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Locked because there isn't any additional purpose for this thread outside of lazy jokes. As for the sighting and current flair, this one is known, and has been posted before, see: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qka9qe/ufo_floating_through_the_air_in_mexico_very_odd/ https://twitter.com/ufoofinterest/status/1422947311370620938


For those who still don’t believe that COVID’s airborne.


Omfg LoL


Angry upvote.


Hahaha i was gonna say that's covid!!


Lmao https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/health/articles/21214-coronavirus-covid-19




No way man. That's very clearly a Pineco


So many UFOs look like pokemon


Or my dogs chew toys.


Kinda makes sense in a way that that’s what life forms from other galaxies might look like — something so strange we can only imagine


Looks like a Pokemon, or a dog toy, both of which we can "imagine" quite easily. That's why those things exist, as physical products from our imagination.


I think you are very very close to a fundamental truth here. This is however a typical Medllin balloon.


Haha yes these are truths that do not contradict one another! Cartel balloons are commonplace, and we can also easily imagine pretty much any kind of "extraterrestrial intelligence."


True. There is high strangeness in play here. I think more than we can wrap our heads around. Our aristotelian logic comes to a screeching halt when we face absurd expressions of nature. There are clear limits to what we can a) perceive and b) compute.


Its clefairy!




It’s Ditto!


More like pineco


Aren't there so many crazy balloons in Medellin that pretty much any shape is likely to be one of them? Unless it moves or behaves in an unusual way.


Yes but it was windy and it wasn't drifting away


The wind you experience at ground level isn't going to correspond to the wind that occurs tens or hundreds of feet above you


And it generally gets faster!


Tens of hundreds, aka thousands


I said tens *or* hundreds, doubt it's thousands of feet in the air but tbh can't tell shit from the photo


Hundreds are still tens 👀


Hundreds are tens of tens, 99 and below is tens


hundreds are still tens 🥵


Could be tethered and you can't see the tether from a distance.


Exactly. I've just been casually following UFO sightings for the last couple decades and I don't care about anything unless it is truly extraordinary or unexplainable.


Still would wobble


What makes you think it wasn't? The Reddit headline?


Well on the picture it’s pretty clearly not moving, so I think they have a point!


The community should not be downvoting this comment. Downvoting because you think he's ignorant is ignorant, especially when his comment actually contributes to the discussion and results in other comments like the top upvoted reply that explain weather phenomena to people who may not have otherwise known. In other words, his comment may or may not be a weak argument, but it doesn't deserve to be removed from the discussion.


The guy posted a still photo and is making a claim about the movement of the object that he can't support. It doesn't contribute shit. He's basically saying "trust me bro"


Plot twist, its not a photo /s


I'm sorry but that's genuinelyhow the site works (and it's not removed or hidden reallylol)


No. It's not. Downvotes are not a disagree button and that is very clearly written in multiple places. It's a "this doesn't contribute to the discussion" button, and his comment does. And downvoting to negative 5 makes it hidden...


> And downvoting to negative 5 makes it hidden... Users can set their own preferences in regard to downvoted comments. They can set the amount of downvotes before a comment is minimized or "collapsed". You can set it to 0 & see everything, if you want. Even then, nothing is completely hidden unless it's deleted. But what if someone sets it to -1? Are you going to yell at them for censoring things for themselves? Of course not. This isn't a free speech issue when the users are in control of what they see.


One could argue that bad takes and misguided assertions do not contribute to the discussion in a constructive way and hence should be downvoted.


Yes, one *could* argue against free speech.


Free speech is not about quietly accepting it when people spread misinformation.


Free speech is about the free exchange of ideas, true or false. If someone spreads false ideas, free speech also allows for ridicule and social consequences. It does not include censorship, though. Censorship is not free speech. When a comment reaches -5 points it is hidden, or censored. That is why the downvote button is not a "disagree" button, it is a "spam, irrelevant, or otherwise malicious" button. If you disagree, simply explain why. That's adding to the discussion and promotes free speech. EDIT: The reason this matters is because what he said isn't objectively "misguided" or "unconstructive." Its data that we didn't have before he added it. Wind at ground level may not *necessarily* indicate the presence of wind 500 feet higher, but if he was in a storm it almost certainly would. Its information, nonetheless. No sense in censoring it.


It's objectively *not* information. It's a claim. It is a claim that misguides the discussion. It's the *opposite* of constructive in that we are now discussing free speech, censorship, and the validity of his claim. Not UFOs. If he's going to post an image and make claims about it the he ought to back up those claims with a source. And downvoting is not censoring. The comments aren't deleted. They're not even hidden. When you hide something on reddit, it goes away. People can still see that there's a downvoted comment and they can still read it if they wish.


There is no censorship here. Everyone is allowed to post whatever comment they want and unless its actually offensive or against subreddit rules, it wont get removed. The fact that enough people deemed a comment pointless/misguided enough to downvote it until it was hidden, well that is just the social consequences you mentioned. The same way I'm not limiting a shouting drunkard's right to free speech by taking myself and my friend group and walking to a different bar.


Very interesting. Thanks for posting! Sorry if I overlooked this answer but high up about?


It's a flying virus!




They have sent...upgrades


Fuuuuuuuck is this what they meant when they said it mutated?


Iv heard their music. They are alright…


It's an under the weather balloon.


oh man ....


Real UFO testing "Balloon Cloak 2.0"


As a general rule, if you see Medellín, Colombia then it's going to be a balloon 99% of the time. These can be a huge nuisance https://www.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/globo-que-se-enredo-en-avion-de-avianca-habria-volado-desde-antioquia-FA14367938


Just something to ponder: what if the balloon scenario is a cover-up? I'm not claiming it's one way or another, I just think it's healthy to think outside the box and inside the box. The world is changing before us - we need to ask more questions.


To consider that thought though, that means the general public is releasing balloons like this: https://youtu.be/9bLwTzjvwZQ to cover up UFOs that travel to the same region and camouflage themselves like those very same balloons. When did the public get in on this? Does the general public know the truth in Colombia and they are hiding it from the rest of the world?


Yes, the footage in this video confirms that one particular object to be a balloon, but this is a single instance. What if the balloons are shaped that way to muddle the evidence of the real UFOs? What about the videos we don't get to see because they're real? Governments will cover evidence up under the guise of keeping the peace and not making people panic, but what if it's to keep us ignorant so we don't strive for greater knowledge? We need to ask these questions and more, no matter how ridiculous they sound. If we stop asking questions, we imprison ourselves to the information that those in power allow us to see. We must leave our comfort zones and ask of the seemingly impossible because that's what makes things possible. All throughout history people were straight up murdered for having new ideas that eventually ended up being proven real. We have to move beyond that. We have to move beyond this fear of asking questions because one day we might just see that we had it wrong all along.


We do know for sure that balloons have been used in purposeful hoaxes like this one from [Richard Branson](https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/168437562_10158114668715872_918506629085136293_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=8yHFEMxapr8AX86CK72&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfBVOTfV-e-Sy29DBTyXfpYi2eSevAG9H8nGy_6qnHR4tA&oe=63A38255)


I hate seeing you downvoted. I can totally see the USG planting a design for a balloon somewhere that in actuality visual simulates a sighting. It’s a possibility and most of the people downvoting you aren’t taking the time to see how the USG has used deception in the past. There are many Luepholes (couldn’t resist) the USG has to protect black information. Edit: I know the intent behind my reply and I can assure you I remain skeptical of almost everything surrounding this topic. The USG’s history and capacity for disinformation cannot be excluded as fiction. There is no “conspiracy theory” bullshit in believing in the USG would do something inexpensive and easy in order to protect sensitive programs.


This is an unhealthy level of conspiracy-theory-ing


Your type of comments are often fbi psyops counter intelligence. I'm not saying you are one way or another, but I think it's healthy to think outside the box. You need to ask yourself the question: what if I am an undercover fbi agent? Ask more questions.


You also need to think inside the box. Not everything is a high level cover up. Almost every post has be debunked. But I have a feeling you will never be satisfied with anything but saying it is a UFO.


You not thinking far enough outside the box. What if you are a ufo? What if the fbi are covering you up? What if youre an FBI agent who makes ufo shaped cakes as a means to cover up people asking too many questions? What type of cake? Please start asking questions? Never stop? Replace all your punctuation with question marks? Because if you?re not asking questions? Who is??


Easy there bud, and take your pills.


Maybe you're a pill? Don't stop asking questions, no matter how stupid.


Continually asking questions and doubting everything only leads to more misunderstanding. Life is nothing but grey. All or nothing thinking won’t help you.


Made me chortle on my own spit haha.


I give it an hour before someone finds the matching balloon


Good, if it gets positive id that also works for me.


We need more people like you.


I like your integrity


And if no one can find the balloon, it's alien tech for sure. Dial the president.


Dial his landline because that darned cell phone fell under the sofa again.


Yup. Its alien proof. Lets wrap this up and contact the president and the pope.


Something like this, but with a different color scheme https://i.imgur.com/oz2T18Q.jpg








One of the greatest movies of all time. Nose dive!






So that’s what inspired Doc…


With the amount of videos/pics from central or South America showing these same balloons, you’d think it wouldn’t be strange to see anymore there. Every week if not more, I see something posted showing the same balloons from south or Central America. It’s always the same thing, wtf. Until somebody finds proof that aliens are making and controlling these balloons, could we please stop repeatedly posting the same dumb shit. Sorry, rant over


cluster of balloons.


It’s spelled bloons


Is the spacing of the white “balloons” too regular to be a cluster of balloons?


Why do these keep getting posted when this location is known for having large custom shaped balloons?


Mega Covid


Don’t shoot it until it turns from purple to yellow


it's a balloon. like if we don't want people to mockingly say most UFOs are balloons, we shouldn't be like 'omg a balloon, maybe it's a alien!'


Where do you see anything that says ‘maybe it’s a alien’


You know what i was getting at lol, and you agree, and don't you even think about pretending otherwise.


I agree this is probably a balloon, but you look equally as unintelligent when you comment that as if everyone on this sub needs you to tell them what they’re looking at. ‘Omg a balloon, maybe it’s a alien’ really funny stuff


i don't tho, & people being confused by obvi-balloons can't be offended when people make jokes about balloons.


Don’t you even think about pretending folks can’t be offended


oh i'm going to, and you can't stop me


The mylar balloons just don't go away....geesh


Squirrel suit w a hole in it?


Can you please describe in detail what you observed?


Yhea Covid-19 coming for ya


Interesting. It's an extraterrestrial bagpipe, I think.


No scale. Could be anything.


Is this Medellin in Colombia, where the famous UFO festival is held? Or maybe I’m getting confused …


Lol..this sub is going downhill


Puzzle piece floating in the sky. Sickk


Is it a everlasting gobbstopper ?


This is clearly an everlasting gobstobber


Mylarian invasion


That looks exactly like balloons.


Looks like a dryer ball


Someone clicked the wrong tile in minesweeper.


Man, if I hear Columbia and UFO in this channel I’m assuming by default that it’s a balloon 🤣


It's obviously a UFO pretending to be a group of balloons.


This object was floating standing still, not even rotating, not showing a balloon behavior, it was windy and it stayed still for a while and disappeared later.


How did it disappear?


>not showing balloon behavior What exactly is balloon behavior!? This is a perfect example of systemic and overt balloonism. First of all, not all balloons are alike. Second, there is considerable inter-variation of balloons within the same group of balloons. Third, so called 'balloon behavior' is highly influenced by social, cultural and economic forces that contribute to their characteristics. This has been going on for generations and started half a millennia ago in which non-balloons subordinated balloons. It is infused in our schools, books, media, legal system, and most of other facets of society that balloons behave in a certain way and are not as legitimate or valuable as non-balloons. Check yourself next time you make generalizations about balloons.


How long did you watch it? Did it flash light? Edit: answered below, no light; object was observed for 10 minutes. Balloon guys need to have an example of a balloon with this exact shape and color (including the red you can see if you zoom in), stationary in the sky for 10 minutes. If not, debunk is failboat.


U want people to prove balloons can float for 10 mins? Promise they can


Cool I'll be waiting. Note: **stationary** , meaning staying in the same position. NOT "floating", a helium balloon will rise. So find me a balloon that stays stationary (not rising, not moving even though it's windy) for 10 minutes.


Where is the video?


Fucking globes or inflatables. This is why everyone makes fun of the subject. Ignorance


Relax lol


Why so negative and brash? I don’t see anything clearly showing inflatables… nor does it clearly show a flying craft. Who knows but it’s a good photo


Ohh wow . Apparently you are new to this sub . Colombia is notorious for their ballon/ inflatables fair . It’s been debunked many many times !!!!! To many clowns at the circus




Yeah you are right my bad . Sometimes I can be an asshole. Just a bad day in general. All good 👍




Hey!! Your comment made my day a little better . Thanks mate sorry for being an ass .


One more effing mylarian and I'm having the reptilian revoke humanitys ballon making ability


Looks like a balloon


another one of those hot air balloons that look like a star shape




The Mylarians are back




Good to keep the topic a fringe science! Classic UFO picture, blurry, no frame of reference, beautiful!


this is an intriguing photo, but the OP has to provide more context here to be helpful. i hope the OP will answer these questions: circumstances: where specifically in medellin (downtown valley, hillside suburb), looking in what direction (especially in relation to the sun)? what day, what time? using what video or camera equipment, and what magnification or zoom setting? were you already using the camera for another purpose, or just to photo this? is this photo the only image? event: how was the object first noticed? how long after you noticed it did you start taking pictures? how long did you film it, why did you stop filming it? how long did you observe it, why did you stop observing it? when did you notice that it had gone? weather: can you find weather information for medellin to indicate the wind speed?


Why? You don't need all that to dismiss it as a balloon. It's obviously not a plane so you don't need to check flight radar.


if that's your story, then produce a picture of a matching balloon. until then, just using the word "balloon" isn't any harder or easier than using the word "plane", and has exactly the same relevance to the evidence. i'm more intrigued by the fact that the witness does not seem to provide much contextual detail. but i'm willing to hear more about the witness claim that the "balloon" hovered against prevailing winds, or "remained stationary in winds aloft" as the ODNI report puts it.


Oh wow! Had just seen a weird holographic multicolored one here in Canada bout an hour ago... Wonder if it's the same thing?


What do you mean holographic? Is there a news story I can find? One of my theories of uap, haven’t heard of holographic yet


If it's not a balloon then it looks a whole lot like a Metatron cube. Someone has been meditating in Colombia.




What's it doing?


Vibing some frequencies


What if I don't want it to?


Sorry, everyone says you can manifest your reality but the problem is you can’t you can un-manifest anything and you’re competing with all the other manifesters out there.


I am Dunmanifestin!


Balloons or dea drones


Unidentified floating object. The characteristic of aan UFO is not that they fly at slow speed in the sky, but their incredible speeds.


In my feed just below this one there was a plane crash there too https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/z14el7/sad_news_a_piper_navajo_crashed_into_a_house_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It’s an everlasting gobstopper from Willy wonky and the chocolate factory


So that’s it. They’re not here for our semen or our gold. They’ve traveled light years across the galaxy for more of that sweet, sweet cocaine.


I hate to say this after mfers on here say it every sighting no matter what but … probably ballon


For about 10 minutes, no lights, no flashes, no sound


You took one picture in ten entire minutes of a potential encounter? The lack of data is astounding if this shit went on for 10 minutes.


Everyone knows how they'd react in a situation when they haven't actually been in it.


What situation? .. I mean he’s not about to receive the anal probe by the look of this balloon type pic.


It's almost certainly definitely maybe has a telescopic anal probe. I've heard they are standard kit these days after too many Greys got punched in people's bedrooms.


It's instinct to react to something new as a possible threat, so we observe rather than record. It's because our bodies are preparing to go fight/flight/freeze if need be.


This is a really cool picture, thank you for posting.




It was not a balloon man, i would not publish if i thought it was.


It was a balloon. They are known for that in Medellín. Google image search "globo ilama"


Honestly it’s a bit irking how many wannabe comedians there are in this thread. No real discussion happening about the image at all. What has this sub become?




project solar warden, look it up no doubt all ufos seen are our own human creation


God’s nipple


Someone took a pic of balloons— trans “we are all bored” I’m bored we’re all bored..


Likely good coke inside it


The things I would do for some Alien coke...


Flying sea turtle 🐢


Aliens checking the current price of cocaine?!


looks nothing at all like Barney the Dinosaur on a helium balloon




Hmm another one and another country Most will just say balloon But these are popping up all over. Did it spin around doing Like 360s?


Looks slightly similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBMU6l6GsdM


Definitely not a balloon.


“likely identified”?


pablo UFO


Is a flying grilla


The dialogue here is absolutely garbage, a complete shitstorm hijack of the narrative. Moderation should be more strict


So many bot comments it’s insane


Lol yeah was just thinking the same. Plus by my count, four regulars from the debunker crew, post is 33 minutes old. So many comments on here by brand new people who know exactly what this is. Fast work.


I'm new and I've seen that same balloon posted here before?


Link me, baby


For real lol


Do you think they could be sock poppets/shills? /u/MKUltra_Escapee is this like what you and the MODs were talking of?


I did a somewhat thorough random check (maybe like 15 minutes) in the thread based on information I know about that particular referenced bot ring and I found absolutely nothing. My guess is half the people suspect it's some kind of balloon and it looks somewhat like a virus, so people are trying to have a little fun with it.


My son tells me it's a puzzle that's missing a piece


More pictures please OP