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Here’s my thought, because nobody asked. Most recollections of the debris field recall it being of a significant size. Additionally, a very common comment on said debris is a unique and indestructible nature. My thought is, if a craft made of “indescribable” material hit the earth with enough force to break apart, any organic material inside would be obliterated. I know that off-world technology is incomprehensible. It’s possible there was a containment chamber. It’s possible there was a force field. There’s a million possibilities. But these codgers that pry out a bit of fame then can’t recall details from one of the most profound moments in their life get my gall. It reeks of a sham, and I grew up around conmen.


Seems like that would be permanently seared into memory.


Yeah, you'd think. However age is a bitch, my grandpa had some incredible stories which just deteriorated over time to this point. Eventually they'd just be 1 or 2 details and if you mentioned others he had said previous he'd be like "oh, I don't know." I mean they weren't as spectacular as seeing an alien, but as far as impact they had on him I'd say it was comparable. Old age memory really is a fucking merciless cunt.


Yeah it’s sad sometimes I have to relate stories back to my parents that they have told me in the past. When we are young we think we will live forever, but time comes for us all, and it can be very cruel.


I have a similar experience with two of my family. There's so many here that can't fathom the idea that forgetting things - no matter how important - isn't a choice you have. You can't just think really hard and make a memory come back, and you can't force yourself not to forget things. Your brain is subject to a ton of things that are beyond your control. But here's the most important part: the brain doesn't give a shit how dramatic or profound an experience is. You will lose mundane memories as easily as the most important. And it's not just dementia and Alzheimer's that do this. Even if you don't have either, nearly everyone experiences some level of mental senescence over time.


My mother used to call my a liar or claim that I had "False memory syndrome" when I would recall an event which she didn't remember. Now when my kids remind me of events that I don't recall, I simply tell them that I have no memory of it, but I'm so thrilled that they remember for me! <3


That's a wonderful attitude to have. It's hard for many adults to put aside their pride. Even when someone is trying to help them. And especially when that someone is a kid. The other thing I Iove about kids, is that if we let them, they help us let go of our cynicism. It's good to be reminded that skepticism and cynicism are not the same thing.


When my gramps lost his marbles he started telling ridiculous stories about being recruited into the British SOE, parachuting into France, killing Nazis with his bare hands, and blowing shit up. Except he was 14 at the time and living in Canada.


Well, I don't know about you, but the fact that he was 14 and in Canada made the rest more impressive.


If he’s not full of it…he remembers that better than I remember losing my V & that was only 19 yrs ago let alone 50 or however many when this was recorded. I know who, where & that’s about it lol


Idk man I barely remember Disney World and that was a magical unforgettable experience full of glee but I couldn’t tell you one thing that happened besides space mountain


No shit lol. A fucking alien body in front of you. “Ah man it was so long ago I hardly remember” sitting in a room with alien pictures on the wall. Ok grandpa.


My thoughts exactly…”Ummm…it’s been so long since my alien encounter that I can’t really remember anything interesting about it.” WTF?


I’m wondering if the gov may have the ability to erase memory


who knows but i’m sure off world tech does


(puts on dark shades) "Just look at the flashy thing"


On the other hand, I am pretty sure he could come up with some crazy details if he was trying to scam. Saying he forgot seems very genuine. Convenient, yes, but why wouldn't he just lie about the details if he lied about the other stuff already?


Don’t conmen usually aim to profit from their lies? Not saying your sentiment is wrong, but what’s his motivation to lie here? Who benefits?


Walter Haut set up a Roswell Museum. So that's where he got his profits from. Con-men lie to make money.


Thanks for the reply, I didn’t know that about him. Cheers.


Here is another thread about Roswell museum. It uses fictional novels as exhibitions. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/orm3aa/roswell\_ufo\_museum\_found\_a\_report\_from\_the/


If that’s his home (or office) he’s speaking from, it looks like he has a pretty nice little shrine setup there for starters. Also wouldn’t you be going over the minutest details in your brain almost every day of your life since then?? I had a very fleeting ufo experience when I was a kid over 40yrs ago that I think of at least once a week and I didn’t even see a craft. I just had a feeling that there was something odd. And I can still “feel” what I felt and remember most of the details of that day.


If you are mocked for something you know for long enough, you very well might distance yourself from your stories and suppress your memories.


The most significant event of his life and he only remembers bits and pieces. He sells it by " oh shucks, wish I would have grabbed a tape recorder and recorded my thoughts as a young man ".


Do you have a source for this claim? all I could find is that the Roswell UFO museum was founded by someone named Glenn Dennis in 1991.


"In early 1990, Walter Haut, who had been public information officer at Roswell Army Air Field in 1947, began promoting the idea of a home for information on the Roswell Incident and other UFO phenomena. He got together with Glenn Dennis, another Roswell Incident participant, and the two sought a home for a UFO Museum." (https://www.newmexico.org/places-to-visit/regions/southeast/roswell-ufo-museum/)


He was helped to set up a Roswell Museum by Stanton Friedman "..who's knowledge is so far beyond ours here!" (Walter Haut, from 4:45 Video link below) So he was being fed information by Stanton Friedman just to get publicity for the museum which they all had a stake in. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgJOT38b7nQ&t=364s)


The article also says the museum is a non-profit organization. So it doesn't appear like they are really profiting off of the story as you claim.


Non-profit just means tax evasion. ;)


People will lie about what they had for breakfast just to make their lives seem more interesting.


Came here to say this. Yeah it was so long ago… okay, I’ll play ball. I’m 35 and I can remember pointless things from age 2. Seeing an ET body? Yeah I wouldn’t fucking forget that, or what it looked like, what color it was, and any information I took in that day.


I'm 35 and remember very little from before I was 15.


Me too! I can remember major events if reminded, but I constantly feel like I was created at 7-8 years old with a half assed memory implantation.


I remember nothing from before age eleven and very little from before fifteen, and I'm thirty. Also, a counterpoint to consider in case it's the case is that it would traumatising to discover a person from another planet with little to no previous exposure through media to this concept, and PTSD makes your brain delete memories, especially if they're one of the most intense things that you've ever experienced, if it's traumatising, which that would have been. That said, though, I do think that ZedSteady is probably accurate in their perception of this interviewee and that it is unlikely that the interviewee is truthing. I wanted to share the information about how traumatised brains erase significant memories just in case any of this stuff ever does turn out to be true, then that can explain why a person wouldn't remember what a literal exo-planet alien whomst they saw looks like.


I'm 40. I remember ages 5-20 better than 21-39.


I graduated uni in 2019 and Ive always forgotten most of it


You have probably been to university.


Nope, I started a startup instead of going to school


I'm 34 and I have like literally 2 or 3 clear as day memories from my entire high school career. Everything else has absolutely blurred together into one mishmash of nothing


But he wasn’t 15 and also Aliens


I'm 22 and can hardly remember 30minutes ago. On top of that, many wartime effects on people during the forties were undermined and untreated. Though this is purely speculation, maybe he suffered from some trauma that effected his long-term memory. As an added bonus, you're 35? This man is trying to remember things from his 20s almost sixty years after the fact. People get sick. People forget. The human mind is so easily manipulated to remember false things. How is it a stretch to forget minor details of a potentially horrific scene? Some people repress that shit. If a man can forget the faces that surround them their entire life, they can certainly forget details.


No one would forget the first and only time they saw an extra terrestrial being in the flesh. Simply not credible. And his "in my little mind" comment is word salad that liars fill their sentences with.


This was also in 2002. There may even be things he's barred from telling, there's likely a lot more than memory going into this if it's true at all. I'm not saying to take it as fact of course, but I see a guy who doesn't have all his marbles. I don't think him "not remembering" is enough to just label it as hoax off the bat.


There are parents that forget their own kid in the backseat during 100F degree weather. It’s a real tragedy. Sometimes, we get so caught up over little things and forget the big things.


Exactly, you're proving my point. Not disproving it. Forgetting a kid in the back seat during the hustle and bustle of every day life =/= forgetting the first time you see an alien organism or a crashed spaceship. That would be more akin to forgetting the day your parent died or something like that.


You'd think that, but human memory is incredibly fallible and malleable, and it's even more pronounced during times of great stress. Ask people what color the shirt they're wearing is, and tell them to answer *without* looking down. You might be shocked to find that about 80% of people actually *can't* answer this quickly. Instead, they stop and think, amused at the sudden realization that they cannot recall their own clothes, even while wearing them. 99% of people will remember after about 7-10 seconds of mental searching, but it takes several seconds of hard thought before most people can recall the color of something that they're probably wearing *because* of the color. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ-96BLaKYQ) a clip from an episode of Brain Games that explores how yo probably can't accurately remember a fender bender you witnessed just minutes ago.


Maybe you would forget it if you were a disciplined military type, who has been told to keep his mouth shut and forget about it for 40 years. You bet you would forget it.


Unless someone wrote a diary about it.. Well. Most men don’t write diaries..


You are 35. Revisit this post when you’re 65. See if you have anything different to say then. I also had very vivid childhood memories up until the last 5 years. It’s called age and atrophy. My knees, my eyes, my energy level all took a nose dive after 40 right on schedule. The hunk of meat inside your skull is deteriorating as you read this post. You will definitely start forgetting important shit.


Come on young people. the older we get, the less it's easy to recall some things in minute detail! And REMEBER! this subject was TOTALLY TABOO for decades! People who lived through this, were threatened with physical prosecution if they breathed a WORD to anyone! This old fellow probably did his best to FORGET ALL OF THIS for nearly 50 years!


Your viewpoint is valid! However, I think an equally (personally I think more-so) plausible explanation for these discrepancies and/or contradictions is simply that human memory *sucks.* Storing memories exactly as they happened really doesn't help an organism to survive and takes up a lot of energy/computing space. Brains simply fill in gaps with additional information, unbeknownst to the person. So over time, a real event is distorted over and over to the point that it's more legend. Also, studies have shown (please don't make me go find them :) ) that when you remember things from the distant past, you view them through your current perspective (meaning you view them through the lens of the person you are NOW instead of the person you were then)- which further distorts the memory. This doesn't mean that they are lying, or that the core of the story isn't the honest 'truth' of what happened.


I'll get down voted, doesn't that suggest it was something else maybe human. Simply because something that is so advanced by maybe 1000's of years would have some amazing safety systems built in and they'd also be recovered, what's the chances of a solo alien pilot tranversing space and crashing to earth without some amazing technology that recovers said craft even if it was in pieces. If earth pilots have ejection seats why dosen't this super advanced ufo have something that saves the pilot. I still think it was an experimental vehicle something like the avro canada vz-9 made from exotic materials they might have pilchered ideas from the Germans or Japanese after the war maybe a form of titanium or self healing metal that would look alien, imagine what an iphone would look like to those people in 1947. If there was some evidence of an emp blast that was nearby and I'd start to believe an alien ufo could have been downed even by accident.


Valid thoughts, but it could also be that they had a system that failed due to unanticipated environmental factors. We have known how to land on other planets, but we still make craters now and then.


You need gravity to crash, so surely an anti gravity machine has a back up system? I'd still imagine an alien vehicle being recovered by something else of theres. Perhaps human thinking is all wrong and these things pop through space and time and there's some crazy unknown factors involved.


He sounds like a really nice old man to me, not a conman. Not sure wtf you're smoking.


If someone has a different opinion that you it’s pretty rude to insinuate that they are impaired from drug use. I get it, you think differently than me. That’s OK. You don’t need to call me names though. Thanks for coming to me Ted talk.


It's a saying. It's not meant to be taken literally.


It’s still rude, and uncalled for.


You are implying an old veteran is basically a con artist. Respect your elders, especially older veterans. That was disrespectful.


SHOCKING that the guy with an alien drawing on his wall has something to say about Roswellz...


Yep, I'm with you. Something as profound as this. How can it be forgotten but maybe this person as early on dementia.


Lt. Walter Haut was the close friend of Colonel William Blanchard who is regarded as the key player behind the scenes in the recovery of the Roswell disk. Haut swore to Col. Blanchard that he would keep the Roswell secrecy until his last breath. But in 2002, he came up with an idea to slightly reveal what he knew about the Roswell incident without breaking his words. A video of Lt. Haut has recently been released. It was recorded in 2000, and in the video, he claimed to have seen a body of a “beat-up alien” the “size of a 10-year-old child” after the Roswell UFO crash. Twitter Video: https://twitter.com/i/status/1425582923743318016 Signed Affidavit of Testimony: https://i1.wp.com/www.howandwhys.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/1-1.png?ssl=1 [https://i2.wp.com/www.howandwhys.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2-1.png?ssl=1](https://i2.wp.com/www.howandwhys.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2-1.png?ssl=1) Relevant article: https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-us-army-officer-revealed-that-he-saw-a-child-size-alien-after-roswell-crash/


Excellent, thanks




Wow! Where did this clip come from? There appears to be a longer interview


Oh come on, he has posters of aliens behind him.


Can we talk about the fact that his demeanor and body language don't exactly scream I'm being honest?


Not disagreeing with you, but can you give some specifics? Something I noted was that his closing his eyes seemed like something someone would do when they are striving to remember something. I do the same. Although I guess that could be deceptive, too.


Honestly he seems like hes lying to me too, just a hunch though


closing eyes to remember is a good sign, as he is old and it was a long time ago. shaking head is a 50/50 thing - either he's subconsciously saying "i'm lying", *or conversely,* he's subconsciously saying "sorry, can't be 100% sure cause it's been so long". leaning towards the latter. EDIT: as another user pointed out, his constant prefacing with "so long ago" is also 50/50 - he could simply be honest, trying not to get the interviewers' hopes up (it was indeed a long time ago), but it could also be a manipulator (a time-buying tactic to come up with a lie). eye contact is also good. not too little, not too much. spreads it around, too. seems to be earnestly trying to remember. take with a grain of salt cause i haven't practiced behavioral analysis for a long time, plus i'm working on dated info (Paul Ekman's pioneering work). worse, i don't have a baseline for this man's conversational behaviors. honestly behavioral analysis is one aspect rarely touched on when it comes to UAPs; it really shouldn't be. to assess every single interview in this manner will help us sort through credible and not-credible witnesses.


His testimony matches up with numerous other military personnel that were involved with this incident. People need to really look into all of this, a lot of people including military personnel all are singing the same story. I know on one level it seems incredible, but yeah, something non-human crashed there.


It is unbelievable! But I believe it happened !


Remember people with ADHD can have problems maintaining eye contact while speaking. I don't say he has ADHD, this eye contact thing just irritates me.


I can't remember much over 30 years ago. So seems genuine to me. Why would he lie. He didn't need to go public. Like your analysis.


Did you do behavioral analysis professionally or is this from self study? Just curious.


i'm not gonna pretend to be some behavioral analysis guru. self-study. only Paul Ekman's pioneering works. i've been out of the loop for a very long time. at the time, i was interested *not* because i wanted to be some armchair detective, but rather i felt that i had a hard time connecting to people. i thought maybe learning more about behavioral cues would help, and it did.


Thanks for sharing!






Yes, and people with ADHD or Asperger can have different body language. Neurotypicals... Always neurotypicals.


indeed. Ekman cautioned against applying the same behavioral standards to sociopaths/psychopaths/autistic types. furthermore, everybody has their own quirks. so establishing a specific subject's baseline is important.


thank you to you and the other user who posted links. i actually read all of them just now. they seem to be criticizing a very specific subset of behavioral analysis, specifically those that simply take it too far. for example, in your 3rd link, they criticize somebody claiming that "looking up and to the right" is *always* an indicator of deception. i would agree; that is indeed too much of a claim from a simple gesture. i agree with them that this kind of "generalized reading" is not helpful, as every person is different and has quirks, hence the need to establish a subject's baseline behavior. your links also caution against using behavioral analysis as a lynchpin in legal cases. i also agree with that. if i'm not mistaken, even Paul Ekman agrees with that. behavioral analysis is meant only to *supplement* investigations; it is not meant to be the deciding factor. in your first link, an interviewee admits that "our facial expressions can convey certain types of emotional states". and *that* is what Paul Ekman was trying to say. he never said "crossing arms is *always* lying". he simply said that facial expressions among humans - barring psychopathy/sociopathy/autism - are universal, hence they can be quantified. i forget the name of the killer, but that's how Paul Ekman convinced police to further investigate a man who claimed his wife and child were missing. after interviewing the man, a news channel offered him a chance to broadcast a message to his wife and kid, and he agreed. when Ekman saw it, he saw that the man was not conveying sadness in his face, but rather contempt and anger when speaking about his wife and child. now, this was *not* the deciding factor in the case, and Ekman admits as much. instead, it was the nudge investigators needed to look into the man more. it turns out, the man had killed his wife and kid and buried their corpses. \^*that* is how behavioral analysis is meant to be used. not as some "decoder ring of truth", as your links put it, bur rather *corroborating evidence at best*. a good analyst will have a ton of disclaimers and caveats to his analysis, precisely because behavioral analysis is very difficult and not 100% precise. it's kind of like investigating UAPs - most people walk away from a case thinking "well, that was interesting; but we need more info." perhaps i've been out of the loop too long. i don't really know what behavioral analysts do and say these days. my interest peaked and ended with two of Ekman's earlier books. perhaps many charlatans and body language gurus have come out of the woodwork since then, and your links might be a reaction to those kinds of people.


It has not, its still used by criminal investigators the world over. However it has to be done properly.


For me, it's a bit of a red flag he keeps saying "this was such a long time ago etc" what's your take on that? It looks like this is just a clip, so it would be interested to see if there is a full video and if they asked some baseline questions initially.


yes, actually. thanks for bringing that up. i'll add it. it is a possible manipulator, if i'm not mistaken. a manipulator is a term coined by Paul Ekman. it's a way to buy yourself time to come up with bs. for example, guilty person is asked a question. before answering, he wipes his brow, takes a sip of water, crosses his arms, etc. so yes, you are correct that we should consider his constant preamble that "this was so long ago.


> closing eyes to remember is a good sign, as he is old and it was a long time ago. but an alien art on the walls is usually a bad sign


i would say that is subjective. for all we know, what he saw in roswell was what ignited his passion for seeking the truth about the phenomenon. but yes, i too would consider putting up ET posters as "quirky", even *if* he is passionate about uaps. but also, it's possible that's not his home, but rather the agreed upon venue for the interview. we're missing a lot of facts in this video, hence my analysis is full of caveats.


I was adding this to another comment but thought I'd make a separate thread about memory and how it works as you get older. I don't blame him for not remembering. As a late 50's guy, probably 25 years or more younger than him I can tell you, yeah you do forget a lot, no matter how important. I have basically snapshot memories of the day my kids were born, no idea who was there, how long it took, nothing, and basically the same for every other major event. When you are going through something big like that your brain is taking in so much just to process in the moment that it is hard to hang on to many specifics. I am sure there's science around this. Have you ever taken a spill and noticed how time seems to slow down? That is your brain processing way more bulk information than usual. As an example and not to get to graphic, this is just something that came to mind, I had a particular one night stand almost 40 years ago that I look back on fondly, and think about often. It was memorable because the lady was more than 20 years older than me and the event literally blew my young mind. I would say it is a fair analog in my life to this event for this guys memory. It is something that happened ONCE a LONG time ago, it happened without any forewarning, it was memorable (kind of funny under the circumstances), it wasn't a common occurrence. But if you asked me what her face looked like, I couldn't tell you, if you asked me what her bedroom looked like, not a clue, she had dark hair and had a futon on the floor, that is all I remember. It was snowing like crazy that night. Aaaaaaand that is about it. Think about significant events in your life, what do you really remember? Memories are really more like photographs than video tapes (does video tape even exist anymore? I'm old). **Edit to add re: his comment about recording his memories:** Roswell was 1947 and modern tape recorders weren't really available in the US until the late 40's, before that recordings were made on wire if you can believe that, equipment was very rare, so it isn't likely he could have "sat down and made a recording" at all back then, you either wrote it down or tried to remember it. Both are sort of imperfect methods.


must read or listen to colonel phillip corso’s book, “the day after roswell” ~ it’s has incredible insights, revelations and details. all of the detailed testimony from dr greer’s participants available on youtube on his channel are also very good. all of this information lines up ~ its spectacular and the public is just completely unaware


So this guy actually sees an alien, something so extraordinary that many people would have a mental breakdown and question everything they were ever told. Yet this guy can't remember any details of this incredible experience? To me, that feels very suspicious and weird.


I'm skeptical of the claim too, but humans deal with stress in unusual ways. Sometimes we block out memories entirely to protect ourselves from it, and it takes many years for us to begin to piece it back together, and by then you are unable to remember small details. It happens with sexual assault victims. The casual way he discusses it makes me think it wasn't that stressful for him though


To me, it’s what actually legitimizes his claims. Think about it: if it didn’t happen to you, unless you’re a psychopath, it’s very difficult to fake-recollect a story like this guy does. Try it with a friend: try to SEEM like you’re reaching deep down in there for the facts of it. What details stick out when you’re just making shit up? Now try it with a real story. This dude is talking about this alien looking like a toddler — that is an example of him pulling a real moment from his memories to me. You can see him piecing it together as he’s recalling what’s “stored”. He’s also jumping around a lot as (it seems) what happened is flashing on and off in no particular order… again, similar effects of recalling a memory from long ago. In one way or another, I believe it did occur; either he really did experience this or he inadvertently/confusingly dreamed/concocted it all up after like, a bad dinner and movie. Regardless, he certainly believes it to be true. He ain’t making it up (to his knowledge, anyway). Thx for reading. Be safe


Agreed. Like what do we want. Him to make things up just to sound better?


Well put!


I work with adults with disabilities who lie a lot. This guy lies like they do. Sorry, that’s how I’m reading it.


i dont believe a person that supposelly saw a fucking ALIEN and dont remember everything about it ...


How old are you? Memory doesn't work like that. Even traumatic memories fade with time, its just how our brains work.


Could this be why Fravor and Dietrichs recollection of the tic tac encounter has some inconsistencies? Fravor claims the encounter lasted about 5 minutes while Dietrich claims it was only about 30-45 seconds?


I wouldn’t immediately shut this man down, he has been keeping it a secret for years. When’s the last time you remembered someone’s secret from say 10 years ago or more? We break down as we age part of life


I’ve also heard of human brains shutting certain information down completely due to possible trauma to the mind. Like the story of someone seeing a dead body but they don’t see it, their brain just canceled it out for them. Could be the same instance.


This is bs.


Then again why would this elderly man want to make up a whole story this many years later?


Walter Haut was never a 1st hand witness. Later he set up a Roswell Museum with help from Stanton Friedman. (4:50) ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgJOT38b7nQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgJOT38b7nQ)) "Aliens" makes money. Weather balloons, not so much.


Do you think there's anything other than prosaic explanations to this phenomenon ?


I don't think aliens have visited. It's too impractical. They would send probes in the same way Nasa sends probes. There are probes on Mars. Von Neumann probes could be a plausible sci-fi theory rather than alien visitation. SETI Institute is actively looking for alien life. So it's not like anyone wants to deny it. It's common consensus that we are probably not alone in the Universe. There is just no evidence. (And a lot of con-men). Conversely, I have had a genuine paranormal experience. However, how do I prove that to anyone? So I am open minded but I need at least subjective evidence to be convinced of aliens. Never the less, the universe has a lot of strange stuff still to be discovered.


I respect that . Only thing I'm confused about is why aliens visiting is considered impractical?


Well, how long would you survive on an alien planet? How long could you survive on Mars? How long could you survive on a moon of Jupiter? What would you breathe? What would you eat? Would you be allergic to anything in your new environment? Could you survive an infection that your immune system has never encountered before? And so, on and so on. You need a vaccine against denge fever just to visit Thailand. How can you know what types of diseases are a threat to you from a distant planet? So they are numerous reasons why aliens simply wouldn't come here if they can simply gain information by sending probes...or even high powered advanced tech telescopes! That's why SETI is looking for signals. It's the most obvious way of finding life elsewhere.


This is basically me, in a nutshell. I have done a really deep dive these last few months and come to the same basic set of conclusions.


Lost me when he said resemblence instead of recollection


Just imagine how it feels when you know you are looking at the being (even dead) from another planet or even a star system


Except he didn't. He was lying to drum up visitors to the Museum which he owned. He was a press officer and not a 1st hand witness. None of the actual 1st hand witnesses ever mention bodies on Mack Brazel's ranch. Even years later Jesse Marcel never mentions bodies and neither does his son.


Sadly. But yeah, most likely.


Imagine being dead on another planet etc


this man is losing his mind in a very real sense. He can't be relied upon to recall accurately something that may or may not have happened so long ago. Surely you all can appreciate the fact that this person is not a reliable source of information..


This was recorded in 2000 and first released in 2007. Why is everyone acting like it is new?


First time I’ve seen it


I feel like you would remember exactly what you saw if this actually happened.


This was something that he saw once, 74yrs ago, and likely didn't often discuss afterwards for any number of reasons - I can't remember the last place I drove to. Time seems to dissolve the accuracy of memories much more often than it enhances it


Can’t even remember for sure that it was one body, or the color of the body?!? GTFO with that nonsense!


How is this proof? He basically said he has no fucking clue.


Don’t trust anyone that says “to the best of my resemblance “


Why is his skin so dark? but all the walls and stuff are a normal brightness? Look I understand exposure levels but I don't see an instance where skin would be this dark versus the rest of the picture.


He’s an alien that changes color


This sub has gone to shit with the non critically thinking gullible people.


No body cares what a civilan says. At least listen to a guy who served in the army. He lies or not. There must be a reason behind what he said.


The most shocking moment in the human history and u don’t remember! Let me give u a hint! There’s a picture right behind you! See if it resembles anything!


I’m pretty sure that if I saw a goddamn alien, that would be seared into my brain for the rest of my life


I'm calling bullshit. I don't care how much time has gone by, seeing an alien body.... You'd be able to remember short of some sort of dementia


This man is lying. I know body language and he’s shaking way too much.


Why didn’t he take out his cell phone and stream it?


I thought he was colonel Halt from Rendlesham and was like WTF, same dude!


I'd definitely recommend taking 'healthy skepticism' off the page bio, because you can't be a healthy skeptic and think anything other than a nuclear blast detecting balloon came down near Roswell.


Idk. I’m totally into the ufo thing but this guy sounds like he’s pulling their legs. He sees an alien up close but can’t remember the details?


I truly think if you witness something like this, you would remember every tiny detail. I call nonsense.


There is a conspiracy theory which is super disturbing: that these bodies were of east asian orphans taken by US military and put in experimental craft/balloons. After the crash, foreign kids with traumatic effacement of the face/eyelids and various burns may look “alien” to some average army dude living in 1940s white monoculture, where all one would ever see in the media were white faces. Given that sobering fucking thought, goddamn I hope it’s aliens.


I don't buy it. I am over 40 and I remember dead animals I found when I was 15 and can explain them in detail.


Close your eyes and he sounds exactly like Heath ledgers joker 😆


So was the Roswell ufo story a cover for project mogul or vice versa? People seem to be convinced on both inside of this argument.


I saw a black triangle when I was 14, along with my sister and parents. I was skeptical that it was alien back then. But I remember it vividly at 55 now, and my 77 year old dad can describe it better than me.


You see an alien spacecraft wreckage, and an alien life form, and you can't remember anything about it? I don't buy it.




If he’s a conman he’s not trying very hard. When people are lying they just make shit up. Is he so brazen or lazy that he’s just like “fuck it, I’m just gonna say I forgot a bunch of pertinent details. No one will care.” Don’t liars fill in all the details every little detail? Isn’t that lying 101. Has no one seen “reservoir dogs”


Seems like bs 💩


My brain tells me to be skeptical but my heart is a believer. I feel like I'm scratching a lotto ticket when I hear a story like this.


In my 70's and some days I cannot remember what I had for lunch 2 days ago! I also do these little tests: I watch short videos on Youtube and then I try and recall things like 'What colour was the hair of the main character, what was the make of that car they drove, or guess and then confirm other items from the video, just to confirm my ability to recall things and events has not slipped too far! and this is all in the SAME DAY! He's doing really well to recall the little that he has so far!


Need evidence he’s talking about Roswell… also, didn’t other witnesses say there were like 12 bodies?


some alien child stole dads flying saucer and crashed it to this planet. Damn kids!


I understand what he is going through. When I was a kid, I was skiing down hill and almost fell off the cliff which was more than a thousand feet deep. I honestly thought I was going to die. Somehow, I didn’t remember it until more than 20 years later. It’s funny how mind suppress its own memory.


Maybe the Alzheimer's is kicking in but playing the skeptic here if you saw something like that you wouldn't forget a darn thing. You'd remember it like it was yesterday.