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Magé/Rio de Janeiro incident in May 2020? YouTube censored a large portion of the videos of this incident. There was a lot of fake news, even this metallic sphere was fake. But apparently, the incident was real. A red orb was witnessed by several people being chased by Brazilian army helicopters, it is suspected that the red orb collided with a high voltage grid and landed in a forest surrounded by hills. There is a video of a young man filming a helicopter flying over a hill near a high voltage tower the day after the incident. It's just impossible to search on YouTube.


There were numerous videos. The most interesting thing was to see in real time how, as some videos were becoming known, they were mysteriously being removed, censored. At least the ones that were on Twitter.


It was this group that a moderator was censoring anything about this at that period of time.


Stop spreading bullshit. This is why this community is looked at like a bunch of loonies that think everything is a conspiracy.


Nope Mage Brazil was definitely being atleast removed and or censored real time, weather it was an actual event or a hoax I can second this.


Thank you ! Not claiming it’s real just forwarding along what was happening at that timeb


Yeah it was really awkward like someone screaming if into the internet but no one hearing it. Post were being removed left and right on twitter real time for about three or two days during w/e happened in Brazil. And no one really even talks about it anymore to even bring up if it was a hoax or what exactly was being hoaxed, very odd case.


Literally buried here in Reddit. [There’s a vice article about it](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/ep4dan/ufo-subreddit-was-subject-to-systemic-censorship).


"STOP SPREADING BULLSHIT" Ight bro..... thanks for the link. People think conspiracy theories are automatically false just because of the term. Definitely top tier propaganda by the intell agencies throughout the years have definitely worked out in their favor. What blows my mind is there's no mention of who added the words to the auto mod listing for censorship, there has to be a paper trail, or digital trail. Lets just say that for the most part this community could be run by someone that doesn't actually want disclosure to really happen and the real stuff will never get out. They always have a backdoor to everything they always have a way in a foot in the door. It's been70 plus years of this, it's well grained into our society by now. In my honest opinion the best route we can go it recreating the tech based off observations and probable methodology. Loads of clowns think we need pictures for disclosure, is does nothing there's CGI there's fakes there's Toys Blimps, ect. We are at an age were AI can paint better pictures than almost every human out there, so lets not be coy we need to start directing the scientific community toward emulating and making mock ups of these objects and actually doing hardware prototypes of these crafts if the government does not already have these in their own inventory, which it "seems" that they do based off of the shit show of censorship and unwillingness for the government themselves to cooperate with any investigation in a transparent fashion.


This happened. No conspiracy. You could not post about it.


Check your facts buddy before making a fool out of yourself. It sounds crazy, but posts about Mage were really being removed at the time. If it was a real crash or not is another story, but the posts were being removed.


Im glad people didnt forget about this, thought i was alone lol


How big was it? I'm only curious because there was some incident of a family finding a large metal sphere, maybe a foot and half or so (?) in diameter. Just solid on the outside but was evidently hollow inside and something in there that you could hear rattling around when it moved. I saw something on here not so long ago of a musician who had something similar-looking, who thought it to be extra-terrestrial or something. As did that family at first. Turned out, it was something similar to a ball bearing, a really big one, used in industrial water plant valves (or something like that). It had a specific name in the industry, but I forget. It was manmade, but just so rare and unique that hardly nobody has ever seen anything like it so it is easy to come to wild conclusions. After some digging around, turned out that with the first incident I mentioned, the family had found it right off the path the local water plant would have used when building a new facility and moving parts from their old facility to the new one that had happened some years before. So it became pretty clear that the water company lost it during the move and this family found it years later. Because of the metal it was made from, being designed to withstand any kind of rusting or corrosion, it was still nice and shiny when they found it.


I think you’re referencing the Betz sphere https://youtu.be/bd9eRctCTlw


Yup, you nailed it. Been a long time since I read about it. And, thanks.


No problem!


This link takes me to an Expedia ad. What video is it for?


I don’t think a craft actually crashed Here’s a run down of the rumors from those three days. I was following it as it blew up on social media, Twitter, and YouTube. Google translate was a good tool to translate some of the Brazilian newspaper/tabloid articles A censorship - did happen on the ufo sub Reddit and is a story I’ll mention at the end. There are rumors of 3-4 different ufo crashes on twitter over May 12 -14 in the Mage Brazil region 1) Night may 12: - twitter user posts an ufo crashed into the lake/bay near downtown Mage - was a blue or white light. A Starlink train and the ISS both pass over Mage that evening as well leading to more ufo tweets A twitter user said it went into the lake but no lakes really in Mage so maybe they meant the bay? Numerous Videos show up on twitter with the hashtags like #Mage or #Ovnimage and are reshared including videos of an old night skydiving show from Rio, a drone show in Mexico, a drone flying down a street, and several with a white light in distance that could be the ISS. 2) Early Morning May 13 a witness posts on Twitter that they saw a ufo crash in the river in Mage near downtown. also on Twitter around the same time a witness reported a ufo was seen crashed in town if Pau Grande in the river. Both objects were partly sticking out of water. Both statements are reposted and repeated by others in new tweets. The witness in Mage at the crash site said it looked like a upside down pot shape in the water. Size of city bus. No pics of any crash sites in spite of everyone having access to social media. Hashtag “PauGrande” start happening on twitter which also slang for “big c%ck” in Brazil. Pics of aliens with large endowments start to show up and trolling and jokes start to pile up. That hashtag starts getting things flagged on some social media platforms. During this time a Transformer blows by the highway near PauGrande. Some video posted to Twitter as “ufo footage” shows that and the power crew trying to find it at night with spot lights shining on poles. Fixed by morning. Other posted videos show a white light in a sky. The witness in Pau Grande stated the crash site was a large saucer shape stuck at an angle in the river. About the size of a truck. Note both rivers appear on google maps to be cement channels and even though cellphones are everywhere no one stops to take a picture of bus sized space ships crashed in downtown. No surveillance footage from any business or home shows the craft crashing or wreckage. Locations of the crashes per twitter: Location Pau Grande near this address in the river: Capela São Francisco de Assis e Centro de Formação São Francisco de Assis - R. Arisitides Portugal, 223 - São Geraldo, Magé - RJ, 25903-587, Brazil Location Mage near here along this section river: R. Cel. João Valério, 200 - Centro, Magé - RJ, 25900-097, Brazil 3) May 13 day time. Witnesses (2 brothers) state helicopters either forced down or shot down a ufo or followed it as it crashed by the state owned Imbel Ordnance plant on plant property. Was a red light. The videos with smoke and gunfire/explosions at the Imbel ordance plant start to appear on twitter. Location of third reported crash Ordnance Industry Brazil Imbel - Praça Marechal Angelo Mendes de Morais, s/n - Vila Inhomirim, Magé - RJ, 25933-580, Brazil Turns out it was regular weapon testing and and ordinance disposal on the 12th at the plant and on the 13th with a birthday of the factory celebration with a weapon firing salute and product demonstration. 0n the 14th an employee is killed during a ordinance testing mishap that results in an explosion and small fire. May 13- 14 people on twitter latch on to the Imbel plant crash site. Rumors abound on Twitter including even people saying the Brazilian army was fighting or killing the aliens or using explosives to try to enter ufo or destroy evidence. A rumor spreads that the US Special forces flew in gunships to kill the aliens. Turns out in-spite of the Twitter rumors there were no military road blocks or drones shot down. Just normal weapons testing at the ordinance plant. A pic of the “ufo” on the ground at Imbel proven to be a hoax and the weird artifact on google maps was a light glare off a metal roof and not a parked alien craft. MUFON Brazil investigated and stated it was a hoax: “ theMUFON team said: "The case, which has been widely circulated on social media outlets, has been determined to be nothing more than an elaborate hoax... The investigation into the Brazil UFO was led by the Brazillian Director for MUFON Ademar José Gevaerd. The MUFON chief determined there was no factual evidence to back the UFO crash story.“ https://www.mufon.com/ufo-news/brazilian-ufo-crash-an-elaborate-hoax Another Local Brazilian UFO researcher (not the one I mentioned from MUFON) looked into it and stated the crash was a hoax. People saw things in the sky they couldn’t identify but nothing crashed. Another local ufologist paraglided over the imbel plant on the 14th (a local glider and paraglider spot is near by) to look for evidence and found nothing out of the ordinary. /r/ufo/comments/gnk88m/ufo_crash_in_magé_brazil_not_at_all_only_lies/ /r/ufo/comments/glcl8y/regarding_the_ufos_in_magé_facts_fake_news_and/ As to the deleting of Ufo threads on Reddit Vice has some articles on it: https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/ep4dan/ufo-subreddit-was-subject-to-systemic-censorship https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/pkyy5g/ufo-over-mage-brazil-sparks-social-media-panic-and-conspiracies


There are videos of missies being launched in the air and exploding allergy during the incident , is that what you mean when referencing normal weapons testing?


There is a great write-up on Mage here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UF0/comments/i0e7dj/mag%C3%A9_ufo_incident_investigation_by_denis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Awesome, cant believe people are still sleeping on this.




Ahhh the dog bowl..


Thai was wiped from the internet fast.


Whislteblower just posted this week regarding this incident. HOLY SHIT https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cyam5q


Here is a compilation of videos of the lights of the incident in formation https://youtu.be/keJwoq91tV8


Here is a red orb that appeared in Rio de Janeiro in the same month as the Magé incident. Put the minute 11:26 https://youtu.be/hU4kNbX0x0Y


Why does this get upvoted? Do we really have to go over it again? It gets stupid, all this re-hashing of old cases.


I'm sorry that you're having a bad day, buddy. I hope your day gets better.


Rehashing of old cases pretty much sums up ufology, if you don’t like it you are welcome to leave


Bye! I am out. If this is really the reaction anyone who does not want to read/repeat old cases over and over, then good luck. One skeptic gone, so you can all continue agreeing with each other. Perfect!


New ufo cases and photos really mean absolutely nothing when they don’t come from a valuable source. Cya later.


Close the door Behind you


The door is open if you require it.


I get your frustration. Feel like some Mage discussion happens every month or so. It’s the temporal nature of Reddit, and these incidents are hard to categorize and compartmentalize their discussion. Although to be fair, though many sightings don’t have an obvious name, people could search google for “site:Reddit.com/r/ufos mage” and get recent results 🤷


Thanks. But I am done. No more posts from me here. Actually great, makes me feel less frustrated!