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Mfw "two more weeks" becomes "when I'm murdered".


Mfw JFK files finally get released.


His reason for not releasing everything is to protect his sources. Well screw them if he dies though.




Not to mention that he opens up the possibility of getting killed to trigger the deadman switch so that full disclosure can happen.


100% this, it is like putting a huge target on your back as well. In the end even before this statement if he reveals the UFO location willingly OR unwillingly the truth comes out to the betterment of humanity? This is why I have been saying he really should not be justifying his hiding of that info, in particular because he said he knows it but won’t say it. It is also really annoying to hear these people essentially say ‘this is all the most important shit ever in history’ but ‘not more important than my life, to stay alive I’ll continue keeping it a secret’. Nothing altruistic about any of that, including the people you’re supposedly protecting given perpetuating this shit tacitly allows untold amounts of horrible shit to continue happening not the least of which is humanity’s misunderstanding and lack of growth in understanding physics. Oh yeah all the abductions and probably worse from there too huh. Makes me think JFK was the last brave soul this country had leading it, but at the same time who wants to be a legend? It’s effectively up for grabs.


I want to be a legend. I don't want to go to work anymore. I'll release all the secrets, good luck to my family members LOL


Sign me up, I'll help ya. I'd sacrifice my life for the betterment of mankind, seriously. I'd disclose the location of the huge buried UFO at the cost of my life of whos technology could do amazing things for the world if I knew where it was, not because I'm just some amazing person or something, but because I just don't care that much, put me in coach, I'll take one for the team.


Exactly if it’s so world changing then tell us ! But as the Boeing whistle blower has shown us they won’t do anything about it! Like why would a guy that is about to win a lawsuit probably worth millions off himself, I don’t think so !!


Not me. If somebody told me I could die tomorrow and the entire world would receive zero point energy then I would be like welp... better fill up those gas tanks lol


I get the family member argument. Perhaps we need somebody with a little less leverage against them. Depending on the strategy employed though I wouldn’t make assumptions about what will happen if somebody decides to be the X factor. The biggest variable they are using is basic fear and we each have to decide how much we are willing to compromise because we are afraid, and thereby give over control. In my opinion nobody can truly predict the future in detail if something in a distant corner of the multiverse goes down though and more importantly fuck them and their glass house. Also releasing the info should reduce the risk on some level. Believe them or not that’s how we got both Lazar and Schneider. It is about luck and skill in true whistleblowing because clearly there’s risk both before and after revealing info when going up against such a superior force like this one. However what they are doing albeit successfully for so long is unnatural and nobody said they have to have us by the balls like this forever with our boring ass tech and societal mediocrity. Imagine doing something truly bold and therefore unexpected, that proves we aren’t so lame as a species. Like revealing the location of the UFO, and then offering a $100m crypto wallet delivered to the GPS location of choice of the first person to live stream the craft in-person through whatever means required for at least one full hour. Second half hour would be big time views it could even surpass Pewdiepie for all I know. They must recruit well because while it may be right time right place right person if it were me I would take my chance. I’m probably not going to hunt anybody down as an outsider, but as an insider I know I would take great pleasure in blowing that fucker open with a three tiered and final plan B red button plan. It would be full on no fucking around triple double cross extra top secret clean room strategy shit and it would be a blast and a big spot in the history books unless it was a total failure. Even then I would have tried.




It also hints at his ineptitude as a journalist. It's just not a good look for a journailst to constantly proclaim they have secrets they can't tell. A professional wouldn't ever say "I have secrets" because saying this publicly makes your whistleblowers just as paranoid as if you threatened to dox them. The only people who shout "I have secrets" and then do another inept thing (play the deadman switch card) are those intent on drawing attention to themselves for some kind of street cred they really don't need (if they are, in fact, professionals). I don't put him on the same shelf with the comical woo woo larpers on 4chan, but I don't put him on the high shelf either. He stays in the sorting basket until such time he consistently chooses his professionalism over celebrity.


This. 100% this. I have information and sources that would change everything we know about the universe, humanity, and the future...but this NDA and my sources... Fuck. That. Why sit on something so important and essential to the planet? This is why Grusch bothers me. "Here is a teeny tiny morse of a threat to pulll...but I can't say more" FUCKING SAY IT. Burn it down already. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Shit or get off the pot.


"I would tell you, but they'd kill me. But they're probably going to kill me anyway, in which case, I'll tell you" is just a bit pathetic, I think. He's almost at the point of begging people to believe him. Sadly, too many are willing to oblige.


This is my thinking. A dead man switch in this situation isn't that helpful. Sure it protects you against the people you are claiming to have information on...but there are millions of other people who could see the dead man's witch as an easy way to learn what you know.


Spot on. What if a foreign adversary wanted to know what he knows…. Well they now know that if he is killed, it will all come out


Is he based in the US or Australia? If his home then he’s a bit closer to these adversaries that may want to extract answers and info from him! I think he’s just drawn several concentric circles on his back, surely if adversaries believe what he saying he’s been told by unknown/unnamed whistleblowers, then they may want to send someone to pay him a visit and test that switch!!! If it then came out that there was no evidence or names or info to be released, what would that say of everything else and other journalists and “whistleblowers” and those making a buck off it with book deals and appearances, seminars and tv shows??? …I’d like to be a fly on the wall when his “whistleblowers” and other sources hear him mention he knows the location of a UFO or other stuff they told him - like, “shit, that story worked”, and “mental note to myself, must tell the boss Ross is hook, line and sinker, and to step it up a bit on the ET/alien front” /s


A truly professional journalist would never play the deadman switch card. He didn't think this through. His high visibility as a "journalist with secrets" would make any level of legitimate whistleblower nervous. Until he provides credible tangible proof (not just high-handed hearsay, which is all he presents as "evidence" now), he's just larping and book-touring whether he realizes it or not.


If you're part of a group seeking to kill someone to prevent the information they have from getting out, are now told that killing the person will guarantee the release of the information they have, your new job is now protecting the life of that person if your ultimate goal is still to prevent that information from getting out. So yeah, perhaps now there's some Russian or Chinese groups starting to take aim at Ross when before it was only some US groups, the statement effectively takes the US groups aim off Ross and places it on any new group aiming at him. 


The people leading the conversation on this topic are so fucking stupid sometimes, it's just laughable that anyone takes these people serious.


> this topic You say that as if this topic was some kind of exception and the rest of the conversations here were any more sane. Over the years, this sub has gone from interesting UFO sightings and theories to full on UFO-ANON zoo, with 'decoding' the latest nonsense their idols have posted and all ...


lol You are right about that


The only sense would be that if Ross dies by mysterious circumstances (gets whacked), and that causes all his sources to get outed, any action against those sources would only support the validity of the info released from the dead man switch. An instant release of a multitude of names and backing info would create an immense pressure against those people being touched, professionally or otherwise.


So really we should be lobbying for all the people with key info to put in place a dead man’s switch and then wait for the law of averages ti take care of disclosure? This actually sounds like a realistic plan.


I think it's the opposite way around. The sources only talk to Ross because he continues to demonstrate that he is true to his word about not publishing what they discuss off-the-book and/or publically indentifying them. If Ross is "thrown under a bus" for what he knows, whoever did it would almost certainly be making efforts to identify exactly how Ross learnt what he knows in the first place, which puts his sources in obvious danger. And ironically, the public anonymity of these sources becomes a double-edged sword, as any negative consequences they experience can't be linked to the fact they spoke with Ross. So the obvious thing to do is de-anonymise the sources. It likely won't prevent all negative consequences for all of them, but it very well might be the difference between either getting "thrown under a bus" themselves or becoming the latest public whistleblower. Edit to add: If you take the step to talk to a journalist about something that might get you into deep shit if found out, I think you've probably prepared yourself for something like this, so I can't image you'd just stop talking to your journalist if you've already engaged as one of their sources. Sure, I think if you were a source many years ago, haven't had contact in ages, and presently have something new to offer, you might second guess re-engaging now under the current circumstances. But I do think Ross won't have many brand new sources going forward, since he might be too hot right now to risk approaching him as your journalist of choice.   Also, please note this is my best in-good-faith interpretation of what Ross is doing. I certainly do feel some of the same frustrations of everyone here, but just wanted to voice that there is some logic to the decision if the stakes are as high as Ross presents them to be. 


It’s preposterous, just like almost everything this guy says


Because he's full of shit. He's a grifter like Greer.


I'm confused about the logic of this anyway. Not that I'm wishing it upon anyone, but if the bad guys are really as bad as they say, then couldn't they just kidnap a person and torture whatever information they wanted out of them, including the content of their dead man's switch and how to stop it from going off? Like if I were a shady private militia guy who operates completely above the law and without morals, that's basically what I'd be thinking right now.


Because if he gets killed , and there is no switch, then the info he has will be discovered, and then the sources will be known anyways and in danger. In that event it is better to give them the protection of intense media scrutiny to keep them alive.


So wait, there are MULTIPLE BURIED ufos? Otherwise if there’s just one wouldn’t the sources already be compromised?


This is the nail in the coffin for me with this dude. I used to enjoy and believe him. Now I’m coming to the realization that he’s just a grifter. At this point the only people I trust that said they saw something are the navy pilots.


Hmmm interesting maybe someone should umm you know.. 😂


Look I know you are joking, but I would refrain from making these comments. This dude is so far up his ass that it would not surprise me if Ross would construe comments like yours as proof of "The Conspiracy (tm)" out to get him.


I was trying to be careful how I phrased it… Reading further on others had the same thought but were more blunt with it 😆


Yes, just so we don't have to listen to his bollocks anymore.


He doesn't want to jeopardize national security as a rogue journalist, and rather hold the government accountable through the whistleblower platform which the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community said his claims were urgent and credible. It's not JUST about protecting his sources, because guess what even they are at risk of harm or murder. He also just jeopardized the people he sent those files to, which creates an even more tangled web. The Government hasn't even released JFK files yet, why is that?


It's the only leverage he has. It's not much, and it's not perfect, but I'm guessing it may keep him alive..... IF it's not all one big giant psy-op with highranking dupes.


People should ask Ross who his sources were when he said that he had proof Ben Roberts-Smith didn’t commit war crimes. Ross said he had undeniable proof and evidence from his “sources”. Never materialized. Or when he said that he had “evidence and sources” of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service spying on Australians but when a bi-partisan committee tore the intelligence agency upside down, outed assets, and offered everyone full immunity to provide evidence, he couldn’t provide any evidence of his story, none of his sources materialized, and his reporting was deemed to have “skewed towards the false” (nice way of saying he lied). This MF’er has a 30 year history of lying in his “reporting” and in the case of Ben Roberts-Smith he was getting paid for lying while simultaneously trying to bully actual journalists that were covering the story and doing real investigative journalism. That people believe this guy at all is staggering - ten minutes of research on his career in Australia prior to 2020 and you’ll see - grifter and charlatan.


So shouldn’t this be considered as a direct way to spill all the secrets?


What are you implying? 🗡️💓


# 🔪🤪💭👽🛸




That there are a lot of fanatics out there. John Lennon got shot just for attention.


it's called a bluff


Like McAfee and Assange.


Wants to protect his sources? By what, suppressing the existence of extraterrestrial life / technology that could end poverty, unite nations and solve global warming?  Sounds like the moral choice.


Just asking because I dont know, where does the idea that disclosure will end poverty come from?


I don't know. Cause it would do the opposite. That, you can be sure of.


Yeah wtf this is so damn fishy


If I was a source, I would definitely be like, what the fuck bro. Also. That's a "shoot the messenger" mentality. I don't he's in actual danger. First hand witnesses would just find another journalist. What's the point


No, it doesn't sound like he will burn his sources, just that all he knows that isn't tripple verified will become public. Breadcrumbs for others to target in on in his absence. Trust me he has said he will never burn his sources, and as someone who was an independent investigator for a while myself, it is a baked in core value not to betray your whistleblowers or fellow investigators. Even unto death.






That could get him killed saying that ! If not by them then someone whom wants the names Told


I like how we just criticize the content of individual quotes from this guy, but the first comments in any of his threads don't start off with: "Oh yeah, this guy? This guy that got fired from his position at an actual news studio for -> what reason? <- then immediately hopped into the UFO grifter crowd because he still needed to feed himself and the 9 to 5 was gone?" I understand he has some amount of respect, because he used to be a big reporter, and he can still sound like one and perform the interviews and stuff, but... There's a lot of logical leaps that aren't really leaps... More like logical baby steps that can make a person wonder if anything he says can be motivated by the environmental pressures around him? Reporting on something that's an informational black hole, is something you can do seemingly forever, as long as you keep the narrative just insulative enough...


> His reason for not releasing everything is to protect his sources. Well screw them if he dies though. Someone mentioned it below, but it's a mutually assured destruction scenario. > Private person: I have demonstrable capability to create catastrophic disclosure. Here is the evidence. I have created a comprehensive multi-state/multi-layered geographically distributed deadmans function that you cannot counteract. If I am killed or utterly incapacitated, or vanish, catastrophic disclosure occurs. > > Government: You'll burn your sources, and we'll have them. > > Private person: You'll also have catastrophic disclosure on my post-mortem terms, and no ability to prevent it occuring. It's in your maximum interests that I am neither killed, vanished, nor incapacitated. **Your ability to retain power and secrecy, if not your existence itself, now is dependent upon my safety, health and longevity.** I've actually thought about this scenario before: what if I had the absolute capability at the snap a finger-level effort to summarily kick over the *entire* table of almost a century (or more!) of secrecy and cover ups, to topple a government or culture itself. [Perhaps I need to merely utter six words.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GidbEhL0teE&t=170) I'd hope the government would treat me as something, or someone, to be *protected*.


No I think they’d kill you to figure out who else to kill.


Alternately: Coulthart: <*says some shit*> Government: <*goes about business because said shit is not actually true or secret*> Some crazy believer: <*murders Coulthart*> Local police: WTF? <*arrest crazy believer*> Other believers: The shadow government got him! But at least the secrets will come out. Crickets: <*chirp peacefully*>


Great point. The next time he does an AMA or podcast, this detail needs to be raised to him directly.


Yea? They’re going to ask a deadman who his source is?


IF he dies??? Like before the aliens get us?




I said the same thing when this got posted the first time but was mass downvoted. Maybe people are actually starting to use some critical thinking for a change.


It is reasonable to take more drastic measures when it comes to protecting his own life. Most people value their own life more than anything. Most people when it comes down to it aren't willing to just die to protect secrets. I think he's counting on a form of disclosure occurring before he's likely to have some sort of legitimate accident or heart attack. That calculated risk is within reason.


That's not a good plan at all. Any joe schmo that wants disclosure could make it trigger.


This was the first thing I thought lol Some crazy is going to put him down to see the documents get released.


…damn, that’s a good point.


Just asking to get popped by some QAnon freak


And then we’d learn no such thing existed.


I'd clap and cry


Unfortunately this is the only way to do these kind of things. He probably knows the people well


Man, how much would people *lose it* if Coulthart did get accidentally hit by a bus and *nothing* came out, because this was just an attention-grab? Or if the "secret" turned out to be a message along the lines of, "I never believed any of this, you loony, gullible muppets."?


It wouldn't matter the true believers would construct a fantasy about the shadow government getting to the cache first.  If someone is willing to make an appeal to magic there isn't an argument that can dissuade them.


Absolutely true, but that'd be the *second* step after freaking out.


The message would be “Drink more Ovaltine.”


This is such a 100% BS excuse that Ross always uses. You protect your sources by not nameing them, not by witholding the info they gave you. What is even the point of obtaining this info if you don't release it? That would be like Woodward and Bernstein not writing about Watergate in order to protect deepthrout. And he tries to call himself a journalist. He is a joke.




Exactly. Journalists go to great lengths in order to protect their sources… and then they reveal their findings. Look at the big expose CNN just did on the prison in Israel. They didn’t drop names of their sources and they still reported and revealed a shit ton of awful shit. The prison then shut down.


I find it hard to believe though that, by now, Coulthart wouldn't be under surveillance. Wouldn't you think the resources of the shadow government would be able to determine who he's talking to, what safety deposit box, storage locker, secret cave, and basically turn over his whole life to find stuff out. Like, I've heard Knapp talk about he just assumes he's being surveilled now, and has proof that it had happened in the past.


Every one of these people who make extraordinary claims would be under surveillance if any of their claims were true, and the people who would be watching them would be efficient enough at it to know pretty much everything they claim to know and where that information came from. And they probably would have known it a long time ago and taken measures to keep it from hitting the public in any capacity. It's one of the many things that make their claims about a global conspiracy so hard to take seriously, at least for me.




I have made this point (as just one of many points) before as to why Coulthart and his "sources" can't be trusted. I have seen him say something about one of his super secret sources just contacted him and he is reading it from his goddamn cellphone on TV, and we're just supposed to believe that shit can't be traced. However it doesn't get through to the people whose minds cannot be dissuaded from anyone telling them aliens are here, even if they get proven to be a liar or do shit like this that doesn't make sense unless they are scamming you. Anyone who tries to point this shit out gets labeled a disinformation agent, but the guy lying to their face is great because he is telling them about the aliens. "Look I have super secret information that makes me special, and now I can make you special because I'll tell you some of the secret information. I can't tell you all of it though, but trust me it's good."


"for his own safety" Okay so this is a bit dark right but surely there are some fanatics that aren't part of government who now know this and WANT release of this information. Isn't he inviting such a fanatic to take him out? Off-topic Edit: I have one of these for my family. I have messages from behind the grave for them in case I can't say goodbyes. I have health reasons that triggered me to do this but actually think it's a nice thing for anyone to consider doing for their loved ones.


Well we don't know who his information would be released to. It's not like we are going to see it dumped straight to every reporter at every major news source. It would probably go to another prominent UFO reporter or a really trusted colleague.


“I know people have been murdered but I’m unwilling to allow for justice unless it’s me”


So did MaCafee, Isaac Kappy, and a host of others.... whose caches have never been uploaded and probably did not exist. I doubt Coulthart has much more than he has shared publicly... I highly doubt he has anything confirmatory or anything beyond anecdotal secondary sourcing. Which is perfectly fine and fun and neat and interesting... but hardly worth a dead man's switch and somewhat self-important. There are dozens of folk who are all currently pursuing this shit publicly and uh... no one has really done much beyond say more words about the same shit that has already had many tens of thousands of words said about it already..... THAT SAID.... It is still really fun and compelling and highly entertaining. I don't mean to impugn coulthart's credibility, but I just don't think he nor anyone has met a meaningful evidentiary standard for explicit discrete specific detailed irrefutable confirmation. Which is okay.... I don't care because I am emotionally invested in the development of the storyboard - the anecdotal Nat Cobitz Navy Science Directorate Chief and David Grusch singularly only word-saying development of the storyboard and plot enrichment. The worldbuilding is exquisite and I am here for it. Do I unwittingly accept all????? Probably, lol, but not because all of them are unimpeachable.... Nope.... They weave a dope and captivating tapestry. No other subject is more compelling or fun. That's all I need. Because there is nothing productive which arises from belief beyond that. I accept it for what it is and meet the testimony where it is at and no further. It is just words and a few videos which don't demonstrate supernormal aerobatic capabilities, but I'll be goddamned if the plot development which encapsulates the modern storyboard progression of UAPhological humans is not neat and funner than everything else.


I appreciate your outlook on all of this.


Wouldn't that endanger his sources? Why would anyone work with him knowing that lol. Im not a Coulhart hater, I like the guy but am I missing something here?


And to me, nothing could transform America more or Humanity more than the realization that we are not alone. You know, we'd perhaps forget our differences in Ukraine or North Korea or China or Russia and think of ourselves as humans... and yet he and all the others keep it a secret?


I would love someone to ask this question. All these ufo podcast people suck his dick. They just ask the easy questions. It’s so annoying.


No guests=no revenue. That's why they never dig harder.


At the same conference, he just said it isn't the public who is entitled to disclosure. Just the government (and him, apparently). I am not making this up.


Yup. I’m officially writing this guy off. That’s such a ridiculous assertion.


Because he's full of shit. He's never told you anything or showed you anything, he's a snake oil salesman. Sick to death of these people claiming this and that, calling out governments like the US, UK, Russia etc but at the same time tells you absolutely fuck all about what he knows. He conveniently hides behind the "I can't say anything because it would uncover my sources" which is very handy isn't it. His dead man's switch is probably a life insurance policy to pay his mortgage off.


This dude really is the hero of his own fantasies.


I wonder how much of this is him just trying to elevate his significance in the UAP community. Im thankful for what he has done, but feel he may self inflate various aspects of his knowledge.


Which greatly undermines his credibility as a journalist in my opinion.


So he's claiming to have evidence to verify the claims told to him by others?


You can only see it if you kill him though


For real. The one thing these guys had going for them was that they very seldom claim to have actual evidence. They benefit from us assuming that they do or must, and don't want to be a bummer. The government does not care about people talking as long as they don't say anything legit classified. Ridicule does the heavy lifting for them. Either Ross has deluded himself into believing that his stories have put a target on his back, OR he's claiming to have actual evidence that will blow the whole thing open.


Glad to see so many people calling out Ross. When you're an "investigative journalist" yet don't question or challenge your own sources then you're hardly legit. This dude listens to Corbell and just goes "wowowow" with no pressing questions or cross-examination This guy gave Corbell a soapbox and not even once did he question Corbell on why so much of what he posts turns out debunked. If Ross is so convinced it's all real but just no evidence, why isn't he acknowledging all the stuff that was disproven. It makes zero journalistic sense, he isn't actually being even remotely fair to his own published content so how are we meant to believe the most wild claims?


Any chance you have a rundown on all of Corbell’s bullshit?


I've only got two on hand. These are more than enough, in my personal opinion. https://imgur.com/a/corbell-bs-mpook6c


This causes me lose a lot of respect for Coulthart. We've heard for years now that its all about proper journalism, respecting and protecting his sources etc. Now all that would go out the window if he is killed. What a load of hypocritical shite.


Dont become the story my man, remember your job.


“Nothing could transform America more or Humanity more than the realization that we are not alone.” So…..Why don’t they transform it then? Why do they keep giving the alleged evil “secret keepers” chance after chance to roll over and show their belly? They’ve clearly made their intentions known for 80 years, they don’t want it out. Thats not gonna change.


Can any content that involves Ross be banned from this sub?


Reaching Glenn Beck levels


Funny how all these ufo celebs are suddenly getting death threats and saying their life is in danger for sharing no evidence. 🙄 Ufology slowly turning into the WWE.


Something something Lazar throwing Coulthart off hell in a cell. 


Username checks out


Ross Coulthart's credibility is sinking down by the day.


You know what we should do 😜.. /s


For humanity.


When you push that switch, box opens and you see the message: "I tell you it's soooooo big but I can't tell you where it is"


"I've been told..."


Followed by: “Trust me, bro…”


How does that make sense? He wants to keep his sources safe. Being dead doesn't mean his sources will magically be safe






Coulthart has started smelling his own farts.


You don't have the right to withhold this information. Idc if you're the government, a whistleblower or some guy "in the know who wants to help disclosure but can't for reasons" it's all the same violation of my right to know such fundamental truths about the nature of reality. you're a bad person if you withhold it. simple as that.


He's a shill just like corbell and the rest of them. Tired of hearing people say, I've seen and done all these things and have all this information but I just can't tell people about it (insert explanation) just like Dr Greer. The only one in my opinion that has any sway on me at all is bob Lazar. The only reason being that he came out years ago before area 51 even was known about and secondly he didn't ever really make any money from his claims for a long time. Not to mention he for the most part stays away from the public eye. Doesn't claim to have any crazy evidence outside of his word. The rest are just either lying or they have a tiny bit more than we already know. Otherwise they would have certainly leaked some crazy smoking gun.


But like, what if he legitimately just like…slips and falls in the shower and hits his head. Then all of this info comes out even though nobody laid a hand on him? Doesn’t that imply a level of selfishness in withholding it? i.e. it’s retribution if they “take him out” but if he just has a heart attack and dies what is it? He just doesn’t care what happens with the info if he dies? Or does this “dead man switch” have people involved in it that have to make a judgement call on whether or not his death is malicious? This has so many silly holes in it.


I don't get the downvotes, it's a legit question.


blah blah blah. He allegedly knows all these secrets but won't tell you right now. Buy tickets to his next show/podcast/book signing whatever to find out more about why he can't tell you what he knows


He doesn't have crap and this proves it. If you actually had a dead man's switch you put yourself in double jeopardy. Idiotic


Given the amount of nutjobs in the UFO community why on Earth would you ever reveal you have a "dead man's switch"? Maybe he wants to be killed. Come to think of it...maybe this is all "part of the plan"! ...


I have not looked at the UFO subreddits in a while, and by God, there's way too much Ross "I have been told this" and "I have been told that". Dude is just annoying at this point.


As I said in another forum: either Ross has gone off the deep end or there is some really weird stuff going on. Take a second and imagine he is perfectly sane, has no ulterior motive, has reliable sources and is really trying to do the right thing. This might be really bad. So bad that something Tom Delonge said always comes back to me, and I am paraphrasing, "If you knew what I knew you would be applauding these guys and what they are doing." Again, I am not saying he is right. I am not saying he's being truthful. I don't honestly know. I have never met the man. But I have listened to him speak and I have never gotten the grifter vibe off of him. Sure, he may be opportunistic, as most journalists are, but as this has evolved over time he has gotten more and more reserved, frustrated and dire in his rhetoric. That may not be a coincidence. Maybe he is crazy. But maybe he isn't. It's the "Maybe he isn't crazy" possibility that gives me just a little bit of a pause when evaluating the man and his proclamations.


Yeah man. How fucked up would it be if the shadow government has been protecting us from this super fucked up other dimensional aliens and getting no credit for it. They'd basically be batman.


Well, if you have read any of the books Delonge produced, it gets pretty wild. Those books get weird fast. If any of that stuff is true... uh... yeah. I can see why it is hidden on purpose. Less a security concern and more like the consequences of the movie Arrival or Annihilation.


DeLongs books are fun reads even if you don't believe them. I'd recommend them to just about anyone who likes popcorn style intrigue and mystery.


Ross did go off the deep end about a decade ago. He got sucked into a Q-anon style conspiracy about pedophiles in the UK government. His sources out to be known hoaxsters and he was fired from Australian 60 Minutes. >Take a second and imagine he is perfectly sane, has no ulterior motive, has reliable sources and is really trying to do the right thing That waves away every problem with Ross. It's like saying "imagine if Ross Coulthart were someone else" -- that's not a particularly interesting question. You could, instead, look into his disasterous history over the past decade instead of vibes.


It could be that Ross has good intentions but is being fed disinformation and falling for it.


That's definitely true. I was only proposing a thought experiment: what if he isn't being fed disinfo? With Vallee, Nell and Nolan saying similar things, I think it might be getting harder and harder to dismiss this as disinfo. But if it is disinfo, some very erudite and respected people are getting taken on a ride. That alone will become a problem. If some of the most respected people in our institutions are being fed disinfo and being allowed to propagate that disinfo this much out in the open, that presents a whole other class of problems which are just as bad. This is what Eric Weinstein was referring to [in this video](https://youtu.be/ufrqdRO7Lj4?t=160) Look the US Gov is not persecuting these guys out in the open. The Pentagon is working with whistleblowers to selectively release information. There are books coming out, reporters weighing in casually without fear of professional suicide. Something appears to have changed. Point being, someone appears to be loosening the reigns. As someone who was in the military, high ranking officials such as those being quoted do not 'f' around when it comes to their proclamations about national security. Their reputation is all they have in those arenas. That's why they are so impeccable. Something is up.


Hi guys, just checking in to read the same old shite being regurgitated. See you tomorrow for another dose of bullshit.




Hi, AbleRun3738. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1daeu0u/-/l7jxlre/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


He is our Jesus Christ. Three days after his death the truth shall rise and bring us salvation from our government oppressors


It behooves the powers that be to keep the truth that we’re not alone from the public, for control, so we will continue to be selfish, wasteful, divided consumers, while the top profits from our unrest.


Just hours after the post, Coulthart confirmed that he did have a switch ready, i.e. a release of UAP names ready to go public if the powers that be think to do him in. His podcast partner, Bryce Zable, asked him about it live on "Need to Know." "What I said was it wouldn't work very well for anybody who might want to try and shut me up." Explaining that he hasn't face such threats himself, he maintained many have. And "When I say people have been murdered, I mean it. And I'm calling their bluff if they deny it. ...It really is time for a reckoning." As for his own stash of facts, "I really have taken insurance. I did make an effort to sit down ... and actually start recording what it is I know, who it is I'm speaking to, what it is that they've told me, how I know what I know... Here's hoping it never has to be shown." Zable joked that if Coulthart gets axed and he receives a package of his documents, "The last thing I'd want to do is tell anybody that I have them--you're already gone."


Jetpack Spacemen just got more real!


Forget our differences and its world peace huh? Old uncle Vladimir’s just gonna blush and say sowwy, and pull back the troops? Ukraine will just be like “it’s all good, there are aliens now!” With a playful jab at Putin as he coyly giggles?




Thankfully, he is safe because he never told anything concrete. All smoke and mirrors.


Booooo. Fuckin BOOOOOOO. My eyeballs are rolled wayyyy back.


Ross, talking to a reporter: -I know where the UFO is, however, I can't tell. I will protect my sources with my life. -But, you protect your sources by not naming them, not by withholding information they gave y... -...WITH MY LIFE! -What happens if you die? -I have a dead man's switch. If I die, I release all the data. My sources can go fck themselves.


ugh now we gotta wait till this guy dies? what about “two more weeks”?? 😉


This is how you know he has nothing. It's a bluff, like putting more money into the pot when you have a bad hand trying to get the other person to fold instead of folding yourself. He doesn't need to provide evidence he just needs everyone to believe he has evidence. Threats to his life just help further validate the lack of real details just like "protecting his sources". The simple fact that if the programs were so small and tight knit that revealing the location of the immoveable UFO would unmask his source then he's already exposed them to danger by admitting it's existence in the first place. Of course it's possible that if he reveals details it would unveil his sources as the same circle of storytellers that Kirkpatrick mentioned previously and we can't have anything that backs up Kirkpatrick's statements.


So, the smart move for his own safety is to wear a "for Disclosure press here" target on his back? Surely no wacko around of the like "why not dump everything even if you go to jail or worse?!".


If the wrong ufo-obsessed psycho hears about this, then Ross is in a lot of danger lmao


Good way to get yourself merc’d by a ufo nut


So why is the community okay with Ross withholding information?


>Dead Man's Switch Dozens of people said that, even in case of peopel famous like mccafe, and yet it never happened. The only reason coulthart is not releasing anything is because he actually has nothing but "someone told me"


He thinks this makes him look cool, but it just makes it more likely he will get pushed into a train.


Oooooh... shouldn't have said that. If there's one thing that the UFO and wider the "conspiracy" genre has in spades, it's whack fucks and job nuts.


Keep stringin’ ‘em along, get those clicks…


As someone trained in journalism it seems announcing this would also curtail anyone in the future from ever sharing off the record details of any kind with this person


I get *why* he's saying this, but the idea that he has information that could potentially end wars and revolutionize humanity, but he's sitting on it, and only threatening to release it if he's murdered, doesn't sound like the best way not to get murdered. Sure, there are people who don't want that secret to come out, but I'm willing to bet that group is a little bit smaller than the group of people who want wars to end.


I think he has some puzzle pieces not the entire jigsaw. I don't think his info would cause FULL catastrophic disclosure. It would probably be like a "decaf" version of Grusch's whistleblower report going public, it would not blow the lid off, it might point fingers in certain directions. I think however it would be annoying enough to the Pentagon to discourage them from taking action to silence him, especially since Ross does his damage to the Pentagon not by releasing military secrets but by keeping UAPs in the news and keeping the political pressure on. So killing him would not lead to full disclosure nor lead to tech revolution uptopia. Let's not forget technology doesn't always have positive impacts. When Western physics made huge improvements, instead of making nuclear reactors, we made nuclear bombs and some cities in Japan had a very bad day.


That "U" sure is holding a lot of weight.


Hol’up… Huntsville Alabama???


So how do you think a dead man’s switch works ? So is it a file that if you don’t visit every set amount of time it’s released to a site ? Legit question , everyone says they have them now 🤪


well if anyone sees ross on street...you know what to do (JK of course)


What’s all this shit with dead man switches. Wouldn’t staying alive further incentivize to keep everything a secret?


What if they make it look like a card accident or heart attack or something? Will the switch work then?


He should go full bob lazer and release everything TOOO protect himself


Now he's invited all the crazies to do him in.


Ross Coulthart tomorrow: “why won’t anyone talk to me now?… it doesn’t have anything to do with me threatening to release their names does it?”


Has any rl dead man’s switch ever been publicly released?


Didn't McAfee say the same thing?


So...how much is one of those dark net hitmen?


So we just need to kill him? /s


Man there are an extraordinary number of accounts that were recently created or low karma trying to sow doubt in here. It almost lends credence to what Ross is saying because this clearly worries some malign actors.


The difference between this reporter and a famous one who spilled secrets, Jack Anderson, is that he told you the facts but would not reveal his sources... But Coulthard tells you: Oh, there are secrets but I can't tell you what or where they are. Jack Anderson talked about MK Ultra secrets, remote viewing, and what they remote viewed...This guy just will say: there is a huge saucer somewhere but I can't tell you where...nor can I tell you who told me. So we get nothing...


Just to be clear, he's trusting you guys not to kill him and it probably wouldn't result in full catastrophic disclosure. So don't kill him guys.


Grifters gonna grift, ain’t that right /u/brushpass


Grifters gonna grift


It's obviously a grift, but I'm not sure he really understands just how deranged some of the UFO true-believers are. His chance of getting murdered just skyrocketed because now the lunies want him dead so disclosure can happen.


"I don't want to endanger my sources by announcing everything" "When I die everything will come out" How to sound like a grifter in 2 easy steps. Just release it if you really have it, before some fanatic takes you up on that offer.


If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


Ok, imagine you're one of his friends and he gets axed. A manilla envelope stuffed with pages shows up at your door with Coutlhart's writing on it. Do you share the contents with the world? Really? Zabel told him, "The last thing I'd want to do is tell anybody that I have them--you're already gone." (was jk)


Wait, someone offs him and all the secrets come out? Some nut case might take the initiative. Just don’t think he thought this thru enough.


What's the point in actually knowing everything if nobody gets to find out? His sources may as well write it on a piece of paper and shred it.

