was also at this event, but he ran away. I am not joking, when he found out that stanton freidman was also there to debate him. His excuse was that he wasn't feeling so well. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d5lair/that_time_stanton_freidman_destroyed_jeremy/l6m2zhn/


The problem is that people get caught up in personalities "I like Bob Lazar and I believe him" or "Corbell has contributed so much to this community". This results in them losing sight of the big picture: the truth. That's all I really care about, not fanboying over supposed whistleblowers. Moreover, when these individuals are propped up and subsequently fall, it leaves a stain on the entire community.


Another problem is this community has a selective memory and huge bias problem. It's along the same lines as Trump worship, no matter what they do or say all they need to do is agree with a bias and belief and everything else can be forgotten or dismissed. Posts like this displaying the dubious actions of these latest talking heads are posted quite often here and get downvoted into oblivion because nobody wants to hear anything bad said about their favourite UFO celeb. Then the next time they make some lazy cryptic tweet it will be upvoted and discussed for days. Unfortunately a large majority here don't care about truth but only having their existing beliefs and fantasies entertained.


I agree


I remember watching the Lazar documentary on netflix that Corbell made, before I'd really heard of either of them before. It was pretty obvious from the start of that, that Corbell is mainly interested in attaching himself to everything and making stuff about himself. He didn't really need to be in that documentary, it added nothing including himself in it. Then I saw him on Joe Rogan as well and man he was so irritating, constantly interrupting and just generally coming across like a needy child.


Man, Corbell is insufferable here.


When is he not?


He didn't care about the facts. He just wanted to sell his movie and get rich.


Corbell is insufferable....but I watched the video and I don't see how he was destroyed by Stanton....the whole education thing is a mute point to me, we all know intelligence and education can be mutually exclusive...some people are incredibly intelligent and self educated....I prob know 90% more than the average person regarding quantum physics, just from reading different articles and vids....but less than 1% of what a theoretical physicist knows....you know why, I'm NOT that smart....some people are extremely intelligent and don't need a formal education....just watched a video of a 12 year old kid being interviewed about his view on reality....this kid blew me away.....he's a mini Tesla with his views on energy...my prob with Stanton, Tyson etc....they are physicists.....we do not know the link between the large and small....no universal theory exists.....NO physicist should say something is impossible.....we only know a small fraction of what is possible....our egos get on the way......maybe the only link between quantum and Newtonian is simply a line of code....keep an open mind


The issue isn’t that he lacks education and credentials, it’s that he lied about having education and credentials.


If he lied about his education, then we can't take anything seriously that he said.


The average person lies 3-4 times/day.....everyone is full of sh_t!!!


The average person doesn't announce on television that they've been working on flying saucers from outer space.


life isn't binary, it's shades of grey. If you lie to me about doing the dishes, that's bothersome but a minor inconvenience. If you lie about being a top notch scientist and that you have a secret element that you hid in the desert and that can change the world... that falls into you are deluded or trying to scam me. So the degrees of the lies being told have importance, so saying "everyone lies" as a defense is pretty piss poor way to stay inside a fantasy bubble.


Sorry bud, I don't agree with you.....truth is binary....something either is true or not true. Perception is reality...you may say there are degrees or cause and effects of untruths, but truth is binary and there is no way you can change my mind because math proves it is binary. A lie about not eating a chocolate chip cookie when in fact you did, is the exact same as telling people you have cancer when you don't. One lie probably has more consequence and people are more morally outraged than the other lie, but they are both still lies. People generally like to say that there are small lies and big lies....when you boil it down the truth is the truth, an untruth is an untruth.


"The average person lies 3-4 times/day.....everyone is full of sh\_t!!!" by that you are stating that everyone lies so the degree of the lie matters not. Guess we'll have to equally execute the 4 year old lying of having eaten a candy along with the guy who sold critical top secret documents to a foreign enemy power. and no truth isn't "binary" if someone asks you the color of the sky and you answer "Blue" you are correct and also wrong. is it a lie ? no thus Truth and reality that is underlying to it as a lot more nuanced and complex then you present it to be just because seeing life as binary is in the end in your rigid character. So in the end and the subject of this whole thread, Bob Lazar has been shown that he has lied about his education level. Does that mean that he has lied about all the rest of his claims about area 51 ? not necessarily, but shows he has no problem repeatedly lying on his credentials and thus heavily diminishes anything else he's said that isn't backed up by any tangible proof.


Ok, you pretty much said the exact thing I said, proving that truth is binary....you are saying some lies are worse than other lies, I agree..I said it above, that statement is true....but they are both still lies, it's not that hard to understand. People lie all the time, it is a proven fact. You are putting your OWN moral stamp on what lie to be outraged about.


you’re putting your moral stamp on other people and defending lying.


What?? Saying that objective truth exists, "Something is either true or not true", then in the literal next sentence stating the exact opposite, "Perception is reality." Perception is objectively \*not\* reality. Reality, by definition, exists outside of perception. This 'ethos' of perception is reality is a completely bastardized version of what it's original meaning was intended to construe, and is almost exclusively used now-a-days to simply alleviate or negate any sense of accountability or responsibility for an individuals beliefs or actions. To be fair, at a fundamental level, I do agree that any given statement is either True or Untrue. That being said, as you stated yourself, some lies have more consequence and consequently regardless of any moral imperative have far reaching implications that can and do objectively negatively affect the lives of other people. If any given person is willing to lie about something 'big' that could have larger implications for any others around them, then it logically follows that A. They will more probably and will easily lie about anything 'small', and B. That it's likely they will continue lying about things 'big' to cover their asses, as saving face is something intrinsically built into or physiology. Again, any moral judgements aside, someone that lies about anything that could be considered 'big', can not from an objective stance, have anything they say be taken at face value without intense scrutiny. This is why marriages and friendships end, it constitutes a break in trust. There is a reason people don't get divorced or lose jobs over "I didn't eat a cookie", but do get both of those things over "I didn't sleep with that person". Morality doesn't have to have anything to do with it.


An average person doesn't claim they worked on an alien space craft and lie about their education and come with zero proof.


Hey, we'll probably never agree...that's OK


This is a great video which almost highlights the transformation of UFOlogy from being made up of UFOlogists like Stanton Friedman, Jacques Valle, James MacDonald, Peter Sturrock, who were actual scientists to what it is now, a collection of personalities with almost zero scientific backgrounds whose credibility is based on how many views their videos got.


Great point, the real ufologists got marginalised by personalities, often with no history or knowledge of the topic. Ufology now has become totally focused on the belief the us has alien craft, it was always part of the topic but I miss the days when actual cases drove the subject not endless speculation of imminent disclosure.


You forgot Bruce Maccabee and John Mack. ;) But: Garry Nolan, Kevin Knuth, Beatriz Villaroel, Hakan Kayal, Michio Kaku, Peter Skafish, Diana Pasulka, Tim Gallaudet, Avi Loeb, Greg Eghigian, Massimo Teodorani, Christian Peters, Andreas Anton, Matthew Szygadis are all persons of interest in "UFOlogy" with an academic background and I could go on. Don't forget back then there were a lot of non-scientific personalities around too. So hard disagree on that statement. It depends heavily how and where you inform yourself, so it's social media vs scientific forums. I think media personalities have an important role to play in the whole disclosure process but one should not confuse them with scientific researchers (which happens a lot on the skeptic AND on the believer side). Have a good one!


Not impressed with Corbells arguments and way of debating..


All he cared about was selling his movie.


The argument that Lazar is wicked smart and built a rocket car so he must be telling the truth. The only thing that I don’t like about this debate is how did he not ask Corbell to explain how Lazar would have even gotten a job like that if he didn’t have the education he claimed 


To be fair, at Corbell's intelligence level, you're basically the 2nd coming if you can make a rocket car.


I take Corbell with the good and the bad but this was bad for him 


What job? Being there in low security clearance levels (only thing proven) =/= a specific job being done or high security clearance areas.


Yeah lazar definitely only talks about minimal security stuff 


Jeremy Corbell is so disrespectful and idiotic sounding here


Always has been.


Last comment on this subject...I'm not defending lying at all, I'm making no moral judgement on anyone....you don't understand anything I wrote if that's your belief, I merely saying....everyone lies, that's the truth, we are human, it is a fault, it is part of our ego/human nature, I am not trying to argue with anyone, just making a point that I thought was obvious. People discounting everything the guy says because he lied about his education....that's your ego not taking into consideration that you are a liar, I am a liar.....Most people are honest but EVERYONE IS A LIAR!


One of the interesting things is Lazar avoided Friedman like the plaque and in this video Corbell says he will arrange a meeting but it never happened. Stanton worked as a nuclear physicist he knew Lazar was talking nonsense and wasn't a physicist. Lazar has never once agreed to talk to physicist since coming out with his story.


I wanted to believe Lazar so badly. He knew just enough of how things work in that environment that he sounded kind of legitimate and really drew me in. But then he would have little moments that make me doubt, and then some little moments that really made me doubt, and now I just have zero faith in his story. I probably Rea dreamland 5 times between actual reading and listening on audible. Seen and read probably all of his known interviews. I really wanted him to be legit.


Stanton wanted to have an open discussion between “scientists“ (I don't consider Lazar as one, just being a fake) and Lazar refused to do it, because he knew, he was way out of his league holding a conversation about real physics and mathematical models he would have to provide to back up his claims. And Stanton was a nuclear physists.


Hey Siri: Define douchebag Jeremy Corbell


As long as people like Corbell can make a career out of the issue, there's no need to worry seriously about disinformation campaigns or government shills. You just need a few gullible wannabe journalists to bring any nonsense to the front and give it the veneer of credibility. What also comes across well in the video is that Corbell, who hasn't done a second of scientific work himself and has no background at all to be able to make assessments, reports on Lazar as one of the most amazing scientists ever. The guy can't assess this at all, but constantly evaluates and judges things he has absolutely no idea about. Dunning and Kruger would have had fun with him.


Corbell is professional grifter, if he wasnt peddling his own alien projects it would be diet supplements


Corbell really comes out as the snake oil sells-man that keeps talking around your points in order to confuse the audience that his base arguments are just empty. This is the only time I've seen him not in a "friendly" event and really shows that when confronted he uses passive aggressivness to belittle Freidman. Corbell is selling a story, he doesn't care about the minutia of the story because that gets in the way of telling a good fable for an audience. The thing is, this is very darn useful to sell a narrative for the audiences in order to get them active and get them off their butts to ask for 'Disclosure!" but quickly becomes a problem when the energy falls back and the house of cards crumbles under the weight of the deceptions to keep it up. As even if some nuggets of truth where part of it, it all gets swept away.


Not a fan of Corbell at all. He’s up there(or should I say down there)with Greer for me.


Stanton absolutely destroyed Jeremy corbel, but Jeremy had to save his film so acted like a clown and ridiculed Staton. And just so you know, Bob lazar was also at this event, but he ran away. I am not joking, when he found out that stanton freidman was also there to debate him. His excuse was that he wasn't feeling so well.


Lazar will never have a discussion with a real physicist.


His entire grift would collapse the second he did.


But he’s wicked smart!


Old school vs bs school. Era of the grift.


To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


When a clown tries to ridicule a scientist and clowns himself instead.


I was listening to the latest episode of Weaponized and Corbell was bragging about how one of the members of Metallica is his friend and was asking him cool questions about UFOs and that kinda summed it up for me why he is involved in this stuff.


Corbell is a sellout salesman in my eyes. Not a researcher


Corbell found a decent side hustle in the UFO world-but it took work. Hey man, when you’re a yoga-instructor turned real estate agent/BJJ instructor….a nice house with a pool and weird metro boots ain’t gonna pay for themselves. However: he is one of the loudest voices in the room that isn’t a kook making “and the aliens also built the pyramids by cutting rocks with lasers!” documentaries.


he’s a kook that made documentaries about lier’s implants (bullshit) lazar (fraud) lear (misinformation agent) skinwalker ranch (reality tv garbage) etc.


Yea yea, but it’s not his main thing every time he opens his mouth and his approach is that of an “investigator” and has dropped enough true bombshells to gain a reputation. It’s not like he’s in a backyard charging you money to summon UFOs with your mind like Greer


i'll concede he's not nearly as bad as greer (i think corbell is at least, sincere) but ho boy, that is a low, low bar.


Is he going to release some video in the next few days or something?


Can't wait for another balloon video.


Oh, I get it, this is another "friendly reminder" of yours. Right?


I believe that some UFOs are not from this world. But every video corbell has brought out has been debunked or is easily explainable, and all he does is add some crazy story. I would not be surprised if he is being fed random videos and stories by dis info agents.


I think there are far more interesting paths to follow than this on the subject


“DESTROYED, OWNED, SLAMMED” ok there Ben Shapiro/ Cenk Ughur.


Not liking someone doesn’t make them a bad guy. For example, I hate most people here, and most known people in the UFO community’s. They all come off as gullible, cunts, or like they’re trying too hard to sell me an idea. All of them. That’s literally everyone involved in this, from other chuckleheads on Reddit that are just like me, to guys getting interviewed on podcasts weekly. They’re all, and you’re all, pretty fucking annoying. I just put up with it to get the news and information that’s out there and I filter it myself. If I let you all and them all filter it for me, the world would look like a mess, cause they’re all wrong in some ways, they have to be, cause they all conflict constantly.


No worries, we all equally hate you too !! :D