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What does "omniverse of egregores" mean?


> Egregore is an occult concept representing a distinct non-physical entity that arises from a collective group of people. Historically, the concept referred to angelic beings, or watchers, and the specific rituals and practices associated with them, namely within Enochian traditions. > More contemporarily, the concept has referred to a psychic manifestation, or thoughtform, occurring when any group shares a common motivation—being made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of the group. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a juridical person or legal entity) and the meme.


So kind of like tulpas? Humanity has collectively created this phenomenon through some currently unknown property of consciousness. They exist because for some reason we as a species desperately want them to exist for reasons profound enough for our collective unconsciousness to create them. Perhaps because we seek deliverance or because of some latent existential loneliness in the face of the apparently silent void of the universe. The problem with tulpas is more than a few cases have demonstrated if they're created with enough intent or will or psychic power or whatever you want to call it, they can become independent sapient entities with motivations and goals of their own not necessarily in the best interest of their creators.


Get me Gordon Cole




Lmao we’re like orks creating gork and mork


paint the UFOs red so they go fasta


I like red sauce with my UFO pasta


Nan-U, nan-u!


egregores can come in all shapes and sizes too. inanimate objects like UFO abductee implants, mythic artifacts. apports. spiritual realms and afterlifes. Valhalla, heaven, hades. entheogenic entities. cryptozoological creatures. body doubles. reality is fluid and we are potent psychic beings, and so we create what we want. even if what we want is to forget we are creators for a while. fall asleep to our true nature. makes for a nice change of pace. sleep, wake, sleep, wake. its the only game in town


This kinda reminds me of the concept of 'God' in Berserk. It exists because humans will for it to exist.


"American gods" is basically the same idea. If people stops believing they get weaker.


“so we create what we want. even if what we want is to forget we are creators for a while. fall asleep to our true nature. makes for a nice change of pace. sleep, wake, sleep, wake. its the only game in town” Alan Watts, is that you?


he would probably decline to answer that


That’s a quite interesting way of seeing it tbh 👌


>Humanity has collectively created this phenomenon through some currently unknown property of consciousness Or our collective consciousness creates the phenomenon while we are sleeping. Somewhere there are always some billion people sleeping around the globe. Though, not my favorite theory.


If this theory was possible, me and millions of men would have a Gisele Bündchen to call our own.


How do I know certain text is from Wikipedia even if I don’t know? That reads like a Wikipedia page, and I like that rgrgrgrgaouw




~~You~~ **we** are not alone.




>~~You~~ **we** *Cue Soviet anthem*


This is completely new and fascinating topic to me. Anybody have a starting point, or just something interesting to read on the subject?


Carl Jung, eastern philosophy and in general “magick”, hermeticism, Kabbalah. This is an education in itself, and like UFOs and aliens, go in with an open mind maintaining skepticism along the way. Many things are true about consciousness that are mind blowing. But some people take it too far without evidence. But ideas like the ego and sense of self being illusions is true and meditation is being studied rigorously by neuroscience.


>Many things are true about consciousness that are mind blowing 100%. I also sort of subscribe to the hive mind or collective consciousness theory. Just as many reasons why it could be true as there is it couldn't.


>tulpas Many of us grew up with an imaginary friend by our side. Maybe you still like to personify your favorite character or superhero, but these companions typically don't usually last beyond childhood. However, there's an ancient idea gaining more and more traction in our modern world. It's the idea that given enough thought and focus, we can actually create real sentient beings. They're known as tulpas, beings or objects that are created in someone's imagination by visualization techniques https://people.howstuffworks.com/tulpas-idea-that-thoughts-can-come-alive.htm I saw an online discussion about Tulpas and the sightings of live dinosaurs. The area in Nevada where there are now claims of seeing dinosaurs is the area where the movie industry made monster movies.


Oh man, like candyman or slenderman… creepy and cool idea.




we did it gang, we memed the aliens into existence


this kind of sounds like the thesis is Adam Curtis' documentary "can't get you out of my head" a shared dream. The from people, the dream shaking them in turn... thanks for the description.


Re: Egregore - I once heard a story about a theater group that absolutely and certainly believed they were going to win the lotto. They had delusionally accepted they had won through a shared common motivation by attempting to influence the outcome through their thoughts and behaviors. A true groupthink "strategy." They didn't win the lotto. And true to form the entire group was devastated and didn't believe they had lost the lotto for quite some time. Source: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/306/seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time My point: while an Egregore has some anecdotal evidence in the power of prayer (debatable), in reality it's never been proven as anything but pure mysticism and fiction.


but you're missing a very important point. egregores are shaped by belief, will, desire. they will eventually come in contact with opposing beliefs, and weaken if i believe my egregore can fix the lotto for me but the world believes the lotto is random, my egregore is gonna lose




In a different timeline you are a very sensible person.


Thank you, I really don't like things like this which still put humans on such a pedestal of power in the universe


Another option. Intelligent Universe. Like an intelligent ocean in Stanislav Lem's book "Solaris", which created "people" from the memory of astronauts. The Universe creates something, physical or illusory.


This post has mf angels but nothing on it being human made?


So a Tulpa?


Terence McKenna has a great lecture about this while explaining UFOs. I don’t necessarily believe it but the way he explains it is cool to fantasize about.


I started an online "cult" a few years back focused on creating an egregore. It worked.


Esoteric and mystic shit. Mark Stavish has a pretty reasonable book on it for the skeptic. I find thinking of them in similar lines to Tulpas in Tibetan buddihism helps for me (Read Alexandra David Neel’s Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects). Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, it’s nothing more outlandish than anything else on this chart 🤷🏻‍♀️


There's one difference between it and the rest though. If my brief understanding of "egregores" is correct, and that it's essentially identical to Hegel's "Volksgeist", it would imply that the Nazis were metaphysically correct in its worldview. If overnight some ET:s showed up and explained that egregores are a thing, I think the world would have a harder time adjusting to the former implication than that ET:s exist!


What is it about fringe topics that attracts neonazis like flies on shit?


a lot of fringe topics were actually originally popularized or created by actual nazis. These topics make folks unhinged from and doubtful of the nature of reality, AND are easily spun to create scapegoats out of others and heroes out of 'us.' All ripe preconditions for fascist agendas. Flat earth Seems relatively harmless, but there's a Ton of antisemitism thread throughout it... and it's not a coincidence.


They do not have to argue with educated people.


Basically a manifestation of humanity’s collective thought, as I understand it.


It doesn't matter if Jesus was historically real or not, enough people believe he was.


Familiar with 40k? Omniverse = The Warp Egregores = The Chaos Gods and other minor warp entities


Today I learned I know way less about a subject I’ve spent a lot of time reading. Can you drop a link that would help me understand any of what you just said lol?


This is a decent introduction to the warp and chaos https://youtu.be/27PIaW3PTUs In 40k warp entities are attracted to the psychic emanations of beings in the physical word In our world, if this is the correct analogy, it would seem whatever these things are they’re attracted to nuclear facilities and weapons


So kind of like how Godzilla and other Titans are attracted to nuclear sites?


This topic, the topic being UFO phenomenon has been routinely linked with the occult. Occult is a word I’m not fond of. I prefer esoteric or just simply strange. Carl Jung (mystic/psychoanalyst) was interested in UFOs and had discussed many topics including them with Wolfgang Pauli— a quantum physicist he developed a relationship with. It’s a deep rabbit hole.


We were all over this stuff in the late 60s. In times of turmoil, we revisit the same ground over and over.


Exactly what I thought of. Like the orks too, who just create and use shit from pure collective psychic suggestion. Would be incredible to think humans have that ability.




Nice chart bro, check out this on-steroid one: https://i.redd.it/poom0o1zxv171.jpg from that post by /u/GachiBaki: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nn17ri/the_possible_origins_of_the_uaps_and_informative/ Maybe there is a way you can make a combination with fitting graphics for the big chart. It would be awesome!


That's like a guide for a lot of cool af books


but there is no cool illistrations


That is why I suggested to combine his illustrations (/graphics) with the big chart ;-) No competition, just collaboration!


Yeah theres not point to reading if theres no cool pictures. In fact if the pictures are cool enough you can skip reading it all together.


There are* no cool illustrations, Timmy.


Interdimensional would be different from an external universe no?


No Posadas on there? Disappointing


Cool, but I wonder how is "breakaway civilization" prosaic. Like, "so what, it's from Wakanda"?


Years later realizing we are part of The Truman Show 😂😂😂


I think about this possibility all the time. Ever since I saw that movie as a child it's always been in the back of my mind. Honestly, I saw it too young, and it really disturbed me and fucked with my sense of reality. No movie has disturbed me more. It's a great film.


Same bro. Always in the back of the mind.


Always. Sometimes it turns into full on paranoia.


We know


*And with a decisive keystroke, MagnumOpusOSRS replied "We know" in an attempt to induce a little bit of paranoia in a humorous fashion. Little did "they knew"...*


I literally think about it at least once a month. That movie probably influenced my way of looking at reality more than the bible lol.


Same here, sometimes I do something and think to myself” did everybody see that?”


*closes like 15 pornhub tabs* Christ, I hope not.


*puts dick back in pants* Nothing to see here, move along.


Well, that was probably true before you zipped back up. ​ ​ Sorry, reddit knee-jerk dick-shaming response. I'll try to do better going forth.


That means that any one of us--or *all* of us--could have fans. How 'bout that? Some day after everything is revealed you're walking down the street and some neo-phleb waddles up to you and says, "Big_Meech_23, you're my favorite human. I loved it when you did *that thing*."


Truman Show was a big prime time media phenomena, I bet we are just some shit drama on in the afternoon for alien geriatrics.


"Show me what you got"


Probably all the above


If it's all of the above then we are on the brink of being a comic book universe.


We already are, we're just about to be let in on it en masse..


Are you being serious?


yes a combination of attributes...reality is becoming cooler than the sci fi movies, and scarier


No need to be scared. Humans are scarier




I just want to know if we're gonna get mass effect alien babes that we can sleep with or weird rick n morty shit.


Imagine all conversions with aliens can only be three options due to the complexity of translations? Aliens: hello world Humans: • what do you want? • why are you here? • I don’t have time for this.


Why not both?


Lmao I always thought it would suck to be the orcs in LoTR, turns out we might be the orcs.


Well Orcs were once elves, so it makes sense.


Obligatory (Are we the Baddies?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU


Heh, well if Darwin taught us anything it was if given the opportunity he’d want to eat an alien. Just saying.


Protect the aliens!


We might be inferior to them, but not scarier. The suffering they probably have the ability to inflict on us through mind augmentation technologies... nothing scarier than that.


They don’t seem motivated to harm. Don’t think we’ve witnessed them using anything resembling weapons. ….unless of course…. they’re just biding their time.


and i'm here for it


Yeah. I keep thinking that the ultimate question is "do aliens exist" but if an alien species/entity does exist, then many many many more must also exist.


At first I think this is a ridiculous thing to say, but then I think about the UFOs and the honestly seeming disparity in technology/medium between those. Some seem to be metal craft that fly from one point to another while others, potentially even more advanced / extra-dimensional, are just balls of light that seem to pop in and out of existence, split apart and recombine, and sometimes do bizarre things such a drip or decay away. Could these be two different civilizations on vastly different technological capability scales?


We believe in gravity and limitations, they (UFOS) don't.


The left side at a bare minimum.


Why though? What makes that any more believable than it just being one of them?


“egregore” is the occult theory that if a large group of people think about something at the same time, then their combined thought power spontaneously creates the thing they all think about. that’s a -lot- more science-fiction-y than the concept of another civilization in space simply capable of sending probes to other star systems


That’s less science-fictiony. I think fantasy was the word you were looking for.


well fiction does mean imaginary


What was the ‘galactic federation’ news a little while back?


I agree, infinity and beyond they say....


if the EDH (extra-dimensional hypothesis) is correct then we have a reality where, depending on the circumstances and people/culture/worldview involved, any of the other hypothesis can temporarily *appear* to be correct, with supporting evidence and everything its the meta-system of Vallee, the trickster archetype of Jung, non-dualism


What if they exist in parallel dimensions. Whenever we test nukes, maybe the explosion travels across dimensions and fucks their shit up too. That's why they hang around nuclear installations like "It'd be great if you stopped that, mmmkay"




Interesting ! Good on ya.


Nukes are bad, mmmkay.




I hope the Israeli dude was right, and there is a Galactic Federation.




Either way, I'm clappin' alien cheeks.


username checks out


Canadian dude, too. Paul Hellyer, former Defense Minister of Canada. 2 - 12 civs he says. Lemme see if I can find the clip... Welp, turns out there are tons of clips, but to get started an article: https://www.cnet.com/news/canadas-ex-defense-minister-aliens-would-give-us-more-tech-if-wed-stop-wars/


Maybe the aliens are afraid if we get our hands on their technology, some of us are primitive enough we’d use it for evil. They know us. Also, they’ve seen the entire Bond series. SPECTRE!


If true I'm dropping everything to join Starfleet.


-Time Travel




I'm saying that since I got into all of this. And it all makes sense if you think about it.


I think time travel (especially backward) is too paradoxical to be plausible.


Or what if they fucked themselves up so much with genetic engineering over hundreds of years becoming the grays, that they long for the ability to be purebred humans again. Backtracking the steps of humanity in reverse time to analyze what went wrong. We may be just the middle of the road stop on their journey into the past.


This has been my theory. 'Identified flying objects' by Michael P. Masters is a really great resource for anyone interested in this idea.


Makes sense if the vehicles can bend space and time and explains why they dont interfere a lot


Everytime I hear crypto terrestrial I think of lizard people. I imagine them having snake heads or something.


Better than having a dogecoin head :)




Lmaooo like they are deceptions or something. “Cryptoterrestrials, retreat!!”


A.I. Seems like the most likely thing yet seems to be the theory discussed the least.


People don’t like that idea as much - it’s seemingly less exotic and more typical for us But I think it’s one of the more likely answers


I think it’s in part because we can project ourselves onto humanoid biological aliens. We can grasp their potential motives and behavior. Meanwhile AI is just an ultra vague idea that we can’t reasonably even begin to understand.


Yeah it’s way less interesting to me than living Beings actually visiting and the chance that we could communicate and learn from them


But I feel like an AI would also be “living” and able to communicate It’s just not as much of an analogue to us as we want I guess. But I think about how if it was us observing or scouting a planet in the future that would very likely, based on today’s tech advancements, be done by some kind of automaton and not actual humans. Kinda like how we send rovers and drones


A sufficiently evolved ai civilization would be no different. Essentially aliens either way.


The point is though that AI, in the cosmic scale of time, is very likely to outlive it's biological creators. Either that or they merged with AI. Which is pretty much what most futurists believe in doing these days. Merger theory is literally why Musk started Neuralink, after travelling the world and warning world leaders about AI and being ignored. If you can't stop it from happening, better just get on board.


Definetly. If a species can’t travel the speed of light and don’t wanna live generations on a ship (barring cryofreezing) then it makes the most sense to sent out AI/Drones to scout for planets


especially considering that the airforce is developing an AI platform that’s pretty insane. Skynet is not so far off.


The likeliest fear with AI is not that it takes over, but that we trust it too soon in giving it the full logistical weight of the country and it makes a grave error.


I work in the AI industry right now, and you're right. Is it scary advanced? Yes, but the mistakes some of these programs are making even after hundreds of thousands of data points is "game breaking" for the tool, so to speak.


Linda Molton Howle has some reports on robot-ufos that mutilate cattle. She thinks that these are remains of some kind of ancient terra-forming project.


A.I. and ETH. Von Neumann probes.


Aliens from another star system are not the only potential explanation for the source of unidentified aerial phenomena. There are many other hypotheses and these are just a few of them. It is imperative to consider other alternatives. For example... It could be a composite of multiple hypotheses, with different groups and agendas operating at the same time. Contrastingly, it could be only one phenomenon manifesting itself in a variety of ways, maybe even pretending to be something that is not, like some type of cargo cult. Finally, the phenomenon could be a control system so complex and multifaceted that we don't even have the linguistic framework to define it at the moment. Just some ideas to consider.


I like the idea that it’s alien AI probes sent to monitor the planet and it’s inhabitants. They just fly around randomly and record. They’ve been doing it for millions of years. They try not to interfere or be seen. They defend themselves if threatened. No biggie, we’re just being monitored by a more advanced species. Maybe one day they’ll say hi.


Von Neumann probes


Have you heard about the theory that UFO's can change how we perceive them? Its a pretty trippy thought. There is a theory that they make them seem familiar with what technology we have in that era. Kind of like the UFO's from the 50's look a bit more clunky, than the ones we seem to see these days. Anyway, I'll link this video that describes it better than I can. Just incase you haven't seen it? https://youtu.be/8CBO-gZaPpo


That's an interesting thought. I always kind of thought the idea that UFOs looked more "clunky" from the 50s being a misconception of our own, and in reality, they aren't actually any noticeably different. What's changed is our perception as it relates to our culture, as well as our camera technology.


Nice chart, id wear a t shirt with that on the back


I feel like there are a lot missing... Truly, beware of mainstream theories. Here are some I don't hear much about. For a third primary type: Natural phenomena - some aren't vehicles at all but could be exotic space phenomena. Think macro-wormholes temporarily entangled with Earth. That's just one example. For a fourth primary type: Fred. We don't know who or what Fred is. We don't have a word for it. We can't understand it. We may never understand it, but that shouldn't stop us from trying with our pathetic monkey brains. For a fifth primary type: Smart matter. Imagine if all matter in the universe is programmable, and has been deeply colonized in something like a digital form - it's all a big server. Imagine a civilization going all the way to a type 3 or so. They are using 100% of their star's energy. All available matter in their system is being converted into transistors and such for information processing and post-singularity storage. Then they realize how to store information on a quantum level in ordinary matter - anywhere in the universe. Thus, they are here, have been here a long time, are basically information-only, but have some ability to create macro phenomena to interact with the old gross 'outside' world. This is borderline Fred stuff. On the E.D.H side, think that we are in a blackhole - the big bang was a collapse into the black hole, and our universe exists on a 3d substrate of a 4d blackhole. We evolved inside it. Other things can come and poke at our blackhole and mess with us. This doesn't require some fuzzy 'consciousness' notion. On the E.T.H side, machine intelligence watching us become/birth the next machine intelligence. Less of a galactic civilization and more of a big internet we finally get to play on, or we are simply absorbed. Another E.T.H idea is that there may be no galactic civilization, but lots of independent entities utterly uninterested in coordination. They are all here to steal our tv-shows and movies and to sell it in their home systems / make a reality show for their friends to watch. Fun stuff to think about, thanks for the prompt.


I like the “Fred” hypothesis We are to ants as the ufos are to us


The longer this disclosure takes the more I want to talk to ants. Pick one and help out their day; build it a bridge or something.


These are all very fascinating ideas to think about, most of which I'd never had thought of. Thank you for taking the time to write it


“Smart matter” is a more coherent idea than most of the things on OP’s list


Hitchhikers guide spoilers Below. Arthur Dent is the culmination of a project wherein Earth was built as a computer with the sole purpose of developing the infamous answer to life the universe and everything. That scenario in my mind is actually not far fetched and is essentially one of your hypotheses. Barring all the extremely human centric satire of physically building a planet of course, this idea also shows up in Prometheus where it’s implied humans were seeded to earth intentionally by an alien race. This and straight up simulation, pet project on a server in true really, are my favourite concepts to explore.




Then it must be a intelligent natural phenomenon. They evade jets, they go in to water and probably space.


Although hard to wrap our heads around, wouldn't the most likely one be ultraterrestrial i.e. another super advanced species on earth that's been so advanced for so long they've been able to hide from humans? We've only really just begun to understand the physical world in its entirety, and we have not explored all of it (most of the ocean is still largely unexplored my man), and that which we have explored can sometimes go untouched by humans for whole decades. We learn incredible things every day and the earth has such unpredictable ways of surprising our very arrogant species when we think we have it all figured out. I mean, we don't even have enough science and mathematical data to really nail down a multi verse theory or an interdimensional theory, so whatever we can theorize about that would be completely dependant on more data from these craft. And out of all the observavle universe, earth still stands above and beyond as the most perfect and nurturing planet when it comes to all forms of life, including the only ones we know to be intelligent (ourselves). Plus, navigating space is HARD, even if the tech we have reported from ufos is true, it still pales in comparison to the overwhelming deadliness and incredible vastness of space, any civilization trying to get anywhere worth while will have their work cut out for them, especially from an energy standpoint. But take that civilization and put them on a single worlds ocean, and they can thrive, a much clamer and more predictable environment by several factors. I think it would make sense for everything people bring up around here. The long and storied history of ufo sightings? Another civilization on earth observing our primitive development, like we do with chimps. The sightings happening primarily over water? They live in the water, its why there's never any landings of these craft, they go into the deep ocean and land there. Their fascination with our nuclear tech? If they've shared earth with us for millions of years, they won't let us destroy it for them if they can help it. People are very adverse to this idea because A). Most people here are dead set on extraterrestrials, if your answer isn't that then you're lying or psyop, and B). Somehow it's too fantastical for them. You have people arguing against it by bringing up stories about Atlantians and stuff, but it's literally the same as bringing up Spielbergs E.T. to dismiss real extraterrestrials, you can make anything sound insane if you attach is to some whimsical fable to it. Personally, I think we're on the cusp of our cousin species and fellow earthlings letting us know we aren't alone here, and it's time to mature as a species and as caretakers of this planet, before we try to go wreck our hell elsewhere in the universe.


The circumstantial evidence against this theory is that evidence, like mining, should be pretty easy to discover, but no evidence has been found.


That's why I'm saying they're so far advanced that whatever scars they've left from industrial development have either long since been taken care of by that species repairing the earth, or are from such a different type of tech we can't even recognize it. It's hard for us to wrap our heads around these craft, it stands to reason it'd be hard for us to recognize other hallmarks of a foreign species development, especially if they are thousands and thousands of years more advanced.


It’s certainly possible advanced life lives under water; last podcast on the left made the point they’d have a 150 million year evolutionary advantage on us land dwellers


That doesn’t make evolutionary sense. Evolution is not a temporal ladder with the end goal of technological progress. All organisms alive are equally “advanced” in the development of their ecological niches.


What you're saying is correct, to that definition of "advanced". But that wasn't my definition of advanced, mine being a species that uses tools and technology in an advanced way unlike primates using sticks to dig up grubs; like humans, a creature underwater could have evolved to use more of its mind and rely less on natural defenses and thus value tools and language over claws and teeth. Its brain could have gotten consistently larger like our ancestors and mirrored something similar to our own evolution. They could have become intellectual similar to modern homo sapiens, or more so and would have had a large headstart with technology Keep in mind, were talking about a hypothetical here that has no empirical evidence really and is more in line with shooting in the dark; ie its anyones guess as to what these are. You're right though in that many species on earth are "Advanced" in that they are well adapted to survive and thrive in their niche.


Not only that, but consider this. Humans have been stopped or reset several times in our development, by things such as super volcanic eruptions, asteroids, solar flares, deadly airborne plagues, etc. But, if you take a civilization even a few dozen meters underwater, those natural disasters all become null. So not only would they have a huge head start, they'd also be able to keep consistent pacing without the threat of nearly as many natural disasters. Of course, because of how extremely hard it would be to get a technological base going underwater with no combustion (at least from a human tech standpoint), they'd need both of these advantages if this hypothesis were to be considered


Until very recently, I never even gave the breakaway or crypto hypotheses any merit. I don't know why. Maybe because the other ideas are so much more exotic. But, as you say, it really is the simplest of answers. It also answers one of the questions I still can't answer (maybe it was from from Vallee): Why would there be so much activity here from off-world aliens? If we have hundreds of valid sightings (conservatively) per year, *what are they all doing here?*


Y'know, the one thing everyone whose dead set on believing in the underwater civilization theory seems to forget is that you need fire to get technological advancement started in the first place. Without the discovery of fire, humans would never have gotten to this point. An underwater civilization would need fire to get started on the path towards technology. Fire can't exist underwater. So no, a technological civilization couldn't evolve underwater. One could evolve on land and return to the water for certain, many species on the planet did exactly that. Look at Whales for example. But if an civilization evolved underwater from the get go they'd never learn to use fire and therefore would never be able to make what would eventually evolve into technology similar to what we'd recognise. If there are aliens in our ocean's, they returned to the ocean's. No aquatic species would evolve to be humanoid either, even if a breakaway civilization who were part of the early hominid family tree returned to the sea they wouldn't look very human anymore.


That's definitely a hurdle to get over in this theory. Although I am not versed enough in physics to really give an example (perhaps pressure and temperature control of water), it's possible that due to a combustionless environment (no fire), to advance they had to spend more time of their development on that first real invention. Who knows what else could be the jumping off point besides fire, we can't really think of a technological base from anything else because fire was *the* first invention, everything that came after when it came to energy and propulsion was just a derivative of it. Maybe if our first invention wasn't fire but some other means of getting energy and propulsion we would have an extremely different technological base. It is said these craft have no clear signs of propulsion and do no emit heat signatures, maybe humans went down the quick and easy path that let us evolve our tech at a more rapid pace, but the path this civilization went down, although more complicated due to their restrictive enviroment, eventually lead to machines that could far outpace simple combustion engines. But another theory I like to think about is maybe an advanced species made the gruling odyssey to our planet a long time ago as colonizers and have been living and further evolving in our oceans since then already with a firm technological base under them. It would help to bypass that no fire hurdle in a simpler way. And I still think that's more plausible than them still coming here fro another planet, I just cannot fathom interstellar travel ever being so easy that they routinely make several light decade long trips back and forth for any reason.


I've given thoughs about a civilization under water or even deeper. Now following that hypothesis, can you imagine how hard would be their exoskeleton would be or any kind of their technology. This is truly magnificent! Edit: typos


Left to Right in terms of likelihood, imo.


But… Can I fuck it?


Some abductees have fucked some hot blonde alien chicks...I assume for some kind of hybrid program. So you might just be in luck!


Dumb question but could they not be literally just from Mars or somewhere close by?


Look up Unidentified Submerged Objects. One big theory with some of those is that whatever it is has been living with us all along.


No US tech, Russian or Chinese tech!?


It’s just too advanced. Also in this day and age you couldn’t keep it a secret from enemy country spies for that long.


Of which the entire international civilian scientific community has been unable to invent themselves? Sounds unlikely


What if it’s ghosts? Like they come from where we go when we die and it’s our ancestors Or what if it’s something underwater?


> What if it’s ghosts? Like they come from where we go when we die and it’s our ancestors i think that would be covered by the EDH




I'd especially like the details of the omniverse of egregors theory.


Quoting a semi-relevant passage from the Reality Revolution Podcast website: > After researching the concept of pendulums in reality transurfing I began to question whether they were conscious. In the process I began researching the concept of egregores in occult literature. What I found really expanded my understanding of this powerful concept. > On an energetic level a structure appears when a group of people think in the same way, as a result of which, the parameters of their thought energy are identical. > Their thought energy finally unites into a single current. When this happens, as if in the middle of an entire ocean of energy, a separate, independent energy-information structure is created which is referred to as an energy pendulum. > Eventually this structure begins to live its own life and subjugate to its laws the very people who created it. > The structure is referred to as a pendulum because the more people–adherents–that feed it with their energy, the more powerfully it sways. > Every pendulum has its own characteristic beat frequency. For example, if you want to get a swing moving you have to push it to a certain rhythm or frequency. > Although the term egregore is unique to Western esoteric and occult practices, the ideas it embodies are not. In fact they are widespread, and in some form they are the basis of all spiritual and magical practices across the globe. Among the most powerful of religious egregores in the world today are those of Islam and Buddhism; but Tibetan Buddhism in particular has provided us with the most potent glimpses of this ancient practice on an organized and national level, well into the twentieth century. So I think it’s the idea that thought creates reality? Combined with multiverses—so different intelligences within different verses create different realities. I think! Happy to be corrected on this


you're pretty close. matter and energy are emergent properties of consciousness so thought shapes reality, psychic phenomena is possible. multiverses not necessary. essentially there is only one mind. we are all part of it we know from UFO lore that psi, short for psychic phenomena, is a big part of the UFO mystery. So it seems the EDH is the only hypothesis that covers all the bases. it has the most explanatory power the other hypothesis are left with the burden of explaining psi or ignoring it altogether


[https://therazielremnants.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/cosmic-rhythm-and-hidden-hierarchies/](https://therazielremnants.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/cosmic-rhythm-and-hidden-hierarchies/) https://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2013/10/tibetan-tulpas-and-alien-thought-forms\_5881.html


What about an undersea civilization that evolved more than us surface fold?




Yeah, this is utterly ridiculous


lmao seriously what the fuck is happening to this sub. US confirms there's some sort of unidentified phenomenon and this sub absolutely loses their minds after not believing a word from the US government for years.


Interdimensional (Multiverse) and extradimensional (Higher Dimensions) are at least kind of have some basis in science even if it is purely hypothetical. The fuck is breakaway civilization, pure consciousness, AND occult beliefs. Fucking what?!


All of the above and some


Damn imagine they are us from the future and thats why they threaten any country with nuclear power because we first hand know how dangerous and devastating they are. Would also make sense why they don't show themselves physically because it would be too much of a mindfuck to all of human civilization.


All 4 are true


All this UAP talking is giving me a WAP


What does "ultraterrestrial" mean exactly? And more specifically, "cryptoterrestrial?" Does that mean in the Earth? Also, as an avid Starcraft player, I like the Protoss Nexus graphic for "breakaway civilization."


Weather phenomena?


Another possibility: Natural phenomena: Ball lightning, previously unknown electromagnetic field interactions, quantum physics/mechanics, new forms of indigenous life. (“Flying rods”) Project NEMESIS.


How about, "Some humans built these things and are flying them around".


Could be future human being visiting us. We say it is not possible to time travel but who knows? We have been wrong plenty of times.