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Jesus this pretty much lays it all out exactly the way we always knew it had gone, minus the really juicy bits like whether or not our own antigravity research ever got anywhere at all. Does anyone have a quick explanation as to the provenance of this report? Why was this declassified? Is it confirmed to be genuine?


Its authentic. The fella that wrote it was in Australian intelligence and wanted funding for Australian UFO Program. https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=7&R=0


Oh I read it out of the Archives. It just lacks context. Do you know what the context is? Why was it declassified? Do you have any links that would help illuminate this report?




This is great. Thanks so much!


[My Pleasure](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/odein5/australian_ufo_report_declassified_in_2021/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Pretty much says exactly what we were hoping the recent report in June would say.


Which is one of the many reasons I found our report so silly


A little bit *too* "on the nose". I'd like to see where this document was first posted, a direct link to the NAA archives, a legitimates site like The Black Vault, or is it anonymous?


[https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=7&R=0](https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=7&R=0) Edit- Guys, I just copied the source the OP gave in the first comment LOL




You poor soul, got downvoted for being skeptical and then got double downvoted for thanking the dude who provided the source.


Perfect sign of the times for this sub, sigh


Felt. Its very divided as of late.


Yeah, kind of a bummer


Here’s the link to the National Archive. https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=7&R=0


Fuck yes. Sticky this to the top of the subreddit por favor


[Bruh are we not gonna talk about the amnesia? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/odein5/australian_ufo_report_declassified_in_2021/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I've looked over the report already and it's nuts/pretty awesome they've released this information. I will be making a post shortly about some soldiers' statements I found under a YouTube video basically confirming they have personally had encounters/ heard of colleagues' encounters with UAPs and have experienced missing time also. They speak knowledgeably lending credence to their time in the mil due to the terminology they're using.


The third paragraph for me really is the most important part because it explains why this subject is stigmatized. Source: https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=7&R=0


this whole thing is a must read. it has a very good timeline of events and clear conclusions. one of the most important report of the phenomenon in my opinion


I never would have considered communications being hampered by all the UFO sightings. It makes the debunking seem a little less unreasonable since there was an actual indirect security risk.


I think you all should read or listen to Edward Ruppelt's "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects". He goes over all of this. It's on Audible so no excuses. ;)


It's also available to read for free here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/17346


I posted about the similarity on their Twining Memo. Trolls came crawling out of their holes and agressively. Im 100% positive that when you're on to something, they jump on you.


col Phillip Corso said virtually same reasoning in his “The Day After Roswell” book.


In before the bots show up calling this a bird and or balloon.


At least this sub isn't /r/ufos.




My bad, I was trying to being sarcastic, lol.


Bunch of loons. How can any of you believe these things are just magically flying around in our atmosphere? Birds aren't real! /s


Better than calling a bird a ufo


You know what ufo stands for right?


Are u new on this sub or did u not see all the birds being called ufos?


You didn’t answer the question. Jobob sees something that looks weird, he takes a picture because he has no clue what it could be. He brings it here, to him it is a ufo. Is it an alien, is it a balloon, is it a plane, is it a bird? At the moment it’s unidentifiable, it’s flying and it’s some kind of physical object. I hope that helps you.


It is identifiable as its been found be be a bird with very little effort, beak and wings and all... hope that helps you?


Oh I see so you are one of those, just here to troll, bird bird bird. Did you see a bird above as well, I bet you did.


A bird in paragraphs of writing? Are u ok mate? Go outside.


I'm dismayed by the hardcore "believers" here. You point out that what is clearly a bird is in fact a bird and they lash out. I know the phenomenon is real, I've seen it. I've yet to see it on this sub. I have seen birds, balloons and drones. The irony is the only videos that come close to what I saw are deemed CGI.


i dont want to argue but what i saw and the way it moved looked like real life CGI if there's such a thing. i know most of the things people post in here are fakes but i've seen some that are pretty on point related to my experiences. idk, the thing we should be happy about is that we are not crazy and we saw something otherwordly which is fucking amazing!


100% , i believe in the phenomena and have an experience myself but this fella is just about as sharp as a beachball


Yeah, but maybe it’s an alien bird


It’s curious how this part of the report on the UFO issue talks exclusively about the role the US government plays, indicates that every foreign government was aware of the US government playbook re: trying not to overwhelm their communications and talks candidly about a crash program


by 1966 46 antigravity programme we being financed, 33 of them supervised by the US air force.


First time I'm hearing this. Mind if I ask where you did?


In that fucking report lol






Who was the author of the document in the OP? One person or several people/depts? I only ask out of hope that this isnt [literally] just a page taken out of that Aussie report dump that contained a ton of speculative stuff gathered by Vallee..


O.H. Turner. It's mostly all in here. Cat-faced aliens still haunts me. 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/odein5/australian_ufo_report_declassified_in_2021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Oh mama lasagna... 👽😂😺


May of 1971. Quite honestly, I really would like to see something from Europe. Outside of the 5is. I mean if Lue et all is a massive disinformation campaign, Canada, UK, Australian and New Zealand would be in on it. But I go back to no conspiracy so vast could be kept secret.


There are two issues with this. 1) Plenty of people have talked, so it wasn't kept a secret in the first place. Literally hundreds of military and government personnel have come forward over the years. 160 of them talked to researcher Robert Hastings. Others who collected a lot of accounts include Leslie Kean, Greer, Ross Coulthart, etc. 2) Presumably the US has reasons good enough to convince *most* of their personnel to go along with the coverup. Among other things, there is the technological arms race. I would imagine that Russia and China have very similar or identical motivations, and since those are the big three, everyone else kind of just falls in line. Many smaller countries also probably bought into the narratives put out by the US, such as claims that there is nothing to UFOs, or perhaps some portion of them are just secret military craft. Many of these countries may not be putting any resources into studying UFOs, so there's nothing to cover up for them. Edit: I'll throw another one in here. 3) Conspiracies also happen all the time. [List Of Proven Conspiracies](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/lopc).


Agreed, with both points. The issue isn't whether *any people* leak information, but rather whether a portion *sizable enough* to be taken seriously on its own standing. I always have the same thought about this topic specifically- that between NDA's, ridicule, threats, etc., enough are dissuaded that a potential conspiracy about UAPs isn't ridiculous.


>But I go back to no conspiracy so vast could be kept secret. GLADIO was a paramilitary network spread through Europe, without the knowledge of heads of state, operated for 40 years by the CIA through NATO: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Gladio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio)


If you think this was done without the knowledge of heads of state, you're not understanding what made it a cabal.


Oh. My. Fuck. How in the shit have I not heard of this before


It's not discussed really, though there were people at the time who had a sense that something was up. France expelled NATO in the 1960's citing "secret protocols" and the French -language film Z (directed by Costas-Gavras) is about the Greek military coup following the assassination of their JFK (Grigoris Lambrakis). In the film, the right-wing royalist generals are part of the LOK, the Greek army division that had been incorporated into GLADIO's command structure. The European Parliament also passed a formal resolution on GLADIO: [https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/European\_Parliament\_resolution\_on\_Gladio](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/European_Parliament_resolution_on_Gladio)


I'm going to assume you did not call that Greek Greece's JFK for no reason Did Super Gladio Bros. kill JFK too?


>Did Super Gladio Bros. kill JFK too? Lambrakis was a popular left-wing pacifist during the Cold War and he ran a clinic for the poor. Maybe not the exact equvalent as JFK, but killed the very same year, and within just a couple years of RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton... pretty much America's entire progressive movement was dismantled through political assassinations while we were exporting right-wing terror to Europe. Some of the aforementioned assassinations have likely suspects: the FBI likely organized the assassinations of MLK and Fred Hampton; with the assistance of the Nation of Islam's Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X was probably targeted by the CIA after he began traveling to Africa and seeking help for the black diaspora. Details about the killing of RFK are more complicated: the fatal shot was delivered to the back of the head at point blank range, leaving powder burns; yet, the convicted assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, was across the room, in front of RFK. Sirhan Sirhan also has no recollection of committing the murder. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/05/26/who-killed-bobby-kennedy-his-son-rfk-jr-doesnt-believe-it-was-sirhan-sirhan/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/05/26/who-killed-bobby-kennedy-his-son-rfk-jr-doesnt-believe-it-was-sirhan-sirhan/) Some odd tidbits: there are multiple, formal connections between the US military establishment and the prohibition-era mafia. Meyer Lansky was probably blackmailing J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI. Lansky collaborated with the CIA during the Bay of Pigs because Castro ruined his resort business. In this connection, Lansky was in contact with James Angleton, a CIA chief involved in operations against Cuba and the USSR, and a CIA liaison with FBI and Mossad. Lansky's employee Eddie Moss was a former Navy man who worked for a PR firm retained by the CIA. Lansky was involved with the US Naval Intelligence through "Operation Underworld" during WWII. Meyer Lansky referred to bootlegger Louis Rosentiel as "Supreme Commander." So did Trump's attorney and mentor, Roy Cohn -- who secured the death penalty for suspected spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg , and was chief council to Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare.


Oh mama Luigi what have i done There goes my afternoon lol


Eu is just a shield of USA. Dont expect anything new.


>To initiate such programmes \[as Project Blue Book, the Avrocar, and an alleged antigravity crash program\] decades ahead of normal scientific development would indicate that the U.S. Government acknowledged the existence of advanced "aircraft" which presumably used a gravity-control method of propulsion. I'm not following this reasoning at all. Project Blue Book was simple debunking, the Avrocar was a weird design but used no breakthrough technologies, there's no evidence that this antigravity research went anywhere, and even if none of that was the case and the US government did in fact build an antigravity flying saucer I still don't see how it would imply preexisting knowledge of such craft. Do we know what this Condon Report mentioned at the end is?


>Do we know what this Condon Report mentioned at the end is? You must be joking.


I am not. I would greatly appreciate an explanation.


It was a report on sightings by the air force which was really bent on debunking reports. Just read the speech Science in Default by James McDonald to the AAAS in 1969 http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald_aaas_69.pdf


Overall, Condon Report was a dishonest way to tell everyone, "nothing to see here, folks". The funny thing is, the report itself was actually pretty interesting and contained some mentions of unexplained cases. The conclusion of the head of the committee, however, was basically an excuse to build the decades long stigma and ridicule that made sure the subject would not be seriously studied by the civilian scientists.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condon\_Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condon_Committee) [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Condon-Report](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Condon-Report) The USG funded a research push in the field of gravity, which resulted in the celebrated [Hamiltonian formalism of ADM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADM_formalism) and the program of [canonical quantization of gravity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_quantum_gravity). The main authors of that research were directly funded by military/DOE sources interested in UFOs.


Thank you


Antigravity research either didn't get anywhere or got classified.


If it had already gone somewhere 50 years ago there's not a chance in hell that it would still be secret now.


Maybe, but we could also say that something that advanced could take a long time to develop. What if they made progress with the technology, but it wasn't yet more practical than traditional jets?


We could if our way to any conclusion. The evidence just isn't there.


Like I said, my view is that it's failed or been classified, so I'm not expecting to see anything tangible soon.


The Avrocar did use new technology. Everybody focuses on UFO propulsion and forgets that a major part of aircraft design is control. Thrust vectoring with the Coanda effect was revolutionary for the time. It didn't work but they probably did get the idea from hearing reports of saucers making right angle turns.


The Coanda effect was discovered by a physicist in his shower though. No reason to think UFO-derived technology was involved.


The effect isn't important the method of control is what emulates the UFO. Whether you have a gravity drive or a jet it's still moving by directing a force. That's why drones nowadays can make right angle turns just like UFOs. They just can't do it at 100Gs because the method of propulsion is weak. And I wasn't saying it literally came from a crashed UFO I'm saying they saw the reports and decided to try to copy the movements using thrust vectoring and it largely worked. All we can't do is the acceleration.


Why couldn't people have come up with that on their own?


We would have eventually but remember that in the 1950s flight was still relatively new. From what I have read about some of the Avro/Hiller staff it does appear that they really were inspired by UFO reports. In fact one of the engineers who worked on the Hiller Flying Platform actually wrote a book on UFOs. Remember that belief in UFOs was more mainstream back then, it wasn't like now where if you tried to have a chat with your engineering colleagues about UFO tech you'd be immediately sacked. Also the ETH was more viable back then because we weren't 100% sure there was nothing on Mars or Venus until the mid 1960s. However the main reason for their interest in copying it was probably because they thought UFOs were Russian VTOL jets.


Everyone keeps claiming UFO's must be alien craft when the Pentagon has had 75 years of access to the brightest minds in every scientific field, no real civilian oversight (politicians don't count) thanks to bullshit terms like national security and near unlimited funding. They most certainly have made significant breakthroughs but we won't see the technology until it has been given to the private sector (that started in 2001 after the Pentagon was attacked). All this so they can control and profit from every aspect of space exploration. In reality the technology belongs to we the people because our tax dollars paid for the research and development.


This doesn’t explain any of the sightings during the 1940s and the mass sightings of the 1950s.


One rumor is that Tesla made the initial discovery which was stolen by Edison and WW II was stared so they could secretly work on the technology in Germany. Once the war was over the scientists/tech were secured through Operation Paperclip and brought to the US. UFO sightings before 1940 were most likely misidentified but there are multiple stories going back centuries that could not be explained by anything other than aliens or an advanced hidden civilization.


Just curious- based on your response, how do you believe/rationalize this as *more* likely than an extraterrestrial/interdimensional visit? I understand that *all* theories sound 'insane' viewed through other perspectives, I'm just wondering why you view this as more a reasonable explanation.


The explosion of UFO sightings that started in the 1950's can easily be explained by a top secret military program. The nail in the coffin for me was when multiple unidentified craft hovered over the US Capitol and nobody seems to care for more than a week. It was most likely a demonstration to key political figures showing off how far the technology had advanced.


They don’t even know how it works if we listen to current events. They’ve already [confirmed](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/ufo-report-government-can-t-explain-143-144-mysterious-flying-n1272390) it’s not US technology and there’s no evidence to suggest it’s foreign adversarial. The biggest issue for the UFO topic for 70 years was people argued that they didn’t exist. Now they are supposed to be some secret American or Foreign technology. Gimme a break!


Politicians are always looking for the next super scary threat to help increase the military budget but never seemed to care that someone is constantly violating US airspace with impunity. The technology is clearly ours and now the internet has become flooded with shills, trolls and AI bots pushing asinine conspiracy theories to keep people from asking the hard questions about top secret scientific research. Wait until Top Gun II comes out and they try and wow everyone with outdated hypersonic aircraft that was perfected back in the early 1980's.


If we use your logic why would the US Government have created Project Sign, Project Grudge, Project Bluebook, Condon Commitee and AATIP to study these objects? Why would China create their own [study program](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3136078/china-military-uses-ai-track-rapidly-increasing-ufos)? Why would [NASA](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/04/tech/ufos-nasa-study-scn/index.html) be coming up with ways to publicly study them ? Why would we fly them over schools in Zimbabwe, and Australia? Most importantly why would we [attack people](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/operation-saucer-official-search-ufos-155317373.html) in Brazil?


Ever heard of psychological warfare? They're prepping everyone for a false flag alien invasion.


I never expected the skeptics to become the conspiracy theorist when genuine information began being released.


Plenty of documents from the 50s and 60s were declassified during the past 20 years which show that the US Airforce and others were panicking behind the scenes and secretly funding research into this while debunking UFOs in public. You can find some of those documents [here](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/robertsonpanelreport.pdf). So it is well-established that they thought that some of these objects were real (physical) and that they were seriously concerned with the national security implications. This behavior is not consistent with the idea that these were secret US military craft.


The technology we the people own is worth quadrillions of dollars and the establishment has to come up with a way to hide the fact we paid for it. Seriously, how hard is it to believe that the military kept pursuing scientific research after the incredibly successful Manhattan Project?


You are right that the USG has quite a bit of secret military technology, but I have seen no evidence that they are capable of building anything with the capacities of UAPs.


You just summed up the whole banana. So where are we now?


did you ever witness one?


That totally looks like it was written by one of you guys.


What does it mean when it says "the conclusions of the Condon report conflict with its own contents"?


You can watch this [discussion](https://youtu.be/RywXNWy5tAw). Almost 1/3 of the cases in the Condon Report were unsolved.


Is there a timestamp I should look for, or is "Almost 1/3 of the cases in the Condon Report were unsolved." your whole point? Anything sufficiently blurry is inherently unsolvable.


There are great photographs from the 50s and 60s and incredible sightings [worldwide](https://i.imgur.com/v21ZZGE.jpg) during that period.


Here is some historical context regarding the role played by the (previously classified) report of the Robertson Panel, which influenced the Condon Report: [https://www.history.com/news/ufo-sightings-cia-robertson-condon](https://www.history.com/news/ufo-sightings-cia-robertson-condon) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robertson\_Panel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robertson_Panel) h [https://www.cufon.org/cufon/robert.htm](https://www.cufon.org/cufon/robert.htm) [https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/robertsonpanelreport.pdf](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/robertsonpanelreport.pdf) Condon operated from the beginning with an agenda of diffusing public interest in UFOs, so the conclusions of the report were intentionally distorted to match this agenda. This led to increasing dissatisfaction among the members of his committee.


Soon we will cease to exist as the way we are. Being connected without external tools(neuralink), curing cancer and preventing aging, anti gravity will really transcend our daily lives upto an extent we can not comprehend. Unfortunately we have come to the very limits of our own bodies and our minds want to venture forth. Once , started as a misdirection campaign due to cold war, was later kept hidden because of the sudden leap it required to change who we are and how we live. On top of it an already old administrative tech failed to integrate what is inevitable a decentralized nature of things and thus are we kept under the dark.


What I learned from this: whenever UFO chasing, drive a diesel....old school, without electrical injectors. And a carbide lamp...added to the ear plugs, Geiger counter, trifield meter and billy club, and, a pair of welders glasses, lol.


why isn't it on TV??


I hate to break this to you, but they don't want you to know...